Tesi sul tema "1945 -1965"

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Barei, Geoffrey. "Britain and Algeria, 1945-1965". Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2003. http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/28773/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Algeria's achievement of independence in 1962, after a bloody war served as an inspiration to the rest of Africa still under colonial rule. As a result, many studies have been done on French colonial rule in Algeria, and the latter's resistance to it. But, these studies have not fully attempted to link the implications of French decolonisation of Algeria to British decolonisation of her African territories, hence this study attempts to fill this gap. The thesis is about Britain and the Algerian war, with particular reference to Britain in Africa. It deals with decolonisation and the "wind of change" and presents the history of North Africa in the context of Africa as a whole. From its beginning in 1954, the Algerian war has occupied a unique place in the history of decolonisation. Its repercussions for French colonial policy were followed with keen interest by the British, who like the French had a huge empire in Africa, and also had potential trouble spots of the magnitude of the Algerian quagmire. The thesis begins with a description of the post-war international situation, in which America and the Soviet Union emerged as the two super-powers, while the resources of the old imperial powers of Britain and France did not match the growing needs of government in their colonial possessions. They were put on the defensive by nationalism in Asia and Africa, supported by American anti-colonialism. The outbreak of the Cold War and the fear of communism seemed to provide them with some justification for resisting demands for independence, but made America all the more anxious for the "end of empire," to win the battle of third world "hearts and minds." The thesis investigates the extent to which British and French colonial policies had an influence on each other during the period of decolonisation. Against this background, the thesis traces the history of the war in Algeria, 1954-62, and the post-war settlement down to 1965, together with the histories of French and British decolonisation in Africa over the same period, in order to follow the history of British concern with the problem. It shows how this concern was at its height under the Macmillan government, but came down to the promotion of British business interests after the end of the war, when Algeria's internal problems and continued dependence on France reduced the fear that it would seek to cause difficulties for the colonial powers in Africa.
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Pape, Matthias. "Ungleiche Brüder : Österreich und Deutschland 1945-1965 /". Köln : Böhlau, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40954068n.

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Batistella, Alessandro. "O Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro no Paraná (1945-1965)". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/104867.

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Abstract (sommario):
Arquitetado para ser um partido para os trabalhadores, o Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) foi um partido bastante heterogêneo, acolhendo nas suas hostes lideranças sindicais, profissionais liberais, políticos profissionais, empresários, latifundiários, comunistas e líderes progressistas. Em virtude disso, o antigo PTB tornou-se um partido complexo, com diversas subunidades (ou frações) partidárias: os “pragmáticos-getulistas”, os “doutrinários-trabalhistas”, os “pragmáticos-reformistas” e os “reformistas radicais”. Constituindo-se, ao mesmo tempo, em um partido de fisiológicos e reformistas, de progressistas e conservadores, de sindicalistas e plutocratas (empresários e latifundiários), o antigo PTB foi um partido paradoxal, que contava com um poderoso arsenal de elementos simbólicos e mobilizadores – o carisma de Getúlio Vargas e a doutrina trabalhista, nacionalista e reformista – que contribuíram para o seu significativo crescimento eleitoral durante o período democrático de 1945-1964. Soma-se a isso o fato de que sobre o PTB sempre pairou certa mística, tanto que das três grandes siglas extintas com o Ato Institucional nº 2, em 1965, o PTB foi a única resgatada durante os anos finais da ditadura. Dessa forma, a presente tese pretende analisar a história e a atuação do antigo Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro do Paraná, focalizando-o em duas perspectivas: internamente e externamente. No que tange à análise interna, a presente pesquisa visa a responder a seguinte questão: qual era o caráter do PTB do Paraná? Foi um partido fisiológico ou reformista? Foi um partido progressista ou conservador? Quem eram os membros que integraram a elite partidária? Quais eram as alas que existiram dentro do partido e como se processou as disputas internas pelo poder nas hostes petebistas? Nesse sentido, deve-se salientar que o foco de análise será o Diretório Estadual do Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro do Paraná, sediado em Curitiba, e, mais especificamente, a sua elite partidária, isto é, os dirigentes e as pessoas influentes dentro da agremiação. Externamente, o objetivo é verificar a atuação e a importância do PTB na política paranaense entre os anos de 1945 a 1965. E mais, também se pretende investigar quais são os fatores que explicam o crescimento eleitoral do partido no Paraná no período em foco.
Architected to be a party for the workers, the Brazilian Labor Party (PTB in Portuguese) was a very heterogeneous party, welcoming in their hosts union leaders, liberal professionals, professional politicians, businessmen, landowners, communist and progressive liberal leaders. As a result, former PTB has become a complex party, with several parties’ subunits (or fractions): the "pragmatic-getulistas", the "doctrinal-labor", the ‘pragmatic-reformist” and the “radical reformers”. Constituting at the same time, into a physiological and reformist party, of progressives and conservatives, of trade unionists and plutocrats (businessmen and landowners), former PTB was a paradoxical party, which had a powerful arsenal of symbolic elements and mobilizes - the charisma of Vargas and labor, nationalist and reformist doctrine - which contributed to its significant electoral growth during the democratic period of 1945-1964. Summing to this the fact that the PTB always hovered over certain mystique, so that the three large extinct acronyms with the Institutional Act No. 2 in 1965, the PTB was the only rescued during the final years of the dictatorship Thus, this thesis aims to analyze the history and activities of former Brazilian Labor Party of Paraná, focusing on the two perspectives: internal and external. Regarding internal analysis, this research aims to answer the following question: what was the character of the PTB of Paraná? Was it a physiological or a reformist party? Was it a progressive or a conservative party? Who were the members who joined the party elite? What were the wings that existed within the party and how were processed the internal power struggles in PTB hosts? In this sense, it should be noted that the focus of analysis will be the Diretório Estadual do Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro do Paraná (State Board of Brazilian Labor Party of Paraná), based in Curitiba, and more specifically, its party elite, which means, the leaders and influential people within the guild. Externally, the objective is to verify the performance and the importance of PTB in Paraná state politics between the years of 1945-1965. And more, it is also intended to investigate what are the factors that explain the electoral growth of the party in Paraná in the period in focus.
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Diener, Georges. "Résistance populaire et maquis en Roumanie (1945-1965)". Paris, INALCO, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INAL0005.

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Abstract (sommario):
La résistance populaire à la collectivisation en Roumanie est un phénomène singulièrement méconnu, tant en Occident qu'en Europe Centrale et Orientale. Dans ce pays qui s'est fait connaître par la férocité de sa police politique - la redoutable Securitate - et la traditionnelle passivité de sa société face au joug soviétique et communiste héritée d'une histoire jalonnée par une succession d'occupations, une farouche opposition populaire au régime communiste de la première période s'est pourtant manifestée. En effet, de 1945 à 1965, de nombreuses révoltes paysannes éclatèrent, relayées par des maquis parsemés sur tout l'arc carpatique. La présentation de cette résistance - vie quotidienne dans les maquis ; typologie des résistants ; révoltes villageoises, etc. - est mise en situation par l'étude des forces politiques et de leur évolution, de l'occupation soviétique à la domination sans partage du Parti Communiste Roumain et l'analyse des mécanismes de la collectivisation de l'agriculture, principale cause du mécontentement paysan
The popular resistance to the collectivization in Romania is a distinct unknown phenomenon both in the West and in Central and Eastern Europe. In this country which has become known by the ferocity of its political police - redoubtable Securitate - and by the traditional passivity of the society versus soviet and communist enslavement inherited from a history of sequential occupations, a blustering popular opposition to the communist dominance emerged however. Indeed, from 1945 to 1965, several peasant riots burst out, joined by underground rebels, the partisans (maquis) spread out on the whole Carpathian arc. The presentation of this resistance - daily life of the partisans ; the typology of rebels ; rural riots etc - underlines the study of political forces and their evolution from soviet invasion to the unlimited domination, of the Romanian Communist Party and analyzes mechanisms of the collectivization in agriculture, main cause of the peasant discontent
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Dorvidal, Jérôme. "Pacifisme et dissuasion nucléaire en Australie (1945-1965)". Montpellier 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON30041.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le pacifisme, idéologie influente sur le continent australien, a connu un bouleversement avec l'apparition des armes nucléaires. Jusqu'à quel point ? Cette thèse ambitionne d'étudier le péril atomique dans les premières années de la Guerre froide à travers le prisme australien (1945-1965). Depuis Hiroshima, le mouvement de la paix a affiché une hostilité farouche à la dissuasion nucléaire. Toutes ses manifestations ont été contestées en Australie : les essais atomiques, la prolifération nucléaire. . . Et bien d'autres aspects, comme les recherches balistiques. Des expérimentations atmosphériques britanniques (1952-1957) à celles annoncées par la France en Polynésie, l'évolution de la contestation antinucléaire a été significative sur le cinquième continent : il a été nécessaire de prendre en compte ses diverses sources d'inspiration, la tradition libérale et internationaliste (Federal Pacifist Council, World Government Movement) comme l'impulsion soviétique, perceptible avec la formation de l'Australian Peace Council. Surtout, les pacifistes n'étaient pas isolés et ils ont bénéficié des soutiens des féministes, des ecclésiastiques, des syndicalistes, des antimilitaristes et parmi eux, les adeptes de l'action directe non violente. Dans ces conditions, la lutte contre la dissuasion nucléaire n'a cessé de gagner du terrain au sein de la société dans les années cinquante. Loin des récits embellis de ses partisans, cette étude retrace l'histoire récente du pacifisme en Australie
How has Australia's pacifism changed with the introduction of nuclear weapons? This thesis seeks to evaluate the threat to Australia posed by the atomic peril during the First Cold War (1945-1965). After Hiroshima, the Australian peace movement demonstrated the persistence of hostility to the nuclear deterrent: anti-nuclearism or “nuclear pacifism” was mainly directed against the arms race and atomic testing. . . But not only. Effectively, dissidence presented several visages from the beginning of the British Tests on the Fifth Continent (1952-1957) to the French decision to conduct several experimentations in Polynesia. Thence, distinctions have been made between the liberal pacifist tradition (Federal Pacifist Council, World Government Movement) and pro-soviet peace movements (Australian Peace Council, Peace Quest Forum, Australian assembly for Peace). But pacifists welcomed also assistance from others pressures groups: anti-militarists, feminists, radical non-violent activists, labour unions and religious circles. Therefore, calls for controls or elimination of such weapons of mass destruction became increasingly popular in Australia since the fifties. This is the history of the contemporary pacifism in Australia seen from an impartial viewpoint
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Miladinović, Ana. "La arquitectura de los museos en Yugoslavia : 1945–1965". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/316587.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This study investigates modern Yugoslav architecture in the 1945-1965 period, taking an analysis of museum projects as a basis. Rebuilding of the country and urban development in Yugoslavia after the World War II enabled planning the construction of a significant number of museums. This period is also characterized by the fact that, in addition to seven museums that were built, there were a significan! number of projects that have never been realized. Ali of them, the realized and those which were only designed, made a significant contribution to the development of museum architecture. Moreover, some of them are pointed out as the culmination of a period rich in architectural construction and represent the best Yugoslav architecture. The intention is to thoroughly analyze the criteria and ideas that govern the development of the architectural language of all these projects and to explain, on the basis of that, whether there are or not the original features defining the museum architecture of the mentioned historical period in Yugoslavia. In particular, we do not intend to limit our analysis to the study of specific types of buildings, nor to those museums that are historical examples, but rather to emphasize and insist on influences and relationships that are reflected, within the subject we are dealing with, within the Yugoslav context. ldentification of these complex relationships occurring within a specific modernity is analyzed based on four approaches. The first approach consists of a museum study observed under the prism of socio-political reality of the newly founded socialist state. The second principle describes the environment, evolution and consequences of architectural competitions for museums. The third principle focuses on museum buildings and puts them in the framework of the general context of intense urban transformation. Finally, the fourth principle analyzes the characteristics of functional and formal aspects. Now, we can conclude that the mutual relationships that exist among the different approaches create a common place and specific characteristics of the museum architecture. Also, they cause that the principles and strategies of the international architecture in this period, which were very well known then, obtained in Yugoslavia a personal touch that sets them apart from others. lntending to place these specific issues in the appropriate ideological, cultural and geographical context, this study presents opinions of the protagonists of these events and of the period (architects, commissioners. panelists, politicians). Thus. this study presents a text that serves as a "choral'' thinking about this period of Yugoslav architecture, while maintaining a critical spirit of this group of opinions.
La presente tesis analiza la arquitectura moderna yugoslava entre 1945 y 1965 tomando como eje vertebrador el estudio de los proyectos museísticos. La reconstrucción del país y el desarrollo urbano que tiene lugar en Yugoslavia tras la guerra, hacen posible planificar la construcción de un importante número de museos. Este período es también característico porque, además de los siete museos que se construyen, hay un significativo número de proyectos que no se llegan nunca a realizar. Todos ellos, los construidos y los únicamente proyectados, contribuyen en gran manera al desarrollo de la arquitectura de los museos. Es más, algunos de ellos destacan como la culminación de un período rico en construcciones arquitectónicas y son representativos de la mejor arquitectura yugoslava. El propósito es conocer en profundidad los criterios y las ideas que rigen el desarrollo del lenguaje arquitectónico de todos estos proyectos y en base a ello dilucidar si existen, o no, rasgos genuinos que definan la arquitectura museística de dicho período histórico en Yugoslavia. En concreto, no se trata de limitar nuestro análisis al estudio de un tipo determinado de edificio. ni al de aquellos museos que sean ejemplos históricos, sino más bien resaltar e insistir en las influencias y conexiones que se reflejan, en el tema que nos ocupa, dentro del ámbito yugoslavo. La identificación de estas complejas relaciones que acontecen en el marco de una contemporaneidad específica, se analiza a partir de cuatro enfoques. El primero consiste en el estudio de los museos contemplado bajo el prisma de la realidad político social del recién fundado Estado Socialista. El segundo describe el ambiente, la evolución y las consecuencias de los concursos arquitectónicos para museos. El tercero centra su atención en los edificios museísticos enmarcándolos dentro de un contexto general de intensas transformaciones urbanas. Finalmente el cuarto enfoque analiza las características de los aspectos funcionales y formales. Y así podemos concluir que son precisamente las interrelaciones que se dan entre estos diferentes enfoques, las que crean el discurso común y los rasgos específicos de la arquitectura museística. También influyen en que los principios y estrategias de la arquitectura internacional de aquel momento, que por entonces son ya bien conocidos, adquieran en Yugoslavia el acento personal que los distingue. La tesis con el propósito de encuadrar estas cuestiones específicas en su adecuado contexto ideológico, cultural y geográfico da voz a las opiniones de los protagonistas de aquellos hechos y época (arquitectos, comisarios, miembros de los jurados, políticos). Así, la tesis, manteniendo un espíritu critico sobre este conjunto de opiniones, construye un texto que funciona como reflexión "coral" sobre este periodo de la arquitectura yugoslava.
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Kuchler, Christian. "Kirche und Kino katholische Filmarbeit in Bayern (1945 - 1965)". Paderborn München Wien Zürich Schöningh, 2004. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2650189&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Métivier, Yves. "Les petits partis conservateurs en Allemagne occidentale (1945-1965)". Valenciennes, 2000. https://ged.uphf.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/905aea08-c101-437e-82ee-a74d7aa67bac.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette étude est une analyse de l'évolution du système des partis en Allemagne occidentale de la période d'occupation interalliée à la fin de l'ère Adenauer (1945-65). Elle se caractérise par une réduction des partis représentés au Bundestag, aux dépens notamment des petits partis conservateurs proches de la CDU. La première partie évoque leur émergence et leurs racines historiques, car ils furent en fait la refondation de partis de l'époque de Weimar, mais sous un nouveau vocable. Il s'agit du parti bavarois (BP), du parti de la Basse-Saxe (NLP) - qui s'est ensuite appelé Parti Allemand (DP) - , du parti conservateur (DKP/DRP), de l'Association pour le Renouveau Economique (WAV) et du Centre Catholique (Zentrum). Seule la fédération des refugiés et spoliés (BHE) constituait vraiment un nouveau parti. Malgré la diversité de leur origine et de leur implantation - essentiellement régionale -, ces partis avaient des affinités doctrinales (défense du fédéralisme et des classes moyennes), mais présentaient aussi des différences importantes en politique sociale et nationale, si bien que des stratégies collectives n'ont pas été mises en œuvre. A Bonn comme dans les Landers, ils ont appartenu à des majorités gouvernementales différentes, mais le plus souvent dans le cadre de blocs bourgeois, mais leur influence est restée cependant limitée. Leur déclin après la création de la R. F. A. Fut irrémédiable, mais se fit selon des rythmes différents. La dernière partie en analyse les causes ainsi que les conséquences sur l'évolution des trois grands partis CDU/CSU, SPD et FDP.
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Duhamel, Éric. "L'Union démocratique et socialiste de la Résistance, 1945-1965". Paris 4, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA040054.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette these porte sur la seule formation politique issue exclusivement de la resistance. Federation de mouvements de resistance avant de devenir un parti politique, l'udsr est alors l'expression et l'instrument du projet d'une partie de la resistance de renover la vie politique en creant un vaste parti travailliste dont le leader aurait ete c. De gaulle. Elle fut le plus vaste rassemblement jamais realise reunissant des hommes de sensibilites diverses a l'exlusion des communistes. Son echec renvoie a la nature de la resistance, eclaire l'histoire de l'immediat apres-guerre et explique l'evolution ulterieure de la iv republique. L'udsr devenue un parti politique, pleven, son president, apres cherche en vain a rapprocher de gaulle et la troisieme force contribue a l'elargir sur sa droite. L'analyse de scrutins remarquables indique que l'udsr a joue un role de groupe charniere, inversement proportionnel a son poids numerique, de 1947 a 1951. L'etude de la prise en mains du parti par f. Mitterrand entre 1950 et 1953 a revele une strategie, une clientele (les prisonniers de guerre) et un veritable clivage. C'est au nom du prealable africain que f. Mitterrand monte a l'assaut des positions europeennes de pleven. Attachant son destion a l'experience mendes-france, son echec accelere le declin de l'udsr qui vole en eclats en 1958. Des lros, f. Mitterrand l'utilise pour regrouper la gauche non-communiste dans le cadre des insitutions de la ve republique. L'etude des structures a revele que l'udsr etait moins un parti de cadre qu'une formation irreductible a toute comparaison. L'udsr est "un parti specialise" dans la defense de la cause europeenne et plus encore dans la construction d'une communaute franco-africaine. Au total, ce travail livre la monographie d'un parti au role central, met a jour des reseaux, et eclaire d'un jour nouveau bien des aspects de l'histoire de la iv et de la ve rebupliques
The subject of this doctoral theis is the only french political formation exclusively issued from the resistance mouvements. Initially a federation, it later took the form of a party, dedicated to the expression and promotion of the projects of many "resistants" : to reniew the french political life around a great "labour party" under c. De gaulle's leadership. Udsr was then the largest conglomerate ever called together, merging people of many different tendancies, except the communists. The story of its failure reflects the very nature of "la resistance". It sheds light of the period of the first pst war years. Rene pleven, who was the first president of the new party, tried out unsuccesfully to bring together de gaulle and the "third force". Doing so he contributed to the extension of this "third force" toward the right, all the more sso because it was a pivot group. From the analysis of several remarquable polls it appears obviously that, from 1947 to 1951, the role plyaed by udsr in the assembly was invesrsely proportional to its numerical strength. F. Mitterand took advantage of the large number of his clients in the "mouvement de prisonniers de guerre" to exert a leadership in the party. He attacks pleven's proeuropean positions on behalf of african priorities. He became preisdent in 1953. After the come back of de gaulle in 1958, the party was used by mitterrand as in instrument to group togother all non communists left wingers, under the framework of the 5th republic institutions. The study of the udsr demonstrates that it was no so much a "parti de cadre" than an original, specific and original formula. Finally, this thesis is more than a detailed monography of a party that played a central role. It reveals several facts and new points, enlighting this history with various unknow aspects
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Hope, Claire. "Cold War Educational Propaganda and Instructional Films, 1945-1965". VCU Scholars Compass, 2011. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/2416.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis will examine the response of educators to the use of the American public school system for ideological management during the early Cold War period. Through an assessment of instructional films, this work will show that the objectives of educational propaganda fell into three main categories: to promote Americanism as the national ideology, to deter students from communism or communist sympathy, and to link the potential for nuclear warfare to ideological lassitude. It will be argued that although the majority of educators accepted these goals, as films became increasingly extreme in their presentations, a critical minority revealed discontent with the use of the school for the purposes of indoctrination. By the mid-1960s, a number of factors would result in the dismantling of the Cold War consensus and a reinvigoration of the critical perspective in education.
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Thijsen, Mirelle Kempers Bram Martis Adi. "Het bedrijfsfotoboek 1945-1965 : professionalisering van fotografen in Nederland /". Rotterdam : uitg. 010, 2002. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38894565n.

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Abstract (sommario):
Texte remanié de: Proefschrift--Kunstgeschiedenis--Utrecht--Universiteit, 2000. Titre de soutenance : Humanistische fotografie en het geluk van de alledaagsheid : het Nederlandse bedrijfsfotoboek 1940-1965.
Bibliogr. p. 273-278. Résumé en anglais.
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Liao, Kesha. "Framing and International News Flows in Time Magazine's Coverage of the United Nations, 1945-1965, 1995-2015". Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1450487109.

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Campos, Arévalo María Antonia. "La voluntad moderna en la vivienda unifamiliar : Caracas 1945-1965". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/383064.

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Abstract (sommario):
The first political trame of the Venezuela urban history, established by "La Comisión Municipal de Urbanismo"in 1937;"La Dirección de Urbanismo","El Plan Monumental de Caracas' in 1939 and the 1952 and 1954 Caracas planimetry regulation plan, ruled the urban planning development and appointed a new social and institutional order.With the single-family house concept as a study unit, the first city densification process was established, following an open connected set of statutes and urban plans, during the 1945-1965 period.For which it is of undoubtedly testimonial value in the city's morphological growth. From the simplicity of Armando Reveron's El Castillete in 1920 and Carlos Raúl Villanueva's Caoma 1951-1952 and Sotavento 1957-1958 at the littoral central coast; as well as Dirk Bornhorst's Hato Hamburgo1956 and Klaus Heufer's Quinta 'H' 1960 in Caracas, are clear examples of the constructive outthrust in which the house is built using the single-family house concept.lnitial demonstrations that compose the spirit of the time and the starting point of this study. The analysis explores processes architectonic, considering as a fact what belongs to the local place. A method that will prove,which ones are the great 'invariants' that a culture transmits and how they can be used as materials of the project. The single-family house concept developed by a group of foreigners architects, concretes the notion of modern will. Some of them lived in Venezuela ,in the United States; others went back to Europe; but, all of them made multiple contributions out of the experience they brought from their countries of origin.The method (means,way) of interaction with the local scenery sets the introduction to the first steps of the project activity between the local people, the outsiders and the landscape. However,it is just only through the single-family house concept that the following personalities stand out: Jan Gorecki (1914), Russian origin; Klaus Heufer (1923) and Dirk Bornhorst (1927), both born in Germany; Richard Neutra (1892-1970), Austrian origin;Arthur Khan (1910) born in lstanbul, Turkey and finally: Gio Ponti (1897-1970), Domenico Fillipone(1903-1976), Athos Albertoni (1905-1977) and Guido Guazzo (1930), all of ltalian precedence.The significance of the whole process goes far beyond the constructive assorted offer; there existed a concentrated and significant amount of architectural requests at national level; mainly, impelled by and as a consequence of an intense and profitable oíl activity, between 1945 and 1965. During this period, the European architects, the Venezuelan ones and their clients, showed an ostensible national leadership. They constitute a generation that prompted the construction of a new stage in the local architecture.The typology of the single-family house projected by these professionals was driven in a particular way during the mentioned period, reached an important grade of development and a great conceptual and formal quality.Their own houses play a main role in the repertory that composes this investigation (investigative work) and with them,through them; we reach the point of defining the modern will in the single-family house concept. Over this ordered plan and putting into execution,we recognized the customs transmitted from one generation to another-the requirements and the mixture.The passing from the landed property colonial house toward the 'Quinta' and the modern single-family house concept, as a model of expansion of the city and under a plastic focalization at which the open plant is recognized as a principie of spatial organization, open forms, as a general concept.The court, as an architectonic element susceptible to new possibilities of interpretation.The modern will in the single-family house it's a permanent invitation to bring an interior habitable space to the exterior, which is so typical from Caracas and that indeed extended the space farther beyond the own limits of the volume.
El primer marco político de la historia urbana venezolana que constituye la Comisión Municipal de Urbanismo en 1937, la Dirección de Urbanismo, el Plan Monumental de Caracas de 1939 y la información planimétrica del plan regulador de Caracas 1952 y 1954 regularon el desarrollo la planificación urbana del país y señalaron un nuevo orden social e institucional. Con la vivienda unifamiliar unidad de estudio se estableció la primera densificación de la ciudad siguiendo un conjunto abierto de ordenanzas y planes urbanos, durante el periodo de 1945 a 1965. Por lo que es indudable su valor testimonial en el desarrollo morfológico de la ciudad. Desde el sencillo Castillete 1920 de Armando Reverán, las casas de la ciudad y del litoral central tales como: Caoma 1951-52 y Sotavento 1957-58 de Carlos Raúl Villanueva, el Hato Hamburgo 1956, de Dirk Bornhorts y la Quinta "H" 1960, de Klaus Heufer son ejemplos del empuje constructivo en el que se hace la ciudad con la vivienda unifamiliar. Demostraciones iniciales que componen el espíritu de la época y el punto de partida de este estudio. El análisis explora procesos específicamente arquitectónicos, considerando como hecho clave lo que pertenece al lugar o viene de otro país. Un método que comprobará, cuáles son las grandes "invariantes" que una cultura transmite y de qué manera se pueden utilizar como materiales de proyecto. La vivienda unifamiliar desarrollada por un grupo de profesionales foráneos concretan la noción de voluntad moderna. Algunos se radicaron en Venezuela, en los Estados Unidos; otros regresaron a Europa, pero todos hicieron múltiples contribuciones a partir de la experiencia que traían desde sus lugares de origen. El medio de interacción con el paisaje es la introducción de los primeros pasos de la actividad proyectual entre el hombre local, los forasteros y el paisaje. Sin embargo, solo a través de los proyectos de viviendas unifamiliares se destacan las siguientes personalidades: Jan Gorecki (1914) de origen ruso; Klaus Heufer (1923) y Dirk Bornhorst (1927) -ambos nacidos en Alemania; Richard Neutra (1892-1970), de origen austríaco; Arthur Kahn (1910) nacido en Estambul, Turquía; y finalmente, Gio Ponti (1897-1970), Domenico Fillipone (1903-1976), Athos Albertoni (1905-1977) y Guido Guazzo (1930), todos de procedencia italiana. La significación va más allá del surtido constructivo: existió una concentración de encargos a nivel nacional como una consecuencia impulsada por la actividad petrolera entre 1945 y 1965. Durante este periodo los arquitectos europeos, los arquitectos venezolanos y junto con los clientes, ostentaron un sólido liderazgo nacional. Constituyen la generación que impulsó la construcción de una nueva etapa de la arquitectura local. La tipología de la vivienda unifamiliar proyectada por estos profesionales fue impulsada de forma particular en el lapso señalado, alcanzó un importante grado de desarrollo y gran calidad conceptual y formal. Sus propias viviendas forman parte del repertorio de esta investigación y con ellas se logra definir la voluntad moderna en la vivienda unifamiliar. Sobre este planteamiento de ordenación se reconocen las costumbres que se trasmitieron de generación en generación -los resquisios y la mezcla-. El paso de la casa de hacienda colonial hacia la quinta y la casa unifamiliar moderna como modelo de expansión de la ciudad bajo un enfoque plástico en el que se reconoce el empleo de la planta libre como un principio organización espacial, las formas abiertas, como un concepto general. El patio, como elemento arquitectónico susceptible a nuevas posibilidades de interpretación. La voluntad moderna en la vivienda unifamiliar. La benevolencia del clima tropical constituye una invitación a llevar el espacio habitable del interior al exterior que son tan caraqueños como tropicales y que en efecto extendieron el espacio más allá de los propios límites del volumen
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Weibel, Fernández Hugo Eduardo. "Vivienda moderna en chile 1945-1965, Bresciani, Valdes, Castillo, Huidobro". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/6817.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
El objeto de estudio de esta tesis es la vivienda unifamiliar de la oficina chilena Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo, Huidobro.
Dentro del conjunto de su obra, dicha temática -que dio origen a sus encargos y cuyo diseño tuvo una regularidad prácticamente ininterrumpida durante toda su trayectoria- puede ser vista como un claro y representativo objeto de estudio y una pieza fundamental de su "laboratorio" de arquitectura, fundado a partir de una concepción vanguardista, basada en los postulados del movimiento moderno.

Una primera hipótesis planteada señala que tales diseños fueron desarrollados atendiendo a la ecuación de evolución y continuidad, ecuación sobre la cual se habrían sentado las bases de la construcción de su propia línea de acción. Pero dicha ecuación no hubiera sido completamente fructífera si es que la oficina no hubiese contado con la adecuada elección y utilización de aquellos recursos arquitectónicos modernos que les permitieran una interpretación local. Así, surge una segunda hipótesis, que señala que la vivienda unifamiliar moderna, diseñada atendiendo a la ecuación de evolución y continuidad, fue paralelamente dotada de los mecanismos y la flexibilidad necesaria para adecuarse a las condicionantes y particularidades locales.

Inicialmente, en el primer capítulo de introducción, se expresaron algunas interrogantes y se enunciaron los objetivos, a la vez que se dejaron sentadas las bases de la metodología de investigación utilizada y se plantearon las hipótesis.

En un segundo capítulo, se expuso un panorama general de la arquitectura de vivienda unifamiliar moderna, tanto latinoamericana como chilena, del período de estudio que va entre 1930 y 1965, el que incluyó tanto su estado de situación y particularidades como a los protagonistas y sus obras. Este capítulo permite situar el escenario en que se desarrolla la obra de la oficina estudiada.

Luego, en un tercer capítulo, se presentó una visión general acerca de la oficina estudiada: primeramente se presentó a sus integrantes, luego se estableció la naturaleza de los vínculos observados entre ellos, posteriormente se señaló las fuentes de los referentes de su labor, se enseñó su quehacer arquitectónico; su trayectoria y obra destacada, y, finalmente, se determinó el rol que tuvo la temática de vivienda dentro de ella.

Posteriormente, un cuarto capítulo enfocó en el tema de la vivienda unifamiliar diseñada por la oficina, estableciéndose el lugar que dicha temática ocupaba dentro de su obra y evidenciando su importancia relativa. Asimismo, aquí se hizo una revisión cronológica de ejemplos de viviendas unifamiliares de la oficina y se establecieron los períodos en los que tal producción se puede clasificar.
En el capítulo quinto se efectuaron los análisis a seis viviendas unifamiliares representativas del período estudiado. El asunto que enfocó el interés fue el de reconocer los criterios y valores que emanaban de las obras mismas, en orden a verificar las hipótesis planteadas.

En el capítulo seis, se concluyó la investigación y se dejó planteada la posibilidad de revisar con mayor profundidad esta y otras facetas significativas de la obra de la oficina estudiada. Finalmente, se expusieron los textos anexos y se hizo referencia a las fuentes de investigación.

Este trabajo debe ser visto como una contribución al esfuerzo mayor de profundizar en el conocimiento de la historia de la Arquitectura Moderna latinoamericana, emprendida a través del estudio de la particular experiencia de una oficina chilena, diseñando en Chile a mediados del siglo pasado, ayudando así a esclarecer y difundir algunas de las formas en las que este movimiento cristalizó en esta parte del planeta.
This thesis subject matter deals with the Chilean Firm Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo, Huidobro single -member house Project.

Within the spectrum of its work, such issue - which gave birth to its orders and whose design had a practically complete uniformity all the time - can be seen as a clear and representative subject matter and a crucial issue of its architecture "laboratory", grounded from a pioneering understanding, based on the principles of the modern movement.

The first proposed hypothesis points out that such designs were developed taking into account the evolution and continuity equation upon which the basis of the construction of its own line of action would be set. Nonetheless, such equation wouldn't have been completely succesful if the firm had not had the right choice and use of such modern architectonic resources which allow it a local interpretation. Thus, a second hypothesis appears, which points out that a modern single - member house, developed taking into account the evolution and continuity equation was concomitantly endowed with the mechanisms and flexibility necessary to fit the local constraints and peculiarities.

Initially, in the first introduction chapter, some questions were expressed and the objectives enunciated; at the same time, the basis of the investigation methodology used was set and the hypothesis was posed.

In the second chapter, a general view of the architecture of the modern Chilean as well as Latin - American simgle - member house of the study period, betwen 1930 and 1965 was exposed, this incluided its status report and peculiarities as well as the protagonists and their works. This chapter places the scenario in which the work of the studied firm is developed.

Then, in the third chapter, a general view of the studied firm was presented. The members were introduced in the first place, then, the nature of the relationship observed between them was established; subsequently, the sources of the referents of their work were pointed out, their architectonic chores were showed, its record of achievement and work underlined, and finally, the role that the housing theme had within it was determined.

Then, the fourth chapter focused on the single - member house theme designed by the firm, establishing the importance that such issue had within its work and showing its relative importance. Similarly, a chronological review of the examples of the firm's single - member house was carried out and the phases in which such production can be classified were established.

In the fifth chapter, the analysis to six representative single - member houses of the studied period was made. The issue intended to recognize the criteria and the values that derived from the works themselves so as to verify the hypothesis proposed.

The investigation concluded in the chapter six. Here, the possibility of a further checking of this and other major facets of the studied office's work were proposed. Finally, the adjunct texts were exposed and the sources of investigation were mentioned.

This work must be seen as a contribution to the major effort of going deeply into the knowledge of the history of Latin - American Modern Architecture, which was undertaken through the study of the particular experience of a Chilean firm which designed in Chile around the middle of the past century, helping in a way to clarify and spread some of the ways in which this movement crystallized in this corner of the planet.
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Lum, Eric Kim. "Architecture as artform : drawing, painting, collage, and architecture, 1945-1965". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/9492.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1999.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-329).
The development of an American architectural avant-garde after the Second World War is examined in relation to the formal properties and institutionalized cultural authority of modern art. Rather than looking to the artwork of their American artistic contemporaries, architects and critics appropriated the early European avant-garde as typological precedents, guided by a pedagogical approach steeped in Bauhaus teaching methods. Drawing became the common conduit between the abstract work of art and its transformation into modern architecture. Architecture was seen as a problem that could be studied diagrammatically, and consequently also thought of as a fundamentally conceptual, immaterial artifact. At the same time that architecture was moving towards a flattened artistic condition, however, abstract expressionist painting began to take on the material and dimensional properties of the architectural object, demarcating volume and structure. Modernist collage techniques were also introduced into postwar architectural design, but again the material aspects of the medium were suppressed in favor of its purely visual qualities.
by Eric K. Lum.
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Ljunggren, Mattias. "Den sista flickscouten? : Medborgarideal i den svenska flickscoutrörelsen 1945-1965". Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för kultur och estetik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-158672.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this study is to examine the ideal of citizenship as presented in the Swedish Girl Scout movement 1945-1965. Through the examination of periodicals aimed at Girl Scout leaders, the study attempts to elucidate how the presented ideals shifted in the years leading up to, and following, the merger between the largest Swedish Girl Scout and Boy Scout associations in 1960.         As a theoretical background, the model of the Belgian scout researcher Sophie Wittemans is used, according to which citizenship in the scout movement contains both a universalistic tendency, emphasizing and geared towards creating citizens that are equal in an abstract sense, as well as particularizing instruments that aim to mold the singular individual. Wittemans claims that the Girl Scout movement has generally focused on the later aspect.      The concept of citizenship is found to be linked to duty rather than to the freedom of the individual, especially in the sphere of home life. In professional life the individual is afforded a greater measure of freedom. At the time of the merger in 1960, the idea of citizenship is to some extent gendered. The Girl Scout is to be prepared to take part in a society where feminine and masculine values are both needed. There is no consensus, however, on what the difference between the sexes consists of.       Neither sex, nor citizenship, seems to be the main focus of the training of Girl Scouts during the studied period. The cultural and societal tensions are contained by religion, universalizing tools like the scout law, and concepts such as ‘humanity’.       Through the study of a relatively scarcely researched area, this study attempts to shed light upon the Swedish Girl Scout movement in the post-war-era, as well as the larger shift in gender roles in Swedish society during the same period.
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Drugeon, Fanny. "Incarnation sans figures ? : l'abstraction et L'Église catholique en France, 1945-1965". Tours, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOUR2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le développement d'un art abstrait au sein de la religion de l'Incarnation a des conséquences en partie paradoxales du point de vue du dogme catholique. Il s'agit de comprendre le rôle qu'a pu jouer la notion d'abstraction dans l'Église, et vice et versa, et comment a pu être acceptée une incarnation sans figures. La thèse aborde tout d'abord les rapports réflexifs que l'Église entretient avec les arts, et les enjeux institutionnels et artistiques qui y sont liés. Elle s'intéresse ensuite aux réalisations nées en partie d'une volonté de rapprochement du temps présent et de recherche d'un langage propre à l'Église. En outre, les créations indépendantes conduisent à s'interroger sur la complexité de la relation entre abstraction et Église catholique dans un cadre non liturgique. Enfin, le débat est replacé dans un contexte plus large : la société moderne, à travers les expositions, salons ou collections d'art sacré, dans lesquels l'abstraction trouve progressivement une place de choix
The development of an abstract art within the religion of Incarnation has partly paradoxical consequences regarding the catholic dogma. The point is to understand the part played by the notion of abstract art within the Church, and vice versa, and how an incarnation without figures could be accepted. This dissertation firstly studies the reflexive relationship between the church and the arts, and the institutional and artistic issues linked. Then, it examines the creations partly born because of the will of a connection between the present and the research of a proper Church language. Moreover, through the independent creations appears the complexity of the relations between abstract art and Catholic Church in a non-liturgical environment. Finally, the debate is replaced in a larger context : the modern society, through sacred art exhibitions, shows or collections, where abstract art progressively gains a prime space
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Ross, Corey David. "Constructing socialism at the grassroots : the transformation of East Germany, 1945-1965". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.286614.

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Smith, Jenny Leigh. "The Soviet Farm Complex : industrial agriculture in a Socialist context, 1945-1965". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/40394.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ph. D. in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and Society (HASTS))--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Science, Technology and Society, 2006.
MIT Dewey Library copy issued in pages.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 190-200).
"The Soviet Farm Complex" is a history of food, farming and the environment in the postwar Soviet Union. It tells the story of how different technical and institutional authorities created an industrial Soviet countryside in the generation after World War II. Beyond the leadership of the Soviet state, international trade relationships, new technologies, unusual scientific cultures, stubborn environmental realities and human shortcomings played important roles in shaping the progress of agricultural change. Four historical fields inform this project: the history of technology, agricultural history, Soviet history and environmental history. Each of the five chapters addresses a different time, place and theme in the history of the Soviet countryside, providing a close-up view of the most important aspects of postwar rural change. Soviet agricultural reform has often been interpreted as a failure: a textbook case of poor central planning and destructive, high-modernist logic on the part of the Soviet state. In fact, this study shows that the collective farming system as a whole was not particularly dysfunctional, nor was it doomed to failure simply by virtue of being centrally planned.
(cont.) Much like the capitalist farms with which it competed, Soviet farms struggled to overcome enormous environmental, economic and social barriers to success. Similarly to capitalist systems, the Soviet Union's farming complexes succeeded in some places, while failing spectacularly in others. The history of Soviet agricultural change is not a history of faceless state agents imposing change from a great distance. Rather, it is made up of many different kinds of people working at many different jobs. Agricultural scientists and bureaucrats performed research, wrote reports, created policies and issued orders, sometimes against their better judgment and sometimes with the full force of their beliefs behind them. On the ground, agricultural laborers tried to follow the orders that originated from these higher echelons although workers and their work often experienced periods of great transition. In the universities, teachers endeavored to instruct their students in modern and efficient methods of producing food, and in every city and village the powerful tool of Soviet propaganda strived to persuade citizens of the value and logic of all aspects of agricultural modernization.
(cont.) By examining the connections between state authority, agricultural modernization and environmental change, this dissertation shows that the industrialization of the Soviet countryside was a dynamic and convoluted process, affected far more by the seemingly trivial histories of genetic variation, animal nutrition and weather than by the machinations of powerful politicians or the mismanagement of inept bureaucrats.
by Jenny Leigh Smith.
Ph.D.in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and Society (HASTS
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Ratcliffe, T. W. W. "Between Paris and New York : Abstract art in England from 1945-1965". Thesis, Leeds Beckett University, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.527602.

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Silva, Marineide de Oliveira da. "Escola rural em Mato Grosso : de professor leigo a sábio (1945-1965) /". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/154026.

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Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by Marineide De Oliveira Da Silva (mari.oliveirasil@gmail.com) on 2018-05-19T00:06:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Marineide de Oliveira da Silva- UNESP.pdf: 8895218 bytes, checksum: 21b52eacb21ce3820b0a1c2acd67eea7 (MD5)
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A escola rural em Mato Grosso é um objeto de estudo que oferta ao pesquisador possibilidades de análise em diferentes momentos históricos. Para cada período, tendo por base a conjuntura social em que a mesma se encontra atrelada, marca mudanças e posturas educacionais que somente analisando “o não aparente” e o processo em que culminaram os acontecimentos podem-se formular hipóteses e buscar respostas paras as indagações que se apresentam durante o percurso da pesquisa. Entender esse fato foi crucial para a elaboração desta pesquisa. O presente trabalho tem como centralidade analisar a constituição do educador leigo/a e as mudanças de paisagem que inculcaram neles a necessidade de passarem por um processo de recuperação para estar qualificados a ser docentes nas escolas rurais de Mato Grosso. O cenário da pesquisa é o estado de Mato Grosso (uno) e abarca um período de mudanças que começaram a ser desenhadas na década de 1940, com o caminhar para a finalização do Estado Novo, momento ainda encabeçado pelo grupo getulista, e tendo como baliza final na década de 1960, período em que foram implementadas no país as reformas educacionais que visou recuperar um contingente significativos de professores sem formação para o magistério e que ministravam aulas nas escolas primárias de todo Brasil. Objetivando também demonstrar como a educação primária se configurou, bem como a maneira como a escola rural atravessou esse período. Para fundamentar essa tese, foram consultados autores como Adorno (1995), Mészáros (2008), Biesta (2013), Sá (2006), Paes (2011), entre outros, que propõem pensar a sociedade, a escola e a educação enquanto um conjunto de fatores que podem estar atrelados a questões econômicas, interferindo de maneira significativa na concepção de educação e na percepção dos sujeitos inseridos na sociedade. Para refletir sobre o fazer histórico e o trato com as fontes documentais e orais, buscou-se suporte nos escritos de Certeau (1982), Montenegro (2011), além de ter como mote de análise de dados o método cartográfico, apresentado por Guattari e Rolnik (1996), Passos, Kastrup e Escóssia (2015), ao conceberem que a realidade cartografada não se configura, para o investigador, como uma paisagem que delineia contornos estáticos, mas que estes mudam conforme as pistas encontradas no processo de pesquisa, tornando “o aparente” como objeto imbuído de significações. Por isso, a “Análise do Discurso” se torna importante no processo, pois contribui para desvelar o aparente ligado às conjunturas educacionais primárias mato-grossenses. Acredita-se que falar de escola rural e professor/a leigo/a é trazer à cena personagens fundamentais no processo educativo de Mato Grosso, cujas vozes são, muitas vezes, silenciadas para não denunciar as fragilidades e inconsistências dos discursos políticos de dominação.
The rural school in Mato Grosso is a study of object that offering the searcher possibilities of analysis at different historical moments. To each period, based on the social context that find in the same harness, trace changes and educational positions that only analyzing "no apparent" and the process that was the highest events you can formulate hyphotheses and get answers to the reasons that arise during the course of the search. To understanding this fact, it was crucial for the elaboration of this search. The present work have been to centrality to analyze the constitution of lay educator and changes representetion have mark them a necessity to pass for a recovery process to be qualified to be teachers in rural schools of Mato Grosso. The scene of the State of Mato Grosso (uno) covers a period of changes that started to be desingned in 1940, with the progress of the completion of the new state, in this moment formed by the getulista group, and having as end point the years of 1960, period that they were implemented in the country the educational reforms, which recovered a significant uncertain of teachers without training for the magisterium and that administer classes in primary schools from all over Brazil, evidencing how the primary education was configured, as well as the way the rural school cross this period. To ground this thesis, were consulted authors such as Adorno (1995), Mészáros (2008), Biesta (2013), Sá (2006) and Paes (2011) and others, which proposes to think about society, school and education while a conjuct of coefficient that may be harness the economic issues, interfering in a significant way in the conception of education and in the perception of the subjects inserted in the society. Thinking about doing the historical documentary and oral sources, it was support in the writings of Certeau (1982), Montenegro (2011), besides having how of data analysis the cartographic method presented by Guattari and Rolnik (1996), Passos, Kastrup and Escóssia (2015), when realizing that the reality was charted it's not configured, to the investigator, like a representetion that adumbrate static contours, but that these change according to the clues found in the process of search, making "the apparent" like an object impregnate with meanings. For this reason, the "Discourse Analysis" be the most important in the process, contributes to unveil the apparent educational primary in Mato Grosso. Come to believe saying about the rural school and teacher lay person to bring the scene fundamental characters in the educational process of Mato Grosso, whose voices are often silenced not to denounce the fragility and inconsistencies of political discourses of domination.
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Call, Steven Charles. "A people's air force: Air power and American popular culture, 1945-1965 /". The Ohio State University, 1997. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487944660929528.

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Malone, Cheryl Knott 1954. "LABOR WITHOUT PAY: WOMEN'S VOLUNTEER WORK IN AMERICAN HOSPITALS, 1945-1965 (ARIZONA)". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291190.

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Wilson, Andrew George. "Between tradition and modernity : Patrick Heron and British abstract painting, 1945-1965". Thesis, Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London), 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.715968.

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Menfalout, Saliha. "La création contemporaine au Maroc : l'exemple d'Ahmed Cherkaoui". Paris 4, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA040099.

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Abstract (sommario):
La présente thèse est intitulée « la création contemporaine au Maroc ». L'exemple d’Ahmed Cherkaoui (1934-1967), est une recherche sur son œuvre picturale. Un bref aperçu est donné sur l'évolution de l'art marocain de la préhistoire jusqu'au XXème siècle et sur l'apparition de la peinture de chevalet. La deuxième partie évoque son enfance à Boujad et son adolescence à Casablanca, ensuite elle parle de ses débuts artistiques à l'école des métiers d'arts à Paris puis à l'atelier d'Aujame. Entre 1961 et 1963, il découvre un style personnel et authentique : il utilise la toile de jute et inscrit des signes richement colorés et inspirés souvent du tatouage. Dans les tableaux de 1964-65, le signe prend une grande dimension car il s'agrandit, devient puissant et constitue l'élément central de la composition. D'autres annotations graphiques et touches polychromes lui sont subordonnées, avec l'apparition de nouvelles teintes blanches. Dans la dernière partie de l'œuvre de Cherkaoui, s'affirme une grande purification de la toile : le signe s'impose d'une manière majestueuse sur un fond blanc, très dépouillé. Cette période est impregnée de la conception mystique arabo-musulmane
This thesis is a study about Cherkaoui's art. It includes a synopsis of the evolution of art in morocco from pre-historical times up to the 20th century when easel painting first appeared. It also traces the artist's childhood in Boujad and his adolescence in Casablanca, then his artistic beginnings at l'École des métiers d'art in Paris and at Aujame's workshop. Cherkaoui invented his personal and authentic style in the years 1961-1963 using just canvass and developing richly colored signs often inspired by Moroccan tattoo. In his 1964-65 paintings the sign becomes powerful and constitutes the central element in the composition. Related to this are some other graphic annotations, polychromic touches and also the use of white color. The last paintings by Cherkaoui affirm a great purification of the canvass through the majestic presence of the sign on naked white background revealing the influence of Arab and Muslim mysticism
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Hoey, Rosemarie A. "Curriculum policy for the public elementary and secondary schools in Ontario 1945--1965". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/21391.

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Hirschfeld, Michael. "Katholisches Milieu und Vertriebene : eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Oldenburger Landes ; 1945 - 1965 /". Köln [u.a.] : Böhlau, 2002. http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2003-2-137.

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Strübel, Lisa. "Continuity and change in city Protestantism : the Lutheran Church in Hamburg, 1945-1965". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.248987.

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Lewis, Harold. "The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) 1945-1965 : an organizational and political anatomy". Thesis, University of Warwick, 2003. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/3700/.

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The thesis is an analytical study of the structure and activities of the International Transport Workers' Federation(ITF) from 1945 to 1965.It gives particular attention to the nature of the ITF's memberships, especially its expansion to the United States and to the Third World; to the ITF's political stance in a period of enormous international tension and to the interrelationship of both those factors. The ITF was founded in 1896 and there are few substantial transport workers' unions which are not yet affiliated. It has long been recognized as the most effective of all the international trade union organizations. The ITF made a significant contribution to the Allied war effort in the Second World War and its membership in every branch of the international transport industry took on great strategic importance during the Cold War. The thesis is based on original research, making special use of the ITF's extensive archives at the Modern Records Centre of the University of Warwick. There is a close and critical focus on the ITFs political engagement, exemplified by its controversial part in countering communist influence in European ports in the early 1950s at the time of the introduction of the European Recovery Programme (the Marshall Plan). This discussion is, however, set in the context of the ITF's structures and its broader social and industrial concerns, such as the defence of trade union and civil rights and assistance to transport workers' unions in the newly de-colonized developing countries. The conclusions draw out the main findings of the research and discuss the dearth of academic literature on the international trade union movement, and especially the almost total neglect of 'International Trade Secretariats', organizations such as the ITF which group together national trade unions in specific industries and services. On this basis, it surveys a poorly served theoretical field and outlines implications for future theoretical analysis.
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Wood, H. Stanley. "Leadership profiles of church extension ministers in the Church of Scotland 1945-1965". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1996. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=201752.

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Abstract (sommario):
The thesis research involves the first extensive survey of church extension ministers in the Church of Scotland from 1945 to 1965, who were still living in 1989. Two-thirds of those church extension ministers were surveyed for the database on leadership profiles. The thesis argument begins with an a priori premise. In brief, leadership is essential in beginning a new church. Vital, effective leadership from early church times through present day church history has been a crucial factor in church development. During times of church growth, this leadership is particularly evident, such as that of the reformers during the Reformation. The thesis argument develops leadership profiles of church extension ministers whose church growth ministries were integral to the Church of Scotland's greatest boom of new churches in the twentieth century. The thesis commences with a limited exploration of the Sitz im Leben of the church extension boom years of 1945-1965. One-quarter of Scotland's population was relocated into new housing schemes. Over one hundred church extension charges were begun in a brief twenty-year period. The explanation of the Sitz im Leben traces the visionary call extended to Church of Scotland ministers to establish new churches. The key renewal movements and the individuals who significantly influenced and shaped the vision are identified. The main body of the thesis starts in chapter 2 with a question by question overview and analysis of the database developed in the church extension minister survey. Succeeding chapters 3 through 5 examine additional survey responses and correlate the answers topically. Leadership profiles are deduced from the qualities and traits that emerge from the investigation of ministers' descriptions of their CE charges.
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Bryant, Michael S. "Confronting medical mass murder : the U.S. and West German euthanasia trials, 1945-1965". The Ohio State University, 2001. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1259851826.

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Rölli-Alkemper, Lukas. "Familie im Wiederaufbau : Katholizismus und bürgerliches Familienideal in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1945-1965 /". Paderborn : F. Schöningh, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38814513r.

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Münch, Lea [Verfasser]. "Kinder und Kinderheilkunde in Berlin : Zwischen Fürsorge und Forschung (1945-1965) / Lea Münch". Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1218076003/34.

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Greenlees, Donald. "The Origins of Nonalignment: Great Power Competition and Indonesian Foreign Policy 1945-1965". Phd thesis, Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/147895.

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The thesis analyses Indonesia’s foreign policy, specifically its alignment behavior, in the 20 years after it declared independence in 1945. It investigates the origins of Indonesia’s enduring bebas-aktif (independent and active) foreign policy and its manifestation in an official policy of neutrality and then nonalignment during the Cold War. It then follows the evolution of alignment policy via Indonesia’s interactions with the great powers of the era – the USA, the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China. The case study period provides a detailed account of a series of episodes that engaged the Cold War’s great powers, including the Asia- Africa conference, US-sponsored regional rebellions in Indonesia, the campaign to wrest control of West New Guinea, and the attempt to “crush” the formation of Malaysia under a policy of Konfrontasi. In trying to account for patterns in Indonesian alignment, the thesis challenges conventional approaches to alignment that explain changing behavior as purely a response to either the capability or intentions of other powers. Instead of seeing alignment as the result of a balance of power or a balance of threat, the thesis finds that Indonesia’s alignment policy during the period is better understood as a balance of risk between competing domestic and international demands and objectives. Policymakers are viewed as placing especially high priority on maintaining policy autonomy, which they compromise only when the objective that alignment serves is regarded as critical to the state. The analysis highlights a deep vein of Realpolitik and pragmatism in Indonesia’s alignment behavior, which prompted it to abandon neutrality when the international and domestic objectives of policymakers outweighed their commitment to the bebas-aktif policy. But the thesis found Indonesia’s most common approach to alignment was the use of a range of ‘smart’ strategies designed to maximise the benefits and minimise the risks of alignment. The principal risks could be placed in two categories: first, the risk of losing policy autonomy and, second, the risk of alignment choice provoking a domestic or international backlash. The thesis also reviewed methods of analysing decisions under conditions of risk. Comparing a rational actor model with a psychological model of choice, it found policymakers were prone to depart from the precepts of rational choice under conditions of crisis and uncertainty when the risk of critical loss to the state was is high.
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Bertaud, du Chazaud Vincent. "Les architectures de la croissance innovante : 1965-1975 : aujourd'hui, entre mutation et destruction". Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010673.

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A partir de quatre références choisies pour leur intérêt et leur diversité (l'Etablissement régional d'enseignement adapté (EREA) à Angoulême, les piscines Caneton et Tournesol, les logements Gamma à Nancy, le Conservatoire de musique de Montreuil) est analysée la construction pendant les "Trente glorieuses", et plus particulièrement les architectures bâties dans la dernière décennie 1965-1975, période appelée de la " Croissance innovante " par Gérard Monnier, avec en toile de fond : les architectures-modèles, les avancées technologiques, les matériaux innovants et les programmes expérimentaux. Trente années plus tard, un constat est dressé sur ces constructions ayant fait appel à des techniques sophistiquées, accompagnées de réflexions sociales généreuses. Aujourd'hui, la réception de ce patrimoine fragile mène à son abandon, à sa démolition, parfois à sa restauration, à sa rénovation qui nécessitent autant d'ingéniosité qu'il en fallut pour sa mise en œuvre.
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Pandi, Diamantina. "Approches systémiques dans le dessin c. 1965-1975". Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100014.

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Ce projet de thèse vise à explorer les réalisations artistiques ainsi que les approches critiques et théoriques du concept complexe de « système » en lien avec les transformations du dessin entre 1965 et 1975. Le discours autour de la notion de « système » prévaut dans le monde de l’après-guerre, notamment dans les années 1960 et 1970. L’ « esthétique des systèmes » telle que théorisée par le critique d’art Jack Burnham dans son article « Systems Aesthetics » publié dans Artforum en 1968, qui signale la transition radicale d’une culture orientée vers les objets vers une culture orientée vers les systèmes, constitue notre point de départ. Nous examinons la notion du système en essayant de mettre en lumière les interconnexions entre les théories de l'information et des systèmes, le modèle cybernétique, le « tournant linguistique » dans la période 1965-1975. Au cours de cette période, le dessin devient un champ privilégié pour le développement des méthodologies systémiques. A travers les cas de onze artistes, Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner, Hanne Darboven, Dorothea Rockburne, Robert Morris, Alighiero Boetti, John Latham, Bernar Venet, Lee Lozano, Stanley Brouwn et William Anastasi, nous examinons les expérimentations artistiques autour de « systèmes de dessins » : des systèmes linguistiques et arithmétiques, des systèmes auto-poïétiques, ainsi que des stratégies systémiques se déroulant dans le contexte spatiotemporel. En se focalisant sur l’hétérogénéité et la diversification de ces pratiques, nous analysons les traductions formelles et conceptuelles du dessin qui manifestent l’autonomisation et la reconceptualisation de ce medium durant la période examinée
This thesis aims at exploring the artistic realizations as well as the critical and theoretical approaches of the complex and multidimensional concept of "system" in relation to the transformation of drawing between 1965 and 1975. The discourse around the notion of “system” prevails the post-war world, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. The aesthetics of systems, as theorized by art critic Jack Burnham in his article “Systems Aesthetics” published at the Artforum in 1968- which signals the radical transition from an object-oriented culture to a systems-oriented culture - is the starting point of this thesis. We examine the notion of the system by attempting to highlight the interconnections between information and systems theories, the cybernetic model, the “linguistic turn” and its implications for the development of conceptual artistic practices in the period 1965-1975. In this period, drawing became a privileged field for the development of systemic methodologies. Through the cases of eleven artists, Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner, Hanne Darboven, Dorothea Rockburne, Robert Morris, Alighiero Boetti, John Latham, Bernar Venet, Lee Lozano, Stanley Brouwn and William Anastasi, this thesis examines the artistic experimentation on “systems of drawings”: linguistic and arithmetic systems of diagrammatic order, autopoietic systems, as well as systemic strategies that take place in the spatiotemporal context. By focusing on the heterogeneity, the diversification and the hybridization of these practices, the thesis analyzes the formal and conceptual translations of the drawing which demand the autonomisation and the reconceptualisation of this medium in the period that we examine
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Christófoglou, Mártha-'Ellī. ""Avant-gardes" et politisation dans l'art néohellénique (1965-1975)". Paris 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA010508.

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Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à l'examen de la réalité culturelle de la Grèce contemporaine. La période: 1965-1975, a été choisie pour son exemplarité: c'est pendant cette décennie que le rapport art-politique acquiert une importance fondamentale dans la vie artistique grecque. La place des formes d'art dites d'avant-garde, dans l'art néohellénique, doit être évaluée par rapport à certains facteurs propres à la culture grecque. Ces facteurs sont: 1. Le rôle idéologique et esthétique des modelés tirés de la tradition locale. 2. L'influence de l'art moderne occidental et, plus particulièrement, parisien. 3. L'émigration des artistes. 4. L'engagement politique très apparent pendant les années 1960 et 1970, c'est à dire avant, pendant, et après la dictature de 1967-1974. 5. La prédominance de l'individualisme des artistes grecs, qui défavorise les mouvements collectifs. L'étude de ces problèmes devrait permettre l'approche d'un aspect important de la culture grecque d'aujourd'hui.
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Milin, Melita. "Tradicionalno i novo u srpskoj muzici posle Drugog svetskog rata 1945-1965 [The Traditional and the New in Serbian Music after the Second World War 1945-1965], Belgrad 1998, pp. 261 [Zusammenfassung]". Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universität Leipzig, 1999. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A15653.

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The aUthor of the book investigates the innovative processes in the Serbian music between 1945 and 1965, taking into due consideration the factor of tradition and the wider European context of musical development.
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Milin, Melita. "Tradicionalno i novo u srpskoj muzici posle Drugog svetskog rata 1945-1965 [The Traditional and· the New in Serbian Music after the Second World War 1945-1965], Belgrad 1998, pp. 261 [Zusammenfassung]". Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-225164.

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The aUthor of the book investigates the innovative processes in the Serbian music between 1945 and 1965, taking into due consideration the factor of tradition and the wider European context of musical development.
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Bidnall, Amanda M. ""The Birth pangs of a new nation": West Indian artists in London, 1945-1965". Thesis, Boston College, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:104400.

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Thesis advisor: Peter Weiler
This dissertation examines the careers and cultural productions of West Indian artists and entertainers working in London between 1945 and 1965, a period of large-scale West Indian migration to Britain. It argues that these artists espoused a collective cultural politics that was both ethnically aware and actively integrationist. Their work emphasized the historic cultural ties between the "mother country" and the Caribbean colonies, but did so in an effort to challenge prevailing media depictions of New Commonwealth migration as an unwanted foreign deluge. As a result, these migrant artists were among the first to express the potential of Commonwealth multiculturalism in Britain. Unlike many post-war histories of British race relations that emphasize the marginalization of black artists from mainstream culture, this study will show how the first wave of post-war West Indian artists, like Edric and Pearl Connor, Cy Grant, Ronald Moody, and Lloyd and Barry Reckord, sought to reach out to a wider British audience. Although their careers and artistic expressions were shaped - and at times stifled - by British cultural institutions that exercised their own assumptions and priorities, they posed alternatives to racism in a nation painfully coming to terms with its imperial legacy and multicultural future
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: History
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Anjos, Herbert Gler Mendes dos. "Socialismo e Liberdade : o PSB e a cultura socialista-democrática no Brasil (1945-1965)". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2014. http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/16235.

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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, 2014.
Submitted by Raquel Viana (raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2014-09-09T20:35:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_ HerbertGlerMendesdosAnjos.pdf: 1488803 bytes, checksum: 30bf59892bc71aea2d3d174b4f9e6c53 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Raquel Viana(raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2014-09-09T20:35:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_ HerbertGlerMendesdosAnjos.pdf: 1488803 bytes, checksum: 30bf59892bc71aea2d3d174b4f9e6c53 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-09T20:35:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_ HerbertGlerMendesdosAnjos.pdf: 1488803 bytes, checksum: 30bf59892bc71aea2d3d174b4f9e6c53 (MD5)
O Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) é objeto de pesquisa desta dissertação de mestrado. Os enfoques deste trabalho estão situados na análise da formação do PSB, partido político surgido no processo de redemocratização brasileira de 1945, por meio da ação de variados atores com experiências e ideias políticas que, embora estivessem todas no campo ideológico da esquerda, eram substantivamente distintas do pensamento de esquerda, mais ortodoxo, em especial o marxismo stalinista do PCB. Este trabalho também consiste em analisar os elementos peculiares que caracterizaram o projeto socialista democrático do PSB, que combinava igualdade social com liberdades civis e políticas. Enfatiza-se na análise as modificações sofridas pelo projeto e pelo discurso do PSB, que são visíveis a partir da década de 1950. Por fim, analisa-se a história do partido no período entre 1945-1965. Debruçamo-nos sobre a experiência e sobre o percurso do socialismo democrático no Brasil por meio das ações do partido em todo esse período democrático. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
The Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) is the research object of this dissertation. The approaches that work are situated in analyzing formation of the PSB, political party, emerged in the 1945 Brazilian democratization process, through the action of actors with varying experiences and political views, even though they were all on the ideological left field, were substantively distinct from left thinking, more orthodox , especially the Stalinist Marxism of the PCB. This work also consists of analyzing the peculiar elements that characterized the democratic socialist project of the PSB, which combined social equality with civil and political liberties. We emphasize the analysis the changes undergone by the project and by the discourse of the PSB that are visible from the 1950s. Finally, we analyze the history of the party in the period 1945 to 1965. We focused on the experience and on the path of democratic socialism in Brazil through the actions of the party in all this democratic period.
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Mulholland, Kate Ellen. "The experiences of class and gender relations and women workers at GEC, 1945-1965". Thesis, University of Warwick, 1990. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/106624/.

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This study is an ethnographic account of the experiences of a group of women workers at the GEC in Coventry during the post-war decades from 1945-1965. The company since its establishment grew from a single plant to a large multi-national company emerging as the major employer of female labour in the Coventry labour market. In outlining the emergence of the company as a major employer of women this thesis takes account of the character and development of the local labour market - thus providing a framework in which to contextualise the growth and character of the GEC as a 'woman's factory’. A major theme of the thesis concerns the ways women experienced the sexual division of labour, and the way this impinged upon their job choice and preference for the GEC. This question is organized around their experiences of recruitment, selection of working patterns and patterns of wages within the company. A second important theme concerns workplace culture -when the character of management's and women's role will be considered as a feature in the construction of female stereotypes in terms of jobs and skills. Another key theme in the thesis considers women's experiences of skill, training, job experience, promotion and the changing character of job and gender boundaries - whilst exploring such experience within the context of gendered skill and job hierarchies. The question of management control and its implications for women’s experiences constitutes a further important theme. Within this context women's experiences and ways of coping with a variety of management strategies are considered - whilst highlighting the character of change, the fragmentation of work and the importance of gender in shifting labour market conditions. The final theme considers women's perceptions and experiences of resistance and trade union organization.
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Logan, Michael Farley. "Fighting sprawl and city hall: Resistance to urban growth in the southwest, 1945-1965". Diss., The University of Arizona, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/186742.

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Serious resistance to urban growth in the Southwest arose at the beginning of the post World War II boom and persisted throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Most historians of the urban West ignore this early resistance. Even New Western historians truncate their studies of urbanization in the Southwest by assuming that serious opposition to development only appeared with the rise of environmentalism in the late 1960s. Urbanization in Tucson and Albuquerque proceeded in the face of constant protest. The expressions of opposition to urban expansion arose in conservative and libertarian political critiques and in ethnic resistance to urban renewal plans that targeted barrio areas. A loosely defined environmentalism appeared in these early forms of resistance as residents fought to preserve their lifestyle and native culture.
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Maciejczyk, Aleksander. "La réception du concile Vatican II dans la catéchèse paroissiale : étude comparée dans deux paroisses françaises et deux paroisses polonaises". Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040137.

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La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'analyse des textes du concile Vatican II concernant la charge d'enseigner au plan paroissial. Dans le chapitre premier nous étudions les énonces de Vatican II relatifs à la paroisse qui constitue le lieu de nos recherches; tandis que dans le chapitre deuxième nous examinons les textes conciliaires concernant la catéchèse. Ces textes constituent, pour ainsi dire, le bien spirituel proposé à recevoir par le concile. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de la réception des textes de Vatican II. Au chapitre III nous analysons d'abord le concept même de réception des décisions d'un concile. Le chapitre IV expose comment ces textes conciliaires ont été reçus dans les documents de papes et de synodes, dans le code de droit canonique, dans les travaux des théologiens et dans la pratique. Dans la troisième partie nous étudions de plus près un aspect de la charge d'enseigner la catéchèse. Le chapitre V décrit le contexte historique, juridique, social et politique dans lequel les paroisses françaises et polonaises reçoivent l'enseignement conciliaire. Le chapitre VI analyse les résultats de l'enquête sur la catéchèse dans deux paroisses françaises et deux paroisses polonaises. Au chapitre VII nous évaluons la réception de l'enseignement conciliaire en prenant en compte les différents facteurs qui ont influencé ce processus
In the first part of our thesis we analyze the documents of the second Vatican council about parish catechesis. We pay particular attention to the council's concept of the transmission of the good news in the parish context. In the second part we examine the reception of the council's decision in the documents of popes and synode, in the canon law, in theological studies and in practice. In the third pars we give a direct analysis of the catechesis in French and polish parishes: first we describe the historical, social, political and legal context of French and polish parishes where the council's decisions are being put into practice. Then we look through the results of the inquiry into catechesis in two French and polish parishes. This inquiry is a way to know and understand the catechetic situation in parishes. At the end we evaluate the reception of council's decisions in the life of French and polish parishes. In this evaluation we pay special attention to different factors (theological), historical, economic, social etc. ) influencing the process of reception
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Andrade, Marques Inês Maria. "Arte e habitação em Lisboa 1945-1965. Cruzamentos entre desenho urbano, arquitetura e arte pública". Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/145901.

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Abstract (sommario):
Esta tese tem como objeto a produção de arte pública na cidade de Lisboa, nas grandes unidades habitacionais de promoção pública que se planearam e edificaram no período definido entre 1945 e 1965: Alvalade, Olivais Norte e Olivais Sul. A obra de arte pública é assumida como um facto urbano, integrado num percurso de conformação do espaço. Cada uma das áreas é estudada desde a sua génese até ao seu estádio consolidado sob três aspetos: o plano de urbanização, o processo de edificação e a participação de artistas na produção de obras de arte pública, de modo a entender como se cruzam no espaço as variadas ideias e intenções ao nível do plano e dos projetos, e como estas sugerem ou condicionam o surgimento da obra de arte pública. O período escolhido - as duas décadas seguintes ao fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial - permite apreciar a entrada e o desvanecimento dos ideários modernos racionalistas nos modos de pensar e construir a cidade. Através do estudo de Alvalade, Olivais Norte e Olivais Sul pode acompanhar-se a intromissão dos princípios da Carta de Atenas, primeiro limitada a pequenas unidades de urbanização [Alvalade], depois assumida à escala de uma célula experimental [Olivais Norte] e finalmente posta em prática numa grande malha residencial, mas onde se sentem já as tensões com outras correntes modernas, abrindo caminho às primeiras ruturas com o documento de 1933 [Olivais Sul]. Neste processo de desagregação do vocabulário urbano tradicional e de abandono dos figurinos oficiais impostos pelo regime desde o início da década de 1940, o objetivo principal da tese é perceber como é que arte pública se adequou aos edifícios e espaços públicos de configurações absolutamente novas, geradas pela aplicação destes novos paradigmas e formulações estéticas. É também perceber ao serviço de que intenções a obra de arte pública foi sendo chamada a pontuar o espaço da cidade. A presente tese aborda uma produção artística geralmente negligenciada: a arte pública que acompanha a arquitetura e o urbanismo modernos. Apesar de quase exclusivamente circunscrita aos exemplos lisboetas, ensaia também uma aproximação exploratória à produção de arte pública para o universo da habitação social, de grande relevância no contexto do pós Segunda Guerra e décadas subsequentes. Se para arquitetos e urbanistas a habitação tinha sido desde o início do século XX tema de eleição e de demarcação doutrinária, foi também um campo que cativou artistas socialmente engajados, provenientes de várias linhagens estéticas e políticas, mas que tinham em comum uma intenção de aproximação ao espaço do cidadão comum. Esta tese move-se entre várias áreas disciplinares. Além de perspetivar a arte pública no seu contexto arquitetónico e urbano, por se enquadrar conceptualmente na abordagem proposta pelo Cer Polis, a autora adapta a metodologia da história oral como forma de resgatar parte da informação necessária à escrita da tese. PALAVRAS CHAVE - Arte Pública, Áreas residenciais, Urbanismo residencial, Síntese das Artes, Integração das Artes, Movimento Moderno
This PhD thesis aims to study the production of public art in the city of Lisbon, in major public promotion housing units that were planned and built in the period between 1945 and 1965: Alvalade, Olivais Norte and Olivais Sul. The work of public art is assumed as an urban fact, part of a plan of shaping the space. Each area is studied from its origin to its consolidated stage under three aspects: The urbanization plan, the process of building and the participation of artists in the production of works of public art The period chosen - the two decades following the end of the Second World Warallows us to appreciate the input and the fading ideals of modern movement ideals in the ways of thinking and building the city. The study of Alvalade, Olivais Norte and Olivais Sul, allows us to monitor the interference of the principles of the Athens Charter, initially limited to small urbanization units [Alvalade], later adopted to the extent of an experimental cell [Olivais Norte] and finally put in place in a large housing estate, but where tensions with other modern currents could already be felt giving way to the first breakthroughs with the document of 1933 [Olivais Sul]. In this process of dissolution of the traditional urban vocabulary and abandonment of the official models imposed by the regime since the early 1940s, the main objective of the thesis is to understand how the public art adapted itself to public buildings and spaces of absolutely new configurations, generated by the application of these new paradigms and aesthetic formulations. It is also to understand with what intent the work of the public art was being called to mark the city space. This thesis concerns an often overlooked artistic production: the public art that accompanies modern architecture and urbanism. In spite of being exclusively limited to the Lisbon examples it also rehearses an exploratory approach to the production of the public art to the universe of social housing, which had great relevance in the context of the post Second War and subsequent decades. Having in mind that to modern architects and urbanists housing had been the subject of election and doctrinal demarcation since the beginning of the twentieth century, it was also a field that captivated socially engaged artists from various aesthetic and political lines, who had a common intention of approaching the space of the ordinary citizen. This thesis moves between several subject areas. Besides appreciating public art in its architectural and urban context, because it fits conceptually the approach proposed by Cer Polis, the author adapts the methodology of oral history as a way to redeem part of the necessary information to write the thesis.
Aquesta tesi té com a objecte la producció d'art públic a la ciutat de Lisboa, a les grans unitats habitacionals de promoció pública que es varen planificar i edificar en el període comprès entre 1945 i 1965: Alvalade, Olivais Norte i Olivais Sud. L'obra d'art públic és assumida com un fet urbà, integrat en un procés de conformació de l'espai. Cadascuna de les àrees és estudiada des de la seva gènesi fins al seu estat de consolidació sota tres aspectes: el pla d'urbanització, el procés d’edificació i la participació d'artistes en la producció d'obres d'art públic. El període escollit - les dues dècades que van seguir al final de la Segona Guerra Mundial - permet apreciar l'entrada i l’esvaïment dels idearis moderns en les maneres de pensar i construir la ciutat. L'estudi d’Alvalade, Olivais Norte i Olivais Sul permet seguir la intromissió dels principis de la Carta d'Atenes, inicialment limitada a petites unitats d’urbanització [Alvalade], posteriorment assumida a l'escala d'una cèl•lula experimental [Olivais Norte] i finalment posada en pràctica sobre una gran malla de caràcter residencial, però on se senten ja les tensions amb altres corrents moderns, obrint el camí a les primeres ruptures amb el document de 1933 [Olivais Sul]. En aquest procés de dissolució del vocabulari urbà tradicional i d'abandonament dels models oficials imposats pel règim des de l’inici de la dècada de 1940, l'objectiu principal de la tesi és comprendre com l'art públic es va adequar als edificis i espais públics amb configuracions absolutament noves, generades per l'aplicació d'aquests nous paradigmes i formulacions estètiques. Ho és també entendre al servei de quines intencions l’obra d’art públic va ser cridada a marcar l'espai de la ciutat. La present tesi valoritza una producció artística generalment oblidada: l’art públic que acompanya l’arquitectura i l’urbanisme moderns. Malgrat estar exclusivament circumscrita als exemples lisboetes, intenta també una aproximació exploratòria a la producció d'art públic per l'univers de l'habitatge social, de gran rellevància en el context de post-segona guerra mundial i les dècades posteriors. Si per arquitectes i urbanistes moderns l’habitatge havia estat des d’inicis del segle XX un tema d’elecció i de demarcació doctrinària, fou també un camp que va captivar artistes socialment compromesos, provinents de diferents línies estètiques i polítiques, però que tenien en comú una intenció d'aproximació a l’espai del ciutadà comú. Aquesta tesi es mou entre diverses àrees disciplinàries. Més enllà de posar en perspectiva l’art públic en el seu context arquitectònic i urbà, pel fet d’enquadrar-se conceptualment en el plantejament proposat per Cer Polis, l'autora adapta la metodologia de la història oral com una forma de recuperar part de la informació necessària per l’escriptura de la tesi.
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Berry, Michelle Kathleen. "Cow Talk: Ecology, Culture, and Power in the Intermountain West Range Cattle Industry, 1945-1965". Diss., Tucson, Arizona : University of Arizona, 2005. http://etd.library.arizona.edu/etd/GetFileServlet?file=file:///data1/pdf/etd/azu%5Fetd%5F1404%5F1%5Fm.pdf&type=application/pdf.

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McLaren, Graham M. "The colleges and responses to industry : ceramic design education c.1945-1965 : perspectives and policies". Thesis, Royal College of Art, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.440168.

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Silva, Filho Antonio Luiz Macêdo e. "Entre o fio e a rede: a energia elétrica no cotidiano de Fortaleza (1945-1965)". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2008. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/13100.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:32:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Luiz Macedo e Silva Filho.pdf: 45440069 bytes, checksum: d42d10a644922944a67ac7bd4b04b63b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-16
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
This study aims to discuss the historical relationships between electric energy and some technical objects, in Fortaleza (capital of Ceara state) from 1945 to 1965. During this period the population experienced serious troubles with the supply of light and power, which made difficult the major integration of electricity in the daily life and had unfavorable impact on local economy. With the fast demographic growth and the spread of demand, the electrical system underwent successive rationings, breakdowns, overloads and campaigns for the reduction in private consumption levels. The solution, by means of the city connection with Paulo Afonso plant in 1965, accessed a more regular and cheaper energy supply, although it was far from assuring the poor a better reach to this benefit. This context of growing application of electric current and social inequality entailed the making of ambivalent meanings in household comfort, which in the postwar was more and more related to the acquisition and usage of electric appliances. Through the investigation of these objects it was possible to apprehend certain changes in the inhabitants perception, as well as the emergence of visual and sound elements which expressed their presence in urban daily life and their role in the dissolution of boundaries between public and private. In the course of the research it was also observed the importance of technological shifts for the production of practices and values related to the household modernization
Este trabalho pretende discutir as relações historicamente constituídas entre a energia elétrica e certos objetos técnicos, na cidade de Fortaleza entre 1945 e 1965. Nesse período a população experimentou graves problemas no fornecimento de força e luz, que dificultaram a maior integração da eletricidade na vida cotidiana e repercutiram desfavoravelmente no perfil da economia local. Com o crescimento demográfico acelerado e a expansão da demanda, o sistema elétrico passou por sucessivos racionamentos, panes, sobrecargas e campanhas destinadas à redução nos índices de consumo particular. A solução encontrada, por meio da ligação da cidade com a usina de Paulo Afonso em 1965, permitiu o acesso a um suprimento de energia mais regular e barato, mas esteve longe de propiciar o correspondente alargamento desse benefício às camadas pobres. Esse contexto marcado pela crescente aplicação da corrente elétrica e por fortes desigualdades sociais implicou a formação de significados ambíguos do conforto doméstico, que no pós-guerra se mostrou cada vez mais associado à aquisição e uso de aparelhos elétricos. A partir da investigação desses objetos foi possível apreender certas transformações na percepção dos habitantes, assim como a emergência de elementos visuais e sonoros que expressaram sua presença no cotidiano da cidade e seu papel na contínua diluição das fronteiras entre o público e o privado. No decorrer da pesquisa se pôde ainda observar a importância da mudança tecnológica na produção de práticas e valores relacionados à modernização do espaço doméstico
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Charão, Egiselda Brum. "Mulheres italianas e trabalho em Porto Alegre/RS (1945-1965): história de uma imigração esquecida". Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10923/7656.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-27T01:05:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000475883-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 4156120 bytes, checksum: bf173e0e70cf58eb1455740f95ad0bc3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015
Questo testo presenta e analizza aspetti dell’immigrazione italiana a Porto Alegre nel período 1945-1965. Più specificamente si sofferma sulla questione dell’inserimento professionale di donne italiane. Utilizzando la metodologia della Storia Orale Ibrida si tracciano le traiettorie e si ripercorrono le memorie di queste immigrate. Si evidenziano, cosi, punti di vista relativi al contesto storico, politico e economico dell’Italia e del Brasile negli anni successivi alla Seconda Guerra mondiale. Il lavoro approfondisce l’analisi del vissuto quotidiano nella società urbana portoalegrense della seconda metà del Novecento, con una enfasi particolare sul mondo del lavoro. A partire dalle storie individuali delle immigrate italiane intervistate, si sono identificate le singolarità presenti in ogni narrazione, evidenziando allo stesso tempo i punti di convergenza. Grazie a tali memorie individuali siamo giunti a conclusioni generali su un tema ancora poco analizzato dalla storiografia. ita
Este texto apresenta e analisa aspectos da imigração italiana em Porto Alegre no período de 1945-1965, mais especificamente busca entender como ocorreu a inserção da mulher imigrante italiana no trabalho. Utilizando a metodologia da História Oral Híbrida expõem-se as histórias e memórias das mulheres imigrantes italianas. Evidenciam-se, desse modo, pontos de vista relativos ao contexto histórico político e econômico da Itália e do Brasil referentes ao período do pós-guerra. O trabalho enfoca o cotidiano da sociedade urbana porto-alegrense na segunda metade do século XX, com ênfase no mundo do trabalho. A partir das histórias individuais das entrevistadas, no caso, as mulheres italianas, identificou-se a singularidade existente e única de cada narração, ressaltando eixos que se cruzavam nas falas individuais. Desse modo, a partir das memórias individuais procurou-se produzir inferências gerais sobre um assunto ainda pouco abordado pela historiografia.
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Smet, Catherine de. "Le livre comme synthèse des arts : édition et design graphique chez Le Corbusier, 1945-1965". Paris, EHESS, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002EHES0094.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les trente-cinq livres publiés par Le Corbusier entre 1912 et 1960 furent conçus par ses soins comme autant de projets autonomes : il assurait lui-même la mise en forme de ses ouvrages et en suivait attentivement la réalisation éditoriale. L’analyse de cette activité singulière, à la croisée de l’architecture, de l’art et de la communication, fait apparaître un aspect méconnu d’une carrière qui traversa le XXe siècle, ainsi que sa contribution à une histoire à laquelle on l’associe rarement, celle de l’édition. En s’attachant aux titres parus après 1945, dans lesquels domine une posture autobiographique, la présente recherche met en évidence les enjeux attachés à la rhétorique visuelle des mises en pages et le rôle essentiel des livres dans la dynamique de l’œuvre de Le Corbusier. En particulier, il s’agit de montrer comment les techniques du design graphique furent exploitées par l’architecte afin d’accomplir dans l’espace imprimé son difficile projet de synthèse des arts
The thirty-five books published by Le Corbusier between 1912 and 1960 were each conceived as autonomous projects : he himself saw to their design and closely supervised all stages of the publication process. The analysis of this singular activity at the junction of architecture, art, and communication uncovers a little known aspect of a career that evolved through the twentieth century, and the architect’s contribution to a history he is rarely associated with, the history of publishing. In concentrating on the books published after 1945, in which an autobiographical posture prevails, this study aims to bring to light the issues linked to the visual rhetoric of layout as well as the essential role of books in the dynamics of Le Corbusier’s work as a whole. In particular, it seeks to show how the architect exploited graphic design techniques to present the unity of his production, and thereby to accomplish, within the printed medium, his difficult project of a synthesis of the arts
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