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Kaebnick, Greg. "All People". Hastings Center Report 50, n. 2 (marzo 2020): 2.

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Jaffe, Nick. "All Culture for All People". Teaching Artist Journal 9, n. 1 (gennaio 2011): 3–4.

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Stark, Frances. "All things to all people". Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry 4 (gennaio 2001): 112–20.

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Ware, Syrus Marcus. "All Power to All People?" TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 4, n. 2 (maggio 2017): 170–80.

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Hunter, Richard C., e Sarah Donahoo. "All Things to All People". Education and Urban Society 37, n. 4 (agosto 2005): 419–30.

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Littlewood, Trevor D., Peter Kreuzaler e Gerard I. Evan. "All Things to All People". Cell 151, n. 1 (settembre 2012): 11–13.

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Hughes, Éamonn, Maurice Craig, John Boyd e Max Wright. "All Peculiar People". Irish Review (1986-), n. 12 (1992): 185.

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Ortiz, Edward A. "All things to all people all the time". American Journal of Emergency Medicine 11, n. 1 (gennaio 1993): 93–94.

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Fatović-Ferenčić, Stella, e Martin Kuhar. "“Imagine All the People”". Acta medico-historica Adriatica 17, n. 2 (18 dicembre 2019): 269–84.

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Abstract (sommario):
Recently, the World Health Organization launched its Universal Health Coverage initiative with the aim to improve access to quality health care on a global level, without causing financial hardship to the patients. In this paper, we will identify and analyze the ideological similarities between this influential initiative and the work of one of the founders of the WHO—Andrija Štampar (1888–1958)—whose social medicine was built of various normative, sociological and philosophical elements. Our aim is to demonstrate the crucial role of carefully erected and thought-out ideology for the success of public health programs.
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HASHIMOTO, Tadafumi. "Thanks for all people". JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 77, n. 4 (2008): 322–25.

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Brill, John. "All the Lonely People". Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews 3, n. 3 (15 agosto 2016): 153.

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Hövel, Agnes, e Bettina Büttgen. "„All people come together“". Gemeinsam Lernen 4, n. 3 (5 luglio 2018): 26–31.

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Clark, Larry. "All About TOS People". Oceanography 19, n. 1 (1 marzo 2006): 7–8.

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Spence, D. "Imagine all the people". BMJ 346, jan30 1 (30 gennaio 2013): f584.

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POWELL, NEIL. "All the lonely people". Critical Quarterly 27, n. 2 (giugno 1985): 31–38.

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Collins, Francis S. "All the Good People". Journal of Clinical Investigation 125, n. 9 (17 agosto 2015): 3328–29.

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Steele, Donald M. "With All God's People". Theology Today 51, n. 4 (gennaio 1995): 539–47.

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Bavidge, Liz. "'All Manner of People'". Criminal Justice Matters 45, n. 1 (settembre 2001): 30–31.

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Jabberwock. "All the lonely people". Journal of Cell Science 117, n. 17 (1 settembre 2004): 3705–6.

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Wood-Black, Frankie, e Tim Pasquarelli. "It’s all about people". Chemical Health and Safety 7, n. 5 (settembre 2000): 43.

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Martin, Cathie Jo. "Imagine All the People". World Politics 70, n. 3 (19 giugno 2018): 398–442.

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Abstract (sommario):
In light of their nineteenth-century political economies, why did poor, agricultural Denmark become a leader in public, mass primary education (1814) and a multiple-track education system that included vocational training, while rich, industrial Britain did not create public, mass schooling until 1870, and embrace a one-track, academic secondary-education system? The author argues that literary narratives shed light on these cross-national differences. Danish narratives imagined education as social investment for a strong society; diverse educational tracks were necessary to meet the varied skills needs of the economy. British narratives portrayed schooling as essential to self-development and to cultivating the ideal individual. The author uses a close reading of texts and computational linguistics analyses of 521 Danish and 562 British works of fiction from 1700 to 1920 to document the different portrayal of education in the two countries. Case studies show that writers are crucial political actors in important reforms and understudied political agents in policy development stories. The method allows the author to evaluate empirically the complex relationship between culture and political outcomes, to falsify cultural claims, and to improve on thin, vague, national cultural arguments. The article shows how literature helps to reconcile the contradictions embedded in diverse models of governance. Literature provides a site for reworking cultural symbols in response to societal struggles over exogenous change, and provides a source of continuity at moments of institutional change.
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Tong, Betty C. "Imagine all the people…". Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 149, n. 6 (giugno 2015): 1488–89.

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Leitgeb, Hannes. "IMAGING ALL THE PEOPLE". Episteme 14, n. 4 (10 giugno 2016): 463–79.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractIt is well known that aggregating the degree-of-belief functions of different subjects by linear pooling or averaging is subject to a commutativity dilemma: other than in trivial cases, conditionalizing the individual degree-of-belief functions on a piece of evidence E followed by linearly aggregating them does not yield the same result as first aggregating them linearly and then conditionalizing the resulting social degree-of-belief function on E. In the present paper we suggest a novel way out of this dilemma: adapting the method of update or learning such that linear pooling commutes with it. As it turns out, the resulting update scheme – (general) imaging on the evidence – is well-known from areas such as the study of conditionals and causal decision theory, and a formal result from which the required commutativity property is derivable was supplied already by Gärdenfors (1982) in a different context. We end up determining under which conditions imaging would seem to be right method of update, and under which conditions, therefore, group update would not be affected by the commutativity dilemma.
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Leo, Jeffrey R. Di. "Of All the People". American Book Review 44, n. 3 (settembre 2023): 1–11.

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Di Franco, Antonino, Lisa Q. Rong e Mario Gaudino. "Imagine all the people sharing all the world…". Journal of Thoracic Disease 9, S4 (aprile 2017): S223—S224.

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Tucker, J. Brian. "‘All things to all people’: a Chameleon Paul?" Journal of Beliefs & Values 33, n. 1 (aprile 2012): 123–27.

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Anatolii, Father. ""We Are All Soviet People"". Russian Studies in Philosophy 33, n. 1 (luglio 1994): 88–89.

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Wirth, Axel. "Cyberinsights: Imagine All the People". Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 54, n. 2 (1 marzo 2020): 140–42.

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Evett, Steven. "International Cooperation Strengthens All People". CSA News 63, n. 6 (31 maggio 2018): 16–17.

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Pinson, Hermine. "Callaloo Calling All Black People". Callaloo 40, n. 1 (2017): 122–24.

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Lynch, Doug, e Jennifer M. Worden. "It's All about the People". Phi Delta Kappan 92, n. 3 (novembre 2010): 53–56.

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Gilmore, C. J. "Pleasing all of the people". Nature 338, n. 6218 (aprile 1989): 716.

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Pagliusi, Sonia, Ching-Chia Ting, Sumana Khomvilai, Akira Homma, Li Meng, Mahendra Suhardono, Patrick Tippoo et al. "Quality vaccines for all people". Vaccine 34, n. 31 (giugno 2016): 3562–67.

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Schweitzer, Mark E. "All I Have Is People". Journal of the American College of Radiology 16, n. 5 (maggio 2019): 777.

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Keating, Giles. "FOOLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE". Economic Outlook 9, n. 11 (agosto 1985): 1–6.

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Dubois, Janique. "“We are all Treaty People”". Le dossier : Mouvements sociaux et nouveaux acteurs politiques : incidences sur les pratiques de gouvernance autochtone 27, n. 1 (9 ottobre 2015): 31–49.

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Abstract (sommario):
In 1996, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan embarked on an ambitious project: they wanted to abandon the colonial legacy of the Indian Act and instead develop a governance framework based on partnerships between self-determining nations. Grounding negotiations in treaties, this “made in Saskatchewan” solution proposed to develop a province-wide system of First Nation governance representing over 115,000 members and seventy communities. Despite efforts to build a novel treaty-based governance framework, negotiations eventually failed. In assessing the gap between the dream and the reality of treaty-based governance in Saskatchewan, this article argues that the failure of the “made in Saskatchewan” solution lies in the parties’ inability to break away from Canada’s colonial path and fully embrace the reality that “we are all treaty people.”
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Trigger, Bruce G. "All People Are [Not] Good". Anthropologica 45, n. 1 (2003): 39.

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Chenhall, Richard, e Kate Senior. "Those Young People All Crankybella". International Journal of Mental Health 38, n. 3 (settembre 2009): 28–43.

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Hubbard, Ruth, David U. Himmelstein e Steffie Woolhandler. "Science for All the People?" Monthly Review 38, n. 6 (6 novembre 1986): 60.

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Webel, Charles P. "All power to the people!" Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 22, n. 3 (2016): 293.

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Sutherland, Mary Elizabeth. "People are honest after all". Nature Human Behaviour 3, n. 8 (agosto 2019): 779.

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Darwish, Mahmoud. "We Travel Like All People". Third Text 20, n. 3-4 (1 maggio 2006): 285–86.

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Schwartz, Vera. "A Dance for all People". Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 60, n. 9 (dicembre 1989): 49.

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Uchoa, Pablo. "Venezuela’s War of All People". NACLA Report on the Americas 55, n. 4 (2 ottobre 2023): 355–62.

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Kirkman, Robert. "Why Ecology Cannot Be All Things to All People". Environmental Ethics 19, n. 4 (1997): 375–90.

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Brown, Geoffrey. "On pleasing all of the people all the time". Theoria 51, n. 1 (11 febbraio 2008): 16–23.

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Wendl, Nora. "“Toward a World of All Power to All People”". Journal of Architectural Education 78, n. 1 (2 gennaio 2024): 1–2.

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Dadashova, Samira. "Choosing ourselves, we choose all people ..." Scientific Bulletin 4 (2020): 169–81.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article is devoted to the secular type of modern humanism, because it declares a person as the highest value, has a self-sufficient existence, independent from supernatural forces, and reflects the modern spiritual situation of the time. Secular humanism advocates the use of reason, justice, and equality. It proposes that only free using reason as a guide is the best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying individual happiness and serving human interests. The purpose of this article is to critically examine the secular humanist world-view as well as show that it champions rationalism and irrationalism that have both positive and serious negative consequences in our society. The author proposes to replace the ethical relativism of secular humanism with a more rigid ideology – the ethical normativism.
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Frazier, Maria, Maya Dewan e Ken Tegtmeyer. "Who Let All These People In?" Hospital Pediatrics 12, n. 4 (15 marzo 2022): e129-e130.

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Edwards, Sue. "Forum focus - All the lonely people". Nursing Older People 25, n. 10 (27 novembre 2013): 10.

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