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SWAMINATHAN, R., RAJENDRA NAGAR e T. SWAMINATHAN. "First description of the female Elimaea melanocantha (Walker, 1869) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from India". Zootaxa 4243, n. 2 (15 marzo 2017): 389.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The genus Elimaea Stal, 1874 was established for the type species Phaneroptera subcarinata Stal 1861 (Hongkong), the type genus of the Phaneropterinae. These insects are poorly known from India. Relevant important work on the taxonomy and distribution of Tettigoniidae of northeastern India include those of Barman & Srivastava (1976), Shishodia (2000), Shishodia & Tandon (2000), Barman (2003), Shishodia et al. (2003 & 2010) and, recently, Nagar et al. (2014, 2015a-b) have reported new and additional species of Phaneropterinae from India. The tribe Elimaeini Yakobson, 1905 (group Elimaeae Brunner, 1878) is known to comprise three Oriental genera, Elimaea Stal, 1874; Hemielimaea Brunner, 1878; and Ectadia Brunner, 1878. Karny (1926) divided the genus into three subgenera: Orthelimaea, Rhaebelimaea and Elimaea s. str., based on the shape of the anterior femora and the branching in the radius sector of the tegmen. Of these, Elimaea is most speciose and quite widespread in the Indian sub-continent. Gorochov (2013) reported two species, Elimaea melanocantha (Walker, 1869) and Elimaea nigrosignata Bolivar, 1900 in the group Neoelimaea. The terminology used is that of Ingrisch (1998) and Rentz and Colless (1990).
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Budrewicz, Tadeusz. "Dialektyka wróg–rodzina. O Sąsiadach Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego i Marii Sadowskiej". Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, n. 12 (21 dicembre 2023): 53–67.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Powieści Marii Sadowskiej Sąsiedzi (1874) oraz Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego Sąsiedzi (1878) podejmują ten sam temat. Opisują spory między sąsiadami – szlachtą. Granice posiadłości ziemskich generowały ostre konflikty. Sąsiad był wrogiem. Sąsiedzi się nienawidzili, ale ich dzieci się kochały. Młoda generacja przemienia dawnych wrogów w rodzinę, co jest zapowiedzią dobrej przyszłości. Takie obrazy są metonimią sytuacji politycznej Polski. Autorzy przedstawiają w powieściach program solidaryzmu jako podstawę bytu narodu.
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Коцаренко, В. Ф. "«ДРУГЕ НАРОДЖЕННЯ» ЗАЛІЗНИЦІ У КРАМАТОРСЬКУ: АНАЛІЗ АРХІВНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ (1874–1878 рр.)". Facets of History, n. 1(9) (30 dicembre 2018): 276–80.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
У статті досліджено процес становлення та розвитку напівстанції та пізніше –станції «Краматорська» у другій половині ХІХ ст. Висвітлено унікальні відомості щодо початкового етапу історії міста Краматорськ. Проаналізовано історичні обставини довкола розвитку залізниць на північних теренах Бахмутського повіту.
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Радосављевић, Јелена. "МИТРОПОЛИТ ЕВСТАТИЈЕ И УСПОСТАВЉАЊЕ СРПСКЕ ЦРКВЕНЕ УПРАВЕ У НИШАВСКОЈ МИТРОПОЛИЈИ 1878." Историјски часопис, n. 67/2018 (30 dicembre 2018): 247–70.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
У раду је, на основу расположивих извора и литературе, обрађена биографија Евстатија Димитракијева, првог пелагонијског (1872–1874), а потом и нишавског митрополита Бугарске егзархије (1874–1878). Поред биографских података о њему који су до сада били познати, посебна пажња посвећена је спорним моментима и стереотипима везаним за његов живот и рад по ослобођењу Пирота од стране војске Кнежевине Србије 1878. На основу извора који раније нису били доступни, њих је сада могуће отклонити. То се посебно односи на сложен однос који је митрополит Евстатије имао са новим српским властима, како државним тако и црквеним. Указано је на то да је лош лични однос са изаслаником митрополита Михаила Јовановића, свештеником Николом Ружичићем, али и начелником Пиротског округа Пантелијом Срећковићем, у великој мери допринео неспоразумима у Нишавској митрополији. Решено је и питање да ли је по наредби српских власти Евстатије био ухапшен или интерниран, и да ли је послат у Крагујевац или у Крушевац. Дати су подаци о томе како су се за то време српске власти према њему односиле, и како се вратио у Нишавску митрополију. Такође је расветљено и његово напуштање Нишавске митрополије после Берлинског конгреса и одлазак у Бугарску, а потом у Цариград и у Једренску егзархијску митрополију. Значајна пажња усмерена је на његов став према успостављању српске државне и црквене управе у ослобођеним крајевима.
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VOLYNKIN, ANTON V. "Three new species of the genus Aemene Walker (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from the Himalayas". Zootaxa 5068, n. 4 (18 novembre 2021): 533–46.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Three new species of the genus Aemene Walker, 1854 are described: Aemene cernyi sp. n. (NE India and E Nepal), Aemene laszloi sp. n. (C Nepal) and Aemene bucseki sp. n. (C Nepal and Pakistan). The Aemene taprobanis Walker, 1854 species-group is established and characterised. The status of one taxon previously considered as a junior synonym of A. taprobanis is revised: Aemene sinuata Moore, 1878, stat. rev. A taxon previously considered as a subspecies of A. taprobanis is upgraded to species level: Aemene likiangensis (Daniel, 1951), stat. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Aemene taprobanis Walker, 1854, Panassa cingalesa Walker, 1865, Autoceras grammophora Felder, 1874 and Aemene sinuata Moore, 1878. Adults together with the male and the female genitalia of the new and related species are illustrated.
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Wood, A. M., e R. C. Whatley. "The genera <i>Muellerina</i> Bassiouni, 1965 and <i>Thaerocythere</i> Hazel, 1967 from the Neogene of Northwest Europe". Journal of Micropalaeontology 16, n. 1 (1 maggio 1997): 1–18.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Abstract. Twenty one species of the genera Muellerina and Thaerocythere are considered. Of these, 11 species, including the type species of both genera, have been described previously. Two species are left in open nomenclature due to inadequate numbers but eight are described as new. These species are: Muellerina latimarginata (Speyer, 1863), M. abyssicola (Sars, 1866), M. lacunosa (Jones, 1857), M. praeabyssicola Uffenorde, 1981, M. parvipunctata Uffenorde, 1981, Thaerocythere crenulata (Sars, 1866), T. hoptonensis (Brady, Crosskey &amp; Robertson, 1874), T. mayburyae Cronin, 1991, T. oedichilus (Brady, 1878), T. trachypora (Jones, 1857), T. trapezia (Brady, 1878), and the new species M. dolabrata, M. metabyssicola, M. orygyma, M. pliocenica, T. biformis, T. praecrenulata, T. vermiculata, T. woutersi and T. wittei. The phyletic relationships of these northwestern European species are considered.
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Golev, Ivan A. "Preparation and conduct of the first mongolian expedition G.N. Potanina (based on letters from 1874-1878)". Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedenie, n. 47 (2022): 233–40.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The work is devoted to the study of the first Mongolian expedition of the famous explorer of North and Central Asia Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin. With the help of letters, a historical reconstruction of Potanin's work on the preparation and conduct of the expedition was carried out. During the expedition, Potanin and his companions visited the Mongolian cities of Kobdo, Khami and Ulyasutai. As a result, valuable museum collections were collected, which are still kept in many Russian museums. Big correspondence G.N. Potanin covers the course of the expedition in detail, he wrote letters to I.I. Shishkin, A.S. Gatsiskom, N.M. Yadrintsev, I.I. Wilson, K.V. Lavrsky and others. Some of the letters were published in the publication “Letters of G.N. Potanin”, and the other part is stored in the Department of Manuscripts and Book Monuments of the Scientific Library of TSU. The author of the article notes that in the letters Potanin described in detail the preparatory work, which included reading scientific literature, visiting the herbarium, worked in the geological office under the guidance of Professor A.A. Foreigners. Potanin was one of the first to write that the Russians borrowed little from the Eastern countries, from China and Japan, and believed that trade relations should be developed. During the expedition, G.N. Potanin continued to communicate with his friends and like-minded people and generously shared with them the details of the expedition's everyday life, reported on his studies, the collection of folklore, and the difficulties faced by the expedition members. The most interesting data in the letters is about building relationships with the local population, about how travelers found an approach and persuaded the Chinese and Mongols to give information to researchers. As a result of the expedition, 20 astronomical points were identified, about 500 skins of mammals and birds and 5000 insect specimens, 1000 plant species and 200 rock samples were collected. Letters to G.N. Potanin are the most valuable historical source, due to the uniqueness of the information reported in them, many of the data given in the letters are not repeated in any other documents. The author of the article says that the appeal to Potanin's letters allows not only to describe the process of preparing and conducting the first Mongolian expedition, but also characterizes G.N. Potanin as a researcher of a wide scientific profile, as an organizer and leader of work on the study of Central Asia.
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Magyar, Imre, e Lajos Katona. "Taxonomic revision of the Lake Pannon cockle subgenus Lymnocardium (Budmania) Brusina, 1897". Geologia Croatica 76, n. 1 (23 febbraio 2023): 37–45.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The lymnocard subgenus Budmania is characterized by the most unusual and spectacular morphology in the endemic mollusc fauna of the late Miocene – Pliocene Lake Pannon. Budmania possessed extremely high, hollow, irregular keels on its ribs, a pattern that was long considered an adaptation to the fluid, muddy substratum. Eight species were described with this pattern between 1874 and 1973. Our revision, based on the type materials and a large number of other specimens from several collections revealed, however, that only two species can be distinguished with certainty: Lymnocardium (Budmania) ferrugineum (Brusina, 1874) and L. (B.) cristagalli (Roth, 1878). The former lived in the littoral zone of Lake Pannon, on sandy substratum, whereas the latter inhabited the sublittoral zone with muddy substratum. This habitat partitioning challenges the interpretation of the high, hollow keels as an adaptation to soft, muddy substratum. The occurrence of both species seems to have been restricted to 7.5-7.15 Ma.
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Stanley-Price, Nicholas. "ILLICIT EXCAVATION: THE TRIAL OF ALESSANDRO PALMA DI CESNOLA IN CYPRUS IN 1878". Antiquaries Journal 98 (settembre 2018): 297–317.

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Abstract (sommario):
The prosecution in Cyprus of an Italian citizen for illicit excavation in 1878 is a very early case in modern cultural heritage law. In taking over from the Ottoman empire the administration of Cyprus in June 1878, Britain inherited the Ottoman legal system, including its 1874 law on antiquities. Four months later, the British arrested Alessandro Palma di Cesnola for flouting a newly announced ban on excavation. The evidence of official, confidential records reveals the steps leading to the Italian’s arrest, trial and conviction in court. His trial followed Ottoman legal procedures, but the verdict was decided by the district commissioner, a British military officer unfamiliar with local law and languages. Alessandro Palma di Cesnola’s claims of American citizenship and a diplomatic status are shown to have been invalid. A closing review suggests that the British Museum was influential in prompting the ban on excavation and that moral and financial pressures led Alessandro Palma di Cesnola to ignore it.
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Gorochov, A. V. "Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 9: the American tribe Paroecanthini". Zoosystematica Rossica 20, n. 2 (25 dicembre 2011): 216–70.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Systematic position and composition of the endemic American tribe Paroecanthini are discussed. This tribe is divided into two subtribes: Paroecanthina stat. nov. (from Paroecanthini Gorochov, 1986) and Tafaliscina stat. nov. (from Tafaliscinae Desutter, 1988). Five new genera, 24 new species and 6 new subspecies are described. Systematic position and distribution of true and possible taxa of Paroecanthini are clarified, and some of these taxa are redescribed. Orocharis eclectos Otte, 2006, syn. nov. is synonymised with Paroecanthus mexicanus Saussure, 1859 which is restored as type species of Paroecanthus Saussure, 1859 according to original monotypy of this genus. Orocharis signatus Walker, 1869 and Carsidava Walker, 1869 are excluded from synonymy of P. mexicanus and Paroecanthus, respectively. Orocharis signatus is considered to be a probable synonym of P. aztecus aztecus Saussure, 1874. Carsidava and Chremon Rehn, 1930, syn. nov. are considered possible and evident synonyms of Ectotrypa Saussure, 1874, respectively. Angustitrella vicina (Chopard, 1912), sp. resurr. and A. picipes (Bruner, 1916), sp. resurr. are restored from synonymy of A. podagrosa (Saussure, 1897) and Siccotrella niger (Saussure, 1874), respectively. Lectotype of Amblyrhethus brevipes (Saussure, 1878) and type species of Metrypa Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1873 (Tafalisca lurida Walker, 1869) are designated. Pseudogryllus Chopard, 1912, gen. resurr. is restored from synonymy of Tafalisca Walker, 1869.
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Seron, Denis. "Briefwechsel über Psychophysik 1874–1878, written by Franz Brentano and Gustav Theodor Fechner". Grazer Philosophische Studien 95, n. 1 (22 febbraio 2018): 153–57.

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Dellacasa, Marco, Robert D. Gordon e Giovanni Dellacasa. "Aphodiinae described or recorded by Bates in Biologia Centrali-Americana (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)". ACTA ZOOLÓGICA MEXICANA (N.S.), n. 86 (5 agosto 2002): 155–223.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Species of Aphodius described or recorded by Bates (1887, 1889) in the Biologia Centrali-Americana are discussed, resulting in some new combinations or new status as follows: Aphodius dugesi Bates, 1887 = Diapterna dugesi (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius sallei Harold, 1863 = Agrilinus sallei (Harold, 1863) n. comb.; Aphodius lansbergei Harold, 1874 = Agrilinus lansbergei (Harold, 1874) n. comb.; Aphodius indutilis Harold, 1874 = Agrilinus indutilis (Harold, 1874) n. comb.; Aphodius azteca Harold, 1863 = Agrilinus (s. l.) azteca (Harold, 1863) n. comb.; Aphodius oleosus Harold, 1871 = Pharaphodius (s. l.) oleosus (Harold, 1871) n. comb.; Aphodius innexus Say, 1835 = Liothorax innexus (Say, 1835) n. comb.; Aphodius cruentatus LeConte, 1878 = Agoliinus (s. l.) cruentatus (LeConte, 1878) n. comb.; Aphodius glyptus Bates, 1887 = Trichonotuloides glyptus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius latecrenatus Bates, 1887 = Trichonotuloides latecrenatus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius euprosopus Bates, 1887 = Agrilinus (s. l.) azteca ab. euprosopus (Bates, 1887) n. stat. and n. comb.; Aphodius constricticollis Bates, 1889 = Imelda constricticollis (Bates, 1889) n. comb.; Aphodius opisthius Bates, 1887 (new name for Aphodius duplex Bates, 1887) = Gonaphodiellus opisthius (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius panamensis Harold, 1859 = Aidophus panamensis (Harold, 1859) n. comb. [Didactyliini]; Aphodius guatemalensis Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) guatemalensis (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius guatemalensis var. scotinus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) guatemalensis ab. scotinus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius guatemalensis var. chiriquinus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) guatemalensis ab. chiriquinus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius charmionus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) charmionus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius diminutus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) diminutus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius erythrinus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) erythrinus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius xanthus Bates, 1887 = Blackburneus (s. l.) xanthus (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius larreae Horn, 1887 (senior synonym of Aphodius bifrons Bates, 1887) = Drepanocanthoides larreae (Horn, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius hogei Bates, 1887 = Cephalocyclus hogei (Bates, 1887) n. comb.; Aphodius hogei var. durangoensis Bates, 1887 = Cephalocyclus durangoensis (Bates, 1887) n. stat. and n. comb. Moreover, the new combination for Aphodius pseudolividus Balthasar, 1941 is Labarrus pseudolividus (Balthasar, 1941). The new genus Imelda is described with Aphodius constricticollis as the type species. Aphodius (Trichonotuloides) fossulatipennis Balthasar, 1945 is considered a junior synonym of Trichonotuloides latecrenatus (Bates, 1887); and Aphodius omiltemius Bates, 1889 is placed as a junior synonym of Cephalocyclus mexicanus (Harold, 1862). Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated where necessary.
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Frezzatti Jr., Wilson Antonio. "As noções de história na II Consideração Extemporânea e em Humano, demasiado humano". Cadernos Nietzsche 39, n. 1 (aprile 2018): 9–30.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Resumo: A II Consideração extemporânea (1874) e Humano, demasiado humano (1878) são duas obras em que história tem papel central. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar as diferenças na utilidade da história que Nietzsche propõe nesses dois textos. No primeiro, há a pretensão de substituir a ciência histórica hegeliana por três tipos de ciência histórica, cada um deles adequado a certo momento da cultura. No segundo texto, não há propriamente uma ciência histórica, mas uma filosofia com sentido histórico: a ação da história nessa obra é mais radical, tanto na tentativa de superação da metafísica quanto na relação com a vida.
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Mammadov, E., e M. Seyidli. "Epizootological Features of Anoplocephalatoses of Small Cattle in Nakhchivan". Bulletin of Science and Practice, n. 11 (15 novembre 2023): 180–83.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
In 2019-2021 studying of contamination of small cattle with anoplocephalides in various farm of Nakhchivan is carried out. It is ascertained anoplocephalatoses of small cattle are widespread. Disease of small cattle is observed in all districts. The species compositions of anoplocephalides of small cattle in the territory includes 5 species: Moniezia expansa (Rudolphi, 1805), Moniezia alba (Perroncito, 1878), Moniezia benedeni (Moniez, 1879), Avitellina centripunctata(Rivolta, 1874) and Thysaniezia giardi (Moniez, 1879). Extensive of invasion by results of helminthological dissections — 22.52%. Intensity of invasion of small cattle with anoplocephalides is on the average 3.7±0.3 spec/h.
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VOLYNKIN, ANTON V. "On the taxonomy of the genera Stigmatophora Staudinger, 1881 and Miltochrista Hübner, [1819], with description of a new species from North Thailand and China (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)". Zootaxa 4789, n. 2 (9 giugno 2020): 508–22.

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Abstract (sommario):
The generic group names Cymella Felder, 1874 and Myclela Watson, Fletcher & Nye, 1980 are excluded from the subtribe Nudariina and synonymized with the nominate subgenus of the genus Stigmatophora Staudinger, 1881 belonging to the subtribe Endrosiina. The type species of Cymella and Myclela, Cymella congerens Felder, 1874 is synonymized with the nominate subspecies of Stigmatophora (Stigmatophora) rhodophila (Walker, [1865]). The type locality of Cymella congerens is designated as Shanghai (E China). Two taxa previously treated as synonyms of S. congerens are upgraded to the species level and left in the genus Miltochrista Hübner, [1819]: Miltochrista artocarpi (Moore, 1878), stat. nov. and Miltochrista roseogrisea (Rothschild, 1913), stat. nov. The genus Asuropsis Matsumura, 1927 is excluded from the synonymy of Miltochrista and synonymized with the nominate subgenus of the genus Stigmatophora. The new combination is established: Stigmatophora (Stigmatophora) ranruna (Matsumura, 1927), comb. nov. A new species, Stigmatophora (Stigmatophora) cernyi Volynkin, sp. n. is described from North Thailand and Southwest China. Adults of both sexes of all the species mentioned and their genitalia are illustrated.
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Wright, Daniel. "Thomas Hardy's Groundwork". PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 134, n. 5 (ottobre 2019): 1028–41.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thomas Hardy strategically exposes what he calls the “groundwork” of his fictional worlds in scenes depicting blizzards or total darkness that scrub away all points of orientation. When Hardy reveals the empty field—”forms without features”—within which the details of the novel take shape, he aims to investigate the ontological, rather than epistemological or aesthetic, questions raised by novelistic realism. By tracing Hardy's groundwork through several novels, primarily Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Return of the Native (1878), and Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891), the essay shows that Hardy's vexed relation to the realist tradition arises out of the metaphysical paradoxes endemic to novelistic mimesis.
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Setecka, Agnieszka. "“He certainly was rough to look at”: Social Distinctions in Anthony Trollope’s Antipodean Fiction". Australia, n. 28/3 (15 gennaio 2019): 33–42.

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Abstract (sommario):
The following article concentrates on the representation of social class in Anthony Trollope’s Antipodean stories, Harry Heathcote of Gangoil (1874) and “Catherine Carmichael” (1878). Although Trollope was aware of the problematic nature of class boundaries in the Antipodes, he nevertheless employed the English model of class distinctions as a point of reference. In the two stories he concentrated on wealthy squatters’ attempts to reconstruct the way of life of the English gentry and on the role of women, who either exposed the false pretences to gentility, as in “Catherine Carmichael,” or contributed to consolidation of the landowning classes as in Harry Heathcote of Gangoil.
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INGRISCH, SIGFRID. "New taxa of Elimaeini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from South East Asia". Zootaxa 2935, n. 1 (1 luglio 2011): 1.

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Abstract (sommario):
Based on specimens in various museum collections one new subgenus and six new species of Elimaeini are described: Poaefoliana subgen. n. (type species Locusta poaefolia De Haan, 1842) of Elimaea Stål, 1874; Elimaea (Poaefoliana) albimaculata sp. n., E. (P.) jitra sp. n., E. (P.) kutu sp. n., Elimaea (Schizelimaea) singgalang sp. n., Orthelimaea kanburi sp. n., O. volsella sp. n. Three classical species were also combined with the new subgenus: Elimaea (Poaefoliana) poaefolia (De Haan, 1842) comb. n., E. (P.) rosea Brunner v. Wattenwyl, 1878 comb. n., E. (P.) jacobsoni Karny, 1926 comb. n. A lectotype for E. rosea is fixed as the type series is not homogenous.
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Langone, Laura. "Nietzsche and Emerson on History". Agonist 16, n. 2 (24 dicembre 2022): 95–103.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper aims to show how Nietzsche was influenced by Emerson in developing a conception of history as a set of values to be embodied in order to gain a deeper insight into the essence of reality. It is a conception that Nietzsche first expressed in his second Untimely Meditation, On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life (1874) and that fully developed in the period of his so-called “free spirit philosophy” (1878-1882). Firstly, I will briefly outline the relationship between Nietzsche and Emerson. Secondly, I will illustrate Emerson’s stance on history. Thirdly, I will show how Nietzsche drew from Emerson’s thought.
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Kuzina, Natalia. "Reflection of the slavery issue on the pages of Catalan republican-oriented journals during the Democratic Sexennium (1868-1874)". Latin-American Historical Almanac 40, n. 1 (24 novembre 2023): 40–61.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article explores the portrayal of the slavery issue and the Ten Years' War (1868-1878) in the cartoons of Catalan republican journals La Flaca, La Carcajada, and La Madeja dur-ing the Democratic Sexennium (1868-1874). The analysis reveals that Thomas Padró's cartoons delve into the complex socio-political processes of the mid-19th century, associated with the abolitionist movement in Spain and its impact on colonial territories. While the journal's editorial stance supported the abolition of slavery, it opposed the separation of Cuba from Spain, envisioning prosperity for the territory only with-in the unity of Spain. Following the proclamation of the First Spanish Republic, the editorial focus shifted away from the colonies, emphasizing internal events.
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Souza, Roseane Silveira de. "Teatro da Paz: histórias invisíveis em Belém do grão-Pará". Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material 18, n. 2 (dicembre 2010): 93–121.

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Abstract (sommario):
Um dos principais exemplares de arquitetura neoclássica no Brasil, o Teatro da Paz, em Belém do Pará, tem sua imagem e história bastante marcadas por uma ampla remodelação, realizada entre 1904 e 1905, quando ganhou as feições luxuosas que mantém até hoje. Essa reforma teve como efeito o ofuscamento de fatos havidos entre a construção (1869-1874), os nove primeiros anos de funcionamento (1878-1887), e sua primeira reforma (1887-1890), envolvendo maus tratos de negócios públicos, disputas de poder entre engenheiros provinciais, litígios, apropriações públicas do teatro-monumento, e a participação dos artistas Domenico de Angelis e Chrispim do Amaral nas obras de reforma. Desvelar essas histórias invisíveis, à margem da história oficial, restitui ao monumento sua dimensão humana, social.
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DANKITTIPAKUL, PAKAWIN, e JANET BECCALONI. "Validation and new synonymies proposed for Cheiracanthium species from South and Southeast Asia (Araneae, Clubionidae)". Zootaxa 3510, n. 1 (9 ottobre 2012): 77.

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Abstract (sommario):
The primary types of Cheiracanthium species from South and Southeast Asia were examined. Cheiracanthium insigne O.P.–Cambridge, 1874 is considered a senior synonym of Eutittha gracilipes Thorell, 1895 (male). Eutittha truncata Thorell,1895 (female) is not a conspecific female of E. gracilipes, provisionally threated as a separate species and proposed hereas a valid taxon because it does not resemble the female of C. insigne. Cheiracanthium rupicolum (Thorell, 1897) is re-garded as a senior synonym of C. gyirongense Hu & Li, 1987. The Himalaya form of C. triviale (Thorell, 1895), whichwas mentioned and illustrated in Gravely (1931), was misidentified and belongs to C. rupicolum. Cheiracanthium insu-lanum (Thorell, 1878) bears strong resemblance to that of C. melanostomum (Thorell, 1895); they probably belong to the same species.
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Pellin, Tommaso. "The introduction of English grammar studies into China in the 19thcentury". Histoire Epistémologie Langage 41, n. 1 (2019): 79–96.

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Abstract (sommario):
During the first half of the 19th century, Protestant missionaries based in China started teaching some English to the students attending their schools; in the second half of the century Chinese scholars opened their own language schools and wrote their grammarbooks of English.This contribution describes four of the grammarbooks for English that marked milestones in that period: Morrison’sA Grammar of the English Language(1823), Lobscheid’sChinese-English grammar(1864), Cáo Xiāng’sYīngzìrùmén(1874), and Wāng Fèngzǎo’sYīngwén jǔyú(1878). Its aim is to sketch the lines of the introduction of some of the key terms for grammar, within the theoretical framework of the phenomenon of grammatization of Chinese: the mutual influence from contemporary grammatical studies of Chinese and other languages will be highlighted.
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MASSA, BRUNO. "New genera, species and records of Afrotropical Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) preserved at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Bruxelles". Zootaxa 4358, n. 3 (30 novembre 2017): 401.

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The results of the study of the rich material of Orthoptera Phaneropterinae at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Bruxelles, are reported. The following new taxa are described: Dithela longicaudata n. sp. from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Terpnistriella bredoi n. gen. n. sp. from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mimoscudderia paulyi n. sp. from the Madagascar, Pseudogoetia constanti n. gen. n. sp. from the Democratic Republic of Congo (including a table listing differences with related genera), and Materuana abyssinica n. sp. from the Ethiopia. Some taxonomic and distributional data about the following species are also reported: Melidia claudiae Massa, 2015, Symmetrokarschia africana (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878), Eurycorypha ndokiensis Massa, 2016, Eurycorypha prasinata Stål, 1874, Eurycorypha spinulosa Karsch, 1889, two unidentified species of Eurycorypha recorded by Griffini in 1908, Tylopsis irregularis Karsch, 1893, Pardalota asymmetrica Karsch, 1896, Pardalota haasi Griffini, 1908, Pardalota karschiana Enderlein, 1907, Pardalota versicolor Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, Poecilogramma cloetensi (Griffini, 1908), Poecilogramma annulifemur Karsch, 1887, Morgenia spathulifera Griffini, 1908, Mimoscudderia picta Carl, 1914 and Angustithorax spiniger Massa, 2015. The following synonymy is established: Plangiopsis shoutedeni Griffini, 1908 = Plangiopsis adeps Karsch, 1896; the latter species, recently moved to the genus Plangiola Bolívar, 1906 is again transferred to the original genus.
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Balmer, Randall. "Apocalypticism in America: The Argot of Premillennialism in Popular Culture". Prospects 13 (ottobre 1988): 417–33.

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Abstract (sommario):
On the evening of good friday, 1878, Charles Taze Russell and a handful of followers, all clad in white robes, gathered at the Sixth Street Bridge in Pittsburgh to await the Millennial Dawn, which would provide their translation into heaven. His study of the Scriptures had convinced Russell, a haberdasher from Allegheny, Pennsylvania, that Christ had returned invisibly in 1874 and that now, three-and-a-half years later, the kingdom of God would begin, and the faithful would be summoned to heaven. Russell later denied the incident—Pittsburgh newspapers insisted otherwise-and revised his theology to accommodate this disappointment. The Kingdom of Jehovah, he said, would begin in 1914, whereupon God and Satan would rule the world jointly until the Battle of Armageddon vanquished the forces of evil and inaugurated a theocratic millennium.
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Balmer, Randall. "Apocalypticism in America: The Argot of Premillennialism in Popular Culture". Prospects 13 (ottobre 1988): 417–33.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
On the evening of good friday, 1878, Charles Taze Russell and a handful of followers, all clad in white robes, gathered at the Sixth Street Bridge in Pittsburgh to await the Millennial Dawn, which would provide their translation into heaven. His study of the Scriptures had convinced Russell, a haberdasher from Allegheny, Pennsylvania, that Christ had returned invisibly in 1874 and that now, three-and-a-half years later, the kingdom of God would begin, and the faithful would be summoned to heaven. Russell later denied the incident—Pittsburgh newspapers insisted otherwise-and revised his theology to accommodate this disappointment. The Kingdom of Jehovah, he said, would begin in 1914, whereupon God and Satan would rule the world jointly until the Battle of Armageddon vanquished the forces of evil and inaugurated a theocratic millennium.
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Binoche, Bertrand. "Do valor da história à história dos valores". Cadernos Nietzsche 1, n. 34 (giugno 2014): 35–62.

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Abstract (sommario):
A questão colocada por Nietzsche em 1874 é explicitamente a do valor da história e só pode ser colocada porque reporta a história a uma instância exterior, a vida, qualificada então como não histórica. Em 1878, Nietzsche inverte sua interrogação e preconiza uma "filosofia histórica" que identifica vida e história, abrindo assim a possibilidade de uma história dos valores. O problema consiste agora em saber como concretizar esta última. Nietzsche recorre então ao esquema utilitarista, com o qual começa uma longa discussão, como testemunha muito bem, em 1882, A gaia ciência. Em 1887, o próprio conceito de "genealogia" é empregado para significar uma nova historicidade, cuja possibilidade mesma depende da liquidação prévia desse modelo, de modo que a crítica a Paul Rée deve ser compreendida também como uma autocrítica.
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FERGUSON, DOUGLAS C., e PAUL A. OPLER. "Checklist of the Arctiidae (Lepidoptera: Insecta) of the continental United States and Canada". Zootaxa 1299, n. 1 (21 agosto 2006): 1.

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A checklist of the 282 species of Arctiidae of North America north of Mexico is presented. The list reflects changes in taxonomy and additions to the fauna since publication of the Checklist of the Moths of America North of Mexico in 1983. Pagara Walker, 1856 and Neoplynes Hampson, 1900 are transferred from Lithosiinae to Arctiinae. Lectotypes are designated for Arctia incorrupta Henry Edwards, 1881, and Arctia incorrupta Henry Edwards, 1881. Two new combinations are proposed: Cisthene tenuifascia schwarziorum Dyar, 1899, and Trocodima fuscipes (Grote, 1883). Arachnis citra verna Barnes & McDunnough, 1918 is proposed as a revised status. “Afrida” exegens Dyar, 1922 is reported for North America for the first time, but its subfamily and generic placement are uncertain. Clemensia patella (Druce, 1885) is raised from synonymy with Clemensia albata Packard, 1864. Seventeen taxa are designated as new or revised synonyms: Arctia oithona Strecker, 1878 (= Grammia phyllira (Drury, 1773)); Arctia rectilinea French, 1879 (= Grammia phyllira (Drury, 1773)); Arctia conspicua Stretch, 1906 (= Grammia phyllira (Drury, 1773)); Arctia quadranotata Strecker, 1880 (= Grammia f-pallida (Strecker, 1878)); Apantesis sociata Barnes & McDunnough, 1910 (= Grammia f-pallida Strecker, 1878); Apantesis moierra Dyar, 1914 (= Grammia f-pallida (Strecker, 1878)); Apantesis mormonica Neumoegen, 1885 (= Notarctia arizoniensis (Stretch)); Arctia caja parva Rothschild, 1910 (= Arctia opulenta (Henry Edwards, 1881)); Kodiosoma otero Barnes, 1907 (= Kodiosoma fulva Stretch, 1872); Estigmene arizonensis Rothschild, 1910 (= Estigmene albida Stretch, 1874); Ecpantheria denudata Slosson, 1888 (= Hypercompe scribonia (Stoll, [1790])); Arachnis hampsoni Dyar, 1903 (= Arachnis picta maia Ottolengui, 1896); Arachnis midas Barnes & Lindsey, 1921 (= Arachnis citra verna Barnes & McDunnough, 1918); Arachnis apachea Clarke, 1941 (= Arachnis citra verna Barnes & McDunnough, 1918); Euchaetes pudens (Henry Edwards, 1882) (= Cycnia collaris (Fitch, 1856)); Arctia sciurus Boisduval, 1869 (= Cycnia tenera Hübner, 1827); Pygarctia albistrigata Barnes & McDunnough, 1913 (= Pygarctia pterygostigma Dyar, 1909); and Microdota hemiceras Forbes, 1931 (= Trocodima fuscipes (Grote, 1883)). Halysidota underwoodi Rothschild and H. fuliginosa Rothschild are removed from the North American list because their inclusion was based on
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Boymurodov, H., A. Egamkulov, F. Zhalilov, B. Aliev, Zh Saidkulov, D. Davronova e U. Shukurova. "Malacofauna of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Middle Part of the Zeravshan River". Bulletin of Science and Practice, n. 9 (15 settembre 2022): 86–92.

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It has been established that in the water ecosystems of sources and springs in the hilly part of the Zeravshan Range, species belonging to 6 families are common. For the first time, it was analyzed that 14 species of mollusks were found in Mirankulsay. It was established that mollusks were distributed according to ecological groups as follows: crenophiles 36% (5 species: Odhneripisidium terekense Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986, O. polytimeticum Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986, O. behningi Izzatullaev & Starobogatov, 1986, Martensamnicola brevicula (von Martens, 1874) and M. hissarica (Zhadin, 1950)), pelolimnophiles 7% (1 species — Euglesa hissarica Izzatullaev, 1985), peloreophiles 14% (2 species: Bucharamnicola bucharica (Zhadin, 1952) and Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758)), telmotophiles 7% (1 species — L. thiessea), phytophils 36% (5 species: L. oblonga Puton, 1847, Costatella acuta (Draparnaud, 1805), Planorbis planorbis (Linnaeus, 1758), P. tangitarensis Germain, 1918 and Anisus ladacensis (Nevill, 1878)).
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Górecki, Krzysztof. "The occurrence of Triaenodes unanimis McLachlan, 1877 (Insecta: Trichoptera) and other rare species of caddisflies in the Powidz Landscape Park (Poland)". Polish Journal of Entomology 91, n. 4 (31 ottobre 2022): 149–60.

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The paper presents the results of studies from 2008, 2009, 2018 and 2021 on the trichopteran fauna of Lake Powidzkie Małe as well as the peatlands of Powidz Landscape Park. The total of 25,091 caddisfly specimens of 47 species were collected. Among them were three species from the Red List of Threatened Animals in Poland – Triaenodes unanimis McLachlan, 1877, Ceraclea nigronervosa (Retzius, 1783) and Oecetis notata (Rambur, 1842) – and four species rare in the fens of Poland – Holocentropus stagnalis (Albarda, 1874) and Cyrnus insolutus McLachlan, 1878. T. unanimis is rare worldwide, including Poland. This is the fourth known site of T. unanimis in Poland and at the same time the most westerly Polish site of this species. The typical habitat of T. unanimis is defined on the basis of available habitat data and my own results.
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Pease, R. S., e S. Lindqvist. "Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven. 30 May 1908–2 April 1995". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 44 (gennaio 1998): 3–19.

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Abstract (sommario):
Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven was born in Norrkoping, Sweden, the son of Johannes Alfven (1878–1944) and Anna–Clara Romanus (1874–1947). Both his parents were practising physicians; they settled in the industrial town of Norrkoping because of their interest in social work. Hannes had one sister Anne–Marie (b. 1913), who became a librarian. His father, who grew up in Stockholm, had a strong interest in science and especially psychiatry. One of his father's many brothers was also a physician, Andrew Alfven; he was politically radical and devoted much of his time to giving evening lectures at worker's institutes. Another uncle, Gosta Alfven, was an agronomist with concern for environmental issues; he also took a private interest in astronomy, keeping a daily journal of luminosity of the stars. A third uncle, Hugo Alfven (1872–1960) was a musician, famous both as a conductor and composer.
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Obtułowicz, Barbara. "María Cristina de Borbón–Dos Sicilias y su nieto el rey Alfonso XII". Estudios Hispánicos 24 (31 marzo 2017): 157–70.

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María Cristina de Borbón–Dos Sicilias and her grandson, King of Spain Alfonso XIIThe article presents the cordial relations between Maria Cristina de Borbón–Dos Sicilias and her grandson, since 1874 King of Spain, Alfonso XII. It focuses on the truth, forgotten by historians, about a human side of Reina Abuela. The main attention is centered on a specific game played by Maria Cristina with her grandson and members of his family, in which both an intention for the Bourbon restoration in the person of Alfonso XII and a consolidation of his rule played a special role. The authors also mention two visits to her grandson in Spain, especially we are interested in Maria Cristina’s arrival in Madrid in 1878, on the occasion of the wedding of Alfonso XII with his cousin Maria de las Mercedes, and the attitude of the former queen and regent to this controversial relationship.
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Helayel, Karim. "Forma literária e processo social: Roberto Schwarz e as relações de favor nos primeiros romances de Machado de Assis". Revista Ensaios 9 (13 aprile 2016): 17.

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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal acompanhar o traçado delineado pela problemática das relações de favor em Ao vencedor as batatas (1977), livro escrito pelo sociólogo e crítico literário Roberto Schwarz. Mais especificamente, analisar-se-á a parte voltada para a análise dos primeiros romances de Machado de Assis, A mão e a luva (1874), Helena (1876) e Iaiá Garcia (1878), intitulada “O paternalismo e a sua racionalização nos primeiros romances de Machado de Assis”. Procurar-se-á perscrutar o processo de construção intelectual cumulativo, no que se refere à perspectiva de Schwarz sobre o favor, tema importante em diversos textos de interpretação do Brasil. É imprescindível salientar que se deve ter em vista a ênfase concedida por Schwarz à matéria local ao analisar a obra de Machado de Assis, própria da configuração e da experiência social brasileira, identificando o favor como um dos aspectos constitutivos centrais de nossa vida social.
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Malabarba, Maria Claudia S. L. "Revision of the Neotropical genus Triportheus Cope, 1872 (Characiformes: Characidae)". Neotropical Ichthyology 2, n. 4 (dicembre 2004): 167–204.

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The genus Triportheus Cope, 1872 is revised and a total of 16 species (including 3 new species) are recognized from most of the major river drainages of South America. Triportheus magdalenae (Steindachner, 1878) is the sole species occurring west of the Andean Cordilleras. Triportheus paranensis (Günther, 1874) is considered a junior synonym of Triportheus nematurus (Kner, 1858) and a new Triportheus species is described for the río Paraguay basin. Chalcinus rotundatus iquitensis Nakashima, 1941 and Chalcinus elongatus iquitensis Nakashima, 1941 are placed into the synonymy of Triportheus albus Cope, 1872 and T. culter (Cope, 1872) respectively. The name Salmo clupeoides employed by Natterer (in Kner, 1860) is considered a nomen nudum. Neotypes are designated for Chalceus angulatus Spix & Agassiz, 1829, Chalceus rotundatus Jardine in Schomburgk, 1841 and Chalcinus auritus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1850. Lectotypes are designated for Chalcinus brachipomus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1850 and Chalcinus nematurus. Identification keys are provided for the Triportheus species in the major drainage basins of South America.
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Doweld, Alexander Borisovitch. "Cissus notabilis, a new name for extant Cissus spectabilis (Vitaceae)". Phytotaxa 231, n. 1 (15 ottobre 2015): 99.

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The creation of the International Fossil Plant Names Index (IFPNI, 2014 onwards) with the aim of listing of all fossil plant species reveals a few new cases of homonymy between fossil and extant species. The name Cissus spectabilis (Kurz) Planchon (1887: 1092), originally published as Vitis spectabilis Kurz (1874: 196), is an illegitimate later homonym of Cissus spectabilis Heer (1878: 45) (Art. 53.1 of the ICN, McNeill et al., 2012). C. spectabilis Heer is a fossil-species currently accepted (Kirchheimer 1939, Sosnowsky 1949, 1974, Kryshtofovich & Baikovskaja 1960), described from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) deposits of Sakhalin island (Far East, Russian Federation). Since the preoccupied extant species C. spectabilis (Kurz) Planch., a narrow Indian endemic restricted to Sikkim, Siliguri and neighboring localities of West Bengal, is also currently recognized as a valid species (The Plant List 2013 onwards; eFlora of India 2014 onwards) and it does not have any synonym, a nomen novum, C. notabilis, is here formally proposed as a replacement name.
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JÄGER, PETER, e PAKAWIN DANKITTIPAKUL. "Clubionidae from Laos and Thailand (Arachnida: Araneae)". Zootaxa 2730, n. 1 (24 dicembre 2010): 23.

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Clubionidae collected in Laos and Thailand were investigated. Seven new species are described: Clubiona kai spec. nov. (male: Laos, Luang Prabang Prov.), Clubiona lala spec. nov. (female: Laos, Luang Nam Tha Prov.), Clubiona maipai spec. nov. (male: Thailand, Mae Hong Son Prov.), Clubiona kuu spec. nov. (male: Laos, Luang Prabang Prov.), Clubiona vukomi spec. nov. (male: Laos, Luang Nam Tha Prov.), Malamatidia zu spec. nov. (male: Laos, Luang Prabang Prov.) and Malamatidia christae spec. nov. (female: Laos, Luang Nam Tha Prov.). The genus Malamatidia, previously known from Sumatra, Sarawak, the Malaysian peninsular, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi is recorded from Laos (Luang Nam Tha Province) as northernmost distribution locality and is re-diagnosed. Cheiracanthium insulanum (Thorell, 1878), Cheiracanthium unicum Bosenberg and Strand, 1906, Clubiona abnormis Dankittipakul, 2008, Clubiona filicata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874, Clubiona melanothele Thorell, 1895 are recorded for the first time from Laos. Cheiracanthium insulanum, Clubiona abnormis, and Clubiona melanothele are additionally illustrated. A map with all records is provided.
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LaPorte, Charles. "ATHEIST PROPHECY: MATHILDE BLIND, CONSTANCE NADEN, AND THE VICTORIAN POETESS". Victorian Literature and Culture 34, n. 2 (25 agosto 2006): 427–41.

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Abstract (sommario):
Scholars of nineteenth-century women's poetry often recount that the sentimental piety – indeed, the quasi-religiosity – of the Victorian “poetess” disappears from women's poetry in the mordant irony of thefin de siècle.Virginia Blain, for instance, has recently identified Mathilde Blind and Constance Naden as representatives of “the new breed of post-Darwinian atheists” that comes to replace an earlier, implicitly Christian feminine tradition associated with Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Blain 332). On a related note, I have recently proposed that George Eliot'sLegend of Jubalcollections (1874, 1878) present a rather late instance of this poetess tradition (LaPorte 159–61). In what follows, I would like to argue thatfin-de-siècleiconoclasts such as Blind and Naden actually work hard to reclaim and redeem some of the prominent religious elements of the mid-century poetess tradition, and that Eliot's unusual combination of sentimental piety and religious skepticism gives them a particularly useful model for doing so.
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Devoy, Louise E. "Lunar Crater Models". Nuncius 35, n. 2 (10 settembre 2020): 300–332.

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Abstract This article traces the story of three amateur astronomers who created relief models to help them depict the changing illumination of certain lunar craters, examples of which can be found in UK museum collections today. English chemist Henry Blunt (1806–1853) adopted the emerging technology of electrotyping to reproduce and distribute his plaster model of the Eratosthenes crater to a wider audience. Scottish industrial engineer James Nasmyth (1808–1890) used a combination of drawing, modelling and photography to support his thesis on the volcanic origin of lunar craters in his popular book The Moon Considered … (1874). Spanish sculptor Dionis Renart (1878–1946) produced a series of plaster models for the Exposición General De Estudios Lunares (1912) that eventually came to Greenwich via the British selenographer Hugh Percy Wilkins (1896–1960). These three case studies provide us with valuable insights into the rationale behind the production, use and distribution of lunar crater models within amateur and popular astronomy.
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DURSUN, AHMET, e MERAL FENT. "Annotated Checklist of Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Turkey with new records for the faunas of Europe and Turkish Thrace". Zootaxa 4347, n. 3 (14 novembre 2017): 465.

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In this study, all the so far manuscripts on Tingidae fauna in Turkey has been revised and adults samples from the family Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) were collected from different localities in Anatolia and Thrace of Turkey and an annotated checklist of Tingidae occurring is presented. As a results of this study, of Tingidae fauna from Turkey stated that it consists of 78 species has revealed that the number of species is 88 species and 1 subspecies. Nine species and subspecies, Catoplatus horvathi (Puton, 1878), Copium clavicorne clavicorne (Linnaeus, 1758), Derephysia foliacea foliacea (Fallén, 1807), Dictyla nassata (Puton, 1874), Dictyla rotundata (Herrich−Schaeffer, 1835), Dictyonota strichnocera Fieber, 1844, Lasiacantha capucina capucina (Germar, 1837) Stephanitis oschanini Vasiliev, 1935 and Tingis geniculata (Fieber, 1844) are new records for the fauna of Turkish Thrace (European part of Turkey) and of those, S. oschanini is recorded for the first time from Europe. The specimen Dictyonata astragali Štusák & Önder, 1982 type locality in Turkey has been mentioned second locality from Merzifon (Amasya).
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Ramírez Santacruz, Francisco. "Crueldad, paternalismo y estilo tragicómico en Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas de Joaquín María Machado de Assis". Revista Valenciana estudios de filosofía y letras, n. 2 (8 luglio 2016): 105.

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Abstract (sommario):
A Mâo e a Luva (1874), Helena (1876) e Iaiá Garcia (1878), tres de las cuatro primeras novelas de Joaquín María Machado de Assis, el novelista brasileño más importante del siglo XIX, se ocupan del problema del paternalismo en el terreno de las relaciones amorosas y de la humillación de las mujeres que esta situación conlleva.1 Por lo mismo no sorprende que en dos ocasiones dichas obras hagan una referencia explícita a la mujer en el título. En efecto, Machado de Assis, sin par en el ámbito latinoamericano de su tiempo, se ocupó constantemente del problema de la relación entre la clase dominante y la clase libre (pero sin trabajo) partiendo de la figura femenina, poniendo así sobre la mesa uno de los problemas claves, pero prohibidos, de su época. En su quinta novela, Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas (1880), nuestro autor inaugura el realismo en Brasil y dedica espléndidas páginas al tema de marras.
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Zhao, Huifeng, Shuanghu Fan, Nonillon M. Aspe, Lichao Feng e Yufeng Zhang. "Characterization of 15 Earthworm Mitogenomes from Northeast China and Its Phylogenetic Implication (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Moniligastridae)". Diversity 14, n. 9 (28 agosto 2022): 714.

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Abstract (sommario):
Earthworms are an important ecological group, especially in agricultural regions in Northeast China. However, fewer studies focus on this group of organisms compared with other faunal groups. Here, we sequenced 15 new mitogenomes of Aporrectodea tuberculata Eisen, 1874, A. trapezoides Duges, 1828, Eisenia nordenskioldi Eisen, 1878 and Drawida ghilarovi Gates, 1969 in Northeast China using a high-throughput sequencing platform. These incomplete linear and double-stranded mitogenomes vary from 14,998 bp to 16,123 bp in size and include 37 genes and a putative control region. Intraspecific genetic divergence was quantified in the lumbricid species, and a control region in D. ghilarovi was reported for the first time by comparison to the mitogenomes of the congeners. Phylogenetic analysis based on coding genes and ribosomal DNA datasets using BI and ML inferences showed the non-monophyly of Aporrectodea and polyphyly of E. nordenskioldi. Future works should examine the taxonomy, phylogeny and population genetics not only of Lumbricidae but also the other earthworm families on the global scale using mitogenomic and nuclear data.
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INABA, TOMOKI, e HIROYUKI MOTOMURA. "Review of the Indo-West Pacific genus Inimicus (Synanceiidae: Choridactylinae)". Zootaxa 4482, n. 1 (17 settembre 2018): 52.

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The stinger genus Inimicus Jordan & Starks, 1904 (family Synanceiidae), distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by having two free pectoral-fin rays. Examination of the original descriptions and 420 specimens, including all available type specimens, of the genus resulted in the recognition of nine valid species: Inimicus brachyrhynchus (Bleeker, 1874) (recorded from Hong Kong and Singapore), I. caledonicus (Sauvage, 1878) (distributed in Andaman Sea and western Pacific Ocean), I. cuvieri (Gray, 1835) (Andaman Sea and western Pacific Ocean), I. didactylus (Pallas, 1769) (western Pacific), I. filamentosus (Cuvier, 1829) (western Indian Ocean), I. gruzovi Mandrytsa, 1991 (Coral Sea), I. japonicus (Cuvier, 1829) (East Asia), I. sinensis (Valenciennes, 1833) (eastern Indian and western Pacific oceans), and I. smirnovi Mandrytsa, 1990 (southwestern Pacific Ocean). Inimicus joubini (Chevey, 1927), previously considered a valid species, is herein regarded as a junior synonym of I. japonicus. Another 10 nominal species are confirmed to be synonymized with the nine species. A revised diagnosis for each species and a key to all the species are provided.
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Framenau, Volker, e Nikolaj Scharff. "The orb-weaving spider genus Larinia in Australia (Araneae: Araneidae)". Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 66, n. 2 (5 dicembre 2008): 227–50.

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Despite some dispute on the validity of the genera in the “Larinia-group” (as defined by Grasshoff in 1970), Larinia Simon, 1874 and Lipocrea Thorell, 1878 have been maintained as separate genera. Our review does not allow sustaining a separation of these two genera in Australia taking into account morphological variability within and between the species. We accept a commonly employed broader concept of Larinia and recognise fi ve Australian species. Larinia montagui Hogg, 1914 (revalidated) is the most common representative of the genus in Australia, with records from all mainland states and many offshore islands. Larinia phthisica (L. Koch, 1871) and L. tabida (L. Koch, 1872) occur sympatrically along the coast in the northern two thirds of Australia, with L. phthisica also being present in South Australia. Larinia jamberoo sp. nov. has been reported from New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. The synonymy of Larinia delicata Rainbow, 1920, currently only known from Lord Howe Island, with Lipocrea diluta Thorell, 1887 is disputed and the species revalidated.
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Iveljić, Željko, Dan Lanc, Kamenka Živčić e Lucija Milčić. "DEVELOPMENT OF GYMNASTICS IN CROATIA UP TO 1903". Science of Gymnastics Journal 15, n. 1 (24 febbraio 2023): 5–25.

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Abstract (sommario):
This manuscript aimed to show the development of gymnastics in Croatia up until 1903. This article provided a chronological description of the growth of gymnastics in Croatia from 1859 to 1903. In Osijek, Croatia's first gymnastics society was founded in 1865. Gymnastics were introduced into schools in the middle of the 19th century as a result of increased interest in physical education based on by the stronger development of civil society. 1874. was founded Croatian Sokol in Zagreb and gymnastics also became a part of a high school program. In Croatia, numerous gymnastics societies started to be established, including the Varaždin Sokol Gymnastic Society in 1878 and the Zadar Gymnastic Society in 1876. In Dalmatia, central Croatia, and Slavonia, new gymnastics societies have been founded. For example, the Croatian Sokol was founded in Bjelovar in 1884 and Makarska in 1894. Additionally, the gymnastics society took part in open workouts in Prague and Pariz. Women's gymnastics started on in 1891 in Croatian Sokol in Zagreb where exercises were conducted in three divisions, including simple exercises and those on the apparatus.
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Gorochov, A. V. "Systematics of the American Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Communication 8". Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 322, n. 4 (25 dicembre 2018): 398–456.

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The genera Rhammatopoda Redtenbacher, 1892 (Mecopodinae), Gnathoclita Hagenbach, 1841 (Pleminiinae), Theia Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891, Viadana Walker, 1869, Tomeophera Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878, Abrodiaeta Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878, Aganacris Walker, 1871, Theudoria Stål, 1874, Ligocatinus Rehn, 1901, gen. resurr. (it is restored from synonym to Homotoicha Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891), Ceraiaella Hebard, 1933, Enthephippion Bruner, 1915, Parableta Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878, Chloroscirtus Saussure et Pictet, 1897 and Euthyrrachis Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1878 (Phaneropterinae), as well as Phlugiola Karny, 1907 (Meconematinae) are considered. The following new taxa are described from Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Surinam, Paraguay and Colombia: Rhammatopoda calabaza sp. nov. from Peru; Rh. oxapampa sp. nov. from Peru; Gnathoclita (Gnathoclita) izerskyi sp. nov. from Peru; Theia (Oxyprorella) hetairomima sp. nov. from Peru; Viadana (Paraviadana) ashaninka sp. nov. from Peru; V. (Viadana) rostrata sp. nov. from Peru; V. (V.) parobliqua sp. nov. from Ecuador; Tomeophera cellulata sp. nov. from Peru; T. para­llela sp. nov. from Peru; Abrodiaeta (Abrodiaeta) macricula sp. nov. from Peru; A. (Sclerodiaeta) propinqua subgen. et sp. nov. from Brazil; A. (S.) fruhstorferi sp. nov. from Brazil; A. (Barodiaeta) minasgerais subgen. et sp. nov. from Brazil; Rostellula minutissima gen. et sp. nov. from Peru; R. santacruzi sp. nov. from Bolivia; Separatula adunca gen. et sp. nov. from Peru and Ecuador; Theudoria (Ctenophorema stat. nov.)pyrrhopterus surinam subsp. nov. from Surinam; Ligocatinus paraguay sp. nov. from Paraguay; Ceraiaellazebrina pudica subsp. nov. from Peru; Stylibleta subgen. nov. and Oscarbleta subgen. nov. in Parableta s. l.; P. (Parableta)cercata sp. nov. from Ecuador; P. (P.) nikolaii sp. nov. from Peru; P. (?P.) denticulata sp. nov. from Bolivia; Chloroscirtuscolumbianus sp. nov. from Colombia; Euthyrrhachis consobrina elsol subsp. nov. from Bolivia; Phlugiola paratushali sp. nov. from Peru. One former genus is reduced to the subgenus Homotoicha Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891, stat. nov. of the genus Theudoria. Amaura olivacea Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891, A. borelli Giglio-Tos, 1897, Ligocatinus sordidus Rehn, 1921, L. minutus Rehn, 1921 and Phaneroptera quadrivittata Piza, 1967, considered previously as belonging to three species of Homotoicha, as well as Phaneropterella infumata Piza, 1977 are transferred to the genus Enthephippion with establishing the following synonymy: Phaneropterella Piza, 1977, syn. nov. = Enthephippion; E. olivaceum comb. nov. = Ph. quadrivittata; E. borelli sp. resurr. et comb. nov. (it is restored from synonymy to E. olivaceum) = L. sordidus syn. nov.; E. minutum comb. nov. and E. infumatum comb. nov. are possible synonyms of each other. Homotoicha amazoniensis Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 is here included in the genus Euthyrrhachis (as E. amazoniensis comb. nov.). Some other new data on the above-mentioned genera are also given.
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Rivauzi, Ahmad. "Pertubuhan dan Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam di Minangkabau". Turast : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian 7, n. 1 (30 luglio 2019): 109–26.

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Pendidikan Surau adalah lembaga pendidikan yang lahir dari rahim kultural masyarakat Minangkabau. Sejauh yang dapat ditelusuri, sebagai bentuk awalnya adalah surau yang dirintis oleh Syekh Burhanuddin Ulakan pada akhir abad 17 di Ulakan Pariaman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan metode kualitatif karena terdapatnya kepentingan terhadap penafsiran dan mencari makna dari teks-teks tertulis. Di kalangan tokoh-tokoh kaum tua pembaruan pendidikan dilakukan dengan mendirikan madrasah sebagai pengganti surau dan mendirikan organisasi seperti Ittihad Ulama Sumatera di Bukittinggi tahun 1921 yang dipimpin oleh Syaikh Sa’ad Mungka, Persatuan Madrasah-madrasah Tarbiyah di Bukittinggi tahun 1928 yang kemudian dirobah menjadi Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah di Bukittinggi pada tahun 1931 yang ketuanya adalah Sultha’in atau sulthani Dt Rajo Dubalang. Sedangkan di kalangan kaum muda yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai gerakan pemurnian agama, pembaharuan dalam pemikiran dan pemahaman ajaran-ajaran agama dan modernisasi dalam pendidikan, sosial, dan politik, mendirikian sekolah-sekolah di antaranya Madras School oleh Syaikh Muhammad Thaib Umar (1874-1920), Madrasah Thawalib Padang Panjang tahun 1921 oleh Syaikh Abdul Karim Amrullah (1879-1949), Adabiyah School tahun 1909 Di Padang Panjang, dan mendirikan PGAI tahun 1919 di Padang oleh Syaikh Abdullah Ahmad (1878-1933) dan lain-lain.
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Hansson, Nils, Peter M. Nilsson, Heiner Fangerau e Jonatan Wistrand. "The enactment of physician-authors in Nobel Prize nominations". PLOS ONE 15, n. 11 (23 novembre 2020): e0242498.

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Several physicians have been nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature, but so far none of them have received it. Because physicians as women and men of letters have been a major topic of feuilletons, seminars and books for many years, questions arise to what extent medicine was a topic in the proposals for the Nobel Prize and in the Nobel jury evaluations: how were the nominees enacted (or not) as physicians, and why were none of them awarded? Drawing on nomination letters and evaluations by the Nobel committee for literature collected in the archive of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, this article offers a first overview of nominated physician-author candidates. The focus is on the Austrian historian of medicine Max Neuburger (1868–1955), the German novelist Hans Carossa (1878–1956), and the German poet Gottfried Benn (1886–1956), but it also briefly takes further physician-author nominees into account such as Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) and William Somerset Maugham (1874–1965). The article is part of an interdisciplinary medical humanities project that analyses nominations and committee reports for physicians and natural scientists nominated for the Nobel Prize from 1901 to 1970.
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Martins, Edson Ferreira. "Machado de Assis, leitor de Homero". Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos 33, n. 1 (31 maggio 2020): 227–44.

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No presente estudo, analiso a produção ficcional do escritor Machado de Assis relativa à década de 1870, quando o autor brasileiro, após ter-se dedicado à poesia e ao teatro, estreou no gênero romance, produzindo quatro obras no período: Ressurreição (1872), A mão e a luva (1874), Helena (1876) e Iaiá Garcia (1878). Focalizando o tema dos diálogos (Bakhtin, 2002 [1929]) que o autor estabelece em sua narrativa com as literaturas grega e romana produzidas na Antiguidade Clássica, objetivo demonstrar que, dentre os modelos destas matrizes que Machado versou continuadamente como autor-leitor, destaca-se o nome de Homero e os poemas épicos atribuídos a ele. Durante a análise das obras selecionadas, demonstro como a escolha das cenas homéricas imitadas, sobretudo da Ilíada, pelo futuro autor das Memórias Póstumas é importante para a construção de sua poética de revalorização da imitatio e da aemulatio que, aliada à sua visão aguda dos problemas sociais brasileiros, revoluciona a forma de se pensar o projeto de concepção de uma literatura nacional, em pleno contexto de ebulição do Romantismo, atravessando os limites desta escola e apontando saídas para a sua superação.
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Pikuła, Piotr. "Dla nas wszystkich tylko jedna droga... Paweł Pikuła a tajna misja jezuitów na Podlasiu". Nasza Przeszłość 119 (30 giugno 2013): 197–236.

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Artykuł koncentruje się na opisie życia i działalności Pawła Pikuły z Derła w świetle wspomnień i listów jezuitów zaangażowanych w tają misję na Podlasiu w latach 1878-1904. Włościanina z Derła wspominają Teodor Sozański SJ, Jan Urban SJ i Apoloniusz Kraupa SJ i Józef Grużewski SJ, którzy brali udział w pracy nad utrzymaniem prześladowanych unitów w jedności z Kościołem rzymskokatolickim. Najobszerniejszy materiał źródłowy pozostawił Grużewski. Jako współwięzień Pikuły przekazał najwięcej informacji na jego temat. Z zachowanych wspomnień wynika, że Pikuła wspierał misjonarzy od 1885 roku, za co w 1886 roku został osadzony w X Pawilonie Cytadeli Warszawskiej. Po nieudolnej próbie przechytrzenia carskiej administracji został uznany przez bliskich i sąsiadów za zdrajcę. Broniąc swojego dobrego imienia, Pikuła dobrowolnie zgłosił się do Cytadeli i w 1887 roku na własny koszt pojechał na zesłanie do Kiryłowa. Po odbyciu kary wrócił w rodzinne strony i nadal wspierał misjonarzy. Prezentacja osoby Pawła Pikuły, włościanina z Derła, wiąże się ściśle z tematem heroicznej obrony cerkwi unickiej w Pratulinie w 1874 roku, podczas której zginęło trzynastu mężczyzn, beatyfikowanych w 1996 roku przez Jana Pawła II. Paweł Pikuła brał aktywny udział w tej obronie, a kilku z Męczenników to jego współpracownicy lub wychowankowie.
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Hugason, Hjalti. "Aðskilnaður ríkis og kirkju. Upphaf almennrar umræðu 1878–1915. Síðari grein". Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar, n. 48 (2019): 25–60.

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The Icelandic Constitution from 1874 constituted a national church and religious freedom in the country, instead of the former evangelical-lutheran state-religion. Only four years later discussions began about whether a national church and religious freedom were compatible or if it was necessary to choose the one or the other. In an article published in the last number of this journal it was shown how two opposite viewpoints regarding this question had already developed by 1880. The first one, “the way of separation”, was driven by human-rights perspectives, aiming to establish real religious freedom for everybody. The other one, “the way of legislation”, was based on religious and ecclesiastic perspectives. Those who followed the second one, wanted to develop an independent national church, with ongoing relations with the state. In this second article, particular themes of the debate on separation between church and state are analyzed, and various views on the topic expressed in religious bulletins and journals examined. The main focus will be on the financial relationship between the state and the church after separation had taken place, and the question of public education, which was the responsibility of the national church until 1907. To conclude with, it will be shown how the criticism of separatists were met by constitutional amendments in 1915. Finally, the interpretation that discussions about separation of state and church during the period 1878–1915 should be seen as a part of the national freedom struggle of the Icelandic people is rejected.
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