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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


Rodríguez Aquino, José Luis. "Limiting Weapons: Crafting International Nuclear Nonproliferation Standards from Latin America". Foro Internacional 60, n. 1 (10 dicembre 2019): 97–137. http://dx.doi.org/10.24201/fi.v60i1.2543.

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Abstract (sommario):
Tras los bombardeos nucleares de Hiroshima y Nagasaki y la Crisis de los Misiles en Cuba, los países de América Latina crearon un marco común para la seguridad nuclear y una zona libre de armas nucleares mediante el Tratado de Tlateloco. México, potencia media, surgió como líder de las negociaciones y, posteriormente, los diplomáticos mexicanos se valieron de Tlatelolco para participar activamente en la formulación de normas e instituciones nucleares internacionales. ¿Cómo pudo una potencia media, con capacidades limitadas en las jerarquías de poder, ejercer influencia en la gobernanza nuclear? México aprovechó estratégicamente la coalición latinoamericana y las normas nucleares como una manera de ampliar su influencia en las negociaciones internacionales.
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Céspedes R., Roberto L. "Tipos de hogares y familias en Paraguay (1982-2017)". ScientiAmericana Revista Multidisciplinaria 9, n. 2 (28 dicembre 2022): 81–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.30545/scientiamericana.2022.jul-dic.1.

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Abstract (sommario):
En Paraguay, los procesos de modernización socioeconómica y modernidad cultural han influido en los tipos de hogares familiares, su jefatura y tamaño (1982-2017). Los tipos de hogares familiares de América Latina y el Caribe presentan rasgos más marcados de modernidad que los de Paraguay como, por ejemplo, mayor proporción de hogares extendidos. Sin embargo, sus pares paraguayos (88,8% en 2017) presentan indicadores de creciente modernidad. La jefatura femenina se duplicó; de 9,8% a 20,1%; en 2017 alcanza a 15,8% de los nucleares completos, 83,8% de los incompletos y 40,5% de los extendidos. En el lapso estudiado, los hogares nucleares completos decrecieron 2,0 puntos porcentuales (pp) y los nucleares incompletos aumentaron 4,1 pp y alcanzan en 2017, 46,1% y 11,3%, respectivamente; evidencias de una limitada crisis de la estabilidad matrimonial o de las uniones. No obstante, el hogar nuclear completo es hegemónico cuantitativamente y sigue como modelo. Los hogares extendidos han aumentado muy ligeramente, constituyendo 31,4% en 2017; reflejarían las limitaciones de la pobreza obstaculizando la valorada autonomía del hogar independiente. Finalmente, el tamaño de los hogares ha disminuido, otro indicador de modernidad. Con oscilaciones internas; en 2017, restan 1,3 personas al nuclear completo; 0,94 al extendido y 0,74 al nuclear incompleto.
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Vera, Nevia, Sandra Colombo e Cristian Guglielminotti. "Orden Nuclear en jaque... ¿Por parte de quién? | The Nuclear Order in check... by whom?" Mural Internacional 14 (28 novembre 2023): e73725. http://dx.doi.org/10.12957/rmi.2023.73725.

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Abstract (sommario):
¿Cuándo se debilita o entra en contradicción un régimen u orden internacional? ¿Por qué se dice que el orden nuclear internacional actual está en crisis? Este artículo trata de abordar posibles respuestas a estas preguntas para contribuir al debate en torno al aparente debilitamiento del Régimen Internacional de No Proliferación. Para ello analiza dos casos particulares: por un lado, el acuerdo de 2005 entre Estados Unidos y la India, y el posterior apoyo a la entrada de esta última al Grupo de Proveedores Nucleares; por otro, la alianza militar AUKUS constituida en torno a la provisión de submarinos a propulsión nuclear por parte de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido a Australia, lo cual no está exento de riesgos de proliferación. El artículo sostiene que el debilitamiento del orden nuclear no está ocurriendo solo por las posibilidades de proliferación de países como Irán, sino también por las contradicciones de las propias potencias nucleares. Recibido el: 28 de febrero. 2023 | Aceptado el: 25 oct. 2023.
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Carreño Lara, Eduardo. "El lugar de corea del norte en la política exterior de la federación de Rusia una mirada a la última década". Revista de relaciones internacionales, estrategia y seguridad 5, n. 1 (15 gennaio 2010): 13–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.18359/ries.131.

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La relación entre la Federación de Rusia y la República Popular Democrática de Corea (Corea del Norte) ha fluctuado entre una cercana asociación estratégica y momentos de un virtual congelamiento de las relaciones. En este escenario, la administración de Vladimir Putin percibió en las recientes crisis nucleares norcoreanas una oportunidad para colocar nuevamente a su país en las «ligas mayores», pero esta vez apostando por un nuevo estilo de diplomacia que marcará a su sucesor Dmitri Medvedev.
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Saxe-Fernández, John. "Capitalismo omnicida y “nacional-trumpismo”: impulso bélico-industrial, bancario y financiero hacia el colapso bio-climático". Estudios Latinoamericanos, n. 44 (7 dicembre 2019): 43. http://dx.doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484946e.2019.44.77196.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>Este trabajo es una aproximación al encadenamiento estructural de suicidio, genocidio y omnicidio colectivos, presente en la fusión entre una mayor movilización bélico-industrial para una Tercera Guerra Mundial a base de combustibles fósiles y explosivos nucleares, y la aceleración bancario-financiera del colapso bio-climático capitalogénico, vía el incremento anual de la inversión mundial en el sector de los combustibles fósiles. El omnicidio se asocia al negacionismo climático del “nacional-trumpismo”, como una excreción de la crisis del capital monopólico-financiero que se gesta en el epicentro capitalista en crisis hegemónica, y que tiene manifestaciones devastadoras para las naciones de América Latina y para el planeta entero. Por su peligrosidad, resaltan los proyectos de fracking propuestos hasta ahora para ser desplegados en México.</p>
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Belloso Martin, Nuria. "La multidimensionalidad de una pandemia. Sociedad y Derecho en la era del post-coronavirus". Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, n. 43 (28 dicembre 2020): 22. http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/cefd.43.17445.

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Abstract (sommario):
La multidimensionalidad de lecturas que se han abierto derivadas de los efectos del Covid-19 (filosófica, sociológica y jurídica) ofrece una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre algunas dicotomías –además de la ya clásica salud/economía- tales como riesgo-miedo/alteridad, individualismo/comunidad, así como a revisar algunos de los relatos y narrativas que han intentado explicar lo que esta crisis ha supuesto y el escenario post-pandémico que podría configurarse. A partir del análisis de las dimensiones filosófica y sociológica, se pretende sentar las bases para identificar qué cuestiones nucleares inciden en la dimensión jurídica y, a partir de ahí, apuntar algunos parámetros acerca de cómo podría repensarse el Derecho en un escenario post-coronavirus.
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Demurtas, Alessandro. "LA GUERRA DE UCRANIA: LA DIMENSIÓN NUCLEAR DE LA GUERRA EN UCRANIA: NUEVA NARRATIVA, PODER Y ORDEN INTERNACIONAL". Revista española de derecho internacional 74, n. 2 (25 giugno 2022): 23–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.17103/redi.74.2.2022.1a.01.

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Abstract (sommario):
El presente artículo analiza el surgimiento y la evolución de la dimensión nuclear de la guerra en Ucrania bajo una perspectiva triple. Después de una breve contextualización de la nuclearización del conflicto, el estudio destaca las principales novedades en las narrativas nucleares de las grandes potencias a raíz de la guerra, es decir Rusia, Estados Unidos de América (EE.UU.), Reino Unido, Francia y China. En segundo lugar, se analizan las dinámicas relacionadas con el ejercicio del poder nuclear, destacando los riesgos de una escalada nuclear de la guerra y el aumento de la proliferación vertical y horizontal. Tercero, el análisis ofrece un estado de la cuestión sobre el orden nuclear internacional y el régimen de no proliferación, para acabar con la crisis del sistema europeo de seguridad.
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Galiano, Roberto Omar. "Reconocimiento de la Participación Activa de la Víctima en el Proceso Penal a la Luz de los Derechos Humanos". Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia 49, n. 1 (7 settembre 2021): 109–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.14393/rfadir-v49n1a2021-51200.

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Abstract (sommario):
Actualmente se han comenzado a repensar algunas nociones clásicas del derecho penal y procesal penal. Ciertos conceptos claves, han entrado en crisis. Uno de los principales temas de gran debate resulta serla evolución hacia una mayor participación de la víctima en el proceso penal. Ello produjo que se generen determinados puntos de tensión o posibles colisiones entre las garantías constitucionales de los distintos sujetos involucrados. Por ello, en el desarrollo de este trabajo analizaremos la vinculación entre la participación de la víctima en el proceso penal y su eventual afectación a los derechos del imputado. Para ello, de un modo breve, haremos referencia a determinados aspectos nucleares de esta cuestión, y destacaremos pronunciamientos que estimamos relevantes emitidos por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Por último, expondremos nuestrasconclusiones.
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Pedemonte Trewhela, Juan Cristóbal, Nicolás García Soto, Fernando Altermatt Couratier e Marcia Corvetto. "Simulación de eventos críticos en anestesia: lecciones y aprendizaje desde la aviación para mejorar la seguridad del paciente". ARS MEDICA Revista de Ciencias Médicas 43, n. 1 (31 maggio 2018): 61–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v43i1.1103.

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Abstract (sommario):
Durante décadas, las industrias de alto riesgo tales como la aviación comercial, las plantas nucleares y la ingeniería militar han sido entrenadas en el manejo de eventos críticos. En salud, la aplicación de los conceptos del entrenamiento del equipo de aviación y Crew Resource Management (“manejo de los recursos en crisis”), particularmente en anestesia, se han utilizado para mejorar la seguridad del paciente. Los eventos críticos, definidos como el punto en el curso de una enfermedad en la que se produce un cambio decisivo que conduce a la recuperación o a la muerte, tienen muchas características ideales para el entrenamiento por simulación.En esta revisión narrativa, nuestro objetivo es definir los conceptos y la relación entre eventos críticos y simulación en anestesia, determinando su uso en el manejo de dichos eventos y la evidencia existente para apoyarlo.
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Spivak, Ana. "“No hay futuro en abandonar nuestra historia nuclear” Nostalgia e imaginarios desarrollistas en una discusión sobre energía nuclear en Argentina". RUNA, archivo para las ciencias del hombre 43, n. 2 (30 maggio 2022): 289–304. http://dx.doi.org/10.34096/runa.v43i2.9981.

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Abstract (sommario):
En 2014 Argentina firmó con China un convenio para construir nuevos reactores nucleares en el país. En ese marco, se planificó la construcción de un reactor CANDU en manos de una empresa local. Esa elección generó consenso entre los expertos argentinos en material nuclear debido a la experiencia local en el manejo de esa tecnología y de su combustible. Ahora bien, tras la crisis económica y financiera de 2018, esa opción se dejó de lado y se decidió adquirir, llave en mano, un reactor de distinta tecnología. Los expertos cuestionaron esa decisión argumentando contra la discontinuidad del patrón tecnológico en Argentina. Este texto analiza, primero, qué argumentos sobre el desarrollo de tecnología nuclear articulan la discusión actual sobre reactores, qué sentidos movilizan y cómo éstos conectan pasado y presente y, segundo, qué activa el uso del pasado en una discusión sobre reactores en esta coyuntura específica.
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Tesi sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


Broderick, Jim. "International crises in a sub-nuclear context : an analysis of crisis management during the crises of July 1914, Suez 1956 and the Falklands 1982". Thesis, University of Leicester, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/34635.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis examines theories of crisis management as they relate to 'sub-nuclear' crises, a term which refers to a class of international crisis occurring in an international system dominated by two superpowers, but not taking place directly between the United States and the Soviet Union. It is stressed that the approach adopted is not 'scientific' as are, for example, laboratory simulations and game theory analyses. However, the first two chapters do examine the nature of the theoretical models which underpin existing notions of crisis and crisis management and also formulate a definition of the term 'crisis' which is used in this thesis. Such a definition rests primarily on the perceptions of decision-makers themselves rather than on 'objective' systemic evaluations. Hence, the main unit of analysis is the decision-making group responsible for the formulation of policy. Yet, it is argued that a number of conceptual problems arise from an apparent predisposition, in the literature concerned with crisis and crisis management, towards the generation of theories which are designed primarily to explain the development of superpower crises. What is suggested is that a way of resolving these difficulties would be to try and reconcile the concept of 'crisis management' with that of the rationality of a use of 'limited war' as a means of ameliorating perceived political problems. It is noted that the purposes for which limited war was waged prior to the advent of nuclear weapons resemble the assumptions which govern behaviour observed during sub-nuclear crises. However, that there are significant factors which distinguish 'sub-nuclear crisis management' from both conventional crisis management and pre-nuclear era limited war strategies. The hypotheses of the first two chapters are tested in an analysis of the three historical crises which form the subject matter of the case studies: the crisis preceding the first world war, the Suez crisis of 1956 and the Falklands conflict of 1982. The concluding chapter of this study assesses the theory and practice of 'sub-nuclear crisis management' in the nuclear age.
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Suchet, Romain. "La gestion du nucléaire en crise : une étude à travers les représentations des gestionnaires de crise". Thesis, Montpellier, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MONTD016/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse est issue d'un travail d'enquête de près de quatre ans au sein de l'IRSN, un des membres du système d'acteurs en charge de la gestion de crise nucléaire. Nous sommes partis de la problématique suivante : Comment la France se prépare-t-elle à gérer un accident nucléaire et quels sont les effets de cette préparation en situation réelle d'accident, mineur ou hors du territoire national ? Grâce à un riche travail de terrain et de recherches documentaires, nous montrons dans cette thèse que la monopolisation de la construction de la « crise » par un système d'acteurs dominés par les ingénieurs du corps des Mines induit une définition très technique de la « crise » centrée sur l'aléa technique et faisant abstraction de la population. Les scénarii d'exercices de crise qui en résultent ne permettent pas aux acteurs en charge de sa gestion de se préparer à faire face aux réactions sociales provoquées par un accident nucléaire. Au contraire, cette lecture faisant abstraction de la population, est paradoxalement facteur de « crise » lors d'accidents nucléaires jugés « techniquement » mineurs. Au final, le système de gestion de crise se transforme malgré tout. Mais les évolutions organisationnelles de la gestion de crise nucléaire, notamment la prise en compte progressive de sa composante sociale, résultent moins des dispositifs de préparation à la crise que de la confrontation avec la population lors de crises nucléaires réelles
This thesis is the result of almost 4 years of research carried out within the IRSN, one of the actors among the different actors in charge of nuclear crisis response. We started with the following question: how France gets prepared to manage a nuclear accident situation and what are the results of this preparation in a real accident case even if it is a minor accident or if it happens abroad ? Thanks to a very fruitful documentary and in field research work, we are able to show in this thesis that the unilateral management of a "crisis" situation by the different actors organized under the leadership of high level engineers from the 'Corps de mines ", results in a very technical definition of the "crisis " focused on the technical aspects while disregarding the general public. As a consequence, emergency drills that are defined and carried out do not prepare intervention teams to manage social reactions that may be caused by a nuclear accident. To the opposite and paradoxically, such a vision that neglects the reaction of the population may generate by itself a crisis situation even when an accident is deemed to be "technically" of a minor importance. However the management system of nuclear crisis is evolving. Organizational changes in this area that progressively take into account the social factor, really result from the in field experience of dealing with the general public reactions during a real nuclear crisis. Crisis training and drills have a lesser impact on this evolution
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Nohrstedt, Daniel. "Crisis and Policy Reformcraft : Advocacy Coalitions and Crisis-induced Change in Swedish Nuclear Energy Policy". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Department of Government, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7796.

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Thompson, Jean-Philippe. "Crisis and regime change : the nuclear nonproliferation regime and the challenge from nuclear terrorism". Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=19639.

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An indirect crisis, the terrorist attacks of September 1 1 , is used as a catalyst to review the tasks of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime. However, it is insufficient to initiate a comprehensive change to the regime to incorporate the challenge from non-state nuclear terrorism. There will not be a change of regime, understood in terms of principles and norms. Yet, potential for change within the regime exists, with regard to rules and procedures. This is demonstrated by analysing the organisational and state levels of the regime through a synthesis of rationalist and weak-cognitivist assumptions. The organisational level is more adaptable in light of new information and more susceptible to change. Two factors limit this change. Member states will handle issues arising from the crisis outside the venue of the regime. Also, consensual knowledge among actors remains key for significant change to occur. An indirect crisis lacks the force to cultivate an epistemic community able to promote such knowledge among decision-makers.
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Lee, Ergene. "The 1993 North Korean Nuclear Crisis: A Foreign Policy Analysis". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33477.

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In this paper I apply the Rational Actor model to the 1993-1994 North Korean Nuclear Crisis. I begin with two hypotheses: 1) North Korea attempted nuclear armament because of its perception of threat from South Korea and the United States; 2) North Korea attempted nuclear armament because it wanted to use its nuclear program as leverage to obtain economic assistance from the United States. I conduct a diplomatic historical analysis based on the Rational Actor model to determine which was North Koreaâ s primary objective, and conclude that the primary objective of North Korea was obtaining economic concessions, but that threat perception did seem to play a role in the decision to start the nuclear program. In this process, I show that the Rational Actor model was insufficient in the analysis and that it must be complemented by cultural factors, â thickeningâ the rationality.
Master of Arts
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Hagström, Johanna. "The EU’s involvement in the Iranian nuclear crisis : A normative experiment". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-314141.

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Kumar, Rakesh. "Indian Nuclear command and control dilemma". Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/2639.

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The aim of the thesis is to analyze India's nuclear weapons command and control system as it has evolved since the nation's 1998 nuclear weapons tests. The small size of India's nuclear weapons arsenal does not imply that its command and control structure is simple. It requires the same infrastructure, capabilities, and operating systems possessed by countries with larger arsenals of nuclear weapons, though perhaps on a smaller scale. A small arsenal is easier to control than a large one, but it is still vulnerable to attack, and hence the issue of command and control becomes more complex. India's No-First-Use (NFU) policy states that its nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian territory or on Indian forces anywhere. India's NFU policy makes the command and control of its nuclear weapons look simple, affordable, and easy to implement, but this policy must be examined through the prism of peacetime, crisis, and wartime situations. The smooth transition from peacetime to crisis and, if required, to wartime demands a robust command and control system. This thesis examines the requirements of such a system and provides recommendations for a command and control structure for Indian nuclear operations. The thesis investigates the U.S. command and control system and uses it as a model for a suitable option for India. While NFU has many challenges, it can be effective, provided that India adopts an operational capability of Launch After Attack (LAA), which would require a significant upgrade of command and control structure and procedures. In particular, the thesis demonstrates the role that civilians and military personnel can play to strengthen "minimum credible deterrence" within the established financial, political, and strategic parameters of India.
Outstanding Thesis
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Patterson, Philip Don. "Nuclear networks : how television news covers technological crises /". Full-text version available from OU Domain via ProQuest Digital Dissertations, 1987.

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Han, Jonghun. "The impact of the North Korean nuclear crisis on Northeast Asia". Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2007. http://bosun.nps.edu/uhtbin/hyperion-image.exe/07Dec%5FHan.pdf.

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Thesis (M.A. in National Security Affairs)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 2007.
Thesis Advisor(s): Olsen, Edward A. ; Looney, Robert E. "December 2007." Description based on title screen as viewed on January 18, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-82). Also available in print.
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Khalil, Tahira. "Nuclear proliferation in crisis regions : the case-study of South Asia". Thesis, University of Leeds, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.531619.

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Libri sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


National Defense University. Institute for National Strategic Studies., a cura di. Managing crises in defense industry: The PEPCON and Avtex cases. Washington, DC: Institute for National Strategic Studies, 1990.

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Carpenter, Susan. Japan's Nuclear Crisis. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717.

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Lochbaum, David A. Nuclear waste disposal crisis. Tulsa, Okla: PennWell Books, 1996.

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Alcaro, Riccardo. Europe and Iran’s Nuclear Crisis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74298-4.

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Kurt, Gottfried, e Blair Bruce G. 1947-, a cura di. Crisis stability and nuclear war. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

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1947-, Ball Desmond, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. e Cornell University. Peace Studies Program., a cura di. Crisis stability and nuclear war. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Peace Studies Program, 1987.

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Desmond, Ball, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. e Cornell University. Peace Studies Program., a cura di. Crisis stability and nuclear war. [Boston?]: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1987.

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Kim, Jina. The North Korean Nuclear Weapons Crisis. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137386069.

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Rusten, Lynn. Crisis management in the nuclear age. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1987.

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Rusten, Lynn. Crisis management in the nuclear age. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1987.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


Salik, Naeem. "Dangers of Inadvertent Escalation in South Asia". In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 93–104. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29708-3_12.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractBarry Posen has, in his study on Inadvertent Escalation, raised a very pertinent question asking, ‘Can Nuclear Powers fight conventional wars with each other and avoid the use of nuclear weapons?’ This question should always be kept in mind by all nuclear powers especially those with mutually hostile relationships. It is evident that the phenomenon of ‘Inadvertent Escalation’ cannot be understood without an understanding of the process of Escalation. South Asia despite the nuclearization of the region in 1998, has been facing one crisis after another each more belligerent than the preceding one and with the potential to wittingly or unwittingly embroil the antagonists into an irreversible escalation cycle with potentially catastrophic consequences. This paper is aimed at sensitising the decision makers in both countries to the dangers inherent in recurring crises especially in the absence of any overarching restraint regime and to make them understand that they might have escaped devastating results in the previous crises merely due to sheer good luck and not any prudence on their part. Case studies of February 2019 crisis between India and Pakistan and the March 2022 Stray Missile crisis have been employed to bring home the point.
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Ikonomou, Pantelis F. "Nuclear Crises". In Global Nuclear Developments, 25–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46997-9_4.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Introduction". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 1–27. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_1.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Independent Administrative Institutions: In Name Only". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 28–51. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_2.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Amakudari in the Ministries’ IAIs, Public Corporations, Research Institutes and Affiliated Agencies: the Insidious Side". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 52–70. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_3.

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Carpenter, Susan. "‘Information-Sharing’ is Not a Buzz-Word in Japan: Press Clubs Insulate an Insular Political Economy". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 71–78. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_4.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Elements Intrinsic to Japan’s Political Economy: Interlocking Interests between an Elite Bureaucracy and Big Business". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 79–107. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_5.

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Carpenter, Susan. "The DNA of Japan’s Post-war Political System: Ultra-conservative to the Core". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 108–42. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_6.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Pork-Barrel Patronage in the Prefectures: the Proliferation of Nuclear Power Plants". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 143–79. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_7.

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Carpenter, Susan. "Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: the Routes to Responsibility". In Japan's Nuclear Crisis, 180–98. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230363717_8.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


Rodríguez Mattalía, Lorena. "El Colapso (Les Parasites, 2019): audiovisuales online y crisis ecosistémica". In II Congreso Internacional Estéticas Híbridas de la Imagen en Movimiento: Identidad y Patrimonio. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/eshid2021.2021.13214.

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Abstract (sommario):
La crisis provocada por el COVID-19, que ha modificado nuestro modo de vida e impactado en la economía mundial, comprometiendo nuestra capacidad de organizarnos globalmente, nos ha puesto en contacto con la vulnerabilidad de nuestra forma de vida. Recordemos que las clases medias ya se habían visto duramente afectadas por la crisis económica de 2008, que llevó a duros recortes neoliberales en el Estado del Bienestar. A este panorama hay que añadir, desde los años 70, las advertencias de que es imposible un crecimiento económico constante en base a recursos naturales finitos, que nuestro modo de vida está desequilibrando todos los ecosistemas, modificando el clima, etc. Todo ello sugiere que este sistema no va a poder mantenerse indefinidamente, lo cual está impactando en nuestra cosmovisión, hasta el punto de que existe una línea de pensamiento “colapsista” que mantiene que el hiperconsumismo va a llegar su límite, lo cual llevaría a un colapso (económico, de suministros básicos, salud pública, etc.) que, de hecho, ya se ha instalado en los llamados países “subdesarrollados” y que acabará impactando en los demás. En nuestro panorama cultural estas graves preocupaciones están presentes -con investigaciones, films, series, obras de artistas, etc.-, donde el medio audiovisual tiene un importante papel en la actual cultura de la imagen y la conectividad online. En dicho contexto, centraremos nuestra atención en la serie L’Effondrement (El Colapso, 2019) producida por la plataforma digital Canal +. Está realizada por un colectivo de tres jóvenes realizadores, “Les parasites” (Los parásitos) que, desde 2013, difunde sus cortometrajes en su canal de YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqS1gDNHEX3FgJ8dPfSuRoQ). La serie tiene 8 capítulos de unos 20 minutos que muestran cómo sería ese hipotético colapso: falta de suministros en supermercados y gasolineras, organización de alternativas posibles en forma de ecoaldea, peligro de centrales nucleares sin mantenimiento, creación de islas de bienestar solo disponibles para los ricos, etc. En 8 escenarios concretos, separados por saltos en el tiempo (2 días después del colapso, 5 días, 50 días…) se va desgranando una historia abierta que enfrenta al espectador/a con un crudo encuentro con lo real. Pero lo más interesante de esta serie es su apuesta audiovisual: cada capítulo es un único plano secuencia filmado al estilo “Dogma”, en cámara al hombro, que provoca una sensación de verosimilitud por la ausencia de fragmentación del espacio-tiempo. Además, también es notable que la serie ha funcionado como evento online, pues, además de estrenar los capítulos en la plataforma de pago que la produce, posteriormente se difundieron en abierto en su propio canal. También colgaron, un año después, toda la serie acompañada de vídeos making off, reportajes y debates sobre los temas “sistémicos” -utilizando sus palabras- que les preocupan. Este es pues un claro ejemplo de cómo el audiovisual, a través de las plataformas online, puede “hacer presente”, construir discurso, traer al primer plano cuestiones que a menudo son silenciadas o tratadas con poco rigor o intereses económicos; cuestiones -como una sostenibilidad que realmente se preocupe por organizar sociedades justas desde el punto de vista ecosocial- llamadas a construir un imaginario colectivo fuera del pensamiento único.
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De La Garza, Cecilia, e Nora Oufi. "Health Crisis Management and Resilience Factors: A Comparative Study in Two Sectors". In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1001567.

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Abstract (sommario):
The objective of this study is to analyze the modalities of health crisis management in two different sectors during the Covid-19 crisis: the hospital and the nuclear industry. The aim is to:- Characterize the health crisis: similarities and differences compared to other known crises - nuclear, natural crisis (storm, earthquake, flood). - Identify elements of similarity between sectors in the modalities of crisis management and particularities related to the specificities of the socio-technical systems.- Identify the resilience factors and difficulties- Make proposals to enhance the robustness of crisis organizations.Study BackgroundBoth the hospital and the nuclear industry (EDF) have had to organize and adapt to continue their activities from the beginning of the crisis in March 2020.On the hospital side, an emergency plan (White Plan) provides a reconfiguration of the hospital in case of health crisis. On the nuclear side, a Business Continuity Plan exists as well as a pandemic emergency plan (support and mobilization plan).It was at La Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital, a reference hospital for infectious diseases, that the first death of Covid19 was recorded. The crisis unit was activated at that time. The hospital then opened its doors to us for human and organizational factors study of crisis management in April 2020. Concerning the nuclear sector, the health crisis management analysis could only be carried out from October 2020 at the national level and the nuclear power plants.Methodological approachWe applied a systemic approach combining ergonomics, cognitive psychology, and sociology to study socio-technical systems safety.The study focused on crisis management via an analysis of organizational resilience to identify the factors of success and difficulty. Given the temporality of this crisis, the study was carried out in three stages at the hospital.1. April and May 2020: i) a series of remote interviews with various hospital staff were conducted; ii) a passive listening follow-up of about 30 phone meetings of the crisis unit; iii) a documentary analysis of the planned crisis organization.2. November and December 2021: i) a second series of interviews in the hospital emergency unit.3. June and July 2021 in the intensive care unit: i) a third round of interviews; ii) field observations in the hospital; iii) a literature review.In the nuclear field we conducted two retrospective studies at different times, focused on the most critical phase of the crisis (from March to May 2020):1. October - November 2021: an analysis of the health crisis’ management at the national level via a series of interviews completed by an analysis of the crisis reference systems.2. August - September 2021: an analysis of the health crisis management in a Nuclear power plant via interviews and an analysis of site-specific documents. ResultsWe observed similarities in the way the crisis was managed, in terms of management, which proved to be factors of success both at the hospital and at EDF, for example,- A crisis management that integrates the business lines and is top-down, but that listens and takes into account proposals from the field.- Experience of crises and emergency situations, which facilitates crisis management and adaptation.- The habit of protocols facilitating the integration of new constraints.- Very strong collective mobilization of personnelHowever, there are linked difficulties in both sectors, for example, to the virus fear, the anxiety of contaminating one's family and friends, especially at the beginning, and then weariness and fatigue linked to the duration of the crisis.Particularities concerning the work activity in the hospital will be discussed especially in relation to the reconfiguration of the services and to the necessary adaptations and improvisations of patients care protocols and procedures, among others.These studies are source of learning, about crisis management and particularly long-term crises that have a lasting impact on socio-technical systems. Proposals in terms of crisis organization and preparedness for this type of crisis will be presented.
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Badu, James, Rune Elvegard, Salman Nazir e Natalia Andreassen. "Situation Awareness in Crisis Management – A Case Study from the Arctic Region". In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024). AHFE International, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1005395.

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As the traffic of nuclear-propelled vessels and vessels carrying nuclear cargo is increasing in the Norwegian Sea and the adjacent Arctic Sea, the potential for accidents near the coastal regions poses a significant risk of air and sea emissions. Eventually, it will have far-reaching consequences in Norway and its neighbouring countries if such an event occurs. Hence, effective coordination and communication among diverse organizations and stakeholders are required to prevent the escalation of emergency situations. Maintaining robust situation awareness (SA) to manage such crises is crucial. This presentation investigates a case study on maritime nuclear safety preparedness, where such a detailed scenario has developed. Participants from various stakeholders collaborate to analyse and handle this crisis. Utilizing questionnaires, we evaluate three levels of Situation Awareness and investigate how the background and expertise of such individuals influence situation awareness. Furthermore, we have provided some suggestions for maintaining good situation awareness in a given crisis management scenario.
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Scadron, M. D. "Nucleon strangeness and spin crisis?" In INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS. ASCE, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.54270.

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Kurilovska, Lucia, e Jana Mullerova. "ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT BY NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS". In 21st SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings 2021. STEF92 Technology, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5593/sgem2021v/3.2/s14.28.

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Akbar, Sajjad, e Shahab Khusnood. "Solution to Pakistan Electrical Power Crisis". In 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/icone16-48207.

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Abstract (sommario):
Electricity is the engine for the growth of economy of any country. Total installed electricity generation capacity of Pakistan is presently approx 20,000 MW as given in Table-1. Despite this, almost 40% of the population is without electricity. Pakistan has been blessed with tremendous resources for electrical power generation with hydel, coal, renewable energy resources and Nuclear power. Hydel, coal potential of more than 40,000 MW and 10,000 MW are available but only 15% of hydroelectric potential has been harnessed so for where as only 150 MW power plant on indigenous coal has been set up. To exploit Pakistan hydel and coal resources for power generation large investments are needed which Pakistan economy can not afford. Govt. of Pakistan has created an organization of private power and infrastructure board (PPIB) to facilitate private sector in the participation of power generator. PPIB is tapping the resources and facilitating the private sector for establishment of power projects. Pakistan is collaborating with China for establishment of Nuclear Power Plants and plan to generate up to 10,000 MW by year 2025. Renewable energy resources are also required to be tapped. This paper will focus on the Pakistan power generation potential by utilizing local resources keeping in view the next 20 year supply and demand position.
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EVERETT, CHANCELLOR LORNE G. "WORLD WATER CRISIS CENTRE PROPOSAL". In International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies — 49th Session. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789811205217_0043.

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Kullstam, Per A. "System Issues Related to Satellite Communications in a Nuclear Environment". In 1987 IEEE Military Communications Conference - Crisis Communications: The Promise and Reality. IEEE, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/milcom.1987.4795216.

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Ignat, Vasileciprian. "IMPROVING NUCLEAR CRISIS MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES THROUGH GAMES AND SIMULATIONS". In eLSE 2017. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026x-17-009.

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Abstract (sommario):
The biggest threat to the existence of the entire human race is a large-scale nuclear war. The perspective of this kind of confrontation was a major concern during the Cold War. After the collapse of Soviet Union seemed that the world entered in new of stage and former US President Barrack Obama’s vision – “a world without nuclear weapons” was getting closer. However the recent events on the international scene are meant to make us reconsider Obama’s vision. The posture of Russian Federation and United States of America regarding the nuclear disarmament, especially after the 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea can be the considered a sign of second Cold War. Many strategists, scientists, historians and even politicians had developed many scenarios regarding the evolution, possible consequences, doctrines, procedures and had brought for their interpretation new concepts related to a possible nuclear crisis. How can we better understand the behaviour of the nuclear state leaders? How can we calculate and bring closer to reality the effects of their decisions? Learning through games and simulations might be the solution. Through both methods, great results were achieved in comprehend abstract concepts as conflict, anarchy or cooperation. Searching for the mechanisms behind nuclear crisis management can offer us solutions for in case of a nuclear confrontation. The students in universities or military academies should be seen as the leaders of tomorrow. For that purpose is mandatory to invest in their education, using the best tools that we poses because preparing them for high responsibility positions, investing our resources in their knowledge, ultimately we invest in our peace and security.
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Yagov, Victor V., e Yu B. Zudin. "MECHANISTIC MODEL FOR NUCLEATE BOILING CRISIS AT DIFFERENT GRAVITY FIELDS". In International Heat Transfer Conference 10. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/ihtc10.4790.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Crisis nucleares"


Kiser, Joshua L. Crisis Relocation and Nuclear Deterrence. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, aprile 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada170238.

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Sokoski, Henry D., e Bruno Tertrais. Nuclear Weapons Security Crisis: What Does History Teach? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, luglio 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada583971.

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Stacy, Jerry. The India-Pakistan Nuclear Dilemma: Are Nuclear Ambiguity and Crisis Stability Compatible. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, gennaio 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada441119.

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Kartchner, Kerry M. Long-Range Planning Perspectives on Nuclear War at Sea: Naval Nuclear Crisis Management. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, settembre 1988. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada212647.

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Reddie, Andrew Reddie, Bethany Goldblum Goldblum, Bryce Farabaugh Farabaugh, Rebecca Hersman Hersman e Reja Younis Younis. Under The Nuclear Shadow: Situational Awareness Technology and Crisis Decisionmaking. Center for Strategic and International Studies, marzo 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.15868/socialsector.39937.

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Colby, Elbridge, Avner Cohen, William McCants, Bradley Morris e William Rosenau. The Israeli Nuclear Alert" of 1973: Deterrence and Signaling in Crisis". Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, aprile 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada579830.

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Unal, Beyza, Julia Cournoyer, Calum Inverarity e Yasmin Afina. Uncertainty and complexity in nuclear decision-making. Royal Institute of International Affairs, marzo 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.55317/9781784135157.

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Abstract (sommario):
Complex systems modelling is already implemented in critical policy areas such as climate change and health. It could also play an important role in the nuclear weapons sphere – by opening alternative pathways that may help mitigate risks of confrontation and escalation – but such modelling has yet to be fully embraced by policymakers in this community. By applying a complexity lens, policy- and decision-makers at all stages along the nuclear chain of command might better understand how their actions could have significant consequences for international security and peace. Nuclear decision-making is shaped by, and interacts with, the ever-changing international security environment and nuclear weapons policy. Tackling problems in the nuclear weapons policy field requires the implementation of ‘system of systems’ design principles, mathematical modelling approaches and multidisciplinary analysis. This research paper presents nuclear weapons decision-making as a complex endeavour, with individual decisions being influenced by multiple factors such as reasoning, intuition (gut feeling), biases and system-level noise. At a time of crisis, these factors may combine to cause risks of escalation. The authors draw on past examples of near nuclear use to examine decision-making in the nuclear context as a ‘wicked problem’, with multi-layered, interacting and constantly fluctuating elements.
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Kucharski, Lesley, Rafael Loss e Andrew Reddie. Annotated Bibliography: "U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Crisis and Collapse or Crossroads?". Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), luglio 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1544944.

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Krawitz, Howard M. Resolving Korea's Nuclear Crisis: Tough Choices for China (Strategic Forum, Number 201). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, agosto 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada422663.

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Johnson, D. Russia's Conventional Precision Strike Capabilities, Regional Crises, and Nuclear Thresholds. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1424635.

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