Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Pregnancy Nutritional aspects »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Caridad I, Capó Alonso María. « Covid 19 and Pregnancy : Aspects Related to the Nutritional Level in Pregnant Women ». Diabetes & ; Obesity International Journal 7, no 4 (2022) : 1–5.
Texte intégralRizki P, Retno Inten, Rahayu Indriasari et Baharuddin Bahar. « Exploration of Nutritional Knowledge Aspects of Pregnant Adolescents in Javanese Ethnicity in Ponorogo Regency, East Java ». Journal La Medihealtico 1, no 6 (17 novembre 2020) : 38–47.
Texte intégralDwipayanti, Ni Made Utami, et Sang Gede Purnama. « Neglected Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Aspects in Preventing Childhood Stunting ». Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 10, no 2 (30 décembre 2022) : 108–10.
Texte intégralGimenes, Jessica Cristina, Carolina Ferreira Nicoletti, Marcela Augusta de Souza Pinhel, Bruno Affonso Parenti de Oliveira, Wilson Salgado Júnior, Júlio Sérgio Marchini et Carla Barbosa Nonino. « Pregnancy After Roux en Y Gastric Bypass : Nutritional and Biochemical Aspects ». Obesity Surgery 27, no 7 (19 janvier 2017) : 1815–21.
Texte intégralNiedbał, Zuzanna, Monika Zaborska, Weronika Ogonowska, Michał Jóźwiak et Urszula Michalik-Marcinkowska. « Selected Aspects of Nutritional Habits of Polish Women in the Preconception Period and During Pregnancy ». Journal of Health Study and Medicine 2023, no 1 (1 janvier 2023) : 443–57.
Texte intégralLoy, See Ling, Rachael Si Xuan Loo, Keith M. Godfrey, Yap-Seng Chong, Lynette Pei-Chi Shek, Kok Hian Tan, Mary Foong-Fong Chong, Jerry Kok Yen Chan et Fabian Yap. « Chrononutrition during Pregnancy : A Review on Maternal Night-Time Eating ». Nutrients 12, no 9 (11 septembre 2020) : 2783.
Texte intégralEsposito, Pasquale, Giacomo Garibotto, Daniela Picciotto, Francesca Costigliolo, Francesca Viazzi et Novella Evelina Conti. « Nutritional Challenges in Pregnant Women with Renal Diseases : Relevance to Fetal Outcomes ». Nutrients 12, no 3 (24 mars 2020) : 873.
Texte intégralZakharova, Irina N., Narine G. Sugian, Angelina A. Kosareva, Natalia V. German, Iana V. Orobinskaia et Viktoriya V. Pupykina. « Motherhood and infant feeding : Historical aspects and current practice : A review ». Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum, no 4 (18 janvier 2023) : 278–85.
Texte intégralBaraiya, A. K., K. P. Baraiya et S. H. Lakhani. « KNOWLEDGE OF HOUSEHOLD NUTRITIONAL PRACTICES AMONG FARM WOMEN IN JAMNAGAR DISTRICT OF GUJARAT ». Gujarat Journal of Extension Education 2022, no 1 (25 novembre 2022) : 173–77.
Texte intégralLemley, C. O., A. M. Meyer, T. L. Neville, D. M. Hallford, L. E. Camacho, K. R. Maddock-Carlin, T. A. Wilmoth et al. « Dietary selenium and nutritional plane alter specific aspects of maternal endocrine status during pregnancy and lactation ». Domestic Animal Endocrinology 46 (janvier 2014) : 1–11.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Klinger, Ingrid. « The nutritional status of pregnant women in relation to alcohol consumption during pregnancy, and pregnancy outcome ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Heavy alcohol consumption during pregnancy is teratogenic.49-51 A woman’s nutritional requirements increase during pregnancy.4 The dangers of heavy drinking in the presence of malnutrition may put the fetus at a further disadvantage to normal development and life. Objectives: To determine the nutritional status of pregnant women in relation to alcohol consumption during pregnancy, and pregnancy outcome. To relate the combined effect of maternal alcohol consumption and nutritional status to pregnancy outcome. Study design: Prospective, longitudinal and cohort. Study population: Pregnant women attending Hanover Park MOU for pre-natal care. They were classified as subjects (heavy drinkers) or controls (light drinkers or abstainers), and 15 pairs were matched according to race, parity and gestational age at the onset of their participation in the study. Methodology: A skilled FARR worker determined the alcohol consumption of the individuals through a validated questionnaire, whilst the investigator gathered the study data blinded to the participants’ alcohol consumption status. The investigator conducted three interviews with the pregnant individuals. Anthropometrical, clinical and biochemical investigations were done and questionnaires completed to determine dietary intake, sociodemographics, health and eating habits. An experienced FARR paediatrician examined the newborns, assessing their anthropometric status, health and the presence of any alcohol-related signs. Results: The nutritional status of the matched subjects and controls did not differ significantly in terms of dietary intake, anthropometric or clinical assessment. There were significant differences between the 2 groups’ serum vitamin A values (p<0.0097). Significant associations were found between the mother and newborn data; specifically energy intake and gestational age at birth (p<0.0083), MUAC and birth weight (p<0.04), and weight gain and weight for age (p<0.0056). The participants’ energy intake also had a significant correlation with their weight gain during pregnancy (r=0.0389, p<0.01). The prevalence of FAS in the total population was 6.67%; a finding that confirms previously reported data in nearby Wellington, Western Cape.49 Conclusion: Some mothers’ good nutritional status did not protect their offspring against alcohol’s teratogenic effects. Nutritional status did have a few statistical significant effects on pregnancy. However, the investigator is of the opinion that the few significant findings were not enough to accept or reject the hypothesis; therefore, making the results inconclusive.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Swaar alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap is teratogenies.49-51 Vroue se voedingsbehoeftes verhoog met swangerskap.4 Die gevare van swaar alkoholgebruik in die teenwoordigheid van wanvoeding mag die fetus verhoed om normal te ontwikkel en groei. Doelwitte: Om die voedingstatus van swanger vroue te bepaal in verhouding met alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap, en die swangerskapsuitkoms. Asook om die gekombineerde effek van die moeder se voedingstatus en alkoholgebruik op haar swangerskapsuitkoms te bepaal. Studie-ontwerp: Prospektief, longitudinaal en kohort. Studiepopulasie: Swanger vroue wat Hanover Park MOU besoek vir voorgeboorte sorg. Hulle is of as toetslinge (swaar drinkers) of as kontroles (ligte drinkers of geheelonthouers) geklassifiseer, en 15 pare is gepaar na aanleiding van ras, pariteit en gestasionele ouderdom by die aanvang van deelname aan die studie. Metodologie: ‘n Ervare SAVN lid het die individue se alkoholgebruik bepaal deur middel van ‘n gevalideerde vraelys. Die navorser was geblind vir die individue se alkoholgebruik. Die navorser het drie onderhoude gevoer met elke individu. Antropometriese, kliniese en biochemiese ondersoeke is gedoen. Vraelyste is voltooi om dieetinname, gesondheid, sosiodemografiese en eetgewoonte- inligting te versamel. ‘n Ervare SAVN pediater het alle pasgeborenes ondersoek om hulle antropometriese status, gesondheid en die teenwoordigheid van enige alkohol-verwante tekens te bepaal. Resultate: Die voedingstatus van die gepaarde toets-en kontrolegroepe het nie beduidend verskil in terme van dieetinname, antropometriese of kliniese evaluering nie. Daar was ‘n beduidende verskil tussen die 2 groepe se serum vitamien A vlakke (p<0.0097). Beduidende assosiasies is gevind tussen die moeder en pasgebore se data; naamlike tussen energie-inname en gestasionele ouderdom by geboorte (p<0.0083), bo-armomtrek en geboortegewig (p<0.0056), en gewigstoename tydens swangerskap en die baba se gewig vir ouderdom (p<0.0056). Die deelnemers se energie-inname het ook ‘n beduidende positiewe korrelasie met hul gewigstoename tydens swangerskap gehad (r=0.0389, p<0.01). Die prevalensie van FAS in die totale populasie was 6.67%; wat ook gevind is onlangs in die nabygeleë Wellington, Weskaap.49 Gevolgtrekking: Sommige moeders se goeie voedingstatus het nie hul kinders teen alkohol se teratogeniese effekte beskerm nie. Voedingstatus se effek op swangerskapsuitkoms was statisties beduidend in ‘n paar gevalle. Tog is die navorser van mening dat daar nie genoeg beduidende bewyse is om die nulhipotese te aanvaar of verwerp nie; dus is die gevolgtrekking onopgelos.
Lundqvist, Anette. « Nutritional aspects of behaviour and biology during pregnancy and postpartum ». Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Allmänmedicin, 2016.
Texte intégralBakgrund En välbalanserad näringsrik kost är viktig för den gravida kvinnan och det växande fostret, så även för deras framtida hälsa. En bristfällig kost kan utgöras av både överförbrukning av energirika livsmedel vilket kan leda till högre viktuppgång än vad som är hälsosamt och bristande intag av viktiga näringsämnen. Kostintag regleras av komplexa biologiska system där flera faktorer är inblandade däribland steroidhormonet allopregnanolon. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att under och efter graviditet beskriva kostintag, vitamin D-nivåer, kostinformation och kostförändringar och att studera allopregnanolons relation till viktökning. Metod Studie I var en kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer med 23 gravida kvinnor. Texten analyserades med innehållsanalys. Studie II var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie som genomfördes i tidig graviditet (n = 209) och med en grupp icke-gravida kvinnor (kontrollgrupp) (n=206). Självrapporterade kostdata från ett frågeformulär analyserades med beskrivande, jämförande statistik och en klusteranalysmodell (Partial Least Squares modellering). Studie III hade en kvantitativ longitudinell design. Vitamin D-koncentrationer analyserades hos 184 kvinnor, vid fem tillfällen under graviditeten och efter förlossningen. Beskrivande, jämförande statistik och en linjär mixad regressionsmodell användes. Studie IV var en kvantitativ longitudinell studie med 60 kvinnor. Koncentrationerna av allopregnanolon analyserades vid graviditetsvecka 12 och 35. Beskrivande och jämförande statistik samt Spearman’s korrelation användes för att beskriva samband mellan viktökning och koncentrationer av allopregnanolon. Resultat Intervjuerna i studie I visade att kvinnor ville veta mer om olika typer av mat för att minska en eventuell risk för sina barn men kostinformation var delvis upp till dem själva att ta reda på. De VIII uttryckte känslor av osäkerhet och skuld om de råkat äta något ”förbjudet”. Rekommendationerna följdes så väl som möjligt, tillsammans med sunt förnuft för att hantera kostförändringar. Huvudteman var ”Söka information på egen hand”, ”Få professionell rådgivning när problem uppstår”, ”Känna sig osäker” och ”Ta ansvar med en nypa salt”. I studie II kunde man se vissa skillnader i kostmönster bland de gravida kvinnorna jämfört med kontrollgruppen: mindre intag av grönsaker (47 g/dag), potatis/ris/pasta (31 g/dag), kött/fisk (24 g/dag) och alkohol och tobak/snus och ett högre intag av kosttillskott. Både gravida kvinnor och kontrollgruppen hade lägre intag av folsyra via kosten med 45 % (gravida) och 22 % (kontrollgruppen) än de gällande rekommendationer som är (500 resp 400 g/dag). I studie III såg man att inta et av vitamin D var 34 % lägre än rekommendationen på 10 µg/dag. Minst en tredjedel av deltagarna hade otillräckliga plasma nivåer av vitamin D, under 50 nmol/L. Årstid var en stark faktor som påverkar det longitudinella mönstret. Graviditetsvecka, säsong, totala energiintaget, intaget av vitamin D och multivitamintillskott under de senaste 14 dagarna var faktorer som relaterade till Dvitaminnivåer. I studie IV sågs ett samband mellan allopregnanolon-koncentrationer vid graviditetsvecka 35 och viktökning från vecka 12 till 35 (p = 0,016). Det sågs också ett samband mellan ökningen av allopregnanolon (vecka 12–35) och viktökningen (se ovan) (p = 0,028). Slutsatser Kostrekommendationer beskrevs som motsägelsefulla och förvirrande och kostråden de fick uppfattades som otillräckliga. Kvinnorna tog itu med sina kostförändringar och sökte information på egen hand men hade önskat mer omfattande råd från barnmorskan. Intaget av vitaminer viktiga för graviditeten var lägre än rekommendationerna, vilket också bekräftas av låga plasmanivåer av D-vitamin hos cirka en tredjedel av de gravida kvinnorna. D-vitaminnivåerna nådde en topp i slutet av graviditeten. Graviditetsvecka och säsong på året påverkade D vitaminnivåer, så även intag via mat och kosttillskott. Orsakertill viktökning är komplexa och beror på många faktorer. Allopregnanolon är en faktor som sågs relatera till viktökningen hos de undersökta gravida kvinnorna.
Patel, Dipti. « The effect of nutritional assessment and counseling of underweight pregnant women enrolled in nutrition intervention project (NIP) ». Thesis, This resource online, 1993.
Texte intégralCassettari, Maria Luiza [UNESP]. « Avaliação do estado nutricional de gestantes do município de Botucatu, quanto a macro e micro nutrientes em relação à renda no período de 1996-1998 ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2002.
Texte intégralA gravidez é uma fase do ciclo de vida em que a nutrição desempenha um papel muito importante, uma vez que esta influência o produto da concepção. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o estado nutricional de gestantes do município de Botucatu que se localiza na região centro sul do estado de São Paulo, distando aproximadamente 230km da Capital. A população é predominantemente urbana. Foram estudadas 496 gestantes com idade de 13-43 anos submetidas a entrevista para obtenção de dados socioeconômicos, demográficos e dietéticos, e coleta de sangue. Dentre as mulheres 83% eram brancas. 30,5% de adolescente, a renda mostrou que 69% estava abaixo da linha de pobreza, a escolaridade mostrou 63% era baixa, 79% casada, 25% eram fumantes, 41% eram primigestas e 12% apresentaram positividade para o exame parasitológico. As medianas para as variáveis antropométricas (percentagem de gestantes abaixo do ponto de corte) foram para: peso pré gestacional-56,0 kg;(20), peso gestacional-58,1 kg (15); estatura -158 cm(9), índice de massa corpórea pré gestacional-22,0 kg/m2 (18,7), circunferência do braço-270 mm (8,0), prega tricipital-8,6 mm (4,0).O IMC, ainda detectou 17,5% acima da normalidade. O ganho de peso semanal foi 180 g, mostrando valores maiores nas gestantes com IMC abaixo da normalidade. As medianas da ingestão de nutrientes (percentagem de gestantes que ingerem menos que 100% do RDA) foram para : energia 2186 Kcal (73), proteína 64,5 g (42), vitamina A 647,6 mg (56), a tocoferol 4,3 mg (100), vitamina C 106,0 mg (30) e ferro 11,0 mg (99). Os exames bioquímicos mostraram as medianas (percentagem abaixo do ponto de corte): hemoglobina 13,0 g/dL (3),ferro 92mg/dL (13), saturação da transferrina...
Pregnancy is a life cycle where nutrition plays an important role once it influences the product of conception. This study aimed to describe nutritional status of pregnant women in Botucatu located in the southern part of the State of São Paulo, 230 km far from the capital (São Paulo City). Population is predominantly an urban one. Pregnant women (496) between 13 and 43 years old were studied and subjected to interviews to obtain social, economic, demographic, dietetic data a well as blood sampling. Within the women 83% were white, 30.5% adolescents and the income showed that 69% were down poverty line, education was low 63%; 79% were married, 25% were smokers, 41% were pregnant for the first time, and 12% were positive for parasitological exam. Medians and anthropometric variables (percentage of pregnant women below cut point) were: pre-gestational weight – 56.0 kg (20) gestational weight - 58.1 kg (15) height 158 cm (9) ; pre-gestational body mass index 22.0 kg/m2 (15.o); arm circumference 270 mm (8.0); tricipital fold 18.6 mm (4.0) . BMI also detected 15.5% above normality. Weekly weight gain was 180g, with higher values on below normal BMI pregnant women. Nutrients intake medians (percentage of pregnant women who intake less than 100 % of RDA) was: energy 2186 Kcal (73), protein 64.5g (42) , vitamin A (56), a- tocopherol 4.3 mg (100), vitamin C 106.0 mg (30) and iron 11.0 mg (99). Biochemical examinations showed medians (percentage below cut point) : hemoglobin 13.0 g/dL (3), iron 92 μ/dL (13), transferrin saturation 30.0% (8), ferritine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Mannion, Cynthia. « The prevalence and effects of dairy product restriction during pregnancy and lactation on maternal dietary adequacy and infant birthweight / ». Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=84291.
Texte intégralJohansson, Madelene. « Analytical and nutritional aspects of folate in cereals / ». Uppsala : Dept. of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2005.
Texte intégralKroskey, Diane Lynn. « Factors affecting the nutritional status of pregnant women ». Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1989.
Texte intégralCassettari, Maria Luiza. « Avaliação do estado nutricional de gestantes do município de Botucatu, quanto a macro e micro nutrientes em relação à renda no período de 1996-1998 / ». Botucatu : [s.n.], 2002.
Texte intégralResumo: A gravidez é uma fase do ciclo de vida em que a nutrição desempenha um papel muito importante, uma vez que esta influência o produto da concepção. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o estado nutricional de gestantes do município de Botucatu que se localiza na região centro sul do estado de São Paulo, distando aproximadamente 230km da Capital. A população é predominantemente urbana. Foram estudadas 496 gestantes com idade de 13-43 anos submetidas a entrevista para obtenção de dados socioeconômicos, demográficos e dietéticos, e coleta de sangue. Dentre as mulheres 83% eram brancas. 30,5% de adolescente, a renda mostrou que 69% estava abaixo da linha de pobreza, a escolaridade mostrou 63% era baixa, 79% casada, 25% eram fumantes, 41% eram primigestas e 12% apresentaram positividade para o exame parasitológico. As medianas para as variáveis antropométricas (percentagem de gestantes abaixo do ponto de corte) foram para: peso pré gestacional-56,0 kg;(20), peso gestacional-58,1 kg (15); estatura -158 cm(9), índice de massa corpórea pré gestacional-22,0 kg/m2 (18,7), circunferência do braço-270 mm (8,0), prega tricipital-8,6 mm (4,0).O IMC, ainda detectou 17,5% acima da normalidade. O ganho de peso semanal foi 180 g, mostrando valores maiores nas gestantes com IMC abaixo da normalidade. As medianas da ingestão de nutrientes (percentagem de gestantes que ingerem menos que 100% do RDA) foram para : energia 2186 Kcal (73), proteína 64,5 g (42), vitamina A 647,6 mg (56), a tocoferol 4,3 mg (100), vitamina C 106,0 mg (30) e ferro 11,0 mg (99). Os exames bioquímicos mostraram as medianas (percentagem abaixo do ponto de corte): hemoglobina 13,0 g/dL (3),ferro 92mg/dL (13), saturação da transferrina... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Pregnancy is a life cycle where nutrition plays an important role once it influences the product of conception. This study aimed to describe nutritional status of pregnant women in Botucatu located in the southern part of the State of São Paulo, 230 km far from the capital (São Paulo City). Population is predominantly an urban one. Pregnant women (496) between 13 and 43 years old were studied and subjected to interviews to obtain social, economic, demographic, dietetic data a well as blood sampling. Within the women 83% were white, 30.5% adolescents and the income showed that 69% were down poverty line, education was low 63%; 79% were married, 25% were smokers, 41% were pregnant for the first time, and 12% were positive for parasitological exam. Medians and anthropometric variables (percentage of pregnant women below cut point) were: pre-gestational weight - 56.0 kg (20) gestational weight - 58.1 kg (15) height 158 cm (9) ; pre-gestational body mass index 22.0 kg/m2 (15.o); arm circumference 270 mm (8.0); tricipital fold 18.6 mm (4.0) . BMI also detected 15.5% above normality. Weekly weight gain was 180g, with higher values on below normal BMI pregnant women. Nutrients intake medians (percentage of pregnant women who intake less than 100 % of RDA) was: energy 2186 Kcal (73), protein 64.5g (42) , vitamin A (56), a- tocopherol 4.3 mg (100), vitamin C 106.0 mg (30) and iron 11.0 mg (99). Biochemical examinations showed medians (percentage below cut point) : hemoglobin 13.0 g/dL (3), iron 92 μ/dL (13), transferrin saturation 30.0% (8), ferritine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Tucker, Margaret Anne-Marie Kofa Jah. « The effect of nutritional status of women on the outcome of pregnancy in Sierra Leone, west Africa ». Virtual Press, 1989.
Texte intégralDepartment of Home Economics
Muscati, Siham K. (Siham Khalili). « The combined effect of nutritional factors on infant birth weight in teenage pregnancies / ». Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=66263.
Texte intégralLivres sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Ricciotti, Hope. The pregnancy cookbook. New York : W.W. Norton, 1996.
Trouver le texte intégral(Canada), Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Nutrition. Nutrition in pregnancy : National guidelines. [Ottawa] : The Subcommittee, 1987.
Trouver le texte intégralCanada. Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Nutrition. et Canada Health and Welfare, dir. Nutrition in pregnancy : National guidelines. [Ottawa] : Health and Welfare Canada, 1987.
Trouver le texte intégralRiley, Laura. Healthy eating during pregnancy. Des Moines : Meredith Books, 2006.
Trouver le texte intégralS, Raff Beverly, et Dickman Florence, dir. Nutrition and pregnancy. White Plains, N.Y : March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 1986.
Trouver le texte intégralHolford, Patrick. The perfect pregnancy cookbook : Boost fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy with optimum nutrition. London : Piatkus, 2010.
Trouver le texte intégralSonberg, Lynn. The quick & easy nutrition counter for pregnancy. New York : Avon Books, 1994.
Trouver le texte intégralAlton, Irene R. Guidelines for nutrition care during pregnancy. Chicago, Ill : Dept. of Health and Human Services, U.S. Public Health Service, Region V, 1990.
Trouver le texte intégralNicola, Graimes, dir. Feel-good food for pregnancy. London : Ryland Peters & Small, 2008.
Trouver le texte intégralD'Adamo, Peter. Pitaĭtesʹ pravilʹno radi svoego rebënka. Minsk : Popurri, 2004.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Spedding, Sally, Joan Wilson, Sarah Wright et Alan Jackson. « Nutrition for pregnancy and lactation ». Dans Aspects of Midwifery Practice, 1–23. London : Macmillan Education UK, 1995.
Texte intégralKant, Aastha, et Avishek Hazra. « Bridge Over Troubled Waters : Women-led Response to Maternal and Child Health Services in India Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic ». Dans Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media, 63–83. Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Texte intégralAnderson, Annie S. « Pre-pregnancy, Pregnancy, and Lactation ». Dans Essentials of Human Nutrition. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Texte intégral« Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Lactation ». Dans Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, 310–31. CRC Press, 2011.
Texte intégral« Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Lactation ». Dans Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, Revised and Expanded. CRC Press, 2003.
Texte intégralPerry, Ivan J. « Fetal growth and development : the role of nutrition and other factors ». Dans A Life Course Approach to Chronic Disease Epidemiology, 145–68. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1997.
Texte intégralSantangelo, Carmela, et Roberta Masella. « “Molecular aspects of dietary polyphenols in pregnancy” ». Dans Molecular Nutrition : Mother and Infant, 233–64. Elsevier, 2021.
Texte intégral« Cellular metabolism ». Dans Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences, sous la direction de Robert Wilkins, Ian Megson et David Meredith, 105–94. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Texte intégralJoseph, K. S., et Michael Kramer. « Should we intervene to improve fetal growth ? » Dans A Life Course Approach to Chronic Disease Epidemiology, 277–95. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1997.
Texte intégralGhosh, Ajoy, Baishakhi Saha et Arindam Bhowmik. « ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATION IN LIVESTOCK ». Dans Futuristic Trends in Biotechnology Volume 3 Book 15, 44–49. Iterative International Publishers, Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd, 2024.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Jin, Xingyi. « DOES REVERSE CAUSALITY EXPLAIN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIET AND DEPRESSION?—POSSIBLY RELATED TO DIET'S SUBJECTIVE BEHAVIOR ». Dans London International Conference on Research in Life-Science & Healthcare, 19-20 June 2024. Global Research & Development Services, 2024.
Texte intégralSugut, Ednah Cherotich. « To Determine Factors Affecting Dietary Practices and Nutritional Status of Pregnant Adolescent Age 13-18 Years in Ol’lessos Village. » Dans 3rd International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference. KENYA NUTRITIONISTS AND DIETICIANS INSTITUTE, 2023.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Pregnancy Nutritional aspects"
Sukenik, Assaf, Paul Roessler et John Ohlrogge. Biochemical and Physiological Regulation of Lipid Synthesis in Unicellular Algae with Special Emphasis on W-3 Very Long Chain Lipids. United States Department of Agriculture, janvier 1995.
Texte intégral