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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Conductances"


Pospischil, Martin, Zuzanna Piwkowska, Michelle Rudolph, Thierry Bal e Alain Destexhe. "Calculating Event-Triggered Average Synaptic Conductances From the Membrane Potential". Journal of Neurophysiology 97, n. 3 (marzo 2007): 2544–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/jn.01000.2006.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The optimal patterns of synaptic conductances for spike generation in central neurons is a subject of considerable interest. Ideally such conductance time courses should be extracted from membrane potential ( Vm) activity, but this is difficult because the nonlinear contribution of conductances to the Vm renders their estimation from the membrane equation extremely sensitive. We outline here a solution to this problem based on a discretization of the time axis. This procedure can extract the time course of excitatory and inhibitory conductances solely from the analysis of Vm activity. We test this method by calculating spike-triggered averages of synaptic conductances using numerical simulations of the integrate-and-fire model subject to colored conductance noise. The procedure was also tested successfully in biological cortical neurons using conductance noise injected with dynamic clamp. This method should allow the extraction of synaptic conductances from Vm recordings in vivo.
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Frolov, Roman, Esa-Ville Immonen e Matti Weckström. "Visual ecology and potassium conductances of insect photoreceptors". Journal of Neurophysiology 115, n. 4 (1 aprile 2016): 2147–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/jn.00795.2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Voltage-activated potassium channels (Kv channels) in the microvillar photoreceptors of arthropods are responsible for repolarization and regulation of photoreceptor signaling bandwidth. On the basis of analyzing Kv channels in dipteran flies, it was suggested that diurnal, rapidly flying insects predominantly express sustained K+ conductances, whereas crepuscular and nocturnally active animals exhibit strongly inactivating Kv conductances. The latter was suggested to function for minimizing cellular energy consumption. In this study we further explore the evolutionary adaptations of the photoreceptor channelome to visual ecology and behavior by comparing K+ conductances in 15 phylogenetically diverse insects, using patch-clamp recordings from dissociated ommatidia. We show that rapid diurnal flyers such as the blowfly ( Calliphora vicina) and the honeybee ( Apis mellifera) express relatively large noninactivating Kv conductances, conforming to the earlier hypothesis in Diptera. Nocturnal and/or slow-moving species do not in general exhibit stronger Kv conductance inactivation in the physiological membrane voltage range, but the photoreceptors in species that are known to rely more on vision behaviorally had higher densities of sustained Kv conductances than photoreceptors of less visually guided species. No statistically significant trends related to visual performance could be identified for the rapidly inactivating Kv conductances. Counterintuitively, strong negative correlations were observed between photoreceptor capacitance and specific membrane conductance for both sustained and inactivating fractions of Kv conductance, suggesting insignificant evolutionary pressure to offset negative effects of high capacitance on membrane filtering with increased conductance.
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Apelblat, Alexander, e Josef Barthel. "Conductance Studies of Aqueous Succinic Acid". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 47, n. 3 (1 marzo 1992): 493–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/zna-1992-0309.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Conductance measurements of aqueous solutions of succinic acid and of di-sodium succinate were performed from 278.15 to 308.15 K and the limiting conductances λ0 (1/2 Succ2- ) are reported. The Waiden product is independent of temperature: λ0(1/2 Succ2-)*η(T) = 0.503 ± 0.001. The salt conductances closely obey the Onsager limiting law. The evaluation of the equilibrium constants for the primary and secondary steps of dissociation, K1 and K2, and the limiting conductances of the hydrosuccinate ion, λ0(HSucc-), are discussed using the Quint and Viallard conductance equation
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Melikyan, G. B., W. D. Niles, V. A. Ratinov, M. Karhanek, J. Zimmerberg e F. S. Cohen. "Comparison of transient and successful fusion pores connecting influenza hemagglutinin expressing cells to planar membranes." Journal of General Physiology 106, n. 5 (1 novembre 1995): 803–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1085/jgp.106.5.803.

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Abstract (sommario):
Time-resolved admittance measurements were used to investigate the evolution of fusion pores formed between cells expressing influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and planar bilayer membranes. The majority of fusion pores opened in a stepwise fashion to semistable conductance levels of several nS. About 20% of the pores had measurable rise times to nS conductances; some of these opened to conductances of approximately 500 pS where they briefly lingered before opening further to semistable conductances. The fall times of closing were statistically similar to the rise times of opening. All fusion pores exhibited semistable values of conductance, varying from approximately 2-20 nS; they would then either close or fully open to conductances on the order of 1 microS. The majority of pores closed; approximately 10% fully opened. Once within the semistable stage, all fusion pores, even those that eventually closed, tended to grow. Statistically, however, before closing, transient fusion pores ceased to grow and reversed their conductance pattern: conductances decreased with a measurable time course until a final drop to closure. In contrast, pore enlargement to the fully open state tended to occur from the largest conductance values attained during a pore's semistable stage. This final enlargement was characterized by a stepwise increase in conductance. The density of HA on the cell surface did not strongly affect pore dynamics. But increased proteolytic treatment of cell surfaces did lead to faster growth within the semistable range. Transient pores and pores that fully opened had indistinguishable initial conductances and statistically identical time courses of early growth, suggesting they were the same upon formation. We suggest that transient and fully open pores evolved from common structures with stochastic factors determining their fate.
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Carter, Gregory A., e Alan H. Teramura. "Nonsummer stomatal conductance for the invasive vines kudzu and Japanese honeysuckle". Canadian Journal of Botany 66, n. 12 (1 dicembre 1988): 2392–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/b88-325.

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Abstract (sommario):
A field study was conducted in Maryland to estimate nonsummer stomatal conductances on clear days for two invasive woody vine species common to the southeastern United States. Before the first frost in late October, stomatal conductances were similar for kudzu (Pueraria lobata) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). When minimum predawn air temperature fell to −0.6 °C, kudzu leaves were irreversibly damaged, whereas maximum daily conductance in honeysuckle was unaffected. Maximum conductances in honeysuckle increased to 14 mm s−1 in late November and mid-December, similar to late-spring and summer values. When minimum air temperatures decreased to −2.8 °C in January, conductance still remained above 5 mm s−1. Maximum daily conductance was lowest in early March, corresponding with low leaf temperatures. By mid-April, maximum conductance increased to 10 mm s−1. Conductances suggested that rates of leaf gas exchange in honeysuckle during fall, winter, and spring were relatively high. Carbon gain during this period might thus contribute substantially to the invasive growth characteristic of the species.
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Calkin, Howard W., Arthur C. Gibson e Park S. Nobel. "Xylem water potentials and hydraulic conductances in eight species of ferns". Canadian Journal of Botany 63, n. 3 (1 marzo 1985): 632–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/b85-079.

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Abstract (sommario):
Water potentials, flow rates, and anatomy of xylary elements were studied in eight species of ferns to assess the physical constraints that xylem structure presents to water flow. Comparisons were made among ferns of different leaf morphology as well as between a fern with vessels and ferns with tracheids only. Hydraulic conductance was measured by forcing a solution through excised plant segments. These hydraulic conductances were in close agreement with conductances calculated from water potential gradients and flows measured in intact plants. In three species, backflushing excised segments by forcing a basipetal flow increased subsequently measured conductances two- to six-fold, indicating that the xylem of these three species was partially blocked in intact plants. Hagen–Poiseuille estimates of conductance based on xylary element diameters were 1.8–2.7 times the conductances measured for excised segments. Hydraulic conductances of tracheids and vessels of ferns thus deviate from those of ideal capillaries of similar diameter to about the same extent as has been reported for tracheids in conifers and for vessels in dicotyledons.
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Nakahari, T., e Y. Marunaka. "ADH-evoked [Cl-]i-dependent transient in whole cell current of distal nephron cell line A6". American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 268, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1995): F64—F72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajprenal.1995.268.1.f64.

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Abstract (sommario):
The effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on a distal nephron cell line (A6) was studied using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. A6 cells were cultured on a permeable support filter for 10-14 days in media containing 10% fetal bovine serum without supplemental aldosterone. In the unstimulated condition A6 cells had very small conductances of Na+,K+, and Cl-. Arginine vasotocin (AVT, 140 mU/ml, 280 nM) evoked a "transient" increase in whole cell currents as did dibutyryl-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (5 mM). These transients consisted of two components; one was the nonselective cation conductance, and the other was the Cl- conductance. Activation of these conductances was dependent on intracellular Cl- concentration ([Cl-]i). At low [Cl-]i (< or = 50 mM) both conductances were activated, whereas when [Cl-]i was 80 mM, only the Cl- conductance was activated. At high [Cl-]i (125 mM), both conductances were inhibited. It seems likely that the [Cl-]i maintained at a low level (< or = 50 mM) is an important requirement for A6 cells to respond to AVT.
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Moore, L. K., E. C. Beyer e J. M. Burt. "Characterization of gap junction channels in A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells". American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 260, n. 5 (1 maggio 1991): C975—C981. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajpcell.1991.260.5.c975.

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Abstract (sommario):
Recent evidence suggest that coordination of blood flow in the microcirculation involves cell-to-cell coupling via gap junctions. In this study, using A7r5 cells as a model of vascular smooth muscle, we have characterized the gap junctions in terms of the unitary conductances of the observed channels, the responses to second messengers, and subunit protein composition. The cells were typically well coupled several hours after plating, with junctional conductances on the order 20-40 nS. Channels with mean conductances of 36 and 89 pS were observed in low-conductance cell pairs and in cell pairs whose macroscopic conductance was reduced by exposure to halothane. Connexin43 was the only known gap junction sequence detected by Northern blots (low and high stringency), immunoblots, or immunohistochemical studies. Junctional conductance was reduced 15% by 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate; 8-bromoguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate had no effect. The results suggest that connexin43 can form stable channels of at least two distinct conductances and gap junctions with differing responses to second messengers.
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Senior, A., M. J. Kosch e F. Honary. "Comparison of methods to determine auroral ionospheric conductances using ground-based optical and riometer data". Annales Geophysicae 26, n. 12 (2 dicembre 2008): 3831–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/angeo-26-3831-2008.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract. Ground-based images of auroral optical emissions and cosmic radio noise absorption provide information on particle precipitation which enhances ionospheric conductances. Knowledge of this conductance field is important to understand the current systems associated with auroral features. Three methods of using ground-based optical and riometer data to estimate ionospheric conductances in the aurora are compared to conductances derived from incoherent scatter radar measurements. It is shown that a method using the 557.7 nm emission intensity alone gives the best results for the Pedersen conductance whilst a method using both this intensity and cosmic noise absorption is best for the Hall conductance. A method using cosmic noise absorption alone gives reasonable performance for the Hall conductance and the Hall/Pedersen conductance ratio, but performs poorly for the Pedersen conductance. It also appears to underestimate the Hall conductance significantly during times when softer precipitation is present, for example in discrete auroral arcs. There is some indication that the methods do not degrade noticeably for angles up to ~20° off magnetic zenith.
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Abbott, L. F., e Gwendal LeMasson. "Analysis of Neuron Models with Dynamically Regulated Conductances". Neural Computation 5, n. 6 (novembre 1993): 823–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/neco.1993.5.6.823.

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Abstract (sommario):
We analyze neuron models in which the maximal conductances of membrane currents are slowly varying dynamic variables regulated by the intracellular calcium concentration. These models allow us to study possible activity-dependent effects arising from processes that maintain and modify membrane channels in real neurons. Regulated model neurons maintain a constant average level of activity over a wide range of conditions by appropriately adjusting their conductances. The intracellular calcium concentration acts as a feedback element linking maximal conductances to electrical activity. The resulting plasticity of intrinsic characteristics has important implications for network behavior. We first study a simple two-conductance model, then introduce techniques that allow us to analyze dynamic regulation with an arbitrary number of conductances, and finally illustrate this method by studying a seven-conductance model. We conclude with an analysis of spontaneous differentiation of identical model neurons in a two-cell network.
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Tesi sul tema "Conductances"


Boukhadra, Omar. "Marches Aléatoires avec Conductances Aléatoires". Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00523660.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude d'une classe importante de marches aléatoires en milieu aléatoire, appelée marches aléatoires avec conductances aléatoires. Nous présentons trois principaux résultats montrant des comportements opposés, irrégulier et standard du noyau de la chaleur des marches aléatoires avec conductances aléatoires à queue polynômiale. Les deux premiers (cf. Chapitre 2) portent sur les marches aléatoires simples dans $\Z^d, d>1$, gouvernées par une famille de conductances aléatoires i.i.d. à valeurs dans l'intervalle $[0,1]$, avec une queue polynomiale d'exposant $\gamma$ au voisinage de $0$. Nous montrons en premier lieu pour toute dimension supérieure à $4$ que la probabilité de retour après $2n$ sauts décroit de façon irrégulière en ce sens qu'elle admet une borne inférieure que l'on peut rendre, à un terme sous-polynomial près, aussi proche que l'on veut de $1/n^{2}$ en laissant le paramètre $\gamma$ tendre vers $0$. En considérant le même modèle et à l'opposé du premier résultat, nous montrons en second lieu pour toute dimension $d$ supérieure à $2$ que le noyau de la chaleur de la marche aléatoire admet une borne supérieure que l'on peut rendre, à un terme sous-polynomial près, aussi proche que l'on veut de la borne standard $1/n^{d/2}$ en laissant le paramètre $\gamma$ tendre vers l'infini. Nous considérons dans le troisième résultat (cf. Chapitre 3) les mêmes chaînes de Markov mais en temps continu et étudions la décroissance de la probabilité de retour asymptotique. Nous prouvons pour tout $\gamma> d/2$ que la dimension spectrale est standard, i.e. égale à $d$. Une conséquence prévisible de ce résultat est que ceci reste tout aussi vrai en temps discret.
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McAlroy, Helen L. "Chloride conductances in pancreatic duct cells". Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.307823.

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Stumpff, Friederike [Verfasser]. "Ionic conductances of the ruminal epithelium / Friederike Stumpff". Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1025355377/34.

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Rzigui, Touhami. "Analyse de la réponse d’un mutant mitochondrial de Nicotiana sylvestris au manque d’eau". Thesis, Paris 11, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA112144/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Pour étudier le rôle de la mitochondrie dans la tolérance à la sécheresse, la réponse à la contrainte hydrique a été comparée entre une lignée sauvage (WT) et un mutant CMSII (Cytoplasmic Male Sterile) de Nicotiana sylvestris. Chez le mutant CMSII, le complexe I mitochondrial est absent et la respiration est assurée par les NAD(P)H déshydrogénases alternes et elle est maintenue à un niveau supérieur de l’ordre de 20 à 30% à celui du WT. La différence observée entre les plantes WT et CMSII met en jeu non seulement le fonctionnement mitochondrial, mais également le fonctionnement des chloroplastes. En effet, l’activité photosynthétique du mutant est plus faible que celui du WT et elle est corrélée avec une plus faible conductance stomatique (gs) et mésophyllienne (gm).Après l’arrêt de l’arrosage, on observe que le contenu relatif en eau (RWC) diminue plus lentement chez les feuilles du CMSII. Ceci n’était pas le résultat d’une plus petite surface de transpiration ou d’une masse racinaire d’absorption plus élevé puisque le rapport partie aérienne/racine et la surface foliaire totale ont été similaires au début de l’expérience chez les deux génotypes. De plus la mutation n’a pas induit des changements au niveau des paramètres hydriques (P0, PTLP, RWCTLP) ni au niveau de la densité stomatique. La tolérance des plantes CMSII a été le plus probablement la conséquence de sa plus faible transpiration en conditions bien hydratées et aux premiers jours de déshydratation et non pas d’une meilleure efficacité d’absorption de l’eau puisque le contenu en eau du sol reste plus élevé chez CMSII après l’arrêt de l’arrosage. La plus faible conductance stomatique chez le CMSII bien hydraté a été expliquée par sa plus faible conductance hydraulique. De plus, contrairement au WT, le niveau des acides aminés totaux diminue au cours de la déshydratation lorsque le contenu en protéines solubles augmente chez les feuilles du CMSII, suggérant une accélération de la remobilisation des acides aminés. D’autre part, il a été aussi montré que le mutant CMSII est capable de s’acclimater mieux à la sécheresse que le WT lorsqu’ils ont été maintenus à un RWC de 80 % sur plusieurs jours. Sous ces conditions, la photosynthèse reste plus élevée chez le mutant que chez le WT. Cette meilleure acclimatation corrèle avec une plus forte photorespiration du CMSII sous conditions bien hydratées et sous conditions d’acclimatation. La photorespiration chez CMSII et le WT a été estimée par le transport électronique dévolu à l’oxygénation de RuBP et en plus par l’accumulation des métabolites impliqués dans la photorespiration. D’une part, l’acclimatation à la sécheresse diminue gm plus fortement chez le WT que chez le CMSII. D’autre part, le WT accumule la glycine ce qui laisse supposer que le glycine décarboxylase mitochondrial est plus affectée chez le WT que chez le CMS et inhibe ainsi la photorespiration. En effet, cette plus faible photorespiration chez le WT affecte les réactions primaires de la photosynthèse par une accumulation d’un gradient de protons estimé par le quenching non-photochimique (NPQ) de la fluorescence chlorophyllienne ce qui induit une diminution du transport électronique des réactions primaires de la photosynthèse
To investigate the role of mitochondria in drought stress, the response to water deprivation was compared between Nicotiana sylvestris wild type (WT) plants and the CMSII respiratory complex I mutant. In CMSII, alternative NAD(P)H-dehydrogenases bypassing complex 1 allow respiration.. The difference of mitochondrial function between WT and CMSII plants affect also photosynthesis. The CMSII has lower photosynthetic actitvity than the WT and lower stomatal (gs) and internal (gm) conductances to CO2. When watering of plants with similar leaf surface and similar shoot/root ratio was stopped the relative water content (RWC) declined faster in WT as compared to CMSII leaves. Furthermore, CMSII and WT leaves had the same osmotic potential at leaf saturation (P0) and at leaf turgor lost pressure (PTLP) and the same stomatal density. The slower decline of RWC in CMSII, compared to WT leaves, was most likely the consequence of the lower stomatal conductance (gs) under well-watered conditions and during the first days after withholding watering, The lower stomatal conductance of well-watered CMSII leaves correlated with a lower hydraulic conductance of leaves. Remarkably, total free amino acid levels declined and total soluble protein content increased in CMSII leaves, while the opposite was observed in WT leaves. This suggests protein synthesis in CMSII but protein degradation in WT leaves during drought stress. We also show that CMSII leaves better acclimate to drought stress than the WT leaves. After several days at 80 % RWC , photosynthesis is higher in the mutant than in WT. As compared to the WT, the mutant shows higher rates of photorespiration before and after acclimation to drought.The strong accumulation of glycine in the WT suggests that photorespiration may be limited at the level of glycine decarboxylase. In addition, after acclimation to drought gm declined markedly in WT but not in CMSII leaves, thus further limiting CO2 supply for photosynthesis in the WT. The resulting lower photosynthesis and photorespiration in WT leaves affect also the primary reaction of photosynthesis by increasing the non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (NPQ) and decreasing linear electron transport
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Deroubaix, Édith. "Conductances ioniques modulant le plateau du potentiel d'action cardiaque". Paris 11, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA112132.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les travaux présentés concernent l'étude de plusieurs mécanismes intervenant dans le contrôle de l'amplitude, de la durée et du décours du plateau du potentiel d'action cardiaque. La première partie montre qu'une composante durable du courant sodique sensible à la tétrodotoxine, participe au maintien du plateau du potentiel d'action dans certains tissus et en particulier dans le tissu conducteur. La seconde partie, porte sur les mécanismes ioniques responsables de la genèse des anomalies de la phase terminale du plateau (post-dépolarisations précoces, susceptibles de déclencher des réexcitations et donc des troubles du rythme) et montre le rôle joué, dans ces anomalies, par une diminution de la conductance potassique de base et par le courant sodique dit de « fenêtre ». La troisième partie démontre l’existence, dans les cellules atriales humaines isolées, de deux composantes de courant transitoire sortant, responsables de la phase de repolarisation initiale et de la faible amplitude du plateau qui caractérise les potentiels d'action de ce tissu chez l'homme l'adulte. La dernière partie du travail concerne l'étude du courant potassique inhibé par l'ATP intracellulaire et son activation sous l'action d'un nouveau type de substances pharmacologiques. Ces activateurs potassiques sont capables de lever l'inhibition exercée dans les conditions normales par l'ATP présent dans les cellules et entrainent, de ce fait, un raccourcissement marqué du plateau du potentiel d'action. Le rôle de ces différents mécanismes dans le contrôle de l'activité électrique cardiaque est discuté
Results described in the present work concern different mechanisms which control the amplitude, the duration and the shape of the cardiac action potential plateau. In the first part it is shown that a long-lasting tetrodotoxin-sensitive component of sodium current participates in the Purkinje fiber action potential plateau. The second part concerns the ionic mechanisms responsible for the development of early after depolarizations which are thought to trigger reexcitations and some types of arrhythmias. The role of the sodium "window" current and of a decrease in the background potassium current is stressed. The third part demonstrates the existence of two components of transient outward current in adult human atrial myocytes. These currents are responsible for the fast initial repolarization phase and the low amplitude plateau of the adult human atrial action potential. The last part concerns the ATP-regulated potassium channels and their activation by a new "potassium channel opener". This substance which is able to counteract the inhibition induced by intracellular ATP dramatically shortens the action potential plateau. The role of these different mechanisms in the modulation of cardiac electrical activity is discussed
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Spruce, Austen Edwin. "Potassium conductances of skeletal muscle investigated using single channel recording". Thesis, University of Leicester, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/33614.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis describes studies of unitary currents flowing through two different potassium (K) channels present in sarcolemmal vesicles of the frog, Rana temporaria. The ATP-regulated K-channel is described first and the results are divided into three parts. Firstly, ATP applied to the cytoplasmic face of a membrane patch closes the channels in a dose-dependent fashion. Different nucleotides and other metabolic substances are used in order to find chemicals which can substitute for ATP or which regulate its effect. Secondly, the permeability properties of the channel are described. Ion flux is non-independent. Rubidium (Rb) is permeant, and anomalous mole-fraction behaviour is demonstrated in mixtures of K+and Rb+. The final part investigates the kinetic properties of the channel. Both voltage and ATP affect the rate constants regulating transitions between closed and open states of the channel. In particular, ATP causes the channel to occupy a very long-lived closed state. Block of the channel by tetraethylammonium (TEA) ions applied to either membrane surface is described as well. Block by external TEA+ is very fast and it is suggested that the channel cannot close when blocked. The block by internal TEA+ is slower and some evidence of voltage dependency is seen. The delayed rectifier K-channel is investigated. The first of two parts describes Rb+ permeability of the channel and its effect on open and closed times. The Hodgkin-Huxley model of the channel is questioned by the very different times of occupancy of closed states and differing voltage dependencies of the steps leading to opening of the channel. The second part describes block of the channel by externally applied TEA+ and the blocking reaction is shown to be very fast and voltage dependent.
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Pilsudski, Richard. "Contribution à l'étude des conductances potassiques de la membrane cardiaque". Lyon 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989LYO10137.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les canaux potassiques participent au controle du potentiel d'action membranaire et de l'excitabilite de la cellule musculaire cardiaque. Afin de mieux comprendre les mecanismes de la regulation de ces canaux nous avons realise des experiences de patch-clamp dans la configuration cellule entiere sur des cellules isolees d'oreillette et de ventricule de grenouille. Nous avons montre que l'application d'acetylcholine (ach) sur la face externe de la membrane plasmique ou l'application de gtp gamma s sur la face interne de cette membrane induisent l'activation d'un courant potassique i#k#(#a#c#h#) qui pourrait etre different du courant potassique de repos i#k#1. L'application d'adenosine n'entraine aucune modification des conductances potassiques. Sur les cellules cardiaques un courant potassique i#k(atp) s'active lorsque le contenu en adenosine triphosphate est faible. Nous avons montre que nous pouvions activer un courant semblable sur les cellules auriculaires de grenouille par dialyse avec un milieu intracellulaire contenant 40 m de guanosine diphosphate ou par perfusion par un milieu extra-cellulaire exempt de substrats energetiques tels que le glucose. Ce courant i#k#(#a#t#p) peut aussi etre active sur notre preparation par l'application externe de cromakalim. Cette activation a lieu malgre une forte teneur en atp intracellulaire. Nos differents resultats indiquent que la cellule musculaire isolee de cur de grenouille est un outil ideal d'etude des conductances potassiques cardiaques et de leur modes multiples de regulation
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MacKenzie, Georgina Louise. "Control of membrane excitability by potassium and chloride leak conductances". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/7038.

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Abstract (sommario):
The permeability of the neuronal membrane to different ions determines both resting membrane potential (RMP) and input conductance. These parameters determine the cells response to synaptic input. In this thesis I have examined how the molecular properties of potassium and chloride ion channels can influence neuronal excitability in ways that have not previously been considered. For example, two‐pore domain potassium (K2P) channels open at rest to generate a persistent potassium ion efflux. In addition to its accepted role in setting the RMP, I have tested the hypothesis that this conductance is sufficient to repolarise the membrane during an action potential (AP) in the absence of voltage‐dependent potassium channels (Kv). We tested this prediction using heterologous expression of TASK3 or TREK1 K2P channels combined with conductance injection to simulate the presence of a voltage‐gated sodium conductance. These experiments demonstrated that K2P channels are sufficient to support APs during short and prolonged depolarising current pulses. The membranes permeability to chloride ions can also be affected by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors containing the delta subunit (δ‐GABAARs) that produce a tonic conductance due to their high apparent affinity for GABA. The anaesthetics Propofol and THIP are both believed to alter neuronal excitability by enhancing this persistent chloride flux. We have examined how this anaesthetic action is affected by the steady‐state ambient GABA concentrations that are believed to exist in vivo. Surprisingly, the anaesthetic enhancement of δ‐GABAARs is lost at low ambient GABA concentrations. Therefore, I would suggest that the anaesthetic potency of these drugs is affected by the resting ambient GABA concentration in a manner that has not previously been appreciated. In the current Thesis I have examined the molecular and pharmacological properties of two very different ion channel families that both generate a leak conductance, and I will present models that link the behaviour of these ion channels to their ability to modulate neuronal excitability.
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Ghamari, Langroudi Masoud. "Analysis of caesium sensitive membrane conductances in neurones of supraoptic nucleus". Thesis, McGill University, 2001. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=37893.

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Abstract (sommario):
The release of vasopressin and oxytocin from the nerve terminals of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) is optimised by increases in firing frequency and the adoption of a phasic pattern of firing in the soma. The temporal summation of post-spike depolarising afterpotentials (DAPs) of consecutive action potentials has been proposed to contribute to the generation of phasic firing. There has not been, however, any experimental evidence to support this hypothesis. In this study, a direct blocker of the DAP is introduced as being Cs +. Using this blocker, it is shown that the DAP plays an important role in the generation of phasic firing. Furthermore, these experiments reveal that external Cs+ causes depolarisation of MNCs when the membrane potential is held between action potential threshold and near -80 mV. External Cs+, however, is also known as a classical blocker of the hyperpolarisation activated inward current (IH). If I H is present in rat MNCs, the blockade of the IH by external Cs+ should lead to hyperpolarisation rather than the observed depolarisation. Using a recently introduced blocker of IH, ZD 7288, I show that IH is indeed expressed in rat MNCs, and that it also plays an important role in excitability and phasic firing of these cells. Finally, the ionic basis for the depolarising effects of external Cs + in rat MNCs is investigated. It is concluded in that extracellular Cs+ blocks both IH and a leakage K+ current that contributes significantly to the resting potential.
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Mathews, Ceri James. "Ionic conductances in epithelial cells from human vas deferens and epididymis". Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.331986.

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Libri sul tema "Conductances"


Madhusudana, C. V. Thermal contact conductance. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

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Madhusudana, C. V. Thermal Contact Conductance. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-3978-9.

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Madhusudana, Chakravarti V. Thermal Contact Conductance. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01276-6.

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Salerno, Louis J. Thermal contact conductance. Moffett Field, Calif: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, 1997.

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Schäffer, Tilman E., a cura di. Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14443-1.

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Dell, Emma Jane. Single Molecule Conductance of Oligothiophene Derivatives. [New York, N.Y.?]: [publisher not identified], 2015.

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Kirk, Kevin L. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. Georgetown, Tex: Landes Bioscience / Eurekah.com, 2003.

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Kirk, Kevin L. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. Georgetown, TX: Landes Bioscience : Eurekah.com, 2004.

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Kamenetska, Maria. Single Molecule Junction Conductance and Binding Geometry. [New York, N.Y.?]: [publisher not identified], 2012.

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Moyer, R. G. Reduction of pressure-tube/calandria-tube contact conductance. Pinawa, Man: Whiteshell Laboratories, 1992.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Conductances"


Krasznai, Zoltan, Adam F. Weidema, Rezsö Gáspár, György Panyi e Dirk L. Ypey. "Ionic Conductances in Chicken Osteoclasts". In Signal Transduction — Single Cell Techniques, 236–45. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-80368-0_18.

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Campbell, Gaylon S., e John M. Norman. "Conductances for Heat and Mass Transfer". In An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics, 87–111. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-1626-1_7.

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Abbott, L. F., M. Siegel e E. Marder. "Activity-Dependent Distributions of Neuronal Conductances". In Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems, 47–52. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-2714-5_8.

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Liu, Zheng, Mike Casey, Eve Marder e L. F. Abbott. "Neurons and Networks with Activity-Dependent Conductances". In Computational Neuroscience, 723–28. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4757-9800-5_112.

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Pichon, Y., Y. Larmet, B. N. Christensen, T. Shimahara e D. Beadle. "Voltage Dependent Conductances in Cultured Cockroach Neurones". In Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology · 1986, 383–86. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-4832-3_57.

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Holze, Rudolf. "Ionic conductances of acetone nonaqueous electrolyte solution". In Electrochemistry, 2127. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49251-2_1907.

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Holze, Rudolf. "Ionic conductances of acetonitrile nonaqueous electrolyte solution". In Electrochemistry, 2128–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49251-2_1908.

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Holze, Rudolf. "Ionic conductances of BrF5 nonaqueous electrolyte solution". In Electrochemistry, 2137. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49251-2_1909.

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Holze, Rudolf. "Ionic conductances of chloroform nonaqueous electrolyte solution". In Electrochemistry, 2138–39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49251-2_1910.

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Holze, Rudolf. "Ionic conductances of DME:PC nonaqueous electrolyte solution". In Electrochemistry, 2141. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49251-2_1912.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Conductances"


Joshi, Krishna, Israel Kurtz e Azriel Z. Genack. "Scaling of the Mesoscopic Conductance". In CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTu2A.165. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/cleo_at.2024.jtu2a.165.

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Dips are observed in the microwave transmittance due to the vanishing of transmission in the lowest transmission eigenchannel, which pulls down transmission in all other eigenchannels. Ohm’s law is approached as sample dimensions increase.
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Huang, Zhen, Jayathi Murthy e Timothy S. Fisher. "Thermal Conductance and Constriction Resistance of Single-Layer Graphene Nano Ribbons". In 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference. ASMEDC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ihtc14-23088.

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This paper considers phonon transport behavior in graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) that bridge semi-infinite graphene contacts. The work employs an atomistic Green’s function method to investigate phonon wave effects in zigzag and armchair edge ribbons. Phonon transmission functions and thermal conductances are found to be sensitive to the edge shape of structures. The thermal conductances of GNRs with different widths are normalized by the quantum of thermal conductance to reveal the relation between number of phonon modes and conductance as a function of temperature. In addition, the phonon transmission functions of nano ribbons with defects are evaluated by artificially creating mismatches at interfaces. By comparing the transmission function of different defect patterns and the corresponding thermal conductances, the reduction of phonon transport is quantified. The length of defects is found to be important to phonon transport. Constriction effects are also studied at abrupt mismatched interfaces, and the reduction of thermal conductance is found to be moderately high.
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Cohen, Morrel H., e Adrianus M. M. Pruisken. "The effect of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations on macroscopic conductances". In Ordering disorder: Prospect and retrospect in condensed matter physics. AIP, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.44721.

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Cowell, S. R., V. Dragoi, V. Beiu e N. C. Rohatinovici. "Effective conductances of Moore-Shannon hammocks". In 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO). IEEE, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/nano.2018.8626295.

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Sampson, Richard L. "Printed Circuit Board Thermal Modeling Without the Use of an Effective Thermal Conductivity". In ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems collocated with the ASME 2005 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. ASMEDC, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ipack2005-73013.

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The complexity of the circuit traces on the layers of a typical printed circuit board (PCB) poses a serious problem when preparing a thermal model of the board. Thermal analysts have resorted to the use of an average or so called, “effective thermal conductivity”, Keff, treating the board as a homogeneous medium in their PCB thermal models. This approach carries with it the possibility of significant error in the prediction of board temperatures. A typical PCB will have large variations in the density and pattern of the circuit traces, and a single value of Keff cannot accurately represent all board locations. An alternative approach to this long standing problem is presented in this paper. In the new procedure the thermal conductance between pairs of nodes is computed using all of the details of the circuit traces in the internodal region. The trace information is obtained from bitmap files of each circuit layer, files which may be generated from the board CAD files. The conductances are utilized in a general purpose thermal analyzer for computation of system temperatures. Using the details of the local circuit traces in the computation of internodal conductances results in a more accurate thermal model.
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Al-Futaisi, Ahmed, e Tad W. Patzek. "Three-Phase Hydraulic Conductances in Angular Capillaries". In SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/75193-ms.

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Ho, Clifford K. "Models of Fracture-Matrix Interactions During Multiphase Heat and Mass Flow in Unsaturated Fractured Porous Media". In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-0798.

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Abstract Models of liquid, gas, and heat flow between fractures and matrix elements in dual-permeability models are presented in this paper. Heterogeneities necessitate scaling the liquid geometric conductance between fracture and matrix elements to account for a reduction in the wetted area available for liquid flow while maintaining reasonable conductances for gas and heat flows. The models in this study consisted of conductance multipliers that were either constant, a function of upstream saturation, or a function of upstream relative permeability. Numerical analyses were performed using TOUGH2 to determine hydrologic and thermal parameters that are sensitive to the various fracture-matrix models. Results showed that for thermohydrologic simulations of the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, the ambient hydrology (e.g., matrix liquid saturations and fracture liquid flow) was strongly dependent on the fracture-matrix interaction model. The thermal response of the system was less sensitive to the different fracture-matrix models in the dual-permeability systems.
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Costello, Frederick A., e Christopher F. Costello. "Node Geometries and Conductances in Spacecraft Thermal Models". In International Conference on Environmental Systems. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/951698.

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Zegarmistrz, Piotr, e Zbigniew Galias. "On reconstruction of conductances in resistor grids from boundary measurements". In 2007 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2007). IEEE, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ecctd.2007.4529713.

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Zegarmistrz, Piotr, e Zbigniew Galias. "Reconstruction of conductances in resistive grids as an optimization problem". In 2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ecctd.2013.6662338.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Conductances"


Henderson, Kevin C. Thermal Contact Conductance Modeling. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), aprile 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1434448.

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Cohen, Shabtai, Melvin Tyree, Amos Naor, Alan N. Lakso, Terence L. Robinson e Yehezkiel Cohen. Influence of hydraulic properties of rootstocks and the rootstock-scion graft on water use and productivity of apple trees. United States Department of Agriculture, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2001.7587219.bard.

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This one year exploratory project investigated hydraulic architecture of apple dwarfing rootstocks. The hypothesis was that hydraulic conductance is correlated with rootstock vigor. A previous study of trees on three rootstocks in Israel showed that dwarfed trees used less water than un-dwarfed trees. Analysis showed that if the tree maintains leaf water potentials above minimum values, then this implies that the dwarfed trees have lower leaf conductance, which may also be the cause of dwarfing. The current project studied small 2-year old unworked rootstock trees, and full sized trees bearing commercial yields. In both cases hydraulic conductance was determined with two methods - the non-destructive evaporative flux (EF)-leaf water potential (L WP) method, and a destructive method in which water was forced through the plant at known pressure using the "high pressure flow meter" (HPFM). Detailed work allowed measurement of conductance of the rootstock-scion union. This was achieved both with the HPFM and with the EF-LWP methods, the former in the US and the latter in Israel. Direct measurements of leaf conductance were made, and carbon isotope ratios ( d ¹³ C) were determined for leaves sampled at the end of the season. The latter can indicate sustained differences in leaf conductance behavior. HPFM and EF-LWP methods did not give the same results. In the small plants results were similar in magnitude, but not significantly correlated. In large trees, EF- L WP measurements were a fraction of those obtained with the HPFM. The latter indicates that some of the xylem is not normally functional but transports water when pressurized. Additional experimental work targeted this result. Xylem was stained before and after perfusion with water at high pressure. This showed that at least for one rootstock a significant amount of xylem was blocked before perfusion. The "air method" for determining xylem vessel properties was improved and employed. Length, radius and density of xylem vessels of different rootstocks were found to be similar, and significant differences found were not clearly related to rootstock vigor. Measurements in the commercial orchard in Israel showed that the graft union in a dwarfing rootstock was a large obstacle for water transport (i.e. had a high resistance). This apparently led to low leaf conductance to water vapor, as indicated by lower d ¹³ C, which implies low internal CO ₂ concentrations. In the US orchard, d ¹³ C in 2001 was correlated with rootstock vigor, and significant differences were found in leaf conductance. However, the d ¹³ C differences were not observed in 2002, were opposite to those found in the Israeli orchard, and measurements of the graft union with the HPFM did not find large resistances. We speculate that the graft union is not necessarily a large impediment to water transport unless the scion starts to separate from the rootstock. It was concluded that significant differences in hydraulic conductance exist between different dwarfing rootstocks. These differences may be caused by differences in xylem properties and in the degree of cavitation, as well as resistance in the graft union. However, no general relationship to rootstock vigor was found. Therefore, hydraulic conductance alone cannot explain dwarfing, but may be one of two or more factors that lead to dwarfing. Future work should integrate more factors with hydraulic relations, e.g. nutrient and solute transport and production of hormones.
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Kiefner, Maxey e Eiber. L51607 Pipeline Coating Impedance Effect on Powerline Fault Current Coupling. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), gennaio 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.55274/r0010294.

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Prior research leading to the development of predictive electromagnetic coupling computer codes has shown that the coating conductance is the principal factor in determining the response of a pipeline to magnetic induction transmission line. Under power line fault conditions, a high voltage may stress the coating causing a significant change in its conductance, and hence, the coupling response. Based upon laboratory experimentation and analysis, a model has been developed which allows prediction of the modified coating characteristics when subjected to high voltages during fault situations. The program objective was the investigation of a method to determine the high voltage behavior of an existing coating from low voltage in-situ field measurements. Such a method appeared conceptually feasible for non-porous coatings whose conductance is primarily a result of current leakage through existing holidays. However, limited testing has shown that difficulties in determining the steel-electrolyte capacitance limit the application of the method. Methods for field measurement of the pipeline coating conductance were studied for both DC and AC signal excitation. AC techniques offer the advantage that cathodic protection current interruption is not required, thus eliminating depolarization effects. However, ac field measurement techniques need additional refinement before these methods can be generally applied.
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Swanson, Randy R. Adapting Conductance Technology for Military Application. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, giugno 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada435425.

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LeBrun, Thomas, e Kyle Brindley. TRUST Contact Thermal Conductance (CTC) Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), ottobre 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1827541.

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Dumont, R., M. Coyle, D. Oneschuk e J. Potvin. Apparent conductance with electromagnetic anomalies, Pamour, Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/213898.

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LeBrun, Thomas, e Kyle Brindley. TRUST-EABM Contact Thermal Conductance (CTC) Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1760545.

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Cahil, David, G., e Paul, V. Braun. Final Report: Thermal Conductance of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maggio 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/885425.

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Norris, Pamela M. Modeling Interfacial Thermal Boundary Conductance of Engineered Interfaces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, agosto 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada609810.

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Dumont, R., M. Coyle, D. Oneschuk e J. Potvin. Apparent conductance with electromagnetic anomalies, Buskegau River, Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/213889.

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