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Skiveren, Tobias. "Anoreksi og agens". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 49, n. 131 (27 giugno 2021): 39–58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cultural studies and gender studies hold long-standing traditions for studying people with eating disorders as either passive objects subjected to misogynist discourses or subversive agents that negotiate societal norms. In both cases, agency is primarily investigated as a phenomenon that unfolds between the anorectic individual and the surrounding society. In contrast, this article explores how the question of agency also unfolds within the anorectic her-/himself. It does so by setting up a dialogue between the anorectic testimony of Cecilie Lind’s pathography Scarykost (2016) and philosophical ideas of corporeality in feminist new materialism, affect theory, and phenomenology. Ultimately, the article argues that the anorectic subject is not a homogenous individual that can easily be classified as either passive or active, but comprises an infra-corporeal landscape of social, psychic, and biological forms of agency that struggle to determine the will of the anorectic “I.” In that way, the article pushes back on the tendency in cultural and gender studies to make generalizing claims about the anorectic’s subversive agency – or lack thereof.
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Halvorsen, Inger, e Sonja Heyerdahl. "Anoreksi som ung - velfungerende som voksen?" Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 131, n. 4 (2011): 341.

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Nielsen, Anne Maj. "Psykoterapeutisk rehabilitering af forældre til unge med anoreksi". Psyke & Logos 42, n. 2 (10 febbraio 2022): 146–69.

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Abstract (sommario):
I artiklen beskriver jeg i autoetnografisk narrativ et caseeksempel på, hvordan børns og unges alvorlige sygdom kan påvirke forældres trivsel og psykiske tilstand, og hvordan psykoterapi med forældre kan bidrage til rehabilitering med betydning for deres livskvalitet, ressourcer som forældre og dermed for den syge. Enlige forældre er særligt udsatte for at blive nedslidt ved børns alvorlige sygdom, og caseeksemplet er fire års kybernetisk psykoterapi med en enlig mor til en teenagedatter med anoreksi. Caseeksemplet udfolder jeg dels i kybernetisk systemperspektiv med fokus på dynamikker og forandringer i forælderens og den syge unges situation mellem familie- og behandlingssystemer og dels med fænomenologisk fokus på intra- og interpersonelle ofte ubevidste levede erfaringer, motiver, standarder og dynamikker og deres betydning for handlemuligheder i situationen. Sygdoms- og behandlingsforløbet medførte langvarige forandringer hos moderen – livet blev udspændt mellem angst og håb, med lav stresstærskel, udmattelse, ensomhed og sorg. Arbejdet i terapien gav mulighed for selvregulering gennem forståelse af egne behov og standarder for motiverende omsorg og omsorgsfuld kontrol i behandling af datterens sygdom og ressourcer til selvorganisering med forandring i betydningsfulde familierelationer og muligheder i forhold til behandlingssystemet.
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Stokke, Arne, Joar Julsrud, Anette Fosse e Erik Nielsen. "En kvinne i 20-årene med anoreksi, hypokalemi og kramper". Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 131, n. 4 (2011): 358–60.

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Rø, Øyvind, e Jan-Vegard Nilsen. "Nyttige faktorer for tilfriskning av anoreksi: spørreskjemaresultater fra pasienter og foreldre". Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening 61, n. 03 (1 marzo 2024): 170–77.

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Abstract (sommario):
Aims: To investigate how former patients with adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN) and their parents retrospectively rated various factors that had been helpful to recovery, and how parents rated factors that had been helpful to them in their caregiving role. Method: 34 former patients, 40 mothers and 20 fathers who had participated in specialised family-based inpatient treatment for AN completed questionnaires at follow-up approximately 4.5 years after discharge. Results: Both patients and parents rated the patient’s own wish to recover, willpower and determination as the most important factors, followed by support from the mother. Support from the father, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend and further treatment after the family admission was also rated as an important factor. The parents rated their relationship with their children, support from their spouse and the family admission as the factors most helpful to their role as caregivers. Implications: Our findings support the importance of the patient’s own motivation and agency for long-term recovery from AN. The patients and parents also found that parental support had been crucial to recovery. Keywords: anorexia nervosa, eating disorders, helpful factors for adolescents, helpful factors for parents
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Sani, Nopi, Arti Febriyani e Yuni Fidia Hermina. "KARATERISTIK PASIEN APENDISITIS AKUT DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH DR. H. ABDUL MOELOEK PROVINSI LAMPUNG". Malahayati Nursing Journal 2, n. 3 (13 luglio 2020): 577–86.

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Abstract (sommario):
Latar Belakang: Apendisitis merupakan peradangan pada apendiks vermiformis yang ditandai dengan nyeri berpindah di kuadran kanan bawah, Anoreksi, mual muntah, nyeri tekan abdomen kuadran kanan bawah, nyeri lepas kuadran kanan bawah dan demam. Kejadian apendisitis di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung pada tahun 2017-2018 setiap bulannya termasuk 10 penyakit tersering.Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui hasil distribusi frekuensi Karakteristik pasien Apendisitis akut Di RSUD Dr. H.Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung tahun 2017-2018.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross-sectional menggunakan studi rekam medik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh data pasien apendisitis akut di ruang rawat inap bedah Mawar, Kutilang dan Kemuning RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2016-2017 sebanyak 65 orang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dengan menggunakan tabel dalam penyajian data.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian terdapat 65 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria untuk dimasukkan dalam penelitian. Dari 65 pasien tersebut didapatkan karakteristik pasien apendisitis akut berdasarkan Usia 0-5 tahun (1,5%) 5-11 tahun (32,3%)12-25 tahun (16,9%) 26-45 tahun (36,9%) 46-65 (7,7%) >65 tahun (4,6%), jenis kelamin perempuan (47,7%) laki-laki (52,3%), nyeri berpindah di kuadran kanan bawah (96,9%), anoreksia (50,8%), mual dan muntah (44,,6%), nyeri kuadran kanan bawah (83,1%),nyeri lepas kuadran kanan bawah (64,6%), demam (58,5%), peningkatan leukosit ≤10.000mm3 (27,7%), peningkatan leukosit ≥10.000mm3 (72,3%), peningkatan sel neutrofil ≥75% (78,5%), peningkatan sel neutrofil ≤75% (21,5%).
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Trondalen, Gro. "A MOMENT IS A MOMENT IS A MOMENT. Om gylne øyeblikk i musikkterapeutisk teori og praksis". Psyke & Logos 28, n. 1 (31 luglio 2007): 20.

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Abstract (sommario):
Denne teksten setter fokus på gylne øyeblikk i musikkterapeutisk teori og praksis. Et gyllent øyeblikk forstås som et endringsøyeblikk, en endringspotent erfaring der det intersubjektive bekreftes, opplevd i et subjektivt tidsperspektiv (kairos). En slik forståelse er inspirert av fenomenologisk filosofi, nyere utviklingspsykologi og dynamisk systemteori. Fenomenet øyeblikk eksemplifiseres gjennom ekspressiv musikkterapi med en ung mann med anoreksi, samt en reseptiv tilnærming (The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music) med en kvinne som arbeider mot større selvforståelse gjennom temaet «egne grenser». På bakgrunn av eksemplene fokuseres musikken, hvilken mening denne kan ha, samt en mulig effekt av øyeblikkserfaringene i det terapeutiske forløpet. I drøftingen fremheves kroppsperspektivet, instrumenters flertydighet, samt klientens egen deltakelse gjennom følelsesutveksling og regulering i møte med musikk og terapeut. En slik deltakelse legger til rette for kontakt med ikke-verbale selvopplevelser under den verbale bearbeidingen i etterkant av samspillet, noe som kan bidra til verbal- og narrativ selvutvikling.
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Atlaga, Maša, e Nataša Šimić. "Transteorijski model u ispitivanju procesa promjene kod anoreksije nervoze". Medica Jadertina 52, n. 2 (26 agosto 2022): 111–20.

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Abstract (sommario):
Bolesnici koji pate od anoreksije nervoze relativno često manifestiraju ambivalenciju glede promjene vlastitog stanja, a manjak motivacije za promjenom predstavlja ključnu barijeru u intervenciji i liječenju ovoga poremećaja. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da je slaba motivacija za promjenom značajan prediktor nepovoljnih ishoda u tretmanu, jednako kao i visoke stope odustajanja od istog. Transteorijski model je integrativni model namjerne promjene ponašanja koji opisuje i predviđa kada i kako će osoba promijeniti svoje ponašanje. Model postulira da pojedinci prolaze kroz šest stadija u procesu promjene (predkontemplacija, kontemplacija, priprema, akcija, održavanje i završetak). Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima, područja evaluacije modela su uključivala različite ovisnosti poput ovisnosti o alkoholu, pušenju, psihoaktivnim tvarima, kockanju, ali i poremećaje hranjenja i jedenja, kao što su anoreksija i bulimija nervoza. Transteorijski model pretpostavlja da važnu ulogu na putu prema promjeni ponašanja imaju procesi promjene, percipirana samoefikasnost, te uravnoteženost prednosti i nedostataka vlastitoga stanja u procesu donošenja odluke. Budući da su istraživanja koja se temelje na evaluaciji i primjeni ovoga modela još uvijek malobrojna, cilj ovog rada je pružiti prikaz istraživanja usmjerenih na evaluaciju i primjenu transteorijskog modela kod anoreksije nervoze s naglaskom na operacionalizaciju i mjerenje njegovih glavnih varijabli. Dosadašnja su istraživanja potvrdila osnovne postavke modela na oboljelima od anoreksije, a u ovom se radu predstavljaju smjernice za daljnja istraživanja.
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Azzahara, Nandya Fatimah, e Devieka Rhama Dhanny. "Hubungan Psikososial dan Status Gizi pada Remaja Wanita dengan Anoreksia Nervosa". Muhammadiyah Journal of Midwifery 2, n. 1 (18 settembre 2021): 1.

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Abstract (sommario):
Latar Belakang: Kejadian anoreksia nervosa dapat berisiko dengan masalah gizi yang serius di masa depan. Faktor psikososial salah satu penyebab terjadinya anoreksia nervosa. Fase remaja menimbulkan perubahan psikis yang memicu terjadinya anoreksia nervosa. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara psikososial dan status gizi pada anoreksia nervosa. Studi literatur tahun 2010 sampai 2020 dan berbahasa Inggris. Data didapat dari database meliputi PubMed, Proquest, American Journal Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), dan Wiley Online dengan kata kunci anoreksia nervosa, adolescent females, psychosocial, nutrition. Hasil: Studi literatur ini didapatkan 6 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Dari tinjauan artikel diketahui ada karakteristik remaja anoreksia nervosa, penyebab anoreksia nervosa, hubungan psikososial dan status gizi dengan anoreksia nervosa. Kesimpulan: Faktor psikososial mempengaruhi kejadian anoreksia nervosa yang dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan yang serius.
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Gabriela, Anastasya, e Nisa Shamira Zen. "Perancangan Infografis Bahaya Anoreksia Nervosa". Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya 2, n. 03 (18 agosto 2020): 166–72.

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Gustini, Gustini, Tintin Sukartini e Ilya Krisnana. "Nausea-Vomiting and Anorexia in Post-Chemotherapy Patients". Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan "SUARA FORIKES" (Journal of Health Research "Forikes Voice") 10, n. 3 (23 giugno 2019): 231.

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Abstract (sommario):
Introduction: Some studies show that post-chemotherapy cancer patients experience nausea vomiting and anorexia, in RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo also found difficulties with nausea vomiting and anorexia. Aims: To the study was to prevent vomiting of nausea and anorexia in cancer patients after chemotherapy. Methods: 60 post-chemotherapy cancer patients who experienced nausea vomiting and anorexia were included in a crosssectional study. The selected subject fulfills the criteria. Study inclusion: Patients diagnosed with cancer in the Lontara 2 Chemotherapy Room. Patients who have received chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy and additional chemotherapy, are ≥ 21 years old. Nausea and vomiting were measured using the INVR questionnaire and anorexia using a history of anorexia questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Results: based on the characteristics of respondents nausea and anorexia vomiting distributed 41-50 years, female sex, secondary school education, working as a housewife, cycles 1-4 times. Conclusion: Cancer patients after chemotherapy experience vomiting of nausea and anorexia. Nausea vomiting is caused by the effects of chemotherapy drugs which stimulate the digestive system, causing moderate and severe nausea and anorexia. Keywords: nausea; vomiting; anorexia; cancer; chemotherapy ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Beberapa studi menunjukkan pasien kanker pasaca kemoterapi mengalami mual muntah dan anoreksia, di RSUP Dr. wahidin Sudirohusodo juga ditemukan mengalami mual muntah dan anoreksia. Tujuan: untuk mengidentifikasi mual muntah dan anoreksia pada pasien kanker pasca kemoterapi. Metode: 60 pasien kanker pasca kemoterapi yang mengalami mual muntah dan anoreksia dilibatkan dalam penelitian crosssectional. Mual muntah dinilai menggunakan kuesioner INVR dan anoreksia menggunakan kuesioner riwayat anoreksia. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil: berdasarkan karakteristik responden yang mengalami mual muntah dan anoreksia mayoritas berusia 41-50 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan, berpendidikan sekolah menengah atas, bekerja sebagai IRT, siklus kemoterapi 1-4 kali. Kesimpulan: Mayoritas pasien kanker pasca kemoterapi mengalami mual muntah dan anoreksia. Mual muntah ini terjadi karena efek obat kemoterapi dapat meransang sistem gastrointestinal yang menyebabkan terjadinya mual muntah sedang dan berat serta mengalami anoreksia. Kata kunci: mual; muntah; anoreksia; kanker; kemoterapi
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Pasaribu, Riris Marito, Yohanni Syahra e Sri Kusnasari. "Mendiagnosis Penyakit Anoreksia Nervosa Pada Anak Remaja Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor". Jurnal Sistem Informasi Triguna Dharma (JURSI TGD) 2, n. 5 (20 settembre 2023): 779.

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Abstract (sommario):
Anoreksia Nervosa merupakan sindrom klinis dimana seseorang mengalami rasa takut yang tidak wajar terhadap kegemukan. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan keengganan menetapkan berat badan normal, distorsi yang kasar dari bayangan tubuh dan perilaku makan yang sangat terganggu. Biasanya masyarakat yang menderita penyakit ini akan datang ke RSU Mitra Sejati untuk memeriksa kondisinya, namun terkadang karena keterbatasan waktu baik karena dokter tidak ada ataupun jadwal dokter yang terlalu padat menjadi kendala. Bahkan seringkali pasien menjadi malas untuk berobat, sehingga mengakibatkan pasien mengalami komplikasi. Dalam mengidentifikasi penyakit Anoreksia Nervosa dilakukan analisis terhadap data penyakit, dengan menggunakan Sistem Pakar. Metode yang digunakan dalam menentukan jenis penyakit Anoreksia Nervosa adalah Certainty Factor. Metode Certainty Factor digunakan untuk mengakomodasi pemikiran seorang pakar. Metode ini memperkenalkan konsep keyakinan dan ketidakyakinan atau pasti dan tidak pasti. Berdasarkan hasil diagnosis yang didapat maka pasien kemungkinan mengalami klasifikasi penyakit Anoreksia Nervosa Restrictive dengan tingkat probabilitas terhadap penyakit tersebut adalah dengan nilai CF = 0,8715 atau 87,15 %.
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Nikolic-Djurovic, Marina. "Zasto gojaznost postaje anoreksija?" Medicinski glasnik Specijalne bolnice za bolesti štitaste žlezde i bolesti metabolizma 22, n. 67 (2017): 48–53.

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Bulut, Necati Serkut, Neşe Yorguner Küpeli, Gresa Çarkaxhiu Bulut e Volkan Topçuoğlu. "Anoreksiya Nervoza’da Psikososyal Tedaviler". Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 9, n. 3 (30 settembre 2017): 329.

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Korsak, Emilia. "Terapia zorientowana na ciało w profilaktyce zaburzeń odżywiania. Przegląd systematyczny". Przegląd Psychologiczny 65, n. 1 (23 dicembre 2022): 81–100.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cel Pomimo rosnącego znaczenia terapii zorientowanej na ciało i szerokiego stosowania metod wykorzystujących pracę z ciałem brakuje systematycznych przeglądów naukowych, które analizowałyby jej skuteczność w zakresie zaburzeń obrazu ciała u osób chorujących na anoreksję lub zagrożonych jej wystąpieniem. Stanowi to barierę zarówno dla praktyków sięgających po rozwiązania terapeutyczne, jak i teoretyków badających mechanizmy interwencji terapeutycznych czy edukatorów działających na rzecz profilaktyki zdrowia. Celem niniejszych rozważań jest przegląd badań dotyczących wpływu różnego rodzaju interwencji opartych na metodach pracy z ciałem na obraz ciała osób z zaburzeniami odżywiania lub zagrożonych zaburzeniami odżywiania typu anoreksja. Metoda Badanie przeprowadzono zgodnie ze standardem PRISMA. Zeksplorowano elektroniczne bazy danych (ProQuest, PsychINFO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science) w poszukiwaniu randomizowanych badań kontrolnych (RCT). Łącznie przeanalizowano 425 pozycji, z czego 69 pełnotekstowych artykułów zostało poddanych krytycznej ocenie. Ostatecznie do przeglądu włączono 15 badań, które spełniły wszystkie kryteria włączenia. Wyniki Analizy wskazują, że programy oparte na metodach pracy z ciałem, w porównaniu z grupami kontrolnymi, były bardziej skuteczne w redukowaniu czynników ryzyka i promowaniu czynników ochronnych, a dodanie ich do podstawowej formy terapii może prowadzić do znaczącego zmniejszenia objawów zaburzeń odżywiania. Konkluzje W przyszłości istotne byłoby bezpośrednie porównanie wpływu konkretnych typów interwencji na czynniki ryzyka i czynniki chroniące.
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Fabbri, Andrea, Marco Infante, Massimiliano Petrelli e Giorgio Arnaldi. "Anoressia nervosa e salute dell’osso". L'Endocrinologo 18, n. 1 (febbraio 2017): 2–8.

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Marinò, Michele. "Gull e la anoressia nervosa". L'Endocrinologo 11, n. 5 (ottobre 2010): 226–27.

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Dziukiewicz, Julia. "Przyjaciółki „Any”. Internetowa społeczność promująca anoreksję". Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka 29, n. 3 (2019): 119–24.

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Grando, Alberto. "Anoressia e silenzio della lingua materna". COSTRUZIONI PSICOANALITICHE, n. 24 (novembre 2012): 93–100.

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ALMASİ, Negin, Arzu KABASAKAL ÇETİN e Zeynep GÖKTAŞ. "Anoreksiya Nervosalı Hastalarda İntestinal Mikrobiyotanın Rolü". Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 14, n. 1 (31 marzo 2022): 75–83.

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Abstract (sommario):
Malnutrisi pada tumor disebabkan oleh inflamasi sistemik yang menyebabkan proteolisis, lipolisis dan anoreksia. Meski anoreksia pada tumor sering dikaitkan dengan adanya inflamasi, penekanan pada hipotalamus karena tumor juga dapat menyebabkan anoreksia. Studi kasus pada anak usia 11 tahun 5 bulan yang dikonsultasikan dengan lemas, malnutrisi berat dan kolelitiasis. Pasien mengalami mual, muntah, tidak nafsu makan, dan penurunan berat badan (BB) sebanyak 12 kg sejak 2 bulan sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Asupan per 24 jam sebanyak 150 kkal. BB pasien 18 kg, tinggi badan (TB) 123 cm, indeks massa tubuh (IMT) 11.9 kg/m2. Hasil MRI kepala menunjukan adanya massa pada regio suprasellar, suspek germinoma. Pasien didiagnosa dengan tumor suprasellar, gizi buruk (skor-z IMT untuk usia (IMT/U) -4.19) dan perawakan sangat pendek (skor-z TB untuk usia -3.33). Diagnosa metabolisme adalah hipermetabolisme dan status gastrointestinal fungsional. Terapi nutrisi diberikan berdasarkan tatalaksana malnutrisi anak oleh World Health Organization (WHO). Target awal pemberian nutrisi adalah 1500 kkal/hari (83 kkal/kgBB/hari). Pemberian dimulai dari 600 kkal/hari, lalu ditingkatkan bertahap hingga mencapai 2700 kkal/hari (123 kkal/kgBB/hari). Pasien pulang dengan peningkatan berat badan sebanyak 4.3 kg, IMT 14.7 kg/m2, skor-z -1.53, status gizi kurang gizi. Berkurangnya ukuran massa tumor diikuti dengan peningkatan nafsu makan.
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Mierzejewski, Krzysztof. "Wpływ anoreksji (jadłowstrętu psychicznego) na zdolność osoby do zawarcia małżeństwa". Ius Matrimoniale 23, n. 17 (15 ottobre 2012): 45–64.

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Ciechanowska, Karolina, e Karolina Krajewska. "Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentką w przebiegu anoreksji z wykorzystaniem ICNP". Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie 5, n. 1 (20 ottobre 2020): 96–113.

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Abstract (sommario):
Anorexia is a disease that affects more and more people, it ffects many more women and girls than men and boys. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed between 14 and 18 years of age. People with anorexia nervosa suddenly and excessively start losing weight by eating meals in mall, low-calorie portions. In addition to excessive weight loss, there may be dangerous hormonal disorders in the body. By conducting activities aimed at creating proper psychosocial health, it is possible to avoid an increase in the incidence of anorexia. Aim of the study. The purpose of the work is to apply appropriate nursing activities to a patient with anorexia in a psychiatric ward. Case study. A 20-year-old patient in a psychiatric ward complains of feeling strong anxiety due to fear of weight gain. He avoids watching himself in the mirror. Significant dehydration of the body occurred through prolonged use of laxatives. The patient requires education regarding the disease and help in self-care activities. According to the interview, the patient was affected by this type of symptoms for the first time. Conclusions. The comprehensive care provided by medical staff has significantly improved the patient's well-being, but all activities should be continued so that the patient can recover fully.
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Widayati, Dhina, Sulistyowati Ariningsih e Muhammad Taukhid. "Saline Solution Oral Hygiene dalam Meningkatkan Nafsu Makan Pasien Anoreksia". Indonesian Journal of Health Science 13, n. 1 (28 giugno 2021): 1–11.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT Background and Aim : Anorexia can be caused by symptoms of disease or disorders / conditions in the digestive system. To overcome the problem in anorexia that is by examining the cause of decreased or loss of appetite,where the problem of discomfort in the oral cavity can be done oral hygiene with salt water rinse.Oral hygiene is an action to clean and refresh the mouth to eat and avoid pathogenic microfloral. This research aims to determine the effect of salt solution rinses on appetite in anorexia patients at Amelia Pare Hospital. Methods : The research design used was Pre Experiment Design with one group pre-post design approach. The population in this research were all patients with anorexia who were hospitalized at Amelia Hospital. Research time was 15-29 February 2020. The sampling technique was done by accidental sampling, as many as 30 respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire and observation sheet, the statistical test used was the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Results : the identification of appetite in anorexic patients before being given the majority of salt water rinse or more than half of respondents (53.3%) was in a pretty bad criterion. While the results of the identification of appetite in anorexic patients after being given salt water rinses showed the majority or almost half of respondents (46.7%) were in pretty good criteria. Conclusion : Based on the Wilcoxon signed rank test, p value =0,001or p α which means there is an effect of salt water rinse on increasing appetite in anorexia patients. Where salt contains sodium chloride which is naturally osmotic which works to absorb fluids in tissues or cells and can make bases, there by increasing pH in the mouth which can limit the amount of bacterialgrowth. Besides salt also contains water moleculer that are isotonicand do not irritate mucous membranes. This research is expected to be a reference for further research in patients who experience discomfort in the oral cavity. Keywords : oral hygiene, Salt solution, Appetite, Anorexia
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PEHLİVANTÜRK KIZILKAN, Melis, Elif SABANCI, Şeyma ERDEM TORUN, Sinem AKGÜL, Orhan DERMAN e Nuray KANBUR. "Bone Health in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study". Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrics 31, n. 2 (2022): 67–73.

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Cin, Pelin, e Özlem Tanrıöver. "Anorexia of aging in geriatric population". Journal of Turkish Family Physician 11, n. 1 (25 marzo 2020): 29–40.

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Kuna, Berenika. "The Butterfly effect: An impact of materials related to anorexia in audiovisual media". Nursing and Public Health 8, n. 3 (28 settembre 2018): 177–83.

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Aziraj - Smajić, Vildana. "PSIHOTERAPIJSKI TRETMAN ANOREKSIJE NERVOZE U ADOLESCENTNOJ DOBI". Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Bihaću 8, n. 8 (21 dicembre 2016): 215–34.

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Poremećaji hranjenja u adolescenciji su ozbiljan javno zdravstveni problem, jer je njihovo liječenje dugotrajno, kompleksno i zahtjevno, a ishod najčešće neizvjestan. Cilj ovog rada jeste dati kratak pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o primjeni i efikasnosti psihoterapijskih tretmana kod adolescenata s dijagnosticiranom anoreksijom nervozom. Pokazano je da se u tretmanu ovog poremećaja najčešće primjenjuju kognitivno-bihevioralna, dijalektičko-bihevioralna, porodična, psihoanalitička, kognitivno-analitička i grupna psihoterapija. Suština svih terapijskih pristupa se prvenstveno ogleda u mijenjaju samodestruktivnih ponašanja koja ugrožavaju život. U skladu sa svojim teorijskim orijentacijama svi tretmani podrazumijevaju specifične mehanizme promjene (kognitivne restrukturacije, promjene u interpersonalnim odnosima, itd) koji se determiniraju u odnosu na postavljene terapijske ciljeve. Na temelju rezultata dosadašnjih istraživanja, zaključuje se da je porodična psihoterapija najefikasnija u tretmanu anoreksije nervoze u adolescentnoj dobi.
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Cichecka-Wilk, Małgorzata. "Anoreksja niemowlęca – kryteria rozpoznania, etiologia, sposoby leczenia". Studia Edukacyjne, n. 60 (15 marzo 2021): 213–29.

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Infantile anorexia is one form of feeding behavior disorder. The group of these disorders usually affects infants and young children whose food consumption in some way deviates from the norm. Their main feature is the difficulty in establishing a regular eating pattern. Which means that the infant does not regulate its eating rhythm according to the physiological feeling of hunger or satiety. In the case of infant anorexia, a characteristic symptom is a persistent reluctance to eat. A sick infant does not signal hunger and is not interested in eating. This leads to a height/weight deficiency and other negative consequences for the child’s development and health. The diagnosis excludes traumatic experiences or a physical illness that could better explain the infant’s reactions. The causes of the occurrence of infantile anorexia are mainly seen in the mental factors related to dysfunctional interactions in the family system, although an increasing amount of research also points to a large role of biological factors in its etiology. Above all, it’s believed to have a very strong genetic component. Infantile anorexia is a potentially curable disease, provided it is diagnosed and appropriate treatment measures are taken. The latter consist in psychotherapy and the introduction of eating patterns. Failure to take such steps may result in the persistence of symptoms and the increased risk of acute or chronic child malnutrition, and in extreme cases may jeopardize the child’s life.
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Milić, Maja. "Psychodynamic approach to understanding anorexia nervosa". Genero, n. 24 (2020): 143–58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Anorexia nervosa is a diagnostic category that is more frequently found in younger women. In its basis is the difficulty of experiencing and mentalizing tension inside one's body. It occurs due to the conflicts arising from intrapsychic processes, on the one hand, and the penetration of patriarchal norms on the other. This paper relates anorexia nervosa to Lacan's jouissance or the so-called painful pleasure. Lacan's theory of understanding female sexuality is important for the feminist (psychotherapeutic) approach. How young women suffering from anorexia nervosa form a relationship with their body, and the degree to which we can speak of their capacity to achieve a pleasure principle is addressed in the second part of the paper. Finally, the paper offers a psychotherapeutic understanding of the directions that need to be followed when working with these clients.
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Harianja, Eva Julia Gunawati, e Junika Napitupulu. "PERANCANGAN SISTEM PAKAR TINGKAT PERSENTASE PENYAKIT ANOREKSIA NERVOSA MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEMPSTER SHAFER". METHODIKA: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi 6, n. 1 (10 marzo 2020): 34–39.

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Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder by making yourself feel hungry (self-starvation). Usually occurs in young women who are stepping on the high school bench (General High School). Their goal is to make themselves hungry so that they have a slim physical appearance and attract the attention of the opposite sex. There are 2 types of Anorexia Nervosa, Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa, people with this type of anorexia greatly limit the amount of food they consume, in fact they often do not eat at all until their bodies become very thin. Anorexia Nervosa Binge-purge, this type of anorexia is almost the same as bulimia. People who suffer from this disorder will eat in large quantities. But after eating, they will tend to feel guilty and then force to vomit back the food they ate. Mahoni Mental Hospital is one of the agencies engaged in health services, as a health agency, it is a must for the agency to improve its services both in terms of speed and timeliness. Mahoni Mental Hospital does not yet have a computerized system or method used to diagnose Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, there is often a delay in the treatment of anorexia nervosa disorders. This study aims to build an expert system that functions as a tool for the Mahogany Mental Hospital or medical (experts) and medical students in diagnosing Anorexia Nervosa disorders. This study uses the Dempster Shafer method, in diagnosing Anorexia Nervosa disorder, based on the symptoms felt by the patient, then the results of the consultation are how many percent of the patient is affected by Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa or what percentage of the patient is Anorexia Nervosa Bingepurge
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Samuščenkovienė, Snieguolė, e Lina Šakienė. "Valgymo sutrikimais sergančiųjų nuomonė apie slaugyto¬jo veiklą formuojant valgymo įgūdžius". Sveikatos mokslai 25, n. 4 (30 settembre 2015): 90–94.

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Abstract (sommario):
Valgymo sutrikimai nors yra aktuali tema, bet kartu pakankamai uždara tema. Kai kalbama apie valgymo sutrikimus, dažniausiai kalbama apie nervinę anoreksiją ir nervinę bulimiją. Anoreksija yra mažiau paplitusi, ja serga apie 1 proc. populiacijos, nervinė bulimija yra daug labiau paplitusi – ja serga apie 5-7 proc. populiacijos. Slaugytojo, kaip sveikatos mokytojo ir ugdytojo, darbo kokybę nusako jo veikla siekiant prisidėti prie valgymo sutrikimais sergančiojo gerovės, stiprinant jų sveikatą, formuojant teisingą nuomonę apie mitybos ypatumus, sveikatą, kūną, fizinį aktyvumą, sprendžiant su sveikata susijusias problemas. Tyrimo problemai išryškinti keliami klausimai: su kokiomis problemomis susiduria valgymo sutrikimų turintys pacientai? Kokią įtaką valgymo sutrikimai turi jų sveikatai pacientų požiūriu? Kaip pacientai vertina slaugytojų veiklą, teikiant žinias ir formuojant jų valgymo įgūdžius? Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti valgymo sutrikimais sergančiųjų nuomonę apie slaugytojo veiklą formuojant valgymo įgūdžius. Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas naudojant anketinę pacientų apklausą raštu. Apklausta n=100 pacientų, besigydančių Lietuvos apskrities valgymo sutrikimų centre. Rezultatams skaičiuoti naudotas matematinis statitistikos metodas – statistinė duomenų analizė ‘‘Microsoft Office Excel 2013‘‘ kompiuterine skaičiuokle. Tyrimo rezultatai. Valgymo sutrikimais sergantys pacientai išskyrė šiuos dažniausius valgymo įpročius: jaučia, kad mityba valdo gyvenimą; su siaubu galvoja, kad gali turėti antsvorį suvalgius saldumynų; nuolat galvoja apie maistą; po valgio maistą išvemia; nuolat galvoja, kaip tapti lieknesniam ar kad yra per stambus; pasitaiko persivalgymo priepuolių; stengiasi nevalgyti, nors yra alkanas; po valgymo jaučiasi labai nusikaltęs; valgydamas dalina maistą į mažus gabalėlius; dažnai laikosi įvairių dietų svorio mažinimo tikslais, vartoja vidurius laisvinančius vaistus, dietines tabletes arba diuretikus, siekdami kontroliuoti savo svorį. Išvada. Dažniausios sveikatos problemos, su kuriomis susiduria pacientai: nuolatinis vėmimas, nemiga, nervingumas, nuolatinis alkio jausmas, nuolatinis svėrimasis, nuolatinis domėjimasis laisvinamaisiais preparatais. Pacientų nuomone, slaugytojai jiems nepakankamai teikia žinių apie valgymo sutrikimus ir jų veiklą šioje srityje įvertino tik 6 balais (patenkinamai).
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Starzomska, Małgorzata. "Spektrum postaw wobec śmierci u osób z anoreksją". Kultura i Społeczeństwo 53, n. 1 (23 marzo 2009): 185–202.

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Abstract (sommario):
Anorexia nervosa is a grave psychiatric illness characterized by a distorted body image which triggers intensive self-starvation and — as a consequence — significantly diminished body weight. It can be fatal: the mortality rate is thought to be between 4% and 20%. The very essence of this eating disorder is a categorical refusal to be cured in conjunction with a profound denial of illness. The most peculiar aspect of anorexia nervosa that may account for the denial of illness and the difficulty patients have in accepting treatment is egosyntonicity. It means that the illness is highly valued by afflicted individuals and it is inextricably linked with their sense of identity. Thus this illness is existential. Some researchers describe anorexia nervosa as suicide, but the anorexic understanding of death seems to be more complicated. If anorexia is, for the patient, an avenue to a worthwhile life, then, giving up anorexia — gaining weight — can mean giving up the reason for living. Therefore the refusal of eating that in another patient might look suicidal, may for the anorexic patient be the only way of life. The article analyses various aspects of anorexic attitudes to death.
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Di Pietro, Maria Luisa, Gianluigi Conte, Adelia Lucattini e Antonio G. Spagnolo. "Alimentazione forzata per i pazienti con anoressia nervosa?" Medicina e Morale 42, n. 2 (30 aprile 1993): 381–98.

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Gli Autori prendono in esame il caso di M.A., una ragazza anoressica di 18 anni, che, ospedalizzata, rifiuta di sottoporsi alle terapie e di alimentarsi fin quando, durante un episodio di perdita di coscienza, i medici decidono di iniziare - oltre le cure del caso - anche l'alimentazione enterale con il sondino naso-gastrico. Gli interrogativi etici, deontologici e giuridici sollevati da questo caso sono molteplici e rilevanti nella prassi medica: a fronte di un rischio prevedibile per la propria vita, la paziente ha il diritto a non accettare le cure? Quale rispetto è dovuto alla volontà di una paziente affetta da questa malattia? I medici curanti possono lecitamente prendere la decisione di sottoporre la paziente ad alimentazione forzata pur in presenza di un esplicito rifiuto? Le risposte scaturiscono dalla valutazione etica e giuridica del conflitto tra diritto della paziente di decidere sulla propria vita/salute e diritto/dovere del medico di salvaguardare la vita fisica della paziente.
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Bukelskis, Laurynas, e Brigita Baks. "Antipsichotikų vaidmuo ir jo pagrindimas gydant nervinę anoreksiją". Sveikatos mokslai 24, n. 1 (20 gennaio 2014): 84–88.

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Bonucci, Cristina. "Anoressia, famiglia e ..tutto quello che c'è intorno.." INTERAZIONI, n. 2 (gennaio 2015): 129–33.

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Dutkiewicz, Agata, e Teresa Grzelak. "Diet therapy in patients with anorexia". Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna 16, n. 2 (10 giugno 2016): 104–9.

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Efendi, Yanne Pradwi, e Eva Decroli. "Tuberculous Addison’s Disease". Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 8, n. 1S (22 gennaio 2019): 58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Tuberculous addison’s disease merupakan insufisiensi adrenal primer akibat infeksi tuberkulosis pada kelenjar adrenal. Manifestasi klinisnya meliputi kelemahan, kelelahan, anoreksia, penurunan berat badan, hipotensi ortostatik, dan hiperpigmentasi kulit. Tuberkulosis adalah penyebab yang paling utama di negara berkembang. Dilaporkan seorang wanita dua puluh delapan tahun dengan keluhan kulit seluruh tubuh semakin menghitam disertai bercak-bercak kehitaman pada lidah, dan seringkali merasa lemah, letih, lesu. Riwayat penyakit dahulu: TB paru satu setengah tahun yang lalu. Pemeriksaan fisik: nadi enam puluh tujuh kali per menit, tekanan darah 100/60 mmmHg, hiperpigmentasi pada kulit, bibir, kuku, dan lidah. Laboratorium disimpulkan hiperadrenokortitropin dan hipokortisolisme. CT Scan adrenal: pembesaran kelenjar adrenal bilateral disertai kalsifikasi multipel, sugestif tuberkulosis. Pasien didiagnosis insufisiensi adrenal primer akibat tuberkulosis. Terapi yang diberikan metilprednisolon 1x6 mg. Pada pasien terjadi perbaikan klinis dan parameter laboratoris. Hiperpigmentasi, lemah, letih, lesu, dan anoreksia ditemukan pada sebagian besar pasien addison’s disease. Untuk penelusuran penyebab insufisiensi adrenal primer, dilakukan CT Scan adrenal. Gambaran khas TB adrenal pada CT Scan adalah berupa pembesaran kelenjar adrenal, kalsifikasi dengan central low attenuation, dan peripheral enhancement. Terapi adalah terapi substitusi yang merupakan lifelong hormone therapy.
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Bączek, Michał Marian, Iwona Gorczyca, Katarzyna Starzyk e Beata Wożakowska-Kapłon. "Dwudziestopięcioletnia chora z anoreksją i podejrzeniem ostrego zespołu wieńcowego". Folia Cardiologica 12, n. 6 (29 dicembre 2017): 601–3.

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Molinu, Chiara. "Hikikomori e anoressia: famiglie e identità fragili a confronto". RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE, n. 48 (gennaio 2019): 75–96.

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Aveni, Francesca. "Amenorrea e anoressia. Significati simbolici e immagine del corpo". PSICOBIETTIVO, n. 2 (agosto 2013): 75–81.

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Wielgos, Katarzyna, e Danuta Sidor. "Zakażenie prątkiem niegruźliczym u 17-letniej dziewczynki z anoreksją". Pediatria Polska 90, n. 1 (gennaio 2015): 81–86.

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Kowalska, Iga Teresa, e Antonina Stasińska. "Dyskurs biomedyczny a doświadczenie pacjentów. Anoreksja w ujęciu antropologicznym". LUD. Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego i Komitetu Nauk Etnologicznych PAN 103 (11 dicembre 2019): 293.

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Abstract (sommario):
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zjawiska zaburzeń odżywiania się, obrazu własnego ciała i zachowań autoagresywnych, a także próba przedstawienia zależności między tymi zmiennymi u kobiet z zaburzeniami ożywiania się. Grupę badawczą (kliniczną) w projekcje stanowiło 25 kobiet ze zdiagnozowaną anoreksją lub bulimią, grupę kontrolną zaś – 30 kobiet zdrowych. Do badań wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Ja cielesnego (Skala J-C) Beaty Miruckiej oraz Inwentarz psychologicznego syndromu agresji (IPSA-II) Zbigniewa B. Gasia. Analiza uzyskanych wyników pokazuje, że kobiety z anoreksją i bulimią, w porównaniu do kobiet zdrowych, przejawiają większe tendencje autoagresywne. Ponadto w grupie badawczej niewłaściwy wizerunek ciała istotnie koreluje z nasileniem autoagresji. Uzyskane rezultaty przedyskutowano w świetle dotychczasowych wyników badań i teorii.
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Battipaglia, Mariella. "La chiusura anoressia e i "restauri" nel campo: un'esperienza clinica". STUDI JUNGHIANI, n. 54 (febbraio 2022): 28–43.

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Abstract (sommario):
L'autrice, nel riportare un'esperienza clinica, ripercorre il processo terapeutico riflettendo su alcuni accadimenti legati alla matrice somatica della coppia analitica a lavoro. Le risonanze diadiche attivate nel campo rimandano alle dinamiche implicite psicofisiche della diade madre/bambino, potendo considerare alcuni "fenomeni corporei" come la base corporea dei fenomeni transizionali. In quest'area terza la madre deve concedersi di farsi "usare" come strumento facilitatore del contatto tra realtà esterna e realtà interna. La coppia analitica si è ritrovata nuovamente a lavoro dopo sedici anni: alla luce dell'esperienza clinica odierna e delle recenti teorizzazioni sul contro-transfert corporeo, ha guardato al campo analitico e al suo dinamismo connesso alla tessitura temporale come una dimensione nuova, uno spazio terzo intersoggettivo in cui l'arrendevolezza ad esso trasforma e alchimizza i temi e il tempo della vita. 
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Marszałek, Lidia, e Marzena Dycht. "Mass media i reklama a choroby cywilizacyjne: anoreksja i bulimia". Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe 2011, n. 30 (30 giugno 2011): 147–58.

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Womperski, Karol, e Justyna Woźniak. "Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa – diagnostic difficulties: a case study of a 14-year old girl". Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii 30, n. 1 (2021): 52–60.

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Soelaeman, Eva J., Budi Purnomo, Sukma W. Merati, Hartati N. Soehardjo e Hadjat S. Digdowirogo. "Infeksi Helicobacter Pylori di RSAB Harapan Kita". Sari Pediatri 5, n. 4 (6 dicembre 2016): 178.

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Abstract (sommario):
Infeksi Helicobacter pylori (HP) merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakitgastrointestinal pada anak yang gejalanya antara lain sakit perut berulang (SPB),dispepsia, muntah, hematemesis atau anoreksia. Pada sebagian besar pasien tersebut,penyebab terbanyak adalah HP. Oleh karena itu diagnosis HP sebaiknya dibuat sedinimungkin. Pengobatan HP pada dewasa masih kontroversial tetapi pada anak beberapapeneliti menganjurkan untuk memberikan pengobatan bila terdapat gejala.Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka kejadian HP di RSABHarapan Kita, melaporkan gejala yang ditemukan, cara mendiagnosis, dan pengaruhpengobatan.Hasil: Dari bulan Juli 2002 sampai dengan Juni 2003, telah dilakukan 42 endoskopiatas. Usia rata-rata 5 tahun 2 bulan ( 3 bulan – 16 tahun). Helicobacter pylori positifterdapat pada 23 pasien (54,8%). Gejalanya adalah SPB 15 (65,2%), muntah 6 (26%),hematemesis 5 (21,7%), dispepsia 5 (21,7%) dan anoreksia 4 (17,4%). Diagnosisendoskopi pada pasien HP positif adalah gastroduodenitis 12 (52,3%),esofagogastroduodenitis 5 (21,7%) esofagogastritis 5 (21,7%) dan gastritis 1 pasien(4,3%).Dari pemeriksaan patologi anatomi (PA) ditemukan HP pada duodenum 17, antrumpylori 18, dan korpus gaster 9 pasien. Semua pasien diobati dengan terapi tripel(klaritromisin, amoksisilin dan omeperazol) selama 7 hari. Gejala menghilang pada20 pasien (87%). Sisanya masih menderita SPB, yang membaik dengan pemberianomeperazol selama 2 minggu.Kesimpulan: Angka kejadian HP pada pasien kami 54,8% dengan gejala yang palingsering SPB. H.pylori paling banyak ditemukan di antrum pilori dibandingkanduodenum atau korpus gaster. Dengan pengobatan gejala menghilang pada sebagianbesar pasien.
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Ventura, Alessandro. "La pagina gialla". Medico e Bambino 39, n. 7 (15 settembre 2020): 417–18.

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Sommer, Hubert. "Anoreksja nastolatek w świetle badań – droga do sukcesu czy akt powolnej autodestrukcji". Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny 35, n. 1 (21 febbraio 2017): 235.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>Artykuł poświęcono problematyce ze wszech miar obecnej we współczesnym świecie – zjawisku anoreksji. Choroba ta z roku na rok zabija dziesiątki młodych kobiet pragnących wyglądać idealnie, zgodnie z powszechnie panującymi trendami lansowanymi przez media. Dramat polega na tym, iż te niedoścignione wzorce istnieją tylko na papierze i w wyobraźni producentów i reżyserów, którzy zręcznie manipulują małoletnim odbiorcą (tu odbiorczynią). Przeprowadzone przez autora badania pozwolą poznać opinie na ten temat respondentek reprezentujących zarówno gimnazja, jak i licea ogólnokształcące.</p>
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