Libri sul tema "Arcs Plasma"
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Beilis, Isak. Plasma and Spot Phenomena in Electrical Arcs. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Testo completoKutzner, Janusz. Przepływ plazmy w dyfuzyjnym wyładowaniu łukowym w próżni. Poznań: Wydawn. Politechniki Poznańskiej, 1993.
Cerca il testo completoUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. A mathematical model of the structure and evolution of small scale discrete auroral arcs. Ithaca, N.Y: School of Electrical Engineering and Laboratory of Plasma Studies, Cornell University, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoM, Oks E., e Brown Ian G, a cura di. Emerging applications of vacuum-arc-produced plasma, ion, and electron beams. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Cerca il testo completoL, Boxman R., Sanders David M e Martin Philip J, a cura di. Handbook of vacuum arc science and technology: Fundamentals and applications. Park Ridge, N.J., U.S.A: Noyes Publications, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoZhukov, M. F., e I. M. Zasypkin. Ėlektrodugovye generatory termicheskoĭ plazmy. Novosibirsk: "Nauka", 1999.
Cerca il testo completoDembovský, Vladimír. Plasma metallurgy: The principles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985.
Cerca il testo completoDembovsky, Vladimír. Plasma metallurgy: The principles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985.
Cerca il testo completoJerome, Feinman, a cura di. Plasma technology in metallurgical processing. Warrendale, PA: Iron and Steel Society, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoP, Volchkov Ė, Zhukov Mikhail Fedorovich, Institut teplofiziki (Akademii͡a︡ nauk SSSR), Institut teplofiziki (Rossiĭskai͡a︡ akademii͡a︡ nauk) e Institut teoreticheskoĭ i prikladnoĭ mekhaniki (Rossiĭskai͡a︡ akademii͡a︡ nauk), a cura di. Nizkotemperaturnai͡a︡ plazma. Novosibirsk: "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoE, Nakori͡a︡kov V., e Institut teplofiziki (Akademii͡a︡ nauk SSSR), a cura di. Generat͡s︡ii͡a︡ potokov ėlektrodugovoĭ plazmy: Sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ. Novosibirsk: Akademii͡a︡ nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otd-nie, In-t teplofiziki, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoF, McGee William, e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Gas arc constriction for plasma arc welding. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1993.
Cerca il testo completoKoordinat͡sionnyĭ t͡sentr stran-chlenov SĖV, SFRI͡U s uchastiem Finli͡andskoĭ Respubliki po probleme "Kompleks nauchno-issledovatelʹskikh i opytno-konstruktorskikh rabot, neobkhodimykh dli͡a sozdanii͡a MGD-ėlektrostant͡siĭ na gazoobraznom, zhidkom i tverdom toplivakh." Lazernye metody diagnostiki priėlektrodnykh dug v plazme produktov sgoranii͡a: Sovmestnyĭ sovetsko-vengerskiĭ otchet. Moskva: IVTAN, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoShirshov, I. G. Plazmennai͡a︡ rezka. Moskva: Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoModrzyński, Andrzej. Kryteria doboru parametrów tekhnologicznych wytapiania staliwa w piecach indukcyjno-plazmowych. Poznań: Wydawn. Politechniki Poznańskiej, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoKrouchinin, Anatoli M. Modelling of the constricted arc in plasma generators. Częstochowa: Publishing Office of Czestochowa University of Technology, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoMcClure, John. Instruction manual for UTEP weld gas hydrogen detector. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoTonghui, Pang, e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Instruction manual for UTEP weld gas hydrogen detector. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoJ, Heberlein, e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Arc-cathode interaction study: Final report for NASA contract NASA/NAG3-1332. Minneapolis, MN: High TemperatureLab, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoJ, Heberlein, e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Arc-cathode interaction study: Final report for NASA contract NASA/NAG3-1332. Minneapolis, MN: High TemperatureLab, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoJ, Heberlein, e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Arc-cathode interaction study: Final report for NASA contract NASA/NAG3-1332. Minneapolis, MN: High TemperatureLab, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoNational Cooperative Highway Research Program., a cura di. Plasma arc cutting of bridge steels. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoAubrecht, V. Radiative transport of energy in SF₆ arc plasma. Tomsk: [s.n], 2000.
Cerca il testo completoMakabe, T. Plasma electronics: Applications in microelectronic device fabrication. New York: Taylor&Francis, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoC, Lee C., Liu J. W e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Characteristics and performance of the variable polarity plasma arc welding process used in the space shuttle external tank: Final report. Huntsville, Ala: University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoInstitut teplofiziki (Akademii͡a nauk SSSR), a cura di. Ėlektrodugovye nagrevateli vodoroda: Operativno-informat͡sionnyĭ material. Novosibirsk: In-t teplofiziki SO AN SSSR, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoJ, Zhu G., e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. The variable polarity plasma arc welding process: Characteristics and performance. Huntsville, Ala: University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoH, Zaghloul Hany, e Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (U.S.), a cura di. Destruction of asbestos-containing materials using plasma arc technology. [Champaign, IL]: US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoJernstrom, Petteri. The effects of real-time control of welding parameters on weld quality in plasma arc keyhole welding. Lappeenranta, Finland: Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoPark, Jong-Oh. Untersuchung des Plasmaschneidens zum Gussputzen mit Industrierobotern. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. The variable polarity plasma arc welding process: Mathematical model of welding system : final report. Huntsville, Ala: University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoKondapalli, Satyanarayana. Surface modification of aluminium components by developing composite coatings using plasma powder arc welding process. Aachen: Shaker, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoGrigorenko, G. M. Vodorod i azot v metallakh pri plazmennoĭ plavke. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoKlinger, L. Simulation numérique 3D d'une torche à plasma par une méthode de volumes finis. Lausanne, Switzerland: Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2002.
Cerca il testo completoKrzyżanowski, Michał. Umocnienie powierzchniowe stopów żelaza przy wykorzystaniunagrzewania plazmowego. Kraków: Wydawnictwa AGH, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Power Beam Conference (1988 San Diego, Calif.). Power beam processing: Electron, laser, plasma-arc : proceedings of the International Power Beam Conference, 2-4 May 1988, San Diego, California, USA. [Metals Park, Ohio]: ASM International, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoTurcu, I. C. E. X-rays from laser plasmas: Generation and applications. Chichester: Wiley, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Symposium on Plasma Process-Induced Damage (2nd 1997 Monterey, Calif.). 1997 2nd International Symposium on Plasma Process-Induced Damage: 13-14 May 1997, Monterey, California, USA. A cura di Cheung Kin P, Nakamura Moritaka, Gabriel Calvin T, IEEE Electron Devices Society, American Vacuum Society e Ōyō Butsuri Gakkai. Sunnyvale, Calif: Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoMcClure, John C. A study of gas flow pattern, undercutting and torch modification in variable polarity plasms arc welding. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoMetcalf, Myers Roger, e Lewis Research Center, a cura di. Nonequilibrium in a low power arcjet nozzle. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoauthor, Longoni Ana 1967, Battiti Florencia author e Wheeler Lawrence translator, a cura di. Imágenes de la ausencia: El Siluetazo, Buenos Aires, 1983. Buenos Aires: UNTREF - Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero para EDUNTREF, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Cody's Books complied with the requirement to not use City funds for political activities. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Political activity audit : HomeBase, The Center for Common Concerns. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Southeast Asian Community Center did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Florence Crittenton Services did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: A review of Comcast Corporation's franchise fee payments, July 1, 2000, through December 31, 2002. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2004.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Triage Consulting Group did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Advent Capital Management, LLC did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project, Inc. did not use City funds for political purposes. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoDivision, San Francisco (Calif ). Office of the Controller City Services Auditor. Board of Supervisors: Political activity audit : La Playa Apartments. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2006.
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