Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Andruszkiewicz, Jerzy, Józef Lorenc et Agnieszka Weychan. « Price-Based Demand Side Response Programs and Their Effectiveness on the Example of TOU Electricity Tariff for Residential Consumers ». Energies 14, no 2 (7 janvier 2021) : 287.
Texte intégralAndruszkiewicz, Jerzy, Józef Lorenc et Agnieszka Weychan. « Price-Based Demand Side Response Programs and Their Effectiveness on the Example of TOU Electricity Tariff for Residential Consumers ». Energies 14, no 2 (7 janvier 2021) : 287.
Texte intégralSundt, Swantje, Katrin Rehdanz et Jürgen Meyerhoff. « Consumers’ Willingness to Accept Time-of-Use Tariffs for Shifting Electricity Demand ». Energies 13, no 8 (13 avril 2020) : 1895.
Texte intégralSundt, Swantje. « Influence of Attitudes on Willingness to Choose Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs in Germany. Evidence from Factor Analysis ». Energies 14, no 17 (31 août 2021) : 5406.
Texte intégralRathod, Ravindra R., et Rahul Dev Garg. « Design of electricity tariff plans using gap statistic for K-means clustering based on consumers monthly electricity consumption data ». International Journal of Energy Sector Management 11, no 2 (5 juin 2017) : 295–310.
Texte intégralMuratov, Khakim, Kamoliddin Kadirov, Alijon Kushev et Xulkaroy Yusupaliyeva. « Increase efficiency at the expense of changing the working mode using time-differentiated tariffs ». E3S Web of Conferences 563 (2024) : 01011.
Texte intégralFayziyev, Makhmanazar, Yunus Ochilov, Komoliddin Nimatov et Ruslan Mustayev. « Analysis of payment priority for electricity consumed in industrial enterprises on the base of classified tariffs ». E3S Web of Conferences 384 (2023) : 01039.
Texte intégralZeng, Zhiqiang, Xiaobin Chen et Kaiyao Wang. « Energy Saving for Tissue Paper Mills by Energy-Efficiency Scheduling under Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs ». Processes 9, no 2 (31 janvier 2021) : 274.
Texte intégralZaki, Dina A., et Mohamed Hamdy. « A Review of Electricity Tariffs and Enabling Solutions for Optimal Energy Management ». Energies 15, no 22 (15 novembre 2022) : 8527.
Texte intégralKаdirov, Kamoliddin, Khakim Muratov et Аlijon Kushev. « Possibilities of managing electricity consumption through the application of time-classified tariffs ». E3S Web of Conferences 434 (2023) : 01009.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Essa, Fagmie. « The effectiveness of electricity time of use tariffs in the Western Cape ». Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010.
Texte intégralIn South Africa, Time of Use (TOU) tariffs have been available to Eskom's customers since 1986. TOU tariffs are intended to encourage users to avoid using electrical energy during the periods at which the national electricity system is stressed during normal operating conditions, i.e. peak periods. It has not always been clear how customers were responding to the different types of Eskom tariffs. A study was done of Eskom's Large Power Users (LPUs) in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Customers were categorised into City of Cape Town (CCT), 2 types of KSACS customers, Agricultural, Non-Agricultural and Rural Municipalities. At least 30 customers within a category were selected as a sample of that category.
Nicolson, Moira Lindsey. « Using behavioural science to increase consumer adoption of time-of-use electricity tariffs : evidence from survey and field experiments ». Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2018.
Texte intégralAlenius, Jonas. « Analys och vidareutveckling av marknadsstyrd effekttariff inom eldistribution : En fallstudie av Sandviken Energi Elnät AB:s effekttariff ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Fasta tillståndets fysik, 2017.
Texte intégralHaikola, Matilda, et Malin Söderberg. « Grid Tariff Design for Efficient Utilisation of the Distributor Grid : A qualitative study with actors on the Swedish electricity market ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020.
Texte intégralDet svenska elsystemet genomgår en förändring till följd av införandet av klimatmål och trender relaterade till teknik och demografi. Denna förändring har resulterat i ett ökat effektbehov. Ett ökat effektbehov i kombination med bristande prognostisering, planering och samordning mellan aktörer inom elsektorn har lett till uppkomsten av kapacitetsbrist. Att bygga ut elnätet är tar tid och kräver större investeringar. Ett alternativ är att istället utnyttja det befintliga elnätet mer effektivt genom att implementera flexibilitetslösningar. Flexibilitet kan uppnås genom att införa incitament i form av elnätstariffer. Denna lösning har nyligen fått mycket uppmärksamhet i Sverige, men det är inte klart inte hur dessa elnätstariffer ska utformas. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur distributionsnätets tariffer kan utformas för att stimulera olika aktörer att bidra med flexibilitet på ett sätt som resulterar i en effektiv användning av det befintliga elnätet. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där empiriska data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer på den svenska elmarknaden. Syftet är att resultaten från detta arbete ska fungera som ett underlag för nätägare som planerar att utforma elnätstariffer med syftet att utnyttja nätet mer effektivt. Resultaten visar att en ToU-effektavgift med gratis off-peak perioder bör vara den huvudsakliga prissignalen i en elnätstariff som ämnar att utnyttja det befintliga nätet mer effektivt. Det visar även att andra strukturella element kan komplettera ToU-effektavgiften. En mindre fast avgift kan adderas i syfte att göra elnätstariffen mer kostnadsriktig. En mindre energiavgift kan införas för att ge kunder incitament att vara flexibla även under den nuvarande uppmätta maximala effekten och stärka signalen från ToU-effektavgiften. Vidare kan energiavgiften säkerställa tillräckliga intäkter för nätägaren om kunderna svarar bra på en ToU-effektavgift och för att kompensera kunder med solceller. Ytterligare rekommendationer för att möjliggöra prissignaler genom elnätstariffer inkluderar att skifta fokus på intäktsramen från CapEx till OpEx och utforska de hämmande prissignalerna från energiskatten och de motstridiga prissignalerna från elhandelspriset.
Wang, Xinyue. « Optimizing customer satisfaction and energy costs for flow shop scheduling ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Texte intégralMulti-agent and time-of-use (ToU) tariff of electricity related scheduling problems have become hot research topics in production scheduling to improve customer satisfaction and balance electricity supply and demand.Existing works reveal that: 1) most multi-agent scheduling focuses on bi-agent problems; 2) most scheduling research under ToU tariffs addresses single and parallel machine, or simplified shop environments; and 3) very few studies consider real-world assumptions, such as dynamic job arrivals and customer-desired due dates.To bridge these research gaps, this thesis investigates three new flow shop scheduling problems which successively integrates the aspect of multi-agent and ToU tariffs, considering practical assumptions such as release dates, due dates and maintenance activities. Firstly, a multi-agent FSS problem with release dates under two scanerios is addressed. The objective is to minimize the total completion time of the agents and the maximum lateness. To obtain an optimal solution for small-size instances, a branch-and-bound (B&B) algorithm combining lower bounds and pruning strategies is developed. For medium-size instances, a co-evolutionary algorithm incorporating reinforcement learning techniques is proposed to obtain near-optimal solutions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.Secondly, a bi-objective FSS problem under ToU tariffs is investigated. The objective is to find the best trad-off between the total electricity cost and the maximum lateness. Based on problem analysis, valid inequalities are designed to to reduce the search space. And then, an ε-constraint method combining maximum step size and inversion strategy is proposed to obtain the Pareto front. For medium- and large-size instances, a two-stage fruit fly optimization algorithm is applied to obtain an approximate Pareto front. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated through various numerical experiments.Finally, a bi-objective multi-agent FSS problem under ToU tariffs is studied. The objective is to simultaneously minimize the total completion time of agents and the total electricity cost. A new B&B algorithm is designed for the problem, in which a two-node branching strategy and pruning rules are provided to effectively reduce the computational time. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by comparing the results proposed by a commercial solver CPLEX
Ihbal, Abdel-Baset M. I. « Investigation of Energy Demand Modeling and Management for Local Communities. Investigation of the electricity demand modeling and management including consumption behaviour, dynamic tariffs, and use of renewable energy ». Thesis, University of Bradford, 2012.
Texte intégralLibyan government
Ihbal, Abdel-Baset Mostafa Imbarek. « Investigation of energy demand modeling and management for local communities : investigation of the electricity demand modeling and management including consumption behaviour, dynamic tariffs, and use of renewable energy ». Thesis, University of Bradford, 2012.
Texte intégralSoares, Henrique de Brito Aranha Machado. « Going with the wind : the time for time-of-use tariffs ». Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2012.
Texte intégralThis work project consists on the proposal of a product/service – Variable Time of Use Tariff – to enhance the innovativeness of the portfolio of EDP Comercial. This product/service is dependent on the simultaneous use of a smart meter, a home energy manager and a set of smart domestic appliances. To sustain my proposal I resorted to data about the wind energy, the use of smart meters together with time of use tariffs and the general characteristics of tariff structures in Europe. A SWOT analysis follows the description of the product/service, with one threat and one opportunity standing as major issues. The feasibility of the implementation of the tariff I propose depends entirely the future of these two factors, thus making this work project a future looking one.
Cheng, Junheng. « Multi-criteria batch scheduling under time-of-use tariffs ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralThe industrial sector is the largest consumer of the world's total energy and most of its consumption form is electricity. To strengthen the grid's peak load regulation ability, time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing policy has been implemented in many countries to encourage electricity users to shift their consumption from on-peak periods to off-peak periods. This strategy provides a good opportunity for manufacturers to reduce their energy bills, especially for energy-intensive ones, where batch scheduling is often involved. In this thesis, several bi-objective batch scheduling problems under TOU tariffs are studied. We first investigate a single machine batch scheduling problem under TOU tariffs with the objectives of minimizing total electricity cost and makespan. This primary work is extended by further considering machine on/off switching. Finally, a parallel batch machines scheduling problem under TOU tariffs with non-identical job sizes to minimize total electricity cost and number of enabled machines is studied. For each of the considered problems, appropriate mathematical models are established, their complexities are demonstrated. Different bi-objective resolution methods are developed, including knapsack problem heuristic based ɛ-constraint method, multiple knapsack problem heuristic based ɛ-constraint method, bin packing heuristic based ɛ-constraint method and two-stage heuristic based iterative search algorithm. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated by randomly generated instances. Extensive numerical results show that the proposed algorithms are more efficient and/or effective for the studied problems than the commercial software CPLEX
Beggs, Clive. « The use of ice thermal storage with real time electricity pricing ». Thesis, De Montfort University, 1995.
Texte intégralLivres sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Schenkel, Mark. The effects of time-of-use electricity rates on New York dairy farms. Ithaca, N.Y : Dept. of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Cornell University, 1994.
Trouver le texte intégralSchenkel, Mark. The effects of time-of-use electricity rates on New York dairy farms. Ithaca, N.Y : Dept. of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Cornell University, 1994.
Trouver le texte intégralHenley, Andrew. Multivariate analysis of variance of consumption data from a British time-of-use electricity pricing experiment. Canterbury : University of Kent at Canterbury, 1993.
Trouver le texte intégralBeggs, C. B. The use of ice thermal storage with real time electricity pricing. Leicester : De Montfort University, 1995.
Trouver le texte intégralBorenstein, Severin. Wealth transfers from implementing real-time retail electricity pricing. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.
Trouver le texte intégralBorenstein, Severin. Wealth transfer from implementing real-time retail electricity pricing. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.
Trouver le texte intégralPoirier, Dale J. Individual household demand for electricity in the Ontario time-of-use pricing experiment. Toronto : University of Toronto,Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Analysis, 1985.
Trouver le texte intégralCaves, Douglas W. The feasibility of conducting an electricity real-time pricing experiment in Maryland. Annapolis, Md : The Division, 1989.
Trouver le texte intégralCentre for Development Studies (Trivandrum, India), dir. Modeling optimal time-differential pricing of electricity under uncertainty : Revisiting the welfare foundations. Thiruvananthapuram : Centre for Development Studies, 2012.
Trouver le texte intégralActon, Jan Paul. Response to time-of-day electricity rates by large business customers : Reconciling conflicting evidence. Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1987.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Alves, Maria João, Carlos Henggeler Antunes et Inês Soares. « Optimizing Prices and Periods in Time-of-use Electricity Tariff Design Using Bilevel Programming ». Dans Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 1–17. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Texte intégralSafaei, Samaneh, Farshid Keynia, Sam Haghdady, Azim Heydari et Mario Lamagna. « Design of CCHP System with the Help of Combined Chiller System, Solar Energy, and Gas Microturbine ». Dans The Urban Book Series, 79–91. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Texte intégralHayat, Muhammad Adnan, Farhad Shahnia et Ali Arefi. « Efficient Seasonal Time of Use Feed-in Tariff for Residential Rooftop Solar Panels in Australian Electricity Market ». Dans Transition Towards 100% Renewable Energy, 171–75. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Texte intégralPanny, Julia, Anne Held, Jenny Winkler, Barbara Breitschopf, Eberhard Jochem et Rainer Walz. « From Niche to Mainstream : Exploring Innovation and Progress of Renewable Energy Development ». Dans Sustainability and Innovation, 195–235. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Texte intégralDadfar, Sajjad. « Robust Energy Procurement Under Time-of-Use Pricing ». Dans Robust Energy Procurement of Large Electricity Consumers, 145–63. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Texte intégralCheng, Junheng, Feng Chu et Peng Wu. « Multi-Criteria Single Batch Machine Scheduling Under Time-of-Use Tariffs ». Dans International Series in Operations Research & ; Management Science, 217–37. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Texte intégralPihnastyi, Oleh, et Georgii Kozhevnikov. « Effective Conveyor Belt Control Based on the Time-Of-Use Tariffs ». Dans Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 366–76. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Texte intégralWong, Pui Ting, et Yuan Xu. « Estimating residential electricity and CO2 intensity of time-use activity ». Dans Residential Electricity Consumption in Urbanizing China, 68–107. London : Routledge, 2022.
Texte intégralMicena, Raul Pereira, Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito, Celso Eduardo Tuna et José Luz Silveira. « Electricity and Hydrogen Generation from Food and Vegetable Wastes – Technical and Economic Analysis ». Dans Proceedings of the XV Ibero-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 198–203. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Texte intégralJhaveri, Aakash, et Santanu Bandyopadhyay. « Incorporating the Effect of Time-of-Use Tariffs in the Extended Conservation Supply Curve ». Dans Energy Systems and Management, 269–78. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Zheng, Bowen, Chang Liu, Fangxun Li, Jinjia Cao, Xu Xu et Yongjun Li. « Economically Optimal Scheduling and Commissioning Method of Power Generation and Consumption in Steel Industries Considering Time-of-Use Tariffs ». Dans 2024 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED), 25–31. IEEE, 2024.
Texte intégralSchürmann, Lennart. « IMPACT OF REFERENCE ELECTRICITY MARKET SELECTION FOR REAL-TIME ELECTRICITY TARIFFS ON EMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH OPERATIONS : A CASE STUDY OF AN INLAND PORT TERMINAL ». Dans 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2024), 1890–901. Zografos, Greece : ECOS 2024, 2024.
Texte intégralZhao, Bincai, Haitao Wu, Haili Huang, Hongli Duan et Chao Song. « Analysis of the Impact of Time-sharing Tariff Policy on Regional Electricity Loads ». Dans 2024 IEEE 7th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (SCEMS), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.
Texte intégralGao, Xiaowen, Dongming Song, Yongqiang Mao et Liping He. « Short-Term Load Forecasting Method with Dynamic Response to Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing ». Dans 2024 6th International Conference on Energy Systems and Electrical Power (ICESEP), 587–90. IEEE, 2024.
Texte intégralAli, Qais, Maria Luisa Di Silvestre, Pio Lombardi, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino et Gaetano Zizzo. « Time-of-Use Electricity Utilization for EV Charging Through Smart Systems with Battery Integration ». Dans 2024 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2024 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.
Texte intégralNarwariya, Jyoti, Chetan Verma, Pankaj Malhotra, Lovekesh Vig, Easwara Subramanian et Sanjay Bhat. « Electricity Consumption Forecasting for Out-of-Distribution Time-of-Use Tariffs ». Dans AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD). Basel Switzerland : MDPI, 2022.
Texte intégralCheng, Xingrui, Feng Gao, Chaobo Yan, Xiaohong Guan, Kun Liu, Siyun Chen, Nana Yao et Jing Cai. « Permutation flow shop scheduling with delay time under time-of-use electricity tariffs ». Dans 2016 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). IEEE, 2016.
Texte intégralKhezri, Rahmat, Amin Mahmoudi, Mohammed H. Haque et Kaveh Khalilpour. « Energy Management and Optimal Planning of a Residential Microgrid with Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs ». Dans 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). IEEE, 2021.
Texte intégralLi, Nan, Peng Wu, Yun Wang et Junheng Cheng. « Energy-conscious Single-machine Scheduling Problem with Release Dates under Time-of-use Electricity Tariffs ». Dans 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). IEEE, 2022.
Texte intégralKang, Zhuoran, Rongheng Lin, Hua Zou, Xiaowei Liu et Rui Jiao. « Optimization Strategy for Time-Of-Use Tariffs on the Electricity Generation-Sales Side Considering Customer Demand Response ». Dans 2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications ; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems ; 19th Int Conf on Smart City ; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys). IEEE, 2021.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Time-Of-Use tariffs of electricity"
Fuentes, Rolando. Distribution Networks Tariff Design in the Era of Decentralization : A Business Model Approach. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, novembre 2020.
Texte intégralSoummane, Salaheddine, Amro Elshurafa, Hatem Al Atawi et Frank Felder. Cross-seasonal Fuel Savings from Load Shifting in the Saudi Industrial Sector. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, avril 2022.
Texte intégralPueyo, Ana, Gisela Ngoo, Editruda Daulinge et Adriana Fajardo. The Quest for Scalable Business Models for Mini-Grids in Africa : Implementing the Keymaker Model in Tanzania. Institute of Development Studies, octobre 2022.
Texte intégralHaddad, J., L. A. Horta Nogueira, Germano Lambert-Torres et L. E. Borges da Silva. Energy Efficiency and Smart Grids for Low Carbon and Green Growth in Brazil : Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences : Comparative Experiences of Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, juin 2015.
Texte intégralChepeliev, Maksym. GTAP-Power 10 Data Base : A Technical Note. GTAP Research Memoranda, octobre 2019.
Texte intégralFrick, Natalie Mims, et Lisa C. Schwartz. Time-Sensitive Value of Efficiency : Use Cases in Electricity Sector Planning and Programs. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), novembre 2019.
Texte intégralTrain, K., et G. Mehrez. Optional time-of-use prices for electricity : Analysis of PG E's experimental TOU rates. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), juillet 1992.
Texte intégralTrain, K., et G. Mehrez. Optional time-of-use prices for electricity : Analysis of PG&E`s experimental TOU rates. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), juillet 1992.
Texte intégralSchittekatte, Tim, Dharik Mallapragada, Paul Joskow et Richard Schmalensee. Electricity Retail Rate Design in a Decarbonized Economy : An Analysis of Time-Of-Use and Critical Peak Pricing. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, octobre 2022.
Texte intégralNakasone, Eduardo, Lorena Alcázar et Máximo Torero. Provision of Public Services and Welfare of the Poor : Learning from an Incomplete Electricity Privatization Process in Rural Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, août 2007.
Texte intégral