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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Transports de navigation intérieure – Gaule"
Ndende, Martin. « Focus on standard agreements enforceable to inland waterway transports. Civil Structure of a normative work based on the Lex Mercatoria ». Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport - Scientific Papers in Transportation 60 | 2011 (30 novembre 2011).
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Transports de navigation intérieure – Gaule"
Bernier, Nicolas. « Cours d'eau et sociétés humaines dans le bassin atlantique de la Gaule franque ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralOver the last forty years, many developments and wrecks dating from the Early Middle Ages have been discovered in the French rivers of the Atlantic basin. However, within the diachronic and localized works that study rivers, there is often the same absentee: the Early Middle Ages. This lack of study contradicts the many remains of this period found in the rivers.Thanks to textual sources and archaeological data, this thesis therefore aims to reveal what the waterways were in Frankish Gaul, what activities took place there, and how these activities were part of the continuity or change compared to the period of Roman Gaul.It finally appears that the interaction of humans with the waterways of Frankish Gaul is characterized by the exploitation of resources, in particular through the development of numerous mills and fisheries. This interaction is also illustrated by the regal aspect that is conferred on the watercourse by the management of bridges, tolls, river borders and confrontations on the water. These rivers are also communication axes that have allowed the transport of goods and people in Francia and beyond. The Viking raids and the birth of al-Andalus do not make these river-maritime exchanges disappear. This exploitation, this control of the State and these exchanges were also made possible by the presence of many diversified Frankish and overseas ships. Their navigation was facilitated by the presence of eclectic ports on the banks. Humans therefore still use the river environment to survive, travel and assert themselves. However, compared to the activities carried out on the waterways of Roman Gaul, we can note developments. Thus, while no fisheries seem to exist in Roman Gaul, during the Early Middle Ages, dozens of them were founded on Frankish waterways. While river mills in Roman Gaul were located hundreds of meters from the river in connection with basins and very long reaches, in Frankish Gaul, these mills are now placed as close as possible to the waterway. Human control tightens over river resources. The mention of Ulpian, a jurist of the 3rd century, saying that nothing should be built on a river that hinders the smooth running of ships, is no longer on the agenda. The sovereign control also tightens with the border character that falls to many waterways during the Early Middle Ages. External trade to overseas countries also seems to evolve since ships now travel from Frankish estuaries to Ireland and the Iberian Peninsula. Concerning ships, while those in Roman Gaul were built with nails, those in Frankish Gaul were mainly made with dowels. Ports also show changes between these two periods. While Gallo-Roman ports were built with a caisson structure, ports in Frankish Gaul seem to have become very heterogeneous, ranging from wooden pontoons to stone piers. The conclusion regarding these developments is that the watercourse is no longer a simple vector of exchanges, it becomes a space that is exploited to the maximum.The interaction between watercourses and humans in the Atlantic basin of Frankish Gaul is a human influence that increases and diversifies on the river environment. This influence will continue to strengthen over the centuries that follow. The increase in conflicts between miller, boatman and fisherman, as well as the environmental impact on the aquatic environment, will be the revealing symptoms
Oulfarsi, Salah. « Le transport fluvial en tant qu'alternative aux autres modes de transports traditionnels en France et en Europe ». Perpignan, 2013.
Texte intégralThis thesis discusses the Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) as ecological and sustainable response to the problem of the saturation of the road and its importance in terms of social welfare. It is first to identify the place of the inland waterway in the chain of transport, to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of this mode in France and followed strategies and those needed to modernize and to promote inland waterway transport. At the European level, it will show the place occupied by inland waterway in public policies and identify the tracks of intra-European cooperation to develop this mode and enable it to achieve the place that it deserves in the transport chain. Secondly, study the opportunities and barriers to modal transfer and upgrade the prerequisites for the landslide of goods to the waterway seem necessary to ensure the full integration of it in intermodal chains, this work will treat as the importance of inland waterway logistics and the channels of its development
Gerritsen, Danielle. « Le devenir de l'artisanat batelier ». Paris 10, 1985.
Texte intégralDablanc, Laetitia. « Entre police et service : l'action publique sur le transport de marchandises en ville : le cas des métropoles de Paris et New York ». Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1997.
Texte intégralAbessolo, Mezui Pierre. « Mise en valeur de l'Ogooué et structuration spatiale de son bassin ». Aix-Marseille 2, 1986.
Texte intégralLopez, Charles. « Le transport fluvio-maritime, quelle pertinence socio-économique pour le bassin Rhône-Saône ? » Lyon 2, 2008.
Texte intégralSea-river shipping is a form of short-sea transport and an interesting multi-modal transport. Its concept is simple: one vessel sails both coastal and inland waters. Sea-river ships can connect the hinterland with overseas destinations without the need for an intermediate transhipment. As a result, transport costs are lowered and the risk of damage due to handling is reduced. Nevertheless, sea-river shipping has not been significantly developed in Europe (Rissoan, 1994, 1995). Substantial traffic volumes are only found on a very limited number of routes (e. G. Rhine; some Russian waterways). In France, it is restricted to a very limited number of waterways, such as the Seine or the Rhône-Saône basin. On the Rhône-Saône corridor, sea-river shipping can directly connect inland ports with Mediterranean seaports. Then, it offers “Rhône valley-Mediterranean” logistics. Rissoan (1987) tries, for different products, to define the competitive navigational area of sea-river shipping (including river and maritime trips). Konings and Ludema (2000) evaluate the opportunities for sea-river shipping on the United Kingdom – Germany corridor (Rhine). They examine its competitiveness with regard to a number of alternative transport modes. Nonetheless, there is no study which calculates the volume that divides the transport market between sea-river shipping and a “river + sea” alternative. A reasonable question arises: at which threshold, in terms of tonnage, are sea-river vessels more efficient than barge+shortsea transport service? Comparing the returns to scale of each transport chain, we define this tipping point. The costs production function is taken from Cullinane – Khanna (2000) and Stopford (2002). After addressing this question, we determine, for different ports of the Rhône-Saône corridor, the maximum sea trip that is efficient for a sea-river vessel (as a function of tonnage). After Rissoan (1987), we define the competitive navigational area of sea-river shipping. Our specific contribution is to consider the nautical access offered by inland ports along the Rhône and the Saône
Rolland, Yves. « Le transport de marchandises sur le Rhône et la Saône à l’époque romaine (Ier s. av. – IVe s. ap. J.-C.) : paramètres, conditions et possibilités de la navigation ». Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014.
Texte intégralThe Rhone River, in conjunction with its tributary the Saone River, form an axis of penetration inside the Gaul used during the Roman period to link the Mediterranean sea to the north of the empire. Short land connections enabled the trades to flourish over the basins of the Loire, the Seine, the Rhine and the alpine lakes. Short land connections have allowed the pursuit of the trades over the basins of the Loire, the Seine, the Rhine and the alpine lakes. Only the southwest quarter seems to have escaped the influence of the Rhone. This corridor formed the major artery of the Gallic river network, even before the Roman conquest. The waterway at the time was the primary means for transporting goods inland, up until the arrival of the railway. The Rhône and Saone rivers alone would have conveyed nearly half of river traffic of all Gaul. These waterways have also clearly contributed to the development of riverside towns often corresponding to river stops and points of cargo redistribution. The interest of the subject is of paramount importance. The intention of this work is threefold. First, provide an overview of the navigation of the Rhone and the Saone as evidenced by series of discoveries of the 2000s (Lyon and Arles wrecks) ; then disprove two commonly held misconceptions of the Roman "landlubber": the use of archaic navigation technique and the ease of the river environment. Finally, the main intention is to show the specifics of navigation on the Rhone and Saone in Roman times. This will be covered in three parts. A first part related to the navigation parameters (goods, packaging, crafts, corporations, river environment) to identify in detail the characteristics and issues related to each of them. A second part is dedicated to given navigation conditions : weather, boat morphology (draft, air-draft), dynamic conditions (possible propulsions), legal and religious conditions, risk of attack, etc. Based on the navigation parameters and navigation conditions presented, the last part describes the possibilities of navigation that were offered at that period. It is a tool to simulate transport situations. The reader has the option to "compose" a transport scenario by selecting the parameters of the first part, and by confronting them to the navigation conditions of the fluvial axis defined in the second part. In the end, it is possible to to give answers to several questions such as the use of oar or sail against the current, the possible drafts that could be used, the presence of marine ships or dolia ships upstream of Arles, the most favorable conditions to barge navigation, the speed or travel time
Jumar, Fernando Alberto. « Le commerce atlantique au Río de la Plata 1680-1778 ». Paris, EHESS, 2000.
Texte intégralLanglois, Hugues. « La basse vallée de la Seine dans l'antiquité : essai de géographie historique ». Paris, EHESS, 2008.
Texte intégralThis study is not only about History, because it covers several topics. It is a geographical history of transports between Paris and the estuary of the Seine river. This place is a big nautical place which consists of several particular nautical areas. The study intends to comprehend/understand the particularities of this river, which some Ancient authors describe as an essential trade axis during Antiquity. More than a simple monograph of Normandy, this research paper should be considered as a global study of inner navigation during Antiquity
Diabate, Lancine. « Etude de développement du transport lagunaire de personnes dans la ville d'Abidjan ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015.
Texte intégralDepuis le début des années 80, Abidjan a connu une dynamique spatiale et une croissance démographique constante. On note à Abidjan une séparation des fonctions, les emplois étant concentrés dans les quartiers au Sud de la ville tandis que le Nord constitue une zone résidentielle. Dans un tel contexte, le défi est donc de savoir quels sont les voies et moyens pour rendre le transport public efficace et durable.
Cette thèse vise l'accroissement et la diversification de l'offre de transport en commun par l'utilisation du plan d'eau lagunaire pour désengorger les voies terrestres, le développement de moyens de transport alternatifs, la lutte contre la pollution de l'environnement. Elle vise à promouvoir le transport lagunaire de personnes comme une solution aux problèmes de mobilité qui se posent à la population abidjanaise et à susciter un transfert modal d'autres modes de transports — tels que les voitures particulières, les bus, les taxis, les taxis wôrô-wôrôs — vers les bateaux-bus.
On note actuellement que l'exploitation du plan d'eau lagunaire est encore à l'état embryonnaire malgré la présence de la lagune dans onze des quatorze communes que compte le district d'Abidjan.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Livres sur le sujet "Transports de navigation intérieure – Gaule"
Damien, Marie-Madeleine. Les transports fluviaux. Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1997.
Trouver le texte intégralGaudet-Brault, Jeannine. Temi Kami : Eaux profondes. 2e éd. [Ville-Marie, Québec] : Société d'histoire du Témiscamingue, 1986.
Trouver le texte intégrald'Avezac, Sophie Rack. Les chaînons manquants dans la navigation fluviale : Seine-Nord, Seine-Est. Paris (91 rue de Rennes, 75006) : le Polygraphe éd., 1997.
Trouver le texte intégralGanjanakhundee, Supalak. Thailand uses participatory diplomacy to terminate the joint clearing of the Mekong with China. Singapore : ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 2020.
Trouver le texte intégralRichelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Report of the directors and list of shareholders of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., 1st February, 1886. [Montréal ? : s.n.], 1993.
Trouver le texte intégralWu, Kebiao. Nanjing hai shi shi. Beijing Shi : Ren min jiao tong chu ban she, 2021.
Trouver le texte intégralBaillairgé, G. F. Tables donnant l'étendue et le progrès de divers travaux publics, les distances, etc., sur les principales routes de navigation, les chemins de fer, les lignes télégraphiques etc. : Navigation intérieure du Canada, routes océaniques entre le Canada et les pays étrangers ... [S.l : s.n., 1986.
Trouver le texte intégral1847-1905, Howland O. A., et Deep Waterways Commission, dir. Deeper waterways from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic : Reports of the Canadian members of the International Commission. Ottawa : S.E. Dawson, 1986.
Trouver le texte intégralCanada, Parcs. Lieu historique national du Canada S.S. Klondike : Plan directeur. [Ottawa] : Parcs Canada, 2004.
Trouver le texte intégralRieth, Eric. Des bateaux et des fleuves : Archéologie de la batellerie du néolithique aux temps modernes en France. Paris : Editions Errance, 1998.
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