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Vedi gli articoli di riviste di molte aree scientifiche e compila una bibliografia corretta.
Van der Enden, Mark. "Ian McPhee and Elizabeth G. Pemberton. Late Classical Pottery from Ancient Corinth, Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest. Corinth VII.6. pp. 400, 80 ills, 4- plates, 18 charts. 2012. Princeton NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens." Journal of Greek Archaeology 5 (1 gennaio 2020): 596–97.
Testo completoKaponis, Antonios S. "Intertemporal Memories of a Shifting Unity". Classica et Mediaevalia, n. 1 (23 maggio 2024): 221–57.
Testo completoKloppenborg, John S. "Gaius the Roman Guest". New Testament Studies 63, n. 4 (12 settembre 2017): 534–49.
Testo completoSharov, Konstantin. "Gender topic in the Corinthian sermons and epistles of the apostle Paul". ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 14, n. 1 (2020): 267–77.
Testo completoHendry, Michael. "Interpolating an isthmus: Juvenal 6.294–7". Classical Quarterly 47, n. 1 (maggio 1997): 323–27.
Testo completoKönig, Jason. "Favorinus' Corinthian Oration in its Corinthian context". Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 47 (2001): 141–71.
Testo completoGoodrich, John K. "Erastus of Corinth (Romans 16.23): Responding to Recent Proposals on his Rank, Status, and Faith". New Testament Studies 57, n. 4 (5 settembre 2011): 583–93.
Testo completoZiskowski, Angela. "Cutting down the tallest ears of grain: archaeological evidence for tyranny and sumptuary law in ‘wealthy’ Corinth". Journal of Greek Archaeology 2 (1 gennaio 2017): 155–70.
Testo completoMacDonald, Brian R. "The Diolkos." Journal of Hellenic Studies 106 (novembre 1986): 191–95.
Testo completoKlesner, Catherine, Jay A. Stephens, Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez e Pamela B. Vandiver. "Reconstructing the Firing and Pigment Processing Technologies of Corinthian Polychrome Ceramics, 8-6th Centuries B.C.E." MRS Advances 2, n. 35-36 (2017): 1889–909.
Testo completoDeMaris, Richard. "Demeter in Roman Corinth: Local Development in a Mediterranean Religion". Numen 42, n. 2 (1995): 105–17.
Testo completoDaems, Dries. "Sarah James. Hellenistic Pottery: The Fine Wares. Corinth VII.7. pp. 360, with 45 ills, 44 plates, 3 plans, 3 tables. 2018. Princeton NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. ISBN 978-0-87661-077-0, hardcover £150." Journal of Greek Archaeology 5 (1 gennaio 2020): 607–10.
Testo completoLangdon, Susan. "Early Corinthian Jointed Dolls: Context, Meaning, and Diffusion". Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 93, n. 2 (aprile 2024): 251–335.
Testo completoZiskowski, Angela. "CLUBFEET AND KYPSELIDS: CONTEXTUALISING CORINTHIAN PADDED DANCERS IN THE ARCHAIC PERIOD". Annual of the British School at Athens 107 (2 ottobre 2012): 211–32.
Testo completoIppolito, Francesca. "Elizabeth R. Gebhard and Timothy E. Gregory (eds). Bridge of the Untiring Sea: The Corinthian Isthmus from Prehistory to Late Antiquity". Journal of Greek Archaeology 3 (1 gennaio 2018): 512–15.
Testo completoTomlinson, R. A. "Architectural pieces in stone in the collection of the British School at Athens". Annual of the British School at Athens 95 (novembre 2000): 473–83.
Testo completoMCPHEE, IAN. "CLASSICAL POTTERY FROM ANCIENT CORINTH THE A. D. TRENDALL MEMORIAL LECTURE 2003". Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 47, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2004): 1–21.
Testo completoHORRELL, DAVID G. "Domestic Space and Christian Meetings at Corinth: Imagining New Contexts and the Buildings East of the Theatre". New Testament Studies 50, n. 3 (luglio 2004): 349–69.
Testo completoWenno, Vincent Kalvin. "Persoalan Pengudusan Pasangan dalam Pernikahan Beda Agama: Kritik Sosio-Historis 1 Korintus 7:12-16". DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 5, n. 2 (1 aprile 2021): 210–21.
Testo completoAppeldoorn, Gijsbert van. "Group Formative Processes in 2 Cor 6:14–7:1". Religions 15, n. 5 (26 aprile 2024): 538.
Testo completoWidok, Norbert. "Droga dążenia do świętości według Klemensa Rzymskiego". Vox Patrum 57 (15 giugno 2012): 727–35.
Testo completoWelborn, L. L. "How ‘Democratic’ Was the Pauline Ekklēsia? An Assessment with Special Reference to the Christ Groups of Roman Corinth". New Testament Studies 65, n. 3 (2 maggio 2019): 289–309.
Testo completoRaulina, Raulina. "A Sociological-Ideological Approach to Interpreting 1 Corinthians 7:1-11: The Perspective on Marriage in the Corinthian Church". Theological Journal Kerugma 7, n. 2 (3 ottobre 2024): 61–72.
Testo completoPATRICK, JAMES E. "Living Rewards for Dead Apostles: ‘Baptised for the Dead’ in 1 Corinthians 15.29". New Testament Studies 52, n. 1 (12 dicembre 2005): 71–85.
Testo completoMacDonald, David. "A Bacchid at Apollonia: a late survival of an ancient family". KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies 2 (1 gennaio 2019): 20–23.
Testo completoLee, Kiwoon. "Peace and Harmony". Novum Testamentum 67, n. 1 (3 gennaio 2025): 79–98.
Testo completoRuprecht, Louis A. "Athenagoras the Christian, Pausanias the Travel Guide, and a Mysterious Corinthian Girl". Harvard Theological Review 85, n. 1 (gennaio 1992): 35–49.
Testo completoXanthopoulou, Vayia, e Ioannis Iliopoulos. "An Insight into the Suitability of Clayey Raw Materials: The Ceramic Provinces of the Northern Peloponnese and South Epirus, Greece". Buildings 13, n. 2 (9 febbraio 2023): 473.
Testo completoLofgren, Mackenzie R. "Corinthian Pyxis: A Relative Dating and Contextual Analysis of Origin". COMPASS 3, n. 1 (29 settembre 2023): 55–67.
Testo completoRutter, Jeremy B. "Corinth and the Corinthia in the Second Millenium B.C.: Old Approaches, New Problems". Corinth 20 (2003): 75.
Testo completoKantarelis, Demetri. "Administrative Sciences and their Origin in Ancient Corinth (*)". Archives of Business Research 11, n. 2 (15 febbraio 2023): 54–68.
Testo completoAnevlavi, Vasiliki, Walter Prochaska, Anna Sophie Ruhland e Chiara Cenati. "Tracing Material Origins: Provenance Studies of White Marble in Roman Temple E of Ancient Corinth Using Archaeometric and Geoarchaeological Methods". Minerals 15, n. 1 (30 dicembre 2024): 37.
Testo completoKomatina, Predrag. "The establishment of the Metropolis of Patras and of Athens and the Slavs of the Peloponnesus". Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, n. 46 (2009): 27–52.
Testo completoMorgan, Catherine. "Corinth, The Corinthian Gulf and Western Greece During the Eighth Century BC". Annual of the British School at Athens 83 (novembre 1988): 313–38.
Testo completoRusmanto, Ayub, Kerin Rajagukguk e Sriwahyuni Sriwahyuni. "Persepsi Mengucap Syukur Atas Kasih Karunia Allah Berdasarkan Teks 1 Korintus 1:4-9". Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen) 5, n. 1 (15 febbraio 2023): 39–51.
Testo completoWatts Henderson, Suzanne. "Mending What Is Broken: The Logic of the Cross in 1 Corinthians". Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 76, n. 1 (gennaio 2022): 5–14.
Testo completoSegou, M., e S. Lozios. "Seismogenic sources and related active faults in the gulf of Corinth; a combined approach". Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 40, n. 3 (5 giugno 2018): 1267.
Testo completoHadjis, Catherine. "Corinthiens, Lyciens, Doriens et Cariens : Aoreis à Corinthe, Aor, fils de Chrysaôr et Alétès fils d'Hippotès". Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 121, n. 1 (1997): 1–14.
Testo completoBarbette Stanley Spaeth. "Greek Gods or Roman? The Corinthian Archaistic Blocks and Religion in Roman Corinth". American Journal of Archaeology 121, n. 3 (2017): 397.
Testo completoMorgan, Catherine. "Corinthia". Archaeological Reports 54 (novembre 2008): 15–24.
Testo completoMorgan, Catherine. "Corinthia". Archaeological Reports 55 (novembre 2009): 11–18.
Testo completoMorgan, Catherine. "Corinthia". Archaeological Reports 56 (novembre 2010): 21–26.
Testo completoКонстантин, Панферов,. "Historical Context of Behaviour of Men and Women During Public Worship and Prayer According to St. Paul’s Doctrine (1 Cor. 11, 2-6)". Библейские схолии, n. 1(2) (15 giugno 2022): 51–62.
Testo completoWhite, Adam G. "Paul’s Absence from Corinth as Voluntary Exile: Reading 2 Corinthians 1.1–2.13 and 7.5-16 as a Letter from Exile". Journal for the Study of the New Testament 43, n. 1 (settembre 2020): 44–66.
Testo completoKing, Fergus J. "Mission-Shaped or Paul-Shaped? Apostolic Challenges to theMission-Shaped Church". Journal of Anglican Studies 9, n. 2 (15 novembre 2010): 223–46.
Testo completoMitchell, Alan C. "Rich and Poor in the Courts of Corinth: Litigiousness and Status in 1 Corinthians 6.1–11". New Testament Studies 39, n. 4 (ottobre 1993): 562–86.
Testo completoWeaver, William P. "A More Excellent Way: Philip Melanchthon’s Corinthians Lectures of 1521–22". Renaissance and Reformation 37, n. 1 (16 maggio 2014): 31–63.
Testo completoZimi, Eleni, K. Göransson e K. Swift. "Pottery and trade at Euesperides in Cyrenaica: an overview". Libyan Studies 50 (22 ottobre 2019): 21–33.
Testo completoHasiholan, Anggi Maringan, e Andreas Budi. "Implikasi Hikmat Menurut Paulus Dalam Menentang Pengaruh Ajaran Kaum Sofis Di Korintus". Manna Rafflesia 8, n. 1 (31 ottobre 2021): 27–52.
Testo completoFoster, Paul. "Book Review: Stoic Philosophy in Corinth?: Timothy A. Brookins, Corinthian Wisdom, Stoic Philosophy, and the Ancient Economy". Expository Times 127, n. 1 (21 settembre 2015): 37–38.
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