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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Commande publique/Partenariat public-Privé"
Tachlian, Edwin. "L’efficacité de la catégorisation des contrats de la commande publique". Civilizar 9, n. 17 (23 dicembre 2009): 45.
Testo completoAl Masri, Khaled, e Noureddine Menani. "Le partenariat public-privé : une externalisation discutée". Recherches en Sciences de Gestion N° 155, n. 2 (19 giugno 2023): 317–38.
Testo completoHamel, Pierre. "La question du partenariat : de la crise institutionnelle à la redéfinition des rapports entre sphère publique et sphère privée". Cahiers de recherche sociologique, n. 24 (28 aprile 2011): 87–106.
Testo completoVerdier, Éric. "L’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie : une orientation européenne, des régimes d’action publique et des modèles nationaux en évolution". Sociologie et sociétés 40, n. 1 (3 dicembre 2008): 195–225.
Testo completoHuré, Maxime. "Une action publique hybride ? Retour sur l’institutionnalisation d’un partenariat public-privé, JCDecaux à Lyon (1965–2005)". Sociologie du travail 54, n. 2 (1 giugno 2012): 233–53.
Testo completoHuré, Maxime. "Une action publique hybride ? Retour sur l’institutionnalisation d’un partenariat public-privé, JCDecaux à Lyon (1965–2005)". Sociologie du Travail 54, n. 2 (aprile 2012): 233–53.
Testo completoDiop, Moussa. "Le partenariat public-privé : une alternative à l'aide publique au développement ? L'exemple des services urbains d'eau au Sénégal". Mondes en développement 165, n. 1 (2014): 79.
Testo completoGarin, Emmanuel, Séverine Hervé, Nicolas Rose, Caroline Locatelli, David Ngwa-Mbot, Sébastien Wendling, Laure Bournez, Didier Calavas e Gaëlle Simon. "Résavip : Approcher la diversité et la dynamique des virus influenza A circulant chez le Porc en France métropolitaine". Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire élevages & santé 9, n. 34 (2016): 38–43.
Testo completoCouston Gautier, Alexandra, Marie-Luce Grisoli e Isabelle Pignatel. "L’étude d’un partenariat public-privé à la lumière de la nouvelle gouvernance publique : le cas de la construction d’une communauté d’universités et d’établissements dans l’enseignement supérieur français". Management international 25, spécial (2021): 165.
Testo completo"Le partenariat public privé : nouveau-né de la gestion publique". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN INNOVATION, MANAGEMENT & SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1 agosto 2023.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Commande publique/Partenariat public-Privé"
Dhaene, Gwénaël. "Le partenariat public-privé dans les secteurs de la santé : mise en perspective juridique et performance globale". Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Testo completoThe decision makers in the health sector are faced with increasing challenges and new stakes that they need to address. A wide range of push factors from new techniques and care to a higher demand for quality and accessibility of care as well as dramatic budget cuttings and constraints are driving and often trigger a new approach to health systems. Private sector involvement in public service, whether through for-profit or non-profit stakeholders, complements existing models such as traditional procurement or concessions instruments. These new models aim at innovative collaborations between public and private sectors through restructuring and strengthening health services, underpinned by risk and expertise sharing mechanisms. These PPP bring added value through long-term contracting and often a private financing of infrastructures and equipment. Public managers are in this case empowered to focus on their core public service missions while entrusting their private contractors/partners with a variety of tasks from design to financing, building, operating and maintaining the infrastructures. The overall aim of these new flexible contractual instruments is to help improving the services performance. Raising interest amongst public decision makers as well as other stakeholders, these complex legal arrangements require an assessment of the sustainability of the PPP approach towards health issues. The expected value for money which PPP are supposed to bring in also demands that a thorough evaluation be carried out. Besides, operational recommendations shall be drawn up for the benefit of those public managers looking at making the best of their partnership instruments
Hammoud-Chobert, Serghinia. "Les partenariats d'innovation en droit de la commande publique". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Testo completoPublic procurement is being seen increasingly as an instrument of innovation policy. With this in mind, the new 2014 European Union directives on public procurement introduces a new public procurement contract of « innovation partnership », has tranposed into national law by decree n° 2014-1097 of 26 september 2014, which concerns simplification measures applicable to public procurement contracts. This new market combines the researche and purchase innovative product, service or works and that are unavailable on the market. This present work aims firstly to demonstrate the contractual originality of the innovation partenschip approaching the economic and competitive reality of the market and, on the other hand the illusion of a novelty in the public procurement procedures, insofar as this procedure approximates the existing procedures notably the competitive dialogue and the former markets negotialted with publicity and competitive tendering. Similarly, the innovation partnerschip raises many questions of legal status of intellectual property, the distribution of risk, and so on, and the introduction of a genuine innovation procedure of fluidfication of the procurement of innovative public procurement
Boukeaba, Zahra. "La commande publique en France et au Maroc : instrument stratégique au service des politiques publiques". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Testo completoPublic procurement accounts for a significant share of national GDP (10% of GDP in France and 24% of GDP in Morocco), which makes it unquestionably one of the determinants of the economic activity of a country. Governments quickly understood the link between the implementation of economic and social policies and public procurement. In France and Morocco, public procurement has acquired in recent years, a secondary function distinct from its primary function, which is to satisfy the needs of public authorities. They are no longer seen as an act of purchase. They have become a means to public policy. These will be a privileged and strategic instrument in the service of economic and social policies. This study will provide a better understanding of the relationship between public procurement and public policy. It will be a matter of making recommendations. For this, a reflection to examine the better implementation of public procurement in the socio-economic issues and a more effective contribution of these contracts to the development of a country, will be necessary
Chamming's, Gaële. "Le droit français de la commande publique à l'épreuve du contrat de partenariat : du partage des risques à la Réforme de l'Etat". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux 4, 2011.
Testo completoPrivate public partnership has noticeably been introduced in the French public law ofgovernment contract by the Act of 17 June of 2004 relative to Partnership contract. Largelyinspired from the Anglo-Saxon system and approved unanimously by the EuropeanCommission, it is noteworthy that prior to the Act private public partnership techniques wereofficiously already in used through different type of complex contractual settings. Subject toseveral reforms in 2008 and 2009, they were successively praised and criticized. Indeed, PPPhas been decried as affecting the national public procurement law and particularly because itsimplementation has been facilitated by different ambiguous construction regarding its capacityto fulfill public service missions.PPP innovates both by its contractual specificity with regards to the sharing of risk arising duringthe performance of contractual obligations and by its derogatory character due to the rule, whichhas frequently been reaffirmed by the Constitutional Court, that the use of PPP is subject tostrict conditions. The two aforementioned distinguishing features made this new contractualengineering a particular public contract law.Notwithstanding the lack of any legal definition of PPP, this research aims firstly to ascertainhow risk sharing, which is the pillar of this instrument, is the driving force behind thedevelopment of partnership contract. This research also aims to determine how PPP, throughits contractual technicalities, can be a tool in the reform of the State
Chamming's, Gaële. "Le droit français de la commande publique à l'épreuve du contrat de partenariat : du partage des risques à la Réforme de l'Etat". Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2011.
Testo completoPrivate public partnership has noticeably been introduced in the French public law ofgovernment contract by the Act of 17 June of 2004 relative to Partnership contract. Largelyinspired from the Anglo-Saxon system and approved unanimously by the EuropeanCommission, it is noteworthy that prior to the Act private public partnership techniques wereofficiously already in used through different type of complex contractual settings. Subject toseveral reforms in 2008 and 2009, they were successively praised and criticized. Indeed, PPPhas been decried as affecting the national public procurement law and particularly because itsimplementation has been facilitated by different ambiguous construction regarding its capacityto fulfill public service missions.PPP innovates both by its contractual specificity with regards to the sharing of risk arising duringthe performance of contractual obligations and by its derogatory character due to the rule, whichhas frequently been reaffirmed by the Constitutional Court, that the use of PPP is subject tostrict conditions. The two aforementioned distinguishing features made this new contractualengineering a particular public contract law.Notwithstanding the lack of any legal definition of PPP, this research aims firstly to ascertainhow risk sharing, which is the pillar of this instrument, is the driving force behind thedevelopment of partnership contract. This research also aims to determine how PPP, throughits contractual technicalities, can be a tool in the reform of the State
Wilinski, François. "L’évolution du droit de la commande publique en France et en Italie à l’aune du P.P.P". Thesis, Lille 2, 2015.
Testo completoHolistic expression as a means of action by the private sector to further the public sector, the publicprivate partnership could be perceived as revealing the erosion of the notional categories of public procurment contracts. However, the public-private partnership has not called into question the subject unity. In fact, on the contrary, the legal instruments of the PPP strentgthen it. This analysis can be verified in France as well as in Italy and the present study offers to analyse the legal signification of the phenomenon in both countries. The development induced by this notion confirms this trend. The comparative approach enables to understand the whys and wherfores of the development and formspart of the general theory of public contracts
Espressione globalizzata dei mezzi d’azione del settore privato al servizio del settore pubblico, il partenariato pubblico-privato potrebbe essere visto come rivela la dislocazione delle categorie del diritto dei contratti pubblici. Tuttavia, il partenariato pubblico-privato essa non pregiudica sulll'unitàdella disciplina. Invece, gli strumenti giuridici del P.P.P la rafforza. Questa analisi è confermata in Francia e in Italia ed lo studio permette di analizzare l'importanza giuridica del fenomeno in i due paesi. L'approccio comparativo utilizzato permette di capire questa evoluzione e può essere percepitocome un contributo alla teoria giuridica dei contratti pubblici
Joulain, Elise. "Le contrat de partenariat : instrument de modernisation du droit des contrats de la commande publique ? Essai appliqué aux secteurs des infrastructures routières et ferroviaires". Thesis, Paris 9, 2013.
Testo completoPublic private partnerships allows public and local authorities to entrust an conomic operator both with regard to the financing structures and equipment that their design, construction, operation or management of public services, failing to be owners and by paying the operator of milestone payments to be made during the term of the contract. Is this major analysis of this contractual structuring, particularly applied to rail and road sectors to conclude for the beginning of a modernization of law more precisely the contract for public purchasing ? This does not seem likely. In fact, depending on this aspect, it appears that public private partnerships, despite many hopes, has some difficulty in imposing like the cornerstone of the modernization of the law contract for public procurement. This revival has examined three fundamental aspects like procurement, financing and execution. This essay determined that if the public private partnership did not create a revolution, it nevertheless laid the foundation for modernization now underway, both in terms of funding and execution
Lasmothey, Kossi Biova Placide. "Analyse environnementaliste du droit de la commande publique". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Testo completoThe principle of neutrality of public procurement law is dead, long live the instrumentalization of public procurement law for environmental purposes! Such is the general observation made by our research which offers a full, meticulous and methodical environmentalist analysis of public procurement law. Obviously, by a theoretical-practical analysis, it is observed that in the current state of administrative contractual practice, despite the seductive modernism induced by the insertion of ecological considerations, the obstinate conservatism due to the economic preference of the contracting authorities, still showing a deep reluctance to fully use the environmental potential of public procurement contracts. However, there is no reason to be pessimistic, because the evolution of the legislative framework allows to hope and to breathe new and more effective environmental dynamics into public procurement Law and contractual practice
Deffontaines, Géry. "Extension du domaine de la finance ? : partenariats public privé (PPP) et "financiarisation" de la commande publique : une proposition d'analyse par la sociologie économique". Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2013.
Testo completoTakambe, Pédro Koyanté. "Le poids de l'État dans les activités des Grands Ports Maritimes en France et du Port Autonome de Lomé au Togo - analyse comparée". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.
Testo completoWith the globalisation of the increasingly competitive maritime freight transport market, commercial seaports have become more and more increasingly economically sensitive areas. While governments have always taken a major interest in their ports, this interest has grown both for governments and for port economic operators such as stevedores, shippers, carriers and shipowners, precisely because of the development of international trade, which favours transport by sea, which is highly adapted to change.The collaboration between the State and these essential actors in the port area, who are generally legal entities under private law, raises questions about the legal framework of the partnership that is best suited to the economic, financial and port activities development stakes of each party. With a view to improving the efficiency of the management and operation of the Major Seaports and the Autonomous Port of Lomé, the french and togolese States have carried out successive reforms and adopted port policies in order to turn these ports into hubs of the global trade of goods. In France, the most important port reform to date is law no. 2008-660 of 4 july 2008 on port reform. In Togo, we can cite decree no. 91-027 of 2nd october 1991 transforming the Autonomous Port of Lomé into a State-owned company, or law no. 2021-034 of 31st december 2021 on public-private partnership contracts.Through these port reforms and policies, France and Togo have aimed to improve the performance, attractiveness and, by extension, the competitiveness of their commercial seaports on a regional and international scale. However, the results achieved have always been insufficient and have never lived up to expectations. Indeed, analysis shows that the level of competitiveness of the Major Seaports and the Autonomous Port of Lomé remains well below expectations. The reports of the french Court of audit, in this case that of 2017 entitled ‘ʻAssessment of the reform of the major seaports : uneven implementation, modest effects, insufficient attractivenessʼʼ is illustrative. The same is true of the historical report of Togo's Court of audit in february 2015 entitled ʻʻFinal observations report on the management control of the Autonomous Port of Lomé (PAL) : financial year 2008, 2009, 2010''.This situation raises questions about the efficiency of the legal, political and strategic arsenal relating to the management and operation of these ports. This thesis therefore sets out to make a legal diagnosis of the underlying causes of the lack of competitiveness of the Major Seaports and the Autonomous Port of Lomé, marked by the very active interventionism of the State in port affairs.Keyword : Seaports ; public companies ; governance ; public domain ; public contracting ; public-private partnership ; environment
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Ménard, Marie-Ève Couture. La responsabilité publique entourant les collaborations public-privé: Regard sur le domaine de la santé publique au Canada. Cowansville, Québec, Canada: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2014.
Cerca il testo completo1957-, Sørensen Eva, a cura di. The politics of self-governance. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub., 2009.
Cerca il testo completo1960-, Ramesh M., Araral Eduardo e Xun Wu, a cura di. Reasserting the public in public services: New public management reforms. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Cerca il testo completo1955-, Bingham Lisa, e O'Leary Rosemary 1955-, a cura di. Big ideas in collaborative public management. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.
Cerca il testo completo1953-, Osborne Stephen P., a cura di. The new public governance: Emerging perspectives on the theory and practice of public governance. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoColloque David-Constant (01 ; 2007 ; Liège). Le marché et l'État à l'heure de la mondialisation: Actes du 1er Colloque David-Constant de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège. Bruxelles: Larcier, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoGrossman, Seth, e Marc Holzer. Partnership Governance in Public Management: A Public Solutions Handbook. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoPartnership Governance in Public Management. Routledge, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoRosenau, Pauline Vaillancourt. Public-Private Policy Partnerships. The MIT Press, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoPublic Policy and Private Interest: Ideas, Self-Interest and Ethics in Public Policy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
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