Thèses sur le sujet « Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) »
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Müschenich, Stefan. « Der Gesundheitsbegriff im Werk des Arztes Wilhelm Reich, 1897-1957 / ». Marburg : Verlag Görich und Weiershäuser, 1995.
Texte intégralSilva, João Rodrigo Oliveira e. « O Desenvolvimento da noção de caráter no pensamento Reich ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2001.
Texte intégralThe research examines the development of the concept of character in Wilhelm Reichs thought. It is based upon a historical and systematic reading of the authors The impulsive character and Character analysis. At first, it presents the context in wich this concept was brought out, including a brief view of the history of characterology and a description of some uses of this notion by psychoanalysts who preceded Reich and those contemporary to him. Following that, this research reveals and discusses the different meanings that the term character had throughout the authors work. It recognizes the connection between his early reflections on character and the psychoanalytic tradition, it indicates the particularity of his thought, and finally points out the changes in the concept, according to the theoretical transitions performed by Reich.
Bedani, Ailton. « A relação entre sensação e produção de conhecimento na obra de Wilhelm Reich ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.
Texte intégralThis thesis examines the laboratory, clinical therapeutic and epistemological studies that Wilhelm Reich, in the course of his work, dedicated to the subject of sensation. The following resources were consulted: a) articles, books, correspondences, diaries and transcriptions of an interview and of some of Reichs conferences; b) works of Reichs commentators; c) papers from authors that have significantly influenced Reichs research on sensorial apprehension, particularly Friedrich A. Lange, Henri Bergson, Sigmund Freud, and Richard Semon; d) studies in the fields of History of Science and Philosophy of Science that allowed the recovery of lines of investigation and epistemological positionings that have inspired the reichian reflexions on sensation. We tried to indicate four fields of research that have contributed to Reichs sensorial studies: the biological and medical sciences (such as the Protozoology and Neurology), the psychological knowledge (particularly the Psychoanalysis), a discipline created by the author himself (the Orgonomy), and the Theory of Knowledge (specially certain Neokantian tradition). Examining Reichs investigations on these fields, we tried to identify the scholars and currents of thought that have stimulated him in his research on the sensorial dimension and we tried to examine the strictly reichian propositions of clinical, experimental and epistemological content regarding sensation. It was observed that Reich shared the notion that a basic sensoriality would manifest in all living beings. We recovered the reichian thesis that elementary perceptive levels would be directly associated, in living organisms, to a singular natural force (the orgone energy), which the author believed to have discovered and objectified. We analyzed Reichs assertion that in human knowledge production, certain rudimentary perceptive functions (phylogenetically archaic) would be continuously modeled by the structure of character (a sphere built in the dialectic relationship individual-society). Finally, it was verified that Reich, transiting through different sectors of wisdom and chasing original investigative routes, tried to articulate two extreme aspects of the sensorial phenomenon: the sensation as a basic property of the living matter, and as a central ingredient of the human production of knowledge
Silva, Priscila Cristina da [UNESP]. « Pelas mãos de Wilhelm Reich : emancipação, corpo e clínica ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2013.
Texte intégralA presente pesquisa propõe a noção de emancipação humana como um eixo em torno do qual são desenvolvidas as ideias que compõem a tessitura plural da obra de Wilhelm Reich, permeando tanto o exercício do seu trabalho clínico-terapêutico quanto sua produção teórica. Partindo das obras deste autor e de seu desdobramento na clínica psicológica contemporânea, meu objetivo é entender “se” e “como” a clínica reichiana, através da relação e do trabalho terapêutico pode engendrar formas mais emancipadas de viver. Nesse sentido, o corpo e o trabalho corporal aparecem como instâncias privilegiadas de desenvolvimento de práticas e processos de subjetivação emancipadores. Por meio de pesquisa empírica, busco observar, basicamente, se na prática clínica reichiana e neorreichiana, tendo em vista o próprio material analítico da psicoterapia corporal, estão presentes questões ligadas à problemática ampla da emancipação humana, tão presente nas reflexões de Reich, ainda que nelas não apareça terminologicamente desta maneira
The present study proposes the notion of human emancipation as an axis around which the ideas that constitute the fabric of the plural work of Wilhelm Reich are developed, permeating both the exercise of his clinical therapeutic work as well as his theoretical production. Based on the author's works and their unfolding in contemporary psychological practice, my goal is to understand “if” and “how” Reichian clinical practice, through therapeutic work and relationship can engender more emancipated modi vivendi. In this sense, the body and bodywork appear as privileged instances of the development of emancipating subjectivation processes and practices. Through empirical research, I basically intend to observe if in Reichian and neo-Reichian clinical practice, in view of the analytical material of corporal psychotherapy itself, there are questions concerning the broad issue of human emancipation, constantly present in Reich's reflections though terminologically not in the same manner
Santos, João Altair Soares dos, Adolfo Ramos Lamar et Universidade Regional de Blumenau Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. « Contribuição de Wilhelm Reich para a educação :visando a profilaxia da neurose / ». reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações FURB, 2008.
Texte intégralSilva, Priscila Cristina da [UNESP]. « Wilhelm Reich : uma leitura hermenêutica do corpo como cogito ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008.
Texte intégralCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho apresenta a leitura hermenêutica do corpo realizada por Wilhelm Reich, a qual é indissociável de sua concepção sobre o homem e a sociedade. No decorrer de sua obra, Reich vai construindo um conhecimento cada vez mais unitivo, trabalhando conjuntamente natureza e cultura, corpo e alma, subjetivo e objetivo. Sua noção de homem integra as dimensões sociocultural, psicológica, biológica e cósmica, chegando, assim, à conclusão de que há uma co-implicação dinâmica entre homem e cosmos, ou seja, o homem é um microcosmo do macrocosmo. Sem moralismos e com espírito de emancipação, ele construiu com nova qualidade cognitiva essa unidade simbólica. E mais, seu pensamento abarcou ainda novas formas de interpretar esse mundo de Hades onde estamos todos imersos, uns mais e outros menos. Mesmo construindo um pensamento tão fecundo, Reich passou por diversas situações de exclusão e seu pensamento foi por muito tempo marginalizado pela ciência dominante.
This research introduces the body’s hermeneutics reading realized by Wilhelm Reich, which is inseparable from his conception on human and society. In the course of his work, Reich produced a knowledge increasingly integrator, working together nature and culture, body and soul, subjective and objective. His notion about the human joins the dimensions social, cultural, psychological, biological and cosmic, coming thus to the conclusion that there is a dynamic co-involvement between human and cosmos, in other words, the human is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Without moralism and with spirit of emancipation, he elaborated with new cognitive quality this symbolic unit. And more, his thinking also comprised new ways of interpreting the world of Hades where we are all immersed, some more and others less. Even building such a fertile thought, Reich suffered through several situations of exclusion and his thought was for a long time marginalized by the dominant science.
Avila, Daniel Camparo. « Reich, Espinosa e a educação ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Texte intégralWilhelm Reich (1897-1957), Austrian dissentient psychoanalyst, and Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch philosopher, are authors which works converge at the struggle for a free and active man, leading to the composition of educational perspectives heading human power. This theoretical study focus on the contributions, by both these thinkers, at the educational ambit. Thus, we have read Spinozas Theological-Political Treatise and Ethics and Reichs Parents as educators I: the compulsion to educate and its causes, About masturbation, The function of orgasm and Mass Psychology of fascism, as well as commentators of both authors. We have also translated Reichs article The parental attitude toward infantile masturbation. Reich and Spinoza denounce a life taken by fear, that strains yet in existing through the abandon of its power. Fear, therefore, is not only an useful affect in life preservation against dangers, but is also involved in the production of submission desire and the trend to obey, by which we differ, following the authors, the fear of a plus-fear. In relation to the stimulus origin, fear matches a real and external danger that threatens life, while plus-fear addresses an imaginary and internal fear, related to the satisfaction of desire. As to the determination of these reactions, fear constitutes an active reaction, as it follows the nature of the individual. Plus-fear, on the other hand, is a passive reaction determined by a process of social production, and contradictious to its nature. Fear, therefore, must not be considered a weakness but an expression of human being natural power, whilst plus-fear enslaves this power bringing about impotency. An educational perspective linked to the authoritarian moral and the images of the fear system can only, thus, contribute to the formation of fragile individuals expropriated of their life power and wishful of serving anyone that presents himself as conveying a transcendental power liable to guarantee his existence. In this horizon, an education to the power does not consist in an education against fear, assignment that would shelter the abdication of a essential human ability. On the contrary, it refers to a formation driven by experience and self knowledge, discovery of the real fears, and the struggle against plus-fear
Faria, Cynthia Cavalcanti Moura de Melo. « Wilhelm Reich e a formação das crianças do futuro ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.
Texte intégralThis research focuses on the Children of the Future project, activity centered on the promotion of childs health, conducted by Wilhelm Reich in the United States. In the related literature, such project tends to be mentioned only in general terms, with reports that little contribute to further comprehension of the work effectively developed. Based on the aforementioned context, this research aimed to describe and discuss the Children of the Future project. As a starting point, we assessed published studies on this subject. The second step was to select the Reichs writings that are, in our point of view, consistent with that project. That being done, we analyzed each Reichs text, from oldest to latest, in order to understand the development of the author\'s thought process on this subject. The achieved results suggested the development of the project was as follows: a) between 1939 and 1949, Reich planned what actions should be taken to achieve the objective of contributing to the formation of healthier children, b) in 1949, the Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC) was founded, an organization designed to put forth the ideas focused on the Children of the Future. Before the first initiatives in 1949, Reich had already sketched paths that should be followed by OIRC. He described four action areas. The first was to take care of pregnant women to understand the influence of intrauterine life to the baby\'s health. The second was to research the baby\'s experiences in order to remove obstacles to their development, what happens from birth to the first days of life. The third implied in prevent armoring during the first five or six years of life. The last point would be the development record of these children until puberty. In our research we found that what had been sketched was not developed completely, as only the first two action areas were accomplished out of the four. From the analysis performed, we highlight the problems encountered in the procedures adopted in Children of the Future project and a reflection that Reich issues from the impasses verified. One of the central conclusions of the author is that in health care we cannot think in absolute terms
Almeida, Gabriel Puopolo de. « A visão de potência no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich : contribuições para o esporte ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
Texte intégralThis theoretical investigation aim at the identification of approach points between the concept of orgastic potency, formulated by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), and sport performance. To achieve this intent we first try to focus on the concept´s development process, based on the writings in which Reich presents it and defines it. Then, we continue to search and exploit the set of shades and nuances that make up the particular vision that Reich gives to the term potency. Following, we seek to achieve this approach to sports performance with the support of researchers in this area, in order to establish a common ground of dialogue and point out similarities that allow a glimpse into sports performance through the light of Reich\'s work, with special emphasis on his vision of potency. Finally, we use the original contribution of Albertini (1997) about the \"potent encounters\" as a way to add elements to our reflection and offer contributions to the understanding of sports performance from the perspective of depth psychology. Understood primarily as the ability of an individual to surrender to the free flow of his sexual excitations in lovemaking, in order to achieve orgasm and so discharge their repressed libido, the evolution of this concept points to the use of the term potency in other dimensions of life. Thus, leading us to the understanding that potency, in Reich´s view, refers to the ability of human beings to surrender and be present in everything they do in life. This view is similar to some sport psychology´s concepts about optimal states and readiness for performance, pointed out by some authors as ideal for achieving superior results. This approach, when placed under the light of the potent encounter´s notion, allows us to re-evaluate the structural aspects that the potency concept has on Reich\'s thinking, as well as to consider the interference of transference processes in sports performance. With this we were able to point at the idea that sport performance are not influenced only by individual and isolated psychological conditions, but specially by the transference field composed at/in the moment the performance occurs
Oliveira, André Côrtes de. « Ação política e formação da consciência de classe no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Texte intégralIn the first decades of the twentieth century, first in Vienna, then in Berlin, in the search for prophylaxis of neurosis, Austro-Hungarian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) campaigned for social transformations. This study focuses on the relationship between political action and class consciousness formation in Reichs thought. Based on historian Dominick LaCapras formulations, especially about contextualization and varied repetition, and using the book Reich What is class consciousness?, 1934, as a genealogical point of departure, reichian texts published between 1926 and 1934 were analyzed. The results indicated that the political activism proposed by Reich, aligned with the Leninist and social democratic optimism in the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, assumed the revolutionary natural ability of the masses and the need for a reciprocal process of education among the masses and the revolutionary direction without which the revolution would not happen
Ramalho, Simone Aparecida. « Uma alegria subversiva : o que se aprende em uma escola de samba ? » Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Texte intégralThe present work intends to examine the intersection between joy and politics. It defends that joy and feast act in favor of life, for they can produce lines of collective resistance to alienating ways of life that repress vitality. They can also fight against processes that level people and their existence. Grounded on Wilhelm Reichs Political Psychology, this work analyses the trajectory of Ala Loucos pela X, one of the groups that compose X-9 Paulistana Samba School, through the point of view of the Movimento de Luta Antimanicomial (Anti-mental Hospital Fight) in Brazil. This thesis also narrates the happenings and events that compose the history of the group of people involved with the samba group mentioned above. From 2001 to 2009, such happenings and events have radically changed the lives of those involved, both socially and existentially speaking. People who had been labeled simply as insane, therefore considered as not socially capable, have found out that living happily can subvert their daily routine much more efficiently than decades of medical biomedical treatment. Concerning the theoretical methodology used, the present work is based on Walter Benjamins concepts of allegory and narrative, as well as Maurice Halbwachs concept of collective memory. Considering important social events, this thesis finds in the samba environment, commonly taken as low culture by an intellectual tradition, that joy and resistance are ways of reinforcing life in popular culture, making Dionysian forces pulse and changing collective processes. It concludes that the paths undergone by Ala Loucos pela X show how socially powerful joy may be, inviting people to think that the tragic and heterogeneous experiences, persistent in post-modern life, can help dealing with the dilemmas faced by those involved with mental health. More than just mere entertainment, samba schools are institutions in which one learns to live with diversity. They are open places in the cities, where nets of social resistance to the status quo might be produced
McCauley, R. Daniel. « Wilhelm Reich's Character analysis in its historical context ». PDXScholar, 1985.
Texte intégralBarreto, Andre Valente de Barros. « Em busca de Eros : a "democracia natural do trabalho" e a relação entre poder e afetividade no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich ». [s.n.], 1997.
Texte intégralDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-22T15:10:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barreto_AndreValentedeBarros_M.pdf: 5009799 bytes, checksum: a7b30abdcc7558a41eae120535603766 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997
Resumo: Não informado.
Abstract: Not informed.
Mestre em Ciência Política
Almeida, Bruno Henrique Prates de. « A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich : origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humano ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Texte intégralThis research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process
Fajnwaks, Fabian. « Clinique psychanalytique du caractère ». Paris 8, 2000.
Texte intégralNogueira, Tania Alves. « Grupo de movimento : conceituação, estado da arte e aplicação na área educacional ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Texte intégralThis thesis concerns a theoretical research about the Body Movement Groups, an intervention strategy which arises from body psychotherapy. It consists of giving people body experiences in order to help relieving physical and emotional tension. Three main objectives guide this research: a) an appraisal of the state of the art; b) a discussion about the concept and the usage of the Body Movement Groups; c) an investigation of the possible applications of this activity in education. A literature research on published scientific studies on this group strategy was performed in order to obtain data about: 1) the origin of this form of intervention; 2) the conceptual basis; 3) fields and methods of application. The aim is to identify the area to which the work is linked (clinical, education or public health), the procedure used (e.g., an outline on the group\'s formation and its characteristics, the number of sessions, the sequence of performed activities, the methods used to collect and analyse data), the presence or absence of Reichian concepts in applied theory and the results achieved. The review and analysis of referred literature totalized 30 papers on the topic: seven essays, four monographs, three articles and sixteen abstracts. There were nine Body Movement Group activities developed with the elderly, five with psychiatric patients, two concerning public school teachers, one with drug users in a day hospital, one with community health workers in a public health center, one concerning nurses and practical nurses, two with teenagers participating in a social project, one with children who go to private clinics, three developed with adults in a private clinic and one concerning pregnant women. This survey reveals that Body Movement Group activities are not restricted to private clinics only where they were first introduced - but are being held at several institutional levels. All studies are indicators of positive contributions triggered by the application of such activity. However, despite the existence of several papers on the subject, there is a lack of studies problematizing this group praxis. Thus, there is a need to investigate further in the achievement of a more clear and explicit methodological formulation. Finally, the discussions raised in this study may contribute to the discussion of the fundamentals of this group strategy, to the organization and dissemination of the activities performed with Body Movement Groups, as well as to analyze the results obtained with diverse groups, especially in education
Toledo, Liliane de Paula. « Reich e o enfoque de Deleuze e Guattari : o pensamento crítico em busca do desenvolvimento humano ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.
Texte intégralThis research aims at examining intersections, resonances and differences among certain aspects of the thought of Wilhelm Reich and that of the founders of schizoanalysis, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. We have thus followed a trend in Brazilian researchs of establishing a dialogue between Reichs work and that of other authors, as well as between Reichian and schizoanalytic formulations present in other articles, dissertations and theses. Our focus dwells specifically upon the critical reasoning of the chosen authors a theme that may bring in contributions to academic investigations, since a whole field can be explored in that subject, and, as far as we can tell, it has not been explored yet. In methodological terms, we have listed up publications that mention the propositions of Reich, Deleuze and Guattari. Besides noticing that they go beyond national boundaries, we have also seen that this dialogue started more than 30 years ago, and was taken up after 1994. This material sums up to 24 texts, in which we can note two groups with distinct characteristics. In the first one, a short reference to Reich and to schizoanalysis is made, without a focused communication between them; in the second group of texts, on the contrary, a conceptual debate is sought for. We place this dissertation among the second group, since it constitutes a theoretical work, focusing on the discussion of ideas brought up by Reich, Deleuze and Guattari and also by researchers of their work. Summing up, insofar as a critical approach is concerned, we have observed the explicit cultural battle of Reich, equally highlighting the proposal of schizoanalysis in favor of dissent and the production of social transformation. However, if, on the one hand, we see this peculiar convergence, on the other hand, the study of Deleuze on difference comes as an influence in our dissertation in the sense of putting aside the craving for similarities, since recognizing distinctions establishes the possibility of intensive vibration. We aim, then, at pointing out undeniable divergences between the Reichian approach and that of Deleuze and Guattari, and to set forth multiple interferences. Thus, throughout the depuration of the topics in our work, we intend to give a place for the unusual formation of heterocompositions among the formulations of Reich and of Deleuze and Guattari. We show how such an exercise of communication establishes a rich field of correspondences and affectations, and, realizing the potential of this dialogue, we suggest themes for upcoming further studies.
Joveleviths, Ilana Fenjves. « Reich e a importância dos cuidados na primeira infância : um diálogo com o enfoque de Winnicott ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.
Texte intégralThis research focuses on the production of the Austro-Hungarian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) with respect to the early childhood care. Primarily, it intends to help to deepen the knowledge of, and discussion on, Reichs ideas in the academic research universe. With this purpose, we conducted a work of articulation (proximities and distances) between Reichs formulations and those of the English psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971), considering that Winnicott intensively studied the early childhood care. Initially, we conducted a bibliographic survey to identify investigations in any manner intending to establish a parallel between Reichs and Winnicotts ideas. Based on the material found and the study of Reichs and Winnicotts approaches, we elected four axes of analysis: a) human potential; b) the environment: persons responsible, functions and conditions; c) the conception of health and the singular knowledge, and d) possible effects of failures in the early childhood care. In the results, some lines of convergence between Reichs and Winnicotts ideas were suggested. In this regard, we point out a possible proximity between the notions of substitute contact (Reich) and fake self (Winnicott). On the other hand, distances were also found. For instance, Winnicott attempted to trace back the paths by which, based on such early caregiving failures, a certain psychopathology might be generated. Reich, instead, addressed the matter through a more general approach, always stressing the general harms resulting from early caregiving failures
Ramírez, Andrea. « Psicoterapia corporal : revisión de los aportes teóricos y clínicos de Wilhelm Reich, el análisis bioenergético de Alexander Lowen y la biosíntesis de David Boadella ». Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.
Texte intégralPresentar un panorama global de la psicoterapia corporal reichiana y neoreichiana, con el fin de hacer una revisión de los aportes teóricos y clínicos de la obra de W. Reich, la Biosíntesis de David Boadella y el Análisis Bioenergético de Alexander Lowen.Contribuir a introducir los aportes teóricos y prácticos del área clínica de la psicoterapia reichiana y neoreichiana al ámbito universitario chileno.
Rasch, Scheila Silva. « Flores conversam no jardim : movimentos do cuidado de si por mulheres em tratamento no caps ad (CPTT) na reinvenção de suas vidas ». reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFES, 2014.
Texte intégralApproved for entry into archive by Elizabete Silva ( on 2015-11-03T18:50:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Flores conversam no jardim movimentos do cuidado de si por mulheres em tratamento no caps ad (CPTT) na reinvenção de suas vidas.PDF: 2638547 bytes, checksum: 58cb4d84dbd127f797432dded0e6c5b0 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-03T18:50:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Flores conversam no jardim movimentos do cuidado de si por mulheres em tratamento no caps ad (CPTT) na reinvenção de suas vidas.PDF: 2638547 bytes, checksum: 58cb4d84dbd127f797432dded0e6c5b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Historicamente o consumo de drogas por mulheres foi renegado, escondido por preconceitos e estigmas sociais. Pesquisas e terapêuticas empreendidas para os homens foram impostos às mulheres, desconsiderando-se as suas singularidades. Esta tese procura reduzir esse hiato e lacuna, com o objetivo de analisar os movimentos do cuidado de si por mulheres em tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas, o Centro de Prevenção e Tratamento de Toxicômanos, em Vitória/ES. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa-clínica, com enfoque reichiano e neorreichiano das psicoterapias corporais articulados com os textos da Política de Atenção Integral a Usuários de Álcool e Outras Drogas e afins, o estudo contou com a participação de 27 mulheres. Os dados foram coletados no Grupo de Mulheres, para compreensão dos movimentos do cuidado de si, e foram analisados mediante a técnica da análise temática, enquanto os dados coletados em prontuários para compreensão do projeto terapêutico singular e do uso da rede de serviços foram descritos para identificação das características das mulheres. Os resultados evidenciaram a invenção de movimentos expansivos como o tratamento, a defesa da vida, a reinserção social e a retomada dos papéis femininos; e movimentos de contração como exclusão social, familiar, descrédito na mudança e no tratamento, codependência, riscos e vulnerabilidades pelas mulheres. Conclui-se que os movimentos de expansão reposicionaram as mulheres na relação com a droga e nos demais setores da vida, e que os movimentos de contração reafirmaram a condição de usuárias de drogas, condição que querem ultrapassar quando se dispõem ao cuidado de si.
Historically drug use by women was renegade, hidden prejudices and social stigmas. Research and therapeutic undertaken for men were imposed on women, disregarding their singularities. This thesis aims to reduce that gap and gap, in order to analyze the movements of self-care for women undergoing treatment at the Center for Psychosocial Care Alcohol and Drugs, the Center for Prevention and Treatment of drug addicts in Vitória / ES. Using qualitative-clinical, with Reich's approach and neorreichiano articulated body psychotherapies with the wording of Comprehensive Care Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs Use and the like, the study included the participation of 27 women. Data were collected at the Women's Group, to understand the movements of self-care, and were analyzed by thematic analysis technique, while data collected from medical records to understand the unique therapeutic project and the use of network services have been described for identification of the women's characteristics. The results showed the invention of expansive movements such as treatment, the defense of life, the social rehabilitation and the resumption of female roles; and contraction movements as social exclusion, family, discrediting the change and treatment, codependency, risks and vulnerabilities by women. We conclude that the expansion moves repositioned women in relation to the drug and in other walks of life, and that the contraction movements reaffirmed the condition of drug users, who want to overcome condition when it come to care for oneself.
Luiz, Angela Rodrigues. « A história registrada no corpo das professoras : saberes docentes numa perspectiva Reichiana ». Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2007.
Texte intégralLa referencia básica de este trabajo es el presupuesto reichiano de que toda la historia de vida se encuentra registrada en el cuerpo. El proceso histórico de los individuos, desde sus relaciones con otros, el expresar de sus emociones y pensamientos, recorre su estructura corporal, concretizándose en un endurecer, o no, de la musculatura, resultando en marcas corporales. Ese estudio tiene por objetivo comprender la historia marcada en el cuerpo de maestras, articulando las marcas visibles en consonancia con la historia verbalizada. Para tornar viable tal propósito, sacamos fotos y entrevistamos una maestra, hicimos análisis de su cuerpo a partir de las relaciones entre el registro fotográfico y sus narrativas. Varios autores se dedican a la análisis del cuerpo, destacamos Reich, Lowen, Dychtwlad y Kurtz & Prestera. El registro fotográfico de la maestra ilustra las consideraciones teóricas y trae contribuciones para la comprensión de las marcas corporales. Cada particularidad tenida por un cuerpo esta directamente relacionada con su recurrido histórico, que es distinto al que viene ocurriendo a otro cuerpo. La relevancia de este trabajo es que posibilita pensar la escuela en la perspectiva de múltiplas determinaciones , donde la formación y actuación de la maestra son cargadas de fuerte compromiso con la vida, pues muchas marcas son registradas en los cuerpo de sus alumnos, por determinación del largo tiempo que se quedan en las escuelas, añadidos a los factores hereditarios y las relaciones establecidas en el seno de la familia. Así, conocer los mecanismos corporales, rever las reacciones expresadas para acontecimientos vivenciados por el cuerpo y, por cima de todo, promover un auto-conocimiento, son intervenciones que auxilian las maestras a dar otro significado a sus acciones y transformaren su practica docente, con vistas al placer y la producción creativa. Destacamos la importancia de una mirada mas deferente para el que dicen los cuerpos, de modo a vislumbrar relaciones pedagógicas mas gratificantes y lanzamos indicios para la comprensión de las marcas corporales de las maestras y de su hacer pedagógico.
A referência básica desse trabalho é o pressuposto reichiano de que toda história de vida está registrada no corpo. O processo histórico dos indivíduos, na sua relação com os outros, no expressar de emoções e pensamentos, percorre sua estrutura corporal, concretizando-se num enrijecimento, ou não, dos seus músculos, o que resulta em marcas corporais. Esse estudo tem como objetivo compreender a história marcada no corpo de professoras, articulando as marcas visíveis em consonância com a história relatada. Para a viabilização desse propósito fotografamos e entrevistamos uma professora, analisando seu corpo a partir das relações entre o registro fotográfico e a sua narrativa. Dentre os autores que se dedicam a analise do corpo, destacamos Reich, Lowen, Dychtwald e Kurtz & Prestera. O registro fotográfico da professora observada ilustra as considerações teóricas contribuindo assim, para a compreensão das marcas corporais. Cada detalhe possuído por um corpo está diretamente relacionado com seu percurso histórico que é distinto ao que vem acontecendo a outro corpo. A relevância desse trabalho está no fato de possibilitar um pensar da escola numa perspectiva de múltiplas determinações , onde a formação e atuação da professora são carregadas de um forte compromisso com a vida, pois muitas marcas são registradas nos corpos dos alunos, em determinação do tempo que permanecem nas escolas, somados aos fatores hereditários e as relações estabelecidas no seio da família. Deste modo, conhecer os mecanismos corporais, rever as reações expressadas para acontecimentos vivenciados pelo corpo e acima de tudo promover um auto-conhecimento, são intervenções que auxiliam as professoras a ressignificarem suas ações e transformarem sua prática docente, visando o prazer e a produção criativa. Destacamos a importância de um olhar mais atencioso para o que falam os corpos, de modo a vislumbrarmos relações pedagógicas mais gratificantes e lançamos indícios para a compreensão das marcas corporais das professoras e do seu fazer pedagógico.
Mestre em Educação
Allali, Sébastien. « Le freudo-marxisme : analyse des points de rupture ». Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.
Texte intégralThe fathers of Freudo-marxism, Otto Gross and Wilhelin Reich, walked away from many of Freud's ideas ; this forced him to distance himself from his disciples, whom he now deemed undesirable. The breaking points concern the etiology of neuroses, the possibility of a « popular psychotherapy », the cure's modalities, the relationship between psychoanalysis and politics, family, education, religion, work, or artistic creation. However, Gross and Reich's thoughts have had a significant role, not only in the history of psychoanalysis, but also in the very construction of Freudian thought. They were the first to emphasise the fundamental part of both the economic misery and the sexual one in the origin of neuroses. The core of the theoretical and clinical disagreement is anthropological: Gross and Reich, who are both Rousseausist, think that man is intrinsically good, and that his aggressivity is the result of a social disharmony. Freud, on the contrary, believes in the existence of a death wish, the denial of which provides Freudo-marxism with its cornerstone
Barreto, André Valente de Barros. « A luta encarnada : corpo, poder e resistência nas obras de Foucault e Reich ». Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2007.
Texte intégralCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Considering the growing importance that the body is gaining in the contemporary world, our objective in this thesis is to question the relationship between body and power, subject that has thus far been scarcely explored from a political science point of view. For that, we will work predominantly with Michel Foucault s work, using systematic analysis of this outstanding author, pioneer in showing that the body is in the center of the relations of power. Despite bearing an important contribution to the subject, Foucault s work presents some problems, among which we point out embracing the concept of the body as excessively abstract. Echoing a difficult relationship that the human sciences have kept with the body in modern days, by either simply ignoring it or considering it only as a symbolic object, Foucault ultimately detaches the body from its biological traces; the body which, when assuming its materiality, does so under an exceedingly mechanicist perspective. We repute that this view of the body devitalizes the subject and weakens the very idea of resistance that the French philosopher sustains in his work, reason why we propose, through an interdisciplinary dialogue, the adoption of another view of the body. It is in the work of Wilhelm Reich, as well as in some contemporary biologists and neurobiologists, that we will find the elements to think of the body not as a mere compilation of inert, malleable parts, as proposed by biomedical knowledge, but as an especial materiality, alive and dynamic, which remits to a long evolutionary process, occupying a central spot in our so called superior life. Our hypothesis is that this living body, capable of contemplating both symbolic and social aspects, as well as biological and material aspects, can intensify Foucault s idea of resistance, making the work of composing the self more efficient in its task of elaborating internalized means, capable of eluding the modern mechanisms of power: the body as an important ally against the methods of domination
Tendo em vista a crescente importância que o corpo vem assumindo no mundo contemporâneo, nosso objetivo nesta tese é problematizar a relação entre corpo e poder, tema ainda pouco explorado do ponto de vista da ciência política. Para isto, por meio de uma leitura e análise sistemáticas, trabalharemos prioritariamente com a obra de Michel Foucault, autor que se destaca pelo pioneirismo em mostrar que o corpo está no centro das relações de poder. Não obstante represente uma importante contribuição para o assunto, a obra de Foucault apresenta alguns problemas, dentre os quais destacamos a adoção de uma concepção de corpo excessivamente abstrata. Ecoando a difícil relação que as ciências humanas têm mantido com o corpo na modernidade, seja simplesmente ignorando-o, seja considerando-o tão somente como objeto simbólico, Foucault termina por destituir o corpo de seus traços biológicos, corpo que, quando assume sua materialidade, o faz sob um prisma eminentemente mecanicista. Julgamos que esta noção de corpo desvitaliza o sujeito e enfraquece a própria idéia de resistência que o filósofo francês sustenta em seu trabalho, razão pela qual, propomos, por meio do diálogo interdisciplinar, a adoção de uma outra noção de corpo. É na obra de Wilhelm Reich, bem como de alguns biólogos e neurobiólogos contemporâneos, que vamos buscar os elementos para pensar o corpo não como um mero agregado de partes inertes e manipuláveis, como propõe o saber biomédico, mas como uma materialidade especial, viva e dinâmica, que remete a um longo processo evolutivo, e que ocupa um lugar central na nossa vida dita superior. Nossa hipótese é a de que este corpo vivo, capaz de contemplar tanto os aspectos simbólicos e sociais quanto os aspectos materiais e biológicos, pode potencializar a idéia de resistência em Foucault, tornando o trabalho de constituição de si mais eficiente em sua tarefa de elaborar modos de subjetivação capazes de escapar aos modernos mecanismos de poder: o corpo como importante aliado contra as formas de assujeitamento
King, Pamela. « Lacan et l'American Way of life ». Thesis, Paris 8, 2016.
Texte intégralThis thesis, “Lacan and the American Way of Life”, examines Jacques Lacan and the United States in order to understand why Lacan’s teachings have had difficulty being taken seriously in American clinical practice. If psychoanalysts in the United States have kept Lacanian theory at a distance, it is perhaps because of the ways American practice has been oriented. We isolate three orientations: ego psychology, which had a strong influence in the United States as early as the 1930’s; Wilhelm Reich, the Viennese psychoanalyst and brilliant student of Freud who emigrated to the US and became known for his Sexual Revolution; and gender studies which considers that psychoanalysis, being overly subjected to patriarchal signifiers, should be abandoned. These movements represent three modalities of sexual theory that have left their mark on America, each bringing a meaning to sexuality in a way that excludes Lacan’s work. We examine these movements from a Lacanian point of view starting with his response to ego psychology (his return to Freud) and continuing with his later teachings (after 1970) that founded a practice oriented by the real – a re-thinking of psychoanalysis. The Lacanian concept of the real will be the compass that guides us through this demonstration. We will see that Lacan’s works, and especially his later formulations as explained by Jacques-Alain Miller, provide a way out of the impasses of ego psychology and its ego cult, of Reich and his genital phallic jouissance, and of gender studies and their entanglement with identity
Marin, Luisa Marin. « Narcissisme et reconnaissance : les aléas de la psychanalyse dans la théorie critique ». Paris 7, 2009.
Texte intégralAfter a detailed reconstruction from the different positions psychoanalyses has played within the disciplinary constellations mobilised by Critical Theory from the thirties since nowadays, we have circumscribed the theme of narcissism as central. This work sketches a possible confrontation , from one side, the passage operated by Axel Honneth between psychoanalysis ( In the British Tradition, Donald W. Winnicott) And his recognition theory, and from the other side the lacanian theory. This confrontation, through the introduction at the heart of Critical Theory of another psychoanalytical approach, revisits the centrality from the narcissisms theme ; it shows the limits but it also indicates the possible new openings from the articulation between psychoanalysis and Critical Theory
Carvalho, Carla Sandra Rocha de. « O papel do corpo na mudança em terapia de análise bioenergética : a percepção dos clientes ». Master's thesis, 2015.
Texte intégralO presente estudo tem como objectivo explorar a percepção do cliente sobre o papel do corpo na mudança, num processo terapêutico de base Análise Bioenergética. Para o efeito, procedeu-se a um processo qualitativo de análise de dados, recolhidos através da aplicação de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, aplicada a 5 participantes, 4 deles encontrando-se no momento em Terapia de Análise Bioenergética e um deles tendo terminado há menos de 1 ano. Os dados recolhidos, exploram a experiência de um processo terapêutico de abordagem corporal, pretendendo-se avaliar a percepção do cliente acerca da mudança em terapia e da importância atribuída ao trabalho corporal levado a cabo no processo terapêutico em Terapia de Análise Bioenergética. Os relatos dos clientes demonstram a percepção da importância da integração do corpo num processo terapêutico, sendo estabelecida uma relação directa entre os resultados de sucesso obtidos em terapia e o trabalho corporal levado a cabo em terapia.
This research adresses the client perception on the importance of the role the body plays in therapeutic change, regarding Bioenergetic Analysis. To this end, a qualitative analysis of the data collected by semi-structured recorded interview was done, involving five subjects, four are still in therapy and one of the subjects ended the therapeutic process nine months ago. The collected data, explore Body Psychoterapy as experienced by the subjects, and their perception on therapeutic change and on the importance of body exercises, in a Bioenergetic Analysis process. Subjects reports show understanding of the importance of incorporating body exercises in Psychotherapy and a a direct association between therapeutic results and the type of body exercises and therapeutic work, regarding Bioenergetic Analysis.