Articoli di riviste sul tema "Dataviz"
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Feng, Eric, e Xijin Ge. "DataViz: visualization of high-dimensional data in virtual reality". F1000Research 7 (23 ottobre 2018): 1687.
Testo completoArruabarrena, Béa. "L’expert en dataviz, un métier en transition". I2D - Information, données & documents 54, n. 3 (2017): 7.
Testo completoFekete, Jean-Daniel, e Jeremy Boy. "Recherche en visualisation d’information ou Dataviz : pourquoi et comment ?" I2D - Information, données & documents 52, n. 2 (2015): 32.
Testo completoVincenot, Pierre. "La dataviz : aide à la décision et à la compréhension". I2D - Information, données & documents 53, n. 4 (2016): 54.
Testo completoPariente, Alain, e Matthieu Rouveyre. "« Profil dataviz » : pour une utilisation optimisée des données financiéres locales". Gestion & Finances Publiques, n. 5 (settembre 2022): 15–22.
Testo completoCottafava, Dario, Giulia Sonetti, Paolo Gambino e Andrea Tartaglino. "Explorative Multidimensional Analysis for Energy Efficiency: DataViz versus Clustering Algorithms". Energies 11, n. 5 (21 maggio 2018): 1312.
Testo completoMore, Rohit, e R. H. Goudar. "DataViz Model: A Novel Approach towards Big Data Analytics and Visualization". International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing 7, n. 6 (8 novembre 2017): 43–49.
Testo completoLeón Blanco, Daniel Antonio. "Alfabetización visual de datos en la enseñanza del Diseño en Colombia". RChD: creación y pensamiento 8, n. 14 (30 giugno 2023): 53–67.
Testo completoChaudiron, Stéphane. "L’éditorialisation des produits de veille : enjeux et défis de la datavisualisation". I2D - Information, données & documents 2, n. 2 (17 novembre 2020): 78–81.
Testo completoMasure, Anthony. "From Semiology of Graphics to Cultural Analytics: flaws in the mathematization of visible". Abstracts of the ICA 1 (15 luglio 2019): 1–2.
Testo completoBowe, Emily, Erin Simmons e Shannon Mattern. "Learning from lines: Critical COVID data visualizations and the quarantine quotidian". Big Data & Society 7, n. 2 (luglio 2020): 205395172093923.
Testo completoCharith, Krishnamoorthy, e Andrey Davydenko. "Informational Value of Dividend Initiations: Impact of Cash Dividends on Share Prices of Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka". International Journal of Economics and Finance 13, n. 3 (5 febbraio 2021): 13.
Testo completoMalapati, Sindhu Janarthanam, Sunny R. K. Singh, Rohit Kumar, Jibran Ahmed, Vatsala Katiyar e Ishaan Vohra. "Geographic distribution of clinical trials for breast cancer across the United States, 2011-2015." Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, n. 27_suppl (20 settembre 2019): 140.
Testo completoSenkomago, V., S. Singh, M. E. O'Neil, L. Pollack, A. Kolli, V. Benard, R. Lisa e M. Wu. "Not Just a Pretty Picture: The U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualization Tool". Journal of Global Oncology 4, Supplement 2 (1 ottobre 2018): 219s.
Testo completoZiabreva, Viktorija. "Klaipėdos akmens masės keramika (XIV–XVIII amžius)". Archaeologia Lituana 18 (2 luglio 2018): 96–129.
Testo completoNeya, Tiga, Galine Yanon, Jonas Soubeiga, Razak Kiribou, Oble Neya e John Magistro. "Climate Change Impact Assessment and Disaster Risk Financing Strategies in Mali: A Comprehensive Analysis of Drought and Flood Events". International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14, n. 3 (1 marzo 2024): 126–38.
Testo completoNeya, Tiga, Akwasi A. Abunyewa, Razak Kiribou, Oble Neya, John Magistro, Jonas Soubeiga, Pascaline Kiemde, Mamounata Semde e Kadiatou Gadjaga. "Disaster Risk Profile Analysis for Better Decision on Climate Financing Instrument in Mauritania". International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13, n. 9 (20 luglio 2023): 1545–57.
Testo completoSpratt, Stephanie J. "Datavi$: Negotiate Resource Pricing Using Data Visualization". Serials Librarian 74, n. 1-4 (16 maggio 2018): 111–15.
Testo completoSkibińska, Anna. "Prawniczy dataizm ex cathedra". Krytyka Prawa 12, n. 2 (15 marzo 2020): 153–63.
Testo completoBradley, Drake R. "Computer simulation with DATASIM". Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 21, n. 2 (marzo 1989): 99–112.
Testo completoArumugam Shanmugasundaram, Guhan, Emily Holden, Hadeel Al-Husban, Farasat Kazmi, David Maskell e Gaurav Kapur. "Cabozantinib outcomes for metastatic renal cell carcinoma at a tertiary NHS hospital in the United Kingdom (UK)." Journal of Clinical Oncology 42, n. 16_suppl (1 giugno 2024): e16538-e16538.
Testo completoCovolan, R. J. M., e E. Predazzi. "Shadowing: Datavs. predictions". Il Nuovo Cimento A 103, n. 5 (maggio 1990): 773–80.
Testo completoKunkel, Barbara K., Lerinda Luecking Frost e MJ Stivers. "DataLib: Information resource management system". Library Hi Tech 8, n. 3 (marzo 1990): 61–69.
Testo completoYang, Yujie, Letian Tao, Likun Wang e Shengbo Eben Li. "Controllability test for nonlinear datatic systems". Communications in Transportation Research 4 (dicembre 2024): 100143.
Testo completoTanizawa, Yasuhiro, Eli Kaminuma, Yasukazu Nakamura, Kentaro Shimizu e Koji Kadota. "Methods for analyzing next-generation sequencing dataVI. genome assembly ". Japanese Journal of Lactic Acid Bacteria 27, n. 1 (2016): 41–52.
Testo completoProbert, M. R., e J. A. K. Howard. "DATAVIEW: a new post-processing analysis tool". Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 64, a1 (23 agosto 2008): C193.
Testo completoReed, David. "DataIQ Future Summit 2013 — Conference review". Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 15, n. 2 (ottobre 2013): 169–75.
Testo completoDe Antonellis, V., e A. Di Leva. "DATAID-1: A database design methodology". Information Systems 10, n. 2 (gennaio 1985): 181–95.
Testo completoAlvarez, Miguel, Bodo Maria Möseler, Cristina San Martín, Carlos Ramírez e Javier Amigo. "CL-Dataveg – a database of Chilean grassland vegetation". Biodiversity & Ecology 4 (10 settembre 2012): 443.
Testo completoAlvarez, Miguel, Michael Curran e Itambo Malombe. "SWEA-Dataveg: A vegetation database for sub-Saharan Africa". Vegetation Classification and Survey 2 (5 maggio 2021): 59–63.
Testo completoBradley, Drake R. "Multivariate simulation with DATASIM: The Mihal and Barrett study". Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 25, n. 2 (giugno 1993): 148–63.
Testo completoAlvarez, Miguel, Bodo Maria Möseler, Matthias Josko, Mathias Becker, Matthias Langensiepen, Gunter Menz, Beate Böhme et al. "SWEA-Dataveg – vegetation of small wetlands in East Africa". Biodiversity & Ecology 4 (10 settembre 2012): 294–95.
Testo completoZamponi, Stefano. "Per la catalogazione dei manoscritti datati in Italia". Gazette du livre médiéval 20, n. 1 (1992): 8–15.
Testo completoManiaci, Marilena, e Ezio Ornato. "Il catalogo dei manoscritti datati una babele codicologica". Gazette du livre médiéval 41, n. 1 (2002): 1–11.
Testo completoKashlev, Andrey, Shiyong Lu e Aravind Mohan. "Big Data Workflows: A Reference Architecture and the DATAVIEW System". Services Transactions on Big Data 4, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2017): 1–19.
Testo completoWang, Chengen. "DataView: a computational visualisation system for multidisciplinary design and analysis". Enterprise Information Systems 10, n. 1 (9 maggio 2014): 33–49.
Testo completoHenderson, James D., Robert Allen e William R. Ravis. "DATALIN—An interactive data entry program for use with NONLIN". Journal of Pharmacological Methods 14, n. 2 (settembre 1985): 129–36.
Testo completoNilsen, J. K., D. Cameron, A. Devresse, Zs Molnar, Zs Nagy e M. Salichos. "EMI datalib - joining the best of ARC and gLite data libraries". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396, n. 5 (13 dicembre 2012): 052057.
Testo completoRashidan, M. H., I. A. Musliman e A. A. Rahman. "GEOPACKAGE DATA FORMAT FOR COLLABORATIVEMAPPING OF GEOSPATIAL DATAIN LIMITED NETWORKENVIRONMENTS". ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-4/W1 (29 settembre 2016): 15–21.
Testo completoDe Antonellis, Valeria, e Antonio Di Leva. "A case study of database design using the dataid approach". Information Systems 10, n. 3 (gennaio 1985): 339–59.
Testo completoBradley, Drake R. "Anatomy of a DATASIM simulation: The Doob and Gross horn-honking study". Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 23, n. 2 (giugno 1991): 190–207.
Testo completoYu, Zhibin, Zhendong Bei e Xuehai Qian. "Datasize-Aware High Dimensional Configurations Auto-Tuning of In-Memory Cluster Computing". ACM SIGPLAN Notices 53, n. 2 (30 novembre 2018): 564–77.
Testo completoMei, Honghui, Huihua Guan, Chengye Xin, Xiao Wen e Wei Chen. "DataV: Data Visualization on large high-resolution displays". Visual Informatics 4, n. 3 (settembre 2020): 12–23.
Testo completoDibia, Victor, e Cagatay Demiralp. "Data2Vis: Automatic Generation of Data Visualizations Using Sequence-to-Sequence Recurrent Neural Networks". IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 39, n. 5 (1 settembre 2019): 33–46.
Testo completoKurila, Laurynas. "MIRUSIŲJŲ DEGINIMO PAPROČIO PLITIMAS RYTŲ LIETUVOJE: NAUJAS CHRONOLOGINIS MODELIS, PAREMTAS RADIOKARBONINIO DATAVIMO DUOMENIMIS". Lietuvos archeologija Lietuvos archeologija T. 48 (31 dicembre 2022): 155–84.
Testo completoAhmad, Rozila, e Roshita Abdul Razak. "Human Capital Investment: The Datai Sets a Risky Example". Vol 10 No 1 (2020) 10, n. 1 (30 giugno 2020): 81–94.
Testo completoTjia, H. D. "Structural geology of Datai beds and Macincang Formation, Langkawi". Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia 23 (30 agosto 1989): 85–120.
Testo completoSkinner, Chris, Seckin Basturk e Hilary Notley. "Strategic Modelling of Industrial Noise with Limited Input Datav". INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 265, n. 7 (1 febbraio 2023): 536–43.
Testo completoAl-Ramahi, Ismael, Alma M. Pérez, Janghoo Lim, Minghang Zhang, Rie Sorensen, Maria de Haro, Joana Branco, Stefan M. Pulst, Huda Y. Zoghbi e Juan Botas. "dAtaxin-2 Mediates Expanded Ataxin-1-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Drosophila Model of SCA1". PLoS Genetics 3, n. 12 (28 dicembre 2007): e234.
Testo completoAl-Ramahi, Ismael, Alma M. Perez, Janghoo Lim, Minghang Zhang, Rie Sorensen, Maria de Haro, Joana Branco, Stefan M. Pulst, Huda Y. Zoghbi e Juan Botas. "dAtaxin-2 mediates expanded Ataxin-1-induced neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of SCA1". PLoS Genetics preprint, n. 2007 (2005): e234.
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