Thèses sur le sujet « Stabilité de la fréquence »
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Moussa, Béchir. « Etude de stabilité et relation fréquence ». Montpellier 2, 1999.
Texte intégralBenigni, Alexis. « Projet CLEAR : Horloge composite numérique polyvalente : Asservissement en fréquence multisources ». Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Texte intégralThe goal of the PhD is to design and build a numerical system capable of combining clock signals from various sources (PPS, atomic clocks, quartz, ...). The output signal will have a better stability at each integration time than any single input signal and it could detect failures in input sources
Mondin, Linda. « Stabilisation de fréquence de laser Nd-YAG pour applications spatiales ». Nice, 2005.
Texte intégralLong term stabilised lasers are used in a multitude of metrological applications and are the basis of experimental research in very high resolution spectroscopy. This document describes my thesis work on stabilised Nd:YAG lasers in view of space applications (for fundamental physics experiments and geodesy). All experiments must satisfy criteria of compactness, mechanical stability, robustness and reliability. I will describe the possible references for the long (molecules) and the short (resonators) term time intervals with their principal limitations. The discussion leading to their choice is actually connected to the stabilisation techniques to be adequately implemented (PDH, Tilt-Locking, Modulation transfer). Among the stabilisation techniques, the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique is now a classic as it produces the best performance in short term, so far. To reduce active components, we have also implemented a DC technique called Tilt-Locking and I will compare with PDH in the case of a monolithic Fabry-Perot reference. Theoretical performances on the long term and quantum efficiencies will be compared for different techniques. The schematic principles of the experiences and the results I have obtained for stabilised lasers on Fabry-Perot and molecular iodine are presented. We calibrated the Fabry-Perot drifts, this allows me to point out analytical and numerical solutions to control the length of this mechanical reference. Finally suggestions for further work will be approached and, in the appendices, details about noise order of magnitudes for LISA, a theoretical overview of gravitational waves as well as different simulations and calculations are presented
Danet, Jean-Marie. « Horloge atomique à piégeage cohérent de population du césium en cellule : limitations à la stabilité de fréquence ». Thesis, Paris 6, 2014.
Texte intégralThis report refers to the frequency stability study of a compact clock using coherent population trapping. The frame of such a study is firstly to deal in depth with the understanding of the systematic effects affecting the frequency of a coherent population trapping resonance. A second goal is to build a state-of-the-art compact atomic clock. Because of a pulsed interrogation and laser beams linearly and orthogonally polarized, our prototype would present a fractional frequency stability distinctly below 10^-13 at 1 s integration if it was shot-noise limited. Further to a setup description, the first part of this report is devoted to study the noise sources which limit the short-term stability of the clock. A special attention has been paid to model, experiment and reduce the transfer of local oscillator frequency noise and of laser intensity noise to microwave frequency noise. It led to measure an interesting stability measurement at the level of 3.2x10^-13 at 1 s. An experimental and theoretical study of the frequency shift due to laser intensity fluctuation is then presented. Beyond the influence on this shift of dark resonance overlapping that has been enlighted, this study gives the basics to understand the insensibilization method of the frequency to power fluctuations presented in the last chapter
Tricot, Francois. « Analyse et réduction des sources d'instabilitè de fréquence dans une horloge CPT compacte ». Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.
Texte intégralThis thesis work has been granted by a CIFRE-Défense contract to study the frequency stabilities of an atomic clock based on coherent population trapping. The objective is to demonstrate a frequency stability in the range of 10-13 tau-1/2 up to 10 000 s. A caesium vapour cell is used with a high-contrast excitation scheme using cross linear polarisations and a Ramsey interrogation. The short-term frequency stability is presented with the reduction of the phase and the laser power noise, both limiting clock performance at 1 s integration time. The optimisation of the microwave chain with a new local oscillator, and the implementation of a very low noise power lock loop have improved the frequency stability down to 2,3x10-13 at 1 s integration time. The fluctuations analysis of the operating parameters (laser intensity, magnetic field, temperature, etc.) and the measurement of the clock frequency show that the medium-term frequency instability is mostly limited by laser power and magnetic field fluctuations at the level of 2x10-14 at 2 000 s integration time. These analyses also show that laser power fluctuations, despite servo loop control, are related to polarisation fluctuations through temperature fluctuations inside the experiment isolation box. Finally, the studies of a dual-frequency and dual-polarisation laser for a compact CPT clock are presented, paving the way to industrialisation by reducing the optical bench
Argence, Bérengère. « Stabilisation de fréquence d'un laser Nd : YAG sur une transition de la molécule de di-iode (I₂)pour la mission spatiale LISA ». Paris 7, 2010.
Texte intégralAs part of the LISA mission using interferometry to detect gravitational waves, a frequency pre-stabilization of the lasers is required. The frequency reference currently planned to use is a Fabry-Perot cavity. The choice of this technique is mainly due to the simplicity, compactness and frequency stability performance of such a System. However, this System needs high thermal stability requirements and does not provide information on the absolute value of the laser frequency. It is moreover always advisable in a space project to have an alternative method compatible with the requirements of the mission. Consequently, the work presented in this manuscript describes the use of a hyperfine transition of the di-iodine (I2) molecule as a frequency reference. This method of controlling a Nd: YAG laser, widely used in metrology, has already demonstrated frequency stability performance betterthan those required for the LISA project. Following some preliminary studies, we have adapted such a stabilization System to space constraints. The implemented System presents performances of frequency stability of about 30Hz / V Hz to 10 mHz with an noise increase at lower frequencies. It therefore meets the constraints set by the mission. A System characterization and its main sources of perturbations (related to ambient temperature ~2kHz/K, beams misalignments ~16kHz/mrad,. . . ) is also given in the manuscript. This study has strengthened the attractiveness of locking a Nd: YAG laser on the molecule of di-iodine for a space mission (especially LISA)
Ducos, Franck. « Développement d'une chaîne de synthèse de fréquences optiques : application a la mesure de la fréquence absolue d'un laser nd : yag double en fréquence et stabilisé sur une transition de l'iode ». Paris, CNAM, 2001.
Texte intégralTurco, Francesca. « Etudes des plasmas non-inductifs par injection d'ondes à la fréquence cyclotronique électronique dans le tokamak Tore Supra ». Aix-Marseille 1, 2008.
Texte intégralIn this work we addressed the issue of the phenomena typical of the non-inductive discharges in the Tore Supra tokamak, probed by means of localised perturbations of the current density profile, performed by electron cyclotron (EC) waves. Concerning the MHD regimes (which strongly degrade the confinement), we have shown that a dynamic evolution of the safety factor q which tends to shrink its profile appears to be the cause of the triggering of such regimes. The phenomenon of non-linear temperature oscillations (deriving from the non-linear coupling between the electron temperature and the current density) has also been addressed, to provide an analytical description as well as from the experimental point of view. Finally, observations based on an extended database allowed to document the existence of a tight relation between the central value of q passing through low order rational values and the formation of an internal transport barrier (ITB)
Makdissi, Alaa. « Traitement de Signal Appliqué aux Etalons Primaires de Fréquence : Amélioration de leur Exactitude et de leur Stabilité ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1999.
Texte intégralL'obtention de ces bons résultats est liée à la maîtrise des fuites micro-ondes grâce à la conception et à la réalisation d'une cavité de Ramsey. La bonne exactitude est due aux nouvelles techniques de traitement du signal (problèmes inverses, régularisation. analyse cepstrale, ...) que nous avons introduites pour mieux évaluer les effets perturbateurs. La bonne stabilité profite de l'étude détaillée du système d'asservissement dans une horloge ainsi que de la réalisation matérielle et logicielle d'une boucle d'asservissement numérique de haute qualité.
Quessada-Vial, Audrey. « Developpement d'une horloge à atomes de strontium piégés : Réalisation d'un laser ultra-stable et stabilité de fréquence ». Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2005.
Texte intégralSuárez, Almudena. « Application de l'analyse de stabilité par équilibrage harmonique à la conception de diviseurs de fréquence monolithiques, microondes ». Limoges, 1993.
Texte intégralQuessada-Vial, Audrey. « Développement d'une horloge optique à atomes de strontium piégés : réalisation d'un laser ultra-stable et stabilité de fréquence ». Paris 6, 2005.
Texte intégralWestergaard, Philip Grabow. « Horloge à réseau optique au Strontium : en quête de la performance ultime ». Paris, Télécom ParisTech, 2010.
Texte intégralThis thesis presents the latest achievements regarding the Sr optical lattice clock experiment at LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris. After having described the general principles for optical lattice clocks and the operation of the clock in question, the emphasis is put on the features that have been added to the experiment since 2007. The most important new elements are an ultra-stable reference cavity for the clock laser, the development of a non-destructive detection technique, and the construction of a second Sr lattice clock. The ultra-stable cavity is constructed from a ULE spacer and fused silica mirrors and has shown a thermal noise floor at 6. 5e-16, placing it among the best in the world. The non-destructive detection is effectuated by a phase measurement of a weak probe beam that traverses the atoms placed in one arm of a Mach-Zender interferometer. The non-destructive aspect enables a recycling of the atoms from cycle to cycle which consequently increases the duty cycle, allowing for an increase of the stability of the clock. With these new tools the frequency stability is expected to be 2. 2e-6/tau1/2 for an optimized sequence. The most recent comparisons between the two Sr clocks reach an accuracy level of 1e-16 after about 1000 s, and this way we have been able to characterize lattice related frequency shifts with an unprecedented accuracy. The measurements ensure a control of lattice related effects at the 1e-18 level even for trap depths as large as 50 Er
Esnault, François-Xavier. « Etude des performances ultimes d'une horloge compacte à atomes froids : optimisation de la stabilité court terme ». Paris 6, 2009.
Texte intégralThomas, Isabelle. « Stabilité des transistors MISFET sur InP : Application des mesures de bruit basse-fréquence à la caractérisation des pièges d'interface ». Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1992.
Texte intégralNarbonneau, François. « Dissémination ultra-stable d'étalons de fréquence par fibre optique du réseau télécom métropolitain ». Rennes 1, 2007.
Texte intégralLaurent, Ludovic. « Nano systèmes électromécaniques résonants à haute fréquence (NEMS HF) : une rupture technologique pour l'imagerie infrarouge non refroidi ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralProgress in microelectronics has been mainly driven by informatics needs for addressing both increased performances and lower costs for processors and memories, according to the well-known Moore’s Law. For many years, these tremendous progresses in silicon fabrication and integration have also contributed to the emergence of new type of devices, such as sensors, actuators, filters, clocks or imagers, forming a new class of devices called More than Moore. Uncooled infrared imaging, which uses thermal sensors belongs to this new class of devices. Today thermal sensors principally use a thin resistive layer (mainly vanadium dioxide or amorphous silicon) on a suspended membrane as a thermometer and are called microbolometers. The fabrication cost of thermal cameras has dramatically dropped over the last 20 years, while attaining performances close to the expensive cooled cameras. Nevertheless, the cost of these imagers still remains too high for consumer market (night driving, smartphones, home automation) whereas military applications (surveillance, personal googles) need improved resolutions – in an affordable camera. Therefore, one objective of the microbolometers industry roadmap is to scale down the sensor surface – the pixel pitch – in order to increase the number of imagers fabricated on a silicon wafer. Yet, the pixel pitch reduction goes necessarily with a reduction of the captured infrared power leading to a reduction of the sensor signal. As a consequence, the sensor sensitivity needs to be improved as the pixel pitch scales down. The resistive technology has managed this scaling so far, down to 17µm pixel pitch, allowing a densification of the sensors by a factor 4 every 5 years. Despite this success, the scaling has been recently slowed down, mostly because of microbolometers self-heating issue and 1/f noise which are inherent to the resistive transduction. Our work has focused on a new type of sensor at 12µm pixel pitch, which theoretically gets rid of self-heating and 1/f noise. In our approach, an absorbing plate is excited at its mechanical resonance through two tiny torsion arms using an actuation electrode placed 2µm underneath. Pixel motion is also transduced electrostatically. Since micromechanical resonators feature very low frequency noise, we believe that an uncooled infrared sensor based on the monitoring of its resonance frequency (which changes with temperature through the TCF) should be extremely sensitive. In our work, we present different models (linear and nonlinear) for the pixel mechanical behavior and compare them to experimental characterization of resonators which were fabricated in dense arrays, according to several designs. We measure the frequency stability of our sensors along with their sensitivity to infrared flux. The best devices show a resolution of 30pW/sqrt(Hz), with a response time lower than one millisecond. The scene resolution (NETD) is 2K for an integration time compatible with imaging frame rate. These performances overtake results previously published on this topic with such reduced pixel pitch. We show that a NETD of 20mK (with a response time of 10ms) is reachable at 12µm pixel pitch if we can address the following 3 challenges: a cointegration of the resonators with their electronics, a shared readout of several pixels in the imaging frame rate and an improved TCF by a factor 10. Therefore, we provide different methods in order to improve the TCF. Finally, we present different pixel designs at 5µm pixel pitch which show theoretical performances close to uncooled infrared imaging requirements (NETD=70mK and tau_th=8ms). An optical transduction may also be a new route toward even better signal to noise ratio at low pitch
Ayi, Théophane. « Étude théorique et réalisation expérimentale d'un système permettant la mesure de la période et de la stabilité de fréquence de signaux périodiques au moyen d'un algorithme spécialisé ». Paris 11, 1985.
Texte intégralGhanty, Yann. « Etude du lien entre la fréquence et les puissances actives pour le dimensionnement d'un microréseau alternatif îloté avec sources d'énergie renouvelables ». Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2018.
Texte intégralThe quality of an electricity grid is measured by its resilience, namely its ability to continue to provide electricity despite the incidents. This continuity of supply is ensured by the frequency control, acting as a means of cooperation between the different sources of the grid. This thesis examines in depth the different ways to ensure this frequency control on stand-alone microgrids with regard to new issues: increasing integration of intermittent energy sources and decreasing (or disappearing) of the synchronous rotating groups with their inertia. The main objective is to propose a set of analytical models explaining the dynamic behavior of the frequency and the active powers transiting on a microgrid, whatever the topology, in order to constitute an aid to the sizing. To this overall objective is added a number of sub-objectives that structure and guide this work:- An educational objective: the nature of the link between the balance of active powers and the frequency on an AC microgrid is clearly explained, whether this link is based on physical parameters or is related to control laws. The goal is to understand the different links of cause and effect between the paramers of the system, the frequency and the active power and thespecificities to each topology of microgrid. - An objective of simplicity and modularity: the models proposed must be adaptable to particular cases, so that any reader can reuse easily outside the scope of this study. To do this, mathematical models in the form of block diagrams which can be integrated in Matlab are used. - Finally, a "big signal" simulation objective: to decide with the small signal approach of many traditional microgrid models, and to make it possible to understand the behavior of the microgrid over a wide range of power imbalance
Kanj, Amale. « Etude et développement de la méthode TWSTFT phase pour des comparaisons hautes performances d'étalons primaires de fréquence ». Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2012.
Texte intégralDubuc, David. « Contribution à la conception de convertisseurs de fréquence : intégration en technologie arséniure de gallium et silicium germanium ». Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2001.
Texte intégralPottie, Paul-Eric. « Etude du refroidissement laser en cellule : contribution au développement d'une horloge atomique miniature A 133 Cs ». Paris 6, 2003.
Texte intégralDellea, Olivier. « Etude et réalisation d'une microsource laser stabilisée en fréquence ». Brest, 2000.
Texte intégralMongkoltanatas, Jiravan. « Participation d'un système de stockage à la stabilité des réseaux insulaires ». Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Texte intégralFrequency of isolated microgrids is highly sensitive to active power variation of loads and productions because of the inertia equivalent of this grid is small (limited number of thermal generators). Furthermore, the increasing of renewable energy in this grid causes frequency more risky to be instable because of its intermittency of power. In this thesis, energy storage is the selected solution to maintain the frequency stability of isolated microgrids with high penetration rate of renewable energy. It will participate to the primary frequency control which is the first control that takes action to limit the frequency deviation after disturbance. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to design the appropriate size and strategy of energy storage in isolated microgrids with high penetration rate of photovoltaic. Proposed strategies will link to power variation of PV. Therefore, the different situations of photovoltaic power variations and their impacts on the system frequency had been firstly characterized and studied in order to specify the critical situation of frequency variation. Then, different strategies for energy storage and their sizes were defined from these two studies. The strategy limit dPpv diagram and filter strategy were proposed to define the participated power of energy storage in primary frequency control from the measured power variation of PV. Furthermore, controller H infinity which is robust control was also proposed. Finally, energy storage control system was validated by RTLAB (real time simulation) which enable us to simulate the hardware. The results show that energy storage by proposed strategies is able to stabilize frequency of the power system by limiting the frequency deviation to be within an acceptable range after occurrence of any disturbance. The proposed strategies can increase larger participated power of the energy storage with less frequently than the classic droop control
Gassot, Hui Min. « Etudes de la stabilité mécanique des cavités supraconductrices et de la méthode de rigidification par projection thermique de cuivre ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2001.
Texte intégralEsnault, François-Xavier. « Etudes des performances ultimes d'une horloge compacte à atomes froids - Optimisation de la stabilité court-terme ». Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009.
Texte intégralFoucher, Mickaël. « Dynamique des plasmas radio-fréquence à couplage inductif en gaz halogénés simples ». Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Texte intégralRadio-frequency inductively-coupled plasmas in simple halogen gases (cl2/hbr/o2) are widely used in the semi-conductor industry. However, our knowledge of these plasmas is still incomplete. To improve it, numerous simulation studies have been performed in the last decades. Unfortunately, experimental results to compare these studies are still scarce. The objectives of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive set of experimental results. We focused on the plasmas of pure o2 and cl2. In this thesis, we extend the already available experimental results : neutral nd charges densities, translational temperatures. In particular, the tendancies of these parameters as a function of the pressure are carefully studied. Molecular vibrations are studied as well using a new kind of absorption spectroscopy setup. We show that the recent simulations are still far from representing the reactional processes in the studied plasmas. We then try to provide some ideas of improvement. This work is the needed start to improve etching plasma industrial processes
Gachon, Dorian. « Nouveaux résonateurs haute-fréquence à Ondes de Volume dans les films minces piézoélectriques pour les Applications sources Embarquées ». Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2008.
Texte intégralHermann, Virgile. « Conception et réalisation d'une horloge atomique à jet de césium compacte et simplifiée pour des applications de télécommunication et de navigation par satellites ». Paris 6, 2003.
Texte intégralPark, Hyo-Dal. « Étude et réalisation d'un amplificateur distribué hyperfréquences de puissance en technologie hybride ». Toulouse, ENSAE, 1987.
Texte intégralFahs, Bassem. « Evolution de la génération de fréquence dans les récepteurs/émetteurs radiofréquences pour les futurs standars de communication sans fil ». Caen, 2010.
Texte intégralThis thesis covers the wide frequency generation and more particularly the design of wide tuningrange controlled oscillators for future integrated wireless radio transceivers. This work aims to anticipate the standards evolution needs and challenges with appropriate solutions and proposals. Two application cases with different constraints are considered: The Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) technology and LTE/LTEA standards for mobile handsets. We propose respectively for these two cases an implementation with a two-stage ring-oscillator achieving 139% of tuning-range, and an LC oscillator proposal with 68% tuningrange. This work treats also the problematic of electromagnetic (EM) radiations involving the LCoscillators in radio transceivers, and their negative effects on RF performances. We propose therefore a reduced EM radiations, low phase-noise and wide tuning-range LC-oscillator employing an “8”-shaped inductor in order to correct these issues
Schuhler, Nicolas. « Frequency-comb stabilized laser sources for absolute distance metrology at the very large telescope interferometer ». Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2006.
Texte intégralThe forthcoming instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), called Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry facility (PRIMA), uses a laser metrology system to monitor the variations of internal path lengths. This dissertation addresses the development, integration and test of frequency stabilized laser sources for the PRIMA Metrology system (PRIMET). In the first part, we present in the context of PRIMA and the VLTI the specifications of PRIMET. We recall the basics of single-wavelength laser interferometry and introduce the problems raised by its application to PRIMET. We present the need for the absolute frequency stabilization of PRIMET laser and the interest for an upgrade of PRIMET towards absolute distance measurements. In the second part, we present our contribution to the absolute frequency stabilization of PRIMET Nd:YAG laser on a transition of iodine. We characterize the system and measure precisely its performance with a self-referenced optical frequency comb. We improve the system to reach the specifications in terms of accuracy and stability of the locking frequency. The third part addresses the upgrade of PRIMET towards absolute distance measurements by the use of two-wavelength interferometry. We propose a new concept of two-wavelength laser source frequency stabilized on an optical frequency comb. This permits the generation of an unprecedented large choice of synthetic wavelength with a relative accuracy better than 10−11 in vacuum. We validate the concept on a prototype and shows that it can be used to resolve an optical wavelength. Finally, we propose to apply this concept to the upgrade of PRIMET
Perez, Filipe. « Control of AC/DC Microgrids with Renewables in the Context of Smart Grids : Including Ancillary Services and Electric Mobility ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2020.
Texte intégralMicrogrids are a very good solution for current problems raised by the constant growth of load demand and high penetration of renewable energy sources, that results in grid modernization through “Smart-Grids” concept. The impact of distributed energy sources based on power electronics is an important concern for power systems, where natural frequency regulation for the system is hindered because of inertia reduction. In this context, Direct Current (DC) grids are considered a relevant solution, since the DC nature of power electronic devices bring technological and economical advantages compared to Alternative Current (AC). The thesis proposes the design and control of a hybrid AC/DC Microgrid to integrate different renewable sources, including solar power and braking energy recovery from trains, to energy storage systems as batteries and supercapacitors and to loads like electric vehicles or another grids (either AC or DC), for reliable operation and stability. The stabilization of the Microgrid buses’ voltages and the provision of ancillary services is assured by the proposed control strategy, where a rigorous stability study is made. A low-level distributed nonlinear controller, based on “System-of-Systems” approach is developed for proper operation of the whole Microgrid. A supercapacitor is applied to deal with transients, balancing the DC bus of the Microgrid and absorbing the energy injected by intermittent and possibly strong energy sources as energy recovery from the braking of trains and subways, while the battery realizes the power flow in long term. Dynamical feedback control based on singular perturbation analysis is developed for supercapacitor and train. A Lyapunov function is built considering the interconnected devices of the Microgrid to ensure the stability of the whole system. Simulations highlight the performance of the proposed control with parametric robustness tests and a comparison with traditional linear controller. The Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) approach is implemented in the Microgrid for power sharing and frequency stability improvement. An adaptive virtual inertia is proposed, then the inertia constant becomes a system’s state variable that can be designed to improve frequency stability and inertial support, where stability analysis is carried out. Therefore, the VSM is the link between DC and AC side of the Microgrid, regarding the available power in DC grid, applied for ancillary services in the AC Microgrid. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive inertia, where a comparison with droop and standard control techniques is conducted
Kozlova, Olga. « Caractérisation d'une horloge à piégeage cohérent de population dans une vapeur thermique de césium. Principaux effets pouvant affecter la stabilité de fréquence à moyen-long terme ». Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2012.
Texte intégralKelada, Fadi Sameh Aziz. « Étude des dynamiques et de la stabilité des réseaux électriques faible inertie avec une forte pénétration de ressources renouvelables ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2024.
Texte intégralPower systems are evolving significantly due to economic, geopolitical, and environmental factors, notably the increasing integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) interfaced through power electronic converters, known as Inverter-Based Resources (IBR). This shift from synchronous machine (SM)-dominated systems to IBR-dominated systems introduces challenges such as reduced inertia, intermittency, and stability issues. Traditional stability analysis and modeling techniques, which assume slower dynamics inherent in SMs, are inadequate for the fast dynamics of IBRs. The emerging dominance of IBRs necessitates the development of detailed Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) models, which are computationally intensive but essential for capturing the fast dynamics of modern power systems. Existing stability classification frameworks, historically based on SM-dominated systems, are being revised to incorporate IBR influences, introducing new stability categories like Converter-Driven Stability (CDS). This work investigates novel insights into the interactions between SMs, IBR unit dynamics, and network dynamics that have been overlooked in the literature. It provides a comprehensive framework that is open-source and adaptable for generic power system topologies, allowing for scalable results and analyses. Furthermore, the proposed framework is utilized to determine optimal allocations of virtual inertia and damping in low inertia power systems to enhance frequency stability metrics
Bruno, Delmas. « Comment améliorer la dérive des résonateurs à quartz pour applications spatiales ? » Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2009.
Texte intégralOlivier, Jean-Christophe. « Modélisation et conception d'un modulateur auto-oscillant adapté à l'émulation d'organes de puissance ». Nantes, 2006.
Texte intégralThe work presented in this thesis talk about the optimization of the structure and the control of power emulating systems, called Actives Loads. In order to display very good dynamic performances as well as a very great robustness, these Active Loads use a Resonant Current Controller (RCC) and a Resonant Voltage Controller (RVC). These processes are self-oscillating regulators and are thus by nature strongly non-linear. Also, for an optimal application of these proceses to the Active Loads, the first point presented in this thesis is the modelization of these regulators and the identification of the possible problems, due to their non-linearities. It is then appeared that synchronization phenomena and switching frequency instability can appear if some conditions are not well respected. The second point of this work is the generalization of these modulation processes to any systems, based on a sliding mode control. So, a new structure of Resonant Voltage Controller is proposed, more efficient for the Active Load applications. The experimental results obtained on an experimental prototype show the very great performances of this new process, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality and the precision of old and new generations of Active Loads
Issa, Ibtissam. « Some results on the stabilization of elastic/viscoelastic transmission problems with Kelvin-Voigt or fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021.
Texte intégralThis thesis is devoted to study the stabilization of some locally coupled systems. First, we study the stability of a one-dimensional coupled wave equations with two interior non smooth viscous dampings where we establish exponential stability. Second, we study the stabilization of a locally coupled wave equations with only one internal viscoelastic damping of Kelvin-Voigt type. Both the damping and the coupling coefficients are non smooth. Using a spectrum approach, we prove the non-uniform stability of the system. Next, using a frequency domain approach, combined with a piecewise multiplier technique and the construction of a new multiplier satisfying some ordinary differential equations, we show that the energy of the smooth solution of the system decays polynomially. Third, we investigate the energy decay of hyperbolic systems of wave-wave, wave-Euler Bernoulli beam and beam-beam types. Indeed, the two equations are coupled through boundary connection with only one localized non smooth fractional Kelvin Voigt damping. We establish a polynomial energy decay rate. Finally, we study the stability of a multidimensional system of two wave equations coupled by velocities with only one localized non-smooth Kelvin-Voigt damping. By using a spectral analysis, we prove the non uniform stability of the system. Further, using a frequency domain approach combined with a multiplier technique, we establish some polynomial stability results by considering different geometric conditions on the coupling and the damping domains. In addition, in the absence of any geometric condition, we establish two polynomial energy decay rates of the system on a square domain
Meyer, François. « Comparaison d'horloges atomiques distantes par les satellites de télévision directe TDF2 et Télécom 2 A ». Besançon, 1995.
Texte intégralBetween 1990 and 1994, two time transfer experiments have been set up wilh direct TV satellites TDF2 ànd Telecom-2A, implying four laboratories : the L. P. T. F. In Paris, the C. N. E. S. In Toulouse, the O. C. A. In Grasse and the Observatory of Besançon. The principle of time transfer (time comparison or remote atomic clocks, by passive use of television signals broadcasted by geostationary satellites is described together with the experimental setup that was used. The main sources of uncertainty on the time transfer are the uncertainty on the satellite position, perturbation of the signal propagation. And internal delays. All these phenomena are studied and their influence on the accuracy of the results is evaluated. Influence of the satellite motion is studied in detail, and three methodes are proposed to lessen its influence : the first one takes advantage of some properties of the geostationary orbit ; the second method is based on an explicit detemination of the satellite position carried out before the time transfer itself. The third method is a numeric (Kalman) filter using data from 4 stations in order to perform orbit restitution. Ln most favorable configurations, accuracy of time transfer can reach about 10 ns, and frequency instabilities lower han 10 [to the minus] 13 can be measured after an averaging tune of one day, or lower than 10 [to the minus] 14 after less than 10 days
Fosas, De Pando Miguel Ángel. « Génération d'ondes acoustiques à fréquences discrètes autour d'un profil d'aile : analyse de stabilité globale ». Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2012.
Texte intégralCoget, Grégoire. « Horloge atomique Cs à piégeage cohérent de population avec protocole d’interrogation Auto-Balanced Ramsey ». Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Texte intégralThis thesis reports a high-performance Cs vapor cell atomic based on coherent population trapping (CPT). This clock combines a DFB diode laser (895 nm, Cs D1 line), a fibred electro-optical modulator, an acousto-optical modulator, a Michelson system, FPGA-based low noise electronics and a N2-Ar buffer gas filled Cs vapor cell. The clock is based on an optimized CPT pumping scheme, named push-pull optical pumping (PPOP), allowing the detection of high-contrast CPT resonances.The clock uses a novel pulsed interrogation protocol named Auto-Balanced Ramsey (ABR). This method is based on the extraction of two error signals derived from two successive Ramsey sequences with different dark periods. The ABR-CPT protocol, improved further with symmetrization (SABR-CPT), allows a drastic reduction of light-shifts effects, yielding in particular to reduce the sensitivity of the clock frequency to laser power variations by a factor 80, in comparison with a standard Ramsey-CPT interrogation. This clock CPT demonstrates a fractional frequency stability of 2 10-13 τ -1/2, reaching the record level (for this kind of clock) of 2.5 10-15 at 10 000 s. Annex laser spectroscopy studies in Cs microfabricated cells were performed in this thesis. We shall note the preliminary demonstration of a laser frequency-stabilized using dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a Cs microcell, exhibiting a fractional frequency stability better than 2 10-12 at 1 s. These performances are 10 times better than those of microwave CPT-based chip-scale atomic clocks
Abdel, Hafiz Moustafa. « Development and metrological characterization of a high-performance Cs cell atomic clock based on coherent population trapping ». Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2017.
Texte intégralThis thesis work, performed in the frame of the MClocks European project (, reports the development and metrological characterization of a high-performance Cs vapor cell atomic clock based on coherent population trapping (CPT). The clock uses an optimized CPT pumping scheme, named push-pull optical pumping (PPOP), allowing the detection of high-contrast CPT resonances on the 0-0 magnetic-field insensitive clock transition. A detailed characterization of key components of the clock is reported. The clock was operated in the continuous-wave (CW) regime and in a Ramsey-like pulsed regime. In both regimes, the clock demonstrates a short-term fractional frequency stability at the level of 2 10−13 τ−1/2 up to 100 s averaging time, mainly limited by laser power effects. This CPT clock, ranking among the best microwave vapor cell atomic frequency standards, could find applications in telecommunication, instrumentation, defense or satellite-based navigation systems.This thesis reports also a novel laser frequency stabilization technique using dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a vapor cell. The clock ”platform” has also been used to perform using CPT spectroscopy the characterization of a Cs vapor cell coated with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) or original buffer-gas filled Cs vapor micro-fabricated cells developed in FEMTO-ST for CPT-based miniature atomic clocks
Thouillez, Thomas. « Anatomie des marchés financiers à haute fréquence : analyse de l'Influence de l'automatisation sur la microstructure des marchés financiers ». Thesis, Paris 1, 2020.
Texte intégralThis thesis studies major market microstructure transformations since the automation of financial markets. Today, structural modification of financial markets, associated with the improvement of information and communication technology, lead to important shifts regarding market practices, and market quality measures. Liquidity costs continued to improve between 2010 and 2019, reducing quoted spread especially for SBF 120 small capitalizations. However, effective spreads decreased significantly less than quoted spreads for those small cap proving the weak resilience of the order book on the best limits. This work presents execution venues transformation and technological evolutions to implement high-frequency trading. The research team built a financial market replicating library called VirteK. This library helped to recover stylized facts from the May 6, 2010 flash-crash illustrating limit order book imbalances with the VPIN measure
Duchiron, Guillaume. « Analyse et conception de résonateurs saphir à modes de galerie pour des applications de métrologie et de filtrage microondes ». Limoges, 2001.
Texte intégralThis thesis is devoted to the study of whispering gallery mode sapphire resonators and to the optimisation of their performances for two distinct applications. The first application is a metrological application for atomic clock PHARAO project. The second topic presented is the realisation of microwave ilters for industrial space applications
Pecheux, Romain. « Optimisation de la technologie GaN pour l’amplification de puissance en bande Ku spécifique aux applications senseurs aéroportés ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2020.
Texte intégralOwing to the outstanding properties of Gallium Nitride (GaN), GaN-based HEMTs are promising candidates for power applications operating in the millimetre-wave range. This emerging technology is particularly attractive for the airborne sensors developed by Thales and could eventually replace the travelling-wave tube amplifiers that are currently used. However, there are still issues inherent to this technology, requiring optimisations particularly in the frame of the reduction of the device dimensions targeting higher frequency of operation. In addition to RF power performances, pulse-to-pulse stability (P2P) is a key figure of merit for airborne sensors. The detection and accuracy of parameters from a target depend on this stability. My thesis focused on the development a test bench operating in Ku-band and allowing to extract the pulse-to-pulse stability of GaN transistors directly on-wafer. Linked to this bench, a procedure for power and current transient measurements was also implemented. In the context of airborne sensors, I have studied three types of industrial devices from UMS including the qualified transistors so-called GH25 (gate length of 250nm), the GH15 (gate length of 150nm), which under a final phase of qualification and the GH10 (gate length of 100nm), which is under development. As the 100nm GaN technology is still in an exploratory phase worldwide, we have also studied new structures with the aim of improving the performance of these devices in a reliable way while limiting the trapping effects. I have thus been able to show that the AlN/GaN heterostructure, with a well-chosen epi-design, allows to obtain short transistors operating at high drain voltages (30V) and delivering high power densities (> 4W/mm) associated with high efficiencies (PAE> 50%) at 40GHz
Hoffmann, Charles. « Synchronisation des rythmes locomoteur et respiratoire : influence de stimulations sensorielles et intérêt pour la performance ». Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2014.
Texte intégralThe natural synchronization between locomotor and respiratory systems raises many questions regarding its functional utility for the organism, as well as constraints that may modulate its appearance. Currently, contradictions remain in answers provided to these issues, especially because of the multiple methods used to study this phenomenon. The theory of coupled oscillators, and more specifically the sine circle map model, allows to accurately assess the coupling between locomotor and respiratory systems. This work aims at strengthening the validity of the use of this model for the study of locomotor-respiratory coupling (LRC), examining the relationship between LRC and sport performance, as well as identifying the constraints influencing the coupling between both systems. In pedalling or running tasks, participants were instructed or not to synchronize their locomotion or their breathing with an auditory rhythm which tempo matched their preferred frequencies (locomotor or respiratory). Our results show the effectiveness of auditory rhythm to induce stabilization of LRC, regardless of the instructions given to participants and the system paced. These results reflect a bidirectionality in the coupling between the locomotor and respiratory systems. Furthermore, we show a strong correlation between the increase in stability between the two systems and the gain in oxygen consumption (i.e., decrease). Therefore, the stability of LRC is an important factor to consider for sport performance. We also report a destabilization of LRC when one of the two systems is far off its preferred frequency. This result suggests that individuals spontaneously adopt an optimum synchronization between the two systems. Thus, it seems important to use a customized suitable stimulation that could be able to adapt its tempo to changes in locomotor or respiratory frequencies imposed by the constraints of the task. Overall, our results provide a better understanding of the evolution of LRC when confronted to constraints (e.g., locomotor or respiratory frequencies, auditory rhythm, exercise modality) and highlight the positive impact of its stability on sport performance. We also report the effectiveness of a visual stimulation to learn how to better manage energy resources during effort. Thus, this work opens perspectives on the use of auditory or visual stimuli, simple (e.g., metronome) or complex (e.g., music, avatar), for training and performance enhancement
Aballéa, Ludovic. « Développement d'un spectromètre térahertz par différence de fréquences : application à des molécules d'intérêt atmosphérique ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lille 1, 2009.
Texte intégralThis thesis reports on the construction of a new experimental set up for Terahertz spectroscopy based on the generation of the frequency difference of two near infrared laser diodes at 820nm on a GaAs substrate device. The first chapter describes the renewal of the interest for T-rays. The second chapter treats the FIR generation by frequency difference on the GaAs semiconductor device and its uses for spectroscopy. The broad tunability of this Far Infrared radiation obtained by double-pass acousto-optic modulators setup is also seen. The third chapter discusses about stabilisation of infrared sources by the Pound-Drever-Hall method using a high finesse cavity to generate a high spectral purity of the FIR emission. Finally, the spectrometer is characterised by measurements of the rotationnal spectrum of methyl-chloride and used in a primary study of the broadening parameter of water lines by N2, O2 and air
Aballéa, Ludovic. « Développement d'un spectromètre térahertz par différence de fréquences : application à des molécules d'intérêt atmosphérique ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2009.
Texte intégralThis thesis reports on the construction of a new experimental set up for Terahertz spectroscopy based on the generation of the frequency difference of two near infrared laser diodes at 820nm on a GaAs substrate device. The first chapter describes the renewal of the interest for T-rays. The second chapter treats the FIR generation by frequency difference on the GaAs semiconductor device and its uses for spectroscopy. The broad tunability of this Far Infrared radiation obtained by double-pass acousto-optic modulators setup is also seen. The third chapter discusses about stabilisation of infrared sources by the Pound-Drever-Hall method using a high finesse cavity to generate a high spectral purity of the FIR emission. Finally, the spectrometer is characterised by measurements of the rotationnal spectrum of methyl-chloride and used in a primary study of the broadening parameter of water lines by N2, O2 and air
Andrieux, Emeline. « Réalisation d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique stabilisé en fréquence et accordable continûment sur 500ghz pour la spectroscopie infrarouge ». Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2011.
Texte intégralAndrieux, Emeline. « Réalisation d’un oscillateur paramétrique optique stabilisé en fréquence et accordable continûment sur 500ghz pour la spectroscopie infrarouge ». Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2011.
Texte intégralWe developed a singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator (SRO) based on a nonlinear crystal of 5%-ppMgCLN congruent lithium niobate chip and pumped at 1064 nm by an extended cavity diode laser widely tuneable from 1050 to 1070 nm injecting a 10 W Yb-fiber amplifier. It generates an idler wave between 3 and 4 µm and a signal wave between 1450 and 1650 nm. The SRO cavity is stabilized to the top of a Fabry-Perot transmission fringe. We then demonstrated a mode-hop-free idler tuning range of 500 GHz. This broad continuous tunability could be used for multi-species high resolution spectroscopy in the mid-infrared. Moreover, we have revisited the plane waves SRO theory, whose analytical solutions were given for the first time in 1969 by Kreuzer in the form of a transcendental equation, using a very powerful perturbative method which takes into account the depletion of the pump. We were able to determine the input-output relations of SRO in the form of very simple explicit relationships, showing that the output powers are proportional to the cubic root of the pump power