Articoli di riviste sul tema "Corrosion"
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Vedi gli articoli di riviste di molte aree scientifiche e compila una bibliografia corretta.
Hernández, Y., O. Troconis de Rincón, A. Torres, S. Delgado, J. Rodríguez e O. Morón. "Relación entre la velocidad de corrosión de la armadura y el ancho de fisuras en vigas de concreto armado expuestas a ambientes que simulan el medio marino". Revista ALCONPAT 6, n. 3 (30 settembre 2016): 272–83.
Testo completoSun, Ji Ku, Zong Jie Cao, De Jian Sun e Yi Chen. "Characteristic of Corrosive Damages about Aircraft Structures in Service". Applied Mechanics and Materials 543-547 (marzo 2014): 316–19.
Testo completoMahecha-Gómez, Andrey Felipe, Claudia Patricia Mejía-Villagrán e Jhon Jairo Olaya-Flórez. "Aplicación de una metodología mixta para la selección de materiales resistentes a la corrosión en medios ácidos y salinos". Respuestas 20, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2015): 112.
Testo completoYu, Zhu Huan, Jun Feng Qiang e Hui Lu Li. "Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Different Graphite Shapes Cast Irons in Acidic Solution". Advanced Materials Research 906 (aprile 2014): 275–82.
Testo completoSun, Qi Lei, Li Zhang, Jie Dong e Lu Hua He. "Study on Electrochemical Behavior of Prestressed Reinforcement in Simulated Concrete Solution". Applied Mechanics and Materials 357-360 (agosto 2013): 917–20.
Testo completoMeneses, R. S., J. M. Moro, R. R. Aveldaño e N. F. Ortega. "Influencia del espesor del recubrimiento de elementos de hormigón armado expuestos a procesos de corrosión y sometidos a cargas externas". Revista ALCONPAT 6, n. 2 (31 maggio 2016): 129–44.
Testo completoHeo, Chang-Jae, Min-Gyun Ha, Chanhyun Park e Jin-Hee Ahn. "Comparing Corrosion Damage Level and Corrosion Current in Acceleration Corrosion Testing under Corrosive Environment". Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 23, n. 5 (31 ottobre 2023): 115–22.
Testo completoYang, Yanpeng, Xiaojuan Cao, Yang Li, Zhongchi Wang, Bingjie Li, Xudong Jiang, Junji Jia e Chunxu Pan. "Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking in the Corrosion Transformation of Ancient Bronzes". Minerals 10, n. 8 (24 luglio 2020): 656.
Testo completoCong, Shen, Ke Tong, Dong Feng Li, Zhi Xin Chen e Ke Cai. "Leakage Failure Analysis of the ERW Steel Pipeline". Materials Science Forum 993 (maggio 2020): 1224–29.
Testo completoMao, Jincheng, Difei Han, Jinzhou Zhao, Xiaojiang Yang, Chong Lin e Heng Zhang. "Experimental and Theoretical Study on Cyanuric Chloride Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Oxyen Corrosion of Mild Steel in High Salinity Corrosive Medium". Revista de Chimie 72, n. 2 (7 maggio 2021): 119–36.
Testo completoZhang, Ye Qin, Li Chun Qi e Yi Sheng Huang. "Anticorrosion Property of TC27 Titanium Alloys and Application Evaluation in Tubing". Materials Science Forum 1035 (22 giugno 2021): 615–23.
Testo completoRyu, Hwa Sung, e Han Seung Lee. "Study on the Anti- Corrosion Properties of Organic and Inorganic Inhibitor by Electrochemical Treatment in Aqueous Solution". Advanced Materials Research 415-417 (dicembre 2011): 2070–73.
Testo completoSheashea, M., B. Zagloul, M. Zorainy, I. Naeem e M. Gobara. "Corrosion Resistance Improvement of Mild Steel". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2830, n. 1 (1 settembre 2024): 012002.
Testo completoP, Roshith, e Arivarasu M. "Improvements on hot corrosion behaviour of HVOF coated CO2 laser beam and pulsed gas tungsten arc weldments in 2.5% sulphur gas plus molten salt in industrial waste incinerator environment". Engineering Research Express 4, n. 2 (4 aprile 2022): 025003.
Testo completoŻaba, Krzysztof, Krzysztof Szymański, Maciej Balcerzak, Ilona Różycka, Łukasz Kuczek e Piotr Żabiński. "Effect of Surface Finishing on the Corrosion Resistivity of 3D Printed M300 Steel". Materials 17, n. 24 (10 dicembre 2024): 6047.
Testo completoJournal, Baghdad Science. "Some Non-destructive Testing for Al metal in 0.1N of NaCl and NaOH". Baghdad Science Journal 8, n. 4 (4 dicembre 2011): 988–95.
Testo completoFan, Yu Guang, Zai Dong Piao, Bing Chen e San Pin Zhou. "The Analysis of the Corrosion Parameters' Sensitivity of the Fractionator Overhead Recycle System". Advanced Materials Research 590 (novembre 2012): 91–94.
Testo completoZhang, Jifu, Chunming Deng, Jinbing Song, Changguang Deng, Min Liu e Mingjiang Dai. "Electrochemical Corrosive Behaviors of Fe-Based Amorphous/ Nanocrystalline Coating on Stainless Steel Prepared by HVOF-Sprayed". Coatings 9, n. 4 (29 marzo 2019): 226.
Testo completoWang, Ping, Zhao Hui Yin, Han Tao Ren, Song Xu e Dong Wei Ma. "Review of Copper Atmospheric Corrosion in H2S". Applied Mechanics and Materials 548-549 (aprile 2014): 177–81.
Testo completoAhmed, Muhammad, Muhammad Shahid, Zulfiqar Khan, Ameen Ammar, Abdul Saboor, Amir Khalid, Asad Hayat, Adil Saeed e Mehran Koohgilani. "Electrochemical Comparison of SAN/PANI/FLG and ZnO/GO Coated Cast Iron Subject to Corrosive Environments". Materials 11, n. 11 (11 novembre 2018): 2239.
Testo completoWang, Kui, Zhanqiang Li e Mingjie Zhao. "Mechanism of Localized Corrosion of Steel Pipe Pile Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines and Corrosive Action". Open Civil Engineering Journal 10, n. 1 (31 ottobre 2016): 685–94.
Testo completoSuarsana, I. Ketut, I. Made Astika e I. Gede Putu Agus Suryawan. "Efek perlakuan pack carburizing dan media korosif pada baja AISI 1045 terhadap laju korosi". Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur 14, n. 2 (11 gennaio 2022): 37.
Testo completoLi, Li, Jun Ling Tian, Yi Liang Peng e Guo Xin Li. "Investigation on the Anti-Corrosion Layer of the Power Transmission Steel Structures". Applied Mechanics and Materials 427-429 (settembre 2013): 400–403.
Testo completoCai, Yikun, Yuanming Xu, Yu Zhao e Xiaobing Ma. "Atmospheric corrosion prediction: a review". Corrosion Reviews 38, n. 4 (27 agosto 2020): 299–321.
Testo completoPletnev, Mikhail. "Carbon nanocomposites in the corrosion inhibition". E3S Web of Conferences 225 (2021): 05002.
Testo completoUmoren, S. A., e M. M. Solomon. "Recent Developments on the Use of Polymers as Corrosion Inhibitors - A Review". Open Materials Science Journal 8, n. 1 (11 luglio 2014): 39–54.
Testo completoGuo, Qifeng, Jiliang Pan, Min Wang, Meifeng Cai e Xun Xi. "Corrosive Environment Assessment and Corrosion-Induced Rockbolt Failure Analysis in a Costal Underground Mine". International Journal of Corrosion 2019 (4 marzo 2019): 1–9.
Testo completoLiu, Congcong, Zongde Liu, Yuan Gao, Xinyu Wang e Chao Zheng. "High-temperature corrosion behavior of TP91, C22 alloy and C22 based on laser coatings in simulated reducing corrosion environment". Materials Research Express 9, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2022): 016519.
Testo completoZhu, Xiaohong, Yingxu Huo, Andy YF Leung, Tarek Zayed e Dan Tsang. "Corrosion of pipes for conveying drinking water in Hong Kong: mechanisms and controlling strategies". HKIE Transactions 31, n. 1 (2024): 1–22.
Testo completoMahalaksmi Gunasilan, Shaiful Rizam Shamsudin, Nursalasawati Rusli, Mohd Rafi Adzman e Wan Mohd Haqqi Wan Ahmad. "Corrosion Behaviour of Mild Steel: Insights from Tafel Extrapolation Analysis in Flowing 3.5% NaCl Solutions and Soil with Diverse Resistivity Levels". International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM) 17, December (27 dicembre 2024): 269–79.
Testo completoSmolyago, G. A., A. V. Dronov e N. V. Frolov. "MODELING OF REDUCTION IN THE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN CONCRETE UNDER THE ACTION OF CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT". Proceedings of the Southwest State University 21, n. 1 (28 febbraio 2017): 43–49.
Testo completode Sousa Leite, Kelson, Antônio Alves de Carvalho, Paulo Ronaldo Sousa Teixeira e José Milton Elias de Matos. "Cashew Nut Shell Liquid as an Anticorrosive Agent in Ceramic Materials". Sustainability 15, n. 11 (29 maggio 2023): 8743.
Testo completoДронов e Andrey Dronov. "THE PROPERTIES OF PITTING CORROSION OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS". Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov 2, n. 3 (4 aprile 2017): 32–36.
Testo completoKumar, Saurabh, Reena Singh e N. S. Maurya. "Assessment of Corrosion Potential Based on Water Quality Index in the Distribution Network of Urban Patna, Bihar, India". Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 21, n. 5(Suppl) (29 dicembre 2022): 2117–27.
Testo completoIvošević, Špiro, Đenđi Vaštag e Nataša Kovač. "The Analyses of the Corrosion Process of a NI-Ti Shape Memory Alloy in Different Environment". Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development 9, n. 4. S2 (20 dicembre 2022): 1.
Testo completoLin, Zhen, Guo Zhang Li, Hong Bai Bai e Chun Hong Lu. "Experimental Investigation on Damping Characteristic of Metal Rubber Material at Simulated Marine Environment". Applied Mechanics and Materials 456 (ottobre 2013): 110–14.
Testo completoFaes, Willem, Steven Lecompte, Zaaquib Yunus Ahmed, Johan Van Bael, Robbe Salenbien, Kim Verbeken e Michel De Paepe. "Corrosion and corrosion prevention in heat exchangers". Corrosion Reviews 37, n. 2 (26 marzo 2019): 131–55.
Testo completoHadi, Syamsul, Sza Sya Monica Valeria, Satworo Adiwidodo, Utsman Syah Amrullah, R. N. Akhsanu Takwim e Hilmi Iman Firmansyah. "Corrosion Rate of Black Chromium Coating Result of Electroplating on Copper". INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian 7, n. 2 (3 febbraio 2021): 128.
Testo completoFlores-Garcia, N. S., C. D. Arrieta-Gonzalez, J. J. Ramos-Hernandez, G. K. Pedraza-Basulto, J. G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. Porcayo-Calderon e L. Martinez-Gomez. "Rare Earth-Based Compounds as Inhibitors of Hot-Corrosion Induced by Vanadium Salts". Materials 12, n. 22 (19 novembre 2019): 3796.
Testo completoMartin, Holly J., M. F. Horstemeyer e Paul T. Wang. "Effects of Variations in Salt-Spray Conditions on the Corrosion Mechanisms of an AE44 Magnesium Alloy". International Journal of Corrosion 2010 (2010): 1–10.
Testo completoRasheed, Usman, Hyundong Lee, Myeongsik Kong e Pilljae Kwak. "A study on the corrosion index of Tap Water(TW) and Reclaimed Water(RW) using KWI(Korea Water Index) and KRWI(Korea Reclaimed Index Water) method". International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, n. 3.33 (29 agosto 2018): 209.
Testo completoKubzová, Monika, Vit Křivý, Viktor Urban e Katerina Kreislova. "Corrosive Environment Factors and their Influence on the Development of Weathering Steel Corrosion Products". Key Engineering Materials 832 (febbraio 2020): 137–46.
Testo completoFu, Lei, Hui Li, Li Lin, Qingyuan Wang, Qi Fan, Xinjie Huang, XiuLan Li, Sheng Lai e Lifei Chen. "Corrosion mechanism and fatigue behavior of 2A70-T6 aluminum alloy under alternating corrosion and fatigue". Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 68, n. 5 (2 settembre 2021): 422–37.
Testo completoHussain, Mahmoud. "Synthesis, Characterization and evaluation of new". JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY 12, n. 2 (16 dicembre 2016): 3956–63.
Testo completoYahya, Febriyandhi, Ade Trisnawati e Mohammad Arfi Setiawan. "The effect of sambiloto leaf (Andrographis paniculata Nees) extract inhibitor concentration on the corrosion rate of iron in the corrosive HCl medium and well water". Jurnal Pijar Mipa 18, n. 2 (31 marzo 2023): 274–78.
Testo completoSun, Jie, Wenxiang Zhao, Pei Yan, Kaijie Chen, Li Jiao, Tianyang Qiu e Xibin Wang. "Effect of Corrosive Medium and Surface Defect-Energy on Corrosion Behavior of Rolled ZK61M Alloy". Materials 15, n. 12 (9 giugno 2022): 4091.
Testo completoAli, Murad, Anwar Ul-Hamid, Tayyab Khan, Abdulhakim Bake, Haider Butt, Olufemi Eyitope Bamidele e Aamer Saeed. "Corrosion-related failures in heat exchangers". Corrosion Reviews 39, n. 6 (25 ottobre 2021): 519–46.
Testo completoLi, Ning, Weifang Zhang, Hai Xu, Yikun Cai e Xiaojun Yan. "Corrosion Behavior and Mechanical Properties of 30CrMnSiA High-Strength Steel under an Indoor Accelerated Harsh Marine Atmospheric Environment". Materials 15, n. 2 (14 gennaio 2022): 629.
Testo completoLi, Ming, Huajie Wu e Yanhui Sun. "Corrosion Performance of Welded Joints for E40 Marine Steel". Metals 13, n. 9 (28 agosto 2023): 1528.
Testo completoIdu, Hyacinth Kevin. "Effects of Si addition on the corrosion susceptibility of aluminium alloys in different concentrations of NaOH, and NaCl solutions". Nigerian Journal of Physics 33, n. 4 (31 dicembre 2024): 32–38.
Testo completo