Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Structure de blocs courbe »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Chaudouard, Pierre-Henri, et Gérard Laumon. « SUR LE COMPTAGE DES FIBRÉS DE HITCHIN NILPOTENTS ». Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 15, no 1 (7 août 2014) : 91–164.

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Cet article est une contribution à la fois au calcul du nombre de fibrés de Hitchin sur une courbe projective et à l’explicitation de la partie nilpotente de la formule des traces d’Arthur-Selberg pour une fonction test très simple. Le lien entre les deux questions a été établi dans [Chaudouard, Sur le comptage des fibrés de Hitchin. À paraître aux actes de la conférence en l’honneur de Gérard Laumon]. On décompose cette partie nilpotente en une somme d’intégrales adéliques indexées par les orbites nilpotentes. Pour les orbites de type «régulières par blocs», on explicite complètement ces intégrales en termes de la fonction zêta de la courbe.
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Geymbukh, Nadezhda G. « On the State Structure of the Federal Republic of Germany at the adoption of the Basic Law of 1949 ». Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pravo, no 44 (2022) : 30–37.

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The article deals with the issues of state structure of the Federal Republic of Germany discussed in the process of adoption of the Basic Law of 1949. The author examines the constitutional and legal situation within which the Basic Law of the FRG was adopted, analyses in detail the ideas of leading constitutionalists on the issues of state structure that were discussed in the process of drafting the Basic Law of the FRG. Germany's partition was initiated by the West. Recently disclosed archive documents show that Germany's split was predetermined already in the course of the war at the meetings of the "Big Three" - the USSR, the USA and Britain. Then they were joined by France. The accusations that the Soviet Union was responsible for the split of that country are untrue. On the contrary, in the first post-war years, the Soviet government proposed free elections in both parts of Germany, on the condition that the united country would be neutral, that is, would not be part of any military blocs. The West rejected this proposal. The Soviet government has repeatedly stated that Germany must be seen as a single economic and political entity. The position of the Soviet Government is supported by the views of scholars of Soviet state law. The question of German state unity was widely discussed at that time in Soviet periodicals. Soviet scholars L. Bezymensky, B.S. Mankovsky, D. Melnikov, D. Monin, E. Tarle and I. Traynin were in favour of a united German state. On this basis, they concluded that the rejection of the political unity of Germany was directed against the democratic restructuring of the country. A dismemberment of Germany is in the interest neither of the German people, nor of the democratic countries of Europe. Only the re-establishment of a united Germany is in the interest of a lasting peace in Europe, consistent with the historical development of the country and the legitimate aspirations of the German people themselves. There were differences of opinion about the future state structure of Germany. The position of prominent Soviet jurists differed fundamentally from that of Western politicians and jurists. The Western allies were in favour of a federal Germany, while the Soviet scholars were in favour of a unitary form of government. Thus, Germany, divided first into four occupation zones, and then into American and Soviet zones of influence, which not only lost considerable territories, but also completely lost its international standing, ceased to exist as a unified nation state for many years. Two independent states, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, were created on German territory. There was a de facto split into two states, which found themselves in different military and political blocs. Since that time, all the aspirations of West and East Germans have been directed towards the unification of Germany and the reunification of the German people. The author declares no conflicts of interests.
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Bertran, Pascal, Bernard Francou et Pierre Pech. « Stratogenèse associée à la dynamique des coulées à front pierreux en milieu alpin, La Mortice, Alpes méridionales, France ». Géographie physique et Quaternaire 47, no 1 (23 novembre 2007) : 93–100.

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RÉSUMÉ L'étude des dépôts de pente nappant les versants est et nord-ouest de La Mortice (3170 m, Alpes méridionales, France) met en évidence le rôle de la dynamique des coulées de solifluxion à front pierreux dans le développement d'une stratification. Au sein des coulées, la cryoexpulsion et le lavage produisent la différenciation d'un front caillouteux associé à un pavage superficiel et d'un niveau riche en matrice. Ce dernier progresse par cryoreptation et ensevelit le front pierreux au fur et à mesure de sa constitution, pour former ainsi un lit grossier enterré à structure ouverte. La cryoturbation et des transferts de matière hors du système constitué par la coulée (éluviation de la matrice, expulsion et transit des blocs en surface) s'opèrent pendant le dépôt et perturbent la stratogénèse. La comparaison des dépôts provenant des deux versants de La Mortice ainsi que des exemples déjà connus dans les Andes montre que la stratification est d'autant mieux exprimée que le nombre de cycles gel-dégel annuels est important et que la profondeur d'engel est faible.
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Larochelle, Pierre, Dean Louder et Jean Raveneau. « Description graphique des caractéristiques de l’évolution de la population des municipalités du Québec (1951-1971) ». Cahiers de géographie du Québec 19, no 46 (12 avril 2005) : 147–66.

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À partir d'une série de graphiques, les auteurs analysent les caractéristiques globales de l'évolution de la population des 1596 municipalités du Québec en considérant successivement les deux périodes décennales 1951-1961 et 1961-1971, ainsi que la période de 20 ans 1951-1971. Une première série de graphiques illustre la fréquence des pourcentages d'évolution positive ou négative. La seconde série montre les caractéristiques de l'évolution des municipalités en nombre et en population par classe de taille. Le processus de concentration de la population et du nombre de municipalités est ensuite abordé à l'aide de courbes de concentration. Enfin, l'examen des caractéristiques de l'évolution dans les blocs de municipalités d'évolution positive et négative constitue la dernière partie de l'étude. De l'ensemble dé ces analyses il ressort que, au cours des deux périodes décennales 1951-1961 et 1961-1971, on a assisté à une accentuation de la concentration de la population à l'intérieur d'un nombre toujours plus réduit de municipalités de taille moyenne ou supérieure (de 20 000 à 100 000 habitants). À l'opposé, les municipalités en état de décroissance démographique ont augmenté en nombre, mais représentent une proportion de plus en plus faible de la population du Québec. Finalement, ce sont les petites municipalités rurales de moins de 2 000 habitants qui ont connu les pertes les plus sérieuses de population. Cette recherche permet de préciser les modalités du processus d'urbanisation du Québec en rapport avec la structure dimensionnelle des municipalités.
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Kurinna, Liudmyla. « Model of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training ». Scientific Visnyk V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Pedagogical Sciences 66, no 3 (2019) : 133–38.

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The author of the article pays special attention to the problem of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training, the topicality of which is confirmed by corresponding legal and regulatory framework. Moreover, the author also substantiates the choice of method of simulation as one of the most reasonable for its solution. The own definition of the notion “the model of formation of social and cultural competence” was provided in the context of author’s research. It was formulated as follows: “it is the integral system including certain structural components oriented to the professional becoming of social workers to-be in course of their professional training at higher educational establishments”. The attention was also focused on the approaches of other scientists to the matter under research. The author considers the models developed by the scientists O. Kvasnyk and Yu. Riabova, being of interest to author's research. The researcher O. Kvasnyk developed the model of formation of social and cultural competence of the professional of engineering and technical field. The structure of such model includes the following components: theoretic and methodological, organizational and sense bearing, procedural and activity, estimative and efficient. The scientist Yu. Riabova represented the model of training of social workers to-be for the professional activity in multinational environment. The model is structured according to the following blocks: organizational, sense bearing, test and efficient. Each specified block (or component) has own subject matter. The article also represents the description of the model of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training developed by the author. It also provides the characteristic of destination, sense bearing, organizational and efficient blocks identified in the structure of proposed model. Destination block is represented by such components as the purpose, task, principles and approaches. The components and subject content are the constituents of sense bearing block. The organizational block is characterized with the availability of the following components: organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, forms, methods and means. The criteria, levels and result are identified in the structure of the efficient block.
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Duret, Jean-Louis. « Équivalence élémentaire et isomorphisme des corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos ». Journal of Symbolic Logic 57, no 3 (septembre 1992) : 808–23.

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Cet article fait suite à [D] dont il utilise les résultats.Soit if ℒ langage constitué de deux constantes 0 et 1, et de deux fonctions + et ·; si A est un sous-ensemble d'une structure de ℒ, nous noterons if ℒ (A) le langage obtenu en ajoutant à ℒ if les éléments de A comme constantes.Tous les corps considérés seront commutatifs. Nous appellerons corps de courbe sur un corps k une extension K de k finiment engendrée de degré de transcendance 1 sur k telle que k soit relativement algébriquement clos dans K.Nous appellerons ensemble de coefficients d'une courbe sur un corps k un sous-ensemble A de K tel qu'il existe un système de générateurs de l'idéal de cette courbe dont les coefficient sont des éléments de A.Nous nous proposons d'étudier les conjectures suivantes:1. Conjecture. Si K est un corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos k, il existe un sous-ensemble fini A de k tel que tout corps de courbe sur kélémentairement équivalent à K dans le langage ℒ (A), lui est k-isomorphe.2. Conjecture. Deux corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos K élémentairement équivalents dans le langage ℒ sont isomorphes.Nous démontrerons ces conjectures lorsque le genre est différent de 1, et si le genre est 1, lorsque la caractéristique est nulle et le corps de courbe sans multiplication complexe.Une version plus simple de cet article est parue dans [D′].
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Lamarre, Hélène, et André G. Roy. « Organisation morphologique des blocs et des amas de galets dans les cours d’eau à lit de gravier ». Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55, no 3 (15 octobre 2003) : 275–87.

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Résumé Dans les cours d’eau à lit de graviers, les blocs et les amas de galets entraînent des changements de rugosité qui jouent un rôle important sur la variabilité spatiale du cisaillement exercé sur le lit, de la structure de l’écoulement et du transport des sédiments. Pourtant, peu de méthodes permettent de décrire l’organisation de ces éléments de rugosité du lit à l’échelle de la section de cours d’eau. Nous présentons deux méthodes d’échantillonnage qui permettent de quantifier l’organisation spatiale des blocs et des amas de galets sur quatre tronçons de rivière : la cartographie ponctuelle des blocs isolés et des amas de galets et la cartographie systématique de la topographie du lit. Les caractéristiques de l’organisation spatiale de ces éléments de rugosité sont quantifiées et comparées à celles de distributions aléatoires. Nous observons d’abord que la concentration des blocs isolés et des amas de galets, la distance qui les sépare et les caractéristiques des alignements composés de plusieurs éléments de rugosité sont semblables dans le cas des cours d’eau de même dimension. Ensuite, certaines caractéristiques de l’organisation spatiale des blocs et des amas de galets ressemblent à celles des distributions aléatoires. Nous proposons en discussion une interprétation dynamique de l’organisation spatiale des éléments de rugosité qui tienne compte de ces observations.
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Webster, Tim, Kevin McGuigan, Nathan Crowell, Kate Collins et Candace MacDonald. « Remote Predictive Mapping 7. The Use of Topographic–Bathymetric Lidar to Enhance Geological Structural Mapping in Maritime Canada ». Geoscience Canada 43, no 3 (30 septembre 2016) : 199.

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An airborne topo-bathymetric lidar survey was conducted at Cape John, on the north shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, using the shallow water Leica AHAB Chiroptera II sensor. The survey revealed new bedrock features that were not discovered using previous mapping methods. A thick blanket of glacial till covers the bedrock on land, and outcrops are exposed only along the coastal cliffs and offshore reefs. The seamless landseabed digital elevation model produced from the lidar survey revealed significant bedrock outcrop offshore where ocean currents have removed the glacial till, a significant finding that was hitherto hidden under the sea surface. Several reefs were identified offshore as well as a major fold structure where block faulting occurs along the limbs of the fold. The extension of the Malagash Mine Fault located ~10 km west of Cape John is proposed to explain the local folding and faulting visible in the submerged outcrops. The extension of this fault is partially visible on land, where it is obscured by glacial till, and its presence is supported by the orientation of submerged bedding and lineaments on both the south and north sides of Cape John. This paper demonstrates how near-shore high-resolution topography from bathymetric lidar can be used to enhance and refine geological mapping.RÉSUMÉUn levé lidar topo-bathymétrique été réalisé à Cape John, sur la rive nord de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada, en utilisant un capteur Leci AHAB Chiroptera II. Ce levé a permis de repérer des affleurements que les méthodes de cartographie plus anciennes n’avaient pu détecter. Une épaisse couche de till glaciaire recouvre la roche en place sur le continent, et la roche affleure seulement le long des falaises côtières et des récifs côtiers. Le modèle numérique de dénivelé en continu terres et fonds marins obtenu par le levé lidar a révélé l’existence d’affleurement rocheux considérables au large des côtes, là où les courants océaniques ont emporté le till glaciaire, une découverte importante demeurée cachée sous la surface de la mer jusqu’alors. Plusieurs récifs ont été identifiés au large des côtes, ainsi qu’une structure de pli majeure, à l’endroit où se produit un morcellement en blocs le long des flancs du pli. Une extension de la faille de la mine Malagash situé ~ 10 km à l’ouest de Cape John est proposé pour expliquer les plis et les failles locaux visibles dans les affleurements submergés. L’extension de cette faille est partiellement visible sur la terre, voilée par le till, et sa présence est étayée par l’orientation de la stratification et des linéaments submergés tant du côté sud que nord de Cape John. Cet article montre comment la topographie haute résolution du lidar bathymétrique peut être utilisée pour améliorer et affiner la cartographie géologique.
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Vo, Thi, Venkat Venkatasubramanian, Sanat Kumar, Babji Srinivasan, Suchetan Pal, Yugang Zhang et Oleg Gang. « Stoichiometric control of DNA-grafted colloid self-assembly ». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no 16 (6 avril 2015) : 4982–87.

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There has been considerable interest in understanding the self-assembly of DNA-grafted nanoparticles into different crystal structures, e.g., CsCl, AlB2, and Cr3Si. Although there are important exceptions, a generally accepted view is that the right stoichiometry of the two building block colloids needs to be mixed to form the desired crystal structure. To incisively probe this issue, we combine experiments and theory on a series of DNA-grafted nanoparticles at varying stoichiometries, including noninteger values. We show that stoichiometry can couple with the geometries of the building blocks to tune the resulting equilibrium crystal morphology. As a concrete example, a stoichiometric ratio of 3:1 typically results in the Cr3Si structure. However, AlB2 can form when appropriate building blocks are used so that the AlB2 standard-state free energy is low enough to overcome the entropic preference for Cr3Si. These situations can also lead to an undesirable phase coexistence between crystal polymorphs. Thus, whereas stoichiometry can be a powerful handle for direct control of lattice formation, care must be taken in its design and selection to avoid polymorph coexistence.
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The article presents new content areas in the traditional work program for the course of physics in the preparation of technical specialties in universities. The majority of physical education in the system of technical education and the systemic role of the physics course in the structure of technical training are noted. A number of problems and vulnerabilities in the practice of teaching physics were analyzed. The necessity of preserving the integrity of the logical structure of the physics course in the system of technical education, regardless of the direction of training, is noted. The article substantiates the inclusion of a complex of methodological knowledge in the traditional work program in physics, which forms ideas about the complex nature of the physical picture of the world. The structure of this complex is proposed. It is shown that the structure of the physical picture of the world can be represented in the form of two interrelated blocks: the scientific paradigm and scientific knowledge. The multi-level content of each block is revealed, corresponding to the logic of the development of scientific knowledge. A comparative analysis of the proposed approach to the formation of the course content is carried out. The article develops the structure and defines the content of the methodological educational complex of physical science, proposed for inclusion in the content of the physics course for the specialties of the technical bachelor's degree.
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Thèses sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Roche, Claire. « Hexahedral curved block-structured mesh generation for atmospheric re-entry ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Le Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) s'intéresse à la simulation d'écoulements fluides en régime supersonique et hypersonique dans le cadre de la rentrée atmosphérique. Pour ce faire, un code de simulation numérique dédié y est développé. Pour répondre à des contraintes fortes, ce code ne prend en entrée que des maillages hexaédriques structurés par blocs. Ce type de maillage est compliqué à générer, c'est le plus souvent réalisé à la main via l'utilisation de logiciels interactifs dédiés. Pour des géométries industrielles complexes, la génération d'un maillage est très couteuse en temps. A l'heure actuelle, la génération automatique de maillages hexaédriques est un sujet de recherche ouvert et complexe.Dans le cadre de ces travaux de thèse, nous proposons une méthode permettant de générer des maillages structurés par blocs courbes de domaines fluides autour de géométries dédiées pour les problématiques visées. Cette méthode a d'abord été prototypée dans le cadre de domaines 2D, puis étendue au cas 3D. Ici, la méthode est présentée dans le cas général, en dimension n. Elle se découpe en plusieurs étapes qui sont les suivantes.Dans un premier temps, une structure de blocs linéaire est obtenue par extrusion d'une première discrétisation de la paroi. Ces travaux sont une extension des travaux proposés par Ruiz-Girones et al.. Une fois cette structure de blocs linéaire obtenue, nous proposons deux manières distinctes de courber les blocs afin d'améliorer la représentation de la géométrie, et de limiter le lissage sur le maillage final. La première est à travers d'un processus de lissage de maillage à topologie fixe à l'aide d'un problème d'optimisation, auquel un terme de pénalité est ajouté pour aligner certaines arêtes du maillage aux interfaces. Dans notre processus, nous appliquons cette méthode de lissage à la structure de blocs pour l'aligner sur la surface du véhicule. Cette méthode étant pour l'instant trop couteuse en temps de calcul dans le cas 3D, nous proposons une seconde manière de courber les blocs, à travers une représentation à l'aide de courbes polynomiales de Béziers. Nous appliquons cette fois des opérations géométriques et locales afin d'aligner les blocs à la géométrie.Enfin, en partant du principe que les blocs sont représentés à l'aide de courbes de Bézier, nous générons un maillage final sur ces blocs courbes sous différentes contraintes. Finalement, nous évaluons la qualité des maillages générés à travers des critères purement géométriques, en étudiant l'impact des différents paramètres de notre méthode sur le maillage final. Nous évaluons également les maillages générés par la simulation d'écoulements fluides sur ces maillages, avec la comparaison à des données expérimentales, analytiques, ainsi qu'à des calculs de référence
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) studies Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the case of supersonic and hypersonic flows. To do so, a dedicated code is developed. To deal with strong constraints, this code only performs on block-structured meshes. This specific type of mesh is complicated to generate, and this generation is usually handled by hand using dedicated interactive software. In the case of industrial complex geometries, the mesh generation is highly time-consuming. Currently, automatic hexahedral mesh generation is a complex open research field.In this thesis work, we propose a method to generate block-structured hexahedral meshes on curved blocks of the fluid domain around vehicles, dedicated for the problems of interest. This method is first proposed in 2D and then extended to 3D. Here, it is presented in the generic nD case. This method is composed of several steps. First, a linear block structure is extruded from a first vehicle surface discretization. This work is an extension of the previous work of Ruiz-Girones et al.. Once this linear block structure is generated, we propose two different methods to curve the block structure to improve the vehicle surface representation and limit the smoothing on the final mesh. The first method is through an algorithm of mesh adaptation at fixed topology by solving an optimization problem to which a penalty term is added to align certain mesh edges to an implicit interface. Our global approach uses this method to align the block structure to the vehicle surface. This method remains time-consuming in 3D, so we proposed a second method to curve our block structure through polynomial Bézier curves. Considering our blocks as Bézier blocks, we apply geometric and local operations to align the high-order block structure to the vehicle surface. Then, considering we curved the block structure using Bézier elements, we generate a mesh on the curved blocks under constraints. Finally, the generated mesh quality is evaluated in two ways. The first one is through purely geometrical criteria analysis. The second one is through numerical simulations of flows around vehicles on our meshes, comparing the simulation results to experimental data, analytical results, and reference simulations
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Roos, Alexandra. « Copolymères à blocs : structure, rhéologie et propriétés adhésives ». Paris 6, 2004.

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Delhomme, Fabien. « Etude du comportement sous impact d'une structure pare-blocs en béton armé ». Chambéry, 2005.

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Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude du comportement d'un nouveau système de galerie de protection contre les chutes de blocs appelé Pare-blocs Structurellement Dissipant (PSD). L'innovation majeure, par rapport aux solutions classiques, est de dissiper l'énergie d'impact directement dans la dalle en béton armé ou dans des appuis fusibles, et non plus dans une couche de matériau amortissant. Les phénomènes dynamiques ayant lieu lors de l'impact d'un bloc sur la dalle sont analysés au moyen d'expérimentations sur une structure PSD à l'échelle î 1/3. Les efforts de percussion appliqués à la dalle, durant la phase de contact avec le bloc, sont estimés ainsi que les différents transferts et dissipations d'énergie. Les résultats ont permis de valider le principe de fonctionnement et de réparation des PSD et font apparaître que la dalle est endommagée par trois mécanismes majeurs: le poinçonnement, la mise en flexion et la déstructuration de surface de la zone impactée. Les principales grandeurs expérimentales sont retrouvées à l'aide de simulations numériques des essais avec un code éléments finis. Un modèle mécanique simplifié "masses ressorts amortisseur" est également développé dans le but de concevoir des méthodes de dimensionnement applicables en bureau d'études. Les perspectives de ce travail sont d'aboutir à l'établissement de recommandations sur la conception et la réalisation des pare-blocs structurellement dissipant
This thesis studies the behaviour of a new concept for a protection gallery under rock fall, called Structurally Dissipating Rock-shed (SDR). The main innovation, compared to conventional solutions, is to dissipate the impact energy directly into the reinforced concrete slab or into fuse supports, and no longer in a cushion layer. The dynamic phenomena, taking place during the impact of a block onto the slab, are analyzed by means of experiments on a 1/3 scale SDR structure. The percussion loads applied to the slab, during the contact phase with the block, are assessed as weIl as the various energy transfers and dissipations. The results allowed to validate the operating and repair principles of the SDR and revealed that the slab is damaged by three main mechanisms: the punching, the bending and the breaking clown at surface level of the impacted zone. The principal experimental values are found by numerical simulations of the tests with a finite elements tool. A simplified mechanical model "masses-springs-damping" is also developed with the aim of implementing design methods for engineering offices. The prospects for this work are to succeed in establishing design and construction recommendations for structurally dissipating rock-sheds
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Virgiliis, Afonso Luís Corrêa de. « Procedimentos de projeto e execução de pavimentos permeáveis visando retenção e amortecimento de picos de cheias ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.

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O trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar procedimentos de projeto e execução de obras de pavimentos permeáveis visando sua aplicação prática como medidas compensatórias de drenagem urbana com a finalidade de retenção e amortecimento de picos de enchentes em cidades densamente urbanizadas. Os procedimentos propostos se baseiam na experiência adquirida para a implementação de dois tipos de pavimentos permeáveis; um com revestimento constituído de blocos intertravados de concreto e outro com revestimento de concreto asfáltico poroso, conhecido como camada porosa de atrito. Para subsidiar o trabalho uma pista experimental foi construída como área de estacionamento nas dependências do Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica CTH na Universidade de São Paulo onde foi realizado o experimento. O local do estacionamento atua como um reservatório subsuperficial de águas pluviais sendo que sua estrutura, constituída de agregados granulares, abriga no interior de seus vazios a água infiltrada pelas camadas do pavimento. Recomenda-se, após os estudos, que os procedimentos e seqüências de atividades de projeto e execução de obras de pavimentos permeáveis sejam contemplados pelo poder público e privado como solução alternativa em diferentes empreendimentos urbanos como grandes áreas públicas ou particulares, estacionamentos, parques, quadras esportivas, passeios, calçamentos e ruas de pouca solicitação de tráfego entre outros.
The present work intents to show design and built procedures, of porous pavements; by paying attention on its practical appliances as compensatory option in urban drainage with purpose to retaining rainfall water by storage, reducing downstream flooding in cities with great urban density. The procedures here proposed are based in the know how acquired for the construction of two kinds of porous pavements: one built with interlocked concrete blocks and the other built with porous asphalt. In order to aid the present work, an experimental field was built as parking area inside the propriety of CTH Centro Tecnologico de Hidraulica in State University of Sao Paulo where the tests and experiments were made. The parking area is a reservoir structure where rain water is stored inside courses of aggregates. The storage volume is in the void space between particles of material that comes by infiltration trough the pavement layer. The commendation, after the studies, is that procedures and activities of design and build of porous pavements could be observed by government and private sector as alternative solution in many kinds of urban projects such as large public and private lots, parking areas sport fields side walks and streets, with low capacity of traffic loads, and so forth.
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Vetrivel, Iyanar. « Exploring new applications of a structural alphabet in protein structure analyses ». Thesis, Nantes, 2017.

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Les alphabets structuraux sont des collections de motifs structuraux répétés dans les structures de protéines. Durant ma thèse, j'ai utilisé l'un d'eux, les blocs protéiques (BPs), pour diverses applications comme la prédiction, la comparaison et l'analyse de structures de protéines. J'ai d'abord étudié les variations structurales observées au sein de structures ayant des séquences protéiques identiques et au cours de simulations de dynamique moléculaire. Les résultats de ces analyses ont été synthétisés sous la forme de matrices de substitution et ont montré des similitudes surprenantes avec les précédentes matrices établies pour les protéines homologues ou les ensembles RMN. La méthode kPRED qui permet de prédire le squelette des protéines sous forme de BPs a été amélioré en prenant en compte les structures locales voisines. La nouvelle version privilégie aussi les informations provenant des protéines homologues lorsqu'elles sont disponibles, atteignant une précision moyenne de 66,3% sur un jeu de données test. J'ai aussi étendu la portée de la base de données PENTAdb pour couvrir l'ensemble des structures de la PDB. Je montre que l'effet de cette augmentation de 950% dans le contenu de PENTAdb améliore notre compréhension de la relation séquence-structure au niveau d'un pentapeptide. J'ai également utilisé PB-ALIGN, un outil de comparaison rapide et efficace de structures des protéines, pour comparer toutes les structures protéiques dans la PDB entre elles et pour étudier les similitudes structurales. J'ai généré une grande collection de données d'alignement et j'explore son usage pour l'annotation fonctionnelle et l'identification de possibles relations évolutives
Structural motifs found in protein structures. They help in approximating protein structure as a 1D string with minimal loss of structural information. Here I have employed a widely used structural alphabet called Protein Blocks (PB) for various applications like predicting, comparing and analyzing protein structures. PBs were used to study the structural variations in proteins with identical primary structure and also during the course of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The results from these analyses were summarized in the form of substitution matrices and showed striking similarities to previously established matrices for homologous proteins and NMR ensembles. I improved kPRED, a knowledge-based prediction of protein backbone in terms of PBs, by taking into consideration the neighboring local structures. The new version of the algorithm also privileges structural information from homologous proteins when available reaching an average accuracy of 66.3% on a benchmark dataset. The scope of the PENTAdb database has been expanded to cover the entire protein structure space in an automated manner. I show that the effect of this 950% increase in the contents of PENTAdb improves our understanding of the sequence-structure relationship at the pentapeptide level. I also used PB-ALIGN, a fast and efficient protein structure comparison tool, to compare all protein structures in PDB in an all-vs-all manner and to investigate PB-based structural similarities. This generated a huge collection of alignment data and I discuss its use for functional annotation and identification of possible evolutionary relationships
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COURT, FRANCOIS. « Effet cotensioactif dans des melanges de copolymeres a blocs relations structure chimique / microstructure / proprietes ». Paris 6, 1996.

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L'etude microstructurale de trois series de melanges binaires de diblocs styrene-isoprene de compositions et de masse molaires moyennes en nombre differentes a ete realisee. Ces melanges ont ete elabores a partir d'un dibloc asymetrique long et de trois differents diblocs symetriques courts, tous les quatres ayant ete synthetises par polymerisation anionique. Le diagramme de phase a temperature ambiante de ces trois series de melanges a ete etabli experimentalement par diffusion des rayons x aux petits angles et par microscopie electronique en transmission. Le resultat le plus important est que la microstructure de ces melanges n'est pas controlee uniquement par leur fraction volumique en styrene, comme c'est le cas pour les diblocs purs, mais elle depend egalement du rapport entre les masses molaires des deux diblocs. Nous avons cherche l'origine physique de cette modification des plages de stabilites des differentes microstructures (effet cotensioactif). Des etudes fines par saxs ont permis d'etablir que les diblocs courts localises a l'interface controlent la structure de celle-ci (l'aire d'interface occupee par jonction). Il en decoule une organisation particuliere des chaines a l'interieur des microdomaines qui s'avere etre celle predite par un modele theorique du a birshtein, zhulina et lyatskaya. Ce modele nous a permis d'interpreter le diagramme de phase experimental. Nous avons egalement etudie l'influence de la temperature sur la microstructure de certains melanges. En plus de la transition ordre-desordre attendue, ces melanges subissent differentes transitions thermoreversibles ordre-ordre. Ces melanges modeles presentant des relations composition/microstructure particulieres, l'influence de cette derniere sur les proprietes viscoelastiques a pu etre etablie clairement. Enfin, les connaissances acquises sur ces systemes modeles nous ont permis d'interpreter le comportement microstructural particulier d'un copolymere a blocs industriel de structure chimique complexe
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Maiez-Tribut, Sara. « Relations entre la structure d'un copolymère à blocs et la nanostructuration d'un polymère réticulé ». Lyon, INSA, 2007.

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L’introduction de copolymères à blocs dans des systèmes thermodurcissable en tant qu’agent renforçant se développe. La capacité du copolymère à blocs à nanostructurer ce type de matrice permet d’atteindre de bonnes propriétés mécaniques. Mais la difficulté réside justement dans l’obtention de ces nanostructures qui résultent de la miscibilité des blocs vis-à-vis du réseau en croissance. En effet afin d’éviter toute macroséparation de phases, le plus souvent néfaste pour les propriétés mécaniques, il est indispensable qu’un des blocs reste miscible dans le système tout au long de la réticulation afin de stabiliser la structure formée. Le problème est qu’un polymère est généralement miscible dans un nombre très restreint de système obligeant ainsi à adapter les copolymères à chaque matrice utilisée. L’objectif principal de cette thèse a été de déterminer la composition d’un copolymère à bloc capable de nanostructurer, dans un premier temps, des systèmes époxydes de polarité différente (DGEBA-DDS et DGEBA-MCDEA). Pour cela nous avons réaliser une étude de miscibilité visant à identifier un homopolymère restant miscible avec ces systèmes durant toute la réaction : le poly(dimethylacrylamide) s’est avéré un bon candidat et a été associé à des motifs méthacrylate de méthyle au sein d’un copolymère statistique. Le bloc stabilisant identifié, des copolymères à blocs de type ABA et AB ont été synthétisés. Leur comportement a d’abord été étudié dans les précurseurs des réseaux époxydes, en particulier la localisation de la transition ordre-désordre des mélanges obtenus et l’influence de la composition des copolymères utilisés sur celle-ci. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à l’organisation des mélanges avant et après réaction (TEM et SAXS) mais aussi à l’évolution de la structuration au cours de la polymérisation (SAXS). Enfin le pouvoir renforçant des copolymères de type ABA a été évalué et révèle une amélioration de la ténacité des systèmes réticulés sans modification notable de la température de transition vitreuse
Introduction of block copolymers as reinforcing agents in thermoset is increasing. The block copolymer ability to nanostructure this kind of matrix allows to obtain good mechanical properties. But the difficulty is to obtain such nanostructure which depends on miscibility of each block versus the growing network. Indeed, in order to avoid any kind of macrophase separation wich could deteriorate mechanical properties, one block must remain miscible in the system up to the end of the reaction to stabilize the formed structure. Since a polymer is generally miscible with only few systems, so, each block copolymer has to be adapted to each specific matrix. The main aim of this work has been to determine the composition of a block copolymer able to nanostructure epoxy networks with different polarities: DGEBA-DDS and DGEBA-MCDEA. In order to identify an homopolymer which could remain miscible with these two matrixes up to the end of the reaction, we realised a miscibility study and we showed that the poly(dimethylacrylamide) is an excellent candidate: as a result we associated it with MMA units to form a random copolymer. Having identified the stabilizing block, ABA and AB block copolymers have been synthesized. Their behaviour in the epoxy precursors and in particular the localisation of the order-disorder transition in the obtained blends, have been studied: this latter property appeared to be influenced by the blend composition. We were also interested in blends organization before and after the reaction (analyses performed by TEM and SAXS), and in its evolution during the polymerization (monitored by SAXS). Finally, the reinforcement effect of ABA block copolymers has been evaluated. A toughness improvement of the epoxy networks, without significant increase of the glass transition temperature, has been observed
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Maiez-Tribut, Sara Pascault Jean-Pierre. « Relations entre la structure d'un copolymère à blocs et la nanostructuration d'un polymère réticulé ». [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007.

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Ghesquiers, Philippe. « Structure spatiale de commandabilité, placement de directions propres et découplage par blocs des systèmes linéaires ». Toulouse, ENSAE, 1990.

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Dans le contexte de l'approche géométrique des systèmes linéaires, une première partie du mémoire est consacrée à l'étude de la caractérisation algébrique de la structure spatiale liée à la commandabilité. Une paramétrisation nouvelle des sous-espaces de commandabilité est donnée dans la base initiale du système, évitant par la même le recours classique au calcul d'une forme canonique. Cette paramétrisation est alors exploitée pour établir une méthode permettant d'engendrer directement par placement de directions propres un sous-espace de commandabilité du système. La seconde partie du mémoire concerne le problème du découplage par blocs des systèmes linéaires. Les résultats classiques de l'approche géometrique sont tout d'abord présentés puis transcrits selon les techniques de placement de directions propres. Une nouvelle approche de résolution du decouplage par blocs est ensuite proposée par la mise au point d'une méthode de construction de familles compatibles de sous-espaces de commandabilité.
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Meyer, Nicolas. « Une Nouvelle voie de synthèse de copolymères a blocs, de structure en étoile, du type A3B ». Mulhouse, 2001.

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Nous nous intéressons aux polymères en étoile à nombre de bras contrôlé de natures différentes. Ces composés associent les propriétés des copolymères à blocs à une structure ramifiée. Reutenauer et al. (Macromolecules, 34, 755, 2001) ont décrit la synthèse de polymères A2B à partir de dérivés du 1, 1 -diphényléthylène : le I-[4-(tert-butyldiméthylsiloxy)méthylphényll- 1 -phényléthylène (DPECH2OSi). Dans le THF, suivant une réaction de double-addition élimination concertée, deux polystyrènes w-carbanioniques avec contre-ion lithium (PSLi) ou potassium attaquent la double liaison et le groupe tert-butyldiméthylsiloxy. Le troisième bras est obtenu à partir du carbanion diphényléthylènyle résultant PS2-. Nous avons constaté que la réaction des PSLi sur le DPECH2OSi dans un mélange de toluène/THF (v/v>37%) aboutit à la formation de PS3- portant un carbanion diphényléthylényllithium en son centre. Le mécanisme implique des réactions en cascade avec additions sur la double liaison des PSLI et substitutions nucléophiles des groupes siloxy par les PSLI et les diphényléthylényllithiums résultant des additions. Ces substitutions nucléophiles par des organolithiens sont exceptionnelles. Le basculement d'un mécanisme à l'autre est essentiellement déterminé par le rapport toluène/THF du solvant de réaction et semble lié à la nature des paires d'ions. Les réactions des PSLI sur un nouveau dérivé du DPECH2OSi, le 1-(méthoxyméthyl)phényl-1phényléthylène, se déroulent suivant les mêmes mécanismes. La structure de ces dérivés est donc importante dans ce type de réactions. Néanmoins une faible proportion de produits secondaires se forment, dûes à une réactivité importante des groupes méthoxy. Les réactions des PSLI sur un autre dérivé, le 1,1-bis(4-méthoxyméthylphényl)éthylène, mènent à un mélange de polymères en étoile. En conclusion nous avons préparé, à partir des mêmes réactifs DPECH2OSi et PSLi, des polymères A2B ou A3B, parfaitement définis, en modifiant uniquement la polarité du milieu.
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Livres sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Davis, Donald R. Economic geography and regional production structure : An empirical investigation. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997.

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R, Davis Donald. Economic geography and regional production structure : An empirical investigation. [New York, N.Y.] : Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1998.

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Meyfredi, Jean-Christophe. Détermination de la courbe de structure par terme des taux d'intérêt, prise en compte du risque et évaluation des obligations convertibles. Grenoble : A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 2000.

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Morozova, Tat'yana, et Viktoriya Malickaya. International Financial Reporting Standards : tangible and intangible assets. Application practice. ru : INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.

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The textbook contains a structured presentation of the Conceptual Framework for the presentation of financial statements, IFRS (IAS) 16 "Fixed Assets", IFRS (IAS) 2 "Inventories", IFRS (IAS) 40 "Investment Property", IFRS (IAS) 38 "Intangible Assets", IFRS (IFRS) 5 "Non-current Assets held for Sale and Discontinued operations". Fragments of information disclosure in financial statements in accordance with IFRS of more than 50 Russian and foreign companies are given. The choice of financial statements of companies is solely a subjective judgment of the textbook authors, is aimed at explaining certain provisions of IFRS and is not an advertisement or popularization of individual business entities. In the text of the textbook, examples are divided into examples - practice of application; examples - professional judgment; examples-explanations; examples - disclosure of information. At the end of each paragraph, self-examination questions and tests are presented, which help to structure theoretical knowledge and pay attention to the most significant information blocks of IFRS. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students in bachelor's and master's degree courses 38.03.01 "Economics" and 38.04.08 "Finance and Credit".
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author, Harris Gale, dir. Queens General Court House : 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, (aka 88-01 to 88-33 Sutphin Boulevard, 147-02 to 147-28 88th Avenue, 147-01 89th Avenue, 88-02 to 88-34 148th Street), Queens : built 1936-39, architects Alfred H. Eccles and William Welles Knowles : landmark site, Borough of Queens tax map block 9691, lot 1. New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, 2010.

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Siegenthaler, Andreas. Cervical Facet Nerve Block : Ultrasound. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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The cervical facet joints are well-documented sources of chronic neck pain and headache. Ultrasound may offer the advantage of visualizing the actual target nerves, which is not possible with fluoroscopy. The relevant structures are located much more superficially than in the lumbar spine, hence visibility of the potential targets with ultrasound is expected to be better than in the lumbar region. Besides the ability to perform diagnostic nerve blocks, ultrasound imaging is expected to increase precision of radiofrequency neurotomy due to the ability to localize the exact course of a facet joint supplying nerve. For practitioners with only little experience in cervical sonoanatomy, we recommend performing ultrasound-guided cervical medial branch blocks with parallel fluoroscopic control first till one gains more experience. Correct level determination with ultrasound as described may be difficult for beginners, and the parallel use of fluoroscopy will help developing a “feel” for the procedure.
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Living with Technology : a Foundation Course : Block 1 Home : Home / Numeracy / Heat / Structures and Materials (Living with Technology : a Foundation Course). Open University Worldwide, 1996.

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Living with Technology : a Foundation Course : Study Units : Block 1 Home : Structures and Materials (Supporting Text) (Living with Technology : a Foundation Course). Open University Worldwide, 1996.

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Jakobsson, Jan. Anaesthesia for day-stay surgery. Sous la direction de Philip M. Hopkins. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Day-stay surgery is becoming increasingly common the world over. There are several benefits of avoiding in-hospital care. Early ambulation reduces the risk for thromboembolic events, facilitates wound healing, and avoiding admission reduces the risk for hospital-related infection. Additionally, the risk of neurocognitive side-effects can be avoided by returning the elderly patient to their home environment. Day-stay anaesthesia calls for adequate and structured preoperative assessment and patient evaluation, and the potential risk associated with surgery and anaesthesia should be assessed on an individual basis. Need for preoperative testing should be based on functional status of the patient and preoperative medical history but even the surgical procedure should be taken into account. Preoperative fasting should be in accordance with modern guidelines, refraining from food for 6 hours and fluids for 2 hours prior to induction in low-risk patients. Preventive analgesia and prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) should be administered preoperatively. Local anaesthesia should be administered prior to incision, constituting part of multimodal analgesia. The multimodal analgesia strategy should also include paracetamol and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in order to reduce the noxious stimulus from the surgical field. Third-generation inhaled anaesthetics or a propofol-based maintenance are both feasible alternatives. Titrating depth of anaesthesia by using an EEG-based depth of anaesthesia monitor may facilitate the recovery process. The laryngeal mask airway has become commonly used and has several advantages. Ultrasound-guided peripheral blocks may facilitate the early postoperative course by reducing pain and avoiding the use of opiates. Perineural catheters may be an option for prolongation of the block following painful orthopaedic procedures but a strict protocol and follow-up must be secured. Not only pain but even nausea and vomiting should be prevented, and therefore risk stratification, for example by the Apfel score, and PONV prophylaxis in accordance with the risk score is strongly recommended. Early ambulation should be encouraged postoperatively. Safe discharge should include an escort who also remains at home during the first postoperative night. Analgesics should be provided and be readily available for self-care when the patient comes home. Pain medication should include an opioid; however, the benefit versus risk must be assessed on an individual basis. Patients should also be instructed about a rescue return-to-hospital plan. Quality of care should include follow-up and analysis of clinical practice, and institution of methods to improve quality should be enforced for the benefit of the ambulatory surgical patient.
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Cheryl, Saunders, et Stone Adrienne, dir. The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution offers a critical analysis of some of the most significant aspects of Australian constitutional arrangements, setting them against the historical, legal, political, and social contexts in which Australia's constitutional system has developed. It takes care to highlight the distinctive features of the Australian constitutional system by placing the Australian system, where possible, in a global perspective. Constitutional law provides the legal framework for the Australian political and legal systems, and thus touches almost every aspect of Australian life. The chapters are arranged in seven thematically grouped parts. The first, ‘Foundations’, deals with aspects of Australian history which have influenced constitutional arrangements. The second, ‘Constitutional Domain’, addresses the interaction between the Constitution and other relevant legal systems and orders, including the common law, international law, and State Constitutions. The third, ‘Themes’, identifies themes of special constitutional significance, including the legitimacy of the Constitution, citizenship, and republicanism. The fourth, ‘Practice and Process’, deals with practical issues relevant to constitutional litigation, including the processes, techniques, and authority of the High Court of Australia. The final three parts deal with the structural building blocks of the Australian constitutional system: ‘Separation of Powers’, ‘Federalism’, and ‘Rights’.
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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Han, Sapphire Yu, et Cees H. Elzinga. « Modeling the Genesis of Life Courses ». Dans Social Background and the Demographic Life Course : Cross-National Comparisons, 125–40. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractLife course research has been dominated by methods and models that focus on the description of life course patterns and on the causal patterns between agency- and structure-related variables on the one hand and, on the other hand, outcomes in later life. Little attention has been paid to modelling the driving force, the mechanism, that generates the chain of successive events and stages of the life course: the sequences of individual decisions pertaining to all facets of the life course. This paper presents the minimal requirements that models should satisfy in order to be considered as life course generating models. The paper then proposes Hidden Markov Models as one of the main building blocks of life course generating models and discusses a few applications of these models in the domains of family formation, school-to-work transition and their interaction.
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Li, Frederick W. B., Rynson W. H. Lau et Parthiban Dharmendran. « An Adaptive Course Generation Framework ». Dans Intelligent Learning Systems and Advancements in Computer-Aided Instruction, 76–93. IGI Global, 2012.

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Existing adaptive e-learning methods are supported by student (user) profiling for capturing student characteristics, and course structuring for organizing learning materials according to topics and levels of difficulties. Adaptive courses are then generated by extracting materials from the course structure to match the criteria specified in the student profiles. In addition, to handle advanced student characteristics, such as learning styles, course material annotation and programming-based decision rules are typically used. However, these additives demand certain programming skills from an instructor to proceed with course construction; they may also require building multiple course structures to handle practical pedagogical needs. In this paper, the authors propose a framework based on the concept space and the concept filters to support adaptive course generation where comprehensive student characteristics are considered. The concept space is a data structure for modeling student and course characteristics, while the concept filters are modifiers to determine how the course should be delivered. Because of the “building block” nature of the concept nodes and the concept filters, the proposed framework is extensible. More importantly, the authors’ framework does not require instructors to equip with any programming skills when they construct adaptive e-learning courses.
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Shmueli, Uri. « Symmetry in crystals : fundamentals ». Dans Theories and Techniques of Crystal Structure Determination, 1–28. Oxford University PressOxford, 2007.

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Abstract Crystalline solids possess a property which is absent from the amorphous, liquid and gaseous states, namely that their fundamental building blocks are arranged to a good approximation in a triply periodic array. Strict periodicity is, of course, an idealization, and the various (minor) deviations therefrom are subject to study in the advanced stages of structure determination. We shall, however, assume such periodicity while introducing the geometrical aspects of crystallography. The above-mentioned periodic arrangement of the building blocks underlies all of the geometry and symmetry of a crystal structure, and we shall try to describe it in some detail.
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Baird, Derek E., et Mercedes Fisher. « How Social Design Influences Student Retention and Self-Motivation in Online Learning Environments ». Dans Social Media and the New Academic Environment, 26–39. IGI Global, 2013.

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Investigating the social structure that works in online courses helps us design for and facilitate student collaboration. The integration of social technologies, and collaborative activities into the course design has a positive influence on student retention in online courses. In this chapter, the authors present an exploratory study of computer-mediated groups that utilized this collaborative-based model to participate in online and/or blended learning courses. Participants were put into groups and observed as they constructed new knowledge using both online dialogue (synchronous and asynchronous), and social media technologies (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, wiki) as tools to support and facilitate their learning in the program.
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Fasang, Anette Eva, et Karl Ulrich Mayer. « Life-Course Dynamics of Social Stratification and Mobility ». Dans The Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Abstract Age and social status have been seen as distinct building blocks of social structure and thus as separate principles of the social organization of societies. Age-segregated societies tend to be premodern and smaller, while class-based stratification systems stand for modern industrial societies. Traditionally social status was taken to be fairly permanent as a life-long social position, and life-course dynamics were at best marginal to the study of stratification. In contrast, there are good reasons to see the “life course” as central to understanding inequalities: life courses express mechanisms of allocation and selection; social advantages and disadvantages accumulate across life courses; social classes distinguish themselves by typical life-course patterns; the pluralization of life courses could erode or reinforce social stratification; and generational divides recently appear to widen rather than narrow. This chapter discusses analytical aspects of the relationship between stratification and the life course and highlights substantive questions in stratification research that require a life-course approach illustrated by examples of recent comparative research.
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Sutton, Adrian P. « From the finite to the infinite ». Dans Electronic Structure of Materials, 38–73. Oxford University PressOxford, 1990.

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Abstract In this section we shall consider a series of hypothetical molecules consisting of chains of between two and an infinite number of hydrogen atoms. One aim is to show that the quantum mechanical description of bonding in an infinite linear chain is essentially no different from what we have already discussed in Chapter 2 for a diatomic molecule. In this way we hope to convince you that solids may be thought of as infinite molecules, but, of course, in three dimensions. Another aim is to set up the machinery that we need to discuss an infinite periodic system, such as k-space, Bloch functions, Brillouin zones, the Fermi energy, and so on. Once we have done that then moving onto a three-dimensional perfect crystal is more complicated, but no new ideas are needed.
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Hsu, Hsu, et Karin Hamilton. « Adult Learners, E-Learning, and Success ». Dans Web-Based Education, 1400–1421. IGI Global, 2010.

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Adult learners have a set of specific and unique needs, andare different from traditional college students. Possessing greater maturity, interest in learning, and also career andlife-oriented objectives, they have different expectations for their education, as well as different backgrounds andgoals. This chapter examines what adult learners are, theories of adult learning, and the applicability of onlinelearning to adult learners. Specific teaching methods andtechniques are discussed for online and hybrid distancelearning courses, as well as hybrid arrangements; encompassing teaching methods, types of exercises andactivities, intensive course structures, block scheduling, andthe use of modular course segments. Examples from anadult learner hybrid distance learning undergraduateprogram, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Global Business Management, are also provided. Future trends and areas for further research conclude the chapter.
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Hai-Jew, Shalin. « Structuring and Facilitating Online Learning through Learning/Course Management Systems ». Dans Data Mining, 1358–75. IGI Global, 2013.

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Online learning—whether it is human-facilitated or automated, hybrid/blended, asynchronopus or synchronous or mixed--often relies on learning/course management systems (L/CMSes). These systems have evolved in the past decade-and-a-half of popular use to integrate powerful tools, third-party software, Web 2.0 functionalities (blogs, wikis, virtual worlds, and tag clouds), and a growing set of capabilities (eportfolios, data management, back-end data mining, information assurance, and other elements). This chapter highlights learning/course management systems, their functionalities and structures (including some integrated technologies), their applied uses in adult e-learning, and extra-curricular applications. A concluding section explores future L/CMSes based on current trends.
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AUBERT, Julie, Pierre BARBILLON, Sophie DONNET et Vincent MIELE. « Modèles à blocs latents pour la détection de structures dans les réseaux écologiques ». Dans Approches statistiques pour les variables cachées en écologie, 131–50. ISTE Group, 2022.

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Nous nous intéressons aux interactions entre espèces. Les données d'interactions sont représentées par un réseau dont la structure est étudiée pour comprendre l'organisation de l'écosystème. Pour ce faire, nous présentons les modèles à blocs stochastiques qui sont des modèles de mélange adaptés aux réseaux et qui permettent d'obtenir une classification des espèces sur la base de leurs patrons d'interactions.
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Norman, Nicholas C. « Acids and bases ». Dans Periodicity and the s- and p-Block Elements. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter assesses periodic trends in relation to structure, looking at electron counting rules including the octet rule. The octet rule was first formulated by Gilbert Lewis and Irving Langmuir in the early twentieth century. Octet refers to 8, of course, and this is an important number especially for the s- and p-block elements. The importance of the number 8 arises since, for these elements, we have one valence s and three valence p orbitals which, when involved in covalent bonding, will result in four bonding orbitals and four antibonding orbitals (or a reduced number corresponding to the number of lone pairs or non-bonding orbitals). Eight electrons will therefore fill the bonding/non-bonding orbitals completely. The chapter then considers the valence shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory; the trivalent compounds of Group 15; and the Zintl principle.
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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Kilkiş, Birol, Bilgin Kaftanoğlu et Cengiz Güngör. « Development of an Interactive Teaching Tool : Course Designer ». Dans ASME 1992 International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992.

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Abstract An expert authoring package for real time, computer aided lecturing was developed with main emphasis to undergraduate courses in mechanical engineering. It enables the instructor to prepare the lecture and then present it in the classroom in a real-time and iterative environment. The major aim is to create a medium in which the instructor, computer and students are brought together on a common data base with real-time interaction with each other. The hardware necessary to enable such an interaction was investigated and optimum configuration laid out both from economical and technical points of view. The package is also flexible enough to permit the instructor to modify and set the topics during the course through a specially designed menu. The Course Designer program which was developed on SuperEdit™ software which enables to structure the course material to be structured using traditional Macintosh building blocks like windows and graphics with a better user friendly and interactive medium.
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Joo, Sung-Hwan, et Chris Pung. « Implementation of a New Freshman Year Interdisciplinary Course Sequence ». Dans ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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This paper presents the design and implementation of a two course freshman year sequence at a multi-disciplinary engineering school. The driver for this change was the interdisciplinary academic environment. The previous course sequence consisted of a CAD/CAM graphical communication course followed by a traditional C programming course. The CAD/CAM course consists of two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory and covered graphical communication coupled with laboratory CAM activities as one semester (13 weeks) course. This particular course is named “EGR-101: Introduction to CAD/CAM” and this required course is the first engineering course that all freshmen identifying themselves as pre-engineering take. The C programming course was delivered using two hours of lecture and three hours of lab as a one semester (13 weeks) course. This particular course is named “EGR-261: Structured Programming in C” and this course is the second engineering course that all freshmen are required to take. The new combined sequence of courses includes similar topics with the addition of an introduction to basic electronics and microcontrollers. It was delivered using a two hour block and three hour block divided as needed between lecture and laboratory with mixed topics of CAD/CAM and C programming. A two semester open ended design and build project was used to combine the course elements. Final assessment result will be presented to evaluate the effect of the changes.
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Gruenewald, Armin, David Kroenert, Steffen Buechner et Rainer Brueck. « Switching perspectives : Physicians meet Engineers in a Novel Lab on Medical Device Development ». Dans Fifth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia : Universitat Politècnica València, 2019.

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Education nowadays often still lacks in seeing the big picture. While becoming an expert in a certain, narrow field is naturally desirable, switching disciplinary perspectives is mandatory for an overall understanding. Next to benefiting from the knowledge of other disciplines itself, the merging of two disciplines and their actors leads to a synergy effect through the exchange of their knowledge and experience. Therefore a mixed course structure consisting of theoretical and practical parts seems most feasible to guarantee varying degrees of didactic approaches including co-operative course designs. In this paper our already well established advanced lab on medical device development (part of the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science) and its enhancement towards an interdisciplinary lab and lecture with medical students is presented. Based on the existing lab, we analyze the prior knowledge of physicians and computer scientists and derive contents, structure and necessary competence goals for a four-week block course. The main objective of the lab is to enable the students of both disciplines to share a common language and a common understanding of the procedures, approaches and tools.
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Jafar Naqvi, Syed. « An Overview : Approaches for the Development of Basic IT Skills ». Dans InSITE 2005 : Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2005.

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There is a growing importance of computerization, information flow and the tremendous use of Information Technology (IT) in all the fields including business, education, government and medicine. The significant improvements in IT continue to occur at an ever-increasing pace. The speed, size, cost, and capabilities associated with computers and telecommunications provide a wealth of highly attractive opportunities for using this technology to help solve business problems or enhance current ways of doing business. There is a general recognition that students in secondary, further and higher education need to acquire IT skills that match the IT needs of the contemporary businesses. The major focus of this investigation concerns the development of IT skills among new entrants to the institute of higher learning to meet the changing needs of IT, especially in the businesses environment. Traditionally, the introductions to IT courses offered in the past were through the programming languages. There seems to be a trend to acquire IT skills moving away from programming and getting skills through off-the- shelf software packages. There are many reasons for this, including the availability of powerful and user-friendly software, such as word processing, databases and spreadsheets, which have raised the level of expectations in the use of IT for business and removed the need to learn to write computer programs in a traditional block structure language. If the software packages are considered, then the obvious question, “What should be the order of their presentation in a basic IT course?” emerges. The popularity of the Internet and its use in the business environment has made it necessary be included in the introduction to computers course. This paper explores several possible approaches for the acquisition of basic IT skills among new IT enthusiasts and proposes an Information Systems Approach for the acquisition of basic IT skills used in business.
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Ashok, Kumar S., Subramanian V. Anantha et R. Vijayakumar. « Numerical Study on the Performance Analysis and Vibration Characteristics of Flexible Marine Propeller ». Dans ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract This paper addresses the hydro-elastic performance of two composite marine propellers at operating condition and compares the results with conventional materials. The study involves three stages namely, design and development of a B series propeller, hydrodynamic and structural performance analysis in uniform flow and free vibration test both in dry and wet condition. In order to perform the hydro-elastic based fluid structure interaction (FSI), Co-Simulation method was adopted to couple Reynolds Averaged Navier-Strokes Equation (RANSE) based Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver and finite element method (FEM) solvers. The open water characteristics such as thrust coefficient (KT), torque coefficient (KQ), and open water efficiency (ηO) were analyzed as a function of advance velocity (J) of the propeller. A detailed study of the various blade materials by varying mechanical properties are presented. The results obtained show the variation of stress and deflection on the blade, along with the influence of the blade deformation on the performance of propeller. The vibration behaviour of the propellers were also analysed by Block-Lanczos method in FEM solver to obtain the natural frequencies and the mode shapes using Acoustic Fluid-Structure Coupling method for both dry and wet condition. Results showed that composite propeller have better hydro-dynamic property and lower vibration than metal propeller.
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Vejvoda, Stanislav. « Strength Assessment of Equipments and Piping of WWER Nuclear Power Plants ». Dans ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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The Standard Technical Documentation (STD) of The Association of Mechanical Engineers (A.M.E.), Section III “Strength Assessment of Equipment and Piping of Nuclear Power Plant of VVER type” provides guides and requirements for elaboration of: - conclusive documentation for equipment, piping and their supports, manufactured and supplied or manufactured for replacement, for nuclear power plants of VVER type, 440 MW and 1000 MW; - conclusive documentation for repaired, replaced and innovated components of equipment, piping and their supports for nuclear power plants of VVER type, 440 MW and 1000 MW; - conclusive documentation on continuous lifetime usage of equipment, piping and their supports during the operation of nuclear power plants of VVER type, 440 MW and 1000 MW and determination of their residual lifetime; - documentation on degree of compatibility of equipment, piping and their supports for nuclear power plants of VVER type, 440 MW and 1000 MW with the ASME Code Section III, Division 1. The following principles of the Section III are discussed in the presentation: general structure of the Section III; design specifications and operational conditions; calculation of allowed stresses; stress categories groups (σ)1, (σ)2, (σ)R, and (σaF); limit criteria for stress categories groups; loading blocs; assessment on fatigue; assessment of two-frequency cyclic loading on fatigue; fatigue correction factors for multiaxial stress states and gradient of stresses, corrosion, welding and radiation; limits; determination of load at collapse; use of elastic and elastic-plastic analyses; elastic-plastic carrying capacity of components; stiffness of the nozzle opening.
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Espíndola, Thainara Zulma, et Sérgio Murilo Petri. « Expectations of accounting students in relation to their professional career ». Dans VI Seven International Multidisciplinary Congress. Seven Congress, 2024.

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This study analyzed the perspectives of students of the Accounting Sciences course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in relation to their future professional career. The objective was to understand the expectations of these students regarding the job market and their career choices. The research was classified as quantitative and descriptive with a cross-sectional approach, using a sample of 86 students from a universe of 766. A questionnaire structured in four blocks of questions was the data collection instrument, which were obtained both by institutional e-mail and in person in classrooms. The main objective was to analyze the expectations of UFSC Accounting students in relation to their future professional career, identifying motivations, influences and perspectives for action. The research had a quantitative and descriptive approach, applying a questionnaire to a sample of 86 students. Data were collected through institutional e-mail and in person in the classrooms. The analysis considered demographic aspects, motivations for choosing the course, family influences, professional experiences and future career expectations. The results showed that the majority of students (41.58%) are in the age group of 21 to 25 years, with a significant increase in students over 30 years compared to previous studies. About 60.4% of the students attended high school in public schools. The Accounting course was the first choice for 61.39% of the students, and most of them were satisfied with their choice and with the course. In terms of professional performance, 89.11% of the students are employed, mainly as employees governed by the CLT and interns. However, many do not work directly in the accounting area, reflecting a varied satisfaction with remuneration. As for career prospects, students showed interest in taking public exams, doing specializations and working in specific areas such as auditing and business accounting. The study revealed that, despite a strong interest in specific areas of accounting and in civil service examinations, many students are employed outside the accounting sector, indicating a possible disconnect between academic training and available job opportunities. The results suggest the need for greater alignment between the course curriculum and market demands. The survey also highlighted the importance of expanding future studies to include more institutions and regions in order to better map the profile and expectations of accounting professionals in training.
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Alpert Gladstone, Julia. « Database Protection : Are Laws Threatening To Destroy Our Building Blocks Of Knowledge ? » Dans 2002 Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2002.

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This paper examines the various regimes that are used to protect databases to suggest that the continued progress o' science and technology that has enabled economic prosperity will be fostered by less regulation. The diversity between and within each of these regimes reflects fundamentally different views of intellectual property. Technology, specifically digitalization that has facilitated the creation, replication and easy dissemination of information has changed the value of information and threatens to create a striated society of information "haves" and "have-nots" due to enclosure mechanisms. As technology advances, the laws which we implement to build upon the existing intellectual property infrastructure must be developed with care to preserve the careful balance of the public good and private interest that has maintained the past 200 years of "progress of science and useful arts." The author suggests ways to structure a database to encourage or reward database developers while simultaneously fostering the advancement of science. Web Technology has changed conventional Information Systems (IS) and conventional Information Technology (IT) as we know it. There is no doubt that Web technology will provide the foundation for most future software systems. IS curriculum therefore needs to be brought up to date to reflect this reality. In this paper we update our earlier research leading to the design of a graduate model curriculum for Information Systems and describe a generic web-centric Information Systems Masters curriculum model. It is strong on web-technology and its goal is to produce students who are comfortable with both today's technology and technology of the future. Universities and colleges can adapt this curriculum model to design a new Masters in IS curriculum or simply to bring up to date any existing IS/IT curriculum. The model suggests new core concentration courses, and concentration electives.
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Colistra, Daniele, et Domenico Mediati. « Fortified masserie in Calabria. Architectural features and typological models ». Dans FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Valencia : Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2020.

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In southern Italy, and also in Calabria, fortified masserie represent a typical building model meant for the management, the control and the defense of the territory and of the rural heritage. This occurs especially in areas where, before the agricultural reform of the mid-twentieth century, the latifundium was the main model of property organization. The geographical position of the region, which has always been exposed to incursions and looting, has favored, in the rural buildings, the presence of defensive morpho-structural elements and above all the spread of typological plants that make the building system closed to the outside and therefore protected. This is the main topic of the research. Through the study, survey and analysis of 26 fortified masserie on the Calabrian territory, we have identified three particularly widespread typological-settlement models: the fortress masseria, the court masseria, the block masseria.
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Ambruš, Ines. « Port of Porto Baross in Rijeka : Conversion into a port of nautical tourism ». Dans Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, 257–67. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, 2024.

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The natural value of the historical course of the Rječina River, not far from its delta into the sea, was the original axis of Rijeka's urban development, from where the etymology of the city's name originates. Planned land filling works in the 19th century was the basis for constructing the orthogonal urban blocks of Civitas Novae with vital public functions and the port of Porto Baross. Today, the port with urban artifacts such as the protected listed building of Warehouse 40., the railway bridge, the ghat and the breakwater become a brownfield potential for the revitalization of the city center. The Warehouse 40, is a valuable example of the modern architecture of engineer Milan Čalogović with a pioneering design of reinforced concrete structures from 1931, while the railway iron swing bridge from 1896 represents the city's unique technical heritage. In order to establish a harmonious relationship between the new architectural structures and the inherited urbanity, the broader urban context should be considered. In 2013 was held The international urban planning and architectural competition for the creation of a conceptual solution for the development of the area of the Delta and Porto Baross in Rijeka for the residential and business purpose of the area and the development of the urban development plan was prescribed. Amendments to the Spatial Plan and the General Urban Plan of the City of Rijeka were adopted in 2019. The introduction of new nautical tourism content in the city center with listed industrial heritage becomes a very sensitive intervention. By transforming the historical urban structures of the former port, new physical forms are created that should respect the existing values in situ as bearers of not only economic values, but also natural, cultural, urban, arhitectural, technical, sociological and identity values, preserving the spirit of the port city.
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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Structure de blocs courbe"


Havrilova, Liudmyla H., Olena Ye Ishutina, Valentyna V. Zamorotska et Darja A. Kassim. Distance learning courses in developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence. [б. в.], septembre 2019.

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The scientific and methodological background of creation and development of the distance learning courses for the future music teachers is substantiated. The components and structure of future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence are defined; the content of the course is revealed. The materials are based on the authors’ teaching experience within the distance learning course “Basic Musical Instrument (Piano)”. The main blocks of the distance course design and development are considered among them to be theoretical, practical, individual work, and control blocks. The specificity of distance learning methods in the future music teachers’ instrumental and performance training is substantiated and three main methods are distinguished. The method of involving information and communication technologies, including multimedia; project method, and features of knowledge and skills controlling are elaborated. The results of implementation and experimental research of using distance learning courses for developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence are described. The influence of different methods use on students’ success is explored.
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Bogdanov, Sergey I. Electronic educational resource "Ambulance and emergency medical care for mental disorders and behavioral disorders at the prehospital stage". SIB-Expertise, janvier 2024.

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The Electronic educational resource (hereinafter referred to as EER) “Basic aspects of narcology” is designed for 36 training hours. This distance learning course aims to develop communicative competence, prepare for solving standard problems of professional activity using information resources, medical and biological terminology, and is also aimed at optimizing the educational process at the university, creating conditions for achieving the required level of modern education and comprehensive development of the personality of students . The EER was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Intended for medical school students as a material that allows future doctors to become more in-depth acquainted with the basic aspects of narcology, as well as for psychiatrists, psychiatrists-narcologists, and doctors of other specialties who, due to the specifics of their work, systematically interact with patients with drug addiction pathology. The EER was developed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, highly qualified psychiatrist-narcologist with 37 years of experience in the specialty of psychiatry-narcology. The structure of the EER is classic and includes an abstract, glossary, instructions for working with the course, brief information about the authors, a methodological block, 4 lectures in presentation format and video lectures on the following topics: “Ethanol from the birth of modern civilization to the creation of new stars”, “Alcoholism”, “General issues of addiction” and “Classification of substances and drugs that cause addiction.” To control the studied material, clinical tasks and final testing on the topic being studied are used. To receive feedback from cadets and students, there is a feedback form. A student who has mastered the program is able to possess professional competencies, including the ability to: professionally navigate issues of terminology and definitions related to the subject of the educational material; master the amount of knowledge on the mechanisms of the effects of psychoactive substances on the human body; correctly navigate the issues of modern classification of surfactants; correctly diagnose pathological conditions associated with chronic ethanol intoxication; apply distance educational technologies (DET) in professional activities; use automated information systems and knowledge bases in professional activities.
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Bogdanov, Sergey I. Electronic educational resource "Basic aspects of narcology". SIB-Expertise, janvier 2024.

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Résumé :
The electronic educational resource (hereinafter referred to as EER) “Basic aspects of narcology” is designed for 36 training hours. This distance learning course aims to develop communicative competence, prepare for solving standard problems of professional activity using information resources, medical and biological terminology, and is also aimed at optimizing the educational process at the university, creating conditions for achieving the required level of modern education and comprehensive development of the personality of students . The EER was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Intended for medical school students as a material that allows future doctors to become more in-depth acquainted with the basic aspects of narcology, as well as for psychiatrists, psychiatrists-narcologists, and doctors of other specialties who, due to the specifics of their work, systematically interact with patients with drug addiction pathology. The EER was developed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, highly qualified psychiatrist-narcologist with 37 years of experience in the specialty of psychiatry-narcology. The structure of the EER is classic and includes an abstract, glossary, instructions for working with the course, brief information about the authors, a methodological block, 4 lectures in presentation format and video lectures on the following topics: “Ethanol from the birth of modern civilization to the creation of new stars”, “Alcoholism”, “General issues of addiction” and “Classification of substances and drugs that cause addiction.” To control the studied material, clinical tasks and final testing on the topic being studied are used. To receive feedback from cadets and students, there is a feedback form. A student who has mastered the program is able to possess professional competencies, including the ability to: professionally navigate issues of terminology and definitions related to the subject of the educational material; master the amount of knowledge on the mechanisms of the effects of psychoactive substances on the human body; correctly navigate the issues of modern classification of surfactants; correctly diagnose pathological conditions associated with chronic ethanol intoxication; apply distance educational technologies (DET) in professional activities; use automated information systems and knowledge bases in professional activities.
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Basco, Ana Inés. Techno-integration of Latin America : institutions, exponential trade, and equality in the era of algorithms. Inter-American Development Bank, novembre 2017.

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As part of a Regional Public Good (BPR), 20,200 Latin Americans from 18 countries were interviewed on issues of integration, democracy, equity, environment, technology, and innovation. In a world where globalization is being strongly questioned, particularly among developed countries, it is concluded that Latin Americans are very committed to regional integration. The integration process is challenged by the complexity implied by a heterogeneous regional structure with important differences between countries and within them. The differences are many, ranging from income distribution, productive specialization, the weight of their economies in the regional GDP, belonging to different trade blocs, the preference for certain partners at the time of closer ties, exposure and vulnerability to climate change, to the degree of penetration of ICTs. However, this study shows that there is a common agenda that must be addressed and that can set the pace of regional integration. Social convergence is observed not only in the high support for regional integration and in the existence of an unsatisfied demand for integration, but also in the desire of people to live in a more equitable society, responsible in the use of their natural resources, committed to the fight against climate change and the free movement of people, connected through ICTs and universal access to the Internet, with better quality of democratic institutions, and with greater citizen participation in the decision making process of government and justice. Since this is the agenda for development and regional integration, the opportunity offered by ICTs cannot be overlooked, both in the construction of a subject with a critical conscience, capable of visualizing the problems that afflict it, as well as in its powerful potential to strengthen trade links between countries, strengthen democracy and enhance the development of the region.
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Sisler, Edward C., Raphael Goren et Akiva Apelbaum. Controlling Ethylene Responses in Horticultural Crops at the Receptor Level. United States Department of Agriculture, octobre 2001.

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Ethylene is a plant hormone that controls many plant responses, such as growth, senescence, ripening, abscission and seed germination. Recently, 1-methy- cyclopropene (1-MCP), was shown to bind to ethylene receptor for a certain period of time and prevent ethylene action. The objectives of this research were to synthesize analogues of 1-MCP and test their potency to block the ethylene receptor and inhibit ethylene action. During the course of this project, procedures for synthesis and shipment of the cyclopropene compounds were developed as well assay procedures for each compound were worked out. Thirteen new compounds were synthesized. All of them are structural analogues of 1-MCP, with substitution in the 1-position and a side chain containing 2 to 10 carbons. After preliminary studies, nine promising compounds were selected for in-depth study. The potency of the compounds to inhibit ethylene action was tested on a wide scope of systems like: climacteric fruits (banana, avocado and tomato), the triple response (etiolated peas), and leaf abscission (citrus). As the putative inhibitors are suspected to compete for the site of binding and a competitive type of inhibition could be considered, a high concentration of ethylene (300 m1.L-1) was used to induce ripening and other physiological processes. The tests were conducted under extreme conditions which hasten ripening like treatment and storage at 22 to 25oC. There were fluctuations in the responses as related to the concentrations of the inhibitors. Some required much higher concentration to exert the same effect, while some, when applied at the same concentration, blocked the receptor for a longer period of time than the others. Some fruits and other plant organs responded differently to the same inhibitor, indicating differences in characteristics and availability of the ethylene receptors in the various tissues. The potency of the putative inhibitors was found to be greatly affected by their molecular structural and size. In addition, it was found that treatment with the inhibitor should be given before the onset of ethylene action In the case of fruit, treatment should be carried out before the pre-climacteric stage. Simultaneous treatment with ethylene and the inhibitors reduced the inhibitors' effect. The relationship between ethylene and the inhibitors is of a non-competitive nature. All the fruits treated with the putative inhibitors resumed normal ripening after recovery from the inhibition. This fact is of great importance when considering the inhibitors for practical use. The advantage of using inhibitors of ethylene action over inhibitors of ethylene production lies in the ability of the inhibitors of ethylene action to protect the tissue against both endogenous and exogenous ethylene, thus providing better overall protection. Our findings indicate that 1-MCP and its structural analogues are potent inhibitors of ethylene action capable of providing good protection against endogenous and exogenous ethylene. The fact that the compounds are in a gas phase and are non-phytotoxic, odorless and effective at minute concentrations, renders them promising candidates for commercial use. However, the development of water-soluble inhibitors will expand the potential use of the inhibitors in agriculture.
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Chamovitz, Daniel A., et Albrecht G. Von Arnim. eIF3 Complexes and the eIF3e Subunit in Arabidopsis Development and Translation Initiation. United States Department of Agriculture, septembre 2009.

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The original working hypothesis of our proposal was that The “e” subunit of eIF3 has multiple functions from both within the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. Within this model, we further hypothesized that the “e” subunit of eIF3 functions in translation as a repressor. We proposed to test these hypotheses along the following specific aims: 1) Determine the subcellular localization of the interaction between eIF3e and other eIF3 subunits, or the COP9 signalosome. 2) Elucidate the biological significance of the varied subcellular localizations of eIF3e through generating Arabidopsis eIF3e alleles with altered subcellular localization. 3.) Purify different eIF3e complexes by tandem affinity purification (TAP). 4) Study the role of eIF3e in translational repression using both in vitro and in planta assays. eIF3 is an evolutionarily ancient and essential component of the translational apparatus in both the plant and animal kingdoms. eIF3 is the largest, and in some ways the most mysterious, of the translation factors. It is a multi-subunit protein complex that has a structural/scaffolding role in translation initiation. However, despite years of study, only recently have differential roles for eIF3 in the developmental regulation of translation been experimentally grounded. Furthermore, the roles of individual eIF3 subunits are not clear, and indeed some, such as the “e” subunit may have roles independent of translation initiation. The original three goals of the proposal were technically hampered by a finding that became evident during the course of the research – Any attempt to make transgenic plants that expressed eIF3e wt or eIF3e variants resulted in seedling lethality or seed inviability. That is, it was impossible to regenerate any transgenic plants that expressed eIF3e. We did manage to generate plants that expressed an inducible form of eIF3e. This also eventually led to lethality, but was very useful in elucidating the 4th goal of the research (Yahalom et al., 2008), where we showed, for the first time in any organism, that eIF3e has a repressory role in translation. In attempt to solve the expression problems, we also tried expression from the native promoter, and as such analyzed this promoter in transgenic plants (Epel, 2008). As such, several additional avenues were pursued. 1) We investigated protein-protein interactions of eIF3e (Paz-Aviram et al., 2008). 2) The results from goal #4 led to a novel hypothesis that the interaction of eIF3e and the CSN meets at the control of protein degradation of nascent proteins. In other words, that the block in translation seen in csn and eIF3e-overexpressing plants (Yahalom et al., 2008) leads to proteasome stress. Indeed we showed that both over expression of eIF3e and the csn mutants lead to the unfolded protein response. 3) We further investigated the role of an additional eIF3 subunit, eIF3h, in transalational regulation in the apical meristem (Zhou et al., 2009). Epel, A. (2008). Characterization of eIF3e in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In Plant Sciences (Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University). Paz-Aviram, T., Yahalom, A., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2008). Arabidopsis eIF3e interacts with subunits of the ribosome, Cop9 signalosome and proteasome. Plant Signaling and Behaviour 3, 409-411. Yahalom, A., Kim, T.H., Roy, B., Singer, R., von Arnim, A.G., and Chamovitz, D.A. (2008). Arabidopsis eIF3e is regulated by the COP9 signalosome and has an impact on development and protein translation. Plant J 53, 300-311. Zhou, F., Dunlap, J.R., and von Arnim, A.G. The translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h is .1 involved in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem maintenance and auxin response. (submitted to Development).
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