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Wells, David Michael. "Impact of brand equity on the purchasing of consumer durables". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2007. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/3139.

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李國華 e Kwok-wah Gilbert Lee. "Marketing management in PRC: an overview of beer market in china : a case study of understanding consumerbehaviour and managing brand equity in China". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1996. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31267385.

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Samkange, Tichaona. "An evaluation of the brand campus concept implemented at Mercedes-Benz South Africa : a case study /". Thesis, Rhodes University, 2009. http://eprints.ru.ac.za/1576/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (M.B.A. (Rhodes Investec Business School)) - Rhodes University, 2009.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
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Schafer, Nina. "Brand equity : an approcah to value based brand management". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/50290.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Brands are getting more and more valuable. In this age of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. the value of brands is a key detenninant of a company value and stock market capitalization. For the consumer a brand also plays a significant role. It is seen as a sign of quality, helping them make their purchasing decisions. Yet brand loyalty and established customer relationships can no longer be taken for granted or assumed to last forever in an environment of increased competition. Brand loyalty is vitally dependent on how the relationship between the brand and the consumer is nurtured and specifically developed: A strong brand brings with it the opportunity to raise the proftle of a product and the company that sells it, setting them apart from rivals in the marketplace. A strong brand even allows companies to command a price premium for their products. In this way the value of a brand or brand equity becomes a company's most important asset. But the questions are: How much is the brand actually worth? And how can a brand's value be boosted? The term brand equity originated as a business-financial concept, and consists in "[the] net present value of all future net surpluses over his cash input that the owner of a brand can earn". Such financially oriented measurement of brand equity is a suitable approach for expressing it as a monetary value as required for purposes of financial statements, licensing agreements or acquisition decisions. There is a wide variety of brand valuation models available to detennine a monetary value on brand equity, but in some cases these models are controversial. and the value of their resu1ts as an objective statement may be limited. The consumer oriented perspective on brand equity sets itself apart from the financial approach by focusing on the judgments made by consumers, with a view to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing measures and also brand management on a longterm basis. This behavioural approach endeavours to reach a qualitative explanation of the factors driving brand equity and to determine psychological constructs of brand strength by means of operational measurement. The underlying study project illustrates some of the most common brand valuation models, shows their respective advantages and disadvantages and explores the different approaches to brand equity. Methods to increase brand equity by putting it in the focus ofa Value Based Brand Management explain its drivers and individual brand processes. This approach to a successful brand management is fmally compared with the current brand management process of the FMCG brand NNEA. Recommendations on how this international brand could be managed more efficiently with respect to brand equity conclude this study project.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Handelsmerke raak al hoe meer waardevol. In hierdie eeu van oorgrens-samesmeltings en oornames, is die waarde van 'n handelsmerk 'n sleutelfaktor om 'n maatskappy se waarde en aandelebeurs-kapitalisering te bepaal. Handelsmerke speel ook 'n belangrike rol in die lewe van verbruikers. Dit word beskou as 'n simbool van kwaliteit, 'n hulpmiddel om aankopebesluite te vergemaklik. Nietemin kan lojaliteit teenoor 'n handelsmerk en gevestigede klienteverhoudings nie as vanselfsprekend aanvaar word, of aanvaar word dat dit vir altyd sal aanhou, in 'n omgewing waar kompetisie toeneem nie. Lojaliteit teenoor 'n handelsmerk is in essensie afhanklik van hoe die verhouding tussen die handelsmerk en die verbruiker opgepas en spesifiek ontwikkel word: 'n gevestigde handelsmerk skep die geleentheid om die profiel van 'n produk, asook die relevante maatskappy se profiel, te verhoog - en derhalwe hulle te onderskei van mededingers in die mark. 'n Sterk handelsmerk bring selfs mee dat 'n prys-premie vir produkte gehef kan word. Op die manier word die handelsmerkwaarde of handelsmerk-ekwiteit 'n maatskappy se grootste bate. Maar die vraag is: hoeveel is 'n handelsmerk eintlik werd? Asook, hoe kan 'n handelsmerk se waarde vermeerder word? Die term handelsmerk-ekwiteit het sy oorsprong as 'n besigheidfinansiele konsep en is gewortel in "[die] netto huidige waarde van aIle toekomstige netto surplusse oor die kapitale-insette wat die eienaar van die handelsmerk kan verdien". Bogenoemde finansieel - georienteerde maatstaf van handelsmerk-ekwiteit, is 'n geskikte benadering om dit in monetere waarde uit te druk, soos benodig vir finansiele state, lisensiering-ooreenkomste of oorname besluite. Daar is 'n wye verskeidenheid handelsmerk waardasie modelle beskikbaar om die monetere waarde van handelsmerk-ekwiteit te bepaal, maar in sommige gevalle is die modelle kontroversieel, wat daartoe lei dat die waarde van hulle resultate, as 'n objektiewe waarneming, beperk kan wees. Die verbruiker- georienteerde benadering tot handelsmerk-ekwiteit onderskei homself van die finansiele benadering deur te fokus op die besluite wat gemaak word deur verbruikers, met die oog daarop om bemarkingsmaatstawwe, asook die bestuur van 'n handelsmerk, meer effektief en doeltreffend te maak op 'n langtermyn basis. Hierdie gedragswetenskaplike benadering poog om 'n kwalitatiewe verklaring te gee vir die faktore wat handelsmerkekwiteit dryf en om 'n psigologiese struktuur te gee aan die impak wat 'n handelsmerk het via 'n operasionele maatstaf. Die onderliggende projek iIIustreer die mees aanvaarde waardasie-modelle, asook hulle onderskeie voordele en nadele en ondersoek die verskillende benaderings tot handelsmerkekwiteit. Metodes om handelsmerk-ekwiteit te vermeerder deur dit te benader aan die hand van Waarde-gebaseerde Handelsmerk Bestuur (Value Based Brand Management) gee insig ten opsigte van sy drywers en individuele handelsmerkprosesse. Hierdie benadering tot suksesvolle handelsmerkbestuur word ten slotte vergelyk met die huidige handelsmerkbestuur-prosesse wat deur die FMCG handelsmerk NIVEA gevolg word. Aanbevelings aangaande meer effektiewe bestuur van hierdie internasionale handelsmerk aan die hand van handelsmerk-ekwiteit, sluit hierdie projek af.
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Bristol, Terrence Alan. "Relying on brand equity: insights from consumer evaluation processes". Diss., Virginia Tech, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/37886.

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Abstract (sommario):
This dissertation questioned whether the brand's equity can influence consumer evaluations, explored the formation of beliefs about brand extensions and accessed the relative extension effects of brand information. A series of three experiments explored: consumers’ schema activation process; the effects of brand equity on consumers’ beliefs and judgments; and consumers’ extension inference processes. The results indicate that consumers use brand knowledge as a frame of reference to understand the brand extension. If consumers are not familiar with the brand, they use other knowledge about the product category or specific exemplars to understand and evaluate the extension. The brand name does not appear to be a major influence on consumers’ evaluations of category extensions. Consumers’ inferred beliefs have the greatest relative influence on evaluations and are based on the conjunction of their brand and new product category knowledge. The brand name does not appear to carry the extension far. When the new product differs substantially from consumers’ brand expectations, firms cannot rely on the brand name to sustain the same meaning that it had in the past. Marketing synergies or efficiencies alone will not produce a successful extension. Firms must be aware of how the brand and new product category interact in the consumer’s mind.
Ph. D.
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Huang, Rong 1973. "Exploration of brand equity measures : linking customer mind-set measure to product-market performance measure". Thesis, McGill University, 2008. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=115606.

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Abstract (sommario):
Motivation: Various brand equity measures have been proposed in extant literature. Few researches have explored the theoretical similarities, differences and relationship between different brand equity measures. In the thesis, I will explore two types of brand equity measures, namely customer mind-set measures and product-market performance measures. In particular, I will look at: 1) the correlation between the two types of measures; 2) which measure reflects the underlying brand equity construct better; 3) the impacts of marketing mix elements on the two types measures respectively; and 4) the prediction relationship between customer mind-set measure and product-market performance measure.
Theoretical Framework: My main theoretical framework will be brand equity literature. I draw upon the Brand Value Chain framework (Keller & Lehmann, 2(03) to explore the conceptual differences between two types of brand equity measurements, namely customer mind-set and product-market performance measurements. Furthermore, I also use Keller's (1993) Customer-Based Brand Equity concept to explore how specific marketing activities impact the brand equity theoretically.
Data and Methodology: This thesis measures brand equity by two methods: customer mind-set (Keller, 1993) and revenue premium (Ailawadi, Lehmann, & Neslin, 2(03). I use two types of data in the empirical analyses. Survey data, procured from a consumer-packaged product company 1, is used to measure customer mind-set brand equity. This unique data consists of proprietary equity scan surveys on 11 brands from 2004 -- 2006 in the United States. The measurement model of brand equity is rooted in Keller's customer-based brand equity concept (1993). The measurements include brand awareness, brand performance, brand image, brand judgment, brand feelings and brand resonance (Keller, 2(01). The second data is from commercial sources, including IRI and TNS, for the specific brands and time periods corresponding to the survey data and includes revenue premium, price, sales, distribution, promotion, and advertising information. Various techniques are employed for analyses including descriptive and reliability analyses, correlation analyses, multiple-regression, and cross-validation.
Contribution: The contribution ofthis thesis is threefold. Firstly, it sheds light on the underlying theory and relationship between two types of brand equity measurements and provides empirical test of the theory. Secondly, it provides a systematic exploration of the impact of marketing mix elements on brand equity using real market data and two different measurements. Third, it offers very practical guidance for managers on how to choose a specific brand equity measures and how to track the brand equity measures over time for their brands.
1Because a confidential agreement with this company, the company name, brands name as well as product category will be disguised in the thesis.
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Bucker, Silke. "Assessing brand fit using conjoint analysis". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/4143.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many studies have been conducted on the occurrence of brand image transfer, but very few of them have focused on one of the most important determinants of such transfer namely, brand fit. Brand image transfer is the transfer of brand associations, attributed to another entity, to the brand, while brand fit has been defined as a consumer learning process that seeks to match those brand associations held of the relevant brands involved. This study proposes to assess brand fit. Since a variety of brands were involved in this study, conjoint analysis was used as a method of assesing brand fit. In particular, choice-based conjoint analysis was singled out because of its capability to allow the relative advantage of brands considered jointly to be ascertained. Brands might not be able to be measured if taken one at a time. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in order to assess brand fit using conjoint analysis, which was the main reason for this study. Rugby sponsorships were chosen to asses brand fit, as this particular game is the second most-watched sport in South Africa, with the highest monetary value attached to its sponsorships at the time of this study. The qualitative research was accomplished by using focus groups to determine which brands were typically perceived to be associated with the Springbok rugby brand. The different industries and brands used in the focus groups were selected on the grounds of their being current, previous, and potential sponsors of the Springbok rugby brand. The quantitative research was conducted by means of an online questionnaire, sent via a link in an email to a chosen database on the social networking site, ‘Facebook’. A screening question served to ensure that only rugby supporters would be eligible to complete the survey. The information was captured in ‘real time’ in the conjoint analysis software, thereby determining which brands were perceived to best fit the Springbok rugby brand. The realised sample was composed of a younger, more male-dominated group. All respondents were also Springbok supporters who possessed sufficient knowledge on the Springbok brand and sponsors. There were six brands identified to fit the Springbok rugby brand, namely, Castle, Vodacom, SASOL, Canterbury, Nike, and Adidas. These identified brands proved that the study did indeed assess brand fit using conjoint analysis. Conclusions were drawn that brand fit could be established in a variety of ways. The most dominant ways were by leveraging the sponsorship, and also by sponsoring on a continuing basis. These two ways serve to inform consumers of the sponsorship, making them aware of the brands, and building the basis of brand fit in their minds. Brand fit was also achieved based on similar brand images of the two different brands. It was found that brand fit was absolutely essential for a successful brand image transfer. Before undertaking a sponsorship, it is important to establish if a perceived brand fit between the various brands will be perceived. If not, additional leveraging of the sponsorship, by means of a marketing campaign, should be used to teach consumers the basis of the brand fit between the various brands.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle studies is reeds uitgevoer aangaande handelsmerk beeld oordrag, maar baie min van hierdie studies het gefokus op een van die belangrikste determinante van diesins, naamlik handelsmerk pas. Handelsmerk beeld oordrag is die oordrag van die handelsmerk assosiasies, toegeskryf aan ‘n spesifieke entiteit, na die betrokke handelsmerk, terwyl handelsmerk pas gedefinieër word as 'n verbruiker leerproses wat poog om die handelsmerk assosiasies van die betrokke handelsmerke te laat pas. Hierdie studie poog om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel. As gevolg van die verskeidenheid handelsmerke betrokke in hierdie studie is vereenigde analise gebruik as 'n metode om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel. Besluitneming-gebaseerde vereenigde analise is gekies aangesien dit die vermoë het om die relatiewe voordeel van handelsmerke wat as gesamentlik beskou word vas te stel. Handelsmerke sal nie akkuraat gemeet word op individuele basis nie. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel met behulp van vereenigde analise, en dit was die hoof doelwit van hierdie studie. Rugby borgskappe is gekies om handelsmerk pas te beoordeel aangesien dit die tweede grootste kykertal in Suid-Afrika het, asook die hoogste monetêre waarde geheg aan borgskappe gedurende die tyd van hierdie studie. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen, met behulp van fokusgroepe, om te bepaal watter handelsmerke geassosieër word met die Springbok rugby handelsmerk. Die verskillende industrieë en handelsmerke gebruik in die fokus groepe is geselekteer deur die navorser op grond van huidige, vorige en potensiële borgskap van die Springbok rugby handelsmerk. Kwantitatiewe navorsing is gedoen met behulp van 'n aanlyn vraelys wat gestuur is deur 'n skakel in 'n epos aan 'n gekose databasis op die sosiale netwerk, Facebook. 'n Siftings vraag het verseker dat net rugby ondersteuners die opname voltooi. Die inligting is, soos ingesleutel deur respondente, in die vereenigde analise sagteware opgeneem. Sodoende was handelsmerke waargeneem as die wat die beste pas het met die Springbok rugby handelsmerk, bepaal. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 'n jonger, manlike dominerende groep respondente. Al die respondente was inderdaad Springbok ondersteuners met voldoende kennis oor die Springbok handelsmerk, asook Springbok borge. Ses handelsmerke is geïdentifiseer om te pas by die Springbok rugby handelsmerk, naamlik Castle, Vodacom, SASOL, Canterbury, Nike en Adidas. Hierdie geïdentifiseerde handelsmerke bewys dat die studie inderdaad handelsmerk pas beoordeel het met behulp van vereenigde analise. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak dat handelsmerk pas op ‘n verskeidenheid maniere kan ontstaan. Die mees dominante is advertering van die borgskap asook, om ‘n borgskap te onderhou op ‘n deurlopende basis. Dit lig die verbruikers in aangaande die borgskap, maak hulle bewus van die borgskap tussen die twee handelsmerke, en vorm ‘n basis waarop handelsmek pas by verbruikers kan plaasvind. Handelsmerk pas is ook bereik onder handelsmerke met soortgelyke handelsmerk beelde. Dit is gevind dat handelsmerk pas absoluut noodsaaklik is vir 'n suksesvolle handelsmerk beeld oordrag. Voordat enige borgskap onderneem word, is dit belangrik om vas te stel of verbruikers wel ‘n passing tussen die verskillende betrokke handelsmerke, waarneem. Indien nie, sal ekstra bemarking rondom die borgskap gedoen moet word deur middel van 'n bemarkingsveldtog, om die verbruikers in te lig, op grond van wat, handelsmerk pas tussen die verskeie handelsmerke gevorm kan word.
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Costa, Camilla Olga. "Leveraging knowledge for innovative brand development". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/17444.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It has become evident that the knowledge-driven, innovation economy supercedes the industrial era at the beginning of the 21st century. Within this environment characterized by innovation and the emphasis on brand owning companies, successful organizations will be those that transform information into valuecreating knowledge and dynamically leverage the knowledge to innovate and capture additional customer value. In contrast to an emphasis on traditional tangible assets to explain organizational success, recent strategic management literature focuses on intangible resources, viz. intellectual capital. Knowledgeempowered customers are driving many innovations in this environment, and consequently, value innovation shifts relatively from the supply chain to the demand chain in business value systems, with focus on brand equity development. The encompassing challenge that companies face in this new environment is how to identify and leverage all sources of value. These important assets include, among other factors, brands and the knowledge residing within the consumers’ mind. Due to the significant shift towards knowledge-networking and outsourcing of many organizational activities, it is increasingly incumbent to incorporate and integrate knowledge residing outside the borders of an organization. However, the potential value of brand building efforts will not be realized unless proper knowledge management practices, systems, approaches and tools are put into place within the organization to capitalize on the concept of knowledge-enhanced brand equity. Accordingly, firms require a framework or model to illustrate the leveraging of knowledge for innovative brand development and management. This study provides an in-depth overview and synthesis of knowledge and brand management literature concerned with the symbiotic relationship between the utilization of knowledge and innovative brand development. A preliminary conceptual model to demonstrate the relationship between brand equity and knowledge-based is proposed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die industriële era van die 20ste eeu is deur ‘n kennisgedrewe, innoverende ekonomie verbreed vanaf die begin van die 21ste eeu. Binne sodanige omgewing, wat gekenmerk word deur produk (waarde) innovasie en die opkoms van handelsmerk-gedrewe ondernemings, sal suksesvolle organisasies diegene wees wat inligting transformeer tot waardeskeppende kennis, en dié kennis as dinamiese hefboom gebruik om addisionele rykdom te skep en te behou. In teenstelling met die beklemtoning van tradisionele tasbare bates om organisasiesukses te verklaar, fokus onlangse strategiese bestuursliteratuur meer op ontasbare hulpbronne, naamlik kennis en intellektuele kapitaal. Ingeligde kliënte dryf innovasie en gevolglik skuif waarde innovasie relatief vanaf die aanbodsketting na die vraagketting in besigheidswaardesisteme, met die fokus op handelsmerksontwikkeling. Die uitdaging wat maatskappye in die gesig staar in hierdie nuwe omgewing is hoe om alle bronne van waarde te identifiseer en nie net die bates wat op die tradisionele balansstaat verskyn nie. Hierdie belangrike bates sluit onder andere in faktore soos handelsmerke en verbruikerspersepsies. Die organisasies wat suksesvol hierdie ontasbare bates skep en voorsien, en die hefboomwerking gebruik in die skepping van nuwe besigheidsmodelle, is dié organisasies wat die meeste waarde vir hulle aandeelhouers skep. Dit is toenemend noodsaaklik om kennis van buite die organisasie te inkorporeer en te integreer. Ondernemings benodig ‘n raamwerk of model om die voordelige gebruik van kennis vir innoverende handelmerkontwikkeling en –bestuur te fasiliteer. Hierdie studie voorsien ‘n in-diepte ontleding van kennisbestuurliteratuur en handelsmerkbestuurliteratuur, en dui veral op die verband en samehang tussen kennisbenutting en inoverende handelsmerkontwikkeling en –bestuur. ‘n Voorlopige konseptuele model om die verband tussen die handelsmerk- en kennisbestuur te illustreer, word voorgestel.
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Staisch, Ingrid. "A brand audit on the L'Oreal brand". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/815.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main question addressed in this research study is ‘How can L’Oréal improve upon their current brand image and subsequent brand positioning amongst Stellenbosch students as their target audience’. It was therefore considered necessary for the author of this research project to effectively be able to uncover the current health of the L’Oréal brand. A brand audit was therefore performed on the corporate L’Oréal brand. Brand audits are qualitative snapshots of the current position of the brand in terms of the current perceptions of the target audience and it is important to perform them on a regular basis as target audiences may evolve over time. Through performing a brand audit, the manufacturers / marketers of the brand in question will gain a better understanding of the current problems, desires and needs of the target audience in question. The information obtained from such an audit is valuable for the organization / brand as it allows them to determine whether a costly and time-consuming process such as a brand repositioning is necessary, as well as providing valuable market research which can lead to a viable and sustainable brand strategy. In order to uncover the health of the brand and determine the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of the target audience, a deductive approach to this study was employed. A paperbased questionnaire regarding the corporate / product L’Oréal brand was designed by the author and distributed to 444 students located on central campus at the University of Stellenbosch. A statistical significance level of five percent (α = 0.05) was employed when the information collected from the questionnaires was subjected to a series of statistical tests. Six main brand characteristics were investigated during the analysis of the survey data. These include brand awareness, attitude towards the corporate brand, attitude towards the products, level of desire for the brand, behavioural tendencies, and the value proposition. The results from the survey indicated that an overwhelming majority of respondents were familiar with the brand, and also that a large percentage of them had also used L’Oréal products. Along similar lines, the perceptions / attitudes with regards to the corporate and product brand were very, or fairly favourable amongst the respondents. There was a consistent trend amongst ethnic groups, with the white ethnic group being the most familiar with the brand, having the most favourable attitude with regards to the brand and products, and displaying the most positive usage behaviour with regards to the products. The opposite trend was observed for the black ethnic group. It was also determined that as the attitude with regards to the corporate brand increases so too does that of the product brand. This is a favourable situation for L’Oréal as efforts to build corporate brand identity can translate into strong, favourable and unique product associations. In terms of the benefits being sought, the majority of respondents ranked functional and emotional benefits as most important when using personal care products. The author was able to extract from the survey the fact that the black ethnic group had the least awareness and least favourable attitude, perception and behaviour with regards to the corporate and product brand in question. If L’Oréal is able to enhance the brand imagery amongst this target audience, they will surely build a positive brand equity as well as an additional income stream. In addition to this, the author was also able to identify that the emotional bond to the L’Oréal brand was not as strong as it could be. The respondents indicated that their level of desire for the brand was not on par with their expected / anticipated needs and that a personal care brand should fulfil more of these needs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofonderwerp van hierdie stuk navorsing is: “Hoe kan L’Oréal hulle huidige beeld en dus ook hulle handelsmerk posisionering tussen Stellenbosch studente as hulle teikenmark verbeter?” Dit is dus as nodig beskou dat die navorser ondersoek moet instel na die huidige gesondheid van die L’Oréal handelsmerk. ‘n Handelsmerk-oudit is dus op die korporatiewe L’Oréal handelsmerk uitgevoer. Handelsmerk-ouditte is kwalitatiewe “foto’s” van die huidige posisie van die handelsmerk in terme van die huidige persepsies van die teikenmark en dit is belangrik dat hulle op ‘n gereelde basis uitgevoer moet word want teikenmarkte evalueer oor ‘n tydperk. ‘n Handelsmerk-oudit kan daartoe lei dat die bemarkers van die handelsmerk ‘n beter begrip sal hê van die probleme, begeertes en behoeftes van hulle teikenmark. Die inligting wat deur die oudit verkry word is vir die organisasie / handelsmerk waardevol want hulle kan daaruit vasstel of ‘n duur en tydrowende proses soos handelsmerk re-posisionering nodig is, en ook kan dien as marknavorsing wat kan lei tot ‘n lewensvatbare en volhoudbare handelsmerkstategie. Om die gesondheid van die handelsmerk asook die persepsies, houdings en gedrag van die teikenmerk vas te stel, is ‘n deduktiewe benadering tot hierdie studie gevolg. ‘n Vraelys oor die korporatiewe / produk L’Oréal handelsmerk is deur die navorser opgestel en onder 444 studente op die sentrale kampus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch versprei. ‘n Statisties sinvolle vlak van vyf persent (α = 0.05) is gebruik toe die versamelde inligting van die vraelyste aan ‘n reeks statistiese toetse onderwerp is. Ses hoof handelsteken kenmerke is tydens die ontleding van die opname-data ondersoek. Dit sluit in merkbewustheid, houding teenoor die korporatiewe handelsmerk, houding teenoor die produkte, begeerte vir die handelsmerk, gedragstendense, en die waarde-proposisie. Die opname het getoon dat die oorweldigende meerderheid van die respondente die handelsmerk geken het en ook dat ‘n groot persentasie van hulle al L’Oréal produkte gebruik het. Die persepsies / houdings tussen die respondente betreffende korporatiewe- en produk handelsmerke was baie of redelik gunstig. Daar was ‘n konsekwente neiging tussen etniese groepe; die wit etniese groep ken die handelsmerk beter, het ‘n meer gunstige houding teenoor die handelsmerk en produkte en toon meer positiewe gebruiksgedrag betreffende die produkte. Die teenoorgestelde geld vir die swart etniese groep. Daar is ook vasgestel dat soos die houding teenoor die korporatiewe handelsmerk verbeter, so ook dié teenoor die produk handelsmerk. Dit is ‘n gunstige situasie vir L’Oréal want pogings om korporatiewe handelsmerk identiteit te bou sal omsit in sterk, gunstige en unieke produk assosiasies. Die navorser het uit die opname geleer dat die swart etniese groep die minste bewustheid en die ongunstigste houding, persepsie en gedrag betreffende die korporatiewe en produk handelsmerk het. As L‘Oréal die handelsbeeld onder hierdie teikenmark kan verbeter, sal hulle ‘n positiewe handelsekwiteit asook ‘n bykomende inkomstestroom kan skep. Die navorser het ook vasgestel dat die emosionele band met die L’Oréal handelsmerk nie so sterk is wat dit kan wees nie. Die respondente het aangedui dat hulle begeerte vir die handelsmerk nie so sterk is as hulle verwagte behoeftes nie en dat ‘n persoonlike sorg handelsmerk in meer van hierdie behoeftes behoort te voorsien.
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Pienaar, Hannelie. "An investigation into the impact of the Internet on brand building strategies in the physical and virtual world". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/49690.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990's, traditional principles of building brand equity, as they were applied in physical markets, were challenged. This happened because brands were traditionally built using passive media such as radio, television and print magazines and newspapers. The Internet introduced interactive media where the consumer is not only highly informed because of the exponential expansion of technology especially on the Internet, but also because the consumer could now choose to be a participant, or not, in marketing and brand building initiatives. Theoretically, it is possible to establish certain principles to build brands in virtual markets. The best solution is however to look at past studies of different companies that present various challenges that relate directly to the Internet and its brand building initiatives, and then combine this practical knowledge with a theoretical background. In the case studies, eight success drivers were identified as being crucial to build a brand firstly in a virtual market, but also secondly in physical markets. The success drivers that were implemented by companies that managed to build strong brands on the Internet include: using a multimedia mixture to differentiate and build the brand; focusing on supreme customer commitment: entering into distribution and content alliances; moving first, fast and keeping up the pace; developing intimate customer and market knowledge; building a reputation for excellence; delivering outstanding value and in respect of cross-over marketers, respecting core brand attributes, improving on the offline brand experience online and leveraging key offline assets in favour of the online brand. Brand building on the Internet, should be clear, consistent and reflecting leadership not only in the implementation of the above success drivers, but also in respect of the overall construction of the brand.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die bekendstelling van die Internet in die vroeë negentiger jare, is die tradisionele beginsels van "brand building" soos toegepas in tradisionele markte bevraagteken. Dit het gebeur omrede "brands" tradisioneel gebou was deur passiewe media soos radio, televisie, tydskrifte en koerante te gebruik. Die Internet het nie net interaktiewe media bekend gestel waar die kliënt oor baie inligting beskik as gevolg van die eksponensiële uitbreiding van tegnologie op die Internet nie, maar ook het die kliënt nou die keuse om deel te neem of nie aan bemarkings en "brand building" insentiewe. Dit is moontlik om deur middel van 'n teoretiese studie sekere beginsels vas te stel ten opsigte van hoe "brands" gebou moet word op die Internet. Die beste oplossing is egter om na gevallestudies te kyk wat betrekking het op 'n paar maatskappye wat 'n verskeidenheid van uitdagings daarstel wat direk van toepassing is op "branding" insentiewe op die Internet. Die kennis verkry van die gevallestudies kan dan gekombineer word met die teoretiese kennis om 'n raamwerk daar te stel vir "branding" op die Internet. Die gevallestudies het agt sukses drywers geïdentifiseer wat krities is vir die ontwikkeling van "brand building" insentiewe in fisiese markte sowel as markte op die Internet. Die sukses drywers deur die maatskapye geïmplimenteer wat sterk "brands" of die Internet gebou het, sluit in: die gebruik van 'n multimedia mengsel om die "brand" te differensïeer en te bou; konsentrasie op uitstekende ktïente diens; sluit van verspreidings en inhouds vennootskappe, om eerste in die mark te wees en aan te hou beweeg; ontwikkel intieme klïente en mark kennis; bou 'n uitstekende reputasie; lewer uitstaande waarde en ten opsige van oorbruggings bemarkers, respekteer die basis van die "brand", verbeter die Internet "brand" se ervaring in vergelyking met die fisiese "brand" en gebruik die bates van die fisiese "brand" ten gunste van die Internet "brand". Die bou van 'n "brand" moet eenvouding, deursigtig en konstant wees sowel as leierseienskappe toon wat nie net betrekking het op die bogemelde sukses drywers nie, maar ook op die algehele "brand" projeksie en implimentasie.
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Ormeño, Marcos O. "Managing corporate brands a new approach to corporate communication /". Wiesbaden Dt. Univ.-Verl, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8350-9599-1.

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Arendse, Garron Mark. "Private-label versus corporate brands : a qualitative study". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/18155.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Competition in food retailing has become a noticeable cosmopolitan phenomenon. Competitiveness filters down from retailers and their private-label brands to the suppliers and their manufacturer brands. Furthermore, the proliferation of food retailing has evolved into a double-edged sword for suppliers and manufacturers of both private-label and manufacturer/supplier-branded goods. Therefore, these suppliers, in comparison to those that solely manufacture national-brand goods, has to continuously maintain a favourable status quo on shelf with regard to brand performance, product quality and price of both retailer and supplier brands. Moreover, in store and on shelf, consumers of these brands are overloaded with choices between different packaging, prices and product statements. All relevant and eye catching, but do the supplier brands get the worst of the bargain? The objective of this study was to perform a qualitatively analysis on the supplier value of being a supplier of both privatelabel and manufacturer brands to the food-retail industry. The empirical study encompassed one-an-one and electronic interviews with key participants from specific food retailers to obtain answers validly, objectively and economically. The researcher employed a qualitative research approach together with a non-probability sampling strategy to explore the retail environment and interview participants. The three retailers that participated in the qualitative study were SPAR and Shoprite from South Africa and Morrisons from the United Kingdom. Interviews were scheduled with each participant that was available to participate and actively contribute to the outcome of this study. Interviews were conducted with a pre-set list of open-ended questions that was prepared in a discussion guide. Content analysis was then done on the interview feedback and this was used to formulate major findings and provide justification for the research objectives and propositions of this study. From the major findings in this study five themes were identified: growth, challenges, competitive environment, brand differentiation and supplier-retailer relationship. Findings indicated that retailers - regardless of their global location, consumer base and competitive environment - were mostly focused on growing their company and their respective private-label brand. Depending on the volatility of the supplier-retailer relationship, this growth focus could even come at the expense of a manufacturer's brand. The study also revealed that retailers are faced with a number of different challenges, which include deciding whether a product is fit to be sold under their private-label brand and if a supplier's strategy supports their own company strategy. The challenges encompass dependability of supply, quality of product and delivery reliability. Additionally, prime area for retailing is becoming more condensed in South Africa and as a result competition between the four major South African retailers is more vibrant. The study has noted that major retailers are also seeking expansion into emerging markets outside the metropolitan areas in South Africa, which will increase demand and create new customer expectations. Competitiveness and a point of difference would then be underpinned by innovation , creating a favourable shopping experience and service delivery, but with no compromise on quality and price. When considering brand differentiation, the study revealed that retailers were using this differentiation to increase private-label market share among the national brands whereas suppliers use it to create aspirational brands that attract and sustain consumer loyalty. It was concluded from this study that the growing availability and presence of private-label products in all categories on retailer shelves will become a serious threat for growing national brands that have not yet established themselves as market leaders. This threat will be further enhanced by the fact that retailers are using real estate and shelf space as leverage to negotiate. Regarding supplier-retailer relationship, this study showed that a retailer's focus will always be biased with the balance of power tilting in favour of the retailer, speCifically where a supplier is considered to be a supplier of both private-label and manufacturer brands. Although the latter is an industry norm, the power balance is complicated by the fact that no contract exists between supplier and retailer. As a result, a show of goodwill and a hand shake will seldom have the one-sided situation swing in favour of a supplier. Nonetheless, retailers' feedback indicated that they would rather develop relationships with suppliers that either have brands with smaller market share or only manufacture private-label products.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mededinging in die voedselkleinhandel het 'n merkbare kosmopolitaanse verskynsel geword. Mededingendheid syfer van kleinhandelaars en hul private handelsmerke na verskaffers en hul vervaardigershandelsmerke deur. Voorts het uitbreiding in die voedselkleinhandel in 'n tweesnydende swaard vir verskaffers en vervaardigers van goedere vir sowel private as vervaardigersIverskaffershandelsmerke ontwikkel. Daarom moet hierdie verskaffers, vergeleke met diegene wat slegs goedere vir nasionale handelsmerke vervaardig, voortdurend 'n gunstige status quo op die rak handhaaf ten opsigte van die handelsmerkprestasie, produkgehalte en prys van sowel private as verskaffershandelsmerke. Origens word verbruikers van hierdie handelsmerke, in die winkel en op die rak, oorlaai met keuses tussen verskillende verpakking, pryse en produkverklarings. Dit is alles tersaaklik en treffend, maar trek die verskaffershandelsmerke aan die kortste end? Die oogmerk van hierdie studie was om 'n kwalitatiewe ontleding te doen van die waarde vir die verskaffer om 'n verskaffer van sowel private as vervaardigershandelsmerke vir die voedselkleinhandel te wees. Die empiriese studie het persoonlike en elektroniese onderhoude met sleuteldeelnemers van spesifieke voedselkleinhandelaars behels om op geldige, objektiewe en ekonomiese wyse antwoorde te bekom. Die navorser het 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg tesame met 'n niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategie om die kleinhandelomgewing te verken en onderhoude met deelnemers te voer. Die drie kleinhandelaars wat aan die kwalitatiewe studie deelgeneem het, was SPAR en Shoprite van Suid-Afrika en Morrisons van die Verenigde Koninkryk. Onderhoude is geskeduleer met elke deelnemer wat vir deelname beskikbaar was en aktief tot die uitkoms van die studie wou bydra. Onderhoude is gevoer met 'n voorafbepaalde lys oop vrae wat in 'n besprekingsgids saamgevat is. Inhoudsontleding is daarna gedoen ten opsigte van die terugvoering wat tydens die onderhoude ontvang is. Dit is gebruik om hoofbevindinge te formuleer en motivering vir die navorsingsoogmerke en stellings van die studie te bied. Op grond van die hoofbevindinge van die studie is vyf temas geïdentifiseer: groei, uitdagings, mededingende omgewing, handelsmerkdifferensiasie en verhouding tussen verskaffer en kleinhandelaar. Die bevindinge het getoon dat kleinhandelaars - ongeag waar hulle hul in die wêreld bevind, hul verbruikersbasis en mededingende omgewing - meestal op hul maatskappy en hul private handelsmerk se groei toegespits is. Na gelang van die wisselvalligheid van die verhouding tussen verskaffer en kleinhandelaar kan hierdie fokus op groei selfs ten koste van 'n vervaardigershandelsmerk plaasvind. Die studie het ook getoon dat kleinhandelaars voor verskeie uitdagings te staan kom, waaronder die besluit of 'n produk geskik is om onder hul private handelsmerk verkoop te word en of 'n verskaffer se strategie hul eie maatskappystrategie ondersteun. Die uitdagings sluit ook betroubaarheid ten opsigte van voorraad, produkgehalte en lewering in. Daarby word die eersteklasgebied vir klein handel in Suid-Afrika toenemend digter en as gevolg daarvan is mededinging tussen die vier vernaamste Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaars lewendiger. Die studie het bevind dat vername kleinhandelaars ook na ontluikende markte buite die metropolitaanse gebiede in Suid-Afrika wil uitbrei, wat die vraag sal vergroot en nuwe verbruikersverwagtinge sal skep. Mededingendheid en 'n verskilpunt sal dan deur innovering, die skepping van 'n aangename inkopie-ervaring en dienslewering - sonder benadeling van gehalte en prys - ondersteun word. Ten opsigte van handelsmerkdifferensiasie het die studie getoon dat kleinhandelaars hierdie differensiasie gebruik om die markaandeel van private handelsmerke onder nasionale handelsmerke te verhoog, terwyl verskaffers dit gebruik om aspirasie-handelsmerke te skep wat verbruikerslojaliteit lok en behou. Daar is van die studie afgelei dat die toenemende beskikbaarheid en teenwoordigheid van produkte onder private handelsmerke in alle kategorieë op kleinhandelaars se rakke 'n ernstige bedreiging sal word vir groeiende nasionale handelsmerke wat hulle nog nie as markleiers gevestig het nie. Hierdie bedreiging sal versterk word deur die feit dat kleinhandelaars eiendom en rakruimte vir mag in onderhandeling sal gebruik. Ten opsigte van die verhouding tussen verskaffer en kleinhandelaar het hierdie studie getoon dat 'n kleinhandelaar se fokus altyd partydig sal wees, met die magsbalans ten gunste van die kleinhandelaar, veral indien 'n verskaffer as verskaffer van sowel private as vervaardigershandelsmerke beskou word. Alhoewel laasgenoemde 'n bedryfsnorm is, word die magsbalans bemoeilik deur die feit dat daar geen kontrak tussen die verskaffer en die kleinhandelaar bestaan nie. As gevolg daarvan sal 'n welwillendheidsgebaar en 'n handdruk selde daartoe lei dat die eensydige situasie ten gunste van die verskaffer sal draai. Kleinhandelaars se terugvoering het nietemin aangedui dat hulle eerder verhoudings met verskaffers sal ontwikkel wat of handelsmerke met 'n kleiner markaandeel het of produkte vir private handelsmerke vervaardig .
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Morris, Andrea Leigh. "Assessing brand image transfer in sponsorship". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/5347.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Marketing literature has revealed that sponsorship is a key marketing communication tool used to break through promotional clutter. Sponsorship is a means by which marketing managers are able to transfer knowledge about organisational offerings to consumers and communicate how organisations are able to satisfy consumers‟ needs. Satisfying consumers‟ needs is a key philosophy of marketing, thus, it is an important objective for marketing managers to transfer knowledge to consumers about their need-satisfying capabilities. Research has shown that knowledge is transferred to consumers by first creating awareness of brands, then building consumers‟ knowledge of brands, and finally establishing and enhancing consumers‟ perceptions of brand image. According to marketing literature, the process of building brand awareness, brand knowledge and brand image ultimately contributes toward the enhancement of brand equity. Previous research has shown that establishing brand awareness is an initial and crucial objective of sponsorship endeavours. Little research, however, has been done on the importance of brand image objectives and strategies in sponsorship. Researchers agree that brand image can be transferred between a sponsor brand and sponsored event, thereby enhancing the brand image of the respective parties. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess brand image transfer in sponsorship. The research problem considered the question whether the brand image of sponsor brands is transferred to the brand image of sponsored events, and whether the brand image of sponsored events is transferred to the brand image of sponsor brands. Fictitious brands were designed to assess the transfer of brand image, namely FruityBliss (sponsor brand) and the ProFriz Frisbee Challenge (sponsored event). Four brand image attributes were selected to assess the brand image of the sponsor brand and the brand image of the sponsored event. These included physical product and price (sponsor brand) and status and size (sponsored event). The four brand image attributes were manipulated in sixteen experiments and the brand image scores of the sponsor brand and sponsored event were subsequently measured. Results of the study showed that brand image scores of the sponsor brand were significantly higher than the brand image scores of the sponsored event. It was therefore concluded that brand image transfer does occur from a sponsor brand to a sponsored event and vice versa. Furthermore, product and price appeared to have a greater influence on the brand image scores of the sponsor brand and the sponsored event, than did status and size of the sponsored event. It was thus concluded that although brand image transfer does occur from a sponsor brand to a sponsored event and vice versa, the sponsor brand is influenced more by the sponsorship than the sponsored event. In other words, a stronger brand image transfer takes place from a sponsored event to a sponsor brand than from a sponsor brand to a sponsored event. From the research results, a number of recommendations were made. It was emphasised that organisations should make use of sponsorship as a means to break through promotional clutter. Sponsorship is an effective technique in enhancing brand images, and ultimately enhancing the brand equity of organisations. Organisations should therefore take careful consideration in developing sponsorship strategies; sponsor products should be affiliated with sponsored events and vice versa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bemarkingsliteratuur toon dat borgskap ‟n belangrike bemarkingskommunikasie-instrument is om te midde van ‟n warboel produkreklame ‟n impak te hê op die uitbou van handelsmerkbeeld. Borgskap is ‟n kommunikasiemetode waardeur bemarkingsbestuurders inligting oor bemarkingsaanbiedinge aan verbruikers oordra, oftewel aan verbruikers verduidelik hoe organisasies in hul behoeftes kan voorsien. Bevrediging van verbruikers se behoeftes is 'n belangrike filosofie van bemarking, dus, is dit 'n belangrike doelstelling vir bemarkingsbestuurders om kennis oor te dra aan verbruikers oor hulle behoefte-bevredigende vermoëns. Navorsing toon dat inligting eerstens aan verbruikers oorgedra word deur hulle bewus te maak van ‟n handelsmerk; daarná hul kennis van die handelsmerk op te bou, en uiteindelik hul opvattings van die beeld van daardie handelsmerk vas te lê en te verbeter. Volgens bemarkingsliteratuur dra die opbouproses van handelsmerkbewustheid, handelsmerkkennis en ‟n handelsmerkbeeld uiteindelik by tot die versterking van merkekwiteit. Vorige navorsing dui aan dat die vestiging van handelsmerkbewustheid ‟n aanvanklike en noodsaaklike doelwit van borgskap is. Tog is daar nog weinig navorsing gedoen oor die belang van handelsmerkbeelddoelwitte en –strategieë in borgskap. Navorsers is in eenstemming dat handelsmerkbeeld tussen ‟n borg en ‟n geleentheid oorgedra kan word, om só die handelsmerkbeeld van die onderskeie partye te versterk. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om sodanige handelsmerkbeeld-oordrag gedurende borgskap te beoordeel. Die navorsingsprobleem het besin oor die vraag of die handelsmerkbeeld van borghandelsmerke na die handelsmerkbeeld van geborgde geleenthede oorgedra word, asook of die handelsmerkbeeld van geborgde geleenthede na die handelsmerkbeeld van die borghandelsmerke oorgedra word. Fiktiewe handelsmerke, naamlik Fruitybliss (die borghandelsmerk) en die ProFriz Frisbee Challenge (die geborgde geleentheid), is ontwerp om handelsmerkbeeld-oordrag te bestudeer. Vier handelsmerkbeeld-eienskappe, naamlik fisiese produk en prys (borghandelsmerk) en status en grootte (geborgde geleentheid), is gekies om die handelsmerkbeeld van die borg en dié van die geleentheid te beoordeel. Die vier eienskappe is in sestien eksperimente gemanipuleer, waarna die handelsmerkbeeldtellings van die borghandelsmerk sowel as die geborgde geleentheid gemeet is. Die studieresultate toon dat die borghandelsmerk beduidend hoër handelsmerkbeeldtellings as die geborgde geleentheid behaal het. Daar was afgelei dat handelsmerkbeeld wél van ‟n borghandelsmerk na ‟n geborgde geleentheid oorgedra word, én omgekeerd. Voorts het produk en prys van die borghandelsmerk oënskynlik ‟n groter invloed op die handelsmerkbeeldtellings van die borghandelsmerk en die geborgde geleentheid gehad as die status en grootte van die geborgde geleentheid. Daaruit word afgelei dat, hoewel borgskap ‟n tweerigting-oordrag tussen borghandelsmerk en geborgde geleentheid impliseer, die borgskap tog ‟n groter invloed op die borghandelsmerk het as op die geborgde geleentheid. Handelsmerkbeeld-oordrag blyk dus om sterker te wees vanaf ‟n geborgde geleentheid na ‟n borghandelsmerk, as van ‟n borghandelsmerk na ‟n geborgde geleentheid. ‟n Aantal aanbevelings kan op grond van die studie gedoen word. Onder meer word beklemtoon dat organisasies borgskap moet aanwend om te midde van ‟n warboel produkreklame ‟n impak te hê op die uitbou van handelsmerkbeeld, om sodoende uiteindelik merkekwiteit te verbeter. Daarbenewens word voorgestel dat borgskap gebruik word om die handelsmerkbeeld van organisasies te bou en te versterk. Organisasies moet dus noukeurig oorweeg tydens die ontwikkeling van borgskap strategieë; borg produkte moet geaffilieer word met geborgde geleenthede én omgekeerd.
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Ndisengei, Charity. "An exploratory analysis of the global brand perceptions of SABMiller's global beer brands in Africa". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97353.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: David Ogilvy stated that ‘I have seen one advertisement actually sell not twice as much, not three times as much, but 19 ½ times as much as another. Both advertisements occupied the same space. Both were run in the same publication. Both had photographic illustrations. Both had carefully written copy. The difference was that one used the right appeal and the other used the wrong appeal’, Ogilvy (1983, 9) He then goes on to say that, the wrong advertising can actually reduce the sales of products. It is with this quote in mind that the researcher took to this research study. The objective of this study is to understand why the current advertising for SABMiller’s Global brands does not resonate with its intended target audience and based on these findings make recommendations that can be implemented by SABMiller. The design of this report is qualitative and exploratory. Participants of this study included a sample of fifteen individuals made up of SABMiller customers, and employees from Tanzanian brewery’s marketing and sales departments. The findings confirmed that Global brand advertising does not currently resonate with consumers in Tanzania. The perception generally is that these brand’s communication does not compel consumers to want to interact with them, let alone drive the propensity for purchase. Factors such as a mismatch in culture, language and relevance were identified as drivers to advertising relevance, all of which were lacking in Global brand advertising. The practical impact of this study is that SABMiller marketers can use this information to develop robust brand positioning strategies as well as communications strategies that will better resonate with their intended target audience and help to increase consumer’s propensity to purchase these brands.
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Peters, Wilhelm. "A study of the brand characteristics of Oakley". Thesis, Link to the online version, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019/1762.

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Khumalo, Wilson Mdala. "The value of measuring brand equity: the Ceres Fruit Juices case". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/995.

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Measuring brand equity is an important brand management function but, the appropriateness of brand equity measurement methods remain a concern. This study applied levels three of brand equity measurement approach to have an understanding of consumers’ brand perception. It is hoped that this understanding could give brand managers the necessary tool to develop and deploy effective and efficient brand management strategies and tactics. At Ceres Fruit Juices (CFJ), brand equity is used to improve competitive marketing actions, gain larger margins, intermediary co-operation and management support for brand extension. This study measures CFJ Brand equity to understand consumers’ perception so that this understanding can be used to develop responsive brand management strategies and tactics. Brand equity measurement methods and model found in the literature shows that measurement success depends on the suitability of the method used. However, customers’ perception is at the centre of brand equity measurement approach – level three used in this study. With merger and acquisition taking place at Ceres Fruit Juices, brand equity measurement emerged as an important brand management function to leverage real brand value. This would inevitably lead to an improvement in customer service through adequate understanding of customers brand perception. Understanding gives brand managers the necessary tool to deploy responsive and efficient brand management strategies and tactics to lessen the severity of the negative impact merger and acquisition may have on brand equity. Thus, this study found measurement model and method to be an essential element of brand equity measurement.
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El-Amir, Ayman M. Ragaa. "Retail brand management : towards modelling the grocery retailer brand from an ethnographic perspective". Thesis, University of Stirling, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/9243.

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As producers of national and international brands, manufacturers and service providers were the focus of brand management literature. However, as retailers have become major players nationally and internationally, managing retailers as brands have become a major challenge. The retailer unique business nature, and managerial needs as well as its ever-changing business environment render managing the retail brand a unique and complex task. For the retail brand to embrace and adapt to its managerial challenges, a multitude of brand management approaches should be employed. However, when addressing retailers as brands, the retail management literature has failed to account for this multiplicity exposing a gap in the literature. To fill this gap, a communal retail brand management model is proposed to help retailers embrace and adapt to their various branding requirements inflicted by their business challenges. To build the model, a common core among the various approaches involved in managing retail brands should be identified so as to simplify, by forming a unified approach, yet maintain the essence of each approach. The holistic, humanitarian and managerial orientations of the concept of organizational culture identify it as the common core and thus act as the backbone on which the model will be built. Since the model will be built through cultural interpretation, the ethnographic tradition of qualitative inquiry is utilized because it provides an emic perspective, which is the best strategy (that consequently provides best tools) for interpreting cultures. Besides, the flexibility of the ethnographic tradition allows the adoption of other qualitative traditions of enquiry to aid in building the model. Thus, the case study tradition is employed to confine the study within the precincts of a single retail brand in order to conduct deep analysis for several stakeholders simultaneously. Additionally, the analytical technique of the grounded theory tradition is employed to capitalize on its systematic ability to form conceptual themes out of raw data that, ultimately, become the model's building blocks. In light of conducting a five-months participant observation study in two grocery stores of a leading supermarket brand in two countries (Sainsbury's stores in the UK and Egypt), the findings revealed that modelling the retail brand culture resembles, metaphorically, a tree. The culture symbols resemble the tree attractive leaves, the rituals & local heroes resemble the supportive trunk, and values resemble the roots that anchor in the soil, which, in turn, resembles the cultures in which the retailer operates. The thesis concludes that the Tree- Model is a road map that guides retailers to build and manage their brand identity and consequently enable them to embrace and adapt to the various branding requirements dictated by their business challenges.
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Le, Péru Alexandre. "Branding and territories : the conflict of applying domestic laws to universal trademarks". Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82663.

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The thesis focuses on the branding phenomenon in its relationship with territory. Owners of global brands seek to defend a set of positive associations that goes beyond the concept of trademark per se. In that undertaking, the territorial limitation of trademark rights is perceived as an impediment to a worldwide protection of the branded myth.
The thesis analyses the branding phenomenon and the territoriality principle of trademark law. It also depicts the methods currently employed by trademark owners to circumvent national legislations. The thesis supports alternative approaches, which successfully combine branding and territorial values.
Eventually, the conflict of applying domestic law to "universal" trademarks can be solved by an adequate use of the global branding notion and through the establishment or strengthening of relevant regional blocks.
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Woodward, Tracy. "Identifying and measuring customer-based brand equity and its elements for a service industry". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1996.

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Van, Gensen Garth Allister. "A model for branding practices in a new South African Higher Education landscape". Thesis, Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (D. Tech.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2005
Distinctive challenges are currently facing South African higher education institutions. Among others they are funding; quality assurance; globalisation; the emergence of private higher education; the idea of an entrepreneurial university as an alternative; enrolment capping; as well as merged and incorporated institutions. It is critical that these challenges be addressed urgently. However, the lack of proper marketing and branding strategies at institutions of higher learning in view of the new unfolding national and international landscape, leaves much to be desired. In the past, branding of higher education in South Africa was not an area of priority, because higher education operated in a protected, regulated market with a steady income. The current higher education scenario necessitates higher education institutions to revisit their branding strategies as a means to grapple with the distinctive challenges facing them with the purpose of enhancing quality; delivering graduates to the world of work; as well as being relevant by being responsive to society and the economic needs of the country in order to adhere to the outcomes of the National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE) (RSA DoE 2001). A thorough literature study involving current and relevant literature on branding and branding practices was undertaken, after which a mainly qualitative research approach was followed. Focus group interviews at two entrepreneurial universities abroad; informal conversation interviews at seven South African higher education institutions; as well as a case study were conducted. Participant observation in the workplace relating to branding and branding practices also took place. The constant comparative method of data analysis was used to capture recurring patterns and themes during the research process. What became evident from the literature was that branding strategies of higher education institutions are generally restricted to informing and visual identity. The results of a survey done in 2004 by UNITECH, a body representing marketing and communication units of universities and former technikons (currently Universities of Technology) in South Africa, was also quite significant for this study. The following deductions regarding marketing and communication practices at South African higher education institutions could be made from this survey: There is a lack of an integrated marketing approach; executive management lacks understanding of branding practices; there is a lack of strategy with regard to marketing and branding; as well as a lack of internal communication. These deductions were consistent with the researcher’s own observations and are also confirmed by the informal conversation interviews held at the seven South African higher education institutions as part of the empirical investigation. The case study to highlight the branding practices of a higher education institution in the central region revealed that the implementation phase focused strongly on external/outward exercises, and that the internalisation aspects of their branding were narrowed to information only. The new visual identity of the institution was emphasised, whilst the internal processes remained the same as always. The aforementioned aspects are an indication that South African higher education institutions need to re-visit their internal practices. A market orientation mindset is of crucial importance for higher education institutions in South Africa to move towards an entrepreneurial mindset. The Universities of Warwick (England) and Twente (the Netherlands) were selected for this study as a result of the astounding successes they have achieved with their entrepreneurial activities. According to the respondents from both universities, the following aspects – among others - are extremely important for their successes: visionary leadership; an integrated entrepreneurial culture; a focus on external as well as internal communication; and relevance. The primary purpose of this study was to develop a model for South African higher education institutions which would ultimately result in brand enhancement of institutions that would be perceived as relevant and society-minded to live up to the challenges of the new and changing landscape in South Africa. The proposed model in this study is based on two overarching fundamentals, namely the experience economy and its relatedness to brand, as well as relevance and branding, which should be an integrated approach that could ultimately lead to successful external branding.
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Kruger, Hannelie. "Trademark and brand dilution : an empirical investigation". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/86565.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Constitutional Court in the Republic of South African indicated in 2006 (Laugh It Off Promotions CC v SAB International (Finance) BV t/a Sabmark International (Freedom of Expression Institute as amicus curiae), 2006 (1) SA 144 (CC)) that a senior trademark cannot be provided with anti-dilution protection if the senior trademark cannot demonstrate a probability of substantial economic harm. In the United States of America, legislation (Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006) corrected an earlier Supreme Court decision (Moseley v Victoria's Secret Catalogue, Inc., 537 U.S. 418 (2003)), and as a result evidence of a probability of dilution is now required to provide a senior trademark with anti-dilution protection. Senior trademarks experienced mixed success in courts in the Republic of South Africa as well as the United States of America when requesting anti-dilution protection. The reason is that when empirical evidence is offered of trademark dilution the nature of the evidence is usually limited and the method of obtaining it is often flawed. The response of brand managers to trademark infringement also seems to be limited to decisions contemplating litigation. Therefore, to assist both the legal and marketing fraternity when trademark infringement is thought to occur, this study investigates the nature and extent of trademark dilution. A literature review revealed the elements and forms (tarnishing and blurring) of trademark dilution and the motivation for using the concept ‘brand’ and the construct ‘brand equity’ to conceptualise trademark value. The limitations of previous research in measuring trademark dilution and commentary on court decisions provided the basis of the conceptualisation of trademark dilution as an undesirable effect on customer-based brand equity, operationalised as brand attitude. Brand attitude is a higher level brand value creator and five sub-components (affect, cognition, attitude valence and stability, attitude accessibility, purchase intention) were identified that measures brand attitude accurately. Brand attitude is also preceded by brand familiarity and leads to brand loyalty. Furthermore, brand attitudes can also be explained according to four types of decision-making processes: the type of decisions (high and low involvement) and type of motivations (informational and transformational). The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and extent of trademark dilution, (tarnishing and blurring) on components of customer-based brand equity. The study used an experimental research strategy and an electronic survey instrument (Qualtrics) with self-administered questionnaires. Six hypotheses were formulated to assess whether trademark tarnishing and blurring had an effect on any component of customer-based brand equity when trademarks/brands were considered collectively and individually. The study was designed as a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment. It consisted of three factors (type of dilution; type of decision; type of motivation) with different levels (undiluted/tarnish/blur; high involvement/low involvement; informational/transformational). Twelve different questionnaires were administered to a convenience sample of 3 441 potential respondents. The data generated by the 12 questionnaires was analysed using ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U tests. The results suggested that trademark tarnishing did have statistically significant effects on components of customer-brand equity as far all trademarks/brands were concerned and that the effect of trademark tarnishing and blurring were different when all trademarks/brands were considered together. Tarnishing and blurring had statistically significant effects on components of customer-based brand equity when individual trademarks/brands were considered, but the effect seemed to be specific to the type of decision (high/low involvement) taken and not the type of motivation (informational/transformational) involved. Tarnishing and blurring, when compared, had different and similar, but varying in intensity, effects on components of customer-based brand equity for individual trademarks/brands. Tarnishing and blurring, when considered separately, had different and similar, but varying in intensity, effects on components of customer-based brand equity. The study made a theoretical contribution which should be of value to members of the legal and marketing fraternity. The study showed in the first instance that trademark tarnishing and blurring are independent constructs that had different or similar, but varying in intensity, effects on components of customer-based brand equity. The effect of trademark dilution, tarnishing and blurring, is not limited to brand recall and recognition and brand attitude accessibility. Trademark tarnishing also had different or similar, but varying in strength, effects on individual trademarks/brands, as did trademark blurring. The type of decision (high or low) and type of motivation (informational or transformational) therefore play a role in the unique effect trademark tarnishing or blurring will have on components of customer-based brand equity. Secondly, the effect of trademark tarnishing and blurring may not be unfavourable by implication. In fact, blurring had a positive effect on components of customer-based brand equity, at least after a single exposure. This finding implies that trademark tarnishing has a more severe and faster effect on customer-based brand equity compared to trademark blurring. A brand manager will, as a result of the study, know how to respond, if at all, when a junior mark emerges that is similar to their senior trademark and seemingly dilutes the senior trademark. An attorney whose client requests anti-dilution protection will know, as a result of the study, whether litigation is indeed the answer to the problem. The study provides insight, not only regarding the nature of trademark dilution, as explained by the impact of trademark tarnishing and blurring on specific components of customer-based brand equity, but also regarding the extent of trademark dilution. Trademark dilution has an effect on trademarks/brands, but the effect, be it in respect of a specific component or the intensity of the effect on the component, may not be what is expected. Based on the results of this study several recommendations can be offered to brand managers and trademark attorneys. Brand managers (senior trademarks) should not respond to junior marks using their brands (senior trademarks) without first assessing the nature and extent of the effect of the junior mark on the senior trademark’s customer-based brand equity. Similarly, attorneys should also first examine the nature and extent of trademark dilution and advise their clients accordingly. Once the nature and extent of trademark dilution have been determined, a brand manager can customise his response according to the component of customer-based brand equity affected as well as the intensity of the effect. Attorneys can support at least part of their arguments to obtain anti-dilution protection for their clients, on very exact indications of the effect of use by a junior mark on customer-based brand equity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Konstitusionele Hof van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het in 2006 (“Laugh it Off Promotions CC vs SAB International (Finance) BV t/a Sabmark International (Freedom of Expression Institute as amicus curiae),” 2006 (1) SA 144 (CC)) bevind dat ‘n senior handelsmerk nie anti-skendingsbeskerming kan geniet tensy die senior handelsmerk ‘n waarskynlikheid van wesenlike finansiële skade kan demonstreer nie. In die Verenigde State van Amerika het wetgewing ‘n Hooggeregshof-uitspraak (“Moseley v Victoria’s Secret Catalogue, Inc.,” 537 U.S. 418 (2003)) gekorrigeer sodat sederdien slegs bewys van ‘n waarskynlikheid van skending nou benodig word vir ‘n senior handelsmerk om anti-skendingsbeskerming te kan geniet. Senior handelsmerke het gemengde welslae in beide die Republiek van Suid-Afrika sowel as die Verenigde State van Amerika behaal wanneer hulle anti-skendingsbeskerming versoek het omrede die empiriese bewyse wat normaalweg aangebied is, beperkend van aard was en die data-insamelingsmetode gebrekkig. Die reaksie van handelsmerkbestuurders op handelsmerk-oortreding was tot dusver beperk tot besluite ten gunste van litigasie al dan nie. Derhalwe ondersoek hierdie studie die aard en omvang van handelsmerk-skending om sodoende beide die regskundige en bemarkingsgemeenskappe te ondersteun wanneer handelsmerk-oortreding vermoed word. ‘n Literatuur oorsig het die elemente en vorme (besmetting en verdowwing) van handelsmerk-skending geidentifiseer asook die motivering om die konsep van ‘handelsmerk’ en die konstruk van ‘handelsmerkwaarde’ te gebruik. Die beperkings van vorige navorsing om handelsmerk-skending te meet en kommentaar op hofbeslissings het die basis van die voorstelling van handelsmerk-skending as ‘n ongewenste effek op kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde neergelê en dit geoperasionaliseer as handelsmerk-ingesteldheid. Handelsmerk-ingesteldheid is ‘n hoë-vlak handelsmerkwaardeskepper en vyf subkomponente (gevoelsinhoud/emosie; denke/kennis; polariteit en stabiliteit van ingesteldheid; ingesteldheidstoeganklikheid/reaksie latentheid; aankoopvoorneme) is geïdentifiseer wat handelsmerk-ingesteldheid akkuraat meet. Handelsmerk-ingesteldheid word voorafgegaan deur handelsmerk-bekendheid en gevolg deur handelsmerk-lojaliteit. Verder kan handelsmerk-ingesteldheid ook verklaar word aan die hand van vier soorte besluitnemingsprosesse: die tipe besluit (hoë betrokkenheid of lae betrokkenheid) en die tipe motivering (informatief of transformerend). Die doel van die studie was om die aard en omvang van handelsmerk-skending, (besmetting en verdowwing) op die komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde te ondersoek. Die studie het ‘n eksperimentele navorsingstrategie gevolg en van ‘n elektroniese opname-instrument (Qualtrics) met self-geadministreerde vraelyste gebruik gemaak. Ses hipoteses is geformuleer om vas te stel of besmetting of verdowwing ‘n effek op enige komponent van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde het wanneer alle handelsmerke gesamentlik beskou word sowel as afsonderlik. Die studie was ontwerp as ‘n 3 x 2 x 2 faktoriale eksperiment. Dit het bestaan uit drie faktore (tipe skending; tipe besluit; tipe motivering) met verskillende vlakke (onbenadeel/besmet/verdof; hoë betrokkenheid/lae betrokkenheid; informatief/transformerend). Twaalf verskillende vraelyste is aan ‘n geriefsteekproef van 3 441 moontlike respondente gestuur. Die data word deur die 12 vraelyste gegenereer is met behulp van ANOVA en Mann Whitney U toetse ontleed. Die resultate het aangetoon dat besmetting ‘n statisties betekenisvolle effek op die komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde het wanneer die handelsmerke gesamentlik beskou word, asook dat die effek van besmetting en verdowwing verskillend is wanneer al die handelsmerke gesamentlik beskou word. Bemetting en verdowwing het statisties betekenisvolle effekte op die komponente van handelsmerkwaarde wanneer handelsmerke afsonderlik beskou word, maar die effek blyk verwant aan die tipe besluit (hoë betrokkenheid/lae betrokkenheid) te wees en nie aan die tipe motivering (informatief/transformerend) nie. Besmetting en verdowwing, wanneer dit vergelyk word, het verskillende of soortgelyke, maar veranderend invloede ten opsigte van intensiteit, effekte op die komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde. Die studie lewer ‘n teoretiese bydrae gelewer aan lede van die regskundige-en bemarkingsgemeenskappe. Die studie het ten eerste getoon dat handelsmerk-besmetting en –verdowwing onafhanklike konstrukte is wat verskillende of soortgelyke, maar veranderend in intensiteit, effekte op kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde het. Die effek van handelsmerk-skending, besmetting en verdowwing, is nie net beperk tot handelsmerk-herroeping en -herkenning en handelsmerk-ingesteldheidstoeganklikheid nie. Handelsmerk-besmetting het ook verskillende of soortgelyke, maar verskillend in intensiteit, effekte op die handelsmerke afsonderlik, wat ook geld in handelsmerk-verdowwing. Die tipe besluit (hoë betrokkenheid of lae betrokkenheid) en tipe motivering (informatief of transformerend) speel derhalwe ‘n rol in die unieke effek wat besmetting of verdowwing op die komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde het. Tweedens is die effek van besmetting en verdowwing nie noodwendig ongunstig nie. Trouens, verdowwing het ‘n versterkende effek op sommige komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde gehad, ten minste ná ‘n enkele blootstelling. Dit impliseer dat besmetting ‘n veel erger en vinniger effek op kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde as verdowwing het. ‘n Handelsmerkbestuurder sal na aanleiding van die studie weet hoe om te reageer, indien enigsins, wanneer ‘n junior merk verskyn wat soortgelyk aan die senior handelsmerk is. ‘n Prokureur wie se kliënt anti-skendingsbeskerming versoek sal weet, na aanleiding van die studie, of litigasie inderdaad die antwoord op die probleem is. Die studie verskaf insig, nie net ten opsigte van die aard van handelsmerkskending soos beskryf deur die impak van handelsmerkbesmetting en –verdowwing op sekere komponente van kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde nie, maar ook ten opsigte van die omvang van handelsmerkskending. Handelsmerkskending het ‘n effek op handelsmerke, maar die effek, of dit op ‘n sekere komponent of op die intensiteit van die effek op die kompenent mag wees, is moontlik anders as wat verwag is. Gabaseer op die resultate kan verskeie aanbevelings aan handelsmerkbestuurders en handelsmerkprokureurs gemaak word. Handelsmerkbestuurders (senior handelsmerke) behoort nie te reageer op junior merke wat hul merk (senior handelsmerk) gebruik sonder om die aard en omvang van die effek van die junior merk op die senior handelsmerk se kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde te bepaal nie. Eweneens behoort handelsmerkprokureurs eers die aard en omvang van die handelsmerkskending te bepaal en hul kliënte dienooreenkomstig adviseer. Sodra die aard en omvang van handelsmerkskending bepaal is, kan ‘n handelsmerkbestuurder sy reaksie volgens die geaffekteerde komponent van die handelsmerk, sowel as die intensiteit daarvan, aanpas. Prokureurs kan ten minste sommige van hul argumente om anti-skendingsbeskerming vir hul kliënte te verkry, ondersteun deur baie duidelike aanduidings van die effek van die gebruik van ‘n junior merk op kliënt-gebaseerde handelsmerkwaarde.
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Lee, Kwok-wah Gilbert. "Marketing management in PRC : an overview of beer market in china : a case study of understanding consumer behaviour and managing brand equity in China /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1996. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B17963539.

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Van, Jaarsveld Karien. "The effect of the senses on the perception of a brand". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/4130.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Against the background of the challenge marketers face in influencing consumer perceptions of brands, this study attempts to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. Perception is the way in which consumers interpret the world around them, with the senses as the receptors of information from the environment. One way of influencing consumer perceptions is by stimulating or involving multiple senses in brand building. To test this statement, the following research question was drawn: ‘Do the senses affect the perception of a brand?’The empirical study was one of an experimental nature, and a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design was used to assess the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand. In order to focus the research and to provide information to a leading distributor of alcohol spirits in South Africa, it was decided to concentrate on alcohol, more specifically, brandy. Due to the nature of the selected brand, sensory properties in relation to the product were used to measure the effect of the senses on brand perception. The nature of the brand is a consumable, and taste was used as the dependant variable to measure perceptions. The stimulated senses in the experiment are sight, sound and smell. The stimuli were: sight with the visible brandy colour, sound in the form of brandy being poured into a glass and smell as an enhanced honey aroma. Several experiments were conducted in a sensory laboratory, which assessed the effect of the senses on the perception of a brand, by way of individual main effects, two-way interactions and a three-way interaction. A convenience sample of 240 alcohol spirit consumers, from the Western Cape, was used to conduct the experiment. The empirical results indicated that the three independent variables (individual main effects or two-way interactions) did not have significant effects on perception. Most importantly, it was found that the three-way interaction of sight, sound and smell did have a significant effect on the perception of a brand. Therefore, this study revealed that multiple stimulated senses affect the perception of a brand.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handel oor die effek van sintuie op persepsie van ’n handelsmerk, teen die agtergrond van die bemarkings uitdaging wat bemarkers teenstaan om verbruikers se persepsie van handelsmerke te beinvloed. Persepsie is die manier waarop verbruikers die wêreld interpreteer, met die sintuie as ontvangers van inligting vanuit die omgewing. Een manier waarop persepsies beinvloed kan word, is deur die stimulering en betrekking van ‘n meerderheid van sintuie met die bou van handelsmerke. Om hierdie stelling te toets is die volgende navorsingsvraag gestel: ‘Beinvloed die sintuie die perspesie van ‘n handelsmerk?’Die empiriese studie was eksperimenteel van aard, en ‘n 2 x 2 x 2 faktoriese ontwerp is gebruik om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op ‘n handelsmerk persepsie is. Om inligting aan ‘n verspreider, wat ‘n markleier van alkohol spirietes in Suid-Afrika is, te verskaf, is daar besluit om op alkohol, en meer spesifiek, brandewyn te fokus. Weens die aard van die gekose handelsmerk is sensoriese eienskappe in verband met die produk gebruik om die effek van die sintuie op die handelsmerk te bepaal. Die produk is ‘n verbruikbare produk, en smaak is as die onveranderlike gebruik om persepsie te meet. Die gestimuleerde sintuie in die eksperiment was sig, klank en reuk. Die stimuli was: • sig met die sigbaarheid van die brandewyn kleur, • klank in die vorm van ‘n brandewyn wat geskink word en • reuk as ‘n beklemtoonde heuningreuk. Verskeie eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n sensoriese laborotorium om te bepaal wat die effek van die sintuie op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk is. ‘n Geriefliksheidsteekproefmetode van 240 verbruikers, van die Wes Kaap, was gebruik om die eksperiment uit te voer. Hierdie respondente was almal alkohol verbruikers wat ook spirietes gebruik. Die empiriese resultate het getoon dat die drie veranderlikes (individuele hoof effekte of tweerigting interaksies) geen beduidende effek op persepsie gehad het nie. Die belangrikste bevinding was die dat die drierigting interaksie van sig, klank en reuk wel ‘n beduidende effek op die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk gehad het. Die studie het getoon dat, dus veelvoudige gestimuleerde sintuie die persepsie van ‘n handelsmerk beinvloed.
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Allan, Meredith Leigh. "Price versus brand : assessing the role of price and brand in low-income consumer decision-making". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/86272.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Growing competition, fuelled by globalisation, has increased the number of alternatives across almost all product categories, leaving consumers overloaded with information and overwhelmed for choice. Brand and price represent two cues that have been found to influence consumer decision-making and which can be used in marketing strategies to create value, and differentiate from competitors in this increasingly competitive climate. Responding to the misconceptions surrounding the decision-making of individuals classified in the low-income market segment, and in light of the significance of Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) supported by Prahalad (2002), this study was undertaken to assess the perceived importance of price and brand in low-income consumers’ decision-making process, and thereby examine the effect of different prices and brands on low-income consumers’ product preference. Primary causal research using a choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis was conducted on a judgement sample of black female adults. A total of 209 questionnaires were completed through fieldwork of personal interviews in informal settlements in Gauteng. The study used a 5 price presentation (R18.99; R24.99; R28.99; R33.99; R42.99) by 5 brand presentation (Ace, Iwisa, White Star, Mnandi, Ritebrand) between-subjects design in the maize meal product category. The hierarchical Bayes procedure and multinomial logit model were used to analyse the primary data. Results of the descriptive and inferential analysis of the CBC showed that brand was perceived as more important, attributing to 65 per cent of low-income consumers’ decision-making process, opposed to the 35 per cent attributed to price, and that prices and brands had varying effects on low-income consumers’ purchase probabilities. Although lower prices did have higher perceived utilities, the price-sensitivity of low-income consumers was found to be less influential at lower price ranges, suggesting the stronger influence of brand and brand associations on their evaluation of alternatives. Familiar brands (White Star, Ace and Iwisa) were seen to positively influence low-income consumers’ purchase probability by reducing perceived risk, further enhanced by brand credibility as found with Iwisa (which indicated consistent quality) resulting in higher purchase probability. Unfamiliar brands (Mnandi and Ritebrand) were perceived as having low levels of utility, attributed to higher levels of perceived risk and unclear quality inferences. The research conclusions, drawing from secondary research, proposed a model of low-income consumer decision-making that is influenced by various factors, including aversion to loss, and the desire to satisfy aspirations. Varying levels of brand knowledge, brand quality and credibility as well as symbolic value attached to different brands as perceived by low-income consumers, are argued to influence both individuals’ aversion to loss, as well as their aspirational desires, and thus influence the decision-making process. Price and price–quality inferences, brand familiarity, brand–quality inferences, psychological factors and those surrounding the purchase context were found to have influence over the decision-making process of individuals within this market segment. Managerial recommendations emphasise the significance of the BOP as a viable market segment, warn marketers of low-cost pricing strategies, and discuss the importance of employing value-based strategies and leveraging brand to attract, satisfy and retain consumers in this market segment. Managers are challenged to find a balance between perceived quality and reliability and affordable price, in order to operate successfully in the low-income market and offer effective value propositions that provide customer satisfaction while allowing for sustained sales and profits for the firm.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groeiende mededinging, gedryf deur globalisering, het die aantal alternatiewe in byna alle produkkategorieë laat toeneem, wat verbruikers oorlaai met inligting en oorweldig met keuses. Handelsmerk en prys verteenwoordig twee leiseine wat verbruikersbesluitneming beïnvloed en wat gebruik kan word in bemarkingstrategieë om waarde te skep, en 'n produk van sy mededingers te onderskei in hierdie toenemend mededingende klimaat. In reaksie op die wanopvattings omtrent die besluitneming van individue wat in die lae-inkomste-marksegment geklassifiseer word, en in die lig van die betekenisvolheid van die Bodem van die Piramide (BOP) soos ondersteun deur Pralahad (2002), is hierdie studie onderneem om die waargenome belangrikheid van prys en handelsmerk in lae-inkomste-verbruikers se besluitnemingsproses te assesseer, en sodoende die effek van verskillende pryse en handelsmerke op lae-inkomste-verbruikers se produkvoorkeure te ondersoek. Primêre kousale navorsing deur 'n keusegebaseerde saamgevoegde analise ("choice-based conjoint analysis" of CBC) is uitgevoer op 'n oordeelsteekproef van swart, vroulike volwassenes. 'n Totaal van 209 vraelyste is voltooi deur middel van veldwerk in die vorm van uit persoonlike onderhoude in informele nedersettings in Gauteng. Die studie het 'n tussensubjekte-ontwerp gebruik met 'n 5-prys-aanbieding (R18.99; R24.99; R28.99; R33.99; R42.99) teenoor 'n 5-handelsmerk-aanbieding (Ace, Iwisa, White Star, Mnandi, Ritebrand) in die mieliemeel-produkkategorie. Die hiërargiese Bayes-prosedure en multinomiale logitmodel is gebruik om die primêre data te ontleed. Die resultate van die beskrywende en inferensiële analise van die CBC het gewys dat handelsmerk as meer belangrik waargeneem word, met 65 persent van lae-inkomste-verbruikers se besluitnemingsproses wat daaraan toegeskryf kan word, in vergelyking met 35 persent aan prys. Verder het pryse en handelsmerke wisselende effekte op lae-inkomste-verbruikers se aankoopwaarskynlikhede gehad. Alhoewel laer pryse hoër waargenome bruikbaarhede gehad het, is daar gevind dat die pryssensitiwiteit van lae-inkomste-verbruikers minder invloedryk is in laer prysklasse, wat dui op die sterker invloed van handelsmerke en handelsmerkassosiasies op hulle evaluering van die verskillende alternatiewe. Bekende handelsmerke (White Star, Ace en Iwisa) het lae-inkomste-verbruikers se aankoopwaarskynlikheid positief beïnvloed deur waargenome risiko te verlaag. Hierdie verskynsel is verder versterk deur handelsmerkgeloofwaardigheid, soos gesien by Iwisa (wat konsekwente gehalte aangedui het), wat lei tot hoër aankoopwaarskynlikheid. Onbekende handelsmerke (Mnandi en Ritebrand) is waargeneem as laag in terme van bruikbaarheidsvlakke, wat toegeskryf kan word aan hoër vlakke van waargenome risiko en onduidelike afleidings omtrent gehalte. Die navorsingsgevolgtrekking, wat op grond van sekondêre navorsing gemaak is, stel 'n model van lae-inkomste-verbruikersbesluitneming voor wat deur verskeie faktore beïnvloed word, insluitend 'n afkeer van verlies en die begeerte om aspirasies te bevredig. Wisselende vlakke van handelsmerkkennis, handelsmerkgehalte en -geloofwaardigheid, asook die simboliese waarde wat aan verskillende handelsmerke geheg word soos waargeneem deur lae-inkomste-verbruikers, beïnvloed sowel individue se afkeer van verlies as hulle aspirasionele behoeftes, en beïnvloed dus die besluitnemingsproses. Daar is gevind dat afleidings omtrent prys, prys teenoor gehalte en handelsmerk teenoor gehalte, handelsmerkbekendheid, sielkundige faktore en faktore vanuit die aankoopkonteks 'n invloed het op die besluitnemingsproses van individue binne hierdie marksegment. Bestuursaanbevelings beklemtoon die belangrikheid van die BOP as 'n lewensvatbare marksegment, waarsku bemarkers teen laekoste-prysingstrategieë, en bespreek die belang daarvan om waardegebaseerde strategieë te gebruik en handelsmerke te hefboom om verbruikers in hierdie marksegment te lok, te bevredig en te behou. Bestuurders word uitgedaag om 'n balans te vind tussen waargenome gehalte en betroubaarheid en bekostigbare pryse, ten einde suksesvol in die lae-inkomstemark te funksioneer en doeltreffende waardeproposisies te bied wat verbruikersbevrediging verskaf, maar steeds ruimte laat vir volgehoue verkope en winste vir die firma.
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Saal, Alvin. "Investigating the determinants of brand equity: a verification approach in the detergents industry in South Africa". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/80641.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Creating brand equity, that is, building a strong brand is a successful strategy for differentiating a product from competing brands (Aaker, 1991: 256). Brand equity provides sustainable competitive advantages, because it creates meaningful competitive barriers. Brand equity is developed through perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand associations, which cannot be either built or destroyed in the short run; but can be created only in the long run through carefully designed marketing investment. This study aims to examine the practicality and application of a customer-based brand equity model, based on Aaker’s (1991: 256) well-known conceptual framework of brand equity. The study investigates the causal relationships between the 4 dimensions of brand equity and brand equity itself. It specifically measured the way in which consumers’ perceptions of the dimensions of brand equity affected the overall brand equity evaluations. Data were collected from a sample of house-wives in South Africa. The study concludes that brand loyalty and perceived quality is the most influential dimension of brand equity. Support was also found for the brand awareness and brand association dimensions. Implications for marketing managers and marketing planners are discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die skep van handelsmerkekwiteit “brand equity”, wat die bou van sterk handelsmerke impliseer, is 'n suksesvolle strategie om 'n produk van mededingende produkte te onderskei (Aaker, 1991: 256). Handelsmerkekwiteit voorsien volgehoue mededingende voordele omrede dit betekenisvolle mededingende hindernisse skep. Dit is ontwikkel op grond van kwaliteitsherkenning, handlesmerklojaliteit, kwaliteitsbewustheid en kwaliteitsassosiasies. Handelsmerkekwiteit kan geskep word deur omsigtige bemarkingsinvestering. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om die toepaslikheid en praktiese toepassing van 'n kliëntgebasseerde ekwiteitsmodel te ondersoek en is gebaseer op Aaker (1991: 256) se bekende konseptuele handelsmerk-ekwiteitsraamwerk. Die studie ondersoek die kousale verwantskap tussen die vier handelsmerkekwiteitsdimensies en die algehele ekwiteitsevaluasie. Dit meet die wyse waarop die verbruiker se persepsie van die dimensies ekwiteit beïnvloed en die algehele ekwiteitsevaluasie. Data-insameling is gedoen onder huisvrouens in Suid-Afrika. Die resultate bevestig dat handelsmerklojaliteitlojaliteit en kwaliteitherkenning die mees invloedryke dimensies van handelsmerekwiteit is. Ondersteuning is ook gevind vir die kwaliteitsbewustheid en assosiasie dimensies. Hiervolgens is implikasies vir bemarkingbestuurders en -beplanners geformuleer.
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Napoli, Julie 1969. "Developing and validating a multidimensional measure of nonprofit brand orientation and assessing its impact on organizational performance". Monash University, Dept. of Marketing, 2003. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/5655.

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Romaney, Rafik. "An investigation into perceptions of South Africa's brand personality : a qualitative study". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/80739.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Since the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994, considerable investment has gone into South Africa’s brand. However, this researcher could find no literature on the description of South Africa’s brand personality as perceived by visitors. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into South Africa’s brand personality and encourage researchers to undertake a more in depth study of South Africa’s brand personality. It ultimately aims to assist marketers in differentiating South Africa’s brand and making it more competitive on the world stage. This report also seeks to encourage research in the field of customer service personality frameworks for destinations, based on destination brand personality. The design of this report is qualitative and exploratory. Participants of this study included a group of 15 arbitrarily selected visitors at the International Departure Terminal of Cape Town International Airport. A semi-structured interview was the method used to collect the data. A qualitative analysis included categorising the data according to similar adjectives and descriptions and then determining where best it fits (if at all) with Aaker’s (1997:354) brand personality dimensions. The findings of the research reveal that South Africa’s brand personality can be described in terms of Aaker’s (1997:354) brand personality scale. However, a relatively large number of participants described the personality as immature, contradictory and damaged. The researcher also discovered that there is a weak relationship between the brand personality and the core values of South Africa’s brand as identified by Brand South Africa (Shepherd, 2010a).This led the researcher to conclude that there are deficiencies in South Africa’s brand personality and it is not robust enough to be a sustainable competitive advantage in its current state. This researcher concluded that South Africa’s brand personality has a perceived weakness of inconsistency, is in a developing phase and the perceived personality is not an effective medium through which the country’s core values are being communicated. This research was limited by the relatively low number of participants, the collection of data in one location only and the absence of triangulation. This impacts negatively on the robustness of this research. The data collection also lacked representation across nationalities that would have provided an opportunity to make comparisons of the same. This report is not generalisable and the isolated nature of the research implies that the personality identified cannot be compared with other destination brand personalities to determine its relative strength or weakness. The practical implication of this research is that in identifying visitors’ perceptions of South Africa’s brand personality, marketers can use this information to mitigate the negative perceptions that manifest in the personality and emphasise the positive. The identification of the ‘developing’ nature of South Africa’s brand personality points to an opportunity to shape the brand according to Brand South Africa’s strategic objectives. The finding that traits associated with some of the core values like Ubuntu, Competitiveness and Determination are absent from the personality provides valuable insight into the gap between how the brand is positioned and the perceptions of visitors. The finding of the stereotypical perceptions of African and Western manifesting in the brand personality can be used as valuable insight in a nation branding initiative that aims to change these perceptions. Finally, the brand personality can form the basis of a customer service personality that is unique to South Africa.
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Onojaefe, Darlington Peter. "Business use of branding strategies for e-commerce benefits". Thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2008. http://dk.cput.ac.za/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=td_cput.

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Coetzee, Nerisa. "The exploitation of niche markets : an evaluation of Huisgenoot's standalone titles in an already competitive consumer magazine market". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/95637.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
The high costs of new product launches have forced consumer magazines globally to launch brand extensions as part of new product strategies. Costs can be reduced radically by using renowned brands and utilising their marketing and distribution competencies. The economic recession and a rapid leaning towards non-print media have caused a sharp drop in advertising as well as consumer spending in the print magazine industry. Nevertheless, tablet devices and ground-breaking technology offers opportunities for traditional media to grow. The product life cycle and the growth-share matrix for a mature brand such as Huisgenoot validate the necessity of new products and brand extensions to remain sustainable. Huisgenoot is the largest magazine in South Africa with a circulation of 281 045, reaching 2.2 million (AMPS 2012, Jul 2011 – Jun 2012) readers on a weekly basis. Publishers felt it necessary to develop a brand extension strategy to leverage the brand even further and to avoid stagnation of the title. However, although profiting from parent brand value sounds promising, the global failure rate of extensions is still great. Extending existing brands and launching new products is crucial to increase profits. Brand extensions address neglected consumer needs and simultaneously confront competition in the market. However, launching new products is costly, risky and time consuming. In 2010, Media24 decided to leverage content, one of its most valuable assets, by introducing additional standalone magazines (line extensions) for one of its strongest brands, Huisgenoot. Are magazines exploiting niche markets catering for the changing needs of the South African consumer and advertiser? What is the impact of Huisgenoot’s standalone titles on the business of Media24 Weekly Magazines in an already competitive consumer magazine market? This research report explores specifically Huisgenoot’s line extensions in order to evaluate if an extension strategy has long-term sustainability for the title or if it is inducing a cannibalisation effect on the core magazine brand. Growth of the extensions will be measured by analysing profit, circulation and point of sale data. A critical analysis of the current extension strategy will also be completed. The report also includes an overview of the South African media landscape, identifies the core brand (parent brand) values of Huisgenoot and includes interviews with important role-players within the publishing business. This was done by conducting a literature overview, completing a reader questionnaire and doing in-depth interviews. The qualitative data was supported by secondary circulation and advertising data. The researcher concludes by making recommendations to ensure sustainability in terms of Huisgenoot’s future line extensions.
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Schwartz, Johan. "A critical analysis of the appropriate co-branding factors in the South African retail industry : a management perspective". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/49205.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the past decade, through the study of business acquisitions and through empirical research it has become evident that brands are amongst the most important assets of a company. Brands are the core of the consumer-driven economy and companies' sustainable business future is dependent on the success of their brands. Brands enable companies to establish and differentiate their company and its products. Additionally, brands provide the base or launching pad for new products and new business ventures. Brand leverage strategies are described as strategies that use established brands to influence the perceptions of new products. These brand leverage strategies include line extensions, vertical extensions, brand extensions and co-branding. Co-branding as a brand leverage strategy is investigated in this study. This study investigates the perceptions of brand practitioners towards co-branding within the retail industry of South Africa and identifies key aspects of co-branding strategies. The key factors in co-branding strategies are: the perceived fit (compatibility) between the brands; the different fOiTIls of co-branding; the considerations when choosing a partner and the general reasons for pursuing a co-branding strategy. This empirical study examines these key factors and conclusions are drawn from the data obtained. Data for this study was gathered by means of a questionnaire which was sent to retail branding practitioners. Subsequent to analysing the data conclusions were drawn with regards to the appropriate co-branding factors. The research results indicate that branding practitioners believe that the fit between two brands is an important consideration when evaluating co-branding strategies. Results also indicated that the fit between brand images is deemed to be a more important consideration than the fit of operational aspects when brand managers consider a co-branding strategy. Sales improvement and reaching out to new segments of the market are deemed to be appropriate reasons why retail brand practitioners pursue co-branding strategies. In comparison with improvement of sales, the improvement of brand image is deemed to be a less important reason for pursuing a co-branding strategy. Results further conclude that joint marketing is the preferred co-branding Conn and that retail managers prefer co-branding with companies in the FMCG sector. Results also suggest that retail brand practitioners place the biggest emphasis on the possibility of sales improvement when evaluating potential co-branding partners. Co-branding is deemed to be a viable alternative brand leverage strategy for retail brand managers. This study highlights the different aspects and considerations that brand mangers take into account when evaluating a possible co-branding strategy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die afgelope dekade het die bestudering van besigheidswerwings (business acquisitions) en empiriese navorsing daarop gedui dat handelsmerke een van die belangrikste bates van ondememings is. Handelsmerke is die kern van die verbruiker gedrewe ekonomie en die volhoubare besigheids toekoms van maatskappye is afhanklik van die sukses van hierdie handelsmerke. Handelsmerke stel ondememings in staat om huI besigheid en hul produkte te vestig en te differensieer. Handelmerke dien ook as 'n basis vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe produkte en nuwe besigheidsgeleenthede. Handelsmerk hefboom (brand leverage) strategiee word beskryf as strategiee wat gevestigde handelmerke gebruik om die persepsies oor nuwe produkte te beinvloed. Hierdie handelsmerk hefboom (brand leverage) strategiee sluit lyn-uitbreiding, vertikale uitbreiding, handelsmerk uitbreiding en medehandelsmerking (co-branding) in. Hierdie studie ondersoek mede-handelsmerking as 'n handelsmerk hefboom strategie. Hierdie studie ondersoek die persepsies van handelsmerkingpraktisyns binne die Suid Afrikaanse kleinhandel industrie. Die persepsies van handelsmerkingpraktisyns teenoor mede-handelsmerking word ondersoek om die kern aspekte van medehandelsmerking strategiee te identifiseer. Die kern aspekte van mede-handelsmerking strategiee (co-branding strategies) is die waarneembare passing (fit) tussen handelsmerke, die verskillende medehandelsmerkingvorms, die oorwegende faktore tydens die keuse van 'n medehandelsmerksvennoot en die algemene redes vir die nastrewing van 'n medehandelsmerking strategie. Data vir hierdie navorsing is ingesamel deur middel van 'n vraelys wat aan kleinhandel handelsmerkpraktisyns (brand practitioners) gestuur is. Na die analise van die data is bepaalde gevolgtrekkings oor die toepaslike mede-handelsmerkfaktore gemaak. Die navorsings-resultate dui aan dat handelsmerkpraktisyns glo dat die passing (fit) tussen twee handeIsmerke 'n belangrike oorweging is wanneer mede-handelsmerking strategiee oorweeg word. Resultate dui ook aan dat die passing (fit) van die handelmerk beelde 'n belangriker oorweging is as die passing van operasionele aspekte. Verbetering in verkope en die uitreik na nuwe segmente in die mark word beskou as die geskikte redes waarom handelsmerkpraktisyns mede-handelsmerking strategiee volg. Wanneer mede-handelsmerking strategiee gevolg word, word die verbetering in verkope as 'n belangriker rede as die verbetering van die handelmerk beeld beskou. Resultate wys ook dat gesamentIike bemarking (joint marketing) die voorkeur medehandeismerkingvorm is. Die studie kom ook tot die gevolgtrekking dat maatskappye in die VBVG (Vinnig bewegende verbruikers goedere) sektor die voorkeur sektor is waarmee kleinhandelaars wil saamwerk. Resultate dui ook aan dat kleinhandel handelsmerkpraktisyns (brand practitioners) die grootste klem plaas op die moontlikheid van verkope toename wanneer potensieIe medehandelsmerkingsvennote oorweeg word. Mede-handelsmerking word beskou as 'n lewensvatbare altematiewe handelsmerk hefboom strategie (brand leverage strategy) vir kleinhandel handelsmerk bestuurders Hiedie studie bring na vore die verskillende aspekte en oorwegings wat handelsmerk bestuurders in ag neem wanneer moontlike mede-handelsmerking strategiee ontleed word.
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Laubser, Leonore. "The motivations behind brand choice in the older segment in the Western Cape, South Africa". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/96194.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mature market is increasing, and has been identified as the fastest growing demographic segment globally. Throughout the world, and even more so in the developing countries, the decline in fertility rates and in the increasing life expectancy rates, means that the proportion of people aged 60 years or older will reach two billion by 2050. In South Africa, one in ten people will be over 65 years old by 2025.The result of the growing ageing population has both social and economic implications and effects businesses, communities, families and individuals: everyone is affected. This market has, however, been neglected by marketers for years, and their needs are therefore increasingly unmet. They are stereotyped as isolated and grumpy, and are generally under-researched, yet they have increasing wealth and are willing to pay premiums. Some research into this market has been conducted in Japan, Europe and the United Kingdom, but no study of this nature in South Africa currently exists. This study seeks to identify the relevance of this market in the Western Cape, South Africa by studying their motivations behind brand choice. The six fast moving consumer goods categories, which were studied are: dishwashing liquid; laundry powder; bar soap; toothpaste; instant coffee and tea. These items were chosen specifically to be gender-neutral and relevant to the South African market. The study was conducted through face-to-face, shopper intercept, survey questionnaires, which consisted of a five-point Likert Scale and categorical questions. The total sample size was 184 respondents, and represents the ethnic composition of the Western Cape. The results of this study reveal that the ageing population purchase household items, such as dishwashing liquid and laundry powder according to quality and product performance. Furthermore, they purchase personal care items such as soap and toothpaste according to brand loyalty or preference, and not price. Lastly, beverages are bought on brand loyalty and quality. Therefore, price is not the main motivation criteria for the ageing consumer for these specific items. Furthermore, the mature market seldom displays interest in promotion, packaging or availability of items. The secondary results delve into the findings per age group and demographic group. A secondary finding of importance is that the older mature consumer, 80-plus, purchase primarily on price, and seldom on brand loyalty, thus the younger mature market tend to display higher brand loyalty purchasing behaviour. Finally, the African ageing consumer cite price more often as a motivational factor, than other ethnic groups, with the exception of coffee purchasing in which the White demographic is more price conscious. This study concludes with recommendations for organisations going forward to capture the mature markets as well as possible future research into the ageing demographic group.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volwasse mark is voortdurend aan die toeneem en word geidentifiseer as die vinnigste groeiende demografiese segment globaal. Wêreldwyd, veral in ontwikkelende lande is daar 'n afname in aanwas en 'n toename in lewensvewagting. Dit het tot die gevolg dat die aantal mense 60 jaar en ouer, teen die jaar 2050 'n getal van twee biljoen sal bereik. In Suid Afrika sal een uit elke tien mense teen die jaar 2025 ouer as 65 jaar wees. Hierdie groeiende ouer populasie het beide sosiale en ekonomiese implikasies en affekteer besighede, gemeenskappe, gesinne en individue; dus word almal daardeur geraak. Ten spyte van die feite word hierdie mark egter al jare deur bemarkers afgeskeep en hulle markbehoeftes bly toenemend onvervuld. Hierdie groep word gestereotipeer as afgesonderd en nors en ten spyte van die feit dat die groep 'n toenemende aanwas toon en gewillig is om premies te betaal, word daar oor die algemeen min navorsing oor hulle gedoen. Daar is wel studies oor die ouderdomsgroep in Japan, Europa en die Verenigde Koninkryk beskikbaar, maar daar is huidiglik geen navorsing van die aard beskikbaar in Suid-Afrika nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die relevansie van hierdie mark in die Weskaap te identifiseer deur vas te stel wat die groep motiveer in terme van handelsnaam keuse. Die studie fokus op die volgende ses vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere: skottegoedwaspeep, stafie seep, tandepaste en kitskoffie-en tee. Hierdie items is spesifiek gekies omrede hulle nie geslagsspesifiek is nie en omrede die produkte relevant is tot die Suid-Afrikaanse mark. Die studie is geloods deur klante in die winkel te nader en dan persoonlike onderhoude te voer waartydens 'n vraelys, wat uit 'n vyf-punt Likert-skaal en kategoriese vrae bestaan, te voltooi. Die proefstukgrootte bestaan uit 184 respondente en het die totale etniese samestelling van die Weskaap ingesluit. Die resultaat van die studie het onthul dat die ouer bevolking huishoudelike items soos opwasmiddel en waspoeier aankoop vir kwaliteit en doeltreffendheid van die produk. Produkte vir persoonlike versorging, soos seep en tandepasta word aangekoop na gelang van handelsnaam en nie prys nie. By die aankope van tee en kitskoffie, blyk handelsnaam-lojaliteit en kwaliteit die belangrikste oorwegings te wees. Prys blyk dus nie die hoof motiveringskriteria vir die ouer verbruiker van hierdie spesifieke items te wees nie. Verder demonstreer die ouer mark selde 'n belangstelling in promosies, verpakking of die beskikbaarheid van items. Die sekondêre resultate fokus op bevindinge per ouderdom en demografiese groepering. 'n Sekondêre bevinding van belang is dat die ouer volwasse verbuiker, 80 plus, primêr aankope doen gebasseer op prys en selde op handelsnaam lojalitiet. Die jonger volwasse mark neig egter om 'n hoër handelsnaam lojaliteit te toon in hul aankope. Laastens dui die studie daarop dat vir die ouer Swart verbruiker, prys meer dikwels 'n motiverende factor is, as vir enige ander etniese groep. Die uitsondering is koffie-aankope, waar Blanke verbruikers meer prysbewus is. Die studie sluit af met aanbevelings vir organisasies om die ouer mark so goed as moontlik in die toekoms te begryp asook moontlike toekomstige studies in terme van die ouer volwasse demografiese groep.
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Roswinanto, Widyarso. "Belief Transfers in Co-branding and Brand Extension and the Roles of Perceptual Fit". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc801896/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Existing co-branding and brand extension research generally coalesces around two important constructs: perceptual fit and attitude toward the brand. Studies in co-branding and brand extension to date have generally emphasized the transference of affective elements of attitude from parent brand to the extension. Researchers and practitioners clearly need to learn more about the transfer of belief, the cognitive elements of attitude. Too little is currently known about whether and how beliefs are actually transferred in co-branding and brand extension applications, particularly in terms of perceptual fit. This dissertation investigates belief transfer and the effect of perceptual fit on belief transfer in co-branding and brand extension scenarios and develops answers to the following research questions: 1.Are different categories of beliefs transferable from parent brand to theextension? 2.How do various sub-dimensions of perceptual fit affect belief transfers fromparent brands to the extension? 3.How do different categories of beliefs affect consumers’ intentions to purchasethe extension products? Categorization Theory was used as the fundamental theory to build the hypotheses. This dissertation involved qualitative studies, belief scale development, and experimental design studies. The results revealed that aesthetic and functional beliefs are positively transferred from parent brand to the extension. The transfer of aesthetic beliefs is affected by the level of brand fit while the transfer of functional beliefs is independent upon the level of any perceptual fit construct. Finally, cognitive structure based on the strength of extension beliefs is more predictive upon the purchase intention. Findings will extend the co-branding and brand extension literature, especially in terms of the pattern of belief transfers that unfold subject to the influence of various perceptual fit constructs. The results will also provide additional insights about the role that perceptual fit plays in influencing categories of consumer beliefs as those beliefs are also influenced by the specific perceptual fits that are presumably transferred to the extension.
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Waddington, Andrew John. "Investigating the impact of brand reputation on brand architecture strategies : a study on a South African automotive company". Thesis, Rhodes University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002796.

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The brand architecture of an organisation has become increasingly important to global management and marketing professionals, as it deals with structures and designs of brands which are constantly influenced by a changing environment. The market realities and changes brands face continuously impact the reputation of the brand, which is critical to sustain competitive advantage. The primary purpose of the study was to investigate the impact brand reputation has on brand architecture strategies, and an automotive company was chosen as the focus of the research. This research aims to help managers, marketers and brand owners make informative decisions regarding the brand architecture of a company. A quantitative content analysis methodology was used along with a webpage keyword counting application (WebWords). The application was used based on the principles outlined by Corporate Brand and Reputation Analysis (COBRA), which uses a four step progressive filtering process in filtering traditional and consumer generated media. The results from WebWords were then aligned to the brand architecture strategies from the brand relationship spectrum (BRS) to gain insight as to which of the strategies from the BRS were most vulnerable to reputational damage. The study found that the branded house and sub-brand strategies were most vulnerable to reputational damage based on the number reputational hits received. The connection between the master brand and the sub-brands could cause both brands to be affected should any reputational issues arise.
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Sarantidis, Paraskevi. "Factors affecting store brand purchase in the Greek grocery market". Thesis, University of Stirling, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/12854.

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This study is an in-depth investigation of the factors that affect store brand purchases. It aims to help both retailers and manufacturers predict store brand purchases through an improved understanding of the effects of three latent variables: customer satisfaction and loyalty with the store; which is expressed through word-of-mouth; and trust in store brands. An additional aim is to explore variations in the level of store brand adoption and the inter-relationships between the selected constructs. Data was collected through a telephone survey of those responsible for household grocery shopping, and who shop at the nine leading grocery retailers in Greece. A total of 904 respondents completed the questionnaire based upon a quota of 100 respondents for each of the nine retailers. Data were analyzed through chi-square, analysis of variance and partial least square. The proposed model was tested by partial least square path modeling, which related the latent variables to the dependent manifest variable: store brand purchases. The findings provide empirical support that store brand purchases are positively influenced by the consumers’ perceived level of trust in store brands. The consumer decision-making process for store brands is complex and establishing customer satisfaction and loyalty with the store does not appear to influence store brand purchases or the level of trust in the retailer’s store brands in the specific context under study. Consequently the most appropriate way to influence store brand purchases in the Greek market is through increasing in the level of trust in the retailer’s store brands. It is suggested that retailers should therefore invest in trust building strategies for their own store brands and try to capitalize on their brand equity by using a family brand policy. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed and opportunities for further research are suggested.
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Eamsobhana, Sudawadee. "The cross-cultural research of United States and Thailand: The relationship between celebrity endorsers and types of product endorsed". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2845.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of celebrities and the types of products endorsed. Advertisements from one popular magazine in the U.S. and two popular magazines in Thailand were used.
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Mugobo, Virimai. "Re-branding Zimbabwe : a transformative and challenging process". Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/2091.

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Thesis (DTech (Marketing))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013.
During the past few decades, nation branding has emerged as one of the key strategies for national economic development. Many nations across the world, both developed and developing, have embraced the concept as they compete against each other for export markets, foreign direct investment, tourists, scarce human resources and international leverage and influence. Nation branding has now become one of the critical drivers for country differentiation and the creation of sustainable competitive advantages for nations. This thesis explores the concept of nation branding and investigates its applicability to Zimbabwe, a country which has been riddled with various socio-economic and political challenges during the past two decades. The main purpose of the thesis was to develop a model that can be used to re-brand Zimbabwe. This research study adopted a mixed-methods approach through the amalgamation of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. A survey questionnaire was administered to respondents who included Zimbabweans as well as people who are not Zimbabwean citizens. The qualitative phase of the research study consisted of depth interviews with various branding practitioners, managers in both the private and public sectors and academics inside and outside of Zimbabwe. Four summarised case studies were also carried out in order to draw lessons from cases of successful and unsuccessful nation branding programmes in different parts of the world. According to the research findings, Zimbabwe has a negative image on the global map. The country needs to be re-branded and the majority of Zimbabweans are willing to be part of this process. However, for the re-branding initiative to be successful there should be a comprehensive transformation of the country's socio-political, economic and legal systems in order to create an enabling environment that is conducive for the effective application of nation branding strategies. The findings further reinforce the notion that re-branding should be part of a broader national economic development strategy for the country. The thesis concludes with the propagation of two models viz, the transformative process model for the re-branding of Zimbabwe and the re-branding as a transformative learning process model.
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周斌. "論公共企業的品牌戰略與政府關係 : 以上海航空股份有限公司為個案分析". Thesis, University of Macau, 2004. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b1636935.

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Jeong, Jaeseok. "Exploring the impact of advertising on brand equity and shareholder value". Thesis, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/1220.

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Sinclair, Roger. "Recognising and evaluating brand equity in South African business to gain financial and operational benefits". Thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10539/17972.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, 2002.
This thesis presents a new approach to the measurement of consumer brand equity outcomes. The approach links financial performance with consumer behaviour to acknowledge the true source of a brand's strength. The methodology developed can be used to value brands for a variety of purposes ranging from corporate accounting, to taxation, to trademark protection and to capital market analysis. Its most significant application might well become the re-positioning of marketing as the leader of a company-wide activity that contributes to and protects shareholder wealth. The study concludes that the function of marketing has become too introspective and is in danger of allowing its essential role of building and maintaining brands to be taken over by the company as a whole. Brands today are becoming the responsibility of the board and marketing is increasingly seen as a function that deals with certain extemal agencies and buys their services. The author has studied the extant valuation methodologies and has found that they avoid incorporating consumer perceptions of brands: the main reason why brands exist and thrive. The explanation for this is to avoid what the financial community call the "soft issues". And yet it is these so called "soft issues" that determine the value of the brand. Brand equity is defined as the value a brand adds to a non-branded, or commodity, version. This value is invested in the brand by its users and to ignore this in a valuation methodology is to omit a key variable. The methodology presented in this thesis deals with this fundamental requirement and departs from the conventional approaches in four substantive ways: • It uses the Capital Asset Pricing Model to estimate the cost of capital which acts as a proxy for the commodity or non-branded version. • An adapted Delphi approach iteration survey isolates the super profits attributable to the brand from the other profit generating resources. • By analysing the category in which the brand sells according to four defining variables - longevity, leadership, barriers to entry, and vulnerability - time markers are set for notional category dominant and marginal brands. • Survey based consumer data provides quantitative statistics that are reduced to Brand Knowledge Structure (BKS) scores. These are substituted for the dominant and marginal brand markers to establish the Brand Expected Life. The brand value, captured by this approach, is the capitalised present value of the future cash flows. In developing a valuation approach that incorporates consumer behaviour a metric has been developed that links marketing activities directly with shareholder value; which raises the status of the marketing function and which provides the company with a tool to measure return on marketing investment and monitor the value of what in many cases is the firm's most important asset.
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Botes, Shaughn. "Brand management and technology". Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4261.

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Langa, Makhosazana P. "Effect of branding management on technology performance : a case study". Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4860.

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Abstract (sommario):
This dissertation aims to identify the effects contributed by branding on organisational performance, as branding may contribute positively or negatively to the company sales performance. Many customers align quality products with certain brands only. Some organisations over price their products because they have guaranteed space in the market and had built solid relationships with their customers. Due to many different good products which do not do well in the market because of poor branding, the author identifies the problems aligned with branding and the author also looks at the possible causes of poor sales performance. This dissertation aims at presenting knowledge on branding, marketing strategies used by organisations to secure space for themselves in the market and strategies used by organisations to persuade customers into thinking their brand has the best products. The author provides overview on branding importance, criteria for choosing brand elements and brand tactics that has an impact on the customer‟s psychological aspects. The author then talks about the marketing strategies that can be used after building proper branding for the organisation. The marketing strategies may differ from organisation to organisation depending on the target market. The author then analyzes customer needs and buying behaviour and channels of distribution of products to ensure maximum sales. A case study in two television (TV) famous brands was conducted in order to find out the impact of branding on organisational performance. This case study compares the two TVs with each other and investigates their technologies. The case study also looks at TVs branding, their marketing strategies and the overview of their marketing results. A survey questionnaire was constructed, and this survey questionnaire was on the two TV brands discussed in the case study. The survey questionnaire was sent to different people of different life styles and age groups. The aim of the questionnaire was to find the extent into which branding influences customer‟s decision in buying a product, other things that attracts a customer and also how do customers perceive different brands.
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Dimitrov, Silvana. "Brand origin and product haracteristics effects on corporate versus product brand equity in B2B markets". Diss., 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/23124.

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Prior research on branding has emphasised the choices companies have between product and corporate branding and what drives these choices. B2B markets are expected to differ from individual consumers in the value they place on the corporate brand versus the product brand due to the complicated nature of organisational buying. Brand origin and product characteristics are said to have an effect on customers’ evaluations of brand equity. The study design was causal/experimental in nature and data from 189 B2B customers located in SA and Europe was collected via a survey. The unit of analysis was customers’ evaluations of brand equity and multivariate statistical techniques were employed in the data analysis. The study results suggest that brand origin has an effect on customers’ evaluations of brand equity and local customers place more value on the corporate brand than their international counterparts. B2B customers are well aware of the product brand they buy and that product brand awareness drives product brand equity. Commodity and differentiated customers do not differ in their evaluations of corporate versus product brand equity. The findings from this research can contribute to the body of knowledge in the domain of building brand equity in B2B customers with specific implications to brand managers and CEO’s. Copyright
Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010.
Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)
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Makan, Reena. "An investigation into the introduction of branded goods in order to reposition store image". Thesis, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/4578.

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Bomela, Chubekile Cola. "Living the Brand : a case study of how management at Standard Bank can create brand ambassadors of their employees". Thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/1476.

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Abstract (sommario):
In April 2006 the new brand positioning for Standard Bank was revealed to staff and the general public. The new brand positioning focused mainly on employees and customers and to a lesser extent operational efficiency. The study attempts to find what meanings the employees of Standard Bank made of this new brand positioning through a qualitative case study methodology. As part of the study, theoretical models and concepts covering the brand, brand positioning, living the brand, employee segmentation and the 3-phased approach to implement the programme were reviewed. A qualitative research study was conducted whereby one-on-one interviews were held with managerial and non-managerial employees at Standard Bank. The research is therefore a phenomenological investigation of the business problem statement, that is, the re-positioning of the brand from simpler to better, faster as well as inspired and motivated. The research findings were that the brand repositioning did not have a negative impact on employee perceptions. However, it was found that employees did not understand what the brand stands for and were having problems delivering on the new brand promise. To improve the level of understanding by the employees so that the new brand positioning can influence employee behaviour, the researcher recommended applying the 3- phased approach in implementing an effective "living the brand" programme.
Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.
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Cebisa, Zwelakhe Erick. ""The role of brands in the advertising of beauty products."". Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/1477.

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This research investigates the role of brands in the advertising of beauty products. This study was conducted at tertiary institutions in the Durban Metropolitan Area. Since, students are believed to constitute a large market for consumer goods, especially beauty products, the study also seeks to determine consumption patterns and preferences of brands of beauty products by students at tertiary institutions. Using a survey-based study, the results of the survey highlights the importance of the branding of beauty products in promoting sales, loyalty and preference for various brands. The findings suggest that marketers' should continue to provide information to consumers about their beauty products, so that their benefits and functions are constantly emphasized, without exaggerating the claims of the brands. It has also emerged that detailed instructions on the use of beauty products and the frequency of their use be clearly indicated on their labels. This study has also revealed that brands of beauty products entrench the image of the company through its truthful advertising.
Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2007.
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Pillay, Pragasen. "The importance of branding fast moving consumer goods in retail chain stores : consumers and marketers perceptions in South Africa". Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/1044.

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This investigation probes the perceptions of consumers as well as marketers with regard to the branding of fast moving consumer goods in South African retail chain stores. While much research has been conducted on branding, this investigation will focus on the extent to which marketers’ perceptions and consumers’ perceptions converge with a view to maximizing the mutual benefits to be derived from marketing strategies within a contemporary South African environment. The extent to which South African marketers’ perceptions and consumers’ perceptions converge to promote brand equity is postulated in the brand equity optimization model. The research commenced with an exhaustive literature survey followed by an empirical survey. The fieldwork for this survey was conducted nationally among the three major retail groups in South Africa and among consumers living in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The findings from the literature survey indicate that both local and international companies have realized the potential of investing resources in brand building activities. These findings have provided evidence to suggest that building brand equity for fast moving consumer goods impacts positively on the sales and the popularity of these products. The findings of the empirical research illustrates that the typical South African consumer has become brand conscious and brand building activities encourage them to purchase these products. The findings from the consumer survey were supported by the investigation conducted among retail chain stores who agreed that building brand equity results in increased sales and the popularity of the products concerned. Consumers have a preference for manufacturer branded products but house brands are selected primarily because they are cheaper. Manufacturer brands are viewed by consumers as having the most innovative packaging, excellent promotional support and consistently good quality while retail chain stores believe that manufacturer brands lead the way in terms of brand building activities, packaging innovation, promotional support and quality. The results of both surveys illustrate that retail chain stores and consumers share similar viewpoints with regards to the branding, packaging, pricing, promotions and quality attributes of fast moving consumer goods in terms of optimizing brand equity.
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2007.
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Gerber-Nel, C. (Charlene). "Determination of the brand equity of the provincial, regional and national rugby teams of South Africa". Thesis, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/1831.

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In essence, aspects of sports marketing can be viewed as a special case of marketing a brand. The brand-related marketing activities of rugby teams should therefore first focus on building awareness of the rugby team's brand. Branding is a new phenomenon in rugby, a sport that has recently become professional and commercialised in South Africa. Despite the importance of brands and consumer perceptions of brands, rugby unions in South Africa have not used a consistent definition or measurement technique to assess spectators' perceptions of rugby brands. If some understanding of spectators' perceptions of brands could be developed, rugby unions in South Africa might be able to determine the brand equity of their sports teams. The determination of brand equity defines what an organisation may be willing to invest in a brand, based on some type of expected return. Brand equity is a set of variables linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to or subtracts from the value provided by a product or service to a organisation and/or that organisation's customers and can be grouped into four categories, namely brand awareness, brand associations, brand loyalty and perceived quality. By ascertaining spectators' awareness, the associations they make regarding the brands, as well as brand loyalty and perceived quality of the respective brands of the provincial, regional and national rugby teams of South Africa, the brand equity of these teams could be determined. The aim of this study was, therefore, to determine spectators' awareness of, their associations with, their loyalty to and their perceived quality of the respective brands of the provincial, regional and national rugby teams of South Africa so that the brand equity of these teams could be established. In this study it was found that the Stormers' brand had the highest brand awareness, but that the Springbok brand had the highest brand equity.
Business Management
D.COM (Business Management)
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Hasert, Rudolf Karl. "The branding role that product labelling plays within integrated marketing communication". Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4325.

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This study focuses on empirically determining the branding role that product labelling plays as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning within the food and beverage industry. This research topic was selected for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is a general misconception of the definition of the term Integrated Marketing Communication. Secondly, there is also an emergence of the perception that labelling plays an important role as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning. Thirdly, there is also speculation regarding what this actual role is, that labelling plays within the Integrated Marketing Communication functioning. Fourthly, on closer investigation, it becomes evident that although there is a degree of literaturebased evidence that identifies the role that product labelling plays (within Integrated Marketing Communication), as that of branding, there is no empirical research to substantiate these claims. For these combined reasons there is a direct need for research into these issues. To facilitate the effective fulfilment of the research goals, there was a thorough examination of the theoretical literature available and the completion of an empirical study. Furthermore it was found that the examination of the branding role that product labelling plays as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning would be attainable if the research goal was restricted to a manageable field. To satisfy this aim, the study was focused on the food and beverage industry. The key terms of branding as well as Integrated Marketing Communication were investigated and defined. From the literature available, the branding role that product labelling plays as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning was examined and also defined. From this context it was found that ample evidence was available to conduct empirical research into this area. It became clear that the identification of the branding role that product labelling plays as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning within the food and beverage industry would rest upon the identification of the transmission of functional and non-functional attributes, consequences and values to consumers via verbal and visual images. The method best suited to identifying the transmission of these values was shown to be that of qualitative research. The proof of the transmission of these functions within the sample formed the focus of the empirical study. Ultimately this proof would illustrate the branding role of labelling. Within the context of the qualitative research, it was shown that the most appropriate approach to identify the transmission of functionality was through the use of the Means-end theory utilising the laddering technique. Within the context of the research document through the laddering technique, it also became apparent that there is a clear role that product labelling plays as a strategic element in Integrated Marketing Communication functioning within the food and beverage industry. It is also evident through literature-based and empirical evidence that this role is one ofbranding.
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Dapi, Belinda Chiedza. "Integrated marketing communication as the key component to building customer based brand equity". Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/9853.

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This study investigates the role of integrated marketing communications in building customer based brand equity. The study was conducted in Pietermaritzburg and Durban in South Africa using the consumers of the Coca Cola brand as the study subjects. The aim of the study was to determine the differential effect that knowledge of the Coca Cola brand has on consumers’ responses to the marketing of the brand. The study commenced with a survey of literature related to the fields of integrated marketing communications and customer based brand equity. The theoretical framework was determined to be the customer based brand equity model of Keller (2008: 60). For the empirical research, the quantitative research methodology was employed. The primary data was collected from a sample of 285 Coca Cola drinkers from Pietermaritzburg and Durban in South Africa. The findings from the theoretical survey revealed that there are several promotional mix tools that can be used to market a brand and that these can be used in brand building to precipitate the strong, favourable and unique brand associations that are necessary for the development of brand equity. The results of the empirical study revealed that the Coca Cola brand does indeed employ several marketing communications tools and that they have been integrated in such a way that they present a cohesive and consistent message. Respondents revealed that this integration of communications has an impact on their attitudes and beliefs about the brand. The research determined that Coca Cola is a highly salient brand in the minds of consumers and that they hold positive associations about the brand. The study determined however that although they hold strong, favourable and unique brand association of the brand in their minds, the majority of respondents do not have the attitudinal attachment, active involvement and sense of community that are necessary for brand resonance.
Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Mabusela, Xolile. "Measuring and building the South African weather service (SAWS) brand equity". Thesis, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/1795.

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The SAWS is interested in demonstrating the economic and social benefits of the products or services it provides to the public, industries and other organisations. It is also important for the organisation to carry out ongoing performance assessment of public and commercial weather services to ensure that these services are efficient and effectively meeting the public's and customer's needs and contribute to longer term commercial and societal objectives. Some other National Weather Services has developed "Service Charters" which detail their pledge of performance to the user communities, specifically, customers and the general public. These service charters provide a brief overview of the services provided, a commitment of performance against specific targets and a commitments to consult and identify a means by which the customers and the public may register their concern. As a result the service charters has become an important component of the Weather Services branding measurement strategy. The acceptance of the SAWS products or services by the public and other weather users depends on a number of factors. Scientific accuracy is just one of those factors. Also the health of the SAWS depends on the perceptions from full spectrum of weather users ranging from individual citizens, media, aviation, ... Ill marine, industry, government departments, construction companies, and insurance. These perceptions include those about requirements, accessibility, availability, accuracy, timelines, utility, comprehension, sufficient and packaging. The objective is to ultimately measure performance from the user perspective and identify user's needs. It is also to measure the acceptance of the services provided from such dimensions as expectations, understanding, importance, satisfaction, and utility. This study has been framed within the hypothesis that the SAWS brand associations are not strong, not favourable and not unique to create a positive brand. It has come critical to assess the level of customer awareness and familiarity with the SAWS brand so as to improve the dissemination mechanisms of the weather forecast information. Based on a literature review, two types of brand association are identified. One is product association including functional attribute association and non-functional attribute association. The other is organisational association including corporate ability association and corporate social responsibility association. It has been found that, the greater the number of the core brand association, the higher the brand equity. The feedback received on the questionnaire and interviews directed at awareness and familiarity with the SAWS brand indicated that, a need exists to educate the public and potential customers about the products and services of the SAWS. Of paramount important is the improvement of the SAWS dissemination mechanisms and partnerships with other scientific research organisations. This will enable the SAWS to reach a wide range of the public and weather users and to safeguard property and life of all South Africans.
Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.
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