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Articoli di riviste sul tema "(1874-1878)"


SWAMINATHAN, R., RAJENDRA NAGAR e T. SWAMINATHAN. "First description of the female Elimaea melanocantha (Walker, 1869) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from India". Zootaxa 4243, n. 2 (15 marzo 2017): 389. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4243.2.10.

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Abstract (sommario):
The genus Elimaea Stal, 1874 was established for the type species Phaneroptera subcarinata Stal 1861 (Hongkong), the type genus of the Phaneropterinae. These insects are poorly known from India. Relevant important work on the taxonomy and distribution of Tettigoniidae of northeastern India include those of Barman & Srivastava (1976), Shishodia (2000), Shishodia & Tandon (2000), Barman (2003), Shishodia et al. (2003 & 2010) and, recently, Nagar et al. (2014, 2015a-b) have reported new and additional species of Phaneropterinae from India. The tribe Elimaeini Yakobson, 1905 (group Elimaeae Brunner, 1878) is known to comprise three Oriental genera, Elimaea Stal, 1874; Hemielimaea Brunner, 1878; and Ectadia Brunner, 1878. Karny (1926) divided the genus into three subgenera: Orthelimaea, Rhaebelimaea and Elimaea s. str., based on the shape of the anterior femora and the branching in the radius sector of the tegmen. Of these, Elimaea is most speciose and quite widespread in the Indian sub-continent. Gorochov (2013) reported two species, Elimaea melanocantha (Walker, 1869) and Elimaea nigrosignata Bolivar, 1900 in the group Neoelimaea. The terminology used is that of Ingrisch (1998) and Rentz and Colless (1990).
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Budrewicz, Tadeusz. "Dialektyka wróg–rodzina. O Sąsiadach Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego i Marii Sadowskiej". Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, n. 12 (21 dicembre 2023): 53–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/2299-7458.12.04.

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Abstract (sommario):
Powieści Marii Sadowskiej Sąsiedzi (1874) oraz Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego Sąsiedzi (1878) podejmują ten sam temat. Opisują spory między sąsiadami – szlachtą. Granice posiadłości ziemskich generowały ostre konflikty. Sąsiad był wrogiem. Sąsiedzi się nienawidzili, ale ich dzieci się kochały. Młoda generacja przemienia dawnych wrogów w rodzinę, co jest zapowiedzią dobrej przyszłości. Takie obrazy są metonimią sytuacji politycznej Polski. Autorzy przedstawiają w powieściach program solidaryzmu jako podstawę bytu narodu.
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Коцаренко, В. Ф. "«ДРУГЕ НАРОДЖЕННЯ» ЗАЛІЗНИЦІ У КРАМАТОРСЬКУ: АНАЛІЗ АРХІВНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ (1874–1878 рр.)". Facets of History, n. 1(9) (30 dicembre 2018): 276–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.61655/2708-1249.1(9).2018.276-280.

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Abstract (sommario):
У статті досліджено процес становлення та розвитку напівстанції та пізніше –станції «Краматорська» у другій половині ХІХ ст. Висвітлено унікальні відомості щодо початкового етапу історії міста Краматорськ. Проаналізовано історичні обставини довкола розвитку залізниць на північних теренах Бахмутського повіту.
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Радосављевић, Јелена. "МИТРОПОЛИТ ЕВСТАТИЈЕ И УСПОСТАВЉАЊЕ СРПСКЕ ЦРКВЕНЕ УПРАВЕ У НИШАВСКОЈ МИТРОПОЛИЈИ 1878." Историјски часопис, n. 67/2018 (30 dicembre 2018): 247–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.34298/ic1867247r.

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Abstract (sommario):
У раду је, на основу расположивих извора и литературе, обрађена биографија Евстатија Димитракијева, првог пелагонијског (1872–1874), а потом и нишавског митрополита Бугарске егзархије (1874–1878). Поред биографских података о њему који су до сада били познати, посебна пажња посвећена је спорним моментима и стереотипима везаним за његов живот и рад по ослобођењу Пирота од стране војске Кнежевине Србије 1878. На основу извора који раније нису били доступни, њих је сада могуће отклонити. То се посебно односи на сложен однос који је митрополит Евстатије имао са новим српским властима, како државним тако и црквеним. Указано је на то да је лош лични однос са изаслаником митрополита Михаила Јовановића, свештеником Николом Ружичићем, али и начелником Пиротског округа Пантелијом Срећковићем, у великој мери допринео неспоразумима у Нишавској митрополији. Решено је и питање да ли је по наредби српских власти Евстатије био ухапшен или интерниран, и да ли је послат у Крагујевац или у Крушевац. Дати су подаци о томе како су се за то време српске власти према њему односиле, и како се вратио у Нишавску митрополију. Такође је расветљено и његово напуштање Нишавске митрополије после Берлинског конгреса и одлазак у Бугарску, а потом у Цариград и у Једренску егзархијску митрополију. Значајна пажња усмерена је на његов став према успостављању српске државне и црквене управе у ослобођеним крајевима.
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VOLYNKIN, ANTON V. "Three new species of the genus Aemene Walker (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from the Himalayas". Zootaxa 5068, n. 4 (18 novembre 2021): 533–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5068.4.4.

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Abstract (sommario):
Three new species of the genus Aemene Walker, 1854 are described: Aemene cernyi sp. n. (NE India and E Nepal), Aemene laszloi sp. n. (C Nepal) and Aemene bucseki sp. n. (C Nepal and Pakistan). The Aemene taprobanis Walker, 1854 species-group is established and characterised. The status of one taxon previously considered as a junior synonym of A. taprobanis is revised: Aemene sinuata Moore, 1878, stat. rev. A taxon previously considered as a subspecies of A. taprobanis is upgraded to species level: Aemene likiangensis (Daniel, 1951), stat. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Aemene taprobanis Walker, 1854, Panassa cingalesa Walker, 1865, Autoceras grammophora Felder, 1874 and Aemene sinuata Moore, 1878. Adults together with the male and the female genitalia of the new and related species are illustrated.
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Wood, A. M., e R. C. Whatley. "The genera <i>Muellerina</i> Bassiouni, 1965 and <i>Thaerocythere</i> Hazel, 1967 from the Neogene of Northwest Europe". Journal of Micropalaeontology 16, n. 1 (1 maggio 1997): 1–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/jm.16.1.1.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract. Twenty one species of the genera Muellerina and Thaerocythere are considered. Of these, 11 species, including the type species of both genera, have been described previously. Two species are left in open nomenclature due to inadequate numbers but eight are described as new. These species are: Muellerina latimarginata (Speyer, 1863), M. abyssicola (Sars, 1866), M. lacunosa (Jones, 1857), M. praeabyssicola Uffenorde, 1981, M. parvipunctata Uffenorde, 1981, Thaerocythere crenulata (Sars, 1866), T. hoptonensis (Brady, Crosskey &amp; Robertson, 1874), T. mayburyae Cronin, 1991, T. oedichilus (Brady, 1878), T. trachypora (Jones, 1857), T. trapezia (Brady, 1878), and the new species M. dolabrata, M. metabyssicola, M. orygyma, M. pliocenica, T. biformis, T. praecrenulata, T. vermiculata, T. woutersi and T. wittei. The phyletic relationships of these northwestern European species are considered.
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Golev, Ivan A. "Preparation and conduct of the first mongolian expedition G.N. Potanina (based on letters from 1874-1878)". Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedenie, n. 47 (2022): 233–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/22220836/47/19.

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Abstract (sommario):
The work is devoted to the study of the first Mongolian expedition of the famous explorer of North and Central Asia Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin. With the help of letters, a historical reconstruction of Potanin's work on the preparation and conduct of the expedition was carried out. During the expedition, Potanin and his companions visited the Mongolian cities of Kobdo, Khami and Ulyasutai. As a result, valuable museum collections were collected, which are still kept in many Russian museums. Big correspondence G.N. Potanin covers the course of the expedition in detail, he wrote letters to I.I. Shishkin, A.S. Gatsiskom, N.M. Yadrintsev, I.I. Wilson, K.V. Lavrsky and others. Some of the letters were published in the publication “Letters of G.N. Potanin”, and the other part is stored in the Department of Manuscripts and Book Monuments of the Scientific Library of TSU. The author of the article notes that in the letters Potanin described in detail the preparatory work, which included reading scientific literature, visiting the herbarium, worked in the geological office under the guidance of Professor A.A. Foreigners. Potanin was one of the first to write that the Russians borrowed little from the Eastern countries, from China and Japan, and believed that trade relations should be developed. During the expedition, G.N. Potanin continued to communicate with his friends and like-minded people and generously shared with them the details of the expedition's everyday life, reported on his studies, the collection of folklore, and the difficulties faced by the expedition members. The most interesting data in the letters is about building relationships with the local population, about how travelers found an approach and persuaded the Chinese and Mongols to give information to researchers. As a result of the expedition, 20 astronomical points were identified, about 500 skins of mammals and birds and 5000 insect specimens, 1000 plant species and 200 rock samples were collected. Letters to G.N. Potanin are the most valuable historical source, due to the uniqueness of the information reported in them, many of the data given in the letters are not repeated in any other documents. The author of the article says that the appeal to Potanin's letters allows not only to describe the process of preparing and conducting the first Mongolian expedition, but also characterizes G.N. Potanin as a researcher of a wide scientific profile, as an organizer and leader of work on the study of Central Asia.
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Magyar, Imre, e Lajos Katona. "Taxonomic revision of the Lake Pannon cockle subgenus Lymnocardium (Budmania) Brusina, 1897". Geologia Croatica 76, n. 1 (23 febbraio 2023): 37–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.4154/gc.2023.01.

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The lymnocard subgenus Budmania is characterized by the most unusual and spectacular morphology in the endemic mollusc fauna of the late Miocene – Pliocene Lake Pannon. Budmania possessed extremely high, hollow, irregular keels on its ribs, a pattern that was long considered an adaptation to the fluid, muddy substratum. Eight species were described with this pattern between 1874 and 1973. Our revision, based on the type materials and a large number of other specimens from several collections revealed, however, that only two species can be distinguished with certainty: Lymnocardium (Budmania) ferrugineum (Brusina, 1874) and L. (B.) cristagalli (Roth, 1878). The former lived in the littoral zone of Lake Pannon, on sandy substratum, whereas the latter inhabited the sublittoral zone with muddy substratum. This habitat partitioning challenges the interpretation of the high, hollow keels as an adaptation to soft, muddy substratum. The occurrence of both species seems to have been restricted to 7.5-7.15 Ma.
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Stanley-Price, Nicholas. "ILLICIT EXCAVATION: THE TRIAL OF ALESSANDRO PALMA DI CESNOLA IN CYPRUS IN 1878". Antiquaries Journal 98 (settembre 2018): 297–317. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s000358151800001x.

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Abstract (sommario):
The prosecution in Cyprus of an Italian citizen for illicit excavation in 1878 is a very early case in modern cultural heritage law. In taking over from the Ottoman empire the administration of Cyprus in June 1878, Britain inherited the Ottoman legal system, including its 1874 law on antiquities. Four months later, the British arrested Alessandro Palma di Cesnola for flouting a newly announced ban on excavation. The evidence of official, confidential records reveals the steps leading to the Italian’s arrest, trial and conviction in court. His trial followed Ottoman legal procedures, but the verdict was decided by the district commissioner, a British military officer unfamiliar with local law and languages. Alessandro Palma di Cesnola’s claims of American citizenship and a diplomatic status are shown to have been invalid. A closing review suggests that the British Museum was influential in prompting the ban on excavation and that moral and financial pressures led Alessandro Palma di Cesnola to ignore it.
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Gorochov, A. V. "Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 9: the American tribe Paroecanthini". Zoosystematica Rossica 20, n. 2 (25 dicembre 2011): 216–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.31610/zsr/2011.20.2.216.

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Systematic position and composition of the endemic American tribe Paroecanthini are discussed. This tribe is divided into two subtribes: Paroecanthina stat. nov. (from Paroecanthini Gorochov, 1986) and Tafaliscina stat. nov. (from Tafaliscinae Desutter, 1988). Five new genera, 24 new species and 6 new subspecies are described. Systematic position and distribution of true and possible taxa of Paroecanthini are clarified, and some of these taxa are redescribed. Orocharis eclectos Otte, 2006, syn. nov. is synonymised with Paroecanthus mexicanus Saussure, 1859 which is restored as type species of Paroecanthus Saussure, 1859 according to original monotypy of this genus. Orocharis signatus Walker, 1869 and Carsidava Walker, 1869 are excluded from synonymy of P. mexicanus and Paroecanthus, respectively. Orocharis signatus is considered to be a probable synonym of P. aztecus aztecus Saussure, 1874. Carsidava and Chremon Rehn, 1930, syn. nov. are considered possible and evident synonyms of Ectotrypa Saussure, 1874, respectively. Angustitrella vicina (Chopard, 1912), sp. resurr. and A. picipes (Bruner, 1916), sp. resurr. are restored from synonymy of A. podagrosa (Saussure, 1897) and Siccotrella niger (Saussure, 1874), respectively. Lectotype of Amblyrhethus brevipes (Saussure, 1878) and type species of Metrypa Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1873 (Tafalisca lurida Walker, 1869) are designated. Pseudogryllus Chopard, 1912, gen. resurr. is restored from synonymy of Tafalisca Walker, 1869.
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Tesi sul tema "(1874-1878)"


Roeder, Torsten [Verfasser], e Ulrich [Gutachter] Konrad. "Die Rezeption der Messa da Requiem von Giuseppe Verdi im deutschsprachigen Raum 1874–1878 / Torsten Roeder ; Gutachter: Ulrich Konrad". Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1151047627/34.

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Hardin, Allyson Leigh. "Leopoldo Lugones, Horacio Quiroga, and Jorge Luis Borges the development of the short story of effect /". Access restricted to users with UT Austin EID Full text (PDF) from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International, 2001. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/fullcit?p3037019.

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Godé, Maurice. "Les théories utopiques dans les revues expressionnistes allemandes : "der Sturm", "die Aktion", "die Weiben Blätter" : théories et réalisations". Aix-Marseille 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986AIX10051.

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Le concept d'utopie utilise dans cette étude se distingue du sens consacre par l'"insula utopia" et a fortiori de l'acception de "chimère" que lui a donnée le positivisme. Il renvoie a la distinction faite par Gustav Landauer entre la "topie" comme état statique de la société, et l'utopie comme phase vitale la remettant en cause - ainsi qu'a l'esprit de l'utopie (1918) de Ernst Bloch. Ces penseurs proches de l'expressionnisme fournissent un instrument adapte a l'analyse de ce mouvement artistique, et particulièrement de l'un de ses aspects originaux et encore mal connus: ses revues. Der sturm (1910-1932), auquel est consacrée la première partie, fait de l'art le seul vestige de transcendance dans une société corrompue par l'argent. La réception du futurisme et du cubisme de 1912 a 1914 consacre la rupture d'avec l’esthétique dominante de l'imitation de la nature. Avec la "wortkunst", l'utopie d'un art autonome (qui subsiste jusqu’à l’adhésion de Herwarth Walden au communisme en 1919) est étendue a la langue privée de sa fonction dénotative pour devenir le code ésotérique d'une communauté d’initiés. C'est la même défiance a l’égard de la "topie" wilhelminienne qui s'observe dans la revue de Franz Pfemfert die aktion (1911-1932) analysée dans la seconde partie. Avec l'utopie de l’indifférenciation (qui inspire également le combat contre le chauvinisme), les auteurs dessinent l'image d'un homme qui recouvre sa liberté en se dépouillant de son être social. La troisième partie traite de la revue die weiben blatter (1911-1920) dirigée successive- ment par Franz Blei et Rene Schickele. La sont esquisses, a l'issue d'une réflexion sur la guerre, les principes d'une organisation sociale d’où la violence serait exclue. Les utopies de la communauté (inspirée notamment de Ferdinand Tonnies), de la jeunesse et de la catholicité ont en commun de chercher hors de la société établie les ferments de son renouveau. La confrontation des revues durant leur période proprement expressionniste (1910-1920) révèle au-delà de leurs différences une indéniable convergence, notamment - n'en déplaise a Georg lukacs! - dans leur opposition a l’idéologie dominante. Il s'agit pour leurs auteurs et leurs chefs de file de re-constituer une totalité perdue, de trouver un mode d'existence réconciliant la raison et la sensibilité et de restituer a l'homme sa qualité métaphysique de sujet
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Roeder, Torsten. "Die Rezeption der Messa da Requiem von Giuseppe Verdi im deutschsprachigen Raum 1874–1878". Doctoral thesis, 2018. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156591.

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Abstract (sommario):
»Verdi hat allerdings kein Requiem nach deutscher Art geschaffen«, befand der Referent des Musikalischen Wochenblattes August Guckeisen, nachdem er im Dezember 1876 der reichsdeutschen Erstaufführung von Giuseppe Verdis »Messa da Requiem« in Köln beigewohnt hatte. Ein »Requiem nach deutscher Art« – gab es so etwas überhaupt? Zumindest existierte ganz offenkundig eine klare Vorstellung von einer als ›deutsch‹ etikettierten Ästhetik der musikalischen Trauer. Typisch daran erscheint zunächst die darin vorausgesetzte Einteilung der Welt in etwas Eigenes und etwas Anderes. Der Hang zu einer national eingerahmten Kulturdefinition – und sei es durch Abgrenzung gegenüber etwas vermeintlich Fremdem – wirkt bis in die Gegenwart nach. Diese Untersuchung geht den Merkmalen ethischer Traditionen in der Empfindung und Bewertung der musikalischen Trauer nach und dokumentiert die unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel auf ein Werk, das erstens aus ganz verschiedenen Gründen als typisch ›italienisch‹ wahrgenommen wurde und das zweitens in einem Überschneidungsbereich von Kirchenmusik, Repräsentationsmusik und Konzertmusik steht. Das ›italienische‹ Selbstverständnis, das sich aus Sicht der Kritik in der Komposition niederschlug, rieb sich in zahlreichen Punkten mit dem ›deutschen‹. Diese Reibungspunkte wurden anhand historischer Quellen, vorwiegend aus Tageszeitungen und Musikfachblättern, freigelegt, um sowohl Gemeinsamkeiten als auch politische, konfessionelle und ästhetische Differenzen innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Kritik herauszuarbeiten
The dissertation deals with the German reception of the Messa da Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi, a grand musical work composed in memory of the Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni. The author concentrated on the period of the first performances which took place world-wide between 1874 and 1878. Verdi’s composition follows the classical-romantic tradition of the »concert requiem« and is linked to the Requiem settings by Cherubini, Mozart and Berlioz. Due to the work’s scenic character, which many critics considered inadequate to the religious text, it was often evaluated disparagingly. In many cases the conceit of German musical criticism came to light, expressing itself sometimes more, sometimes less drastically. A critic from Cologne said that the work was »however, not a requiem in the German style.« This dichotomous demarcation of a ›German style‹ against an ›Italian style‹ is only partly to be understood as an influence of Wagnerism and Kulturkampf in the young German Empire. Romantic church music aesthetics in particular played a decisive role here by applying strict idealistic standards. It was considered reprehensible for the music of a funeral mass to stir up or frighten the audience, as well as present a scenically determined, ›realistic‹ music. Emotionality did not seem to have been appropriate for the subject of a mass for the deceased, while critics expected the music to support a spiritual atmosphere leading to the consolatory idea of eternal rest. A certain ambivalence in the understanding of the work has persisted to the present day. Still, it seems to stand in a twilight zone between spiritual and secular concert music, which supports discussions about interpretation and appropriate performance practice. Reflecting on historical concepts and conceptions gives the opportunity to question current positions and their origins
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Cottam, Stella E. "The popularization of astronomy in the United States of America subsequent to the transits of Venus of 1874 and 1882 and the total solar eclipses of 1868, 1869 and 1878". Thesis, 2011. https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/28364/1/28364%20Cottam%202011.pdf.

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Abstract (sommario):
During its formative years of the early nineteenth century, the United States of America was struggling to define its system of government and establish an infrastructure that would assure economic and social success. Initially government priorities did not support the search for knowledge for its own sake. This would change over the years with the young country’s increased stability. Significant astronomical events of the second half of the century, e.g. certain solar eclipses and the two transits of Venus, provided the former colonies with opportunities to prove their ability to take a more proactive role in the pursuit of science. Significant technological advances during the century concurrently permitted a lifestyle of more leisure time among the general public. These same astronomical events generated considerable public interest and, with their increased leisure time, interested citizens were enabled to pursue this interest on various levels. Degrees of interest ranged from the casual satisfaction of curiosity to the desire to actively participate in astronomical endeavors. Numbers and anecdotal evidence have been provided demonstrating an increase throughout this range.
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Libri sul tema "(1874-1878)"


Clemens, Brentano Franz. Briefwechsel über Psychophysik, 1874-1878. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015.

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Taylor, Fisher Jane, e Linn Co Genealogical Society, a cura di. Marriages, Linn County, Iowa, 1874-1878. Cedar Rapids, Iowa (P.O. Box 175, Ceder Rapids 52406): Genealogical Society of Linn County, Iowa, 1997.

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Brown, Elizabeth. Calloway County, Ky., vital statistics, 1874-1878. Melber, Ky: Simmons Historical Publications, 1995.

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Vladimir, Cvetanović, e Stojanović Miodrag, a cura di. Pred Kosovom: Beleške iz doba 1874-1878 godine. Gornji Milanovac: Dečje novine, 1991.

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Hayes, Margaret Millar. Lee County, Kentucky births, deaths, and marriages, 1874-1878 and 1900-1910. Bowie, Md: Heritage Books, 1992.

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Vockery, Bill. Vital statistics of Garrard County, Kentucky: Births, marriages, deaths, 1852-1859, 1874-1878. [Richmond, Ky: B. and K. Vockery, 1988.

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Lesage, Claudine. La maison de Thérèse: Joseph Conrad, les années françaises, 1874-1878 : enquête littéraire. [Picardie]: Sterne, Presses de l'UFR Clerc Université Picardie, 1992.

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Inman, Billie Andrew. Walter Pater and his reading, 1874-1877: With a bibliography of his library borrowings, 1878-1894. New York: Garland, 1990.

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Sanders, Carol L. The cemeteries under Lake Cumberland and Russell County, Kentucky, death records, 1852-1858, 1874, 1878, 1903-04. Blue Ash, Ohio (9679 Waxwing Dr., Blue Ash 45241): C.L. Sanders, 1985.

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Brennan, Ronald. Some more Campbell County, Kentucky naturalizations, Campbell County Court House, Newport, Kentucky: Includes court order book 1863-1869, court order book 1869-1874, court order book 1874-1878 ... Wilder, KY (65 Moock Rd., Wilder 41071): R. Brennan, 1986.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "(1874-1878)"


Wolfreys, Julian. "Being and Dwelling: Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Return of the Native (1878), Two on a Tower (1882)". In Thomas Hardy, 95–134. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-137-12043-4_4.

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Auspos, Patricia. "5. Having It All". In Breaking Conventions, 329–404. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.11647/obp.0318.05.

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Abstract (sommario):
Among these five couples, Lucy Sprague Mitchell (1878-1967) and Wesley Clair Mitchell (1874-1948) most successfully combined professional accomplishments with a fulfilling marriage and a rich family life. When they married in 1912, they left their jobs at the University of California at Berkeley, and moved to New York City, which offered more professional opportunities for Lucy. A brilliant teacher and gifted administrator, Lucy became a pioneering force in the progressive education movement. She founded and led the organization that became the celebrated Bank Street College of Education. Wesley, one of the foremost economists of his generation, helped to develop the science of national statistics and launched and directed the National Bureau of Economic Research. They had four children, two of whom were adopted. Finding the right balance of marriage, work, and family involved much trial and error and frequent recalibration on both Lucy’s and Wesley’s part. Lucy did most of the childcare (with the help of many servants), but Wesley did more than most men of his era, and decided not to take one particular job because he felt it would take too great a toll on his family. Eager to show that wives and mothers can have careers when their husbands support their efforts and help to raise their children, Lucy published Two Lives, The Story of Wesley Clair Mitchell and Myself, in 1953, five years after Wesley’s death. Her message – as relevant today as it was in the 1950s – was that both wives and husbands need to adopt new behaviors to make such marriages work. Determined to have careers, both Lucy and Beatrice rejected prevalent stereotypes of masculinity and romantic love and made calculated, “rational” choices about whom to marry. Like Beatrice, Lucy came from a privileged background, married a man outside her social class, and used her inherited wealth to support their lifestyle. Like Beatrice, it took her years to appreciate that the man she initially found too weak and passive was a tower of quiet strength and a model husband for an ambitious woman. Like Sidney, Wesley supported his wife’s career with ongoing, ungrudging, unambiguous enthusiasm. As a result, neither Lucy nor Beatrice suffered the marital pressure – or the guilt – that made it so difficult for Alice and Grace to maintain their independent careers. Nor did they experience the intellectual and emotional isolation that undermined Elsie’s marriage. In the end, both Beatrice and Lucy felt richly rewarded for the unconventional choices they made.
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Jean-Aubry, Gérard, e Helen Sebba. "French Days (1874−1878)". In The Sea Dreamer, 55–75. Routledge, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003020769-3.

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"II In Marseilles: 1874–1878". In Joseph Conrad, 48–68. Boydell and Brewer, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9781571136978-009.

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"Text of the Correspondence, 1874-1878". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, 1–189. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_3.

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"Front Matter". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, i—viii. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_1.

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"Introduction". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, ix—lvii. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_2.

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"Text of the Correspondence, 1874-1878 (Cont'd)". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, 190–390. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_4.

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"Appendices". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, 391–431. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_5.

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"Index". In Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 1874-1878, 433–42. Toronto: Champlain Society, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/9781442618312_6.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "(1874-1878)"


Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Foulis, William - 1874 - 1878. Reserve Bank of Australia, settembre 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.47688/rba_archives_2006/21251.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists - Lists of Officers - includes salaries, dates of appointments, position, duties, fidelity bond, sureties - 1870, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1888, 1895, 1914 - 1870-1914. Reserve Bank of Australia, settembre 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.47688/rba_archives_2006/21455.

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