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Articoli di riviste sul tema "CO/CO2 hydrogenation"
Li, Meng, e Dong Ding. "(Invited) Tuning Selective CO2 Electrohydrogenation Under Mid Temperature and Pressure". ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2024-01, n. 37 (9 agosto 2024): 2184. http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/ma2024-01372184mtgabs.
Testo completoKonsolakis, Michalis, Maria Lykaki, Sofia Stefa, Sόnia A. C. Carabineiro, Georgios Varvoutis, Eleni Papista e Georgios E. Marnellos. "CO2 Hydrogenation over Nanoceria-Supported Transition Metal Catalysts: Role of Ceria Morphology (Nanorods versus Nanocubes) and Active Phase Nature (Co versus Cu)". Nanomaterials 9, n. 12 (6 dicembre 2019): 1739. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano9121739.
Testo completoPriyadarshani, Nilusha, Bojana Ginovska, J. Timothy Bays, John C. Linehan e Wendy J. Shaw. "Photoswitching a molecular catalyst to regulate CO2 hydrogenation". Dalton Transactions 44, n. 33 (2015): 14854–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5dt01649e.
Testo completoQuan, Fengjiao, Guangming Zhan, Chengliang Mao, Zhihui Ai, Falong Jia, Lizhi Zhang, Honggang Gu e Shiyuan Liu. "Efficient light-driven CO2 hydrogenation on Ru/CeO2 catalysts". Catalysis Science & Technology 8, n. 24 (2018): 6503–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c8cy01787e.
Testo completoWang, Yushan, Mengting Yu, Xinyi Zhang, Yujie Gao, Jia Liu, Ximing Zhang, Chunxiao Gong, Xiaoyong Cao, Zhaoyang Ju e Yongwu Peng. "Density Functional Theory Study of CO2 Hydrogenation on Transition-Metal-Doped Cu(211) Surfaces". Molecules 28, n. 6 (22 marzo 2023): 2852. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28062852.
Testo completoLykaki, Maria, Sofia Stefa, Georgios Varvoutis, Vassilios D. Binas, George E. Marnellos e Michalis Konsolakis. "Comparative Assessment of First-Row 3d Transition Metals (Ti-Zn) Supported on CeO2 Nanorods for CO2 Hydrogenation". Catalysts 14, n. 9 (11 settembre 2024): 611. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/catal14090611.
Testo completoLi, Xiuping, Jiaqi Wang, Bolin Yin, Kaihong Liu, Jingjing Zhao, Bo Jiang e Hexing Li. "Plasmonic Cu-supported amorphous RuP for efficient photothermal CO2 hydrogenation to CO". RSC Advances 15, n. 3 (2025): 1658–64. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ra07361d.
Testo completoLiu, Miao, Yanhui Yi, Li Wang, Hongchen Guo e Annemie Bogaerts. "Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Value-Added Chemicals by Heterogeneous Catalysis and Plasma Catalysis". Catalysts 9, n. 3 (18 marzo 2019): 275. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/catal9030275.
Testo completoLu, Bowen, Huiying Sang, Liang Liu, Zhijian Yu, Yaqin Guo e Yongqing Xu. "The Synergistic Effect of CeO2 and Micron-Cu Enhances the Hydrogenation of CO2 to CO". Processes 12, n. 9 (6 settembre 2024): 1912. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pr12091912.
Testo completoMorozova, O. S., A. N. Streletskii, I. V. Berestetskaya e A. B. Borunova. "Co and Co2 hydrogenation under mechanochemical treatment". Catalysis Today 38, n. 1 (ottobre 1997): 107–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0920-5861(97)00044-8.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "CO/CO2 hydrogenation"
Ji, Qinqin. "The synthesis of higher alcohols from CO2 hydrogenation with Co, Cu, Fe-based catalysts". Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAF023/document.
Testo completoCO2 is a clean carbon source for the chemical reactions, many researchers have studied the utilization of CO2. Higher alcohols are clean fuel additives. The synthesis of higher alcohols from CO hydrogenation has also been studied by many researchers, but there are few literatures about the synthesis of higher alcohols from CO2 hydrogenation, which is a complex and difficult reaction. The catalysts that used for higher alcohols synthesis need at least two active phases and goodcooperation. In our study, we tested the Co. Cu. Fe spinel-based catalysts and the effect of supports (CNTs and TUD-1) and promoters (K, Na, Cs) to the HAS reaction. We found that catalyst CuFe-precursor-800 is beneficial for the synthesis of C2+ hydrocarbons and higher alcohols. In the CO2 hydrogenation, Co acts as a methanation catalyst rather than acting as a FT catalyst, because of the different reaction mechanism between CO hydrogenation and CO2 hydrogenation. In order to inhibit the formation of huge amount of hydrocarbons, it is better to choose catalysts without Co in the CO2 hydrogenation reaction. Compared the functions of CNTs and TUD-1, we found that CNTs is a perfect support for the synthesis of long-chain products (higher alcohols and C2+ hydrocarbons). The TUD-1 support are more suitable for synthesis of single-carbon products (methane and methanol).The addition of alkalis as promoters does not only lead to increase the conversion of CO2 and H2, but also sharply increased the selectivity to the desired products, higher alcohols. The catalyst 0.5K30CuFeCNTs owns the highest productivities (370.7 g∙kg-1∙h-1) of higher alcohols at 350 °C and 50 bar
Yao, Libo. "Sustainable, energy-efficient hydrogenation processes for selective chemical syntheses". University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1626172267871778.
Testo completoZhang, Long. "In-Situ Infrared Studies of Adsorbed Species in CO2 Capture and Green Chemical Processes". University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1481213980572202.
Testo completoCorda, Massimo. "Catalyst Design and Mechanistic Insights into COx Hydrogenation to Methanol and Light Olefins". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/ToutIDP/EDSMRE/2024/2024ULILR037.pdf.
Testo completoThe increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 presents significant environmental challenges and emphasizes the urgency for sustainable chemical processes. One promising approach to address this issues is the catalytic conversion of CO2 into value-added chemicals, such as methanol and light olefins. This thesis focuses on the catalyst development for the methanol synthesis and the methanol-mediated light olefins synthesis from CO2. Moreover, the methanol-mediated CO hydrogenation to light olefins is also studied: CO can be considered as an alternative to CO2, as it can be produced by the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction. The work reported in this thesis provides new insights into catalyst design for the COx hydrogenation to methanol or light olefins, suggesting new strategies to improve product selectivity. Additionally, the thesis advances the understanding of mechanistic aspects of these reactions. For the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, the commercial CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst was promoted with halogens (Br, Cl, I), to improve selectivity to methanol. It was observed that Br allowed to improve the selectivity of 10 % compared to the pristine catalyst. A kinetic analysis showed that Br caused the suppression of the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction and of the methanol decomposition reaction, both responsible of the parallel production of CO. For the methanol-mediated CO2 hydrogenation to light olefins, a series of bifunctional catalysts based on oxides of Zn, In, Mn, Cr, or Ga and different SAPO-34 zeolites were studied. The analysis of the selectivity-conversion correlations allowed to elucidate the functions of each catalyst component. It was uncovered that the selectivity to LO within hydrocarbon fractions depended ultimately on the zeolite component and decreased as a function of hydrocarbon yield. The metal-oxide catalyst component was responsible for the CO2 conversion, overall hydrocarbon and CO selectivity. The SAPO-34 morphology and acidity were identified as major descriptors of the CO-free LO selectivity in the CO2 hydrogenation over bifunctional catalysts. Finally, for the methanol-mediated synthesis of light olefins from syngas, this work studied the activity of a bifunctional catalyst composed by supported silver nanoparticles mixed with SAPO-34 zeolite. The resulting catalysts exhibited higher selectivity to light olefins compared to a conventional oxide-zeolite catalyst. It was observed that the reaction is structure-sensitive, and the silver particle size influences the selectivity to light olefins
Peng, Lu. "Metal Nanoparticles Wrapped on Defective Nitrogen-doped Graphitic Carbons as Highly Selective Catalysts for C02 Hydrogenation". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/172329.
Testo completo[CA] Tenint en compte l'esgotament dels combustibles fòssils i la creixent concentració de CO2 en l'atmosfera, la hidrogenació de CO2 és una forma prometedora de convertir el CO2 en productes químics i combustibles de carboni d'alt valor afegit. Considerant la gran influència de la grandària de partícula, la composició química, la naturalesa del suport i les condicions d'operació sobre el comportament catalític dels catalitzadors, s'han desenvolupat una sèrie de catalitzadors per a la hidrogenació de CO2 basats en metalls abundants no nobles i polisacàrids naturals com a precursors del grafé. En la present tesi doctoral, les espècies metàl·liques suportades sobre una matriu de carboni grafític defectuosa, amb diferents grandàries de partícules, mostren diferent activitat catalítica i selectivitat per a la hidrogenació de CO2. Es van preparar, de manera controlada, nanopartícules d'aliatges de Co i Co-Fe suportades en grafens dopats amb N defectuosos, amb una àmplia distribució de grandària de nanopartícules, per a la reacció de Sabatier, presentant una selectivitat a metà superior al 90% amb valors de conversió de CO2 superiors al 85%. En el cas d'un sol metall, Co o Fe, i els seus aliatges en forma de "clústers" i xicotetes nanopartícules suportades en el mateix material, la selectivitat de la hidrogenació de CO2 canvia a CO, en lloc de metà, obtenint-se un valor del 98% i aconseguint una conversió de CO2 del 56%. Convé ressaltar que, els catalitzadors basats en "clústers" d'aliatges de metall amb una càrrega de metall fins i tot per davall del 0.2% en pes, exhibeixen una major selectivitat i rendiment que els que tenen nanopartícules d'aliatges de Co-Fe més grans que varien d'1 a 4 nm i una càrrega de metall més alta en una composició similar. Seguint la línia d'investigació d'hidrogenació de CO2, es van desenvolupar una sèrie de nanopartícules d'aliatges de Co-Fe suportades sobre grafens dopats amb N defectuosos amb distribució de grandària de nanopartícules controlada en el rang de 7-17 nm, obtenint una selectivitat cap a hidrocarburs C2+ al voltant del 45% i una conversió del CO2 pròxima al 60%. A més, es va realitzar un estudi comparatiu de l'activitat catalítica de catalitzadors similars basats en Co-Fe amb promotors i inhibidors per a la hidrogenació de CO2, observant la seua influència en la conversió i selectivitat de CO2. Finalment, a més dels catalitzadors basats en Co-Fe, també s'han preparat catalitzadors basats en Cu-ZnO mitjançant un mètode de dos passos. Aquestes nanopartícules de Cu-ZnO suportades sobre grafé defectuós dopat amb N exhibeixen una alta selectivitat cap a la conversió de CO2 a metanol.
[EN] Considering the depletion of fossil fuels and the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, CO2 hydrogenation is a promising way to convert CO2 into value-added carbon-containing chemicals and fuels. Taking into account the significant influences of the particle size, chemical composition, nature of the support, and operation conditions on the catalytic performance of catalysts, a series of catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation have been developed based on the use of abundant non-noble metals and natural polysaccharides as graphene precursors. In the present PhD Thesis, metal species supported on defective graphitic carbon matrix with different particle sizes show different catalytic activity and selectivity for CO2 hydrogenation. Under effective control, Co and Co-Fe alloy nanoparticles wrapped on defective N-doped graphenes with a broad nanoparticle size distribution were prepared and performed for the Sabatier reaction, exhibiting a selectivity to methane over 90 % at CO2 conversion values over 85 %. In the case of single Co or Fe metal and their alloys in the form of clusters and small nanoparticles wrapped on the same support, the selectivity for CO2 hydrogenation shifts to CO, rather than methane, reaching a conversion of 56 % with 98 % CO selectivity. It is worth noting that the metal alloy clusters-based catalysts with the metal loading even below 0.2 wt.% exhibit a higher selectivity and better performance than the ones with larger Co-Fe alloy nanoparticles ranging from 1-4 nm and higher metal loading in a similar composition. Following the research line for CO2 hydrogenation, a series of Co-Fe alloy nanoparticles supported on defective N-doped graphenes with controlled nanoparticle size distribution in the range of 7-17 nm are developed, obtaining a selectivity towards C2+ hydrocarbons about 45% with a CO2 conversion close to 60%. In addition, a comparative catalytic activity of similar Co-Fe-based catalysts with promoters and poison has been studied for CO2 hydrogenation to observe their influence on CO2 conversion and selectivity. Finally, besides Co-Fe-based catalysts, Cu-ZnO-based catalysts have also been prepared by a two-step method. These Cu-ZnO nanoparticles supported on N-doped defective graphene exhibit a high selectivity for CO2 conversion to methanol.
Peng, L. (2021). Metal Nanoparticles Wrapped on Defective Nitrogen-doped Graphitic Carbons as Highly Selective Catalysts for C02 Hydrogenation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172329
Ralston, Walter Thomas. "Hydrogenation Reactions of CO and CO2| New Insights through In Situ X-ray Spectroscopy and Chemical Transient Kinetics Experiments on Cobalt Catalysts". Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10282649.
Testo completoThe catalytic hydrogenations of CO and CO2 to more useful chemicals is not only beneficial in producing more valuable products and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, but present a scientific challenge in how to control the selectivity of these reactions. Using colloidal chemistry techniques, a high level of control over the synthesis of nanomaterials can be achieved, and by exploiting this fact a simple model system can be realized to understand the reaction of CO and CO2 on a molecular level. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on understanding cobalt materials for the conversion of CO and CO2 into more useful, valuable chemicals.
Colloidally prepared cobalt nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution were supported in mesoporous SiO2 and TiO2 to study the effect of the support on the Co catalyzed hydrogenation of CO and CO2. The 10nm Co/SiO2 and Co/TiO2 catalysts were tested for CO and CO2 hydrogenation at 5 bar with a ratio to hydrogen of 1:2 and 1:3, respectively. In addition, the effect of Co oxidation state was studied by using different reduction pretreatment temperatures (250°C and 450°C). The results showed that for both hydrogenation reactions, Co/TiO2 had a high activity at both reduction temperatures compared to Co/SiO2. However, unlike Co/SiO2 which showed higher activity after 450°C reduction, Co/TiO2 had a higher activity after reduction at 250°C. Through synchrotron x-ray spectroscopy, it was concluded that the TiO2 was wetting the Co particle at higher reduction temperatures and dewetting at lower reduction temperatures. In addition to the wetting, CoO was observed to be the surface species on Co/TiO2 catalyst after reduction at low temperatures, which catalyzed both CO and CO2 hydrogenation reactions with higher activity than the Co metal obtained after reduction at 450°C.
Classical steady-state measurements are limited in so much as they are often unable to provide information on individual reaction steps in complex reaction pathways. To attempt to circumvent this, a chemical transient kinetics (CTK) reactor was designed and built. Verification of the reactor was performed by evaluating a catalyst from the literature and confirming the results. A CoMgO catalyst was used to accomplish this, and our original findings show that at short time scales steric hindrances at the surface may push the product distribution towards olefinic rather than branched compounds.
Continuing work on the CTK, two distinct particle sizes of Co nanoparticles were synthesized and tested under atmospheric conditions (H2:CO = 2:1) on the transient reactor. 4.3 nm Co and 9.5 nm Co were supported on MCF-17 to study the previously observed size effect, where Co nanoparticles lose activity at smaller sizes. It was found that indeed, the 4.3 nm Co are less active because they contain less CO dissociation sites, which are necessary for populating the surface with carbon monomers and spurring subsequent chain growth. The specific CO dissociation site was identified as the Co (221) step, of which larger Co particles have more and smaller Co particles have less.
To investigate the nature of the MnO / Co3O4 interface, an in situ study using synchrotron radiation was undertaken. A sample of 6nm MnO nanoparticles loaded on mesoporous Co3O4 was studied with ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Mn and Co L edges, and scanning transmission x-ray microscopy. X-ray measurements show that under reducing conditions of CO + H2, the MnO nanoparticles wet the Co surface until it is completely covered by a layer of MnO. Through the combination of techniques, it is shown that the system is catalytic active at the low pressures studied, and that the nature of the interface between MnO and Co3O4 is highly dependent on the temperature and gaseous environment it is prepared in. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)
Barrios, Medina Alan Josue. "Synthèse Directe d'Oléfines Légères par des Réactions d'Hydrogénation du CO et du CO2". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021CLIL0030.
Testo completoCO and CO2 Hydrogenation are an attractive way to convert non-petroleum and renewable feedstocks such as biomass, plastic and organic waste into fuels and chemicals. Activity, selectivity to light olefins and stability are major challenges of these reactions over Fe catalysts. In this thesis, we synthesized different iron-based catalysts for both CO and CO2 hydrogenation in order to get highly selective, active and stable catalysts. For CO hydrogenation SiO2 was used as support while for CO2 hydrogenation reaction ZrO2 supported catalysts presented the most encouraging results. We relied on High Throughput Experimentation (HTE) to identify among 27 promoters the most efficient ones for FT synthesis at the same time that different selectivity trends were evaluated. HTE tests allowed us to clearly identify Sn, Sb, Bi and Pb as the most promising promoters in order to obtain Fe catalysts with higher activity in FT synthesis. Then, we focused on studying the strong promoting effects of Sb and Sn on the catalytic performance of SiO2 supported iron Fischer Tropsch catalysts using a combination of advanced and in-situ techniques. TEM in the activated FeSn/SiO2 catalyst showed highly dispersed Sn nanoparticles on the silica support. On the other hand, activated FeSb/SiO2 catalyst showed a core-shell morphology. Additionally, smaller amount of carbon deposition detected is crucial for better stability of the Sn- and Sb-promoted catalysts in FT reaction. Finally, we focused on the identification of efficient promoters for ZrO2 supported iron catalysts in CO2 hydrogenation reaction. We observed the most pronounced increase in the reaction rate for the K and Cs promoted catalysts. HTE clearly showed that the presence of K was essential to achieve higher light olefin selectivity. Additionally, Mo, Cu, Cs, Ce and Ga were identified as possible promoters to further increase the selectivity of CO2 hydrogenation to this fraction. The work performed during this thesis allowed to design new catalysts for CO and CO2 hydrogenation reaction that could be easily implemented at industrial level. Catalysts studied for both reactions showed improvement three key aspects: activity, selectivity, and stability
Patprom, Kanthika. "Optimisation d'un procédé de synthèse d'hydrocarbures liquides à partir d'un syngaz ex-biomasse et d'une source d'hydrogène renouvelable". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LYO10295.
Testo completoThe subject of this thesis is part of the Power and Biomass-to-Liquid (PBtL) process framework. In particular, biomass-derived syngas (CO+CO2+H2 mixture) can be used to produce liquid transportation fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. However, syngas from biomass has a low H/C ratio, requiring the recycling or even elimination of CO2 at the end of the process, which has a negative impact on the overall valorization of bio-based carbon. The PBtL process consists of adding H2 by a water electrolysis unit to adjust the H/C ratio in the syngas, aiming to better valorizing the carbon content of biomass. This thesis is focused on the kinetic study of direct conversion of H2/CO/CO2 mixtures towards hydrocarbons via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a supported Fe-K-Cu-La/Al2O3 catalyst. One of the main challenges of this reaction is its low selectivity, as it produces a wide range of hydrocarbons. Therefore, understanding the effect of parameters such as operating conditions on catalytic performance is essential for optimizing productivity toward desired products. In this work, the catalytic performance of four different catalysts under H2/CO2 mixtures has been evaluated in a lab-scale fixed-bed reactor, and the Fe-K-Cu-La/Al2O3 catalyst has been identified as a suitable option. Then the experimental study of Fe-K-Cu-La/Al2O3 catalyst under H2/CO/CO2 mixtures has been performed under various operating conditions, including temperature, contact time, total pressure, and syngas composition in order to investigate their impact on catalytic performance. Finally, a semi-empirical macro kinetic model that describes the performance of catalyst across the studied operating range and accounts for the formation of all major observed species has been developed
Quezada, Maxwell Josias. "Hydrogénation catalytique de CO₂ en méthanol en lit fixe sous chauffage conventionnel et sous plasma à DBD ZSM-5 surface modification by plasma for catalytic activity improvement in the gas phase methanol-to-dimethylether reaction". Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMIR12.
Testo completoThe objective of this thesis is to contribute to the optimisation of the production of methanol by hydrogenation of CO₂ by synthesising new catalysts in the form of extrudates for industrial use. In this regard, six Cu-ZnO based catalysts supported on alumina and ZSM-5 were prepared and tested. At 36 bar and under conventional heating, the CuZnO/Al₂O₃ showed the best methanol yield. An industrial process based on this catalyst has been proposed and optimised. The influence of extracting water and methanol from the reaction medium using two reactors in series instead of one was investigated and it was found to increase methanol yield considerably. Tests at atmospheric pressure and under DBD plasma showed that the Cu/Al₂O₃ gives better CO₂ conversions, while the CuZnO/ZSM-5 showed better methanol yields. This was attributed to the ionic conductivity and the dielectric constant of the catalysts
Chew, Ly May [Verfasser], Martin [Gutachter] Muhler e Wolfgang [Gutachter] Grünert. "Catalytic hydrogenation of CO_2 and CO to short-chain hydrocarbons over iron nanoparticles supported on functionalized carbon nanotubes / Ly May Chew ; Gutachter: Martin Muhler, Wolfgang Grünert ; Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie". Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1204257035/34.
Testo completoCapitoli di libri sul tema "CO/CO2 hydrogenation"
Yang, Qingxin, e Evgenii V. Kondratenko. "Status of Catalyst Development for CO2 Hydrogenation to Platform Chemicals CH3OH and CO". In Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology, 81–104. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8822-8_4.
Testo completoPanagiotopoulou, Paraskevi, e Xenophon E. Verykios. "Metal–support interactions of Ru-based catalysts under conditions of CO and CO2 hydrogenation". In Catalysis, 1–23. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/9781788019477-00001.
Testo completoBraca, Giuseppe. "Mono Alcohols, Glycols, and their Ethers and Esters by CO Hydrogenation". In Oxygenates by Homologation or CO Hydrogenation with Metal Complexes, 1–88. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-0874-4_1.
Testo completoBraca, Giuseppe. "Alcohols and Derivatives by Homologation with Syngas". In Oxygenates by Homologation or CO Hydrogenation with Metal Complexes, 89–190. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-0874-4_2.
Testo completoBraca, Giuseppe. "Hydrocarbonylation of Aldehydes and their Derivatives". In Oxygenates by Homologation or CO Hydrogenation with Metal Complexes, 191–219. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-0874-4_3.
Testo completoHolladay, Johnathan E., Todd A. Werpy e Danielle S. Muzatko. "Catalytic Hydrogenation of Glutamic Acid". In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Held May 4–7, 2003, in Breckenridge, CO, 857–69. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-59259-837-3_70.
Testo completoSouma, Yoshie, e Masahiro Fujiwara. "Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide by Catalysts". In Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Reduction in Biological and Model Systems, 157–67. Oxford University PressOxford, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198547822.003.0011.
Testo completo"Other Directions for FLP Hydrogenations". In A Primer in Frustrated Lewis Pair Hydrogenation: Concepts to Applications, 129–63. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/9781839162442-00129.
Testo completoCubeiro, M. L., G. Valderrama, M. R. Goldwasser, F. González-Jiménez, M. C. Da Silva e M. J. Pérez-Zurita. "Hydrogenation of CO and CO2 with K and Mn promoted iron catalysts". In Natural Gas Conversion IV, 231–36. Elsevier, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-2991(97)80340-0.
Testo completoLoganathan, Sivachandiran, e Aymen Amine Assadi. "Nanomaterials for photocatalytic and cold plasma-catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to CO, CH4, and CH3OH". In Nanomaterials for CO2 Capture, Storage, Conversion and Utilization, 353–73. Elsevier, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-822894-4.00012-5.
Testo completoAtti di convegni sul tema "CO/CO2 hydrogenation"
Doty, F. David, Glenn N. Doty, John P. Staab e Laura L. Holte. "Toward Efficient Reduction of CO2 to CO for Renewable Fuels". In ASME 2010 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASMEDC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/es2010-90362.
Testo completoKelechi, F. M., e A. A. Aribisala. "Thermochemical Conversion of Microalgae: Challenges and Prospective of HTL Pathway for Algae Biorefinery". In SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/221682-ms.
Testo completoRapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "CO/CO2 hydrogenation"
Author, Not Given. Hydrogenation of Clean Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Gas Streams to Higher Molecular Weight Alcohols. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), febbraio 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1035373.
Testo completo