Libri sul tema "Corinthie"
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Heyer, Georgette. The Corinthian. Bath: Paragon, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoHinshaw, Victoria. Cordelia's Corinthian. New York: Kensington, 2004.
Cerca il testo completoJ, Kates, a cura di. Corinthian copper. Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2010.
Cerca il testo completoHugedé, Norbert. Saint Paul et Corinthe. Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoAbles, Jesse. Corinth. Charleston, S.C: Arcadia Pub., 2012.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoAmyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoNeeft, C. W. Addenda et corrigenda to D.A. Amyx, Corinthian vase-painting in the Archaic period. Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Museum, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoNeeft, C. W. Addenda et corrigenda to D.A. Amyx, Corinthian vase-painting in the Archaic period. Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Museum, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoRisser, Martha K. Corinthian conventionalizing pottery. Princeton, N.J: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoJackson, Eileen. The wicked Corinthian. New York: Signet Books, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoClement. Epître aux Corinthiens. Paris: Cerf, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoR, Bieringer, e Journées bibliques de Louvain (43rd : 1994), a cura di. The Corinthian correspondence. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoHugedé, Norbert. Le seigneur de Corinthe: Roman. Limoges: L. Souny, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoRobbe-Grillet, Alain. Les derniers jours de Corinthe. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoPapuci-Władyka, Ewdoksia. Corinthian and Italo-Corinthian pottery from the Polish collections. Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoA, Amyx Darrell. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoLowery, Joanne. Corinth: Poems. Huntington, W.Va: University Editions, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoCorinth, Lovis. Lovis Corinth. München: Prestel, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoConflits à Corinthe: Église et société selon I Corinthiens : analyse socio-historique. Genève: Labor et Fides, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoWebb, Leonard Cruze. Corinthia: My Name Is Corinthia: My Name Is Corinthia., 2005.
Cerca il testo completoCorinthia Falls. Denver, Colo: Outskirts Press, Inc., 2011.
Cerca il testo completoChester, Stephen J. Conversion at Corinth: Perspectives on Conversion in Paul's Theology And the Corinthian Church. T. & T. Clark Publishers, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoConversion at Corinth: Perspectives on Conversion in Paul's Theology and the Corinthian Church. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoConversion at Corinth: Perspectives on Conversion in Paul's Theology and the Corinthian Church. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoCorinthian. Sourcebooks, Incorporated, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. Corinthian. Yestermorrow, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoCorinthian. Naperville: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2009.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. Corinthian. ARROW (RAND), 2004.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. Corinthian. Penguin Random House, 2011.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. Corinthian. ARROW (RAND), 2004.
Cerca il testo completoCostumes of Corinthia. Melissa,Greece, 2003.
Cerca il testo completo"When You Were Gentiles": Specters of Ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence. Yale University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoConcannon, Cavan W. When You Were Gentiles: Specters of Ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence. Yale University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completo"When you were gentiles": Specters of ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian correspondence. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoStipe votiva del Santuario di Demetra a Catania. Catania: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studio sull'archeologia greca, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoStipe votiva del Santuario di Demetra a Catania. Catania: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studio sull'archeologia greca, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoIldved, Kjeld Knud. Corintho. Books on Demand GmbH, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoSeifrid, Mark A. The Second Letter to the Corinthians. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014.
Testo completoCorinthia Marazion A novel. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. The Corinthian. G K Hall Audio Books, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoNewhall, Agnes. Corinthian Kerameikos. Gorgias Press, LLC, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoHornblower, Simon. Corinthian War. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Testo completoThe Corinthian. Naperville, Ill: Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoHeyer, Georgette. The Corinthian. Harlequin, 2000.
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