Thèses sur le sujet « Variation de latence »
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Soudais, Guillaume. « End-to-End Service Guarantee for High-Speed Optical Networks ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024.
Texte intégralDriven by an ever-growing bandwidth and performance need, the IT network has grown such that OT and telecommunications networks are looking to exploit this infrastructure for their expansion. These three sectors have historically been separated due to different requirements, on latency, its variation and on reliability. To answer to time critical application needs, the Time Sensitive Network taskforce has developed new sets of protocols that are starting to be implemented in commercial products. Other groups have proposed novel architecture with time control to enable guaranteed performances between and inside edge datacenters. In my PhD I propose a solution to carry time critical application in legacy networks as it does not require to change the whole architecture. I show the benefits of its implementation in TSN networks for a future-proof solution with improved resource usage. To carry time critical traffic in legacy I propose to create a path by isolating and scheduling time critical traffic on a channel with guaranteed latency. With this construction, I build an algorithm to perform latency variation compensation enabling a constant latency transmission for time critical traffic. In a second time, propose a synchronization scheme and implemented a monitoring network primarily used here for latency monitoring, helping me gain insights on the distribution of latency that my protocol creates. Lastly, with an improved latency compensation algorithm, I demonstrate better jitter performances and study the turn-up time for our protocol enabling resource usage only when time-critical traffic is present. In my PhD I demonstrate, with an FPGA implementation and commercial product, latency variation reduction enabling OT and telecommunications network applications to run on legacy and TSN augmented network
Pal, Asmita. « Split Latency Allocator : Process Variation-Aware Register Access Latency Boost in a Near-Threshold Graphics Processing Unit ». DigitalCommons@USU, 2018.
Texte intégralChallis, E. A. L. « Variational approximate inference in latent linear models ». Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2013.
Texte intégralHedges, Stephanie Nicole. « A Latent Class Analysis of American English Dialects ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2017.
Texte intégralChanne, Gowda Anushree. « Latency and Jitter Control in 5G Ethernet Fronthaul Network ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.
Texte intégralKhan, Mohammad. « Variational learning for latent Gaussian model of discrete data ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Texte intégralAukštuolienė, Eglė. « Herpes simplex virus sequence variation in the promoter of the latency associated gene and correlation with clinical features ». Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.
Texte intégralHerpes simplex virusas sukelia recidyvuojančią burnos-veido ir lytinių organų infekciją. Latentinėje būklėje šis virusas glūdi sensoriniuose ganglijuose. Latencijos metu visi HSV genai yra supresuoti, išskyrus su latencija susijusį geną (LAT). Tyrimais nustatyta, kad tarp HSV LAT promotoriaus mutantų reaktyvacijos dažnis laboratorinių gyvūnėlių modeliuose yra mažesnis nei laukinių virusų. Nėra atlikta tyrimų, kurie nagrinėtų LAT promotoriaus sekų variaciją herpes simplex virusuose, išskirtuose iš žmonių klinikinių mėginių. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti herpes simplex viruso LAT promotoriaus sekų įvairovę molekulinės diagnostikos metodais bei palyginti su infekcijos klinikiniais požymiais. Tuo tikslu buvo sukurtas PGR metodas HSV LAT promotoriaus analizei atlikti. Buvo ištirta Lietuvos ir Švedijos klinikiniuose odos-gleivinių bei cerebrospinalinio skysčio mėginiuose rasto herpes simplex viruso promotoriaus DNR sekų įvairovė. Tyrimo metu rasta, kad 2 tipo herpes simplex virusas buvo pagrindinė lytinių organų HSV infekcijos priežastis tarp Lietuvos pacientų. Visuose veido srities bėrimuose rasta 1 tipo HSV. HSV LAT promotoriaus sekos ištirtos 145 klinikiniuose mėginiuose. Nustatyta, kad HSV LAT promotoriaus sekos yra gausios GC ir turi variabilias homopolimerinių nukleotidų sritis, kurios varijuoja tarp viruso padermių ir pačių padermių viduje. Ši variacija gali turėti įtakos baltymų sintezei, o drauge ir fenotipo pokyčiams. Nenustatytas ryšys tarp HSV LAT promotoriaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Toyinbo, Peter Ayo. « Additive Latent Variable (ALV) Modeling : Assessing Variation in Intervention Impact in Randomized Field Trials ». Scholar Commons, 2009.
Texte intégralChristmas, Jacqueline. « Robust spatio-temporal latent variable models ». Thesis, University of Exeter, 2011.
Texte intégralDahl, Joakim. « Analysis of the effect of latent dimensions on disentanglement in Variational Autoencoders ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2021.
Texte intégralUtnästling är en underkategori till Representations inlärning där vi inte bara tror att nyttiga egenskaper av datan kan utvinnas i en mer kompakt form, utan också att datan själv är bestående av en lågdimensionell delmängd av förklarande faktorer. Förklarande faktorer är ett tvetydigt begrepp och vad dessa poträtterar är varierande med datasetet i fråga. Ett dataset bestående av blommor kan ha stjälk storlek och färg som förklarande faktorer, medan för ett annat dataset kan detta vara plats eller position. Dem förklarande faktorerna är ofta nästlade i en komplex interaktion för att generera datan. Utnästling kan summeras som att bryta ner denna potentiellt komplexa interaktion mellan dem förklarande faktorerna för att frigöra dem från varandra. Dem frigivna förklarande faktorerna utgör därefter själva grunden till representationerna, en procedur som är betrodd att förbättra nedströms maskininlärningsuppgifter. Att nästla ut dem förklarande faktorerna i en oövervakad omgivning har visat sig vara en svår uppgift av många anledningar, kanske den allra viktigaste är att vi saknar vetskap om hur många dem är och vad dem reflekterar. För att kunna utvärdera graden av utnästling som vi har uppnått så kommer vi att betrakta ett dataset som är annoterat med de förklarande faktorer som genererade datan. Att veta hur många de förklarande faktorerna är ger en indikation av vilken dimensionalitet representationerna bör ha för att åtminstone kunna fånga alla de förklarande faktorerna. Många av de empiriska studier som betraktats i detta papper behandlar dimensionaliteten av representationerna som en konstant när vi utvärderar utnästlingen som uppnåtts. Syftet med detta papper är att förlänga diskussionen runt utnästling genom att behandla dimensionaliteten av representationerna som en variabel att alternera och undersöka hur detta påverkar graden av utnästling som uppnåtts. Experimenten som utförts i detta papper indikerar att visuell inspektion av den uppnådda utnästlingen i ett högdimensionellt representationsrum är svårt att tolka och utvärdera för ett mänskligt öga. Därav är vi ofta beroende av utnästlingspoäng, som inte behöver någon mänsklig interaktion för utvärderingen. Utnästlingspoängen uppvisar dock ett statiskt beteende, och förändras inte till den grad som den visuella inspektionen indikerar. Av just denna anledning är utvärderingen av hur representations dimensionaliteten påverkar utnästlingen uppnådd hos representationerna ett känsligt ämne. Många av de empiriska studier som betraktats i detta papper föreslår att regulariseringen är det som mestadels påverkar utnästlingen. Det verkar huruvida som att där är betydligt fler parametrar än vad som tidigare misstänkts som behöver utvärderas, och i synnerhet deras påverkan på utnästlingen.
Chandra, Sathees B. C. « Heritable variation for learning : molecular analysis of reversal learning and latent inhibition in the honeybee, Apis millifera / ». The Ohio State University, 2000.
Texte intégralBrault, Vincent. « Estimation et sélection de modèle pour le modèle des blocs latents ». Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Texte intégralClassification aims at sharing data sets in homogeneous subsets; the observations in a class are more similar than the observations of other classes. The problem is compounded when the statistician wants to obtain a cross classification on the individuals and the variables. The latent block model uses a law for each crossing object class and class variables, and observations are assumed to be independent conditionally on the choice of these classes. However, factorizing the joint distribution of the labels is impossible, obstructing the calculation of the log-likelihood and the using of the EM algorithm. Several methods and criteria exist to find these partitions, some frequentist ones, some bayesian ones, some stochastic ones... In this thesis, we first proposed sufficient conditions to obtain the identifiability of the model. In a second step, we studied two proposed algorithms to counteract the problem of the EM algorithm: the VEM algorithm (Govaert and Nadif (2008)) and the SEM-Gibbs algorithm (Keribin, Celeux and Govaert (2010)). In particular, we analyzed the combination of both and highlighted why the algorithms degenerate (term used to say that it returns empty classes). By choosing priors wise, we then proposed a Bayesian adaptation to limit this phenomenon. In particular, we used a Gibbs sampler and we proposed a stopping criterion based on the statistics of Brooks-Gelman (1998). We also proposed an adaptation of the Largest Gaps algorithm (Channarond et al. (2012)). By taking their demonstrations, we have shown that the labels and parameters estimators obtained are consistent when the number of rows and columns tend to infinity. Furthermore, we proposed a method to select the number of classes in row and column, the estimation provided is also consistent when the number of row and column is very large. To estimate the number of classes, we studied the ICL criterion (Integrated Completed Likelihood) whose we proposed an exact shape. After studying the asymptotic approximation, we proposed a BIC criterion (Bayesian Information Criterion) and we conjecture that the two criteria select the same results and these estimates are consistent; conjecture supported by theoretical and empirical results. Finally, we compared the different combinations and proposed a methodology for co-clustering
Jaradat, Shatha. « OLLDA : Dynamic and Scalable Topic Modelling for Twitter : AN ONLINE SUPERVISED LATENT DIRICHLET ALLOCATION ALGORITHM ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2015.
Texte intégralTillhandahålla högkvalitativa ämnen slutsats i dagens stora och dynamiska korpusar, såsom Twitter, är en utmanande uppgift. Detta är särskilt utmanande med tanke på att innehållet i den här miljön innehåller korta texter och många förkortningar. Projektet föreslår en förbättring med en populär online ämnen modellering algoritm för Latent Dirichlet Tilldelning (LDA), genom att införliva tillsyn för att göra den lämplig för Twitter sammanhang. Denna förbättring motiveras av behovet av en enda algoritm som uppnår båda målen: analysera stora mängder av dokument, inklusive nya dokument som anländer i en bäck, och samtidigt uppnå hög kvalitet på ämnen "upptäckt i speciella fall miljöer, till exempel som Twitter. Den föreslagna algoritmen är en kombination av en online-algoritm för LDA och en övervakad variant av LDA - Labeled LDA. Prestanda och kvalitet av den föreslagna algoritmen jämförs med dessa två algoritmer. Resultaten visar att den föreslagna algoritmen har visat bättre prestanda och kvalitet i jämförelse med den övervakade varianten av LDA, och det uppnådde bättre resultat i fråga om kvalitet i jämförelse med den online-algoritmen. Dessa förbättringar gör vår algoritm till ett attraktivt alternativ när de tillämpas på dynamiska miljöer, som Twitter. En miljö för att analysera och märkning uppgifter är utformad för att förbereda dataset innan du utför experimenten. Möjliga användningsområden för den föreslagna algoritmen är tweets rekommendation och trender upptäckt.
Wenzel, Florian. « Scalable Inference in Latent Gaussian Process Models ». Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020.
Texte intégralLatent Gaussian process (GP) models help scientists to uncover hidden structure in data, express domain knowledge and form predictions about the future. These models have been successfully applied in many domains including robotics, geology, genetics and medicine. A GP defines a distribution over functions and can be used as a flexible building block to develop expressive probabilistic models. The main computational challenge of these models is to make inference about the unobserved latent random variables, that is, computing the posterior distribution given the data. Currently, most interesting Gaussian process models have limited applicability to big data. This thesis develops a new efficient inference approach for latent GP models. Our new inference framework, which we call augmented variational inference, is based on the idea of considering an augmented version of the intractable GP model that renders the model conditionally conjugate. We show that inference in the augmented model is more efficient and, unlike in previous approaches, all updates can be computed in closed form. The ideas around our inference framework facilitate novel latent GP models that lead to new results in language modeling, genetic association studies and uncertainty quantification in classification tasks.
Abuzaid, Abdullah Ibrahim. « A Variation of Positioning Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Within Building Enclosures and Their Utilization Toward Thermal Performance ». Diss., Virginia Tech, 2018.
Texte intégralPHD
Jouffroy, Emma. « Développement de modèles non supervisés pour l'obtention de représentations latentes interprétables d'images ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Texte intégralThe Laser Megajoule (LMJ) is a large research device that simulates pressure and temperature conditions similar to those found in stars. During experiments, diagnostics are guided into an experimental chamber for precise positioning. To minimize the risks associated with human error in such an experimental context, the automation of an anti-collision system is envisaged. This involves the design of machine learning tools offering reliable decision levels based on the interpretation of images from cameras positioned in the chamber. Our research focuses on probabilistic generative neural methods, in particular variational auto-encoders (VAEs). The choice of this class of models is linked to the fact that it potentially enables access to a latent space directly linked to the properties of the objects making up the observed scene. The major challenge is to study the design of deep network models that effectively enable access to such a fully informative and interpretable representation, with a view to system reliability. The probabilistic formalism intrinsic to VAE allows us, if we can trace back to such a representation, to access an analysis of the uncertainties of the encoded information
Carlsson, Filip, et Philip Lindgren. « Deep Scenario Generation of Financial Markets ». Thesis, KTH, Matematisk statistik, 2020.
Texte intégralSyftet med den här avhandlingen är att utforska en ny klustringsalgoritm, VAE-Clustering, och undersöka om den kan tillämpas för att hitta skillnader i fördelningen av aktieavkastningar och förändra distributionen av en nuvarande aktieportfölj och se hur den presterar under olika marknadsvillkor. VAE-klusteringsmetoden är som nämnts en nyinförd metod och inte testad i stort, särskilt inte på tidsserier. Det första steget är därför att se om och hur klusteringen fungerar. Vi tillämpar först algoritmen på ett datasätt som innehåller månatliga tidsserier för strömbehovet i Italien. Syftet med denna del är att fokusera på hur väl metoden fungerar tekniskt. När modellen fungerar bra och ger tillfredställande resultat, går vi vidare och tillämpar modellen på aktieavkastningsdata. I den senare applikationen kan vi inte hitta meningsfulla kluster och kan därför inte gå framåt mot målet som var att simulera olika marknader och se hur en nuvarande portfölj presterar under olika marknadsregimer. Resultaten visar att VAE-klustermetoden är väl tillämpbar på tidsserier. Behovet av el har tydliga skillnader från säsong till säsong och modellen kan framgångsrikt identifiera dessa skillnader. När det gäller finansiell data hoppades vi att modellen skulle kunna hitta olika marknadsregimer baserade på tidsperioder. Modellen kan dock inte skilja olika tidsperioder från varandra. Vi drar därför slutsatsen att VAE-klustermetoden är tillämplig på tidsseriedata, men att strukturen på den finansiella data som undersöktes i denna avhandling gör det svårt att hitta meningsfulla kluster. Den viktigaste upptäckten är att VAE-klustermetoden kan tillämpas på tidsserier. Vi uppmuntrar ytterligare forskning för att hitta om metoden framgångsrikt kan användas på finansiell data i andra former än de testade i denna avhandling
Texte intégralWedenberg, Kim, et Alexander Sjöberg. « Online inference of topics : Implementation of the topic model Latent Dirichlet Allocation using an online variational bayes inference algorithm to sort news articles ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2014.
Texte intégralEl, Haj Abir. « Stochastics blockmodels, classifications and applications ». Thesis, Poitiers, 2019.
Texte intégralThis PhD thesis focuses on the analysis of weighted networks, where each edge is associated to a weight representing its strength. We introduce an extension of the binary stochastic block model (SBM), called binomial stochastic block model (bSBM). This question is motivated by the study of co-citation networks in a context of text mining where data is represented by a graph. Nodes are words and each edge joining two words is weighted by the number of documents included in the corpus simultaneously citing this pair of words. We develop an inference method based on a variational maximization algorithm (VEM) to estimate the parameters of the modelas well as to classify the words of the network. Then, we adopt a method based on maximizing an integrated classification likelihood (ICL) criterion to select the optimal model and the number of clusters. Otherwise, we develop a variational approach to analyze the given network. Then we compare the two approaches. Applications based on real data are adopted to show the effectiveness of the two methods as well as to compare them. Finally, we develop a SBM model with several attributes to deal with node-weighted networks. We motivate this approach by an application that aims at the development of a tool to help the specification of different cognitive treatments performed by the brain during the preparation of the writing
Hameed, Khurram. « Computer vision based classification of fruits and vegetables for self-checkout at supermarkets ». Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2022.
Texte intégralHuang, Yung-Hui, et 黃永輝. « A Variation of Minimum Latency Problem on Path and Tree ». Thesis, 2007.
Texte intégral國立清華大學
In mobile environment, users retrieve information by portable devices. Since the mobile devices usually have limited power, the issue of minimization the data access latency is important. Periodic broadcasts of frequently requested data can thus reduce the traffics in the air and save the powers of the mobile devices. However, users need to wait for the required data to appear on the broadcast channel. It follows the rule “the more time they wait then the more power devices have to consume. Finding the minimum latency tour can thus help us in solving this kind of problem. In this paper we study the variation of the minimum latency problem (MLP) [2]. The MLP is to find a walk tour on the graph G(V,E) with a distance matrix di,j.Where di,j indicate the distance between vi and vj. Let l(vi) is the latency length of vi, defined to be the distance traveled before the first visiting vi. The minimum latency tour is to minimize the . In some message broadcast and scheduling problem [8] the vertex also has latency time and weight. Those problem need to extend the objective function of the minimum latency tour as . The definition is equivalent to the MLP with no edge distance but vertex latency time and vertex weight. We give a linear algorithm for the un-weighted full k-ary tree or k-path graphs, and O(n log n) time for general tree graphs. The time complexity in trees is the same as Adolphson's result; however, the algorithm given here is not only simpler, easier to understand, but also more flexible and thus can be easily extended to other classes of graphs.
Sharma, Dinesh R. McGee Daniel. « Logistic regression, measures of explained variation, and the base rate problem ». 2006.
Texte intégralAdvisor: Daniel L. McGee, Sr., Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Statistics. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Sept. 21, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 147 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
Liu, Tang-Hao, et 劉唐豪. « Study on the modification and the morphological variation of indanthrone via latent pigment technology ». Thesis, 2010.
Texte intégral國立中興大學
Abstract The latent pigment technology starts from an appropriate pigment precursor which has to be soluble or molecularly dispersible like a dye in the polymer, and after the subsequent physical or chemical treatment, it can convert in-situ to the pigment form in the application medium. It is soluble and easily is dispersed in application medium without auxiliary substances such as dispersing agents and surfactants and any time- and energy-consuming treatment so that it remains stable when used in different applications. The latent pigment BOC-indanthrone is synthesized by replacing the hydrogen atom in the NH group of blue high performance pigment, indanthrone with a compound containing the t-butyloxycarbonyl (t-BOC) group. It is soluble completely in the organic solvent and application medium. We can obtain the regenerated indanthrone pigment with different morphology and particle size from parent pigment by thermolysis and acidolysis of BOC-indanthrone in the organic solvent or polymeric film. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed that the crystal phases in the regenerated and parent indanthrone pigments are the same. The results indicate that the morphology of the regenerated pigment converted from BOC-indanthrone by thermolysis in NMP, DMF, PGMEA, DMSO and cyclohexanone are the same as the parent pigment (slated and flat). The morphology of the regenerated pigment from BOC-indanthrone by acidolysis in the organic solvent depends on the type and amount of the source of acid. When Boc-indanthrone converted to regenerated indanthrone pigment through acidolysis by CD 1012 (photoacid generator, PAG) in the organic solvent, the morphology of the regenerated pigment changed from a cubic to a spherical form due to the stibium (Sb) ion resulted from the photolysis of CD-1012 and influenced the aggregation of indanthrone molecules. The morphology of the regenerated pigment from BOC-indanthrone by hydrochloric acid was from cubic to bar-like form depends on the amount of hydrochloric acid. The results reveal that high temperature and long term thermolysis (180°C for 180min) is necessary to convert BOC-indanthrone into regenerated pigment in the polymeric film, and it may damage the application medium. In the presence of a trace acid, the thermolysis temperature and the reaction time of the convertion of BOC-indanthrone to regenerated pigment can be reduced and can extend the application field of the latent pigment. The morphology of the regenerated pigments were cubic form in the polymeric film whether the presence of PAG or not. The regenerated pigment converted from latent pigment by thermal treatment after acidolysis exhibits an excellent dispersion and distribution property in the photo-polymeric film and the resolution of 30μm in line width can be obtained by the photo-resist containing indanthrone converted from BOC-indanthrone by thermal treatment subsequent to the acidolysis in the presence of PAG at 130 ℃.
Yeh, Mei Yu, et 葉美妤. « Variations in BOLD response latency estimated from event-related fMRI at 3T : Comparisons between gradient-echo and spin-echo ». Thesis, 2009.
Texte intégral長庚大學
Functional MRI (fMRI) based on the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast commonly uses gradient-recalled echo (GRE) signal to detect regional hemodynamic variations due to neural activities. While the spatial localization of activation has showed promising applications in both neuroscience and clinical studies, indexing the temporal BOLD response is still a poor deputy for detecting the timing of neural activity. Particularly, for the sub-second time scale between brain regions, the hemodynamic response may not be able to resolve the differences due to its signal origin or the noise in data, or both. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of latency estimation by different BOLD fMRI techniques, with two event-related experiments at 3T. The first experiment (experiment Ⅰ) evaluated the variations of hemodynamic latency between voxels within the visual cortex and their relationship with CNR for GRE, spin echo (SE) and diffusion-weighted SE (DWSE). The second experiment (experiment Ⅱ) used delayed visual stimuli between two hemifields (delay time = 0, 250 and 500 ms) to assess the temporal resolving power of three acquisition conditions: GRE with TR = 1000 ms (GRETR1000), GRE with TR = 500 ms (GRETR500) and SE with TR = 1000 ms (SETR1000). The results of experiment I showed the earliest latency with DWSE (1.97 ± 0.33 ms) followed by SE (2.44 ± 0.31 ms) and then GRE (2.84 ± 0.72 ms), with significant differences found between the DWSE and the other two (p<0.05). In general, latency variations decreased as the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) increased for all three techniques. However, similar variations were found between GRE and SE even when the later had lower CNR. For example, when averaging through 30 trials, the latency variations were 0.70 ± 0.05 vs. 0.64 ± 0.14 and CNRs were 10.54 ± 2.21 vs. 7.42 ± 0.34 (p<0.05), for GRE and SE, respectively. For experiment II, significant correlations were found between measured and preset stimulus delays for subject-averaged data obtained from all three conditions (r2 =0.992, 0.990 and 0.958 for GRETR1000, GRETR500 and SETR1000, respectively ). The inter-subject variation of the measured delay was found to be greatest with the GRETR1000 (89~319 ms) followed by the GRETR500 (120~260 ms) and the smallest with the SETR1000 (71~152 ms). In summary, BOLD responses obtained from GRE exhibited greater CNR but no compromised latency variations in the visual cortex. SE was potentially capable of improving the performance of latency estimation, however, no significant advantages were found due to its inferior sensitivity at 3T.
Rigden, Angela Jean. « Sources of variation in multi-decadal water fluxes inferred from weather station data ». Thesis, 2017.
Texte intégralShen, Sheng-Yao, et 沈聖堯. « Improving Variational Auto-Encoder Based Neural Topic Model with Sparse Latent Concept Layer ». Thesis, 2017.
Texte intégral國立臺灣大學
In this thesis, the primary contribution is proposing a simple variational auto-encoder based topic model, and effective topic word selection criteria. By decomposing the probability matrix into the product of a topic matrix and a word matrix, we introduce sparse latent concepts (SLC) as the dimensionalities of the semantic space of the topic and word vectors, improve the model based on the idea that a topic is represented as few latent concepts, and select topic words by semantic similarity between topic and word vectors. In the experiments, SLC-based model outperforms the non-SLC-based model in terms of average topic coherence.
Lee, Jaron Jia Rong. « A Variational Bayes Approach to Clustered Latent Preference Models for Directed Network Data ». Thesis, 2016.
Texte intégralHan, Shaobo. « Bayesian Learning with Dependency Structures via Latent Factors, Mixtures, and Copulas ». Diss., 2016.
Texte intégralBayesian methods offer a flexible and convenient probabilistic learning framework to extract interpretable knowledge from complex and structured data. Such methods can characterize dependencies among multiple levels of hidden variables and share statistical strength across heterogeneous sources. In the first part of this dissertation, we develop two dependent variational inference methods for full posterior approximation in non-conjugate Bayesian models through hierarchical mixture- and copula-based variational proposals, respectively. The proposed methods move beyond the widely used factorized approximation to the posterior and provide generic applicability to a broad class of probabilistic models with minimal model-specific derivations. In the second part of this dissertation, we design probabilistic graphical models to accommodate multimodal data, describe dynamical behaviors and account for task heterogeneity. In particular, the sparse latent factor model is able to reveal common low-dimensional structures from high-dimensional data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed statistical learning methods on both synthetic and real-world data.