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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Corinthie"


Van der Enden, Mark. "Ian McPhee and Elizabeth G. Pemberton. Late Classical Pottery from Ancient Corinth, Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest. Corinth VII.6. pp. 400, 80 ills, 4- plates, 18 charts. 2012. Princeton NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens." Journal of Greek Archaeology 5 (1 gennaio 2020): 596–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.32028/jga.v5i.457.

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Abstract (sommario):
Volume VII.6, late Classical Pottery from Corinth, is another fine addition to the American School at Athens Corinth Excavation series. McPhee and Pemberton present in this volume the ceramic material (plus other artefacts) associated with Drain 1971-1 excavated in the southwestern area of Corinth’s Roman forum. The material attested in this deposit has been dated to the latter part of the 4th century BC and is expertly presented by the authors. Corinth VII.6, therefore, further enhances our understanding of ceramic developments at Corinth during the late Classical/early Hellenistic period, a timeframe of great geo-political change, not necessarily reflected as McPhee & Pemberton assert in the use of ceramic utensils by Corinth’s inhabitants.
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Kaponis, Antonios S. "Intertemporal Memories of a Shifting Unity". Classica et Mediaevalia, n. 1 (23 maggio 2024): 221–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/classicaetmediaevalia.vi1.145251.

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In ancient Greece, a metropolis and its apoikiai constituted a form of kinship unity. In Thucydides’ view, at least in his era, particular bonds of kinship connected the Corinthian apoikiai on, or in the vicinity of, the Ambracian Gulf with Corinth itself, and literary tradition endowed Ambracia, Leucas and Anactorion with a special cultural unity. Modern research ranging over political institutions, foreign policy, ideology, economic factors, cults, myths, calendar and burial customs has shown that these poleis regarded themselves as members of a Corinthian colonial family. Initially highly dependent on Corinthian policy during the archaic period, by the end of this period the western apoikiai had admittedly begun to diverge from a Corinthian-centred economy and to move away from Corinthian traditions. Internal social diversification also caused these poleis to move away from Corinthian institutions and habits. Nevertheless, despite various political fluctuations, western Corinthian apoikiai remained within the Corinthian sphere of influence and after Timoleon’s campaign they revived old Corinthian traditions and institutions. Indeed, other Greeks of late classical times regarded the citizens of these poleis as if they were indeed Corinthians. The area remained under Corinthian economic influence throughout Hellenistic times and memories of affinities with and ties to Corinth survived in her apoikiai. Lastly, Hellenistic monarchs and even Augustus himself took advantage of the peculiar Corinthian identity of these apoikiai for their own ends.
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Kloppenborg, John S. "Gaius the Roman Guest". New Testament Studies 63, n. 4 (12 settembre 2017): 534–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0028688517000078.

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The usual understanding of Gaius in Rom 16.23 as a ‘host’ of the Corinthian Christ group (or the host of travellers to Corinth) is fraught with several difficulties: it implausibly renders ξένος as ‘host’ rather than the much more common ‘guest’; it fails to explain why a ‘host’ would have been named so far down Paul's list of those sending greetings; and it fails to explain why Paul refers to this person by his praenomen instead of the more common cognomen. Gaius is not a Corinthian ‘host’, but a Roman ‘guest’ of the Christ group in Corinth. This also implies that Gaius is not a wealthy patron of the Christ group at Corinth.
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Sharov, Konstantin. "Gender topic in the Corinthian sermons and epistles of the apostle Paul". ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 14, n. 1 (2020): 267–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.25205/1995-4328-2020-14-1-267-277.

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In the paper, several well-known passages from the Epistles of the Apostle Paul are studied that raise the women’s issue in Corinth and still cause many discrepancies and contradictory assessments from masculine bias and chauvinism in early Christian preaching to St Paul’s personal misogyny. The author shows that these places should be interpreted as a continuation of the Corinthian sermons of the Apostle, deliberately composed by Paul in the context of non-Christian Greco-Roman culture of Corinth revived by Julius Cæsar. At the heart of this Corinthian culture, there was the famous temple of Aphrodite, sacred prostitution and the exquisitely hedonistic hetæras society.
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Hendry, Michael. "Interpolating an isthmus: Juvenal 6.294–7". Classical Quarterly 47, n. 1 (maggio 1997): 323–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cq/47.1.323.

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R. J. Tarrant has remarked that ‘Latin poets from Ovid onward...felt an almost irresistible urge to mention the Isthmus of Corinth wherever possible’,2 and A. E. Housman admitted to a similar, though less urgent, inclination to introduce the city of Corinth into the passage quoted: ‘inter 295 et 296 excidisse uidetur uersus cuius clausula fuerit Corinthus’. Corinth would, of course, be very much at home in this list of depraved and wealthy (or formerly wealthy) Greek cities, and would suitably head the list.
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König, Jason. "Favorinus' Corinthian Oration in its Corinthian context". Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 47 (2001): 141–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0068673500000742.

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At some time in the second quarter of the second century AD, the controversial sophist–philosopher Favorinus seems to have delivered a speech in Corinth, complaining about the removal of a statue which had previously been erected there in his honour. In doing so he was addressing the inhabitants of a city which occupied an unusual – in many ways unique – position between Greek and Roman identity: Corinth had been sacked by Roman forces in 146 BC, and then refounded as a Roman colony more than one hundred years later, and even in the second century AD it was still sometimes represented as a Roman intrusion within the Greek world, even though it had been strongly influenced by the Greek populations surrounding it in the intervening years. My aim in this article is to examine Favorinus' Corinthian Oration in the light of the cultural ambiguities of its setting. Despite increasing interest in Favorinus in recent years, and despite an increasing volume of archaeological evidence for Corinthian life in the second century, there have been very few detailed readings of the speech's complexities, and even fewer which have recognized the way in which it is crucially anchored within its Corinthian context.
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Goodrich, John K. "Erastus of Corinth (Romans 16.23): Responding to Recent Proposals on his Rank, Status, and Faith". New Testament Studies 57, n. 4 (5 settembre 2011): 583–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0028688511000063.

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Studies on Erastus, the Corinthian oikonomos (Rom 16.23), continue to dispute the fundamental make up of his identity, including his administrative rank, socio-economic standing, even his status as a believer. Ultimately seeking to defend the view that Erastus was a Christian who served as a Corinthian municipal quaestor, this article responds separately to two recent essays, replying initially to Weiss' charge that Corinth did not have the municipal quaestorship, then critiquing Friesen's claim that Erastus was an unbelieving public slave.
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Ziskowski, Angela. "Cutting down the tallest ears of grain: archaeological evidence for tyranny and sumptuary law in ‘wealthy’ Corinth". Journal of Greek Archaeology 2 (1 gennaio 2017): 155–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.32028/jga.v2i.577.

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In one of his few references to the city of Ancient Corinth, Homer described it as wealthy, ‘aphneios.’ Yet archaeological investigation has exposed a city lacking great numbers of lavish offerings and monumental temples in the Greek periods. Explanations for this anomaly have included the Mummian destruction of the city in 146 BC, when Roman looting could have removed evidence for wealth, or the argument that the agora of Corinth has yet to be located. In a 1996 article Elizabeth Pemberton argued that the lack of opulent dedications in Corinth was because the early community made the choice to offer only goods made from that which they had. Local resources were primarily limited to wood, clay, and limestone. Since resources for marble, gold, and other metals are lacking in the Corinthia, she proposed that the city chose not to make offerings from such materials.
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MacDonald, Brian R. "The Diolkos." Journal of Hellenic Studies 106 (novembre 1986): 191–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/629658.

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R. M. Cook has recently pointed out that the transport of warships across the Isthmus of Corinth was not the normal use of thediolkossince there was no regular need for such transport. Rather, thediolkosfrom its inception served a commercial function and its use provided the Corinthian state with a source of revenue.
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Klesner, Catherine, Jay A. Stephens, Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez e Pamela B. Vandiver. "Reconstructing the Firing and Pigment Processing Technologies of Corinthian Polychrome Ceramics, 8-6th Centuries B.C.E." MRS Advances 2, n. 35-36 (2017): 1889–909. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/adv.2017.257.

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ABSTRACTDecorative, polychrome ceramics from Corinth, Greece, produced during the 8th-6th centuries B.C.E. were luxury goods widely traded throughout Greece and the Mediterranean. Corinthian pottery is the first 5-color polychrome ceramic technology, having slip-glazes in distinctive white, black, red, yellow, and purple colors, and in a variety of surface finishes from glossy, to semi-matte, to matte. The firing temperature range, 925-1075°C, was determined experimentally to be to be higher than previously reported, similar to the Corinthian amphorae and other ceramic products. This firing range is higher than that of the better known, more prestigious Athenian Black-figure and Red-figure ceramics. In this study three examples of Corinthian and one example of Athenian Black-figure ceramics from the Marie Farnsworth collection at the University of Arizona were tested and compared to thirteen clays from Corinth. Analytical techniques included Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning-electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-Raman spectroscopy, and wavelength-dispersive electron microprobe (EPMA with BSE-SEM).Artisans in Corinthian workshops experimented to change the colors of the slips by varying the type and amount of iron-rich raw material, as well as the composition of the clay used as a binder and the amount of flux used as a sintering aid to promote glass formation. Corinthian artisans developed not only different recipes to produce the various colors, but also they were able to control raw-material particle size and composition to produce variations in surface luster (matte, semi-matte and glossy). This research suggests that Corinthian polychrome-slip technology was based on careful control of particle processing, of compositional control of raw materials and their admixtures, and of firing temperature. The behavior or practice of adding different ratios of pigments and glass-forming fluxes to form various optical effects implies a detailed knowledge of what happens when these are heated and fired. This is a process of experimentation focused on developing a distinctive craft practice, which produced a distinctive and highly valued material. The Corinthians developed a more complex, easily recognizable, and culturally distinctive ceramic technology that was intentionally established as a cultural brand, and probably as a luxury brand of high socio-economic value. This research deepens our understanding of the complex pigment processing and firing technologies employed in the production of Corinthian ceramics.
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Tesi sul tema "Corinthie"


Buisine, Dimitri. "Cultes et sanctuaires en Corinthie". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILH068.

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Depuis Fustel de Coulanges jusqu'à M. H. Hansen, la cité grecque n'a cessé d'interroger les historiens. Dans l'Antiquité, Corinthe était l'une des plus puissantes cités du monde grec. Les études au sujet de la cité corinthienne sont souvent anciennes, en langue anglaise et concernent surtout les périodes les plus anciennes de l'Antiquité. Les sources littéraires permettent de mieux appréhender la richesse et la diversité du panthéon corinthien. Cependant, ces écrits ne suffisent pas et le travail doit s'appuyer sur d'autres « disciplines » : archéologie, épigraphie, numismatique, par exemple. L'analyse conjointe de ces sources permet de brosser un tableau de la vie religieuse corinthienne entre l'époque archaïque et l'époque impériale, de présenter les sanctuaires et temples de la région, de décrire et d'analyser les cultes et rites singuliers exercés en ces lieux
From Fustel de Coulanges to M. H. Hansen, the Greek city has never ceased to intrigue historians. In ancient times, Corinth was one of the most powerful cities in the Greek world. Studies on the Corinthian city are often old, written in English and focused on the oldest periods of ancient times.Literary sources provide a better understanding of the wealth and the diversity of the Corinthian pantheon. However, these writings are not enough and the researches must based on other disciplines ; archeology, epigraphy, numismatic, for instance. A joint analysis of these sources provides an overview of Corinthian religious life between archaic and imperial times, presents the region's shrines and temples, describes and analyses the cults and rituals practiced in these places
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Chang, Steven S. H. "Fund-raising in Corinth : a socio-economic study of the Corinthian church, the collection and 2 Corinthians". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2000. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=220195.

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Paul's collection for the poor in Jerusalem has been neglected in recent New Testament scholarship, and the two monographs by Keith Nickle and Dieter Georgi have largely treated the topic from a historical-critical perspective. The collection however was primarily a socio-economic project. This study seeks to place Paul's collection in its original socio-economic setting, specifically in the Corinthian church of the first century. Part one deals with method, an important and often controversial element in studies of the social world of the New Testament. The first chapter of this section surveys the general debates, problems and theories in social-scientific methods, with especial focus on the use of models. It is concluded that models are both necessary and limited. The second chapter addresses specific issues in socio-economic studies of the New Testament world. A proper understanding of the issues and debates in economic history is critical to the interpretation of economic texts and data, and the proper description of socio-economic structures in the Graeco-Roman world. There are several socio-economic models which could be applied to Roman Corinth of the first century. Part two describes the socio-economic context of Roman Corinth and the Corinthian church from the perspective of economic models. The first chapter of the section suggests that the economy of Roman Corinth was relatively diversified and robust, and that significant numbers of the non-elite had real opportunities to be economically self-sufficient and to be socially mobile. This, it is suggested, is not consistent with the Finleyan model of the economy and the city. Rather Roman Corinth was a commercial city in which economy was primarily based on commerce rather than agriculture. From this picture of economy, the social structure of Roman Corinth was not in fact merely divided between the elite and the non-elite, but rather divided along various gradations, especially within the non-elite. The second chapter evaluates the consensus view that Paul's congregation in Corinth represented a wide cross section of Corinthian society and specifically considers the recent challenge to the consensus view by Justin Meggitt. The early churches have similar social structures with voluntary associations and with Roman households, which suggests that there was considerable internal social disparity. It is concluded that the consensus view remains essentially correct, where some early Christians were relatively higher on the social scale than others. These wealthier Christians held to similar values to the elite of Graeco-Roman society and behaved as the elite would have done in their sphere of influence. Part three looks at the collection project specifically as a means of illuminating the discussion over the social make-up of the Corinthian church, and other early Christian churches, and its role in the conflict in the church and in 2 Corinthians. The first chapter of the section socio-economically locates the communities which participated in the collection, with specific focus on the Corinthian church. The socio-economic approach enhances the understanding of the collection as a means for material relief and the socio-economic location of the Corinthian church as relatively wealthy when compared to the Jerusalem church and the Macedonian churches. 2 Corinthians 8-9 only makes complete sense in light of wealthy Christians who had misconstrued the collection as an act of patronage. The second chapter discusses the collection in the conflict setting reflected in 2 Corinthians and concludes that the collection was the main occasion for 2 Corinthians as a whole. Paul's response entails an alternative economy of God which must overshadow both the real economy of Corinthian church and the competitive economy of Corinthian society.
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Vallet, Xavier. "Recherches sur le commerce corinthien en mer Égée et Méditerranée orientale du IXe siècle au milieu du VIe siècle av. J.-C". Thesis, Paris 10, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA100185/document.

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Le projet de recherche a comme objectif de mieux saisir le commerce corinthien dans le monde grec et méditerranéen oriental en suivant le volume de ses exportations ainsi que les variations régionales et temporelles et en tentant d’en élucider les mécanismes, qu’ils soient d’origine économique, politique ou sociale. Cette étude s’appuie essentiellement sur les céramiques corinthiennes figurées diffusées pendant la plus grande partie de l’époque archaïque, du IXe siècle jusqu’au milieu du VIe siècle avant J.-C. Les céramiques géométriques, non figurées, à vernis noir et les amphores sont également mis à contribution, dans la mesure du possible, pour affiner l’étude, ainsi que les autres produits d’exportation, moins importants sur le plan quantitatif, comme les chevaux de bronze. L’ensemble des exportations est mis en parallèle avec les importations, beaucoup moins nombreuses, afin d’insérer le commerce corinthien dans le cadre plus large des échanges du monde grec et du monde méditerranéen, et de mieux comprendre la nature des relations économiques qui lient Corinthe à chacun de ses partenaires. Une comparaison avec d’autres corpus, plus amples, permet de mettre l’étude en perspective et de confirmer les grands traits de l’évolution du commerce corinthien en Méditerranée orientale. Chaque grande phase de ce commerce (géométrique, protocorinthien, corinthien) est subdivisée en treize périodes, permettant de suivre l’activité économique tout au long de treize générations d’hommes. L’étude par type de forme permet enfin de suivre l’évolution des goûts et des marchés durant toute la période archaïque
The aim of the research project is to better understand Corinthian trade in the Greek and the Eastern Mediterranean world through the analysis of its exports volume and the local and temporal variations while trying at the same time to clarify its economic, political or social mechanisms. This study is mainly based on the figured Corinthian pottery that spread during most of the Archaic Age from the 9th to the 6th century BC. The geometric pottery (non-figured) and the amphora are also used in the analysis as much as possible, to sharpen our study, as well as other exportation products less important in terms of quantities such as bronze horses. The whole of the exports is studied with the imports which were far fewer in order to put the Corinthian trade into the larger setting of the Greek and Mediterranean trade and to have a better understanding of the nature of the economic relations binding Corinth to its trading partners. A comparison with a wider corpus of documents enables us to put the study into perspective and to reinforce the broad features of the Corinthian trade in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Every big stage of this trade (Geometric, Protocorinthian, Corinthian) is subdivided into thirteen periods allowing us to follow the economic activities along thirteen generations of men. Finally, the study of each type of shapes enables us to follow the evolution of tastes and markets during the whole Archaic Age
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Chester, Stephen J. "Conversion at Corinth : an exploration of the understandings of conversion held by the Apostle Paul and the Corinthian Christians". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1999. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/3936/.

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Conversion has been a neglected topic in recent New Testament research. The thesis attempts to end this neglect through the pursuit of two inter-connected aims. They are: (i) to clarify crucial theoretical issues surrounding the study of conversion and converts, so making more accessible to New Testament scholars the insights offered by recent studies of conversion in several different disciplines. (ii) to explore the understanding of conversion held by Paul and the Corinthians, so contributing to our knowledge of each, and allowing the perspectives of an advocate of conversion and those who responded to his advocacy to be compared. The structure of the thesis flows from these aims. Part 1, Studying Conversion and Converts, examines theoretical issues. The nature of conversion is discussed. Is conversion a universal phenomenon or a particular one? Is it essentially an individual phenomenon or a social one? It is concluded that conversion is best approached through particular understandings of it, but that there are some common features across time and across the boundaries of religious traditions. One of the most important of these common features is that conversion involves both a personally acknowledged transformation of the self and a socially recognised display of change. Alongside the need to understand conversion stands the need to understand converts. Recent studies recognise that converts are active in their own transformation, especially in the accounts which they offer of their conversion experience. Taking issue with dominant recent trends, it is concluded that although such conversion accounts develop they do not necessarily distort. The work on conversion of New Testament scholars Gaventa and Segal is briefly reviewed in the light of the preceding theoretical discussions, and some broad questions with which to approach particular understandings of conversion are defined. These concern expectations as to how conversion takes place, and expectations as to its consequences. Anthony Gidden's structuration theory is selected as an appropriate theoretical resource with which to pursue these questions.
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Křížová, Jitka. "Analýza organizační architektury hotelu - Corinthia Towers Hotel". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-2274.

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Práce analyzuje organizační architekturu Corinthia Towers Hotelu. Organizační architekturu dělí na čtyři prvky - účel existence podniku, stavební materiál, styl a nástroje řízení. Každý z těchto prvků je detailně rozebrán a hodnocen ve vztahu k efektivnímu chodu hotelu.
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Beckers, Arnaud. "Late quaternary sedimentation in the western gulf of Corinth : interplay between tectonic deformation, seismicity, and eustatic changes". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAS046/document.

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Le rift de Corinthe, en Grèce, est un jeune rift séparant la Grèce continentale du Péloponnèse. Sa partie la plus active, où la subsidence a été la plus importante durant le Quaternaire récent, a été envahie par la mer Méditerranée et forme le Golfe de Corinthe. Cette région est sujette à de nombreux aléas naturels : fréquents séismes, tsunamis et glissements de terrain côtiers. Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de ces processus à l'extrémité ouest du Golfe, où le l'aléa sismique, en particulier, est le plus élevée. Nous avons investigué les sédiments quaternaires accumulés sous le golfe, par l'acquisition de profils sismiques et de carottes sédimentaires. Premièrement, 22 grands glissements de terrains sous-marins ont été découverts. Leur volume varie entre 106 et 109 m3. Ces glissements eurent lieu durant 6 intervalles de temps, 4 durant l'Holocène et 2 durant le Pléistocène supérieur. Parmi les possibles facteurs ayant favorisé ou déclenché ces glissements, le rôle des apports sédimentaires semble avoir été prépondérant. Ensuite, une carte détaillée des failles en mer a été réalisée. Cette carte met en évidence, pour la première fois, des mouvements décrochants significatifs dans la partie marine du rift. Trois phases sont mises en évidence dans l'évolution tectono-sédimentaire. Durant ces phases, nos interprétations suggèrent une migration vers le nord de la déformation, conduisant à la désactivation progressive de grandes failles normales à pendage sud qui contrôlaient la subsidence durant une première phase du rifting. Par l'étude des carottes sédimentaires, nous avons ensuite recherché dans les sédiments récents des événements sédimentaires ayant été déclenchés par les grands séismes historiques. La meilleure correspondance entre l'âge des événements et l'âge des séismes est observée dans la partie la plus profonde du bassin. Finalement, quatre carottes plus longues ont été prélevées dans cette région et ont révélé une distribution spatiale et temporelle spécifique des glissements sous-marins au cours des derniers 500 à 1000 ans. Cette distribution est interprétée comme résultant principalement de variations dans la fréquence des grands séismes. Ainsi, selon ces nouvelles données, une période de quiescence sismique eut lieu entre ~1740 et ~1890 AD à l'ouest de la zone d'étude alors qu'à l'est, une quiescence sismique aurait eu lieu plus tôt, entre ~1500 et ~1700 AD
The Corinth Rift, in Greece, is a young and active continental rift stretching between Continental Greece and the Peloponnese. The most active part of the rift, where the subsidence has been the highest during the Late Quaternary, has been covered by the sea and forms the Gulf of Corinth. This area is prone to natural hazards, including frequent large earthquakes, tsunamis and coastal landslides. The present thesis is dedicated to the study of these processes at the western tip of the Gulf, where the earthquake hazard, in particular, is considered as very high. We have investigated the Quaternary sediments below the Gulf of Corinth floor, through seismic reflection profiling and gravity coring. First, 22 large mass transport deposits were discovered. Their estimated volumes range from 106 to 109 m3. Large mass wasting events occurred in six stratigraphic intervals, four attributed to the Holocene and two attributed to the Upper Pleistocene. Among possible preconditioning factors and triggers, the likely influence of the sediment supply is highlighted. Then, an accurate map of offshore faults is presented. The map highlights for the first time significant strike-slip component in the offshore Corinth Rift, in addition to the dominant normal strain. Three phases are proposed for the Late Quaternary tectono-sedimentary evolution of the area. During these phases, the strain was suggested to migrate northward, driving the progressive deactivation of the large south-dipping faults that controlled the subsidence in an earlier phase of the rifting. Based on the sediment cores, sedimentary events triggered by large historical earthquakes in the last 3 centuries have been looked for. The best fit between the age of the identified event deposits and large historical earthquakes is observed in the deep basin. Finally, four longer cores retrieved in this area reveal specific spatial and temporal patterns of slope failures for the last 500-1000 yr. Such pattern is interpreted as resulting primarily from changes in the frequency of strong earthquakes. From these data, a period of seismic quiescence may have occurred between ~1740 and ~1890 AD in the west of the study area, while eastward, seismic quiescence would have occurred earlier, between ~1500 and ~1700 AD
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Schenk, Ralf. "Der korinthische Tempel bis zum Ende des Prinzipats des Augustus /". Espelkamp : M. Leidorf, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39275905t.

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Hermant, Brigitte B. "Corinthe au temps des Bakchiades et des Kypselides". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/213383.

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Elias, Panagiotis. "Ground deformation observed in the western Corinth rift (Greece) by means of SAR interferometry". Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2013. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00839348.

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Boiselet, Aurélien. "Cycle sismique et aléa sismique d'un réseau de failles actives : le cas du rift de Corinthe (Grèce)". Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2014. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01456400.

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Libri sul tema "Corinthie"


Heyer, Georgette. The Corinthian. Bath: Paragon, 2012.

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Hinshaw, Victoria. Cordelia's Corinthian. New York: Kensington, 2004.

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J, Kates, a cura di. Corinthian copper. Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan: Marick Press, 2010.

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Hugedé, Norbert. Saint Paul et Corinthe. Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1988.

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Ables, Jesse. Corinth. Charleston, S.C: Arcadia Pub., 2012.

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Amyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

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Amyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

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Amyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

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Amyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

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Amyx, Darrell A. Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Corinthie"


Bowe, G. S. "Corinth". In Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, 261–64. London: Routledge, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315249223-66.

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Newhall, Agnes E. "The Corinthian Kerameikos". In The Corinthian Kerameikos, 1–32. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.31826/9781463221119-001.

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"Corinthie". In Choses vues et entendues par Pausanias, 68–83. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.septentrion.109518.

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Nasrallah, Laura Salah. "On Grief". In Archaeology and the Letters of Paul, 141–78. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199699674.003.0006.

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Abstract (sommario):
Judith Butler and Claudia Rankine investigate grief as political, asking who is grievable. Corinth was characterized as a city of grief because of its destruction by the Roman general Mummius, an even that was also a political grief. This chapter investigates how grief was memorialized in the city. For example, Corinth's Fountain of Glauke recalled Medea’s murder of her children. Evidence from Roman Corinth also indicates higher than average child mortality. These become contexts for understanding a Corinthian practice of baptism on behalf of the dead. Allying with the dead can be a political choice and response to oppressive power. The Corinthian ekklēsia, itself a political term of assembly, may have been transformed from death to life in their new statuses in Christ, and would reasonably have wanted to connect not only with the death of Jesus, but also to bring present transformation to their (many) dead.
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Jeffery, L. H. "North-Western Greece". In The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, 225–34. Oxford University PressOxford, 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198140610.003.0009.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Among these pioneers Corinth was pre-eminent. The little ports of Molykreion, Makynia, and Chalkis were Corinthian settlements;1 and excavations in the precincts of Artemis Laphria at Kalydon and Apollo at Thermon have revealed how strong was the influence of Corinthian painting and plastic art in these parts. There is no doubt that much of Aitolia’s civilization came ultimately from Corinth; but it is important to remember also her close contact with Achaia, especially at the narrows between Rhion and Antirrhion, where traditionally the Herakleidai crossed from Aitolia to the Peloponnese (Paus. v. 3, 5-6), and Achaian Patrai later maintained close links with the Aitolians (Paus. iv. 31. 7; vii. 18. 6 and 20. 6). Lastly, in addition to Corinthian and Achaian, there are traces of Sikyonian interests also; the Sikyonian sculptors Dipoinos and Skyllis settled there (Pliny, NH xxxvi. 4), and one of the suitors of Agariste of Sikyon was Males of Aitolia (Hdt. vi. 127).
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Legon, Ronald p. "Megaris, Corinthia And Sikyonia". In An Inventory Of Archaic And Classical Poleis, 462–71. Oxford University PressOxford, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198140993.003.0038.

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Abstract Megaris, Corinthia and Sikyonia constitute the Isthmus of Corinth and the territory immediately south of the Isthmus in the north-eastern Peloponnese. See Maps 57–58. This region has no specific identity in Greek nomenclature. It is set off from the territory of Attika and Boiotia by the mountains of Kithairon, Pateras and Kerata, but, despite these physical barriers, the Athenians regarded Megaris as originally part of Attika (Strabo 8.1.5–7). The region was conquered and settled by the Dorian Greeks between C11 and C9.
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"Corinthia". In Women and the Polis, 241–46. De Gruyter, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110644289-008.

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Tupamahu, Ekaputra. "Introduction: When Language Becomes a Site of Struggle". In Contesting Languages, 1–11. Oxford University PressNew York, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197581124.003.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract This introduction section does the following three things. First, it begins with a reflection on Euripides’s Medea that provides a hint that Corinth was an immigrant city in the ancient world. Medea’s is the story of undocumented, unwanted, and rejected immigrants. Medea recounts the troubles, despair, anguish, and sorrow of immigrants. Second, it discusses Jonathan Z. Smith’s work on the miscommunication between Paul and the Corinthians, particularly highlighting his argument that tongue(s) is the native languages spoken by the second generation of immigrants in Corinth. Smith’s suspicion that the Corinthian tongue(s) are the mother tongues or native languages of the immigrants is precisely an idea that will be advanced throughout this book. Third, it briefly discusses the content of each chapter and the overall goal of the book.
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Houppermans, Sjef. "Corinthe". In Alain Robbe-Grillet autobiographe, 53–58. BRILL, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/9789004647817_014.

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Jillions, John A. "The Archeology of Divine Guidance in Corinth". In Divine Guidance, 31–45. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190055738.003.0003.

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This chapter looks at some of the archeological discoveries in Corinth that reflect popular attitudes toward the gods, religious experience, and divine guidance. The most prominent was the healing cult centered in the Temple of Asklepios, where interpretation of dreams was a key feature. Other sites and household shrines would have brought to mind Fortuna, family ancestors, the oracle of Delphi, and mythical stories of divine intervention with a Corinthian slant (Venus, Medea, Glauce, Bellerophon, Sisyphus, Dionysus). But for an alternative point of view, there was the tomb of Diogenes the Cynic (fourth century BCE), who settled in Corinth “to be where fools were thickest.” He was highly critical of superstitious piety and advised instead to follow the inscription at Delphi, “Know Thyself.” He concluded that oracles are deceptive not because the gods are deceitful but because human beings are incapable of properly understanding the gods.
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Atti di convegni sul tema "Corinthie"


Yaragunda, Vishnuvardhan Reddy, e Emmanouil Oikonomou. "Monitoring the Los (Line of Sight) Deformation of the Corinth Canal, Greece Using SBAS and GNSS Techniques". In IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 11056–61. IEEE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/igarss53475.2024.10642704.

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Moretti, I., J. P. Delhomme, F. Cornet e P. Bernard. "The Corinth Rift Laboratory". In 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.15.n-23.

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Haugan, H., e C. Townsend. "Transverse Faults in the Corinth Rift System, Greece". In 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201901091.

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Viegnes, Michel. "« Postérités de ‘La Fiancée de Corinthe’ (‘Die Braut von Korinth’) : Goethe et l’imaginaire de la morte amoureuse". In Goethe, le mythe et la science. Regards croisés dans les littératures européennes. Fabula, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.58282/colloques.6192.

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Moretti, I., D. Sakellariou, V. Lykousis e L. Micarelli. "The Gulf of Corinth – a Half Graben or an Asymmetric Rift?" In 1st EAGE North African/Mediterranean Petroleum & Geosciences Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.8.p014.

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Vaiciulyte, L., e C. Townsend. "Structural Analysis of Half-Graben Growth Geometries, Gulf of Corinth, Greece". In 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201901090.

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Mrlina, J. "Do Active Transverse Faults Exist on the Southern Coast of Corinth Rift?" In Near Surface Geoscience 2014 - 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20142030.

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Bassukas, Dimitris. "SEDIMENTOLOGICAL AND GEOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF VOULIAGMENI LAKE SEDIMENTS, PERACHORA PENINSULA, CORINTH, GREECE". In 19th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference EXPO Proceedings. STEF92 Technology, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5593/sgem2019/1.1/s01.062.

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Mrlina, J. "Complex Gravimetric Investigation of Active Faults around Aigion, Gulf of Corinth, Greece". In 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609-pdb.3.p107.

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Athanasoulis, Demetrios, Antonios Georgiou, Xeni Simou, Anna Sfika, Vasiliki Klotsa, Theodora Zirogianni, Chrysostomos Theodoropoulos e Eleni-Olga Deligianni. "Bridging monuments through digital repository and graphic reconstruction methodologies the Digital Enhancement project of Argolid, Arcadia and Corinthia castles, Greece". In 2015 Digital Heritage. IEEE, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/digitalheritage.2015.7413846.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Corinthie"


Enscore, Susan, Ellen Hartman e Adam Smith. Historic landscape inventory for Corinth National Cemetery. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), gennaio 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/31146.

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