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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Amter"


Wils, Lode. "Edward Amter". WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging 57, n. 3 (1 gennaio 1998): 157–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.21825/wt.v57i3.13028.

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Navrbjerg, Steen E. "Mellem medindflydelse og medbestemmelse — nye samarbejdsformer i amter og kommuner". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 7, n. 3 (1 settembre 2005): 12. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/tfa.v7i3.108480.

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Abstract (sommario):
Gennem de seneste 20 år har den offentlige sektor gennemgået en decentralisering på mange områder. Ledere og medarbejdere møder til stadighed nye udfordringer, og eksisterende ledelses- og samarbejdsformer må til stadighed evalueres og tilpasses de nye tider. I 1996 indgik de centrale parter i amter og kommuner en rammeaftale om MED-medbestemmelse og medindflydelse. Formålet med aftalen var at skabe en ramme, så de lokale parter kunne revurdere og eventuelt forny samarbejdssystemet-herunder om arbejdsmiljøsystemet og samarbejdssystemet kunne og skulle integreres. Artiklen diskuterer på baggrund af en empirisk undersøgelse indledningsvis de barrierer, der var for etableringen af et nyt samarbejdssystem. Dernæst diskuteres forholdet mellem medbestemmelse og ledelsesret. Der rykkes i disse år ved ledelsesretten, særligt når ledere erfarer, at medarbejdersidens involvering kvalificerer deres beslutninger. Afslutningsvis diskuteres de lokale ledelsers ambivalente holdninger til organisationsrepræsentanternes rolle i samarbejdssystemet, og det påpeges at ikke blot en holdningsændring hos ledelser, men også en strukturændring på medarbejderside kan være vejen frem for samarbejdssystemerne i fremtidens større enheder i amter og kommuner.
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El Brahimi, Mohammed, Bouchta El Fellah, Mohamed Mastere, Brahim Benzougagh, Mohamed El Basri e Najia Fartas. "Quantification of Soil Sensitivity to Water Erosion by the RUSLE Model in the Oued Amter Watershed, Northwestern Morocco". Iraqi Geological Journal 55, n. 2C (30 settembre 2022): 41–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.46717/igj.55.2c.4ms-2022-08-17.

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Abstract (sommario):
The present study aims to estimate the soil losses in the watershed of Oued Amter extends the length of the internal Rifain domain, located in the region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Houceima, Chefchaouen province in north-western Morocco. The spatialization of the empirical model was based on the integration of five factors in the Geographic Information System, namely, rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, vegetation cover, topography and anti-erosion practices, and whose superposition allowed the elaboration of the quantitative map of soil losses at the watershed scale. The Oued Amter watershed covers an area of 300 km2 ; it is elongated with an altitude ranging from 0 m to 2100 m from north to south and a slope that varies from 0 to 58.58%. The rainfall study of the climatic stations located near the watershed has shown the irregularity of rainfall in time and space. The erosivity factor R presented values ranging from 1637.09 to 1937.61, with an average of 1787.35 Mj.mm/ha. h. an (Millijoule. Millimeters/hectare. Hour. Year). The erodibility factor K presents values from 0.139 to 0.140 and it showed that the soils little evolved and the Vertisols are the most vulnerable to erosion.
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Redaktionen. "Ledelse og samarbejde under strukturreformen". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 8, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2006): 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/tfa.v8i4.108599.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ledelse og samarbejde under strukturreformen D en 1. januar 2007 er en magisk dato for alle de politikere og ansatte i den offentlige sektor, der i de sidste år har været travlt optaget af Projekt Strukturreform. Urene tæller ned, og når et nyt arbejdsår be gynder efter nytår, vil det for manges ved kommende være på nye arbejdspladser, med nye chefer og nye kolleger. Forud er gået en intensiv og til tider konfliktfyldt indsats for at få alle brikker til at falde på plads i de nye kommuner og regioner. Medarbejdere og ledere på de offentlige arbejdspladser har spillet hver deres roller i det komplicerede spil, og det er spillet og relationen mellem spillerne, der er tema for dette nummer af Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv. Men lad os først kaste et blik tilbage på re formens første spæde kim, der begyndte at spire for nu 4 år siden. Hvorfor en strukturreform? Hvorfor netop på dette tidspunkt? Og hvilken rolle var de ansatte i de offentlige systemer oprindeligt tiltænkt i processen? I efteråret 2002 blev Strukturkommissionen nedsat med det formål at vurdere, om den eksisterende (amts)kommunale struktur var tidssvarende og levede op til befolkningens krav, både til serviceniveauet og til den de mokratiske indflydelse. Eller som det hed i betænkningen, så skulle kommissionen i vur deringen af fordele og ulemper ved forskellige indretninger af den offentlige sektor bla. vurdere og afveje en række faktorer i forhold til hinanden: Effektivitet og bæredygtighed, demokratisk kontrol, borgerinddragelse og dialogen mellem borgere og poli tikere, kvalitet i opgaveløsningen, nærhed til borgerne, borgernes retssikkerhed og valg muligheder, klarhed i ansvarsfordelingen, og sammenhæng mellem kompetence og økonomisk ansvar (Kommissorium for Strukturkommissionen 2002). I januar 2004 kom kommissionens betænkning, og oplægget førte i juni 2004 til en aftale mellem regeringen og Dansk Fol keparti om en grundlæggende omstrukturering af det kommunale Danmarkskort: 273 kommuner sammenlægges til 98, og 14 amter omlægges til 5 regioner. Det kan diskuteres, om det er Danmarkshistoriens største omstrukturering. Også kommu nalreformen i 1970, hvor 1386 kom muner blev sammenlagt til 277 kommu ner1 og 25 amter til 14, var en betydelig omlægning, om end den af en central embedsmand beskrives mere som en modernisering og tilpasning end en revolution (Strøm 2000). Tilsvarende kan man spørge, hvilken karakter den nye kommunalreform har: Er den udtryk for et ønske fra neden, fra aktører i kommuner og amter-borgere, politikere og medarbejdere-om nye betingelser for at få og levere de ønskede serviceydelser? Eller er det et større, til dels ideologisk, projekt med det formål at styrke markedsgørelsen
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Jackson, Richard E. "Chlorinated Solvents and the Historical Record: A Response to Amter and Ross". Environmental Forensics 4, n. 1 (marzo 2003): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15275920303487.

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Daugaard, Poul. "Centralbibliotekarernes vandrebogSpredte træk af de danske folkebibliotekers historie1919-24". Bibliotekshistorie 2, n. 1 (10 giugno 1988): 83–119. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/bh.v2i1.35877.

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Abstract (sommario):
Det var på landsudstillingen i Århus 1909, at overbibliotekar H. O. Lange holdt sit i bibliotekskredse berømte foredrag om Bibliotekssagen udenfor København} Han hævdede heri, at biblioteksvæsenet i Danmark burde være et organisk sammenhængende hele, og han sagde bl.a.: »Bibliotekssagen trænger til Organisation, og dette vil sige, at der maa skabes en Række aktive Centra, hver med sit Opland, i fast organiseret Samarbejde med de lokale Folkebogsamlinger til den ene og med de videnskabelige Biblioteker til den anden Side. Det vil være baade naturligt og formaalstjenligt at holde sig til en i det daglige Liv saa velkendt administrativ Inddeling som Amterne, saa at hvert af vore 18 Amter faar sit offentlige Centralbibliotek.
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Sørensen, Ole Henning. "Forskningsnote Nye former for medindfl ydelse i private virksomheder — ramme- og lokalaftaler om sikkerheds- og samarbejdsorganisationen". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 7, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2005): 93. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/tfa.v7i4.108526.

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Abstract (sommario):
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse på DTU har for arbejdsmiljørådet gennemført en undersøgelse af organisationers og virksomheders erfaringer med brug af ramme- og lokal aftaler om sikkerhedsorganisationen. Dette er delvist det private arbejdsmarkeds pendant til det offentliges MED aftaler som blev beskrevet i artiklen Mellem medindflydelse og medbestemmelse-nye samarbejdsformer i amter og kommuner i sidste nummer af Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv (7. årg. nr. 3). U ndersøgelsen har afdækket organisationernes forventninger og ønsker til de lokal aftaler, der er indgået på basis af rammeaftalerne, samt hvad deres hidtidige erfaringer er med udbredelsen af lokalaftaler. Des uden er der gennemført en undersøgelse af virksomhe dernes erfaringer med brug af lokalaftaler til organisering af arbejdsmiljøarbejdet. Undersøgelsen er baseret på interview med repræsentanter for ledelse og med arbejdere. Det er yderligere undersøgt hvil ke vanskeligheder der kan medføre at for søg på at blive enige om en lokalaftale, ikke fører til et resultat.
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Bartnik, Czesław. "Nauka Leona Wielkiego o prymacie biskupa Rzymu". Vox Patrum 46 (15 luglio 2004): 311–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.31743/vp.6821.

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Abstract (sommario):
Leon I. der Grosse, der Papst in den Jahren 440-461, entwickelte die Lehre des rómischen Zentrums iiber Vorherrschaft zum hóchsten Grad nicht nur im Gesichtspunkt der Geschichte, der Verwaitung und Jurisdiktion, aber vor aiiem der Theoiogie. Laut dieser Theoiogie kommt die Vorherrschaft aus der Bibel - von Christus - hervor. Christus, der Herr der Geschichte bereitete auch den historischen Boden fur die Vorherrschaft vor und fur die ganze Kirche in der Form des Imperium Romanum, der Stadt Rom und auch des Amts des Casars. Die Vorherrschaft ist daher die MachtfiiHe, sie biidet die Hauptstrommung der okonomie Gottes auf der Erde. Durch den Apostohschen Stuhl durchfliesst die Hauptstrommung der Erlosung der Wek. Er ist das Fundamentum und QueHe aker anderen Amter und Gnaden: per Petrum Apostohs et universae Ecclesiae und ist endiich der Schttissel der Einheit der Kiche und Menschheit, und dadurch Garant der ewigen Dauer des Christentums. Die Kirchen, vom Petrus abgefaken, gehen zugrunde.
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Winter, Søren. "Kurt Klaudi Klausen (red.), Erfaringer med Internationalisering i Amter og Kommuner, Gylling: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1996, 204 s., kr. 200,00." Politica 29, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1997): 93. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/politica.v29i1.68106.

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Le Roux, Thomas. "Benjamin Ross et Steven Amter The polluters: The making of our chemically altered environment Oxford, Oxford University Press,2010,VIII-223p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 66, n. 1 (marzo 2011): 318–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0395264900005904.

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Tesi sul tema "Amter"


Millour, Florentin. "Interférométrie différentielle avec AMBER". Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00134268.

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Abstract (sommario):
L'interférométrie optique en astronomie est une technique permettant de sonder les objets observés à une résolution spatiale impossible à atteindre avec un télescope unique. Ce domaine d'instrumentation entre dans une nouvelle phase avec l'arrivée de nouveaux instruments combinant de très grands télescopes sur des bases allant jusqu'à 200m. AMBER (Astronomical Multi BEam Recombiner) est l'instrument recombineur à trois télescopes du VLTI (Very Large Telescope Interferometer) qui apporte à la fois de la résolution spectrale et des capacités d'imagerie sur cette infrastructure à la pointe de la recherche astrophysique. Je présente dans cette thèse mon apport au traitement du signal de l'instrument AMBER afin d'obtenir les observables nécessaires à l'exploitation scientifique des données. J'y présente l'approche dans le plan image qui a été utilisée et validée sur le ciel avec cet instrument, insi que les observables différentielles chromatiques que j'ai développées spécifiquement. Les observables différentielles chromatiques consistent à comparer la mesure de franges enregistrées simultanément entre deux longueurs d'ondes proches. Cela permet de reconstruire une fraction très substancielle de l'information de phase de l'objet, perdue par les estimateurs classiques jusque là utilisés en interférométrie. Je développe aussi le potentiel de ces observables ainsi que leur application pratique sur l'étude de divers objets astrophysiques dont les étoiles à enveloppe et les objets binaires.
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Spencer, Courtney J., e Courtney Spencer. "From Amber to Darkness". ScholarWorks@UNO, 2012. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/1577.

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Taschner, Stefan. "Flood modelling in the Ammer watershed using coupled meteorological and hydrological models". Diss., [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/archive/00002116/.

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Knippel, Mark Jacob 1983. "The Amber of the Moment". Thesis, University of Oregon, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/11486.

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1 score (vii, 56 p.) Includes one sound recording in AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
The Amber of the Moment is a thirteen-minute composition for orchestra. Inspiration for this piece is drawn from two sources: the novel Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., and my desire to utilize techniques derived from various musical cultures, including Balinese gamelan and African drumming and marimba playing. Although not directly narrative, much of the imagery portrayed in Slaughterhouse Five informed the emotional landscape of the piece. As to the use of techniques from other cultures, my aim is not to merely imitate them, but to utilize them in a manner appropriate to the tradition of orchestral concert music.
Committee in charge: Dr. David Crumb, Chairperson; Dr. Robert Kyr, Member; Dr. Stephen Rodgers, Member
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Foschini, Federico. "Amber: a Cloud Service Architecture proposal". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/13840/.

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Al giorno d’oggi, Cloud, Internet Of Things e Big Data sono tra i topic di maggior interesse, considerando il ruolo centrale che il dato sta assumendo sempre di più. Infatti, le nuove tipologie di soluzioni sono sempre più dedicate alla gestione e collezione dei dati per poter supportare i processi di analisi atti a migliorare il business aziendale. I processi di progettazione di queste soluzioni spesso sono particolarmente complessi e richiedono un effort importante, aumentandone quindi la complessità. Inoltre, la progettazione delle soluzioni interessate sono particolarmente correlate alla piattaforma ed alle tecnologie utilizzate, introducendo quindi criticità legate a tali dipendenze. Questa tesi propone la definizione di un modello di architettura che volta a supportare la progettazione di diverse tipologie di soluzioni Cloud per agevolare, semplificare e migliorare la loro progettazione. Uno degli obiettivi di questo modello è la trasparenza rispetto agli aspetti tecnologici. Infatti, è stato descritto come questo modello di architettura possa agire da wrapper tra la soluzione realizzata e la piattaforma che la ospita, rendendo così trasparente la complessità tecnologica. I moduli dell’architettura possono quindi essere distribuiti su diverse piattaforme, senza che ne vengano influenzate le caratteristiche e funzionalità, grazie alla loro indipendenza. All’interno della tesi viene proposto anche un caso di studio reale che mostra come possa essere effettuato il porting di un sistema Web su Cloud adottando l’architettura proposta. Il sistema interessato dal caso di studio è UniSAS, soluzione appartenente al contesto Smart Living, dedicata al miglioramento dell’accessibilità e al controllo degli accessi. L’architettura che viene definita e descritta in questa tesi permette quindi di ottimizzare l’effort e le risorse necessarie alla progettazione di soluzioni Cloud multi-piattaforma e multi-contesto, con l’obiettivo di ridurne la complessità e criticità.
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Bray, P. Sargent. "A geochemical investigation of Carboniferous amber /". Available to subscribers only, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1456287211&sid=3&Fmt=2&clientId=1509&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Pavlenko, Ilia V. "Design, improvement, and testing of a thermal-electrical analysis application of a multiple beta-tube AMTEC converter". Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/104.

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Abstract (sommario):
A new design AMTEC converter model was developed, and its effectiveness as a design tool was evaluated. To develop the model, requirements of the model were defined, several new design models were successively developed, and finally an optimal new design model was developed. The model was created within Sinda/Fluint, with its graphical interface, Thermal Desktop, a software package that can be used to conduct complex thermal and fluid analyses. Performance predictions were then correlated and compared with actual performance data from the Road Runner II AMTEC converter. Predicted performance results were within 10% of actual performance data for all operating conditions analyzed. This accuracy tended to increase within operating ranges that would be more likely encountered in AMTEC applications. Performance predictions and parametric design studies were then performed on a proposed new design converter model with a variety of annular condenser heights and with potassium as a working fluid to evaluate the effects of various design modifications. Results clearly indicated the effects of the converter design modifications on the converter's power and efficiency, thus simplifying the design optimization process. With the close correlation to actual data and the design information obtained from parametric studies, it was determined that the model could serve as an effective tool for the design of AMTEC converters.
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Koch, Andreas Verfasser], Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] [Ammer e Steffen [Akademischer Betreuer] Rust. "Quantifizierung der Feinwurzeln von Bäumen durch elektrische Verfahren / Andreas Koch. Gutachter: Christian Ammer ; Steffen Rust. Betreuer: Christian Ammer". Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2015. http://d-nb.info/107006825X/34.

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Owen, Jennifer Chowning. "Forever Amber the impact of the Amber Room on Russia's cultural stature then, now and in the future /". Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2009. http://worldcat.org/oclc/457041064/viewonline.

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Hernandez, Utrera Oscar. "Optimisation du traitement de l’information issue de l’instrument amber". Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE10076.

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Abstract (sommario):
L'interférométrie optique/infrarouge à longue base pennet aux astronomes de sonder l'univers avec une résolution de l'ordre du millième de seconde d'arc. La construction de nouveaux recombinateurs interférométriques a présenté la nécessité de développer une méthodologie du traitement du signal appropriée pennettant de profiter au maximum de toutes leurs capacités. Parmi la prémière génération des recombineurs des faisceaux du VLTI (Very Large Telescope Interferometer), l'instrument AMBER fonctionne dans l'infrarouge proche et peut recombiner les faisceaux de deux ou trois télescopes simultanément. Ce travail est entièrement consacré à l'analyse et à l'amélioration des algorithmes de traitement de données issues de l'instrument AMBER, en se focalisant principalement sur les observables interférométriques absolus. Nous commençons notre discussion par un bref rappel des principes de l'interférométrie stellaire. Nous présentons l'instrument AMBER et nous introduisons en détaille traitement de données standard. Ensuite, nous développons un algorithme de réduction de données indépendant qui nous pennet, d'un côté, de tester et de valider l'algorithme standard et, d'un autre côté, de développer un algorithme robuste pour estimer le piston atmosphérique. Finallement, nous appliquons ces méthodes améliorées aux observations de l'étoile Bételgeuse. La confinnation de son diamètre demontre, de manière complètement indépendante, la stabilité de AMBER sur le ciel et sa capacité à produire des visibilités absolues fiables
Long baseline optical/infrared interferometry allows the astronomers to probe the Universe with a milliarcseconds resolution. The construction of new interferometric beam combiners presented the necessity to develop the appropriate data processing methodology allowing to take the maximum advantage of ail their capacities. Among the fitst generation beam combiners of the VL TI (Very Large Telescope Interferometer), AMBER (Astronomical MultiBEam Recombiner) instrument operates in the near infrared and is able to combine the beams of two or three telescopes simultaneously. This work is entirely devoted to the validation and the improvement of the AMBER data processing algorithms, focusing on absolute interferometric observables. We start our discussion with a brief overview of the foundations of the stellar interferometry. Likewise, we present the AMBER instrument, and we introduce in detail the standard data processing. Then, we develop an independent data processing software which allow us, in one hand, to test and validate the standard processing approach, and in the other hand, to develop the improved data processing algorithms. We provide an improved data processing algorithm to reduce AMBER data, and we developed a robust algorithm to estimate the atmospheric piston. Finally, we apply these improved approaches to the observations of the star Betelgeuse. The confinnation of the diameter of the star demonstrates, from a completely independent way, the stabilitv of AMBER on the skv and its abilitv to Droduce reliable absolute visibilities
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Libri sul tema "Amter"


Sørensen, P. Harder. Jyske oldtidsagre: Nordjyllands og Viborg amter. Hørsholm, Danmark: Miljøministeriet, Skov- og naturstyrelsen, 1991.

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Steffensen, Hans Kristian. Aabenraa og Løgumkloster amter indtil 1867/68. Aabenraa: Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland, 1997.

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Hørnø, Flemming. Amt og amtmænd i Århus. A cura di Fode Henrik. Århus: Århus Byhistoriske Fond, 2004.

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Beck, Jørgensen Torben, e Magtudredningen (Project :. Denmark), a cura di. På sporet af en offentlig identitet: Værdier i stat, amter og kommuner. Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag, 2003.

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Socialministeriet, Denmark, a cura di. Frivilligt socialt arbejde og kommuner og amter i samspil: Om [paragraf] 115 i Lov om social service. [Copenhagen]: Socialministeriet, 1998.

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Vejdirektoratet, Denmark, a cura di. Glatføre, varslings, anlæg: Forslag til koordinering, anskaffelse og placering af automatiske varslingsanlæg for glat føre i Århus, Viborg og Nordjyllands amter. [Denmark]: Vejdirektoratet, 1988.

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Schønberg, Mette. Lige ud ad landevejen: Med hestevogn og bil på amternes veje 1868-2006. A cura di Danmarks Vej- & Bromuseum. Holbæk: Danmarks Vej- og Bromuseum, 2006.

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Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress), a cura di. Amber. New York: Signet, 2001.

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Zelazny, Roger. Amber. Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 1989.

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Andrew, Ross. Amber. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1998.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Amter"


Steiner, G., e C. Zimmerer. "Amber". In Polymer Solids and Polymer Melts – Definitions and Physical Properties I, 439–45. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32072-9_38.

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Cardelli, Luca. "Amber". In Combinators and Functional Programming Languages, 21–47. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-17184-3_38.

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Federman, David. "Amber". In Modern Jeweler’s Consumer Guide to Colored Gemstones, 22–25. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-6488-7_4.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Amber". In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 33. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6247-8_529.

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Ragazzi, Eugenio, e Alexander R. Schmidt. "Amber". In Encyclopedia of Geobiology, 24–36. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-9212-1_9.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "amber". In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 29. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-71095-0_466.

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Mishra, Munmaya, e Biao Duan. "Amber". In The Essential Handbook of Polymer Terms and Attributes, 5. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003161318-5.

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Poinar, George. "Dominican amber Flowers". In Flowers in Amber, 95–190. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09044-8_3.

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Poinar, George. "Baltic Amber Flowers". In Flowers in Amber, 69–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09044-8_2.

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Poinar, George. "Mexican Amber Flowers". In Flowers in Amber, 191–208. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09044-8_4.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Amter"


Wang, Cheng. "AMBER". In the 21st international conference companion. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2187980.2188007.

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Hemphälä, H., J. Lindén e A. Skjöld. "CAN INACCURATE POWER IN SPECTACLES AFFECT VISUAL ABILITY AND CAUSE EYESTRAIN WHEN WORKING NIGHTS IN AMBER LED LIGHTING?" In CIE 2023 Conference. International Commission on Illumination, CIE, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.25039/x50.2023.po104.

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Abstract (sommario):
In a pilot intervention study with integrative LED lighting (white tuneable lighting during the day and blue-free amber at night) at a hospital ward, a problem arose. Some of the night staff complained about eyestrain, and other visual problems when working in amber lighting, that might have been caused by incorrect power in their spectacles. An optometrist performed visual examinations and distributed new updated spectacles. The participants rated eyestrain, visual ability, headache and if the lighting was sufficient for their work tasks. The visual acuity and visual ability improved, and the eyestrain was reduced. The amber lighting was regarded as insufficient to perform any work tasks. The study shows a potential problem working in amber lighting with wrong power in spectacles. Amber lighting can reduce the ability to focus and therefore it might be necessary to recommend visual examinations to ensure accurate spectacles when working in amber lighting.
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Grauda, Dace, Andra Miķelsone, Dalius Butkauskas, Dāvis Rašals, Inese Vilcāne, Valters Gobiņš e Inga Lashenko. "Protective properties of biotextile indicated by immature gamete cells flow cytometry and Drosophila melanogaster survival tests". In 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.22364/iarb.2021.06.

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Abstract (sommario):
The testing of an innovative amber-containing biotextile developed within the EUREKA project IFSITEX revealed the ability of biotextile material to protect test objects from UV-B radiation and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs). One of two different testing methods is based on flow cytometry indicating changes in the relative fluorescence of immature plant gametes based on the determination of the sum of changes in approximately 20 various parameters of gametic cells affected in one nuclear stage by irradiation of cell suspension covered with biotextile fabrics containing amber particles or similar fabrics lacking amber particles with UV-B for 75 minutes. The second test called Drosophila melanogaster survivability test, specifically modified for biotextile testing, revealed differences in the percentage of successful development of D. melanogaster from larvae to imago stage after growing fruit flies in tubes covered with biotextile material containing amber particles as well as material free of amber particles. Tubes with D. melanogaster larvae were placed in a Helmholtz coil were continuously exposed to a sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic field (MF) at a flux of 450 μT. Survivability results were compared to the success of the development of the control which was not affected by experimentally generated ELF-EMFs D. melanogaster. Samples of biotextile containing amber particles were found to retain UV-B and LF-EMF radiation better than fabric samples without amber particles.
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Begg, Lester L., Thomas H. Van Hagan e Joe N. Smith. "Thermionic Cascade Converter Concept for High-Efficiency Space Power". In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-0974.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract This paper presents trade studies that address the use of the thermionic/AMTEC cell — a cascaded, high-efficiency, static power conversion concept that appears well-suited to space power applications. Both the thermionic and AMTEC power conversion approaches have been shown to be promising candidates for space power. Thermionics offers system compactness via modest efficiency at high heat rejection temperatures, and AMTEC offers high efficiency at modest heat rejection temperature. From a thermal viewpoint, the two are ideally suited for cascaded power conversion: thermionic heat rejection and AMTEC heat source temperatures are essentially the same. In addition to realizing conversion efficiencies potentially as high as 35–40%, such a cascade offers the following perceived benefits: • Survivability — capable of operation in the Van Allen belts. • Simplicity — static conversion, no moving parts • Long lifetime — no inherent life-limiting mechanisms identified • Technology Readiness — Large thermionic database; AMTEC efficiencies of 18% current being demonstrated, with more growth potential available • Technology Growth — applicable to both solar thermal and reactor-based nuclear space power systems Mechanical approaches and thermal/electric matching criteria for integrating thermionics and AMTEC into a single conversion device are described. Focusing primarily on solar thermal space power applications, parametric trends are presented to show the performance and cost potential that should be achievable with present-day technology in cascaded thermionic/AMTEC systems.
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Schuller, Michael, Brad Fiebig, Patricia Hudson e Robert Svedberg. "AMTEC material studies". In Space technology and applications international forum -1999. AIP, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.57729.

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Duvert, Gilles, David Mouillet, Fabien Malbet, Philippe Berio, Thierry Forveille, Eric Aristidi, Karl-Heinz Hofmann e Pierre Mege. "AMBER data simulator". In Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, a cura di Pierre J. Lena e Andreas Quirrenbach. SPIE, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.390211.

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Lebiedz, Jacek, Jerzy Redlarski e Jacek Ruminski. "Virtual designs and reconstructions of amber works: Amber craftsman simulator". In 2017 10th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI). IEEE, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/hsi.2017.8005039.

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El-Genk, Mohamed S., e Jean-Michel P. Tournier. "Static Converter for High Energy Utilization, Modular, Small Nuclear Power Plants". In 10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/icone10-22040.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents and analyzes the performance of high efficiency, high total energy utilization, static converters, which could be used in conjunction with small nuclear reactor plants in remote locations and in undersea applications, requiring little or no maintenance. The converters consist of a top cycle of Alkali Metal Thermal-to-Electric Conversion (AMTEC) units and PbTe thermoelectric (TE) bottom cycle. In addition to converting the reactor thermal power to electricity at 1150 K or less, at a thermodynamic efficiency in the low to mid thirties, the heat rejection from the TE bottom cycle could be used for space heating, industrial processing, or sea water desalination. The results indicated that for space heating applications, where the rejected thermal power from the TE bottom cycle is removed by natural convection of ambient air, a total utilization of the reactor thermal power of > 80% is possible. When operated at 1030 K, potassium AMTEC/TE converters are not only more efficient than the sodium AMTEC/TE converters but produce more electrical power. The present analysis showed that a single converter could be sized to produce up to 100 kWe and 70 kWe, for the Na-AMTEC/TE units when operating at 1150 K and the K-AMTEC/TE units when operating at 1030 K, respectively. Such modularity is an added advantage to the high-energy utilization of the present AMTEC/TE converters.
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Legalov, A. A. "COMPOSITION OF WEEVIL AMBER FAUNAS (CURCULIONOIDEA) IN THE EOCENE OF EUROPE". In V International Scientific Conference CONCEPTUAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF INVERTEBRATE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION. Tomsk State University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/978-5-94621-931-0-2020-22.

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Abstract (sommario):
The analysis of the structure of the weevil fauna from the Eocene amber of Europe is given. 143 species from eight families are discovered. The differences between the faunas of the early and the middle Eocene amber are shown.
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Chubarenko, Irina, Irina Chubarenko, Margarita Bagaeva e Margarita Bagaeva. "BALTIC AMBER MIGRATIONS AS A MODEL OF MICROPLASTICS BEHAVIOR IN THE SEA COASTAL ZONE". In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.31519/conferencearticle_5b1b93b85649e0.00028809.

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The problem of microplastic pollution is of increasing concern. Behaviour of microplastic particles (0.5 mm < L < 5mm in the largest dimension) in marine environment is difficult to predict, and no field observations are available up to now. Baltic amber (succinite), with its density of about 1.05-1.09 g/cm3, fits the range of densities of slightly negatively buoyant plastics: polyamide, polystyrene, acrylic, etc. Baltic citizens have observed amber migrations for centuries, and the collected information may shed some light onto general features of microplastic particles behaviour. Events of “amber washing-out” at the sea shore of the Sambian peninsula (Kaliningrad oblast, Russia) typically take place in autumn-winter time. Experience of divers indicates that amber is washed out from the depths as deep as 15 m. Massive presence in amber-containing debris of the red algae Furcellaria lumbricalis, dominating in the sea at depths of 6-15 m, proves this fact. From oceanographic viewpoint, important for the “amber washing-out” are: strong and long-lasting storm, phase of wind decrease or direction change, developed long surface waves, shore exposure to wind. Analysis of characteristic wave lengths after long storms, dimensions of their surf zone, and changes in underwater bottom profile is carried out. Conclusion is that slightly negatively buoyant microplastic particles should migrate for a long time between beaches and underwater slopes until they are broken into small enough pieces that can be transported by currents to deeper area and deposited out of reach of stormy waves.
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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Amter"


Pattin, J. Amber. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), ottobre 1988. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/6895826.

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Hahn, Kim H. Y., e Jihyun Kim. Amber Refraction. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.31274/itaa_proceedings-180814-564.

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Lemon, D. K. The AMTEX Partnership. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzo 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10136154.

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Vay, J. L., e W. Fawley. AMBER User's Manual. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), novembre 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/783867.

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Lemon, D. K. The AMTEX Partnership. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/6796626.

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Author, Not Given. AMTEX first quarter FY95 report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), dicembre 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/45580.

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David A. Case, Ph D., e Ph D. Charles L. Brooks III. Biomolecular Simulation Using Amber and CHARMM. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), novembre 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/835140.

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Loftus, Peter J., e Robert K. Sievers. High-Performance Multi-Fuel AMTEC Power System. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, dicembre 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada395568.

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Young, Jeffrey L. Advanced Microwave Ferrite Research (AMFeR): Phase Three. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, luglio 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada484653.

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Peskin, A. M. The Amtex DAMA Project: The Brookhaven contribution. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/82488.

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