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Салата, Оксана. « Періодичний друк Вінниччини в умовах німецько-фашистської окупації (на прикладі газети «Вінницькі вісті») ». Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, no 16 (16 novembre 2009) : 151–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.31652/2411-2143-2016-9-151-156.

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Stokolos, Nadiya G. « Ethnic and Confessional Politics of the Reich in Occupied Ukraine (1941-1944) ». Ukrainian Religious Studies, no 19 (2 octobre 2001) : 70–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.32420/2001.19.1165.

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Orthodox church life in Ukraine from the summer of 1941 to the spring of 1944 was characterized by a sharp confrontation between two Orthodox churches, administrative centers of which were located in Volyn, in Lutsk and Kremenets. The Autonomous Orthodox Church (APC) was headed by an archbishop (from December 1941 - Metropolitan) Alex (Gromadsky). After his tragic death on May 7, 1943, the APC remained virtually without a chapter, since at this time the occupation authorities abolished the traditional system of church management. The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) throughout its time was headed by an archbishop, and from May 1942 Metropolitan Polycarp (Sikorsky).
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Фомін, А. В. « Power supply of urban residents in nazi occupied Ukraine (between 1941 – 1944) ». ВІСНИК СХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ імені Володимира Даля, no 3(259) (18 février 2020) : 99–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.33216/1998-7927-2020-259-3-99-107.

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In this article, from the standpoint of anthropocentrism, social history, the history of everyday life, the problem of energy supply to residents of Ukrainian cities during the years of Nazi occupation is analyzed. Energy in an industrial society is one of the most important sectors of the economy, ensuring the functioning of industry, transport, water supply and sanitation, lighting and heating of homes. It plays a particularly important role in the life of cities, because the city’s infrastructure is the center of population, industry and transport, high-rise buildings, and its normal operation without electricity is impossible. The study reveals the features of the restoration and operation of power plants, street lighting in cities, the cost of electricity, its availability for different groups of the urban population. Aspects of the functioning of urban electric vehicles are also discussed in the article. It is proven that the lack of electricity was felt throughout the entire period of occupation. Its absence restrained the restoration of communal services. Electricity was used primarily by German military units, Volksdeutsche, enterprises and official institutions. The methods of lighting and heating homes that were used by citizens during the years of occupation are considered. In the most difficult period in the winter of 1942, the local population was completely deprived of the right to use electricity at home. Violent measures (up to the execution) were threatened for violation of the order. The reverse situation was observed among the Wehrmacht soldiers who did not save electricity. In general, energy supply could not meet the needs of either the civilian population or industry, especially in the cold periods of the year. The reasons for this situation were the Soviet scorched earth tactics, the evacuation of all resources to the east of the USSR, the Reich’s policy of looting and removal of electrical equipment, the lack of fuel and the general energy crisis in Germany as a result of the failure of the blitzkrieg. In their turn, the Nazis themselves, when retreating, also resorted to scorched earth tactics, which, along with heavy fighting and moving of the front line, completely deprived the population of electricity at the final stage of occupation and the Soviet-German war.
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Brekhunets, Anatolii, Vasyl Vasenko et Oleksii Honcharenko. « Organization of Work of Vocational Education Institutions in the German Occupation Zones of Ukraine in 1941-1944 : Historical and Pedagogical Aspects ». Professional Education : Methodology, Theory and Technologies, no 13 (25 juin 2021) : 36–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.31470/2415-3729-2021-13-36-63.

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The article considers the historical and pedagogical aspects of the creation of vocational education institutions system in the German occupation zones of Ukraine during the Second World War. The purpose of the article is to theoretically reconstruct and disclose the main foundations of Nazi policy in the field of vocational education, which was carried out in the occupation zones of Ukraine, to distinguish and compare the effectiveness of relevant measures in the «Galicia» district, the area of responsibility of the Temporary military administration, the Military zone and the Raichskommissariat «Ukraine». The authors of the article use methods of retrospective, historical-comparative, relatively comparable and chronological analysis of the identified sources, as well as classification and systematization of statistical data on vocational education institutions restored by the German occupation authorities. The results. As a result, it was found out that the urgent need of the German occupation authorities for personnel support in many industries, agriculture, medicine and the service sector led to the need to resume the work of vocational education institutions, although this contradicted the strategic goal of the occupation of Ukraine. This is confirmed by the historical, comparative and structural-functional analysis of the regulatory documents of the Reich Ministry of the Eastern occupied territories, reports in the local press of the occupation zones of Ukraine. The types of vocational education institutions that worked in the occupation zones of Ukraine are revealed. The separate faculties of technical universities, as well as medical, agricultural and teacher institutes worked In Ukraine. In the most systematic dimension, these trends can be traced in the Galicia district and the area of responsibility of the Temporary military administration. In a similar vein, the work of secondary vocational education institutions is reconstructed. In the worst condition, the work of vocational education institutions was carried out on the territory of the Reichskommissariat «Ukraine», since its head E. Koch opposed the rational measures of A. Rosenberg as the head of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. It is stated that some of the German regional managers, organizing the broad exploitation of the captured territorial array, needed personnel, and therefore, in this area, they actually acted at their own discretion. Conclusions. It was concluded that the part of the educational institutions of the vocational education system of the German occupation zones of Ukraine managed to train qualified specialists and send them to work. Most of their graduates were students and pupils of former Soviet educational institutions, as well as Ukrainian youth who received initial vocational training.
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Martynenko, Vladimir, Mariia Oganian, Alla Nikolaienko-Lomakina et Oleksandr Bahaliuk. « German population of Ukraine in the conditions of occupation (1941-1944) : episodes of everyday ». ScienceRise 5, no 1 (25 mai 2017) : 32–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.15587/2313-8416.2017.102112.

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Solonari, Vladimir. « Nationalist Utopianism, Orientalist Imagination, and Economic Exploitation : Romanian Aims and Policies in Transnistria, 1941–1944 ». Slavic Review 75, no 3 (2016) : 583–605. http://dx.doi.org/10.5612/slavicreview.75.3.0583.

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Based on a wide range of sources, this article explores the aims, methods, and evolution of Romanian occupation policy in southwestern Ukraine and the local non-Jewish population’s reactions to it. It shows that the policy was more oppressive than is usually assumed and that it resulted in a substantial deterioration of relations between occupiers and occupied, especially in the countryside.
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Холод, Олександр. « Психолінгвістичні інструменти інформаційно-психологічного впливу в підписах під фотографіями (на прикладі газет Рейхскомісаріату «Україна» 1941–1944 років) ». East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 3, no 1 (30 juin 2016) : 73–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2016.3.1.kho.

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Проблема дослідження полягає у відсутності знань про конкретний перелік і якість психолінгвістичних інструментів інформаційно-психологічного впливу (ІПВ) у підписах під фотографіями (на прикладі фашистських газет Рейхскомісаріату «Україна»). У статті автор ставить мету ідентифікувати, описати й класифікувати психолінгвістичні інструменти ІПВ в підписах під фотографіями, які були розміщені в газетах, що виходили в період із 1 вересня 1941 до 10 листопада 1944 року на території Рейхскомісаріату «Україна» (далі – РКУ) й фінансувалися фашистським режимом. Дослідник звертається до таких методів: спостереження, класифікація, узагальнення, контент-аналіз, інтент-аналіз, кількісно-якісний метод. Упродовж дослідження автор піддає аналізу 81 підпис під 85 фотографіями, опублікованими в газетах, що виходили в період із 1 вересня 1941 до 10 листопада 1944 року на території Рейхскомісаріату «Україна» й фінансувалися фашистським режимом. За результатами дослідження були описані й класифіковані на 8 груп (та 23 підгрупи) психолінгвістичні інструменти інформаційно-психологічного впливу в згаданих газетах РКУ. Установлено, що в газетах РКУ найчастотнішими є психолінгвістичні інструменти інформаційно-психологічного впливу, які відносяться до груп «Німеччина» (9 підгруп) і «Інші» (6 підгруп). Література References Воропаев С. Энциклопедия Третьего рейха [Текст] / С. Воропаев. – М.: Локид-Миф,1996.Voropayev, S. (1996). Entsiklopediya Tret'yego Reykha [The Encyclopedia of the ThirdReich]. Moscow: Lokid–Mif, 1996. Горевалов С. І. Фотокореспонденти й документальна фотографія періоду Другоїсвітової війни (до 70-річчя Великої Перемоги) / С. І. Горевалов // Наукові запискиІнституту журналістики. – 2014. – Т. 54. – С. 192–195.Gorevalov, S. (2014). Fotokorespondenty i Dokumental'na Fotografíya Períodu DrugoyiSvítovoyi Víyny (Do 70–Ríchya Velikoyi Peremogi) [Photocorrespondents andDocumentary Photograph During World War II]. Naukoví Zapyski Institutu Zhurnalistyki,54, 192–195. Горевалов С. І. Фотожурналістика в системі засобів масової комунікації: єдністьслова і зображення: навч. посіб. / С. І. Горевалов, Н. І. Зикун, С. А. Стародуб. – К.:КиМУ, 2010. Gorevalov, S., N. Zikun, S. Starodub. (2010). Fotozhurnalístika v Systemí ZasobivMasovoyi Komuníkatsíyi: Yedníst' Slova í Zobrazhennya [Photo Journalism in the Systemof Mass Communication: The Unity of Word and Image]. Kyiv: KiMU. Двірна К. П., Левченко Ю. І. Рейхскомісаріати «Україна» та «Остланд» в періоднімецької окупації: особливості територіально-управлінської системи та політики /К. П. Двірна, Ю. І. Левченко // Грані. – № 3(107). – Березень 2014. – С. 106–114.Dvírna, K., Levchenko, Yu. (2014). Reykhskomísaríaty “Ukraína” ta “Ostland” v PeríodNímets'koyi Okupatsiyi: Osoblyvostí Teritoríal'no–upravlins'koyi Systemy ta Polítyky[Reichskomissariats “Ukraine” and “Ostland” During German Occupation: The Specific ofAdministrative Government and Politics]. 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Періодична преса як інформативне джерело з історії повсякденногожиття населення Донбасу в роки Великої Вітчизняної війни / О. В. Літвінюк //Історичні і політологічні дослідження. – № 3(53). – 2013. – С. 77–86.Lítvínyuk, O. (2013). Períodichna Presa yak Informativne Dzherelo z IstoriyiPovsyakdennoho Zhyttya Naselennya Donbasu v Roky Velikoíyi Vítchiznyanoyi Viyny[Periodical Press as an Information Source from the History of Everyday Life of theDonbas Inhabitants During the Great Patriotic War]. Istorychni i PolitolohíchniDoslidzhennya, 3(53), 77–86. Мальчевський І. Українська преса під німецькою окупацією // На зов Києва:Український націоналізм у II світовій війні: 3б. статей, спогадів і документів. –Торонто; Нью-Йорк: Новий шлях, 1985. – С. 291–295. Malchevskyi, I. (1985). Ukraíyinska Presa píd Nímets'koyu Okupatsíeyu [The UkrainianPress Under German Occupation]. Na Zov Kyieva: Ukrayinskyi Natsíonalízm u DryhiySvitiviy Viyni, 291–295. Мюллер. Н. Вермахт и оккупация [Текст] / Н. 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Handrabura, N. « Nazi occupation regime 1941–1944 in the territory of Dnieper Ukraine in modern national historiography ». Cherkasy University Bulletin : Historical Science, no 2 (2018) : 63–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.31651/2076-5908-2018-2-63-78.

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Honcharenko, Оleksij. « Key Historical Narratives for the Formation of National Identity of Ukranians in Propaganda Discourse of Administrations of German Occupation Zones of Ukraine (1941–1944) ». Ethnic History of European Nations, no 66 (2022) : 58–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2518-1270.2022.66.07.

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The purpose of the study: to identify information arrays, that reconstructed and interpreted the historical past of Ukrainians, based on the source analysis of the content of German occupation periodicals, thus forming an appropriate model of historical memory, in fact, turning the Ukrainian people into a historical process. The methodology and methodology of research involves a combination of the principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency, as well as historical criticism of the selected basic reconstructions of the past of Ukrainians widely promoted in the occupation period. The study systematizes various publications in the occupation periodicals, highlighting their thematic blocks, specific content, forms of presentation of the standard information materials, which, contrary to the strategic visions of the Third Reich leadership, were directed at the formation of the historical memory of Ukrainians. The author, on a systemic and comprehensive level, investigated the information potential of the main periodicals that were published in all occupation zones of Ukraine, namely: the District «Galicia», the Reichskommissariat «Ukraine» and the Military Zone of Occupation. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the first in modern domestic historiography complex selection of the model of historical memory of Ukrainians, which was formed during the establishment of the German occupation regime. A detailed analysis of the information potential of the content of occupation periodicals indicates that the historical past of Ukrainians was interpreted in terms of the gravity of state tradition and the constant struggle against external enemies. The basic information and thematic blocks that were used in all the occupation zones of Ukraine were the reproduction of the history of Kievan Rus’, Khmelnytsky region and liberation movements of the Cossack era. At the same time, an exclusively negative image of neighboring Moscow and Poland was formed. The internal enemy of Ukraine was declared to be the Jews, against whom the Ukrainians fought in the same way as they fought the Poles and Russians. The events of 1917–1920, when the Ukrainian state perished and was torn apart by neighboring Poland and Bolshevik Russia, were voiced in the context of betrayal by the democratic countries of Europe. The construction of a new national identity for Ukrainians in the context of their spiritual, psychological, historical, cultural, economic, and territorial unity, as well as the reinterpretation of the historical past, consolidated society at that time. This important process for Ukrainians was carried out in unison with the history of the people’s unceasing struggle for their own statehood and their desire to achieve synodality. By successfully manipulating historical facts, German propagandists actually reformatted the historical memory of Ukrainians, programming for the future, constructing and correcting national identity markers that even the following Soviet occupation of the country was unable to erase. However, the historical narrative widely promoted in periodicals downplayed regional differences and social contradictions of Ukrainian society, represented its internal national unity, and was presented equally in all German occupation zones of Ukraine.
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Antoniuk, Yaroslav, Volodymyr Trofymovych et Liliya Trofymovych. « OUN(M) SECURITY BODIES DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR (1940 – 1944) ». Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu "Ostrozʹka akademìâ". Serìâ Ìstoričnì nauki 1, no 30 (30 novembre 2020) : 29–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.25264/2409-6806-2020-30-29-35.

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The article analyzes the activities of the security bodies of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists of the Melnyk direction during the Second World War. It was proven that the bodies were created by some former OUN intelligence officers, who were led by Yaroslav Haivas, in February 1940 on the territory of the General Government. In March 1941, the counterintelligence group, which was involved in identifying Bandera’s agents, of the sub-unit was separated. In the summer of 1941, the development of the OUN(M) security bodies network had begun on the territory of Western Ukraine. They resembled the OUN intelligence of the 1930-s by their structure. They reached the greatest development in southern Volyn. In the autumn of 1941, Melnyk security bodies extended their influence on Ukrainian lands to the east of Zbruch. Faced with German repression, they did not dare to confront the armed resistance, considering it was hopeless. Melnyk’s security bodies had high hopes for achieving strong positions in the occupation administration. They primarily focused on the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police. The development of the OUN(M) cells was slow even in the Western Ukraine. It mostly occured in the towns controlled by Germans. The article clarified that Melnyk’s counterintelligence forces sometimes managed to identify and even eliminate individual Bandera agents. However, they could not effectively resist the much stronger OUN (Bandera) Security Service. In the summer of 1943, Melnykivtsi were finally defeated in that confrontation. Banderites surrounded a few armed formations of the OUN(M) and attached them to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. After those events the Melnyk movement started to decline. The last OUN(M) security service boivka operated until the autumn of 1944 in the Drohobych region.
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Osypenko, Oleksandr. « Cultural Processes in the Rural Areas of Transnistria, 1941-1944 ». Eminak, no 2(30) (26 juin 2020) : 167–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.33782/eminak2020.2(30).417.

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The issue of cultural policy of the Romanian occupation administration in the Transnistrian countryside in 1941-1944. It is established that one of the important steps of the Romanian administration towards ideological support of its presence and functioning of the authorities in the territory of Southwestern Ukraine was a policy aimed at supporting the Orthodox Church, education and culture as a whole in the occupied territories. To achieve this goal, the Romanian Orthodox Mission in Transnistria was established. The main task of this religious group was the organization and management of church-religious life in the territory of the Bug-Dniester rivers. The Romanian Orthodox mission has launched activities to spread the Christian doctrine among the population, its catechesis and conversion of people to God, as well as the restoration, restoration and commissioning of church buildings in Transnistria. One of the primary tasks for the new government was to restore the functioning of primary and secondary education. Transnistria governorate implemented a Romanian school system where primary education was compulsory and reading, reading and writing skills were compulsory for all children and teens. In the process of organization the invasive process, the occupying power introduced a synthesis of the adjusted Soviet training programs and programs, which were officially studied in the Romanian kingdom. Much attention was paid to the organization of various groups of amateur art and aesthetic education of children. It has been established that in the cities of Romanian administration, from the first days of the occupation, started to set activities of recreation establishments, and only then began to worry about opening similar foundtions in county centers, and occasionally tried to organize something like the average rural resident. One of the centers organizations of recreation for the local population became the Romanian cultural circles which were opened both in county centers and in villages of «Transnistria». Despite considerable progress in setting cultural and educational work in rural areas of these lands. However, all these measures were used by the Transnistria administration in the first place for the systematic and forced Romanianization for the local, overwhelmingly rural population.
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Черепанин, Мирон. « MUSICAL LIFE OF THE WESTERN REGIONS OF UKRAINE IN THE YEARS OF GERMAN OCCUPATION (1941–1944) ». Problems of humanities. History, no 4/46 (2 novembre 2020) : 148–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.24919/2312-2595.4/46.215329.

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Kohut, A. « THE PHENOMENON OF «CIVILIAN HOSTAGE» IN THE DEPORTATION PRACTICES OF SOVIET SPECIAL SERVICES IN WESTERN UKRAINE IN 1944-1952 ». Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History, no 144 (2020) : 25–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2020.144.5.

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In 1944, with the beginning of the re-occupation of Western Ukraine by the Soviet Union, the practice of using forced evictions of local civilians as a method of repression and combating against anti-Soviet organizations and movements was restored. In fact, the deportation campaign against the “OUN families” was continued, which began on May 22, 1941 and lasted, with a break for the German occupation, until 1952. The deportation campaign included four stages: (1) operation on May 22, 1941, when 3 079 families or 11 329 persons were evicted; (2) campaigns of 1944–1946 – 14 726 families or 36 609 persons; (3) operation “Zapad” (“West”) on October 21–26, 1947 – 26,332 families or 77,791 persons; and (4) 1948–1952 campaigns – 22,308 families or 80,209 persons. In total, 205,938 people were deported from Western Ukraine as part of this campaign. Counterinsurgency against the Ukrainian anti-Soviet Resistance movement (primarily the OUN and the UPA) was the main purpose of these measures of the Soviet special services. Initially, the use of mass deportations was aimed at destroying the base of the Ukrainian anti-Soviet resistance movement and focused primarily on the families of the killed, arrested and active members of the underground. With the resumption of the deportation campaign in 1944, the application of the principle of hostility began to become dominant. Initially as a “family hostage” (since August 1944), and soon as civilian hostage – when the principle of collective responsibility of the local civilian population start used. The first detected order of the Soviet special services, which provided the application of the principle of civil hostage, was issued on May 24, 1945 jointly by the NKVD and the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR. Despite the absence of any direct reference to the principle of hostage in the regulatory acts of operation "Zapad", civilians and members of the anti-Soviet resistance movement perceived it as a “response” to the activity of Ukrainian insurgents. On October 20, 1948, the USSR Order No.00386 was issued, which was based directly on the principles of civil hostage. For more effective implementation of the Chekist “retaliatory actions” a special logistic infrastructure of special assembly points was created. Based on this analysis, it was established that the Stalinist repression system used the principles of joint and several liabilities for the local civilian population of Western Ukraine in 1944–1952. It can be qualified as a violation of the rules of international conventions by the Soviet special services that prohibit the practice of hostage among civilian persons who are not involved in armed conflicts.
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The article deals with the issues of the anti-German information and propaganda activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Bandera) (further OUN (B) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (hereinafter — UIA) among the Ukrainian population during the Second World War (June 1941–1944). Responding to archival documents, the author notes the three main periods in the deployment of the anti-German information and propaganda activities of the OUN and the UIA. The first period — from June 1941 to the September conference of the OUN in 1941. The second period — from September 1941 to February 1943, in particular, to the third conference of UNO. The third period — from February 1943 until the final liberation of Ukraine from German invaders in 1944.The author highlights the main tasks of the anti-German information and propaganda activities of the OUN (B) and the UIA among the population of the occupied Ukraine. He concludes that, aspiring to oppose the German occupation regime, the underground of the OUN (B) and the UIA during the war created their own propaganda network, established a mass production of printed publications, solved the problem of propagandists, conducted active verbal propaganda, and introduced a new type of mass campaign — propaganda raids of the UIA.However, the anti-German propaganda of the OUN (b) and the UIA during all the time of its management had its own peculiarities that distinguished it from other propagandistic directions of Ukrainian nationalists.Despite the tangible advantage of the enemy in propaganda, OUN (B) and UIA persistently and consistently propagandised their ideas. The content of their propaganda activities was consistent with each specific stage of the OUN and UIA struggles, taking into account the peculiarities of national environments that were disseminated through informational and propaganda activities.
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Honcharenko, Oleksiy, et Alina Ivanenko. « Participation of Local Administration Bodies of Provisional Military Administration and Reichskommissariat ‘Ukraine’ in Ensuring Holocaust Measures (1941-1944) ». Eminak, no 1(41) (13 avril 2023) : 181–200. http://dx.doi.org/10.33782/eminak2023.1(41).629.

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The purpose of the research paper is to uncover the role and significance of local administration bodies that were established on the territories under the control of the Provisional Military Administration (PMA) and the Reichskommissariat ‘Ukraine’ (RKU) in ensuring the Holocaust policy. Scientific novelty is based on the original documentary sources analysis. It is determined that the employees of local administration bodies in the German occupation zones of Ukraine, even against their will, took an active part in various forms of preparation and technical support for actions to exterminate Jews, their persecution by the authorities, and looting of the property belonging to them. Conclusions. In the territories under the control of the PMA and the RKU, local administration bodies were established, which, although not unified, were still typical institutions of occupation administration. Despite the unequal organizational structure, local administration bodies had to perform all the tasks assigned by the German authorities. In the practical activity of those authorities, there were no repressive and punitive functions, but it was their staff who had to provide the measures that were the basis of the Holocaust policy, which was consistently and all-out conducted by the Nazis in occupied Ukraine. Performing the functions of the occupation administration, the employees of the local administration bodies of the PMA and the RKU took an active part in both the preparatory measures and the purely technical support of actions for the extermination of the Jews. With the assistance of the local administrative staff members, the German authorities managed to settle the matter of registration and identification of the Jewish population, establish an effective system of control over issuing personal documents, as well as search and selection of places for conducting the massacres. Without their active participation, the Nazis would not have been able to organize actions of extermination people so quickly, as well as to identify systematically those who managed to avoid death and were hiding from the persecution of the German occupiers. Also quite actively, some employees of local administration bodies participated in propagandistic provision and justification of massacres of the Jews in Ukraine. Local authorities took part in the redistribution of property that belonged to the killed Jews. A great part of the former Jewish property, with the permission of the German authorities, was given to the local authorities, and the funds received after its sale were transferred to the bank accounts of the local authorities and used to finance their activities. At the same time, many employees of local administration bodies, using their official position, tried to obtain part of the property of people who had already been killed.
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BANAKH, Vasyl. « LVIV STATE ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM DURING THE SOVIET OCCUPATION (1939–1941) ». Contemporary era 10 (2022) : 97–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.33402/nd.2022-10-97-106.

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Based on the analysis of previous research and archival sources, the position of key Ukrainian museum institutions in Lviv on the eve of the occupation of Western Ukraine by the Soviet Union in September 1939, is analyzed. In the region, there were many museum institutions, which preserved and popularized the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples who have inhabited the territory of Halychyna. It was investigated that among the Ukrainian museums the most powerful were the National Museum in Lviv which had been founded in 1905 by the initiative of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky and the Museum of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv (NTSh Museum). For more than three decades, both institutions have replenished their repositories with respectable ethnographic collections and artifacts. A drastic change in the situation after September 17, 1939, is demonstrated. Soviet occupation authorities conducted a detailed audit of all museums in Lviv and carried out their large-scale reorganization, in particular, of the entire ethnographic collections of the NTSh Museum in Lviv, the Dzieduszycki Museum, the City Ethnographic and Arts and Crafts Museums, and the Lubomyrski Museum. The Lviv State Ethnographic Museum was established based on their ethnographic collections. From now on, all museum institutions in Halychyna had to serve the ideological needs of the totalitarian machine of Soviet propaganda. Due to the analysis of archival material from the State Archives of Lviv Region (DALO), the main directions of the Ethnographic Museum's activity and its gradual ideologizing, which manifested itself in the priority of Bolshevik propaganda, are analyzed. For instance, exhibitions, lectures, and exposition ensembles forming, organized by the Museum during the end of 1939 and the first half of 1941 strictly corresponded to the so-called «Marxist-Leninist» ideology and a «class» approach. All his public activities were controlled by the relevant party-ideological institutions and party officials. After the Nazi occupation of 1941–1944, the Lviv State Ethnographic Museum returned to the Soviet Bolshevik propaganda reality. Thus, it was stated that the events of the autumn of 1939, related to the occupation of Western Ukraine by the Soviet Union and the implementation of Bolshevism, radically changed the museum landscape of Lviv. Most of the museum collections were disbanded by the new Soviet government and new museums were created on their basis – the main task of which from now on was to promote the so-called «Marxist-Leninist» approach. Keywords museum, occupation, propaganda, Lviv State Ethnographic Museum
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Vishivanyuk, Anna. « The Greek Catholic Church during the German Occupation of Western Ukraine (1941—1944) : Relations with the Occupation Authorities and the Main Areas of Activity ». ISTORIYA 13, no 6 (116) (2022) : 0. http://dx.doi.org/10.18254/s207987840021881-8.

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The article considers the position and activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) under the German occupation. The authors analyzed the documents by Greek Catholics, German and Soviet authorities, and tried to understand the circumstances of the relationship between the UGCC hierarchy and the occupation regime. The transformation of the position of the Greek Catholics towards the German occupation authorities was studied. The work also highlights the social and socio-political activity of the Greek Catholic clergy in Galicia during this period, church activities to support those in need. In addition, we analyzed the connection of the UGCC with the Ukrainian nationalist movement - the church, on the one hand, supported the idea of independence, on the other, condemned terror. Finally, in the article we examined how, under the conditions of the German occupation, the UGCC tried to expand the union to the East, with the support of the Vatican.
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Kmeťová, Marianna, et Marek Syrný. « The 1944 Warsaw Uprising ». Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, no 1 (31 janvier 2020) : 18–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.33581/2520-6338-2020-1-18-23.

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After the German campaign at the beginning of World War II (1939), Poland was divided between nazi Germany which occupied the west and center of the country, and the Soviet Union which occupying the Eastern regions. The controversial relationship with Moscow has seen several diametrical breaks from a positive alliance after the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Axis powers in 1941, to a very critical relationship with the USSR after the revelation of the so-called Katyn massacre in 1943. With the approach of the Eastern Front to the frontiers of pre-war Poland, massive Polish Resistance was also activated to get rid of nazi domination and to restore of pre-war Poland. The neutralization of possible claims by the Soviets on the disputed eastern areas (Western Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania), respectively to prevent the crushing sovietization of Poland, it was also intended to serve a clear and world-wide resistance act in the sense of liberating at least Warsaw from the German occupation. This was to prevent the repeat of the situation in the east of the country, where the Red Army and the Soviet authorities overlooked the merits and interests of the Polish Resistance and Polish authorities. The contribution will therefore focus on the analysis of the causes, assumptions, course and consequences of the ultimate outcome of the unsuccessful efforts of the Armia Krajowa and the Warsaw inhabitants to liberate the city on their own and to determine the free post-war existence of the country.
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Deák, István. « Miserable Hungarian Occupiers and Their Miserable Subjects : Review Article of Ungváry, Krisztián. A magyar megszálló csapatok a Szovjetunióban, 1941-1944. Esemény - elbeszélés - utóélet [The Hungarian Occupation Troops in the Soviet Union, 1941-1944. Event - Narrative - Afterlife]. Osiris, pp. 467. Maps, Photographs. » Hungarian Cultural Studies 11 (6 août 2018) : 120–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/ahea.2018.326.

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It took some seventy years after World War II for the educated part of the Hungarian public to obtain comprehensive information on the double tragedy of Hungary’s participation in the German military campaign against the Soviet Union. Not only was the army’s defeat at the Don River in the winter of 1942/43 an unmitigated catastrophe, but as Krisztián Ungváry demonstrates, the Hungarian honvéd forces, performing occupation duty in Ukraine and a part of Belorussia, committed atrocities against the civilian population which nearly equaled those of the German occupiers. Moreover, the ill-equipped Hungarians’ main dilemma was a nefarious entanglement in local ethnic and nationalist conflicts, in which the Soviet Partisans played only a limited role.
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Іvаnenko, Аlіnа. « REGISTRY OFFICES FUNCTIONING FEATURESDURING GERMAN OCCUPATION OF UKRAINE IN THE SPHERE OF BIRTH AND DEATH REGISTRATION (1941-1944) ». Scientific notes on Ukrainian history, no 44 (30 novembre 2018) : 75–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.31470/2415-3567-2018-44-75-81.

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IVANENKO, Alina. « PECULIARITIES IN THE CREATION OF CIVIL PROCEDURES LAW IN THE PERIOD OF NAZI OCCUPATION OF UKRAINE (1941 – 1944) ». Східноєвропейський історичний вісник, no 11 (1 juillet 2019) : 159–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.11.170710.

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Zinkevich, Andrej. « LANGUAGE POLICY IN THE REYKMISSARIAT OF UKRAINE ». Studia Linguistica, no 15 (2019) : 66–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/studling2019.15.66-83.

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The article deals with some issues of language policy in the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine (1941-1944) in the context of competition between different concepts of the Third Reich leadership in relation to the occupied eastern territories. In this regard, along with the problem of attitude of the new authorities to the Ukrainian language, the issue of introduction of Latin script in Ukraine and teaching German to the local population is raised. The language policy implemented in the Reichskommissariat for the first time is the result of an internal struggle between the main forces of the occupation administration: the Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories, the Reichskommissariat Ukraine, the Wehrmacht (in its area of responsibility in Ukraine) and branches of the industrial and transport structures of the Reich working in Ukraine. The legislative basis of the language policy in Ukraine was never officially approved until the end of the occupation, so the main source of information about the language regulation was the letter of the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories dated January 13, 1942 about the foundations of the language policy, which in its basic provisions supported the trend towards gradual Ukrainianization of the population (excluding Ukrainian Germans). The most noticeable correction of the language policy took place in the sphere of teaching German to the local population. The needs of the military industry forced economic structures to lobby for the elimination of the ban on teaching German to Ukrainians, which in turn was reinforced by the general policy line of the Ministry for the Eastern occupied territories to involve the Ukrainian people in the fight against Bolshevism.
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Golysh, G., et L. Lysytsia. « Everyday life of children and adolescents of Central Ukraine in the conditions of the Nazi Occupation Regime (1941–1944) ». Cherkasy University Bulletin : Historical Sciences, no 1 (2020) : 119–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.31651/2076-5908-2020-1-119-128.

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Honcharenko, O. « Key Anti-Russian Narratives in the Propaganda Discourse of Periodicals of the German Occupation Zones of Ukraine (1941-1944) ». Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal, no 6 (9 février 2022) : 108–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/uhj2022.06.108.

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Salata, Oksana. « Review of A. Ivanenko’s monograph «Local courts, advocacy and notaries in the occupation apparatus system of the Reich Commissariat «Ukraine» and the military occupation zone (1941–1944) : social and legal dimensions : monograph. Chernihiv : Desna, 2020. – 486 pp.» ». Ethnic History of European Nations, no 61 (2020) : 87–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2518-1270.2020.61.10.

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The author reviewed the monograph by A. O. Ivanenko «Local courts, advocacy and notaries in the occupation apparatus system of the Reich Commissariat «Ukraine» and the military occupation zone (1941–1944): social and legal dimensions». It is emphasized that the considerable efforts of the author were focused on the study of establishing a legal framework for criminal offenses, on legal regulation of local population civil and family relationships; on the work of local civil and criminal courts, notaries and advocacies; on finding out the opportunities of the local population for the judicial protection of civil rights and interests; on the coverage of cooperation of judges, notaries and lawyers with the occupational authorities and the fate of legal professionals after the return of Soviet administration. The examples, cited by the author, testified that the courts, notaries, advocacies and their activities during the Nazi occupation cast doubt on the formed by Soviet historiography image of total despotism on ideological grounds and entire disenfranchisement of the local population. In general, A. Ivanenko’s monograph concentrates our attention on a barely known so far, but very significant everyday life aspect of Ukrainian population during the Nazi occupation. A. Ivanenko’s work contains valuable factual material and a number of theoretical judgments, formulated on its basis. It is a complete study of a complex scientific problem.
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Stasiulis, Stanislovas. « The Holocaust in Lithuania : The Key Characteristics of Its History, and the Key Issues in Historiography and Cultural Memory ». East European Politics and Societies : and Cultures 34, no 1 (16 septembre 2019) : 261–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0888325419844820.

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This article is part of the special cluster titled Conceptualizations of the Holocaust in Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine since the 1990s, guest edited by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe. The Holocaust is the darkest page of Lithuanian history: Nearly the whole Jewish community in Lithuania was destroyed, while a part of ethnic Lithuanians participated in this destruction. This article discusses three layers and periods of the Holocaust in Lithuania that have made a considerable impact on the perception of this traumatic period in Lithuanian society. The first period deals with the Lithuanian–Jewish relations during the German occupation in Lithuania (1941–1944). The second one is related to the Soviet reoccupation of Lithuania and discussions among Lithuanian émigrés in the West (1944–1990), which shaped the history of the Holocaust in Lithuania from the ideological (Soviet) and defensive (Lithuanian émigré) perspectives. The final part of this article discusses the historiography and Holocaust memory in independent Lithuania after the 1990s. Almost thirty years of independence mark not only the re-creation of some old myths and stereotypes in Lithuania, but also new groundbreaking and open discussions in society, concerning the perception of this dark page of Lithuanian history.
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Podolskyi, Anatolii. « Places of Memory for the victims of the Holocaust in Ukraine : the totalitarian legacy and historical and political challenges of today ». Political Studies, no 1 (2021) : 106–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.53317/2786-4774-2021-1-7.

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The article is devoted to the study of the formation of culture and policy Memory of the Holocaust victims in modern Ukraine. On the example of the international scholar and educational project „Protecting Memory”, which has been going on in Ukraine for more than ten years, the author analyzes the current state, trends, challenges and prospects of creating places of Memory and culture honoring the memory of World War II victims. war, including Ukrainian Jews and Ukrainian Roma. The article also provides a thorough analysis of the fundamental differences in the policy of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust during the communist regime in Ukrainian lands and in modern democratic Ukraine. In the period from 1945 to 1991, the Communist authorities of the Ukraine banned a special memory of Jewish people, which were the victims of the Holocaust, all victims of National Socialism (official title of the Nazi part − NSDAP in German) during World War II were marked by the euphemism of the Soviet regime as „peaceful Soviet citizens”. The anti-Semitic policy was particularly harsh between 1948 and 1953, when Ukrainian Jews affected by the Nazi occupation came under the brunt of Soviet postwar repression. Thus, the feature of the tragic fate of Jewish communities during the domination of the Nazi anti-Semitic ideology and practice was completely leveled. The USSR denied the identities of civilian victims of the Nazi occupation, especially Jewish people and Roma. Only in the days of sovereign and independent Ukraine, the identity and memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the Roma Genocide in Ukraine were revived. One of the most powerful examples of restoring the historical memory of these civilian victims of the Nazi regime in Ukraine was the „Protecting Memory” project. Thanks to this project, during 2010−2020 in five regions of Ukraine − Lviv, Rivne, Volyn, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr regions, 20 Memorials to Ukrainian Jewish people and Roma who were killed by Nazi punitive forces and their helpers during the German occupation of Ukraine in 1941−1944 were established. Key words: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Nazism, Stalin repressions Memory politics, World War II, Ukrainian Jews, Ukrainian Roma.
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Борисов, B., et О. Левін. « PARTICIPATION OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE WORK OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES IN 1941-1943. » Problems of Political History of Ukraine, no 15 (5 février 2020) : 131–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.33287/11933.

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The processes that took place in the public life of our country at those stages of its historical development, when the issue of preserving the Ukrainian statehood, were of great interest in the context of the implementation of the “decentralization” reform and the growing role of local self-government in modern Ukraine. In this context, the issues of participation of the Ukrainian intellectuals in the work of local self-government bodies (“Ukrainian subsidiary administrations”) during the difficult period of the German-fascist occupation of the territory of Ukraine in 1941-1944 are of current relevance. In the first weeks of the war with the Soviet Union, the fascist leadership decisively eliminated all attempts by Ukrainian nationalists to recreate the Ukrainian state in any form. The occupied territories were artificially divided into several administrative territorial units. On August 20, 1941, the Reich Commissariat of Ukraine was formed, which included ten occupied regions of Ukraine, including Dnipropetrovsk.On the initiative of P.T. Sokolovsky, The “Committee of Managing Propagandists” was established in the city and solemnly celebrated the second anniversary of “liberation” of Dnepropetrovsk “from the Bolsheviks” on August 25, 1943. The views of P.T. Sokolovsky were shared by many of his subordinates. Propaganda of the ideas of the new totalitarian ideology certainly met the requirements of the occupying power. Analyzing the article, we can conclude that the activities of the local intellectuals in the “Ukrainian Supplementary Authority” of Dnepropetrovsk were fully subordinated to the economic needs of the occupiers. However, the city government resolved the issues of social security of the population, preservation of the infrastructure and economic objects of the city by serving the occupying power. That is why the study of the positive aspects of the participation of the intellectuals in the work of the city government of Dnepropetrovsk in the complex historical period of 1941–1943 is a prospect for further investigation of this problem.
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Honcharenko, Oleksii, Oleh Khyshchenko et Yuliia Velykdan. « Organization of labor training of primary and secondary school students in the german occupation zones of Ukraine in 1941–1944 ». Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities. Section «Pedagogical sciences», no (56) (15 novembre 2021) : 82–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.31909/26168812.21-(56)-9.

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Honcharenko, Oleksii. « Organization of social communication between government bodies and local populations of the german occupation zones of Ukraine in 1941–1944 ». Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities. Section «Historical sciences», no (57) (18 mai 2022) : 34–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.31909/26168774.2022-(57)-4.

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Dobrochynska, Valentyna. « SOVIET PRACTICE OF TEACHER TRAINING IN THE OSTROH PEDAGOGICAL SCHOOL (1939–1941, 1944–1956) ». Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu "Ostrozʹka akademìâ". Serìâ Ìstoričnì nauki 1, no 30 (30 novembre 2020) : 36–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.25264/2409-6806-2020-30-36-41.

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Based on the study of new documentary sources, the Soviet practice of teacher training in the Ostroh pedagogical school from the time of its creation and until the reorganization of the institution has been comprehensively considered. The functioning of a vocational school during the two periods of the Soviet regime, separated by the German-Soviet war and the establishment of the Nazi occupation power on Ukrainian territories, has been analyzed. In the first, against the background of socio-political transformations since the accession of Western Ukrainian lands to the USSR, the reorganization of the educational sector on the Soviet model has been noted and the emphasis has been made on directives and tasks of the party leadership concerning the establishing of pedagogical schools to train teachers from the local population. The peculiarities of the system of teaching and introduction of communist education in the pedagogical school at the initial stage of Sovietization of the region have been clarified. The second, longer period of activity of the Ostroh Pedagogical School is characterized by the resumption of the educational process in the postwar years, the rise of the Soviet government after the victorious end of World War II and the continuation of the course of socialist transformation in Western Ukraine. The analysis of statistical information helped to reproduce the dynamics of the number of teachers and students, as well as to determine their national and social composition. The organizational principles and content of professional and educational training of teachers in the postwar years have been highlighted. The attention is paid to the methods and forms of ideological treatment of student youth, among which the atheism, the activities of the Komsomol organization, conducting various events on communist propaganda work have been distinguished. These factors in Soviet practice determined the basic principles of the educational process in professional training of primary school teachers.
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Borisyonok, Yuri. « Occupation policy of Nazi Germany on Belarusian lands in modern Belarusian historiography ». Slavic Almanac, no 3-4 (2023) : 491–503. http://dx.doi.org/10.31168/2073-5731.2023.3-4.27.

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In 2023, Belarusian historians Alesya Korsak and Sergei Kaminsky published a book about one of the camps for Soviet prisoners of war set up by the Nazis on Belarusian soil near Polotsk. The authors used a variety of archival sources from the archives of Minsk, Moscow and Podolsk, many of them introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as published German documents from the archive in Freiburg. The authors’ attempt to reconstruct the history of one single camp, in which more than 18,000 Soviet citizens died during the war years, deserves respect. The work of Korsak and Kaminsky fits well into the modern trends in the development of Belarusian historiography of World War II. Belarusian historians, in close coordination with government agencies, are carrying out large-scale work to identify and systematize documentary materials reflecting the Nazi policy of genocide in the occupied Belarusian lands. The restrictions of the Soviet period, when for political reasons the participation in the Nazi crimes of collaborators from Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, were hushed up, have not been in effect for several decades, which allows specialists to recreate an objective picture of the occupation policy of the Nazis in the period of 1941–1944.
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Ivanenko, A. О. « LEGAL PRACTICE OF THE MINORS’ RIGHTS AND INTERESTS PROTECTION IN THE REICH COMMISSARIAT "UKRAINE" AND THE MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE (1941–1944) ». Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, series Historical Sciences, no 1 (2020) : 13–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.32838/2663-5984/2020/1.3.

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Penter, Tanja. « Vergessene Opfer von Mord und Missbrauch : Behindertenmorde unter deutscher Besatzungsherrschaft in der Ukraine (1941-1943) und ihre juristische Aufarbeitung in der Sowjetunion ». Journal of Modern European History 17, no 3 (28 juin 2019) : 353–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1611894419857526.

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In November 1943, shortly after the liberation of the occupied territories by the Red Army, three mass graves with 144 corpses were discovered in a former colony for disabled children in the Zaporizhia region. The disabled inmates had been shot in two mass murder actions by German SS and Wehrmacht units in October 1941 and in March 1943. During the course of the investigations into the case in 1944 by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), seven former Soviet employees of the colony, among them four women, were put on trial and convicted for complicity with the Germans in the crime. The trial not only condemned the murder of the disabled, but also revealed their sexual abuse under the German occupation and in Soviet pre-war times. This article combines three different research perspectives. First, the previously unknown context of the crime is described for the first time on the basis of newly accessible Soviet file material from the Ukrainian secret service archives. In the process, the differing logics behind both the locals and Germans’ roles in the events surrounding the murder are brought to light and examined in the broader context of the German occupation of the Ukraine. Second, the legal treatment of the crime by a Soviet military tribunal is viewed against the background of the general prosecution of Nazi criminals and Soviet collaborators in the Soviet Union. Third, the current handling of the crime in the local Ukrainian culture of remembrance is surveyed. This reveals in particular the consequences of the Soviet memory policies that continue to this day.
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Krasnozhenova, E. E., et S. V. Kulinok. « On the Question of Using the Civilian Population of the USSR by German Intelligence in 1941–1944 ». Modern History of Russia 10, no 3 (2020) : 609–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2020.304.

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During 1941–1944 the German occupation and intelligence services created an extensive network of training centers (schools and courses) in the occupied territories of the USSR. Mostly Soviet prisoners of war were involved in reconnaissance and sabotage work, although a significant number of agents were recruited from the civilian (non-military) population. First, people who were in active or passive opposition to the Soviet regime were attracted: former emigrants, those repressed or dispossessed, ideological opponents, criminals, and others. At the same time, a significant number of agents were recruited from the civilian population who remained in the occupied territories, especially from its most vulnerable categories (women and children). The recruited agents were used to carry out reconnaissance and sabotage missions, both in the rear of the USSR and in parts of the Red Army, and against the resistance movement. On the territory of the BSSR occupied by the Germans, sixteen training centers were opened where saboteur children were trained, and more than twenty were opened to train “agents in skirts”. Similar schools and courses were opened in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic states. The Soviet secret services and partisan counterintelligence bodies were well informed about such work of the German secret organs. The performance of agents trained from among the civilian population was low. There were some tactical successes and actions by enemy agents (especially on the eve and during the period of punitive operations), but strategically this work by the Germans actually failed.
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IVANENKO, Alina. « THE PLACE OF LEGAL DEPARTMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF THE OCCUPATION REGIME OF THE REICHSKOMMISSARIAT “UKRAINE” AND THE MILITARY ZONE OF OCCUPATION (1941–1944) ». Humanities science current issues 2, no 60 (2023) : 26–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863/60-2-4.

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Гальчак, Сергій. « Релігійна політика нацистів на теренах окупованого Поділля ». Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, no 50 (26 décembre 2024) : 85–93. https://doi.org/10.31652/2411-2143-2024-50-85-93.

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The purpose of the article is is a reproduction based on the analysis of a number of sources of the real picture of religious life in Podillia during the Nazi occupation of the region during World War II, highlighting the problem of the situation of the church and believers in the German occupation zone, revealing the true essence of the occupation authorities' use of religion as an effective mechanism for implementing their own occupation policy.The methodologe of the research is based on a combination of general scientific (chronological, problem-historical, analytical, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historical-topological, historical-systemic) methods with the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematicity, scientificity, and verification. Scientific novelty of the work is that, using these methods, based on the publication of a number of little-known archival and other sources, the author reveals the real essence of the religious policy of the Hitlerite invaders in the Ukrainian regions occupied by them, in particular, in Podillia. Conclusions. To implement the occupation policy in the occupied territories of Ukraine (Podillia) in order to strengthen the influence on the local population, the Nazis used the religious factor. The Nazis considered the church an important weapon in the fight against Bolshevism, since the restoration of religion, which was actually illegal in Soviet times, was supposed to demonstrate to the local population the "adherence" of the new government to it. The invaders tried to prove that with their arrival, Ukrainians had gained the religious freedom lost during the communist regime. By legalizing the church, the occupation authorities contributed to its split into the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and the Autonomous Orthodox Church. The struggle between the church camps only played into the hands of the occupation authorities. The occupation authorities also had a biased view and influence on other religious denominations. Relative freedom of religion soon became a thing of the past. Control over religious organizations was noticeably strengthened. During 1941-1944, the religious policy of the occupiers focused on securing the interests of the Third Reich and was one of the most speculative in their propaganda and agitation work. At the same time, the spiritual needs of the population were practically not taken into account.
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Honcharenko, Oleksii, Oleksandr Potyl’chak et Oleksandr Lysenko. « Organizational-legal and personnel aspects of the functioning of the judicial system in the German occupation zones of Ukraine 1941 – 1944 : modern domestic historiography ». Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities. Section «Historical sciences», no (59) (8 décembre 2022) : 32–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.31909/26168774.2022-(59)-3.

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Zagorodniuk, I. « Ground squirrels of the war : a history of zoological research and Spermophilus collections in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine ». Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum, no 37 (1 janvier 2022) : 17–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.36885/nzdpm.2021.37.17-38.

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The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of reconstruction of the history and specifics of zoological institutions of Kyiv in 1941-1944, including the Institute of Plant Protection and its Zoological Museum. Data from five different groups of sources were analyzed such as publications, collections, personal files (including KGB) and interviews of participants in those events. It is shown that ground squirrels were one of the main research objects at the Institute of Plant Protection, which was established by the occupation regime in 1942-1943 on the basis of the Institute of Zoology and the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Based on studies of the distribution and variability of ground squirrels of the group Spermophilus "suslicus", two articles were published after the war describing new forms, including the Volyn subspecies, published by E. Reshetnyk in the USSR (1946) and by E. Scharlemann in Germany (1952). The history of (probable) transfers of the ground squirrel collection is analyzed and the measures that had been taken to prevent their export to Poznan and further to Germany in the autumn of 1943 are clarified. It is shown that part of the ground squirrel type series described in various publications is identical, but it was most likely either not exported or returned quickly. Various facts about the movements of collections based on memories of the participants of those events are analyzed.
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Hubskyi, Serhii. « Activities of the OUN Underground and the UPA Fighters in the Territory of Crimea during World War II (1941—1944) in Ukrainian Historiography ». Ukrainian Studies, no 4(85) (15 janvier 2023) : 162–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.30840/2413-7065.4(85).2022.269261.

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The article highlights the issues of the underground activities of the OUN underground and the UPA fighters during the Second World War in Ukrainian historiography. The program and ideological documents of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) are analyzed in relation to their vision of the role and place of Crimea in the geopolitical strategies of the future independent Ukrainian state. It is noted that back in the 20s–30s of the 20th century ideologists of the nationalist movement developed geostrategic concepts in which Crimea occupied a key place as a certain outpost of the Black Sea region, which cannot be conceded under any circumstances. It is noted that in these documents Ukrainian nationalists considered Crimea as the main base of the Ukrainian naval forces and the Ukrainian merchant fleet.It was established that Ukrainian nationalists began to implement their plans and own ideas in the conditions of the German-Soviet war, which is reflected in the works of Ukrainian historians and direct participants of those events. It is noted there that already at the beginning of July 1941, the first derivative groups of the OUN went to the central Ukrainian lands, from where they planned to take over all ethnic Ukrainian lands, creating their own authorities and administrations on them, and Crimea was one of their destinations. Accordingly, the OUN (Melnik’s supporters) and OUN (Bandera’s supporters) created special Crimean groups that were to move directly to the peninsula. In the autumn of 1941, the first groups of the OUN managed to enter the territory of the peninsula. At that time, the German occupation regime began repression against the members and supporters of the OUN, so the derivative groups moving to the Crimea were under the threat of exposure and physical destruction.It is noted that in Ukrainian historiography there is a widespread opinion, supported by the documentary base and eyewitness accounts, that Simferopol became the center of activity in Crimea. Separate structures of the OUN were also created in Dzhankoi, Yalta and other cities of the peninsula. Being persecuted by the German repressive authorities, Ukrainian nationalists were still able to gain a foothold in Crimea and start systematic organizational work, which consisted in creating a network of supporters, activities of cultural, educational and religious structures.It was established that in the conditions of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the temporary occupation of part of the Ukrainian territory, including Crimea, comprehensive and unbiased coverage of the above-mentioned topic is a relevant and necessary matter today.
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Korzun, O. « Activities of the Scientific and Research Center of the South of Ukraine established by the German Occupation Authority as a coordinator of the agricultural scientific institutions (1941–1944) ». History of Science and Biographical Studies, no 2 (25 juin 2019) : 36–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.31073/istnauka201902-11.

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Smirnova, Svitlana. « From the manuscript of the priest Volodymyr (Valerian) Mykhailovych Georgievskyi (autobiography) ». Scientific Yearbook "History of Religions in Ukraine", no 33 (2023) : 213–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.33294/2523-4234-2023-33-1-213-226.

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A part of the handwritten insert to Sitsynskyi’s book “Historical information about parishes and churches of the Podilia eparchy. Kamianets county. ‒ Kamianets-Podilskyi 1895”, which is stored in the library of the Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve, is published. This part of the manuscript concerns the life and activities of the priest, local historian, archaeologist, museum worker, rector of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Institute Volodymyr (Valerian) Mykhailovych Georgievskyi. Along with the description of his biography, it is found that the manuscript contains information about repressed representatives of the Podilian clergy. It also contains a number of interesting information about Podilian priests and parishioners. It is found that the author of the manuscript is V. M. Georgievskii, who was brought up in a priest’s family (his grandfather and father were priests). He was first convicted and served his sentence during the arrests of the Podilian clergy in the 1930s. In 1942, he returned to the town of Kamianets-Podilskyi and took an active part in the cultural life of the city. For cooperation with the Germans during the occupation of Kamianets-Podilskyi (1941‒1944), V. Georgievsky was repressed by the Soviet authorities for the second time. It is stated that the manuscript is an important source for researching the history of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, genealogy of priestly families, repressions against the clergy, religious beliefs of Ukrainian society a hundred years ago. Keywords: museum worker, priest, archaeologist, repression, village of Kadyivtsi, village of Chornokozintsi, village of Zaluchchia, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Volodymyr (Valerian) Georgievskyi
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GALCHENKO, Valeriy, Valentina NEMTSOVA, Volodymyr SACHKO et Igor CHUDIYOVYCH. « MYKHAILO KOZYK – ARTIST AND EXECUTIVE : RETURN FROM OBLIVION ». HUDPROM : The Ukrainian Art and Design Journal 2023, no 1 (30 juin 2023) : 140–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.33625/hudprom2023.01.140.

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The article is dedicated to the half forgotten Ukrainian artist Mykhailo Kozyk (1879–1947) – a master of impressive still lifes, portraits, landscape paintings, genre paintings and monumental church paintings, as well as an artist of original illustrations. Kozyk belongs to the generation of artists who entered the arena of Ukrainian cultural and artistic life at the beginning of the 20th century. The heyday of his talent came in the 1930s – the first half of the 1940s. During the years of his work, M. Kozyk created more than 500 paintings and monumental paintings, as well as several hundred graphic compositions (most of which are considered lost). For more than 25 years, he was involved in the formation of higher art education in Ukraine. Kozyk taught and was the head of Kyiv Art School (1915), held the position of professor at the Kyiv Institute of Architecture (1918), and Kyiv Art Institute (1925); was a teacher (1932), and then a professor at Kharkiv State Art Institute (1939), acting director of the National Institute of Art during the German occupation of Kharkiv (November 1941 – November 1942), taught painting at the Lviv Academy of Arts (1944). Among his students, the most famous are: Ye. Volobuyev, V. Golovaty, N. Umansky, F. Nyrod, O. Vandalovsky, M. Ashikhman, M. Slipchenko, L. Chernov, V. Yatsenko, G. Tomenko, O. Yakovenko, S. Gruzberg. A purposeful study of the artist’s work began after 1979, when thanks to the insistence of children, friends, and grateful students, the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth was celebrated. During the time of independence, the period of the early 1910s, and middle 1920s of the master’s work was well studied. However, the period of maturity of the master associated with Kharkiv (1932–1942), as well as the years of his forced stay in Western Ukraine (1943–1946), are not sufficiently reflected in the existing publications. A large part of the present publication is devoted to the last fourteen years of the artist’s life and work. A significant part of the illustrations is published for the first time.
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Kazak, Oleg. « The liquidation of the Russophile organization “Shkol’naya Pomoshch’” (“The School Help”) in the context of the national and cultural life of Subcarpathian Rus’ during the period of the Hungarian occupation (1938–1944) ». Slavic Almanac, no 1-2 (2022) : 95–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.31168/2073-5731.2022.1-2.1.06.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the nature of the cultural and educational societies of Subcarpathian Rus’ (primarily the Russophile organization “Shkol’naya Pomoshch’” (“The School Help”)) between the wars and during the period of the Hungarian rule. The activities of the organizations were determined by the complex national and cultural landscape of the region, the presence of several models for identifying of the local East Slavic population. The liquidation of “Shkol’naya Pomoshch’” corresponded to the main guidelines of the national and cultural policy of the Hungarian authorities, aimed to popularize the idea of the existence of a separate Rusyn people loyal to the Hungarian state among the population of Subcarpathian Rus’. The basis of the source base of the work were the documents of the Hungarian National Archives and the State Archives of the Transcarpathian Region (Ukraine). In particular, the reports of the Hungarian officials E. Malinics, J. Torockói, J. Dyurich on the nature of the activities of “Shkol’naya Pomoshch’” are analyzed in detail. Representatives of the Hungarian administration in Subcarpathian Rus’ considered the activity of this influential Russophile structure, which called into question the correctness of the national and cultural policy of Budapest in the region, extremely undesirable. The Russophiles, a significant part of whom during the interwar period acted in the revisionist interests of Budapest and counted on a positive attitude from the new authorities after the annexation of the region to Hungary, were deceived in their expectations. After the liquidation of “Shkol’naya Pomoshch’”, its property in 1941 was given to “Podkarpatskoe obshchestvo nauk” (“The Subcarpathian Society of Sciences”), whose members worked on the scientific justification for the existence of a separate Rusyn people.
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Pluzhnikov, Victor. « «Forgotten name... Yakov A. Rosenstein» ». Aspects of Historical Musicology 16, no 16 (15 septembre 2019) : 90–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.34064/khnum2-16.05.

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Problem statement. Conductor is considered to be one of the most prestigious occupation in musical field, so there has always been a certain interest to its history. But, despite a large amount of literature, there are no musicologist’s scientific works, with the systematized and generalized materials on training conducting staff in Ukraine in the 1920s – 1940s. This is partly due to a shortage of primary documents at a difficult historical period: most of them were destroyed by the employees of state institutions before being evacuated behind the lines during the Second World War; the other part was burned down during the hostilities; the third one was lost in the territories temporarily occupied by the fascists. The most important information was restored in the postwar years on the basis of personal documents of the musicians and memoirs of the contemporaries. The names of many other talented performers, who were not high ranked in the hierarchy of Ukraine musical culture, were forgotten. Research and publications analysis. Dealing with this article, the author relied on the research of three scientists. For example, the episode devoted to the history of the Kuban State Conservatory is based on the materials of the book by V. A. Frolkin, PhD in musicology, Professor of Piano Department of Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts. (Frolkin, 2006 : 70–89). The Kharkov period of Ya. Rosenstein’s activity is based on the article by E. M. Shchelkanovtseva, PhD in musicology, Department of Orchestral String Instrument of I. P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts (Shchelkanovtseva, 1992 : 178–179), as well as the memoirs of conductor S. S. Feldman (Feldman, 2006). Ya. Rosenstein activities in T. G. Shevchenko Kiev Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of the Ukrainian SSR was described in research of Yu. A. Stanishevsky – Doctor in musicology, Professor. (Stanishevsky, 1981 : 533–534). The objective of this article is to create Ya. Rosenstein’s complete and non-biased biography, to analyze various aspects of his activity, and, as a result, to revive the name of a talented musician who was at the forefront of Ukraine musical pedagogy. This is the urgency and novelty of this study. Core material. Yakov A. Rosenstein (1887–1946) – a cello player, conductor, professor. In1907–1912 he studied at St. Petersburg Conservatory specializing in cello. Until February 1917, he had served as a cello player in the Royal orchestra of the Imperial Mariinskyi Theater. During the Civil War, he moved to Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), where in 1918–1919 he was a director of Russian Musical Society Conservatory. October 1, 1920 witnessed the opening of Kuban State Conservatory. The university was funded from the budget of the People’s Commissariat for Education, so the training of all students was free. Ya. Rosenstein taught the cello class. But at the end of 1921, the Kuban Conservatory was deprived of state funding, and in summer of 1922 the university was reorganized into the Kuban Higher Technical School. (Frolkin, 2006 : 74–89). In autumn of 1923, Ya. Rosenstein moved to Kharkov, where he was a cello player in Russian State Opera orchestra. Later Ya. Rosenstein became a theater conductor. Also, he was engaged in pedagogical activity: in 1925 he became a dean of the instrumental faculty of Kharkov State Higher Music and Drama Courses, and in 1926 he became the head of the courses. According to E. M. Shchelkanovtseva, since 1927, Ya. Rosenstein had been teaching at the Music and Drama Institute (currently – I. P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts) – Professor of cello class, chamber ensemble, orchestra class, conducting; in 1929 he became an Academic Director. (Shchelkanovtseva, 1992 : 179). Opera-symphonic conducting class at Kharkov Music and Drama Institute, which was opened in autumn of 1927, is a merit of Ya. Rosenstein. During 8 years, he had been training such conductors as: P. Ya. Balenko, M. P. Budyansky, I. I. Vymer, F. M. Dolgova, K. L. Doroshenko, D. L. Klebanov, B. T. Kozhevnikov, V. N. Nakhabin, V. S. Tolba and others. In 1926–1927, the Orchestra of Unemployed Musicians in Kharkov was transformed into the First State Symphony Orchestra of All-Ukrainian Radio Committee, which in autumn of 1929 was integrated with the Ukrainian Philharmonic. In 1929–1932 Ya. Rosenstein acted as a chief conductor. Then he was replaced by German Adler, a graduate of German Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Prague, and a world-famous conductor. In 1937, this musical group was the base for creation the State Symphony Orchestra of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev (nowadays the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine). (Pluzhnikov, 2016 : 358). In 1935–1941 and 1944–1946 Ya. Rosenstein was a conductor of T. G. Shevchenko Kiev Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of the Ukrainian SSR. According to S. S. Feldman, there he brilliantly showed himself in the ballet performances “Swan Lake” and “Sleeping Beauty” by P. Tchaikovsky, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai” and “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” by B. Asafiev, “Lilaea” by K. Dankevich and “Raymonda” by A. Glazunov (Feldman, 2009 : 102). In summer of 1941 the War began, and the theater troupe was evacuated to Ufa. In 1942–1944 the United Ukrainian State Opera and Ballet Theater was created on the basis of the Kharkov and Kiev theaters in Irkutsk. More than 650,000 people visited 785 performances conducted by N. D. Pokrovsky, Ya. A. Rosenstein and V. S. Tolba in Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and other cities! In June 1944, the theater troupe returned to Kyiv, and in 1946 Ya. Rosenstein died. He was buried at Baykove cemetery in Kyiv. Conclusion. The creative personality of Ya. A. Rosenstein, a cello player, conductor, teacher, one of the organizers of the First State Symphony Orchestra in Ukraine and the creators of the Kharkov school of orchestra conducting, deserves more attention on behalf of the scientists, musicians and all non-indifferent people. There is hope that Ya. A. Rosenstein’s memory will not be forgotten, and the name of this talented and noble person will take its rightful place in the annals of Ukraine and Russian musical culture.
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Partyko, Z., et V. Stanchyk. « УКЛАДАННЯ БАЗИ ДАНИХ ПЕРІОДИЧНИХ ВИДАНЬ ЖИТОМИРЩИНИ ». State and Regions. Series : Social Communications, no 2(50) (2 décembre 2022) : 53. http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.2(50).7.

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Résumé :
<p><strong><em>The purpose of the study</em></strong><em> is to compile a database of printed publications of Zhytomyr region from the release of the first edition in 1838 to 2020.</em></p><p><strong><em>Research methodology.</em></strong><em> The following methods were used in the work: general scientific (traditional analysis, synthesis, induction, generalization) and specific scientific (historical, logical, calculations).</em></p><p><strong><em>Results</em></strong><em>. Sources have been collected that make it possible to establish a list of periodicals in the Zhytomyr Region. The following periods of their development have been identified: 1)</em><em> </em><em>the press, which was published during the existence of the Russian Empire (1838</em><em>–</em><em>1917); 2)</em><em> </em><em>the press, which was published during the existence of the USSR (1917</em><em>–</em><em>1991), or Soviet periodicals, with two subperiods: a)</em><em> </em><em>during the existence of the UPR (1917</em><em>–</em><em>1921); b)</em><em> </em><em>during the German occupation (1941</em><em>–</em><em>1944); 3)</em><em> </em><em>the press of independent Ukraine. In total, about five hundred publications have been described and analyzed. Periodicals are divided into five-year periods. The results of the study are presented in the form of a table and diagram.</em></p><p><strong><em>Novelty</em></strong><em>. The database of Zhytomyr Region publications in the Exel spreadsheet format is being compiled for the first time.</em></p><p><strong><em>Practical significance</em></strong><em>. The results can be used: a) to compile the history of the press of Zhytomyr region; b) to study the patterns of development of this press (periods of growth, stagnation and decline; trends of further development); c) to establish a functional relationship between the number of publications and the degree of freedom of the press, which was in the same five-year periods (subject to expert assessments of the degree of freedom of the press); d) in the educational process of training student journalists while studying the history of local (regional) media.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: periodicals, newspaper, magazine, bulletin, Zhytomyr region, 1838-2020.</em></p>
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Kaparulin, Yurii. « Eyewitness Account of the Nazi Occupation in the South of Ukraine : Diary of a Kherson Resident ». Eastern European Holocaust Studies, 30 mai 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/eehs-2023-0018.

Texte intégral
Résumé :
Abstract On March 31, 1944, Captain of Justice G.V. Shliamar, an investigator of the Military Prosecutor’s Office (a member of the Extraordinary State Commission), examined a diary with entries about the beginning of the Nazi occupation of Kherson, which was sent to the military prosecutor’s office and eventually ended up in the archives of the commission in Moscow. The introductory article to the diary describes the historical context and the time of its creation. The source contains a description of events from July 5 to September 15, 1941, which allows us to trace the situation in Kherson and Southern Ukraine during the first months of the German–Soviet war. In particular, the author of the diary recorded the creation of a Jewish ghetto in Kherson, shortly before its liquidation and the organization of mass murder of the city’s Jewish population. Preparation of the diary for publication began in 2021, 80 years after the occupation of Kherson by German troops. On March 2, 2022, during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, Kherson was occupied by Russian troops. This caused historical parallels, in particular through the instrumentalization of the history of the Second World War during the Russian aggression.
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Salata, Oksana, et Tetyana Ginetova. « Rumors as a means of forming an information space in the occupied territory of Ukraine in 1941-1944 ». Kyiv Historical Studies 15, no 2 (2022). http://dx.doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2022.210.

Texte intégral
Résumé :
The article examines the phenomenon of rumors, which played an important role in the formation of the information space in the territories occupied by the German army during the Second World War. The analysis of conditions in which rumors arose and functioned is carried out; the peculiarity of rumors created by Nazi and Soviet propaganda is determined; a comparison of their characteristics and impact on the population of the occupied territories of Ukraine in 1941-1943; specific examples show the regularity of the distribution of oral messages transmitted among the Ukrainian population. The general methodological and technical mechanisms of preparation and dissemination of rumors, training of specialists who disseminated them and analyzed the events caused by their influence are shown. It is shown that the German occupation authorities used rumors as weapons. In order to spread rumors and conduct active counter-propaganda, the German government began training psychologists who developed the necessary strategy for using rumors. Based on the analysis of archival materials and literature, it is shown that both sides and the Soviet and German leadership used rumors quite effectively as one of the mechanisms influencing the consciousness of the population of the occupied territories and directly involved in the formation of information space. In addition to word of mouth, the latest technical means, including radio broadcasting, were used to spread rumors. It is concluded that rumors are a serious weapon of any propaganda, in particular in the modern Russian-Ukrainian war. Without knowledge of the laws that determine the emergence and effect of rumors, it is impossible to fight them.
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Barkai, Ornit. « Past Forward : Holocaust Testimony in Documentary Film ». Eastern European Holocaust Studies, 31 janvier 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/eehs-2023-0003.

Texte intégral
Résumé :
Abstract This paper addresses the use of oral history sources in my practice of documentary filmmaking as a second-generation Holocaust survivor. It examines how the filmic documentation of oral history sources can reflect aspects of testimony, memory, and postmemory, as they are theorized in the field of Holocaust Studies. In my film “Past Forward: Journeys to Transnistria,” I document the challenge of relating an intergenerational and cross-cultural story while preserving historical accuracy. Filmed in Ukraine in 2002, it tells the story of my mother, a child-survivor of the Romanian Holocaust. Through oral testimony, the film captures my mother’s survival story as she tells it to me and later to her granddaughter who documents it for a history school project. It then retraces my mother’s journey between 1941 and 1944 from her hometown of Dorohoi, Romania to Transnistria as it was called then under German-allied Romanian occupation. Survivor’s testimony combined with onsite witness interviews, and an archival military map, were used to trace the story of a little Jewish Romanian girl who survived the journey to Transnistria. Recently available archival sources have further validated her story. It has also contributed to locating the film within the broader context of the Holocaust in Ukraine.
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Vynogradov, Stepan. « Information and propaganda work as a component of the anti-Nazi resistance of the OUN and the UPA during World War II ». Kyiv Historical Studies 15, no 2 (2022). http://dx.doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2022.29.

Texte intégral
Résumé :
The article examines the evolution of information and propaganda activities conducted by the OUN and UPA during the Second World War on the territory of Ukraine. The purpose of research is to analyze the transition of the OUN from cooperation with the Nazis to active opposition to the occupiers precisely because of the change in means and methods of information and propaganda work. The source base of the article was archival and published documents of Ukrainian nationalists and German Nazis. The analysis of the sources made it possible to consider the modification of the forms of propaganda influence of the propaganda structures of the OUN and UPA on the population in the occupied territories of Ukraine in 1941-1944 and the attitude of the occupation authorities to the work of Ukrainian nationalists’ propaganda apparatus. The author has come to the conclusion that analytical work was one of the main factors in determining strategic tasks and choosing tactical methods of informational and propaganda activities of the OUN and UPA. Constantly changing conditions of counter-propaganda by Ukrainian nationalists in their opposition to the Nazis during hostilities on the territory of Ukraine gave rise to specific means and methods of this activity. It has been considered how the main varieties of oral (political speech, political conversation, report, discussion) and printed (postcards, periodicals, books, illustrative materials) propaganda were used in the conditions of the struggle against the Nazi occupation regime. The analysis of methods of simultaneous use of oral and printed forms of anti-Nazi propaganda has made it possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the functioning of the OUN and UPA propaganda network and its role in strengthening support for national and patriotic forces among Ukrainians.
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