Thèses sur le sujet « Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity »
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Essa, Fagmie. « The effectiveness of electricity time of use tariffs in the Western Cape ». Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010.
Texte intégralIn South Africa, Time of Use (TOU) tariffs have been available to Eskom's customers since 1986. TOU tariffs are intended to encourage users to avoid using electrical energy during the periods at which the national electricity system is stressed during normal operating conditions, i.e. peak periods. It has not always been clear how customers were responding to the different types of Eskom tariffs. A study was done of Eskom's Large Power Users (LPUs) in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Customers were categorised into City of Cape Town (CCT), 2 types of KSACS customers, Agricultural, Non-Agricultural and Rural Municipalities. At least 30 customers within a category were selected as a sample of that category.
Nicolson, Moira Lindsey. « Using behavioural science to increase consumer adoption of time-of-use electricity tariffs : evidence from survey and field experiments ». Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2018.
Texte intégralAlenius, Jonas. « Analys och vidareutveckling av marknadsstyrd effekttariff inom eldistribution : En fallstudie av Sandviken Energi Elnät AB:s effekttariff ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Fasta tillståndets fysik, 2017.
Texte intégralHaikola, Matilda, et Malin Söderberg. « Grid Tariff Design for Efficient Utilisation of the Distributor Grid : A qualitative study with actors on the Swedish electricity market ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020.
Texte intégralDet svenska elsystemet genomgår en förändring till följd av införandet av klimatmål och trender relaterade till teknik och demografi. Denna förändring har resulterat i ett ökat effektbehov. Ett ökat effektbehov i kombination med bristande prognostisering, planering och samordning mellan aktörer inom elsektorn har lett till uppkomsten av kapacitetsbrist. Att bygga ut elnätet är tar tid och kräver större investeringar. Ett alternativ är att istället utnyttja det befintliga elnätet mer effektivt genom att implementera flexibilitetslösningar. Flexibilitet kan uppnås genom att införa incitament i form av elnätstariffer. Denna lösning har nyligen fått mycket uppmärksamhet i Sverige, men det är inte klart inte hur dessa elnätstariffer ska utformas. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur distributionsnätets tariffer kan utformas för att stimulera olika aktörer att bidra med flexibilitet på ett sätt som resulterar i en effektiv användning av det befintliga elnätet. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där empiriska data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer på den svenska elmarknaden. Syftet är att resultaten från detta arbete ska fungera som ett underlag för nätägare som planerar att utforma elnätstariffer med syftet att utnyttja nätet mer effektivt. Resultaten visar att en ToU-effektavgift med gratis off-peak perioder bör vara den huvudsakliga prissignalen i en elnätstariff som ämnar att utnyttja det befintliga nätet mer effektivt. Det visar även att andra strukturella element kan komplettera ToU-effektavgiften. En mindre fast avgift kan adderas i syfte att göra elnätstariffen mer kostnadsriktig. En mindre energiavgift kan införas för att ge kunder incitament att vara flexibla även under den nuvarande uppmätta maximala effekten och stärka signalen från ToU-effektavgiften. Vidare kan energiavgiften säkerställa tillräckliga intäkter för nätägaren om kunderna svarar bra på en ToU-effektavgift och för att kompensera kunder med solceller. Ytterligare rekommendationer för att möjliggöra prissignaler genom elnätstariffer inkluderar att skifta fokus på intäktsramen från CapEx till OpEx och utforska de hämmande prissignalerna från energiskatten och de motstridiga prissignalerna från elhandelspriset.
Wang, Xinyue. « Optimizing customer satisfaction and energy costs for flow shop scheduling ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Texte intégralMulti-agent and time-of-use (ToU) tariff of electricity related scheduling problems have become hot research topics in production scheduling to improve customer satisfaction and balance electricity supply and demand.Existing works reveal that: 1) most multi-agent scheduling focuses on bi-agent problems; 2) most scheduling research under ToU tariffs addresses single and parallel machine, or simplified shop environments; and 3) very few studies consider real-world assumptions, such as dynamic job arrivals and customer-desired due dates.To bridge these research gaps, this thesis investigates three new flow shop scheduling problems which successively integrates the aspect of multi-agent and ToU tariffs, considering practical assumptions such as release dates, due dates and maintenance activities. Firstly, a multi-agent FSS problem with release dates under two scanerios is addressed. The objective is to minimize the total completion time of the agents and the maximum lateness. To obtain an optimal solution for small-size instances, a branch-and-bound (B&B) algorithm combining lower bounds and pruning strategies is developed. For medium-size instances, a co-evolutionary algorithm incorporating reinforcement learning techniques is proposed to obtain near-optimal solutions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.Secondly, a bi-objective FSS problem under ToU tariffs is investigated. The objective is to find the best trad-off between the total electricity cost and the maximum lateness. Based on problem analysis, valid inequalities are designed to to reduce the search space. And then, an ε-constraint method combining maximum step size and inversion strategy is proposed to obtain the Pareto front. For medium- and large-size instances, a two-stage fruit fly optimization algorithm is applied to obtain an approximate Pareto front. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated through various numerical experiments.Finally, a bi-objective multi-agent FSS problem under ToU tariffs is studied. The objective is to simultaneously minimize the total completion time of agents and the total electricity cost. A new B&B algorithm is designed for the problem, in which a two-node branching strategy and pruning rules are provided to effectively reduce the computational time. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by comparing the results proposed by a commercial solver CPLEX
Ihbal, Abdel-Baset M. I. « Investigation of Energy Demand Modeling and Management for Local Communities. Investigation of the electricity demand modeling and management including consumption behaviour, dynamic tariffs, and use of renewable energy ». Thesis, University of Bradford, 2012.
Texte intégralLibyan government
Ihbal, Abdel-Baset Mostafa Imbarek. « Investigation of energy demand modeling and management for local communities : investigation of the electricity demand modeling and management including consumption behaviour, dynamic tariffs, and use of renewable energy ». Thesis, University of Bradford, 2012.
Texte intégralSoares, Henrique de Brito Aranha Machado. « Going with the wind : the time for time-of-use tariffs ». Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2012.
Texte intégralThis work project consists on the proposal of a product/service – Variable Time of Use Tariff – to enhance the innovativeness of the portfolio of EDP Comercial. This product/service is dependent on the simultaneous use of a smart meter, a home energy manager and a set of smart domestic appliances. To sustain my proposal I resorted to data about the wind energy, the use of smart meters together with time of use tariffs and the general characteristics of tariff structures in Europe. A SWOT analysis follows the description of the product/service, with one threat and one opportunity standing as major issues. The feasibility of the implementation of the tariff I propose depends entirely the future of these two factors, thus making this work project a future looking one.
Cheng, Junheng. « Multi-criteria batch scheduling under time-of-use tariffs ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralThe industrial sector is the largest consumer of the world's total energy and most of its consumption form is electricity. To strengthen the grid's peak load regulation ability, time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing policy has been implemented in many countries to encourage electricity users to shift their consumption from on-peak periods to off-peak periods. This strategy provides a good opportunity for manufacturers to reduce their energy bills, especially for energy-intensive ones, where batch scheduling is often involved. In this thesis, several bi-objective batch scheduling problems under TOU tariffs are studied. We first investigate a single machine batch scheduling problem under TOU tariffs with the objectives of minimizing total electricity cost and makespan. This primary work is extended by further considering machine on/off switching. Finally, a parallel batch machines scheduling problem under TOU tariffs with non-identical job sizes to minimize total electricity cost and number of enabled machines is studied. For each of the considered problems, appropriate mathematical models are established, their complexities are demonstrated. Different bi-objective resolution methods are developed, including knapsack problem heuristic based ɛ-constraint method, multiple knapsack problem heuristic based ɛ-constraint method, bin packing heuristic based ɛ-constraint method and two-stage heuristic based iterative search algorithm. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated by randomly generated instances. Extensive numerical results show that the proposed algorithms are more efficient and/or effective for the studied problems than the commercial software CPLEX
Beggs, Clive. « The use of ice thermal storage with real time electricity pricing ». Thesis, De Montfort University, 1995.
Texte intégralLi, Xibao. « Learning From the Implementation of Residential Optional Time of Use Pricing in the U.S. Electricity Industry ». The Ohio State University, 2003.
Texte intégralToomhirun, Sontichai. « Study of residential demand for electricity as functions of load control schemes and dwelling characteristics ». Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987.
Texte intégralMaster of Science
Higginson, Sarah L. « The rhythm of life is a powerful beat : demand response opportunities for time-shifting domestic electricity practices ». Thesis, Loughborough University, 2014.
Texte intégralJose, Anita Ann. « Economic evaluation of small wind generation ownership under different electricity pricing scenarios ». Thesis, Kansas State University, 2011.
Texte intégralDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anil Pahwa
With the Smart Grid trend setting in, various techniques to make the existing grid smarter are being considered. The price of electricity is one of the major factors, which affects the electric utility as well as the numerous consumers connected to the grid. Therefore deciding the right price of electricity for the time of day would be an important decision to make. Consumers’ response to this change in price will impact peak demand as well as their own annual energy bill. Owning a small wind generator under the Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) and Time of Use (TOU) price-based demand response programs could be a viable option. Economic evaluation of owning a small wind generator under the two pricing schemes, namely Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) and Time of Use (TOU), is the main focus of this research. Analysis shows that adopting either of the pricing schemes will not change the annual energy bill for the consumer. Taking into account the installed cost of the turbine, it may not be significantly economical for a residential homeowner to own a small wind turbine with either of the pricing schemes in effect under the conditions assumed.
Schofield, James. « Dynamic time-of-use electricity pricing for residential demand response : design and analysis of the Low Carbon London smart-metering trial ». Thesis, Imperial College London, 2015.
Texte intégralCelebi, Emre. « MODELS OF EFFICIENT CONSUMER PRICING SCHEMES IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS ». Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2005.
Texte intégralHuang, Zhixing. « Cost-Effectiveness of Electricity Energy Efficiency Programs : Demand-Side Management's (DSM) Future Role in Energy Markets and Feasibility of Smart Meters in New York City ». Thesis, Boston College, 2011.
Texte intégralCan smart metering program and time-of-use (TOU) prices help reduce energy consumption in New York City? Being able to track electricity consumption levels and to modify consumer usage patterns are important for policy makers to efficiently manage the energy markets. Unfortunately, no reliable and up-to-date data have been brought to bear on this question. I study the effects of time-of-use (TOU) prices and smart metering for the residents of Shanghai and I investigate further what can policy makers do in order to adapt and transfer this successful DSM experience from Shanghai to the residential sector in New York City. The primary objective of my study is to characterize the realistic short-term and long-term potential for the smart metering program in New York City given my empirical findings that the smart metering program has had brought great benefits to the residents of Shanghai. People respond to incentives; if electricity is charged at different prices throughout a day, consumers are likely to shift their usage to when it is cheaper. My findings suggest that policy makers should think harder about designing a pricing scheme that can optimize the social plus
Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2011
Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: College Honors Program
Discipline: Economics Honors Program
Discipline: Economics
« Residential customer acceptance and response to time-of-use electricity tariffs ». Thesis, 2015.
Texte intégralThe residential demand profile for electricity shows that this segment of the market has. a great demand in the morning and early evening. Due to a shortage of generation capacity during these peak consumption periods, different strategies are now needed to persuade customers to use their electricity in the periods when there is not a great demand. One way in which this can be achieved is to give the customers a time differentiated tariff i.e. a time-of-use (TOU) tariff, whereby the customer will pay a high energy rate in the peak periods, and lower energy rates in the off-peak and standard periods. The overall goal of this study was to determine to what extent residential customers would respond to such a tariff The study covered three consumption groups i.e. customers using more than 1500 kWh per month, between 600 and 1000 kWh per month, and between 300 and 600 kWh per month. All the customers taking part in the study were direct Eskom customers. Once the customers had agreed to participate in the study, they had TOU measuring equipment installed in their homes, which measured their consumption according to the time of day it was consumed.
Serras, Flávio Filipe Rodrigues. « The role of the time-of-use electricity tariffs in the control of the rebound effect in the household energy consumption ». Master's thesis, 2015.
Texte intégralUma das formas de conservação de energia e de redução dos Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) é a utilização mais racional no consumo. No entanto, nem sempre o aumento da eficiência conduz à diminuição do consumo e consequentemente à diminuição dos GEE. O efeito da não obtenção da totalidade dos benefícios decorrentes do aumento da eficiência da energia é conhecido como rebound effect. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo focar-se no rebound effect, controlando-o através da definição de preços diferenciados consoante o período de consumo. É desenvolvida uma função de produção familiar que incorpora o consumo de eletricidade, diferenciando-o nos períodos em pico e em fora de pico. Calcula-se a função para o rebound effect direto através da elasticidade do serviço em eletricidade em relação ao aumento da eficiência de energia. Obtém-se as variações de consumo, em cada um dos períodos, que estão associadas a determinado rebound effect direto. Nesta perspetiva, é definida uma nova tarifa time-of-use (TOU) (bi-horária) sendo que os preços variam com o objetivo de anular o rebound effect total. Desta forma, o aumento da eficiência em energia provoca uma maior diminuição do consumo no período mais crítico (período de pico), promovendo a suavização do diagrama de carga. Propõe-se corte parcial da prioridade de despacho da eletricidade de base renovável em regime especial libertando assim recursos para promover maior eficiência de energia. O aumento da eficiência em energia será acompanhado pela nova tarifa TOU, tornando esses ganhos de eficiência efetivamente eficazes, uma vez que a tarifa proposta assegura o controlo dos RE.
陳中和. « The strategy of electricity bill management for smart house with time-of-use rates ». Thesis, 1994.
Texte intégralLiu, Chao-Chin, et 劉肇欽. « The Strategy for the Electricity Bill Management of the Resident with Time-of-Use ». Thesis, 2010.
Texte intégral大同大學
Since the energy price fluctuates significantly and many countries face economic crisis, it will be an important issue to reduce expense and conserve the energy. Regarding energy conservation, including the improvement of electric equipment efficiency, it has the significant achievement. There are many successful cases and well-developed technologies of the load reduction in the peak period and the load shifting to the off-peak period. However, the study on the target value’s optimization of the controlling electric expense is very rare. In modern power system, beside the time-of-use tariff, the hardware facilities of Hi-Tech are the essential condition. The intelligent meter which is so-called smart meter has a great deal of functions, such as measurement, computation, memory, control and communication, etc. By combining the wireless communication and the information management system, the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been developed successfully and adopted in many countries. This study, based on the AMI environment mentioned above, precedes electricity bill management. The factors of the usable electricity bill and the acceptable delay time should be considered. By using fuzzy theory to coordinate the cheaper electricity price and rescheduling the appliances, the electricity bill can be achieved to the expectable budget. Therefore, the advantage not only can conserve the energy and reduce the carbons, but also can achieve saving the electricity bill without sacrificing users’ comfort and convenience.
Celebi, Emre. « Decomposition of Variational Inequalities with Applications to Nash-Cournot Models in Time of Use Electricity Markets ». Thesis, 2011.
Texte intégralCheng, Chu-Tang, et 鄭楚堂. « The Influences of Optimized Contract Capacity and Time-of-Use Price on Electricity Cost – Taking Company F as an Example ». Thesis, 2019.
Texte intégral國立臺中科技大學
The electricity cost accounts for about 4% of the annual turnover of Company F. According to the study, the saved electricity cost has been over 10 million NTD accumulatively in recent 8 years. The current total charge of Taiwan Power Company consists of 5 parts including basic charge, energy charge, power factor clause, penalty charge and others. Based on the actual electricity consumption data of Company F, this study conducted regression and variation analyses with SPSS statistical software and found out the effects of optimized contract capacity and time-of-use on electricity cost. The results show that: contract capacity is positively related to basic charge, unrelated to energy charge, negatively related to power factor clause, inversely proportional to penalty charge and quadratically related to payable total charge. The lowest position is found out, namely, the optimized contract capacity and the minimum payable total charge. The payable total charge has significant effects on contract capacity and basic charge and penalty charge. It is more advantageous for Company F to choose 3-secion time-of-use than the 2-secion time-of-use, but affected by the policy of “one regular leave day and one rest day”, the difference of time-of-use becomes insignificant. Because the optimized contract capacity is stable in recent 3 years, Company F is suggested to reduce the original contract capacity of 2,880 KW to 2,500 KW. In this way, the basic charge of about NTD 847,000 may be reduced, but the penalty charge may be occured in summer. It is expected that this study can be helpful for enterprises to optimize contract capacity and choose time-of-use.
Simmons, Sarah Ivy. « Investigating the impacts of time-of-use electricity rates on lower-income and senior-headed households : A case study of Milton, Ontario (Canada) ». Thesis, 2010.
Texte intégralSU, RUI-WEN, et 蘇瑞文. « Using neural network as an estimation function in genetic algorithms for solving order acceptance scheduling problem with time-of-use electricity cost ». Thesis, 2019.
Texte intégral正修科技大學
Scheduling problems can be seen everywhere in life, and the scheduling discussed in this research is to simulate manufacturing order scheduling. In the past, many dispatching companies did not consider capacity limitations, which caused the tardiness. This research explores the order acceptance scheduling problem (OAS), which considers the due day under the capacity constraints toward higher revenue. In recent years, many researchers have changed the study of environmental pollution and time-of-use electricity cost (TOU). It means that the cost of electricity has made a heavy burden on enterprises. Because no study combines the OAS with the TOU cost, it is the significant contribution of this research. We employed the model and benchmark instances from OĞUZ et al.[41], and add the TOU constraints and power consumptions into the model and instances, respectively. In order to solve this new problem, a genetic algorithm with the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network is developed. We use MLP predicts the fitness function of the chromosomes and guide the evolution process. CPLEX is used to provide the upper bound value to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm compared to stand genetic algorithms (SGA). We found the proposed algorithm founds better solutions than SGA in some instances, even though the computational time is higher.
Penn, Joseph J. « The use of steady-state level combinations and signal event edge correlations in the disaggregation of total power measurements ». Thesis, 2015.
Texte intégralThe work presented extends and contributes to research in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM), focussing on steady-state and transient power measurement disaggregation techniques for circuits containing household ap- pliances. Although previous work in this area has produced and evaluated a wide range of NILM approaches, much of it has involved the use of datasets captured from real-world household implementations. In such cases, the lack of accurate ground truth data makes it di cult to assess disaggregation tech- niques. In the research presented, three NILM techniques are comparatively evaluated using measurements from typical household appliances assembled within a laboratory environment, where accurate ground truth data could be compiled to complement the measurements. This allows for the accu- racy of the various disaggregation approaches to be precisely evaluated. It is demonstrated that the correlation of transient event edges in aggregated power measurements to individual appliance transient exemplars performs better than the matching of steady-state power levels against individual ap- pliance state combinations. Furthermore, the transient approach is shown to be the most appropriate technique for further development.