Thèses sur le sujet « Robot à double bras »
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Fleurmond, Renliw. « Asservissement visuel coordonné de deux bras manipulateurs ». Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Texte intégralWe address the problem of coordinating a dual arm robot using one or several cameras. After proposing an overview of the control techniques dedicated to this problem, we develop a formalism allowing to coordinate the motions of several arms thanks to multicameras image based visual servoing. Our approach allows to bene?t from the natural redundancy provided by the robotic system to take into account useful constraints such as joint limits and occlusions avoidance. We propose a strategy to deal with these tasks simultaneously. Finally, to make our control more robust with respect to image losses, we reconstruct the structure of the manipulated objects and the corresponding visual features. To validate our approach, we use the formalism to make the dual arm PR2 robot recap a pen. Simulations and experimental results are provided
Prelle, Christine. « Contribution au contrôle de la compliance d'un bras de robot à actionnement électropneumatique ». Lyon, INSA, 1997.
Texte intégralCompliance is a characteristic required in Robotics for many contact tasks. Several ways are possible to confer a compliant behaviour on the robot ; a bibliographical study takes stock of these different solutions. Among all these, we have chosen the one consisting in using the actuator compliance ; we propose to use electropneumatic actuators composed of metal bellows having the advantage of an inherent compliance due to bellows flexibility and air compressibility. Two actuators designs, respectively with one and two bellows, are compared in order to make appear advantages and drawbacks. We show that it is possible to control axis compliance, either with a classical state feedback, or with an explicit force feedback, without force sensor. In the two cases, a good stability is remained. However, explicit force feedback control presents advantages comparing to classical control : it allows to modify actuator compliance linearly acting on a single parameter, without influence on the static state ; it allows a greater tuning range too and to obtain a compliance more important than the bellows compliance. A lot of tests verify the models and the theoretical approach. To validate our global approach, experiments have been done on a one-arm prototype, driven by this kind of actuator, and standing for a third of a parallel DELTA robot. These tests show that, in accordance with the theoretical approach, the arm compliance is adjustable modifying the actuator compliance with
Prelle, Christine Bétemps Maurice. « Contribution au contrôle de la compliance d'un bras de robot à actionnement électropneumatique ». Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2000.
Texte intégralAdorno, Bruno Vilhena. « Contribution à la manipulation à deux bras : des manipulateurs à la collaboration homme-robot ». Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2011.
Texte intégralLavoie, Marc-André. « Développement et contrôle d'un bras robotique basé sur l'actionneur différentiel élastique ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.
Texte intégralKaddar, Bassel. « Effet du balancement des bras sur la consommation énergétique durant la marche d’un robot bipède ». Nantes, 2013.
Texte intégralIn human walking, it is assumed that the arms have a passive movement which reduces the energy consumption of walking. The issue addressed in this work is the role of arms on the walking of a humanoid robot. The study has two objectives: to verify the effect of arms on the energy consumption during walking, and whether the optimal movement of the arms is passive. Firstly, by a parametric optimization, we defined optimal cyclic gaits for a biped robot moving in 2D. Different evolutions of arms were considered: arms attached to the trunk, arms consist of one-link or two links held to the trunk or having a free motion and passive arms. Different gaits, more or less complex, have been studied. The comparison of our results for different walking speeds showed the importance of active movement of the arms. The energy supplied in the joints of arms allows reducing the global energy consumption especially for high walking speeds. A passive movement of the arms will have large amplitude when the natural frequency of the arm coincides with the frequency of walking gait. Adding springs at the shoulders allows adjusting the natural frequency of the arms to that of walking gait. However, the energy consumption of active arms remains more effective than that of passive arms. A 3D study of bipedal walking was then used to confirm the interest of arms actuation in the minimization of energy consumption. These tests show that walking with a normal arms swinging has lower cost with respect to anti-normal arms swinging
Santos, Thomas. « Modélisation et simulation dynamique d'un robot avec bras et membrures flexibles par le logiciel MD Adams ». Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2013.
Texte intégralGu, Guochang. « Etude et développement d'une application pédagogique en robotique : gestion d'un bras articulé et d'un robot mobile ». Paris 6, 1987.
Texte intégralLeBel, Philippe. « Développement d'un algorithme de cinématique d'interaction appliqué sur un bras robotique dans un contexte de coopération humain-robot ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Texte intégralDegoulange, Eric. « Commande en effort d'un robot manipulateur à deux bras : application au contrôle de la déformation d'une chaîne cinématique fermée ». Montpellier 2, 1993.
Texte intégralGharbi, Mokhtar. « Planification de mouvements et manipulation d'objets par des torses humanoïdes ». Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2010.
Texte intégralThe emergence of new more and more complex service robots opens new research fields on objet manipulation. Despite the recent progresses in motion planning techniques, few of them deal directly with multi-arm systems like humanoid torsos. Our contribution through this thesis focuses on three aspects. We present an efficient motion planning technique based on the multi-arm system motion coordination. It takes advantage of the system's structure by dividing it into elementary parts of which movements are planned independently of the rest of the system. Generated elementary networks are then fused to obtain a roadmap that takes into account the whole robot. The second contribution consists of the extension of motion planning methods for a robot under loop closure constraints. These kinematic loops appear in the system when, for example, the humanoid torso grasps an objet with two arms. This method treats explicitly the singular configurations of the manipulators, providing better handling of the object. Finally, we present two approaches for planning object manipulation tasks by humanoid torsos. The first concerns solving pick and place task by humanoid torso where the imposed task constraints require a passage through a double grasp to transfer the object from one hand to the other. The second approach concerns the resolution of the same type of task by a mobile manipulator. The presented methods have been integrated on a real platform, Justin, and validated with experiments in the frame of E.U. FP-6 PHRIENDS project
Abou, Moughlbay Amine. « Contributions à l'enchaînement des tâches et à la résolution de la redondance : application aux robots humanoïdes et multi-bras ». Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2013.
Texte intégralRedundancy is present in all the robotic platforms; it is either intrinsic and explicit in the robot’s mechanical architecture, or implicit and appears only when applying specific tasks. This thesis identifies and classifies the different types of redundancies; it also addresses their kinematic resolution when applying several simultaneous and prioritized tasks on a general redundant system. Multi-control points approach and redundancy resolution formalisms were developed and validated by the application of several industrial, service and assistive tasks on three different platforms: a multi-arm system for meat cutting and two humanoid robots (HRP-2 and Nao). Using various types of embedded and external vision sensors, several techniques were integrated into these robotic platforms to apply, in simulation and real-time, the desired scenarios (localization, grasping, navigation, visibility,. . . ) while taking into account the system constraints (collision, occlusion, joint limits avoidance,. . . )
Andersson, Emma. « Gripper Tool Designed for a Surgical Collaborative Robot ». Thesis, KTH, Medicinteknik och hälsosystem, 2019.
Texte intégralVid operation är suturering användningen av nål och tråd för att sammanfoga snittad och/eller skadade anatomiska strukturer. Denna reparationsstrategi är mycket mångsidig och universell för alla typer av kirurgi eftersom målet är att återställa reparera eller förbättra funktion och/eller anatomisk defekt. Nålarna är nästan alltid krökta i sin form och de hanteras och manövreras av kirurgerna med ett speciellt verktyg som kallas: nålförare. Mångsidigheten i denna uppställning har visat sig över tid eftersom nålförare är ett av de oumbärliga instrumenten vid alla typer av operationer. Vi går in i en framtid där robotar kan programmeras för att utföra uppgifter med mycket högre precision och hastighet jämfört med människor. Medicinska robotar inom kirurgi har varit på frammarsch senaste årtionden på grund av goda kliniska resultat. Ett steg i denna riktning skulle vara att skapa en lösning som gör det möjligt för en robot att greppa nålföraren. Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett gripdon som möjliggör för en kollaborativ robot att utföra suturering med hjälp av en av de vanligaste typerna av nålförare som används vid operation. Design metodiken Double Diamond användes för att beskriva design processensen. Det valda metoderna i de fyra för definierade faser var: 1) Discover: Observation, MoSCoW Prioritization, Brainstorming, Choosing a Sample, Fast Vissualization, 2) Define: Assessment criteria, 3) Develop: Physical Prototyping, 4) Deliver: Final testing and Evaluation. I första fasen, Discover, formulerades kliniska och tekniska krav. I den andra fasen, Define, definierades flera designidéer som skissades på papper, varav den med den högsta poängen valdes i Assessment criteria. I fas tre, Develop, modellerades den valda designidén i kartong, lera och silikon samt 3D-printades. Flera designiterationer gjordes baserat på feedback från kliniska och tekniska experter vilket resulterade i en slutlig prototypdesign som godkändes av experterna. I fas fyra, Deliver, testades och utvärderades den slutliga prototypen. Observation av fem realtids och en videoinspelning av kirurgiska ingrepp på riktiga patienter gjordes. Insikterna som gjordes bekräftades med kirurgerna som genomförde operationen och sammanfattades i 24 kliniskt viktiga observationer som var relevanta för gripdon designen. Noggrann realtids observation av robotens rörelsemönster samt analys av det tidigare utformade gripdonen och intervju med en robotingenjör sammanfattades i tio tekniskt viktiga observationer. Observationerna användes för att formulera kliniska och tekniska krav som gripdons designen strävar efter att uppfylla, följt av prioritering av kraven och designegenskaper enligt MoSCoW-metoden och brainstorming kring hur tidigare gripdons design kan förbättras. För att begränsa designutmaningens omfattning valdes en av de fem typer av nålförare som används vid barnhjärtkirurgi i Lund genom metoden Chossing a sample. För att ytterligare karakterisera de kliniska och tekniska kraven upprättades en testbänk för att definiera och mäta kraftvektorer som appliceras på nålföraren när den hålls av en kirurg under suturering. De radiella krafterna i sex riktningar vinkelrätt mot nålförarens spets varierade från 1,6 N till 3,8 N. Den axiella kraften längs nålförarens längd var 7,6 N mot spetsen och 8,4 N mot bakänden. Medurs och moturs vridmoment längs nålförarens längdaxel var 0,2 Nm respektive 0,18 Nm. Dom definierade kraven låg till grund för skisser av flertal gripdondesign idéer enligt Fast Visualization. Dessa skisser användes sedan i Define fasen för att kommunicera designidéer med kirurger samt robot- och produktutvecklingsingenjörer. Den mest lovande idén togs till Develop fasen där fysiska prototyper togs fram i kartong, lera och silikon samt genom 3D-printning. Förbättringspunkter hittades under testning och återkoppling med intervjuer tillsammans med kliniska och tekniska experter. Designåtgärder baserat på återkopplingen gjordes för att komma fram till den slutliga prototypen. Slutlig testning och utvärdering av den slutliga prototypen genomfördes i Deliver fasen. Gripdons designen kunde hantera större belastningar än den mänskliga kirurgen i alla stabilitetstester. Böjning av nålföraren uppstod dock i testerna med gripverktyget till skillnad från testerna med kirurgen var föremål för stabilitetsprovning. En barnhjärtkirurg och en robotingenjör poängsatte uppfyllnadsgrad av de kliniska respektive tekniska kraven efter att slutlig testning av gripdonet utförts. Uppfyllnadsgraden poängsattes från 1–5 där 1 var dålig, 3 tillfredsställande och 5 utmärkt. Gripdonets slutliga prototyp uppfyller alla kliniska och tekniska krav på nivå 4 respektive 3–5. Designmetodiken som användes i denna studie var användbar för utvecklingen av gripdon som uppfyller både de kliniska och tekniska kraven. Detta tyder på att denna metod kan användas i liknande designutmaningar inom området mellan medicinsk och teknisk innovation. Gripdonet uppfyllde kraven även om ytterligare förfining i materialvalet, ytterligare testning och undersökning av regulatoriska aspekter krävs innan den kan användas under riktiga operationer i operationssalen.
Fraisse, Philippe. « Contribution à la commande robuste position/force des robots manipulateurs à architecture complexe : Application à un robot à deux bras ». Montpellier 2, 1994.
Texte intégralLeborne, François. « Contributions à la commande de bras manipulateurs de robot sous-marin pour la manipulation à grande profondeur d'échantillons biologiques déformables ». Thesis, Montpellier, 2018.
Texte intégralThe research carried out in the scope of this doctorate degree aims to develop innovative techniques to improve the collection of biological and mineral samples underwater using robotic manipulators. The end goal is to enhance the handling by robotic means in order to maximise sample quality provided to marine scientists. The proposed techniques are based on an in-depth analysis of the robotic arm actuators used in most recent underwater intervention vehicles, in order to improve the accuracy of the positionning of the tools held by the manipulator arms. An instrumented tool has also been developed with the aim to measure the reaction forces and adapt the interaction between the arm's end-effector and its environment to improve samples handling. These methods and the other contributions described in this thesis have been experimentally validated using Ifremer's hybrid-ROV Ariane equipped with two electrically actuated heterogeneous robotic arms
Taghbalout, Meryem. « Programmation et commande d’un robot à deux bras pour la manipulation et l’assemblage de pièces flexibles par des tâches collaboratives ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Texte intégralThe main objective of this thesis is to develop a control law to control a two arm robot in order to achieve the manipulation tasks and to ensure the safety aspects for the human and the robot. To accomplish this, we presented an overview of the studies that have been conducted in this context. Thereafter, we proceeded to the kinematic and dynamic robot modeling. In order to calculate its dynamic model, we used the SYMORO+ software. After giving a detailed presentation of the method for identifying the parameters of manipulator robots, we applied it in a concrete way on our own robot. This allowed us to obtain a vector of parameters able to ensure a positive defined inertia matrix for any robot joint configuration, as well as a good quality of torque reconstruction for both constant and variable joint speeds. Thanks to this dynamic identification, we were able to realize an accurate simulator of the robot on Matlab/Simulink. The external forces of the robot have been estimated from the identified dynamic modulus and an experimental validation has been described. To apply control laws on an industrial robot, it was necessary to think about an external communication on the robot. The adopted approach was presented as well as its realization on the robot. The latter allowed us to program in python all our problems to be implemented on the robot. After having validated all the steps previously mentioned we moved on to the implementation of the control on the robot. The main task we adopted is the stripping of the cables. For this purpose, we chose to implement a hybrid force/position control in which the external forces are controlled in order to guarantee the absence of damage on the cables to be stripped. The robot used to perform all the experiments is the IRB14000 YuMi robot from Abb. All the experiments performed in this project have been described and presented. This thesis work was carried out within the framework of the Robotix Academy project financed by the European regional development fund INTERREG V-A Grande Région
Kappassov, Zhanat. « Touch driven dexterous robot arm control ». Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.
Texte intégralRobots have improved industry processes, most recognizably in conveyor-belt assemblysystems, and have the potential to bring even more benefits to our society in transportation,exploration of dangerous zones, deep sea or even other planets, health care and inour everyday life. A major barrier to their escape from fenced industrial areas to environmentsco-shared with humans is their poor skills in physical interaction tasks, includingmanipulation of objects. While the dexterity in manipulation is not affected by the blindnessin humans, it dramatically decreases in robots. With no visual perception, robotoperations are limited to static environments, whereas the real world is a highly variantenvironment.In this thesis, we propose a different approach that considers controlling contact betweena robot and the environment during physical interactions. However, current physicalinteraction control approaches are poor in terms of the range of tasks that can beperformed. To allow robots to perform more tasks, we derive tactile features representingdeformations of the mechanically compliant sensing surface of a tactile sensor andincorporate these features to a robot controller via touch-dependent and task-dependenttactile feature mapping matrices.As a first contribution, we show how image processing algorithms can be used todiscover the underlying three dimensional structure of a contact frame between an objectand an array of pressure sensing elements with a mechanically compliant surfaceattached onto a robot arm’s end-effector interacting with this object. These algorithmsobtain as outputs the so-called tactile features. As a second contribution, we design a tactileservoing controller that combines these tactile features with a position/torque controllerof the robot arm. It allows the end-effector of the arm to steer the contact frame ina desired manner by regulating errors in these features. Finally, as a last contribution, weextend this controller by adding a task description layer to address four common issuesin robotics: exploration, manipulation, recognition, and co-manipulation of objects.Throughout this thesis, we make emphasis on developing algorithms that work notonly with simulated robots but also with real ones. Thus, all these contributions havebeen evaluated in experiments conducted with at least one real robot. In general, thiswork aims to provide the robotics community with a unified framework to that will allowrobot arms to be more dexterous and autonomous. Preliminary works are proposedfor extending this framework to perform tasks that involve multicontact control withmultifingered robot hands
Tarbouriech, Sonny. « Dual-Arm control strategy in industrial environments ». Thesis, Montpellier, 2019.
Texte intégralThe growing need for flexibility in industrial settings leads to reconsidering the way robotic systems are exploited in such environments. It follows that the relationship between humans and machines has to evolve in favor of more proximity, by letting them share the same workspace and physically interact together.With this in mind, this thesis aims at contributing beyond the state of art in the control of dual-arm robots for collaborative purposes in an industrial context. We propose a generic online kinematic control approach based on an admittance control law which enables safe manipulation of objects in physical collaboration with humans. The controller solves a acrfull{qp} optimization problem to find the joint space motion that satisfies the task space command while respecting a set of constraints (e.g. joint limits, collision avoidance).The kinematic solver can be tuned to generate parsimonious solutions at the joint velocity level, meaning that as few actuators as possible are activated to achieve the tasks. This induces potentially safer behavior in an unstructured environment shared with humans.Dual-arm platforms are sometimes extended to include additional robots (e.g., mobile base, articulated torso, ...). In this thesis, we also present an original hierarchical method for the control of multi-robot systems.An open-source implementation of the work, acrfull{rkcl}, is available. It implements all the components described in this thesis and can be easily configured to work with new robots. Throughout the developments, experimental validations have been performed on the dual-arm mobile cobot BAZAR
Safonov, Andrii [Verfasser], Ulrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmucker et Stefan [Akademischer Betreuer] Palis. « Design of biped robot walking with double-support phase / Andrii Safonov. Betreuer : Ulrich Schmucker ; Stefan Palis ». Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, 2015.
Texte intégralMaheu, Véronique. « Développement des critères d'apprentissage pour le contrôle d'un bras robot manipulateur à 7 DDL par le traitement des signaux EMG chez les blessés médullaires ». Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2011.
Texte intégralYesudasu, Santheep. « Cοntributiοn à la manipulatiοn de cοlis sοus cοntraintes par un tοrse humanοïde : applicatiοn à la dépaléttisatiοn autοnοme dans les entrepôts lοgistiques ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Texte intégralThis PhD thesis explores the development and implementation of URNik-AI, an AI-powered automated depalletizing system designed to handle cardboard boxes of varying sizes and weights using a dual-arm humanoid torso. The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of industrial depalletizing tasks through the integration of advanced robotics, computer vision, and deep learning techniques.The URNik-AI system consists of two UR10 robotic arms equipped with six-axis force/torque sensors and gripper tool sets. An ASUS Xtion RGB-D camera is mounted on Dynamixel Pro H42 pan-tilt servos to capture high-resolution images and depth data. The software framework includes ROS Noetic, ROS 2, and the MoveIt framework, enabling seamless communication and coordination of complex movements. This system ensures high precision in detecting, grasping, and handling objects in diverse industrial environments.A significant contribution of this research is the implementation of deep learning models, such as YOLOv3 and YOLOv8, to enhance object detection and pose estimation capabilities. YOLOv3, trained on a dataset of 807 images, achieved F1-scores of 0.81 and 0.90 for single and multi-face boxes, respectively. The YOLOv8 model further advanced the system's performance by providing keypoint and skeleton detection capabilities, which are essential for accurate grasping and manipulation. The integration of point cloud data for pose estimation ensured precise localization and orientation of boxes.Comprehensive testing demonstrated the system's robustness, with high precision, recall, and mean average precision (mAP) metrics confirming its effectiveness. This thesis makes several significant contributions to the field of robotics and automation, including the successful integration of advanced robotics and AI technologies, the development of innovative object detection and pose estimation techniques, and the design of a versatile and adaptable system architecture
Adorno, Bruno. « Two-arm Manipulation : from Manipulators to Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration ». Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011.
Texte intégralThis thesis is devoted to the study of robotic two-arm coordination/manipulation from a unified perspective, and conceptually different bimanual tasks are thus described within the same formalism. In order to provide a consistent and compact theory, the techniques presented herein use dual quaternions to represent every single aspect of robot kinematic modeling and control.A novel representation for two-arm manipulation is proposed—the cooperative dual task-space—which exploits the dual quaternion algebra to unify the various approaches found in the literature. The method is further extended to take into account any serially coupled kinematic chain, and a case study is performed using a simulated mobile manipulator. An original application of the cooperative dual task-space is proposed to intuitively represent general human-robot collaboration (HRC) tasks, and several experiments were performed to validate the proposed techniques. Furthermore, the thesis proposes a novel class of HRC taskswherein the robot controls all the coordination aspects; that is, in addition to controlling its own arm, the robot controls the human arm by means of functional electrical stimulation (FES).Thanks to the holistic approach developed throughout the thesis, the resultant theory is compact, uses a small set of mathematical tools, and is capable of describing and controlling a broad range of robot manipulation tasks
Gharbi, Mokhtar. « Planification de mouvements et manipulation d'objets par des torses humanoides ». Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2010.
Texte intégralFortineau, Vincent. « Couplage physique humain robot lors de tâches rythmiques en interaction avec l'environnement : estimation de l'impédance mécanique ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2022.
Texte intégralRobots are more inclined to interact with humans or their environment for collaborative purposes. Knowledge on the human endpoint vis-coelastic properties during physical interactions provides insights for the field of human movement science and also for the design of innovative bio-inspired collaborative robotic control strategies. In this work, the focus is placed on a simplistic linear mechanical model of the human arm, with endpoint apparent parameters like stiffness, damping and mass. Perturbation rejection behaviours occuring remarkably during physical interactions can be met using this modelling.In order to estimate those properties for the human arm, an experimental test-bed was designed using an endpoint admittance controled polyarticulated robot. A benchmark task was used so that rhythmic movements emerged, while haptic feedback were introduced by the robot. A methodology to identify the linear parameters of the chosen impedance model was designed, tackling the issue of the estimation of virtual trajectories of the arm during dynamic movements. The estimations of the arm's virtual trajectories both in position and force relied on spline interpolations and sine optimisations, for small deviations that did not alter the performances of the task.A cohort of participants took part in experiments proposed to observe significant variations of the viscoelastic apparent parameters, and improve the understanding of the implications of such variations during a physical interaction with a robot. The famous trade-off between stability and transparency while the robot is coupled with an environment was then study thanks to the obtained estimations, to enhance the tuning of the endpoint admittance control empirically designed
Sandulescu, Paul. « Modélisation et commande d’un système à trois phases indépendantes à double fonctionnalité : Traction Électrique et Chargeur Forte Puissance pour application automobile ». Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2013.
Texte intégralFor an automotive application, a six leg-VSI connected to a three-phase open-end winding machine has the ability to offer a dual-function. In this case, an additional zero-sequence component, usually absent when a star-coupling is used, needs to be controlled. Firstly, a study, modeling and control of a multi-leg inverter are proposed. Secondly, control structures capable of handling the presence of zero-sequence components are investigated. The conventional control algorithms applied to the inverter are analyzed and an original vector control strategy, called Z-SVM, capable to cancel the high frequency zero-sequence current is developed. Finally, it is shown how the management of the zero-sequence components enhances the performance of the drive at low as well as at high-speed, corresponding on the areas of the torque-speed characteristics before and after flux weakening. The proposed solutions are validated on an experimental test bench consisting of a machine prototype especially developed for automotive application and powered by a six-leg inverter controlled by an FPGA-based device. The proposed strategies are compared in terms of performance and computational complexity
Fuseiller, Guillaume. « Perception et génération de trajectoires en cobotique dans des environnements dynamiques ». Thesis, Limoges, 2019.
Texte intégralThe appearance in the early 2010s of collaborative robots in parallel with the development of industry 4.0 prompted manufacturers to rethink robotics. Theintegration of robots in contact with humans makes it possible to combine their strengths in terms of flexibility and adaptability to complex tasks. However, many challenges are posed to the robotics community by these new practices and in particular: howto secure the interaction between Human and Robot. We propose to address this problem by proposing a complete pipeline allowing the robot to move autonomously in the space shared with humans while guaranteeing its safety. For this we build a representation of the robot's workspace in the form of a 3D semantic occupation grid from the robot's perception of its environment. We then project in real time the obstacles and humans present in the robot's work area to the configurationsspace, a representation adapted to robotic arms. Using the medialaxis in the configurationsspace, the robot's trajectory towards the objective is calculated as far as possible from obstacles. We adapt this trajectory to the dynamic change of the environment and modulate its speed according to the distance separating the human and the robot. The interest of this method has been demonstrated in simulation and with real experiments on collaborative robots in an industrial context
Renna, Ilaria. « Upper body tracking and Gesture recognition for Human-Machine Interaction ». Paris 6, 2012.
Texte intégralRobots are artificial agents that can act in humans’ world thanks to perception, action and reasoning capacities. In particular, robots companion are designed to share with humans the same physical and communication spaces in performing daily life collaborative tasks and aids. In such a context, interactions between humans and robots are expected to be as natural and as intuitive as possible. One of the most natural ways is based on gestures and reactive body motions. To make this friendly interaction possible, a robot companion has to be endowed with one or more capabilities allowing him to perceive, to recognize and to react to human gestures. This PhD thesis has been focused on the design and the development of a gesture recognition system that can be exploited in a human-robot interaction context. This system includes (1) a limbs-tracking algorithm that determines human body position during movements and (2) a higher-level module that recognizes gestures performed by human users. New contributions were made in both topics. First, a new approach is proposed for visual tracking of upper-body limbs. Analysing human body motion is challenging, due to the important number of degrees of freedom of the articulated object modelling the upper body. To circumvent the computational complexity, each limb is tracked with an Annealed Particle Filter and the different filters interact through Belief Propagation. 3D human body is described as a graphical model in which the relationships between the body parts are represented by conditional probability distributions. Pose estimation problem is thus formulated as a probabilistic inference over a graphical model, where the random variables correspond to the individual limb parameters (position and orientation) and Belief Propagation messages ensure coherence between limbs. Secondly, we propose a framework allowing emblematic gestures detection and recognition. The most challenging issue in gesture recognition is to find good features with a discriminant power (to distinguish between different gestures) and a good robustness to intrinsic gestures variability (the context in which gestures are expressed, the morphology of the person, the point of view, etc. ). In this work, we propose a new arm's kinematics normalization scheme reflecting both the muscular activity and arm's appearance when a gesture is performed. The obtained signals are first segmented and then analysed by two machine learning techniques: Hidden Markov Models and Support Vector Machines. The two methods are compared in a 5 classes emblematic gestures recognition task. Both systems show good performances with a minimalistic training database regardless to performer's anthropometry, gender, age or pose with regard to the sensing system. The work presented here has been done within the framework of a PhD thesis in joint supervision between the “Pierre et Marie Curie” University (ISIR laboratory, Paris) and the University of Genova (IIT--Tera department) and was labelled by the French-Italian University
Cerruti, Giulio. « Design and Control of a Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand ». Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2016.
Texte intégralThis thesis presents the design and control of a low-cost and lightweight robotic hand for a social humanoid robot. The hand is designed to perform expressive hand gestures and to grasp small and light objects. Its geometry follows anthropometric data. Its kinematics simplifies the human hand structure to reduce the number of actuators while ensuring functional requirements. The hand preserves anthropomorphism by properly placing five fingers on the palm and by ensuring an equilibrated thumb opposability. Its mechanical system results from the compromise between fully-coupled phalanges and self-adaptable fingers in a unique hybrid design. This answers the need for known finger postures while gesturing and for finger adaptation to different object shapes while grasping. The design is based on two distinct actuation systems embodied in parallel within the palm and the fingers. Their coexistence is ensured by a compliant transmission based on elastomer bars. The proposed solution significantly reduces the weightand the size of the hand by using seven low-power actuators for gesturing and a single high-power motor for grasping. The overall system is conceived to be embedded on Romeo, a humanoid robot 1.4 [m] tall produced by Aldebaran. Actuation systems are dimensioned to open and close the fingers in less than1 [s] and to grasp a full soda can. The hand is realized and controlled to ensure safe human-robot interaction and to preserve mechanical integrity. A prototype(ALPHA) is realized to validate the design feasibility and its functional capabilities
Leblebici, Robin. « Development of an automated adjusting process for robotic end-effectors to handle dry textiles for preforming of carbon fiber reinforced plastics ». Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Rymdteknik, 2018.
Texte intégralBenali, Khairidine. « Commande d'un système robotisé de type torse humanoïde pour le transport de colis de taille variable ». Thesis, Normandie, 2019.
Texte intégralIn logistics warehouses, automation in the sense of robotization is frequently being employed to cut down production times by efficiently managing the processes of picking heavy loads, place, pack and palletize, while reducing the risks and errors to improve the working conditions of human operators along the way. The flexibility of human is fundamental for order preparation owing to adaptive skills for task variation, but at the same time increasing productivity is complemented with fatigue (musculoskeletal disorders). In this context the research presented in this thesis is a contribution in the robotization of palletization operations requiring exceptional versatility of manipulation and gripping. We have proposed an innovative solution of utilizing a humanoid torso equipped with two manipulator arms with adaptive grippers to grasp and hold the objects of variable size and mass. The main contribution of research is the development of a hybrid Force / Position-Position control law with commutation and estimation of the object surface slip, while taking into account the compliance and correction of the clamping force during handling. The execution of the control involves the collaboration of the two arms for coordinated manipulation and adaptation to the material and the human environment (cobotics)
Authelin, Olivier. « Méthodologie de préparation à la fabrication de composants de grandes dimensions à partir de matériaux polymères thermoplastiques fondus ». Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2022.
Texte intégralLarge-sized additively manufactured components made of thermoplastic polymer materials has experienced significant growth since the 2010s, the arrival of innovative materials having made possible to achieve a leap forward in terms of intrinsic mechanical properties. Large-scale demonstrators manufacturing, developed within the scientific literature, has highlighted therelevance of this process for the realization of structural (sports equipments, pedestrian bridges) and non-structural (large-dimension molds and tools) applications. Indeed, the advantages of this process are numerous, such as for example personalized components manufacturing or costs and lead times reduction. However, large-scale demonstrators manufacturing scientific obstacles resulting from state-of-the-art analysis emerges:- “trial - error - correction” procedure is costly in time, resources and money. There is no consensus on a generic method that allows large components manufacturing preparation;- issues concerning toolpaths generation in order to comply with specifications and the choice of a suitable manufacturing means must be resolved. Within the framework of this manuscript is developed a preparation methodology for large-sized components manufacturing made from fused thermoplastic polymer materials. It offers preparation for generic manufacturing, based on a set of process specific rules integrating the consideration of the previously mentioned issues. The steps of the methodology are processed chronologically in each chapter of the manuscript in which the specific issues and the solutions put in place to resolve them are explained. A research axis dedicated to components reinforcement from continuous fibers reinforced materials in order to overcome mechanical properties anisotropy, inherent in additive processes based on fused thermoplastic polymer materials is notably developed. Finally, large-scale demonstrators manufacturing makes it possible to highlight the methodology relevance but also the perspectives that can be brought to it
Dimopoulos, Georges. « Etude, caractérisation et modélisation des micromagnétodiodes à grille en silicium sur saphir ». Grenoble INPG, 1989.
Texte intégralThambo, Jean-Benoît. « Asynchronisme, stimulation cardiaque et resynchronisation biventriculaire dans les cardiopathies congénitales : état des lieux, résultats, perspectives ». Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2011.
Texte intégralThe number of adults with severe congenital heart disease is constantly growing. At medium to long-term follow up, these patients may present with heart failure or conduction disorders, which may lead to death. The pathophysiology and clinical course of these complications is multi-factorial and may be different from that in patients without congenital heart disease. In normal hearts, electromechanical dyssynchrony is known to induce ventricular remodeling and heart failure. Ventricular asynchrony is also present in a substantial number of adults with congenital heart disease. In this study, we combined animal experiments and clinical studies to investigate: 1) the acute and chronic effect of biventricular resynchronization therapy on cardiac function in an animal model mimicking right ventricular heart failure in Tetralogy of Fallot, as well as in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot; 2) the consequences of conventional ventricular pacing in patients with ‘systemic right ventricle physiology’; 3) the effects of chronic right ventricular pacing in an animal model of the developing heart.We found that: 1) biventricular resynchronization induces significant hemodynamic benefit in the animal model of Tetralogy of Fallot as well as in Fallot patients; 2) ventricular asynchrony induced by conventional ventricular pacing is deleterious to the function of the systemic right ventricle; 3) chronic right ventricular pacing is harmful to the developing (pediatric) heart with normal biventricular anatomy. Cardiac resynchronization therapy is promising as a treatment for heart failure, but may also prevent heart failure. Nowadays, new implantation techniques allow us to implant pacing devices in patients with limited anatomical access due to prior surgery and help to avoid numerous severe complications of conventional pacing therapy
Voisembert, Sébastien. « Conception et modélisation d'un bras d'inspection robotisé ultraléger ». Phd thesis, 2012.
Texte intégralChiu, Bin, et 邱彬. « Development and Research of Double Arm Rescue Robot ». Thesis, 2018.
Texte intégral正修科技大學
In this paper presents a novel design of double arm rescue robot, nowadays there are more natural disaster problems happens in our life, and rescue worker needed to rescue people in the golden window and every second is important, this robot is design for assist rescue workers in the dangerous environment, rescue worker using remote control panel to remote control rescue robot go into the dangerous environment and proceed rescue mission, this robot has two arm and each arm using Hydraulic system to help it remove obstacle during the rescue mission, according to the system function architecture, it is divided into five major projects: mechanical structure design, control system, signal transmission system, hydraulic system and image transmission system, in order to reduce weight of robot we using the hollow design to make the robot lighter, we using Ozone for it control system and 900MHz Wireless Hi Power Radio Modem for transmission system, and this rescue robot is dustproof and waterproof, the detail of rescue robot system design will be discussed in the paper.
Flynn, Anita M., Rodney A. Brooks et Lee S. Tavrow. « Twilight Zones and Cornerstones : A Gnat Robot Double Feature ». 1989.
Texte intégralLAI, KUAN-JEN, et 賴冠仁. « Design and Improvement of Double Robot Arms on Mechanism ». Thesis, 2017.
Texte intégral國立高雄第一科技大學
In this thesis, via simulation and calculation a robot arm mechanism of high degree of freedom, high ration of torque and weight, and high precision is designed. By Computer Auxiliary Design (CAD), all mechanical components of designed robot arm are analyzed. Based on the actual size of all mechanical components, the motor torque and joint payload are calculated to simulate the stress force on components so that the weak parts of robot arm can be revealed for improving and then for better mechanical design. In addition, the robot arm components of stronger stress force are cut to reduce weight for light payload. Safety coefficient planning is engaged to define the strength of all robot arm components for bearing larger payload. The reason to choose motors and gears is also included. In this research, the theoretical performance of designed robot arm is studied.
Te-KaiWang et 王德凱. « Design and Implementation of Double Passing Strategy forHumanoid Soccer Robot ». Thesis, 2010.
Texte intégral國立成功大學
The goal of this thesis is to achieve a technical challenge of double passing soccer game for humanoid soccer robots in RoboCup competition. There are many topics involved in order to finish the entire procedure, such as image processing algorithms, motion control, localization, and a proper scheme of strategy system. The development of vision and strategy system is mainly concerned in this thesis. The image information is captured by a CMOS sensor and then the image data are processed by an embedded CPU board Pico-820. Vision system works on the tasks of object recognition, which includes the goal, landmark poles and the interval of two black poles. A fast object segmentation method in the image with the need of only one execution loop is used to make the recognition more efficient. After recognitions, a simple mean shift algorithm is adopted to further improve the efficiency and performance of vision system. The computational time is reduced greatly by the algorithm and that time can be utilized to do the localization or control strategies. The strategies of double passing of each robot player are illustrated in flowcharts and the communication between them is via wireless network. The strategies of some more detailed situation are also discussed. All the strategies are also processed in Pico-820. Overall functions of vision and strategy system are programmed in C++. Finally, the experiment results demonstrate that the proposed vision and control strategy system can successfully perform the double passing soccer game.
Pei-Sheng, Peng, et 彭培勝. « Design and Testing for a Double-Robot-Arm Controling Platform with Natural Interaction ». Thesis, 2013.
Texte intégral國立勤益科技大學
The main purpose of the research is to build a prototype platform of robot arms with Natural Interaction (NI). In a quick and robust way, a Microsoft Kinect sensor was used to integrate with two 4-axis robot arms. The idea was from the handling of hazardous materials, disaster relief management, deep-sea mining, and other dangerous tasks. Instead of using the analog stick or keypad to control the robot arm, if the operators can use their bodies as a controller to remote control the robot arm in a natural way, then the learning curve for the operation can be reduced dramatically. And, operators can control two robot arms in the same time. NI emphasizes that human is the controller. The main benefit is that operators use their own bodies or voice and need not to carry any extra facility to manipulate the system. To achieve this concept and validate its feasibility, a Kinect depth sensor combined with two ROBOTIS 4-DOF robot arms was used to set up a NI platform. This research tested the efficiency between the Kinect and two ROBOTIS 4-DOF robot arms. Through a series of experiments, the NI’s concepts and its merits have been verified in this research.
Chao, Chung-Yuan, et 趙仲元. « A Double-Loops Integrated Navigation System Design for the Controls of an Autonomous Mobile Robot ». Thesis, 2013.
Texte intégral國立高雄應用科技大學
This thesis is about a development that laboratory required which named “A Double-Loops Integrated Navigation System Design for the Controls of an Autonomous Mobile Robot”. In recent years, because from the application of Autonomous Mobile Robot is extensively, the development of its navigation system also became the point of research. From Automated Guided Vehicle to Service Robot, in the beginning only at Autonomous Mobile Robot fitted with sensors, and now is uses image technology. It can let the Autonomous Mobile Robot know all around environment accurately the condition, no matter machine vision or outside set video surveillance. But because of this kind with the phantom knowing all around environment method, usually can use the computation which the massive computer vision and the image processing. Therefore this thesis wants to use the double-loops integrated navigation system to accelerate the hardware processing speed, simultaneously guarantees when the image was unable obtained the Autonomous Mobile Robot still to be possible the normal navigation. In the double-loops integrated navigation system, one is installs the encoder and the electronic compass in the Autonomous Mobile Robot, these two kind of sensors can help it to know at present walks is away from and the angle, with the material which obtains judges whether makes the revision to the present posture. Another one is erects outside sets video surveillance, will want to walk the environment photography also the transmission to the computer, and after planed walk the way, coordinates and swinging angle because of the image processing knowing Autonomous Mobile Robot, Again uses the wireless communication mold train to it issuing control command. Achieved the Autonomous Mobile Robot walks in the expectation way and can arrive in the target location. These two loops can simultaneously exist in this navigation system, when computer makes the receive and the image processing, Autonomous Mobile Robot may voluntarily make the revision to the present posture. Therefore in the navigation process the CCD lens are camouflaged, the Autonomous Mobile Robot still could continue using the sensory element to make the navigation the movement. In the experiments, plans the way after the computer, start to navigation control, at first, we will closed the image navigation system, only used computer to recode walking-path, then we will open the image navigation system to do this experiments again. And check both the experiments results. Examined the double-loops integrated navigation system used in the Autonomous Mobile Robot whether achieves hoped of this thesis.
Sandulescu, Paul. « Modélisation et commande d'un système à trois phases indépendantes à double fonctionnalité : Traction Électrique et Chargeur Forte Puissance pour application automobile ». Phd thesis, 2013.
Texte intégralKothapalli, Bhargav. « Application of Product Design Concepts and Hybrid System Dynamics to Demonstrate Zeno Behavior and Zeno Periodic Orbits in a Physical Double Pendulum Setup ». Thesis, 2011.
Texte intégralHermosillo, Jorje. « Planification et exécution de mouvements pour un robot bi-guidable : une approche basée sur la platitude différentielle ». Phd thesis, 2003.
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