Articoli di riviste sul tema "Danse du lion"
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Vedi gli articoli di riviste di molte aree scientifiche e compila una bibliografia corretta.
Egervari, Tibor. "Enseigner l'Inenseignable ou "Les Fous Inventent les Modes et les Sages les Suivent"". Theatre Research in Canada 17, n. 1 (gennaio 1996): 120–27.
Testo completoMazéas, Dominique, e Claire Nioche. "Regards partagés sur l’émergence du lien par la danse". Recherches en psychanalyse N° 35/36, n. 1/2 (5 aprile 2024): 118–32.
Testo completoChang, Long Qiang, e Shi Ming Shen. "The Study on the Development and Innovation of Equipment Materials Used for China Competitive Dragon Lion Dance Sports". Applied Mechanics and Materials 253-255 (dicembre 2012): 451–55.
Testo completoSantarpia, A., E. Brabant, E. Jauffret, J. L. Mouysset e A. Menicacci. "Effets revitalisants de la Danse Mouvement Thérapie dans la remission du cancer du sein". Psycho-Oncologie 13, n. 3-4 (dicembre 2019): 191–201.
Testo completoBeaudet, Jean-Michel. "Le lien. Sur une danse des Wayãpi (Amazonie)". Protée 29, n. 2 (12 aprile 2005): 59–66.
Testo completoZhan, Sudan, e Wan Jamarul Imran Wan Abdullah Thani. "EMBRACING TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS OF SUIXI LION HEADS IN LION DANCE PERFORMANCES IN CHINA". International Journal of Applied and Creative Arts 6, n. 1 (30 giugno 2023): 65–90.
Testo completoAuriac-Slusarczyk, Emmanuèle, e Maya Corman. "Faire danser les écoliers : comment ? Pourquoi ?" Enfances & Psy N° 98, n. 4 (7 dicembre 2023): 91–100.
Testo completoIrsyadi, Muammar, e Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani. "Sign Reading of the Meaning of Shape and Color in the Lion Dance". ARTic 6, n. 1 (21 dicembre 2023): 559–69.
Testo completoLi, Dongbiao, e Narantsatsral Delgerkhuu. "Exploring the Application of Digital Technology in the Protection and Dissemination of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dragon and Lion Dance Sports". Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences 6, n. 1 (24 gennaio 2025): 22–27.
Testo completoLi- Yuan Cheng, Liang- Teng Wu e Joyce Say. "The comparison between emotional and informational support: A case study of Shiou Faction in Taiwan". World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 15, n. 1 (30 luglio 2022): 239–45.
Testo completoZhan, Sudan, e Wan Jamarul Imran Bin Wan Abdullah Thani. "Conveying Spirit Through Form: An Exploration on the Shape Symbols of Foshan Awakening Lion Head". Art and Society 3, n. 1 (febbraio 2024): 89–100.
Testo completoIeamkaew, Chiraphan, Supachai Singyabuth e Ourarom Chantamala. "Maintaining Ethnicity and Social Networks: Engkor Lorgow, Lion, Dragon Dance, Performing Arts of the Chinese Ethnic Group in Udonthani Province". Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9, n. 6 (19 novembre 2020): 69.
Testo completoRiyadi, Riyadi, Eko Satriya Hermawan, Musa Pelu e Guntur Arie Wibowo. "REAKTULISASI DAN PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PELESTARIAN BARONGSAI SEBAGAI MODAL SOSIAL HARMONI MULTIETNIS DI SURAKARTA". SEUNEUBOK LADA: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu Sejarah, Sosial, Budaya dan Kependidikan 9, n. 2 (12 ottobre 2022): 243–54.
Testo completoMazéas, Dominique. "La médiation danse parents-enfants autistes : un « chant-et-danse »… et regards". Enfances & Psy N° 98, n. 4 (7 dicembre 2023): 113–24.
Testo completoOlivia, Olivia, ShuiQing Zhu e ShuiQing Zhu. "印尼泗水黄龙体育会龙狮队的发展研究". KLAUSA (Kajian Linguistik, Pembelajaran Bahasa, dan Sastra) 6, n. 1 (19 settembre 2022): 73–84.
Testo completoSudan, Zhan, e Wan Jamarul Imran Wan Abdullah Thani. "A Study on the Colour Elements and Symbols of Foshan Awakening Lion Head". International Journal of Art and Design 8, n. 2 (10 luglio 2024): 32–41.
Testo completoChen, Liangjun, Yuhang Liu, Tao Zuo, Tongyu Meng, Yang Xu, Pei Luo e Mingyuan Huang. "Teaching Practice of Dragon and Lion Dance in Colleges and Universities with the Support of Big Data Technology". Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (12 agosto 2022): 1–10.
Testo completoXu, Danlei, Peera Phanlukthao e Yihan Ke. "Cultural Identity of Guangdong Lion Dance in Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Through Anthropological Perspectives". International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews 4, n. 4 (23 agosto 2024): 391–400.
Testo completoGao, Songyue. "Cross-century, Together with the Lions Journey: A Case Study of Lion Dance Practice in Wuzhou, Tengxian Secondary School". Communications in Humanities Research 8, n. 1 (31 ottobre 2023): 120–30.
Testo completoBack, Hyun-soon. "The Lion Dance and Meaning of the Dance in Bukcheong Lion Play". Journal of International Culture & Arts 5, n. 1 (30 agosto 2023): 81–91.
Testo completoLi, Dongbiao, e Narantsatsral Delgerkhuu. "A Study on the Impact of Dragon and Lion Dance Instruction on Adolescents' Awareness of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sports". Contemporary Education and Teaching Research 6, n. 1 (24 gennaio 2025): 22–27.
Testo completoDe Hertogh, A. A., e M. Tilley. "Planting Medium Effects on Forced Swaziland- and Dutch-grown Hippeastrum Hybrids". HortScience 26, n. 9 (settembre 1991): 1168–70.
Testo completoScarpulla, Mattia. "Archives, danse1 et recréation. Une introduction2". Archives 46, n. 1 (22 marzo 2016): 15–34.
Testo completoStella, Lucia. "Chorégraphies de la rencontre primordiale « accordansant – corps liant »". Enfances & Psy N° 98, n. 4 (7 dicembre 2023): 137–49.
Testo completoIrsyadi, Muammar, e Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani. "Barongsai Form and Color at the Cap Go Meh Festival in Singkawang City". Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 6 (31 marzo 2023): 584–90.
Testo completoDongdong, Chen, e Anastasіia Bondar. "POPULARIZATION OF CHINESE NATIONAL TRADITIONAL KINDS OF SPORTS". Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports), n. 6(151) (29 giugno 2022): 9–13.
Testo completoAvaunt, Casey. "The Lion Dance in Boston’s Chinatown". Theatre Symposium 29, n. 1 (2022): 73–85.
Testo completoYing, Loo Fung, e Loo Fung Chiat. "Dramatizing 1Malaysia in Contemporary Chinese Lion Dance". Asian Theatre Journal 33, n. 1 (2016): 130–50.
Testo completoFournier, Marion. "Le cheveu dénoué chez Pina Bausch. Mutation d’une transgression esthétique". Allemagne d'aujourd'hui N° 245, n. 3 (28 settembre 2023): 129–42.
Testo completoKárpáti, János. "Music of the Lion Dance in Japanese Tradition". Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 41, n. 1 (1 giugno 2000): 107–17.
Testo completoLei, WANG, e MEI Lin-qi. "Modernization Transformation and Cultural Adaptation of Lion Dance". Leisure Sports and Health 3, n. 2 (2023): 32–36.
Testo completoMcGuire, Colin. "Constructing and Negotiating Chinese Cultural Identity in Diaspora Through Music and Martial Arts". Intersections 38, n. 1-2 (28 settembre 2020): 105–19.
Testo completoBarton, Jintana T. "A Comparative Study of Chinese Musical Activities in Chinese and Thai Cultural Contexts". MANUSYA 10, n. 2 (2007): 1–13.
Testo completoAvaunt, Casey. "Sisterhood in the City: Creating Community through Lion Dance". Dance Research Journal 54, n. 3 (dicembre 2022): 91–106.
Testo completo장욱. "The Research on Symbolic Meanings in Korea’s Lion Dance". Journal of Next-Generation Humanities and Social Sciences ll, n. 13 (marzo 2017): 181–99.
Testo completoLee, BuYong. "The change of Lion Dance in Japanese classical literature". Japanese Cultural Studies 82 (30 aprile 2022): 225–48.
Testo completoLee, BuYong. "The change of Lion Dance in Japanese classical literature". Japanese Cultural Studies 82 (30 aprile 2022): 225–48.
Testo completoAvaunt, Casey. "Impermeable bodies: Women who lion dance in Boston’s Chinatown". Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 12, n. 2 (3 aprile 2021): 149–63.
Testo completoGong, Xue. "The Lion-Dragon Dance in the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative". Asian Education and Development Studies 10, n. 1 (2 ottobre 2019): 135–45.
Testo completoLi, Tsai-Yen, e Je-Ren Chen. "Procedural rhythmic character animation: an interactive Chinese lion dance". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 17, n. 5 (2006): 551–64.
Testo completoNoble-Kooijman, Jacques-Kees. "The Worst Adventure of Yvain: Adventure, Conjointure , Manufacture in Le Chevalier au Lion". Anastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art 6, n. 2 (29 novembre 2019): 67–84.
Testo completoLane, Andrew, Ruth Hewston, Emma Redding e Gregory P. Whyte. "MOOD CHANGES FOLLOWING MODERN-DANCE CLASSES". Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 31, n. 5 (1 gennaio 2003): 453–60.
Testo completoNagao, Yoko. "Folk Performing Arts, Community Life, and Well-being: Why shishimai Matters in Toyama, Japan". Paragrana 22, n. 1 (giugno 2013): 130–53.
Testo completoHartanto, Raphaela Putri, e Deograsias Yoseph Yustinianus Ferdinand. "ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF SELF ESTEEM, SELF EFFICACY, AND JOB SATISFACTION ON PERSONNEL PERFORMANCE IN THE KSATRIA LION AND DRAGON DANCE ORGANIZATION SURABAYA". International Conference of Business and Social Sciences 3, n. 1 (29 dicembre 2023): 242.
Testo completoBrière, Fabienne, e Caroline Ehrlacher-Siffert. "Processus de médiation en danse à l’école primaire". Spirale - Revue de recherches en éducation N° 73, n. 1 (30 gennaio 2024): 215–30.
Testo completoSeigneuric, Alix, e Hakima Megherbi. "La cognition incarnée : une entrée dans la danse". Enfances & Psy N° 98, n. 4 (7 dicembre 2023): 79–90.
Testo completoKahraman, Cahit. "Continuation of Shishi Matsuri Festival in Murashima village, Japan". BORDER CROSSING 6, n. 2 (30 luglio 2016): 107–17.
Testo completoLumampauw, Andreas, Rustono Farady Marta, Yohanes Nugroho Widyanto, Todd Lyle Sandel e Sunny Lie. "The art of honing the conscience through bukalapak ads: barongsai Indonesia, juara hati membangun bangsa". International Journal of Visual and Performing Arts 3, n. 1 (19 giugno 2021): 9–21.
Testo completoDuval, Hélène, Caroline Raymond, Delphine Odier-Guedj, Citlali Gimenez e Caroline Charbonneau. "Regard didactique sur les pratiques à visées inclusives d'enseignantes de danse à l'école québécoise". Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA), n. 1 (1 febbraio 2023): 96–109.
Testo completoLee, Hsiao Mun, Saurabh Garg, Kian Meng Lim e Heow Pueh Lee. "The sound of drumming for traditional Taiko drumming and lion dance". Applied Acoustics 185 (gennaio 2022): 108434.
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