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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Bqcap"


Ma, Lei, Matthew A. Seager, Marion Wittmann, Marlene Jacobson, Denise Bickel, Maryann Burno, Keith Jones et al. "Selective activation of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor achieved by allosteric potentiation". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, n. 37 (26 agosto 2009): 15950–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0900903106.

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Abstract (sommario):
The forebrain cholinergic system promotes higher brain function in part by signaling through the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). During Alzheimer's disease (AD), these cholinergic neurons degenerate, therefore selectively activating M1 receptors could improve cognitive function in these patients while avoiding unwanted peripheral responses associated with non-selective muscarinic agonists. We describe here benzyl quinolone carboxylic acid (BQCA), a highly selective allosteric potentiator of the M1 mAChR. BQCA reduces the concentration of ACh required to activate M1 up to 129-fold with an inflection point value of 845 nM. No potentiation, agonism, or antagonism activity on other mAChRs is observed up to 100 μM. Furthermore studies in M1−/− mice demonstrates that BQCA requires M1 to promote inositol phosphate turnover in primary neurons and to increase c-fos and arc RNA expression and ERK phosphorylation in the brain. Radioligand-binding assays, molecular modeling, and site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that BQCA acts at an allosteric site involving residues Y179 and W400. BQCA reverses scopolamine-induced memory deficits in contextual fear conditioning, increases blood flow to the cerebral cortex, and increases wakefulness while reducing delta sleep. In contrast to M1 allosteric agonists, which do not improve memory in scopolamine-challenged mice in contextual fear conditioning, BQCA induces β-arrestin recruitment to M1, suggesting a role for this signal transduction mechanism in the cholinergic modulation of memory. In summary, BQCA exploits an allosteric potentiation mechanism to provide selectivity for the M1 receptor and represents a promising therapeutic strategy for cognitive disorders.
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Pavlov, Valentin, Mahendar Ochani, Meghan Dancho, Yousef Al-Abed, Neil Nathanson e Kevin Tracey. "Positive allosteric modulation of M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors suppresses lethal peripheral inflammation (P5082)". Journal of Immunology 190, n. 1_Supplement (1 maggio 2013): 180.24. http://dx.doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.190.supp.180.24.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Peripheral inflammation can be regulated by activation of brain muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR)-dependent signaling functionally associated with a vagus-nerve mediated anti-inflammatory circuit (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2006, 5219; Brain Behav Immun, 2009, 23:41). Here, we studied the specific role of the M1 mAChR subtype in this regulation by utilizing BQCA, a highly specific allosteric M1 mAChR activator that crosses the blood-brain barrier. Single drug (5,10 or 20 mg/kg, i.p) administration in mice 1h prior to endotoxin (8 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently reduced serum and splenic TNF levels and significantly improved survival in mice as compared to vehicle-treated controls. Pharmacological blockade of brain mAChRs significantly abolished BQCA anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, BQCA (20 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced serum and splenic TNF levels in wild type mice, but failed to alter TNF levels in M1 KO mice. Together these results indicate the anti-inflammatory role of increased functional activity of endogenous acetylcholine on the M1 mAChR by selective allosteric receptor activation. Our findings are of interest for further development of BQCA and other centrally-acting allosteric activators of the M1 mAChR as a novel class of experimental anti-inflammatory therapeutics.
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Khatwal, Rizwan Basha, Anil Dubala, Jayasankar Kosaraju, Santhivardhan Chinni, Manjunatha Narayanappa, Shashank Mulukutla, Satish Kumar Muthureddy Nataraj e Malay Kumar Samanta. "Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of a M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor positive allosteric potentiator, benzyl quinolone carboxylic acid". Anal. Methods 6, n. 8 (2014): 2672–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4ay00102h.

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Avila, Olga Beatriz, Liliana Ester Contini e Stefanía D´Iorio. "RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO EN ESTADÍSTICA, ¿CÓMO IMPACTAN EN ÉL LAS DISTINTAS ESTRATEGIAS DE ENSEÑANZA SEGÚN LOS PLANES DE ESTUDIO?" Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Diálogo entre as ciências 11, n. 02 (4 dicembre 2022): 82–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.22481/rbba.v11i02.11582.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Durante los últimos cinco años, en la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe-Argentina, un equipo de docentes investigadores ha trabajado en la implementación, de la estrategia “Enseñanza por proyectos” en Estadística en las carreras de Licenciatura en Nutrición (LN) , Licenciatura en Biotecnología (LB) y Bioquímica (Bqca). En este trabajo se muestra la evolución del rendimiento de los alumnos desde el año 2016 (dictado convencional con clases de teoría y práctica) hasta el año 2021 donde se fue poniendo en práctica de manera paulatina (incluido los años de pandemia, de cursado virtual), la estrategia didáctica mencionada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se muestra que su aplicación tendría una acción favorable en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los conceptos estudiados, reflejado en los porcentajes de estudiantes que regularizaron, más perceptible para LN, tanto si se compara en relación a los regulares de Bqca y LB, como cuando se compara el porcentaje de regulares antes y después de la implementación de la estrategia de enseñanza por proyectos.
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Tichenor, MT(ASCP), Patricia H., Barbara M. Eiland, MT(ASCP), Cari E. Reed, MT(ASCP), Brian K. Adler, MD, Brian D. Ragland, MD, Christine L. Hudson, MT(ASCP), George A. Fritsma, MT(ASCP) e Marisa B. Marques, MD. "The Effect of Lupus Anticoagulant in the Second-Generation Assay for Activated Protein C Resistance". American Journal of Clinical Pathology 119, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2003): 66–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1309/1gn6-ntm7-bqap-8vkx.

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Ma, Lei, Marlene A. Jacobson, Constantine Kreatsoulas, Krista L. Getty, Guy R. Seabrook e William J. Ray. "P4-322: Exploring the pharmacology of BQCA, a highly selective allosteric M1 potentiator". Alzheimer's & Dementia 4 (luglio 2008): T767. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2008.05.2392.

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Chintamaneni, Pavan Kumar, Praveen Thaggikuppe Krishnamurthy e Sai Kiran S. S. Pindiprolu. "Polysorbate-80 surface modified nano-stearylamine BQCA conjugate for the management of Alzheimer's disease". RSC Advances 11, n. 10 (2021): 5325–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1ra00049g.

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Niklas, Beata, Bruno Lapied e Wieslaw Nowak. "In Search of Synergistic Insect Repellents: Modeling of Muscarinic GPCR Interactions with Classical and Bitopic Photoactive Ligands". Molecules 27, n. 10 (20 maggio 2022): 3280. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27103280.

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Abstract (sommario):
Insect vector-borne diseases pose serious health problems, so there is a high demand for efficient molecules that could reduce transmission. Using molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, we studied a series of compounds acting on human and insect muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs), a novel target of synergistic agents in pest control. We characterized early conformational changes of human M1 and fruit fly type-A mAChR G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in response to DEET, IR3535, and muscarine binding based on the MD analysis of the activation microswitches known to form the signal transduction pathway in class A GPCRs. We indicated groups of microswitches that are the most affected by the presence of a ligand. Moreover, to increase selectivity towards insects, we proposed a new, bitopic, photoswitchable mAChR ligand—BQCA-azo-IR353 and studied its interactions with both receptors. Modeling data showed that using a bitopic ligand may be a promising strategy in the search for better insect control.
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Wakeham, Matthew C. L., Briana J. Davie, David K. Chalmers, Arthur Christopoulos, Ben Capuano, Celine Valant e Peter J. Scammells. "Structural Features of Iperoxo–BQCA Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Hybrid Ligands Determining Subtype Selectivity and Efficacy". ACS Chemical Neuroscience 13, n. 1 (14 dicembre 2021): 97–111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00572.

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Wittmann, Marion, Guangping Xu, Michelle Pearson, Susan Garson, Scott Doran, John J. Renger, Andrew Danziger, Christopher P. Regan, Guy R. Seabrook e William J. Ray. "P4-332: In vivo pharmacodynamic effects of BQCA, a novel selective allosteric M1 receptor modulator". Alzheimer's & Dementia 4 (luglio 2008): T770. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2008.05.2402.

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Tesi sul tema "Bqcap"


Al, Samrout Marwa. "Approches mono et bi-objective pour l'optimisation intégrée des postes d'amarrage et des grues de quai dans les opérations de transbordement". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMLH21.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le transport maritime international est vital pour le commerce mondial, représentant plus de 85 % des échanges, avec 10,5 milliards de tonnes transportées chaque année. Ce mode de transport est le plus économique et durable, contribuant seulement à 2,6 % des émissions de CO2. En France, le secteur maritime représente 1,5 % du PIB et près de 525 000 emplois. Les ports maritimes, cruciaux pour la chaîne logistique, facilitent le transbordement des marchandises et adoptent de plus en plus des solutions numériques basées sur l'intelligence artificielle pour améliorer leur efficacité. La France compte onze Grands ports maritimes, dont sept en Métropole. La thèse se concentre sur l’optimisation des terminaux à conteneurs pour améliorer l’efficacité et la performance des ports.Ce mémoire aborde la problématique de la planification des postes d’accostage et de l’activation des portiques dans les terminaux à conteneurs des ports maritimes, en réponse aux changements récents dans la logistique maritime, tels que l’arrivée de méga-navires et l’automatisation. Il souligne les lacunes dans la littérature existante et propose une analyse approfondie des défis actuels. Le document se divise en trois chapitres : Le premier chapitre explore l’histoire de la conteneurisation, les types de conteneurs, et les défis de la planification opérationnelle. Il se concentre sur le problème d’attribution des postes d’amarrage (BAP), ses méthodes de résolution et l’intégration de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) pour optimiser les processus logistiques. Le 2ème chapitre introduit le problème d'allocation dynamique avec transbordement ship-to-ship. Il propose un programme linéaire en nombres entiers mixtes (MILP) pour optimiser l’ordonnancement d’accostage et le transbordement entre navires. L’objectif est de réduire les temps de séjour des navires dans le terminal, ainsi que les pénalités dues aux retards des navires, et de décider du mode de transbordement nécessaire. La méthode combine une heuristique de type packing et un algorithme génétique amélioré, démontrant une efficacité dans la réduction des temps de séjour des navires. Nous avons effectué une analyse statistique pour identifier les paramètres de contrôle efficaces du GA, puis nous avons appliqué cet algorithme avec les paramètres de contrôle déterminés pour réaliser des expériences numériques sur des instances générées aléatoirement. De plus, nous avons réalisé une étude comparative afin d’évaluer différents opérateurs de croisement, en utilisant le test d’analyse de variance (ANOVA). Ensuite, nous avons présenté une série d’exemples basés sur des données aléatoires, résolus à l’aide du solveur CPLEX, afin de confirmer la validité du modèle proposé. La méthode proposée est capable de résoudre le problème dans un temps de calcul acceptable pour des instances de taille moyenne et grande. Le dernier chapitre présente un problème intégré d’allocation des postes d’amarrage et des grues, avec un focus sur le transbordement ship-to-ship. Trois approches sont proposées . La première approche utilise l'algorithme génétique NSGA-III, complété par une analyse statistique pour optimiser les paramètres et évaluer différents opérateurs de croisement. En analysant des données de la base AIS, des tests numériques montrent l’efficacité de cette méthode au port du Havre, avec des résultats satisfaisants et un temps de calcul raisonnable.La deuxième approche implique deux modèles de régression, Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR) et Random Forest Regression (RFR), entraînés sur des caractéristiques sélectionnées. La méthodologie inclut des étapes de prétraitement et l'optimisation des hyperparamètres. Bien que NSGA-III offre la meilleure précision, il nécessite un temps d'exécution plus long. En revanche, GBR et RFR, bien que légèrement moins précis, améliorent l’efficacité, soulignant le compromis entre précision et temps d'exécution dans les applications pratiques
International maritime transport is vital for global trade, representing over 85% of exchanges, with 10.5 billion tons transported each year. This mode of transport is the most economical and sustainable, contributing only 2.6% of CO2 emissions. In France, the maritime sector accounts for 1.5% of GDP and nearly 525,000 jobs. Maritime ports, crucial for the logistics chain, facilitate the transshipment of goods and increasingly adopt digital solutions based on artificial intelligence to improve their efficiency. France has eleven major seaports, seven of which are located in mainland France.The thesis focuses on optimizing container terminals to enhance the efficiency and performance of ports. It addresses the issues of berth allocation planning and crane activation in container terminals in response to recent changes in maritime logistics, such as the arrival of mega-ships and automation. It highlights gaps in the existing literature and offers an in-depth analysis of current challenges. The document is divided into three chapters:The first chapter explores the history of containerization, types of containers, and challenges in operational planning. It focuses on the berth allocation problem (BAP), its resolution methods, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize logistical processes. The second chapter introduces the dynamic allocation problem with ship-to-ship transshipment. It proposes a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) to optimize the berthing schedule and transshipment between vessels. The objective is to reduce vessel stay times in the terminal, as well as penalties due to vessel delays, and to determine the necessary transshipment method. The method combines a packing-type heuristic and an improved genetic algorithm, demonstrating effectiveness in reducing vessel stay times. We conducted a statistical analysis to identify effective control parameters for the GA, then applied this algorithm with the determined control parameters to perform numerical experiments on randomly generated instances. Additionally, we conducted a comparative study to evaluate different crossover operators using ANOVA. We then presented a series of examples based on random data, solved using the CPLEX solver, to confirm the validity of the proposed model. The proposed method is capable of solving the problem in an acceptable computation time for medium and large instances. The final chapter presents an integrated berth and crane allocation problem, focusing on ship-to-ship transshipment. Three approaches are proposed. The first approach uses the NSGA-III genetic algorithm, supplemented by a statistical analysis to optimize parameters and evaluate different crossover operators. By analyzing AIS database data, numerical tests demonstrate the effectiveness of this method at the port of Le Havre, yielding satisfactory results within a reasonable computation time. The second approach involves two regression models, Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR) and Random Forest Regression (RFR), trained on selected features. The methodology includes preprocessing steps and hyperparameter optimization. While NSGA-III achieves the highest accuracy, it requires a longer execution time. In contrast, although GBR and RFR are slightly less precise, they significantly improve efficiency, highlighting the trade-off between accuracy and execution time in practical applications
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Vykoukalová, Nikol. "Predikce průchodu takrin-BQCA derivátů přes hematoencefalickou bariéru". Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-370985.

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Abstract (sommario):
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Nikol Vykoukalová Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. František Štaud, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Prediction of tacrine-BQCA derivatives across blood-brain-barrier This master thesis deals with the determination of permeability prediction for tacrine BQCA derivatives, potential drugs for Alzheimer's disease, through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) using the method of parallel artificial membrane penetration (PAMPA). We attempted to predict the central bioavailability by the permeability coefficient, to study the relationship between the solubility of the compounds and their log P (or Log D) and the subsequent significance of these data for the prediction of their passage through the blood-brain-barrier. A solution of 1% Pluronic F-127 in PBS was used to solubilize compounds and to ensure the constant concentration during the measurement. The assay was performed so that the solutions of compounds were applied to the donor part of microtiter plate (so-called sandwich arrangement), the bottom compartment was covered by a solution of a polar brain lipid isolated from pig brain (PBL), which serves as a membrane simulating the phospholipid membrane of the brain capillary endothelium. The solution of the...
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