Thèses sur le sujet « Violence of History »
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Kaleba, Casey Dean. « Violent delights a cultural history of media violence debates / ». College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2004.
Texte intégralThesis research directed by: Dept. of Theatre. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Chapman, John. « Predatory War : A History of Violence ». Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013.
Texte intégralB.A.
Political Science
Lepp, Annalee E. « Dis/membering the family, marital breakdown, domestic conflict, and family violence in Ontario, 1830-1920 ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.
Texte intégralCorke-Webster, James Christopher. « Violence and authority in Eusebius of Caesarea's 'Ecclesiastical History' ». Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.
Texte intégralO'Connell, Ashanti. « Children's memories of political violence ». Thesis, University of Ulster, 1999.
Texte intégralHall-Patton, Joseph. « Pacifying Paradise : Violence and Vigilantism in San Luis Obispo ». DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2016.
Texte intégralCrawford, Sarah Jean. « Intra-Familial Violence in England, 1300-1600 ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2014.
Texte intégralLarocque, Noel Leigh. « Conjoint therapy for couples with a history of domestic violence ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Texte intégralZimmerman, Andrea Luka. « Secreting history : the spectral and spectacular performance of political violence ». Thesis, University of the Arts London, 2006.
Texte intégralAraújo, Arthur Filipe Barbosa de. « Films and destination image : when violence is based on history ». Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.
Texte intégralO presente trabalho visa aferir os efeitos de filmes com roteiros negativos na imagem dos destinos neles mostrados. Para isto, o caso do filme “Cidade de Deus” e da imagem do Brasil enquanto desitno foi adotado. De modo a cumprir tal objetivo, o filme foi exibido em sessões fechadas, nas quais os participantes foram solicitados preencher um questionário antes e um depois de assití-lo. Os resultados demonstram que os efeitos do filme na imagem do destino são maioritariamente negativos. Porém, o filme aumentou as intenções de visita para pequeno grupo de participantes, casos nos quais as paisagens mostradas foram o elemento mais relevante. Conclui-se que filmes com roteiros negativos tendem a tornar as avaliações dos espectadores sobre o destino em geral mais negativas, inclusive nos aspetos não diretamente relacionados ao filme. A idéia de que mesmo filmes com com conteúdo negativo podem ser vantajosos para a atração de segmentos específicos também é corroborada. Os resultados também demostram a necessidade de mais estudos empíricos sobre a influencia de filmes com roteiros negativos nos destinos mostrados, como o seu efeito de longa duração na imagem destes destinos.
The present work aimed to assess the effects of films with negative plots on the image of the destinations they depict. For that purpose, the case of City of God and the image of Brazil were adopted. In order to fulfill that goal, the film was screened in closed sections in which participants were solicited to fill out one questionnaire before and one after seeing the film. The results show that the film’s effect on the destination’s image was mostly negative. However, for a group of viewers the film increased intentions to visit the country, in which cases the landscapes depicted were the most relevant factor. It is concluded that negative plot films tend to turn viewers’ evaluations generally more negative, including on the aspects not directly related to the film. Also, the idea that even films with negative plots may be advantageous in attracting certain specific segments was corroborated. The results also call for more empirical studies within the influence of films with negative plots on the depicted destinations, like their long-lasting effect on the destination image.
Ramesh, Sanjay. « History of Inter-Group Conflict and Violence in Modern Fiji ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2011.
Texte intégralRavindran, Rajan. « Religious desecration and ethnic violence ». Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2006.
Texte intégralThesis Advisor(s): Anna Simons. "December 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-66). Also available in print.
Kendrick, James. « Screen violence and the New Hollywood ». [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2005.
Texte intégralSource: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-04, Section: A, page: 1202. Adviser: Joan Hawkins. "Title from dissertation home page (viewed Nov. 15, 2006)."
Goodman, Steve. « Turbulence : a cartography of postmodern violence ». Thesis, University of Warwick, 1999.
Texte intégralJenkins, Scott. « Medieval student violence : Oxford and Bologna, c.1250-1400 ». Thesis, Swansea University, 2014.
Texte intégralAlecksynas, Nia M. « Violence and warfare in the late prehistoric Southwest| A ritual explanation ». Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2016.
Texte intégralThe last four decades of research regarding the late prehistoric American Southwest has produced abundant evidence for violence, warfare and cannibalism among the Ancestral Puebloan peoples. Most archaeologists attribute this rise in violence and subsequent abandonment of the Four Corners region to degrading environmental conditions. While ecological factors surely contributed, it is hard to accept that this alone led to the extreme mutilation of hundreds of human remains found throughout the Pueblo territory. It is proposed that increasing social complexity along with new ritual practices resulted in intense and violent attacks throughout the Pueblo expanse.
Pantchev, N. (Nikola). « A history of violence:the evolution of violence in American film remakes ». Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
Texte intégralTämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on amerikkalainen elokuva ja siinä esiintyvä väkivalta. Tutkielma on ajankohtainen, sillä yhä enemmän huomiota kiinnitetään taiteissa esiintyvään väkivaltaan. Sen lisäksi vaikuttaa siltä, että vallalla on yleinen käsitys elokuvien lisääntyvästä väkivallasta. Ensiksi tutkielma käsittelee amerikkalaisen elokuvan historiaa 1800-luvun lopulta aina tähän päivään saakka samalla analysoiden, miten väkivaltaa on kuvattu ja esitetty elokuvissa. Tutkielmassa otetaan huomioon myös eri tavat, joilla elokuvaa on säädelty (esimerkiksi Tuotantokoodi). Tutkielman ensimmäinen osa kattaa amerikkalaisen elokuvan historian ja jakaa sen neljään periodiin. Löydöksenä on, että väkivalta on ollut osa elokuvaa sen syntyajoista lähtien ja itse asiassa ensimmäiset elokuvat pohjautuivat väkivaltaan. Tutkielma myös selventää miten elokuvan väkivaltaa on säädelty ja miten väkivallan esittäminen on kehittynyt elokuvan satavuotisen historian aikana. Tätä kehitystä tutkitaan lisää tutkielman toisessa osassa, joka keskittyy 11 amerikkalaisen elokuvan sekä uusintaversion analysointiin. Elokuvien uusintaversioita verrataan alkuperäisiin elokuviin. Vertailun tarkoituksena on selvittää miten väkivallan esittäminen on muuttunut erikoistehosteiden sekä eri säädösten muuttuessa. Analysoitavat elokuvat ovat: Psycho (1960) ja Psycho (1998), The Thing From Another World (1951), The Thing (1982) ja The Thing (2011), Evil Dead 2 (1987) ja Evil Dead (2013), RoboCop (1987) ja RoboCop (2014) sekä Total Recall (1990) ja Total Recall (2012). Analyysit eivät voineet osoittaa selvää linjaa elokuvien väkivaltaistumisen puolesta, vaan elokuvien väkivalta analysoitujen elokuvien osalta näytti vain hieman lisääntyneen, pysyneen ennallaan tai jopa vähentyneen. RoboCop ja Total Recall -elokuvien analyysit näyttävät miten väkivaltaa on vähennetty, koska elokuvat on tarkoitettu laajemmalle yleisölle
Collins, Margo. « Wayward Women, Virtuous Violence : Feminine Violence in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature by Women ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 2000.
Texte intégralFrazier, Monique R. « Physically and Sexually Violent Juvenile Offenders : A Comparative Study of Victimization History Variables ». DigitalCommons@USU, 1998.
Texte intégralHaden, Kyle Edward. « The City of Brotherly Love and the Most Violent Religious Riots in America| Anti-Catholicism and Religious Violence in Philadelphia, 1820--1858 ». Thesis, Fordham University, 2013.
Texte intégralNumerous studies of anti-Catholicism in America have narrated a long dark prejudice that has plagued American society from the Colonial period to the present. A variety of interpretations for anti-Catholic sentiments and convictions have been offered, from theological to economic influences. Though many of these studies have offered invaluable insights in understanding anti-Catholic rhetoric and violence, each tends to neglect the larger anthropological realities which influence social tensions and group marginalization. By utilizing the theory of human identity needs as developed by Vern Neufeld Redekop, this study offers a means of interpreting anti-Catholicism from an anthropological perspective that allows for a multivalent approach to social, cultural, and communal disharmony and violence. Religion has played an important role in social and cultural tension in America. But by utilizing Redekop's human identity needs theory, it is possible to see religion's role in conjunction with other identity needs which help to form individual and communal identity. Human identity needs theory postulates that humans require a certain level of identity needs satisfaction in order to give an individual a sense of wellbeing in the world. These include, Redekop maintains, 1) meaning, 2) security, 3) connectedness, 4) recognition, and 5) action. By examining where these needs have been neglected or threatened, this study maintains one is better able to assess the variety of influences in the formation of identity, which in turn helps to foster animosity, marginalization, and possibly violence towards those individuals or groups defined as outsiders. Having been relegated as outsiders due to differing identity markers, the in group, or dominant social group, tend to perceive the outsiders as threatening if they are believed to be obstacles to the acquisition of one or more of the five identity needs categories. This study focuses on the bloody Bible Riots of 1844 as a case study for applying human identity needs theory in interpreting social violence in American history.
Howard, Marilyn K. « Black Lynching in the Promised Land : Mob Violence in Ohio 1876-1916 ». The Ohio State University, 1999.
Texte intégralCurran, Emma. « Modelling the relationships among trauma history, intimate partner violence and mental health ». Thesis, Ulster University, 2013.
Texte intégralEste estudo trata da construção sócio-histórica da violência intrafamiliar contra criança e adolescente e de como esta foi engendrada no contexto brasileiro. Procuramos apresentar a violência intrafamiliar em sua concretude e o seu impacto avassalador sobre as vítimas, tanto em aspectos objetivos quanto subjetivos. Para isso, procedemos a um levantamento teórico conceitual sobre as questões que envolvem a infância e a adolescência, as políticas e práticas de proteção social. Para apresentar este panorama foi feita uma pesquisa de campo que se debruçou sobre 14.445 prontuários registrados em dez anos de atividade do 1º Conselho Tutelar de Niterói, tendo selecionado os 2.446 relativos às diversas categorias da violência intrafamiliar. Tais informações, reunidas em um Banco de Dados, foram agrupadas de forma a traçar quadros quantitativos e qualitativos sobre o funcionamento do Conselho e outros órgãos de atendimentos à criança e adolescente e delinear um perfil societário dos 14 anos de vigência do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.
This study focused on the construction of the domestic violence against children and adolescents and how this was generated within the context of the Brazilian culture. We tried to show the domestic violence in its magnitude with its disruptive impact over the victims, both objective and subjective. Thus, we pursued a conceptual research on subjects involving the childhood and adolescence, the policies and practices of social protection. To present this scenario we pursued a field survey which included 14,445 repositories produced within the 10 years of activities of the 1rst Niteroi Tutelary Council. The work was based on 2,446 selected files related to several categories of domestic violence. This information, which was arquived in a database, was grouped in order to obtain quantitative and qualitative data related to the performance of the Council and other sectors to assist children and adolescents. We also wanted to define profiles associated with the 14 years of the Children and Adolescence Ordinance.
Solic, Margaret. « A Nation Against Itself : Domestic Violence, Feminism, and the State ». The Ohio State University, 2015.
Texte intégralLaythe, Joseph Willard. « A cycle of crisis and violence : the Oregon State Penitentiary, 1866-1968 ». PDXScholar, 1992.
Texte intégralScott, Amanda Lynn. « The Wayward Priest of Atondo : Violence, Vocation, and Religious Reform in a Navarrese Parish ». W&M ScholarWorks, 2010.
Texte intégralBeatty, Joshua Fogarty. « "The Fatal Year" : Slavery, Violence, and the Stamp Act of 1765 ». W&M ScholarWorks, 2014.
Texte intégralRegina, Christophe. « Femmes, violence(s) et sociéte face au tribunal de la sénéchaussée de Marseille (1750-1789) ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Texte intégralAre Women violent? The answer to this simple question would seem a priori obvious, but in fact it is difficult to offer a convincing explanation. Statistics and data on female violence tend to reduce, minimize or disprove the idea that female violence might take place on a daily basis, suggesting rather that it is the exception, or at the very least an abnormal occurrence. Apparently, women are inherently less violent than men. But what is the basis for such a premise? In order to answer this question, we have studied the records of the Seneschal of Marseilles' court. These judicial archives allow us to understand the forms, opportunities and experience of everyday violence that women faced. Setting aside the idea that this was a minor and irregular phenomenon, these sources provide evidence of violence in the everyday life of Marseilles' inhabitants and attribute to each sex their proper place in this behavior, while enabling a nuanced analysis of the idea that women were less inclined to violence and providing insight into the forms and manifestations of such violence. Women, both actresses and victims of these practices, were key players within the society in their ability to enter, shape and partially control their neighbourhood. By studying cases presented to the courts by women, it is possible to adopt the judge's perspective, with its insight and imperfections, of daily life of a major city under the Old Regime: Marseilles. Violence was a social dynamic process in which women were actively involved, whether as victims or aggressors. By comparing analytical tools and approaches of sources, it is possible to study both the working and the elite classes
Taylor, Angela R. « An analytical study of the relationship among sex role socialization, history of family violence, and being a victim of domestic violence ». DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 1997.
Texte intégralReed, Adam Metcalfe. « Mental Death| Slavery, Madness and State Violence in the United States ». Thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2014.
Texte intégralIn this dissertation, I analyzing the invagination of slavery and madness as constitutive of the political, medical, economic, legal and literary institutions of the United States. In my introduction, I discuss my previous project concerning all black mental institutions that emerged in the American South after Reconstruction. My first chapter, "Haunting Asylums: Madness, Slavery and the Archive," addresses my difficulties with the fragmented records of the racially segregated mental asylums and how figurations of the ghost or the inhuman failed to provide me with a salvific moment. In Chapter 2, "Compounds of Madness and Race: Governing Species, Disease and Sexuality in the Early Republic," I map the epistemic ground of race, mind and nation in the Revolutionary-era United States. My third chapter, "Worse than Useless, Too Much Sense: Enslaved Insanity in Plantations, Courtrooms and Asylums" is the culmination of previous two, where I trace the admission and treatment records of a sixteen-year-old slave interned in a mental asylum to the discourses and institutions surrounding the internal slave trade. I conclude by discussing two deaths separated by two centuries but connected by the violent conjunction of antiblackness and madness.
Seul, Stephanie. « Colin McCullough/Nathan Wilson (Hg.) : Violence, Memory, and History. Western Perceptions of Kristallnacht ». HATiKVA e.V. – Die Hoffnung Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur Sachsen, 2016.
Texte intégralPost, Kaeleigh A. « No Greater Love Than This : Violence, Nonviolence, and the Atonement ». Trinity Lutheran Seminary / OhioLINK, 2014.
Texte intégralBobowik, Magdalena, Darío Páez, James H. Liu, Agustin Espinosa, Elza Techio, Elena Zubieta et Rosa Cabecinhas. « Beliefs about history, the meaning of historical events and culture of war ». Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012.
Texte intégralSe estudiaron las creencias sobre el contenido de la historia, el significado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la evaluación de eventos históricos en relación con una actitud favorable a la guerra. Los participantes fueron 1183 estudiantes universitarios de España, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil, Perú y Cabo Verde. Se encontraron cuatro grandes dimensiones en las representaciones sobre el pasado: la historia como proceso de progreso y dirigida por líderes; la historia compuesta por calamidades que se deben aceptar; la historia como violencia y catástrofes; y, la historia como carente de sentido. La prevalente visión positiva de la historia se asoció a una actitud favorable a luchar en una nueva guerra.
Bredell, Kyle Hampton. « Black Panther High : Racial Violence, Student Activism, and the Policing of Philadelphia Public Schools ». Master's thesis, Temple University Libraries, 2013.
Texte intégralM.F.A.
The school district of Philadelphia built up its security program along a very distinct pathway that was largely unrelated to any real needs protection. This program played out in two distinct phases. In the late 1950s, black and white students clashed in the neighborhoods surrounding schools over integration. Black parents called upon the city to provide community policing to protect their children in the communities surrounding schools. As the 1960s progressed and the promised civil rights gains from city liberals failed to materialize, students turned increasingly to Black Nationalist and black power ideology. When this protest activity moved inside their schoolhouses as blacks simultaneously began moving into white neighborhoods, white Philadelphians began to feel threatened in their homes and schools. As black student activism became louder and more militant, white parents called upon the police to protect their children inside the school house, as opposed to the earlier calls for community policing by black parents. White parents, the PPD, and conservative city politicians pushed the district to adopt tougher disciplinary policies to ham string this activism, to which black parents vehemently objected. The district resisted demands to police the schools through the 1960s until finally caving to political pressure in the 1970s.
Temple University--Theses
Gutkowski, Stacey Elizabeth. « Religious violence, secularism and the British security imaginary, 2001-2009 ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2010.
Texte intégralCollins-Breyfogle, Kristin L. « Negotiating Imperial Spaces : Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in the Nineteenth-century Caucasus ». The Ohio State University, 2011.
Texte intégralCouldrey, Charlotte. « Violence within the lives of homeless people ». Thesis, University of Southampton, 2010.
Texte intégralSpeight, Shannon L. « Social Context for Religious Violence in the French Massacres of 1572 ». Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2010.
Texte intégralYoung, Huguette. « La violence comme stratégie d'intervention d'un groupe protestataire : le cas des Mohawks de Kanehsatake ». Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1994.
Texte intégralSimoncelli, Michael. « Ruffians and Revivalists : Manliness, Violence, and Religion in the Backcountry South, 1790-1840 ». W&M ScholarWorks, 1999.
Texte intégralShihade, Magid. « The history of an incident and its lessons : communal violence among Arabs in Israel / ». Thesis, Connect to this title online ; UW restricted, 2006.
Texte intégralSantos, Ana Margarida Sousa. « History, memory and violence : changing patterns of group relationship in Mocímba da Praia, Mozambique ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
Texte intégralSooHoo, Anthony P. « Violence against the Enemy in Mesopotamian Myth, Ritual, and Historiography ». Thesis, New York University, 2019.
Texte intégralEvidence for violence is found in all periods of Mesopotamian history. Kingship, which was divine in origin, included the exercise of power and the legitimate use of violence. Mesopotamian violence reflects the culture's understanding of ontology, order, and justice. Although there is scant archaeological evidence for its actual practice, the worldview that allowed it to flourish can be reconstructed from myth, ritual, and historiography.
Approaching Mesopotamian conceptions of violence through these three modes of discourse, this study explores the behavior through the lens of theory, practice, and presentation. The investigation is guided by the following questions:
• What do the myths say about violence? How is violence imagined and theorized?
• How do the war rituals promote and normalize the practice of violence?
• How and why is violence presented in the narrative(s) of the royal annals and in the visual program of the palace reliefs?
This study moves from offering a general account of Mesopotamian violence directed against the enemy "other" to analyzing the portrayal of a particular act.
Mesopotamian myths served as paradigms for successful kingship. It is argued that the thematic content, asymmetrical characterization, chronotypes, and emplotment observed in Lugal-e, Bin šar dadmē, and Enūma eliš are also operative in the war rituals and the royal historiography. Central to Mesopotamian theorizing about violence is the concept of evil, which is best understood in relation to the culture's ideas about divine and social order.
Waging war in Mesopotamia entailed various practices that framed the conflict as part of the cosmic struggle against chaos. This study addresses the contexts in which these practices occur and the social structures that make them seem natural, necessary, and desirable. The so-called war rituals involved processes of socialization that allow violence to commence, escalate, and terminate. This symbolically loaded ritualized violence reflected and created (or destroyed) relationships, both natural and supernatural.
Finally, accounts of ritualized violence were strategically incorporated into the historiography of Mesopotamian rulers as expressions of royal ideology. This study analyzes the sources for the beheading of Teumman, arguing that variations in the textual and pictorial presentation were influenced by the Assyrian conflict with Egypt and Babylonia.
White, Christopher. « Partisanship in Mexico : Influence of Violence and State Spending ». Scholarship @ Claremont, 2017.
Texte intégralGreenshields, Malcolm R. « The economy of violence in early modern France : Criminality in the Haute Auvergne 1587-1664 ». Thesis, University of Sussex, 1986.
Texte intégralLönnberg, Linnea. « The order of the day : Script error in military organisations and violence against civilians ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Hugo Valentin-centrum, 2019.
Texte intégralMcSwain, Johnnetta D. « An Analysis of Programs and Services Designed to Ameliorate Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Among Women with a History of Child Sexual Abuse ». DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 2015.
Texte intégralBuehlmaier, Nicole E. « Vanguards and Violence| Representations of Female Armed Resistance and the Search for Radical Legitimacy, 1968-1975 ». Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2018.
Texte intégralThe year 1968 marked the turning point from the nonviolent direct action characterized by Martin Luther King, Jr. during the civil rights movement to the militant violence of the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) and other clandestine organizations in America. Disillusionment with the US political system, coupled with the increased police brutality and repression against people of color and anti-war demonstrators, cemented the need for new, militant organizing tactics for many in the New Left. Numerous white, middle-class individuals turned toward militant action and found opportunities to challenge their white privilege and fight against imperialism in clandestine organizations such as the WUO, Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), and New World Liberation Front (NWLF). Using the increase in armed actions against the state by clandestine organizations as its focus, this thesis utilizes a cultural history approach to illuminate the convergences of race, class, and gender in constructing an authentic and legitimate revolutionary identity for white, middle-class women, exposing the meaning of violence for revolutionary radicals. This thesis argues that, due to the social stigma attached to the performance of violence by white women of good upbringing, these women in clandestine organizations borrowed from marginalized groups they deemed authentic revolutionaries, established a usable past to familiarize themselves with revolutionary activism and armed struggle, and relied heavily on Third World models of revolutionary women.