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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854) – Appréciation"
Tahir, Sobia, et Sidra Maqsood. « Muhammad Iqbal and Grman Idealism : A Comparative Review ». Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences 6, no 2 (12 juin 2023) : 257–68.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854) – Appréciation"
Bernard-Granger, Sarah. « Constructions et usages de la figure de Schelling dans la philosophie française du XIXe siècle (1801-1901) ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024.
Texte intégralThis dissertation aims to present the reception of F.W.J. Schelling in France during the 19th century, examining how this reception contributed to the development of a national philosophy. The stake is to connect the study of Schelling's philosophical reception with that of the formation of French philosophy. This work thus presents a Schellingian history of French philosophy, corresponding to the history of the constructions and uses of Schelling’s figure. It begins in 1801, with the publication of Charles de Villers' La Philosophie de Kant, which was the starting point of the introduction of Schellingian philosophy in France, as well as the emergence of the concern to (re)define a national philosophy. It ends in 1901, with the publication of the last text of Félix Ravaisson's, Le Testament Philosophique, which represents the last indication of the use of Schelling in 19th century French philosophy. This dissertation is divided into two parts that overlap chronologically. The first part focuses on the dissemination of Schelling's philosophy, i.e. the various ways in which his figure was constructed within the French philosophical landscape. The second part focuses on Schelling's naturalization, i.e., the ways in which his figure was used in the context of the development and assertion of a French philosophy, mainly by Cousin, Lamennais, Leroux and Ravaisson. Three main results emerge from this study: first, it allows us to envisage possible futures for Schelling's philosophy. Secondly, it offers alternative histories of 19th century French philosophy, which cannot be reduced to Comtien positivism or to the biranian spiritualism of Cousin. Thirdly, it allows us to question the meaning, relevance and stakes of the notion of “nationality” in philosophy
Sulzer, Caroline. « La philosophie de l'art de F. W. J. Schelling ». Paris 4, 1997.
Texte intégralZupcic, Rivas Slavko. « El médico y el escritor : Andreas Röschlaub (1768-1835) y Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854) ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2003.
Texte intégralThere are few historical moments so adapted to study relations between medicine and literature as the German romanticism and in the great philosophical, scientific and literary production that characterized this period the meeting of the physic Andreas Röschlaub (1768-1835) and the philosopher and writer Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854). Through the works of Röschlaub, Schelling who before had been an opponent of the Brown's doctrine became a defender of this. In 1800, they met in Bamberg, where Röschlaub directed his own magazine and worked at the Bamberg's Hospital. There, Schelling listened the lessons of Andreas Röschlaub and Adalbert Marcus (1753-1816) about the Erregbarketstheorie (excitability theory) and he gave his lessons about Naturphilosophie. Later, in 1805, Röschlaub and Schelling separated and the second began to publish his own medical magazine. This and other things divided their followers into two groups, the physiologists who followed Schelling and the pathologists who followed Röschlaub, and among them began a polemical relation that had their magazines as tribune. One of the main moments of this debate was the publication in 1805-1807 of a series of anthropological and physiological fragments by Andreas Röschlaub where he tried to make from "the divine words" his own Naturphilosophie. Besides the religious intention it is possible to see a literary spirit in these words: the man of science had renounced to speak with the words he always used and decided to speak with "the divine words" of a literature each time more near to the medical science.
Fischbach, Franck. « Le commencement philosophique selon Hegel et Schelling ». Paris 1, 1996.
Texte intégralThe subject of this research is the subjective beginning of philosophie, and not the objective beginning of philosophie, well known under the name of first principle or fondation of the system. The problem is this of the relationship between the philosopher on one side and the system of science on the other side. This question was the reason for the philosophical divorce between Hegel and schelling in 1807. Schelling had pretented in his first philosophie that the beginning of philosophie supposed the elimination of the subjective and limited philo-sopher in the intellectual intuition of the absolute. Hegel insisted on the contrary on the possibility of a gradual elevation from the limited knowledge of the philosopher to the science or "absolute knowledge" : this plan has been carry out in the phenomenologie of mind as scientifical introduction into the science. The other questions we treat of are the next : did Hegel maintain this solution to the problem of philosophical beginning or did he finally prefer (in his encyclopedie of philosophical sciences) this other solution which consists in a decision or resolution for the pure thinking ? And did not schelling finally, in his last philosophie, arrive to a similar solution in that meaning that his negative philosophie can be interpreted as a scientifical introduction into the science (which is the positive or historical philosophie) ? We end in the conclusion that Hegel and Schelling are more close than usually said, and that they did together achieve the german idealism
Roux, Alexandra. « Schelling et Malebranche ». Poitiers, 2000.
Texte intégralBruna, Castro Carolina. « A propósito de la comunidad. ¿Superación del absoluto o ficción del Yo ? Schelling temprano en tensión con Hegel ». Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2006.
Texte intégralEl problema que intentaré esbozar en las páginas que siguen intenta una reflexión sobre la noción de comunidad, como mundo ético, es decir mundo en el que se dan las relaciones intersubjetivas. Problema presente en las diferentes reflexiones actuales y que conlleva a pensar por el sentido bajo el cual estamos pensando eso común sea como reunión, como esencia común (bien) o como un no lugar entre los hombres que entrega la posibilidad de considerar aquello que ponemos en común (don) comunidad de lo no común (ficción). Con ello me interesa ir por otra vía que aquella que distingue la esfera intersubjetiva como el problema político planteado por las posturas comunitaristas y liberales. El problema que abordo en esta tesis se da desde una perspectiva que podríamos llamar “trascendental”, es decir pensar la comunidad en base a un cierto principio articulador.
Huang, Kuan-Min. « Schelling et la crise de la métaphysique ». Paris 4, 2001.
Texte intégralChalliol-Gillet, Marie-Christine. « Schelling, une philosophie de l'extase : de l'intuition intellectuelle à l'extase de la raison, une tentative de compréhension de l'Absolu par la philosophie ». Paris 10, 1993.
Texte intégralEcstasy - The power to transcend oneself and confront absolute difference, is a recurrent phrase in Schelling's latter philosophy. It is used mainly in two different ways: as the ecstasy of reason, it endows the latter, through the initial renunciation it implies, with the possibility of comprehending God the Maker, who can never be deduced a priori. As the ecstasy in God, it demonstrates God's almighty power and his liberty: God is self-assured enough to suppose what denies him. Those two different uses are closely linked, the ecstasy in God being the condition for the ecstasy of reason. Besides, ecstasy is the resulty of the transformation of intellectual intuition, a way of comprehending the absolute that used to prevail in the philosophy of the self, and the transition from one to the other therefore summarizes the evolution of the absolute itself in Schelling's philosophy. The argument here is states the continuity of the latter philosophy as a whole. The transformation of negative philosophy into rational science, the first part of the twofold work of which positive philosophy constitutes the second section. Is compatible with the persisting pre-eminence given to positive philosophy. The hypothesis of continuity must however akcnowledge its difficulties to account for Schelling's last work, which was unfortunately never completed
Schnell, Mechtild. « Incarnation et temporalité dans la philosophie de Schelling (1809-1827) ». Toulouse 2, 2007.
Texte intégralIt is less the fate, that is the apparent « failure » of this unfinished work than the inherent reasons of the manifold reorganizations and rewritings that I try to seize in this thesis by remaining faithful to what appears to me the innermost structure this entire period of Schelling's philosophy (1809-1827), that is the organic time such as it is developed in 1811. At once confronted with a major difficulty which Schelling himself already underlined, namely the resistance of this concentric temporality to its translation into a linear speech, I tried to elaborate a method integrating this « organic » time ; method that organizes itself around the notion of becoming (Werden). In this notion converge indeed the genesis of God and the relationship between time and the material, as the notion of reality (Wirklichkeit) as Schelling understands it requires necessarily. In my opinion, the Ages of the World elaborate the conditions of possibility of human freedom in its reality. This personal freedom is necessarily temporal and incarnated. The ontochrony which founds this freedom appears to me to transcend the Schelling's own century : it makes it possible for every individual to found one's own history
Arola, Adam 1981. « The Movement of Philosophy : Freedom as Ecstatic Thinking in Schelling and Heidegger ». Thesis, University of Oregon, 2008.
Texte intégralThe question of freedom has been a present and constant concern since the inception of the occidental philosophical tradition. Yet after a certain point the manner in which this question is to be asked has been canonized and sedimented: do humans (subject) have the capacity (predicate) for free and spontaneous action? The third antinomy of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, I argue, demonstrates the necessary failure, the perpetual aporia, of continuing to discuss whether humans conceived of as subjects possess the predicate freedom. I argue that if we do not want to fall either into the Third Antinomy, we must steer away from thinking of freedom as a predicate of a subject and reconfigure it as an experience or a comportment. Following suggestions from Jean-Luc Nancy's The Inoperative Community, Being Singular Plural, and The Experience of Freedom, my dissertation argues that re-thinking of freedom as an experience simultaneously requires a re-thinking of identity, in terms of ecstasy, ek-stases, or ex-position, and accordingly a re-thinking of the activity of thinking itself. Nancy cites Schelling and Heidegger as the thinkers who have made an attempt to think about ecstasy seriously as a fundamental ontological fact about the constitution of things. This reconfiguration of the constitution of things as either parts of organic structures (Schelling) or beings in a world (Heidegger), demands that we recognize how our identities are perpetually being constituted in all of our acts of relating with the world. We are constituted and constituting by our engagement with the things that environ us, and this environing is active and alive. If this is accepted as an ontological fact, this requires that we reconsider what it would mean to think, as all of our engagements with the world would be creative-both of ourselves and of what it is that we encounter. This would also mean that the meaningfulness of all things is wildly contingent, in fact necessarily, so. Accordingly, I defend that freedom, as the experience of possibility through our awareness of this contingency due to the lack of an origin, emerges for us in the experience of thinking.
Adviser: Peter Warnek
Livres sur le sujet "Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854) – Appréciation"
1965-, Norman Judith, et Welchman Alistair, dir. The new Schelling. London : Continuum, 2004.
Trouver le texte intégralSnow, Dale E. Schelling and the end of idealism. Albany : State University of New York Press, 1996.
Trouver le texte intégralMoeller, M. J. Wind devil. Oakland, Calif : Cliffhanger Press, 1990.
Trouver le texte intégralWilson, John Elbert. Schelling und Nietzsche : Zur Auslegung der frühen Werke Friedrich Nietzsches. Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1996.
Trouver le texte intégralDörendahl, Roswitha. Abgrund der Freiheit : Schellings Freiheitsphilosophie als Kritik des neuzeitlichen Autonomie-Projektes. Würzburg, Germany : Ergon-Verlag, 2011.
Trouver le texte intégralJörg, Jantzen, et Oesterreich Peter Lothar, dir. Schellings philosophische Anthropologie. Stuttgart : Frommann-Holzboog, 2002.
Trouver le texte intégral1912-, Hong Howard Vincent, et Hong Edna Hatlestad 1913-, dir. The concept of irony, with continual reference to Socrates : Together with notes of Schelling's Berlin lectures. Princeton, N.J : Princeton University Press, 1989.
Trouver le texte intégralJörg, Jantzen, dir. Die Realität des Wissens und das wirkliche Dasein : Erkenntnisbegründung und Philosophie des Tragischen beim frühen Schelling. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstadt : Frommann-Holzboog, 1998.
Trouver le texte intégralBayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Schelling-Kommission., dir. Transformation des Realitätsbegriffs : Untersuchungen zur frühen Philosophie Schellings im Ausgang von Kant. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog, 1990.
Trouver le texte intégralGrant, Iain Hamilton. Philosophies of nature after Schelling. London : Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854) – Appréciation"
White, Alan. « Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Von Schelling (1775–1854) ». Dans Contributions to Phenomenology, 634–36. Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1997.
Texte intégralDietzsch, Steffen. « Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854) ». Dans Goethe Handbuch, 938–41. Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler, 1998.
Texte intégralBowie, Andrew. « Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854) ». Dans Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London : Routledge, 2021.
Texte intégral« Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775–1854). Einführung und Kurzkommentar ». Dans Von Kant bis Frege, sous la direction de Nikolaus Knoepffler, 165–84. utzverlag GmbH, 2024.
Texte intégralPurvis, Zachary. « Schelling and Steffens ». Dans The Oxford Handbook of Friedrich Schleiermacher, 69–84. Oxford University Press, 2023.
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