Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Compactage mécanique"
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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Compactage mécanique"
Boutonnier, Luc, Maurice Bufalo e Dino Mahmutovic. "Influence du sens de compactage sur les caractéristiques mécaniques d’un limon". Revue Française de Géotechnique, n. 180 (2024): 2. https://doi.org/10.1051/geotech/2024031.
Testo completoGUERRINI, Xavier, Vincent FREYCON, Alexandre De HALDAT du LYS e Éric, André NICOLINI. "Dynamique contrastée de la compaction d’un ferralsol après une défriche mécanisée alternative en Guyane française". BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 348 (6 luglio 2021): 65–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/bft2021.348.a36751.
Testo completoNYS, Y., M. T. HINCKE, A. HERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ, A. B. RODRIGUEZ-NAVARRO, J. GOMEZ-MORALES, V. JONCHERE, J. M. GARCIA-RUIZ e J. GAUTRON. "Structure, propriétés et minéralisation de la coquille de l’œuf : rôle de la matrice organique dans le contrôle de sa fabrication". INRAE Productions Animales 23, n. 2 (10 aprile 2011): 143–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2010.23.2.3296.
Testo completoAmadji, Togbé Armel, Gerard Jean, Adjovi Codjo, Guibal Daniel e Doko Kouandété Valéry. "VALORISATION DE DECHETS PLASTIQUES ET D'INDUSTRIE DU BOIS EN COMPOSITE MOULE A FROID : EFFET DES PARAMETRES DE FABRICATION SUR LES PROPRIETES MECANIQUES". Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement Unlabeled volume (23 febbraio 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.46298/eid.2021.7210.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Compactage mécanique"
Yahi, Bachreddine Bachir. "Etude de la compaction de produits granulaires en vue d'applications dans les packs de filière de matériaux polymères". Besançon, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001BESA2027.
Testo completoValle, Nilton. "Comportement mécanique d'un sol grossier d'une terrasse alluvionnaire de la Seine". Caen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CAEN2020.
Testo completoEschard, Louise. "Analyse et modélisation du compactage par impact mécanique de revêtements pour la tenue à la corrosion". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENSAM, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENAME067.
Testo completoTo ensure the corrosion protection of some aircraft engines parts, a coating made of aluminum particles embedded in a sol-gel matrix is deposited on a high-strength steel substrate. After a curing step, cracks and porosities are formed and need to be closed. The coating is densified by a compaction shot-peening process. The objectives of this thesis are to analyze the compaction process and its effects on the coating microstructure to understand its corrosion resistance through an experimental analysis and the development of a numerical model. Means of process control were implemented by measuring the impact velocity of the shots (corundum and sodium bicarbonate) and the coverage rate. A study of the coating before and after compaction identified morphological and mechanical descriptors. A strong gradient of properties was observed along the thickness of the coating, with an elongation of the particles at the surface due to plastic deformation under impact, and an increase in hardness. Depending on the process parameters, the initial cracks and porosities are completely closed, and relationships with corrosion resistance can be established. The developed numerical model is based on repeated media impacts on a coating modeled using MPFEM (MultiParticle Finite Element Method) in 2D. After calibrating the model using instrumented indentation tests, parametric single- and multi-impact studies were carried out to analyze the influence of process parameters. These simulations highlighted the densification of the coating through local particle rearrangement and elongation by plastic deformation. In order to take into account the complex three-dimensional loading during compaction, a 3D model was developed. The coating was modeled using an equivalent continuous model, based on a Drucker-Prager/Cap behavior law, whose parameters were calibrated compared to MPFEM
Chateau, Marie-Elise. "Etude de la détergence des surfaces dures : stratégies de formulation, tests de détergence et mise en forme solide". Perpignan, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PERP0526.
Testo completoThe present work on design and manufacture of a solid detergent for hard surfaces cleaning application, is set at the interface of industrial and scientific strakes. Compared to liquid products, solids reduce storage and transport volumes, and are more safe to handle and to use. The first scientific objective was the study of detergency. A test was set up and used for fundamental studies on the efficiency of detergent formulations: a plate, previously soiled with a mix of oils and pigments, is cleaned and its cleanliness is evaluated. A second test, closer to the conditions of use, was set up: the plates soiled on travelling trucks, are spray cleaned and tested. The presence of liquid non ionic surfactants in the detergent formulation, was shown necessary for good wetting of the surface. Among others, cleaning efficiency of raw materials compatible with environmental directives, was studied. The second objective of this work was the processing of a solid detergent, based on the formula established in the first part. Two different ways were investigated: direct compression, and wet granulation followed by a compaction. In the first case, the presence of liquid surfactants affects the mechanical properties of the compact. Compacts dissolution in cold water was studied according to the raw materials used, and the applied compression forces. In the second case, granules of 1 mm diameter in average are obtained by high shear wet granulation, predominantly by coalescence, with a speed of 400 rpm. The compacts have better mechanical properties than those obtained by direct compression
Bévillon, Damien. "Couplage d'un modèle de gisement et d'un modèle mécanique : application à l'étude de la compaction des réservoirs pétroliers et de la subsidence associée". Lille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LIL10157.
Testo completoAllaoui, Aïssa. "Comportement mécanique etélectrique des enchevêtrements denanotubes de carbone". Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011929.
Testo completoCe travail s'inscrit dans ce cadre et vise à apporter quelques éclaircissements concernant le comportement mécanique et électrique des enchevêtrements de NTC (ENTC). Ce travail comporte trois principaux domaines d'étude : les composites époxyde/NTC, les interactions de van der Waals (vdW) entre NTC et le comportement mécanique et électrique des ENTC en compression uniaxiale.
L'étude des composites permet d'évaluer quelques propriétés individuelles des NTC par méthode inverse. A l'échelle nanométrique, les interactions de vdW sont prépondérantes, un potentiel NTC-NTC a donc été développé. Le modèle de Van Wyk est un modèle de réseau de fibres développé pour la laine. Une modification de ce modèle prenant en
compte les interactions de vdW est proposée pour décrire les ENTC. La relaxation logarithmique lente de la contrainte dans les ENTC a été attribuée au glissement d'un NTC sur un autre. Un modèle de réseau de résistances en parallèle est proposé pour décrire l'évolution de la résistance ohmique des ENTC en compression.
Petit-Renaud, Amel. "Compaction des poudres en presse à rouleaux lisses alimentée par une vis horizontale". Compiègne, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998COMP1149.
Testo completoBruno, Agostino Walter. "Étude du comportement hygro- mécanique de la terre crue hyper-compactée pour la construction durable". Thesis, Pau, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PAUU3021/document.
Testo completoThe present work explores the hygro-mechanical behaviour of a raw earth material and investigates different stabilisation techniques to improve the durability of the material against water erosion. An extensive campaign of laboratory tests was performed on both unstabilised and stabilised materials at two different scales: small cylindrical samples and large bricks. An innovative manufacturing method based on the application of very high compaction pressures (hypercompaction) was proposed. Also, the compaction load was maintained constant for a sufficient period of time to allow soil consolidation. The main objective was to increase material density, thus improving mechanical performance. Samples compacted with the proposed method exhibited a dry density of about 2320 kg/m3, which is the highest value registered in the literature for an unstabilised earthen material. The effect of the compaction pressure on the material fabric was assessed by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption tests. Results showed that the increase of compaction pressure reduced material porosity with major effects on large inter-aggregate pores. On the contrary, small intra-aggregate pores were not affected by the mechanical compaction. Mechanical tests were then performed to measure stiffness and strength of both unstabilised and stabilised samples. These tests demonstrated that hypercompaction can largely improve the mechanical response of the material over conventional manufacturing methods. Hypercompacted bricks showed a compressive strength comparable with that of traditional building materials, such as stabilised compressed earth and fired bricks. The hygroscopic behaviour of both unstabilised and stabilised samples was investigated. The capacity of the samples to absorb/release water vapour was assessed by measuring their moisture buffering value (MBV). Results showed that unstabilised earth has an excellent capacity to buffer ambient humidity. This capacity was significantly reduced by the different stabilisation techniques tested in the present work. Finally, the durability against water erosion of both unstabilised and stabilised bricks was assessed by performing different tests prescribed by the norm DIN 18945 (2013). Stabilised bricks exhibited a higher resistance against water erosion compared to unstabilised bricks. Still, these materials cannot be adopted for structural applications exposed to natural weathering as indicated by the norm DIN 18945 (2013). Therefore, further investigation is required to identify novel stabilisation methods that can balance the needs of sustainability, durability, moisture buffering and mechanical performance
Malchère, Annie. "Elaboration par mécanosynthèse, puis études structurales, microstructurales et mécanique d'un composite à base Al et à renforts nanométriques SiC". Paris 11, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA112315.
Testo completoAlshihabi, Omran. "Étude en laboratoire du comportement d'un sol compacté non saturé : influence des cycles de séchage-humidification". Lille 1, 2002. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2002/50376-2002-167-168.pdf.
Testo completoLibri sul tema "Compactage mécanique"
Soft Soil Engineering. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoKwong, A. K. L. Soft Soil Engineering. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoAtti di convegni sul tema "Compactage mécanique"
Troalen, Jean-Pierre. "Aptitude au compactage et comportement mécanique de mélanges vase-limon". In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.5150/jngcgc.1998.042-t.
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