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Haber-Schaim, Uri. PSSC physics. 6e éd. Lexington, Mass : Heath, 1986.

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Celmin̦a, Helēna. Sievietes PSRS cietumos. Rīga] : Treji devin̦i, 2002.

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Nouba chez les psys. Paris : Nil éd., 2008.

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Arouje, Sanketh. India's top PSUs 2010. Sous la direction de Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt Ltd. 3e éd. Mumbai : Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India, 2010.

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Strods, H. PSRS kaujinieki Latvijā (1941-1945). Rīga : Latvijas Universitātes žurnāla "Latvijas Vēsture" fonds, 2006.

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Giordano, Isabelle. Voyage au pays des psys. Paris : Albin Michel, 2006.

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Coutant, Robert W. Evaluation of passive sampling devices (PSDs). Research Triangle Park, NC : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, 1985.

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PSRS politiskā cenzūra Latvijā, 1940-1990. Rīgā : Jumava, 2010.

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Eskin, V. I. Progress amid crisis--the Sakhalim PSAs. Cambridge, Mass : Cambridge Energy Research Associates, 1999.

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Francois, Frederic. PSC, etre ou disparaitre. Bruxelles : Labor, 1998.

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François, Frédéric. PSC, être ou disparaître. Bruxelles : Labor, 1998.

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Findlay, M. W. Construction and testing of electrochemical NOb2s PSDs. Research Triangle Park, NC : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, 1989.

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Riekstin̦š, Jānis. Represijas pret latviešiem PSRS, 1937-1938 : Dokumenti. Rīga : Latvijas Valsts arhīvs, 2009.

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T, Hilda Caldera. Nacimiento del Partido Social Cristiano Nicaragüense (PSCN) : Nicaragua. [Managua] : Instituto Nicaragüense de Capacitación y Estudios Socio-Políticos, 1988.

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Rassial, Jean-Jacques. Pour en finir avec la guerre des psys. Paris : Albin Michel, 2010.

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Pacific Structural Steel Conference (4th 1995 Singapore). Structural steel : PSSC '95, 4th Pacific Structural Steel Conference. Oxford : Pergamon, 1995.

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Cottraux, Jean. Les visiteurs du soi : À quoi servent les psys ? Paris : Odile Jacob, 2004.

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Quevedo, Hugo Orlando. El I PSAS jubilado ? : Antecedentes históricos, evolución y crisis. La Rioja : Editorial Canguro, 1994.

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Conference on "Resurgent PSUs--Vibrant India--Competitive, Contemporary and Compliant" (2010 New Delhi, India). Resurgent PSUs, vibrant India : 16 November 2010, New Delhi. New Delhi : Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, 2010.

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Pascuet, Rafael. PSC (Reagrupament) : L'opció socialdemòcrata catalana (1974-1978). Barcelona : Fundació Rafael Campalans, 2011.

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La psychanalyse française en lutte : La guerre des psys continue. Paris : Harmattan, 2007.

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Das, Onita, et Aneaka Kellayv. Private Security Companies and Other Private Security Service Providers (PSCs) and Environmental Protection in Jus Post Bellum. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198784630.003.0014.

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A challenge to environmental protection and the jus post bellum framework is the rise in Private Security Companies and other Private Security Service Providers (PSCs). The marked increase in the outsourcing of vast amounts of operational and logistical work to PSCs have caused key issues around PSC oversight, regulation, and concern around civilian protection linked to environmental issues to arise. Using the Iraq (2003–11) and Afghanistan (2001–14) conflicts as examples, this chapter explores the growth of PSCs, their environmental performance, and reviews the adequacy of legal and policy frameworks that regulate PSCs to ensure the provision of adequate environmental protection as part of jus post bellum in order to contribute to sustainable peace. Areas of law explored include international humanitarian law, international human rights law, binding legislation and soft law specific to PSCs, contract litigation, corporate liability, state and non-state actor obligations in respect to PSCs, and shared responsibility.
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Kolbe, E., D. Kramer et J. Junker. Planning Seafood Cold Storage, 3rd edn. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.4027/pscs.2006.

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Gheciu, Alexandra. Contestation, Cooperation, and Competition in (Re)Defining European Security. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198813064.003.0004.

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Chapter 4 continues the exploration of practices of insertion of East European polities in the European field of security. Here, the focus is on the bigger picture of European security governance. Specifically, the chapter explores performances of security through which private security actors—including, increasingly, PSCs from former communist countries—seek to enhance their power and play more prominent roles in European security governance. In recent years, one of the most interesting developments in the European field of security has been the growing mobilization of the private security industry—especially within the framework of the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS)—in an effort to enhance its role in security governance and security provision.
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Moses, Jonathon W., et Bjørn Letnes. Commercial Frameworks. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198787174.003.0005.

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This chapter introduces some basic frameworks for securing the government take, that is, how to decide between different ownership, royalties, and tax systems. It begins with an overview of various contract types and fiscal regimes, before focusing on the particulars of the Norwegian framework. Subjects covered include the nature of different contracting arrangements (joint ventures, production sharing contracts (PSCs), service contracts, the principle of carrying, and so on), and the diverse fiscal instruments used to maximize the government’s share of the revenues (national oil company, taxes, royalties, fees, and so on). The latter part of the chapter describes how the Norwegian concessions framework has changed over time, from supporting nascent interests and attracting international oil companies to providing a more level and competitive playing field for all offshore actors.
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Christopher, Stork. Psys contre psys. Fleuve noir, 1986.

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Christopher, Stork. Psys contre psys. Fleuve noir, 1986.

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Gheciu, Alexandra. Between the Old and the New. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198813064.003.0005.

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Building upon the analysis of international developments in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 returns to recent developments in the national arenas of Bulgaria, Bosnia, Romania, and Serbia. The chapter examines the fluidity and complexity of the practices of performing security that have resulted from the insertion of those polities into the European field of security in combination with the persistence of some old actors, attitudes, and non-material resources. By examining how security is performed in the context of the intersection of European and global factors and actors with national players and local dynamics, the chapter seeks to give readers a better sense of what “glocalization” actually looks like in specific settings. The chapter shows that, in parallel to EU-level dynamics, in each of the four polities examined in the book PSCs cooperate with state officials, but also engage in practices of contestation over the “rules of the game” of security provision.
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1926-, Haber-Schaim Uri, dir. PSSC physics. 7e éd. Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt, 1991.

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1926-, Haber-Schaim Uri, dir. PSSC physics. 7e éd. Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt, 1991.

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Gheciu, Alexandra. Security Entrepreneurs. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198813064.001.0001.

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Résumé :
Focusing on four East European polities—Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania—this book examines the dynamics and implications of processes of commercialization of security that have occurred following the collapse of communist regimes. These processes have been central to post-communist liberalization, and have profoundly shaped those states and their integration into European institutional structures and global economic and political circuits. They have also affected—and been shaped by—the behavior and power of regional and global actors (e.g. European institutions, regional and global corporations) in Eastern Europe. By virtue of the fact that they combine in complex ways local, national, regional, and global dynamics and actors, processes of security commercialization in the former Eastern bloc can be seen as instances of “glocalization.” Several aspects of security commercialization are particularly important. To begin with, private actors—specifically private security companies (PSCs)—have been reconstituted as partial agents of public power. As such, they have come to be systematically involved in performing security practices traditionally associated with the state. In addition, a potent commercial logic has come to permeate public security institutions. This has led to redefinition of the relationship between the state and its population in ways that defy conventional wisdom about the role of the state, and pose difficult normative challenges. More broadly, processes of security commercialization in Eastern Europe, which involve important performative dimensions, have led to the emergence of complex, hybrid networks of security providers that transcend domestic/international, public/private boundaries and behave, in many ways, as entrepreneurs.
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India's top PSUs 2008. Mumbai : Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., 2008.

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India's top PSUs 2009. 2e éd. Mumbai : Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., 2009.

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Yashika, Singh, Arouje Sanketh et Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt Ltd., dir. India's top PSUs 2009. 2e éd. Mumbai : Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., 2009.

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Pssc physics : Teacher's guide. 7e éd. Kendall Hunt Pub Co, 1997.

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Laboratory Guide PSSC Physics. D C Heath & Co, 1986.

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Haber-Science. PSSC Physics : Apple software for diagnostic analysis of PSSC tests/Disk. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co, 1992.

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Psys, thérapeutes et autres sorciers. Editions VLB, 1998.

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(Editor), Eun-Kyung Suh, et Hyung Jae Lee (Editor), dir. PSS C (ISBLLED-2004) : PSS C Vol. 1 No. 10. Wiley-VCH, 2005.

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(Editor), Steve Binari, et Joan Redwing (Editor), dir. PSS C (IWN 2004) : PSS C Vol. 1 No. 13. John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

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PSCC : 13th power systems computation conference. 1999.

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Ben Soussan, Patrick. Des psys à l'hôpital : quels inconscients ! ERES, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/eres.benso.2005.01.

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Polish (Mod) NT & Pss. Amer Bible Society, 2001.

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Dinnen, Sinclair, et Stewart Firth, dir. Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands. ANU Press, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.22459/psbs.05.2008.

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Praktická štatistika. Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.26552/ps.s.2021.1.

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Premiers Secours, prévention et secours civiques, PSC1. ICONE GRAPHIC, 2012.

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Stoker, G. Beyond PSAs : The Case for 'forerunner' Councils. New Local Government Network, 2001.

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Jamis, Rauda. Ce qui me gêne avec les psys. Jean-Claude Lattès, 2003.

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Engineers, Institution Of Civil. The Professional Services Contract (Psc). 2e éd. Thomas Telford Ltd, 1998.

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Q Bk Sat:verbal Pss L. Price Stern Sloan, 1991.

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