Thèses sur le sujet « Pratiques de travail »
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Verdière, Juliette. « Les pratiques d'évaluation du travail d'enseignement ». Lille 1, 2001.
Texte intégralPellissier, Tanon Arnaud. « Prudence et division du travail : analyses théoriques et pratiques d'entreprises ». Aix-Marseille 3, 1997.
Texte intégralPrudence and division of labour being taken as the subject of research, the dissertation applies itself to describe how the practical reason which underlies the specialisation and coordination of labour are exercised, and to analyse the consequences of this exercise on this specialisation and this coordination. Thus, it analyses work as an action underlain by the exercise of prudence and, considering that any divided work is underlain by a divided prudence, it describes this division of prudence : imagination is a distinctive quality of the work producer, vigilance, a distinctive quality of the user, both exercising their foresight. The dissertation also analyses the consequences of the interaction of these different forms of prudence on the division of labour : the specialisation and the coordination of any work come from an unusual exercise of the imagination and of the vigilance underlying this work, leaving imagination to the one who becomes it producer and vigilance to the other who becomes it user, provided that, sharing the same experience, their foresights coincide. Furthermore, the dissertation points out how some management practices can affect the division of labour especially, by the effect of the foresight tacit in the community of experience that the firms are, the strategic management of abilities or, more precisely, the balance of abilities, and, by the effect of the specialists' imagination, the total quality management or, more precisely, taking stock of experience
Ben, Salah Wided. « Contrats incitatifs, pratiques organisationnelles, TIC et productivité du travail ». Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2009.
Texte intégralBen, Salah Wided. « Contrats incitatifs, pratiques organisationnelles, TIC et productivité du travail ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris Est, 2009.
Texte intégralOur work has tried to identify some elements which may have an effect on labor productivity, among which the incentive contracts, the information and communication’s technologies (ICT) and the organizational practices. We took into account the presence of asymmetric information, susceptible to influence the employment relationships and the firm’s choices concerning the organizational practices or the introduction of ICT. The dissertation is divided into two parts: the first one considers the optimal incentive contracts as well as the effect of various remuneration systems on labor productivity. The second part is devoted to the introduction of ICT and the organizational practices. The empirical results drawn from the first part show that the remuneration’s effect on productivity depends on the adopted type of payment and on the social and occupational group of the beneficiaries. They also indicate that the length of the employment’s contract and the rate of short term debts have an effect on productivity. The results obtained within the framework of the second part of the dissertation show that the employees needed some time to adapt, between 1998 and 1999, before the positive effects of the ICT and organizational practices could appear on their productivity. However given the delays of human capital’s accumulation, the effect on labor productivity of various ICT and organizational practices occurred more quickly in 2004. Finally, we showed that the productivity increases more if the company chooses to undertake both changes at the same time
Elebe, ma Sabato Sandra. « Esclavage moderne : le droit et les pratiques ». Paris 1, 2006.
Texte intégralBien-Aimé, Paul-Antoine. « Les pratiques du travail social entre dépossession et réappropriation, défense et illustration d'une forme de travail ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Texte intégralLe, Bail Anne. « La sous-traitance à l'épreuve du droit du travail ». Paris 10, 1986.
Texte intégralChikhaoui, Mounir. « Pratiques et conditions d'emploi en Tunisie ». Paris 7, 1993.
Texte intégralThe divided structure of the job market seems to be an encounter of the policies pr social patners. The state, with its differentiated modes of interventions, anticipates two types of employment : permanent and temporary. Only the former is subject to regulation. The fixed duration employment contract (contrat a duree determinee or C. D. D. ) is provided for but not regulated. Legislation has not provided for cases of restrictive recourse to C. D. D. Differing employment practices correspond to this institutional cacuum. The C. D. D. Is like an empty shell : it is a multi-purpose instrument for personnel management, and its use corresponds to different types of needs. Trade unions contribute in a passive manner to this development through their lack of action on the legel framework regulating employment. Thus, certain stakes such as law, employment and union rights are left to the state and employers
Ollier-Malaterre, Ariane. « Gérer le hors-travail ? : Pertinence et efficacité des pratiques d'harmonisation travail-hors-travail, aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en France ». Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2007.
Texte intégralLes employeurs français adoptent peu de pratiques d'harmonisation, comparés à leurs homologues américains et britanniques : sur la base d'entretiens approfondis avec 44 DRH, représentants des salariés et prestataires de service en France, je mets en lumière les effets sociétaux qui aboutissent à la moindre demande des salariés et à la moindre appétence des employeurs français pour ces pratiques.
Aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Uni, j'étudie les effets des pratiques d'harmonisation sur la relation Individu/Organisation (RIO), par une étude de cas chez GlaxoSmithKline (enquête sur 5160 salariés, 73 entretiens approfondis, observation participante). Il en ressort que l'équilibre travail - hors-travail n'est ni un pré-requis universel, ni une garantie de l'implication. Les pratiques d'harmonisation ont des effets majoritairement bénéfiques sur la RIO, au-delà de leurs seuls utilisateurs : elles créent de la loyauté, de la fierté, sont perçues comme un avantage, ou utilisées comme outil de management. Mais elles peuvent être délétères, créant de la déception ou une obligation de rester. Certains salariés y sont indifférents. Un modèle, ainsi qu'un arbre de décision, détaillent les facteurs importants pour recueillir les bénéfices de ces pratiques et en éviter les effets pervers.
Fardoux, Olivier. « Le droit social a l'epreuve de l'exteriorisation de l'emploi ». Lille 2, 1997.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to specify the reaction of social law in the face of the phenomena of the exteriorisation of labour. The first difficulty is defining the limits of the object of study. Thus, in the first part, we specify the means of exteriorisation of labour and we endeavour to trace border between the legal and the illegal in the matter. The exteriorisation of labour is characterized by the use of legal methods which allow a person to benefit from the work of another without being subjected to an employer's liabilities. It is the case for a salaried worker being seconded by his employer to work for another person or company, but also for the salaried worker of a firm selling services to a client which himself benefits from the worker's labour. Also within this framework are those employees of companies belonging to the same group : whether they are mobile or not, their labour benefits the holders of economic power within the group, who can rarely be described as employers. Finally, the so-called independant worker is sometimes the victim of a policy of exteriorisation of labour, when he can be considered as a salaried rather than a true independant worker. From the first part , we are forced to deduce that the phenomena of the exteriorisation of labour are not marginal and in fact appear mostly to be perfectly legal. Therefore it is necessary, in the second part, to clarify the consequences of the exteriorisation of labour, which allows us to determine the inadequacies of social law when elaborating a judicial system which would take into account the characteristics which arise from this exteriorisation
Lespinet-Moret, Isabelle. « Théories et pratiques républicaines de la réforme sociale : l'Office du travail : 1891-1914 ». Paris 10, 1997.
Texte intégralChartier, Jacky. « Développement de pratiques collaboratives à distance en ingénierie de produit ». Grenoble INPG, 2007.
Texte intégralOur contribution positions remotely within the framework of the study of collaborative desig synchronous activities. With the aim of analysing and modelling the activity structure of the desing process, we used two design situations : experimental and industrial within VOLVO Group. According to various scientific fields, from activity theory to communication model, we model the design process like a course of a whole set of activities thus allow the description of the dynamics of a given design process. These activities represent a kind of elementary components of the design process that are rearranged in any single design situation. Then, we draw attention the emergence of the concept of aside and we are interested in an asynchronous activity carried out into synchronous : the realization of the minute of the meeting containing the main conclusions. Would the objective be then, as prospects, to determine which activities the collaborative working tools must support remotely ?
Dupont, Guillaume. « La justice sociale au travail : les institutions, les pratiques et les normes ». Rouen, 2007.
Texte intégralHow could labour protection and freedom of trade be combined? How should we deal with the diversity of local contexts in an era of globalization? Such questions, which confront political and business decision makers, lead to the problem of how social justice can be implemented. Studying "social justice at work" means analyzing the principles of autonomy and human dignity through the process of the institutionalization of labour: our subject here is the relationship between social norms, social practices and institutions, and our method is a critical, empirical, and interdisciplinary one. This approach should enable us to address decisive questions which are usually left aside in the theoretical debate between liberalism, marxism, communitarianism and republicanism. Studying "social justice at work" also means studying how social justice challenges the coherence of some of the most robust theories in contemporary political philosophy
Chakor, Tarik. « Les pratiques des consultants dans la gestion des risques psychosociaux au travail ». Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, 2013.
Texte intégralObajtek, Sylvain. « L'orientation active à l'université : mystification pédagogique ou travail éducatif ? : acteurs, représentations, pratiques ». Thesis, Lille 3, 2014.
Texte intégralUniversities today are situated at the center of an emerging social imperative - considered vital and necessary - to effectively prepare individuals for entry into the job market with the capacities to respond to the fluctuating needs of evolving economies. Brought about by globalization and the Council of the European Union’s call for strengthening "Europe's competitiveness in a global knowledge economy" (2007), these transformations crystallized in France through the law, LRU (2007) detailed in the Plan License (PRL, 2007). This law mandated the following three principal axes: Universities shall prioritize student career guidance and professional development (as well as training and scientific research); criteria to measure and evaluate graduate employability shall be developed; and, at least half of each graduating class must meet the qualifications required for a higher education diploma. In light of these developments, this research is interested in the study of academic orientation, and more precisely questions surrounding the implementation, reception and appropriation of these policies by the full range of University orientation professionals. This research is subsequently concerned with the introduction of "active guidance" at the University level. It is within this space of experimentation and construction that inherent tensions foreground a polarization between what is described as "Educational Work" and "Pedagogical Mystification". This research will thus examine how teacher-researcherengagement unfolds at the center of a paradigm shift to cultivate creative tensions between social utility and professional development
Goguel, d'Allondans Thierry. « Le Travailleur social comme passeur : procès anthropologiques et pratiques du travail social ». Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Texte intégralThe "ferryman" metaphor has been widely used to characterize what the social worker performs. But the assistance relations he (or she) is engaged in have undergone, since the seventies, tremendous changes due to the various trends of social policies. .
Kilic, Sinem. « Analyse des perceptions d'équilibre travail-hors-travail et leurs effets sur la satisfaction au travail et l'intention de recours aux pratiques d'harmonisation en France ». Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Texte intégralThe balance between personal and professional life is a recurring theme in our societies as well as the spillover phenomena, as well work on the personal life and the personal life on work, were seized by HR managers. As such, operational solutions have been proposed through, the researchers admit that family-friendly practices auch as flexible hours, childcare services on site, company conciergeries etc. However, these practices being relatively undeveloped in France so we can ask on which basis can they be implemented, and especially what their real role on employees’ work-life balance? This question requires an examination of perceptions of work-life balance and its possible effects on job satisfaction. A research model integrating perceptions of work-life balance, intentions to use harmonization practices, and job satisfaction, we. proposed. ln support of an empirical study on two samples of 210 and 224 French employees in the private sector, we have shown that these practices are considered as a real measure supporting work-life balance, and may be, in this sense, a lever for job satisfaction. It also appears that these practices and balance itself are subject to different assessments according to employees' profiles, and finally, while the these practices are in favor of work-life balance, the work-life balance may be a determinant of job satisfaction
Saunier, Jean-Marie. « Contribution à l'analyse des pratiques de recrutement : du marché aux espaces de qualification ». Paris 1, 1993.
Texte intégralThe thesis is divided in two parts. The first part presents the standard paradigm and its consequences on the hiring process. The chapter one is a survey and shows the growing complexity of this corpus with the integration of internal labor markets. A second chapter analyzes the results of CEREQ's insertion enquete (concer-ning the young graduate people between 1984 and 1987). The second part is built on the same way : one chapter proposes a theory inspired by l. Boltanski and l. Thevenot in "les economies de la grandeur" where there is a lot of spaces in which applicants are "qualified", "reputed". The reality can be analyze thanks to for "natural" spaces (the market, the industrial, the civic and the domestic spaces). This theory is used in the fourth chapter in order to analyze the results of seven monographs. Conclusive remarks labor market regulations are proposed
Vincent, Mylène. « Quelle place pour l'écoute en travail social ? : une analyse écosystémique des pratiques d'écoute ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Texte intégralLam, Abdoulaye Elhousseinou. « Les pratiques informelles en Afrique sub-saharienne : contribution à une théorie juridique de l'informel ». Perpignan, 2006.
Texte intégralParent, Fanny. « Gouverner le bien être : travail des normes et mobilisations autour des pratiques professionnelles de la médecine chinoise en France ». Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2017.
Texte intégralThis thesis analyses the power struggles and the rivalries surrounding the different practices of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, massage, pharmacopoeia, dietetics, qi gong). It examines how various professionals (from medical doctors to physiotherapists among others) struggle over the recognition, legitimation and hence institutionalization of their knowledge, trade and work tools. In order to distance ourselves from the way these actors frame their activity, we focus on the formation of a job market around Chinese medicine and the ways it has been gradually regulated over the years in a general context marked by the emergence of a government of wellness. Using a cross-disciplinary approach ranging from the sociology of health, work, professions and regulation to political science, we question the medical, political and social construction of health as a social problem. The first part of this dissertation analyses the appropriations of the different practices of Chinese medicine in France: first, we explore how a professional jurisdiction around acupuncture has gradually been created by medical doctors (Abbott, 1988); then, we look at its reclassification process as a well-being practice and forethought norm. The second part of the dissertation focuses on how practitioners engage in an unequally-regulated job market which is “under construction” and segmented in two fields: the one of medical professions and the one of independent workers excluded from thoseprofessions. The last part of the dissertation argues that the institutionalization and professional dynamics – the active work that professionals have to invest to maintain the boundaries – have to do with the practitioners’ involvement in associations, unions and political parties in separate but linked ecologies (Abbott, 2003)
BERNADET, ANNE CLAIRE. « Contribution des pratiques de toilettage a l'amelioration de la qualite du fonctionnement des organisations ». Lyon 2, 1997.
Texte intégralThis thesis questions the daily functioning of organizations, and the ways to prevent its degradation. A firm which shows no reaction to its external and internal environment will meet with degradations of its internal order. This can lead, for example, to inadequate individual behaviors, or malajusted strategies. In the socio-economical theory of organizations, degradations are named dysfonctionments, and their financial consequences, hidden costs, affect their social and economical performances. Many authors have used the concepts of order and entropy in physics to describe the management of firms. This thesis considers a firm as a living system. This research insists on the analogy with the life sciences. These works of research try to understand how the internal order, which links different parts of an organization, can be deteriorated. It is also an attemp at understanding how degradations may appear, and how actors of firms should try to increase their reactivity and vigilance in order to manage efficiently the evolutions in their firms. The activ concept of management, called "toilettage" (or cleaning practices) considers a more global and continuous kind of change to achieve such a goal. Periodical revision allows the firm to acquire reflexes of structuration and order, thanks to flexible tools and methods of management, aiming to soft and regular change. This thesis identifies six kinds of degradation in firms, which appear on six elements characterizing an action in its globality. It puts forward the establishment to found a "toilettage" activity in firms, thanks to a system of periodical revision, and to the organization and piloting "cleaning" actions. This "toilettage" cleaning concept should be used at all levels in the firm : operationnal and political, as well as strategical levels. The periodical review of functions in a firm contributes to maintain a stability of functioning, and also to censure its survival in the long run
Rainville-Lajoie, Marie-Christine. « Élaboration et validation d'un instrument de mesure des pratiques de reconnaissance informelle au travail ». Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011.
Texte intégralLanglois, Sophie. « Les valeurs individuelles dans l'appréciation des diverses pratiques de reconnaissance non-monétaire au travail ». Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Texte intégralLan, Hing Ting karine. « La délocalisation en action : une analyse des pratiques situées du travail en centres d'appels ». Paris, Télécom ParisTech, 2010.
Texte intégralServing as an interface between the organization and customers/users, call centers are now present in all spheres of economic activity. In order to reduce costs and gain efficiency, this activity is, increasingly, outsourced and offshored. One destination for offshoring is Mauritius, where I conducted my field work and collected video data in two call centers. The sociological analysis presented in this thesis has focused on actual call center work, with a naturalistic and situated approach and from a communicational perspective, inspired by conversation analysis and linguistics. Firstly, it appears that despite a certain degree of repetitiveness and while "talking on the phone" is the main activity of the call centre agent, "work" consists of a series of complex actions, characterized by multi-activity. Collaboration between colleagues – which is often mediated technologically and finely coordinated - is dominating. Then, in a context of "globalization of call center activities ", analyzes show how distance (geographical and cultural) and otherness are managed conversationally. It appears that the distance is not simply "masked"; its invisibility is achieved, that is, made transparent and non-relevant for the task at hand and for the customer. Mutual understanding between Mauritian call center agent and French customer is established and maintained, enabling the efficient delivery of service, sequentially organized around the service request and its delivery
Babin, Marie-Julie. « Les équipes de travail au collégial : analyse des pratiques en gestion de conflits intragroupes ». Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Texte intégralMenchi, Patrick. « Enjeux liés à la visibilité du travail social : genèse d'un rapport : savoirs et pratiques ». Toulouse 2, 1992.
Texte intégralProfessions dealing with social work convey the image of a quasi "natural" existence, like the evident spontaneity with which individuals would at any time help the destitute. The evolution of the constitutive elements of such a "rule" draw a scheme (a figure) of the individual's relationship to the social field which is accounted for by a discourse that has become dominant because of its ability to deal with conversion phenomena (religious-philanthropic-scientificpolitical-economical ones. . . ). Being its legitimate bearer is becoming the structuring challenge of specialised professions, which is their turn are getting to structure social work
Blondet, Vanessa. « Les pratiques sédatives en unités de soins palliatifs, entre travail du care et négociation ». Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019.
Texte intégralWhat are the different type of sedation in palliative care units ? How caregivers, patients and relatives negociate any kind of sedation ? What are uses of Midazolam and its negociation saying about the work in palliative care units in France ? This thesis is based on a qualitative survey, conducted among four palliative care structures. The work is based on direct and undirect observations, tracking Midazolam doses progression for 42 patients, and sixty semi-structured interviews. Materials analysis show eight Midazolam uses and among them, five sedations types. Semi-structured interviews show that palliative care work seek notably end of life (re)socialisation. Yet, there is a contradiction between this goal and the implementation of continuous deep sedation until death. Therefore, caregivers sometimes prefer a more progressive form of sedation
Medzeghe, M'Obame Rudolphe. « Représentations du temps et pratiques du travail salarié au Gabon de 1960 à 2016 ». Thesis, Pau, 2016.
Texte intégralThe goal of this thesis we are presenting is to contribute to the understanding of the link that exists in Gabon between time representations and practices of work. For everyone, these representations thrive not only on the interraction with direct environment, on the basis of which the action's construction is affected. But they also thrive on a collective layout of norms, values and principles proper to a social group. We have got down to find the resulting effects of time representations on practices of wage-earning work, that's to say, work done by someone in exchange for a salary. Indeed, since 1960 gabonese public administration is ruled by a "judeo-christian and capitalist" time according to Rossatanga-Rignault's catchphrase, implanted by the former colonial power. The issue of our research is to examine in 2016 this time-related functioning in order to certify if it includes or not specific collective representations to Gabonese society and time-related experience of the local agents
St-Hilaire, France. « Les pratiques de gestion et de travail en lien avec la santé psychologique au travail : Une étude exploratoire par approche méthodologique mixte ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Texte intégralMorlet, Gilbert. « L'analyse des compétences mises en oeuvre par des opérateurs illettrés en situation de travail ». Nancy 2, 2005.
Texte intégralAfter studying the linguistic skills of a hundred people positioned in a situation of illiteracy, I focused on the analysis of the technical, cognitive, social and linguistic skills implemented by ten illiterate operators at work. I observed them in secondary and tertiary sectors firms, then I collected their accounts and analysed the written documents found at their work stations. These data made it possible for me to analyse the level of demand at their stations as well as the gaps with what they actually implement to meet it. A beneficial result these gaps reveal is the ability to go beyond the required task ; as for a negative one, they reveal the avoidance action related to the difficulties these operators meet to deal with the written language. Eventually I proposed some training ideas stemming from what these operators did to deal with the working situations they met
Morlet, Gilbert Higelé Pierre. « L'analyse des compétences mises en oeuvre par des opérateurs illettrés en situation de travail ». Nancy : Université Nancy 2, 2005.
Texte intégralLehouck-Puissant, Laurence. « Evolution des systèmes productifs et intérim cadre-professions intermédiaires : enjeux et stratégies des acteurs face à de nouvelles pratiques de travail et d'emploi ». Rouen, 2003.
Texte intégralThis enquiry studies the birth and the development of high level temporary workers (professionals). The aimis the explanation of the conditions of emergency and developement of this new way of working. The objective is to show all actors concerned act to create a development of temporary work and how they regulate this specific employment market. The hypothesis is that organisational transformation of the firms leads to create high level temporary work. Actually enterprises employ so much high level temporary workers that temporary compagnies decided to get this new market ; to succeed they changed their structures to adapt themselves to this new market. The observations demonstrate that organisations develop a supplementary level of rationalisation and externalisation. This study shows how bad conditions of the employment market create new norms about work concerning professionals
Boutanquoi, Michel. « Pratiques, représentations sociales, évaluation : logiques individuelles et collectives autour de la relation d'aide ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Franche-Comté, 2009.
Texte intégralChatigny, Céline. « La construction de ressources opératoires : contribution à la conception des conditions de formation en situation de travail ». Paris, CNAM, 2001.
Texte intégralPaganelli, Céline. « Une approche infocommunicationnelle des activités informationnelles en contexte de travail : Acteurs, pratiques et logiques sociales ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Texte intégralLefebvre, Rébecca. « La santé psychologique au travail des gestionnaires de premier niveau : identification des pratiques des gestionnaires intermédiaires ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013.
Texte intégralGaignard, Lise. « Incidences de la psychodynamique du travail sur la pratique analytique ». Paris, CNAM, 2002.
Texte intégralNon communiqué
Robaa, Guillaume. « Le décalage entre la communication sociétale et les pratiques de l'entreprise : le cas de l'intérim ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2015.
Texte intégralThe temporary employment sector has greatly democratized in recent decades and generates numerous negative externalities for civil society. Indeed, the temporary employment sector is a source of social vulnerability for the temporary workers, in a society where individuals are socially integrated through their jobs. The temporary employment sector contributes in the precarious of life and work conditions, relegation and social exclusion. To limit these social deviations and internalize societal issues, the temporary work companies (TWC) are encouraged, through extra-financial reporting, to engage in CSR. The TWC value their commitment through a voluntary social communication, which is based in particular on the production of a CSR/Sustainable Development report. The societal communication vehicle commitments by TWC to protect the temporary workers’s interests. The objectives of social communication are numerous : improve the image and the reputation, promote self-regulation activities, allowing continuous access to temporary resources, reduce supervision activities by public authorities, legitimize the existence of ETT despite these negative externalities, generate positive attitudes of stakeholders, contribute to the overall performance and reduce hidden costs due to the staff turnover. The CSR commitment must be deployed within the TWC and arouse the collective membership of the internal stakeholders. However, the academic literature on the CSR commitment in the temporary employment sector is a gap between social communication and the actual practices of TWC. In contrast, this gap causes the opposite effect and generates negative attitudes of stakeholders towards TWC. Given these challenges, the lack of information in the academic literature and the lack of empirical studies on the gap between social communication and the actual practices of TWC led us to formulate our overall research problem. Our research aim to make significant contributions in this emerging area of research
Sautereau, Laurent. « Les dispositifs d'analyse de la pratique dans le travail social et les stratégies paradoxales ». Nantes, 2014.
Texte intégralFor what reasons are practice analysis programs widely used in the field of social work? This is the question which prompted us to explore these programs, the social work practices and their paradoxes. In spite of the theoretical diversity among all practice analysis programs, the quest for sense seems to be a motive common to all. A number of elements contribute to questioning the sense of social workers’ action : a « professional group » with blurred boundaries, instability in the definition of their missions, instability in the public and social work methods; societal changes linked to the effects of post modernity. Such an unstable combination of facts may produce paradoxes which, according to Barel (1989), are due to systems being all tangled up. These systems, depending on the existential and societal contexts of the actors involved may appear merged and non-paradoxical to them, or separate and paradoxical. Such paradoxes alter the sense of the action. To adapt, actors may resort to «double» strategies that enable to answer contradictory instructions, stemming from different systems. By observing and analyzing a practice analysis program implemented in a medical social centre, we will therefore seek to identify the paradoxes involved, their nature and the strategies developed to regulate them
Naccache, Philippe. « La dynamique temporelle des organisations : l'économie des pratiques temporelles ». Paris 10, 2007.
Texte intégralThis research deal with the issue of time in group projects. It uses a qualitative method of enquiry based on three case studies inside French and multinational companies. This research is inspired by the work of the French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu. More precisely, my work tackles three research questions. The first question tries to capture the individual’s disposition vis-à-vis time which I refer to as “Temporal Habitus”. In doing so, I would like to emphasize that “Temporal Habitus” acts as a causal mechanism which can explain the practice of project members. The second question deal with the coexistence of these different individuals’ time conceptions. This coexistence may generate conflicts between the project’s members especially with regard to both the scope of the project and the meeting of deadlines. In the third question, I show that time may be strategically manipulated by individuals in order to achieve their own goals
Tourné, Karine. « Expériences de la vie active et pratiques matrimoniales de jeunes adultes égytiens dans les années 1990 ». Paris 1, 2003.
Texte intégralHamdan, Roueda. « Les pratiques pédagogiques héritières des principes de l'éducation nouvelle dans la scolarité obligatoire ». Caen, 2008.
Texte intégralWeppe, Xavier. « Création de connaissances et coordination : étude des pratiques dans cinq équipes-projets ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2009.
Texte intégralAlthough knowledge management and organizational learning have been on the agenda for several years, some important questions remain unanswered. One of these questions is related to the link between organizing and learning. This thesis aims at understanding the links between practices of knowing and practices of “coordinating” in project teams. We especially study how collective coordination is crafted to deal with the impact of knowing and how the coordinated solutions arising from this coordination practice influence the next knowing practices. With the help of the Actor Network Theory (ANT), a longitudinal and qualitative study, five project teams explore the relation between learning activities and “networking” activities. Based on the findings of these five case studies, our conclusion points towards a view of coordination as a dynamic, socio-material, heterogeneous practices characterized by ongoing learning, transformations, and reconfigurations during “controversies”. Moreover, evidence is provided that the coordination mechanisms impacts the capacity of actors to create and share knowledge
Pignault, Anne. « Contexte de travail et analyse de l'expérience : conception d'une méthode d'aide à l'analyse de l'expérience en contexte ». Paris 10, 2007.
Texte intégralIn the past few years, the themes of integration or reintegration, employability, career path have dominated the area of work and employment. The difficulties on the labour market, the emergence of employment without job security, and the demand for ever more adaptable workers, have led us to think differently about the work situation and to ask questions about the factors relevant to transfer of work experience. A significant number of studies in different areas of psychology have demonstrated the specific, contextualized nature of occupational activity. However, the notion of work context, while abundantly present in the literature, is still generally absent from practical work in the area of integration and guidance. The present study defends the idea that analyzing and taking account of the work context can improve the effectiveness of measures taken to assist career development. This work includes three stages: establish a typology of characteristics of context in different jobs of three sectors of activity conceive a method for describing work experience, integrating an awareness of the context into the analysis of work experience; use the method and follow-up 137 workers and 22 advisers in counselling centers. The data collected in this study demonstrate the impact of context in occupational activity and the importance of taking it into account in career development. The data already collected in this study demonstrate the impact of context on occupational activity and the value of taking it into account in the development of career paths. This study also approach the notion of subjective context. It raises differences in individual perception of work context and provides elements of explanation about this phenomenon
Benoit, Ernst. « Les policiers et policières noir-e-s d'origine haïtienne : étude exploratoire sur leurs pratiques de travail ». Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1998.
Texte intégralPaganelli, Céline. « Une approche info-communicationnelle des activités informationnelles en contexte de travail : Acteurs, pratiques et logiques sociales ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Texte intégralDufour, Marie. « Les pratiques d'affichage : points communs et variations selon les disciplines et les modes de travail pédagogiques ». Thesis, Lille 3, 2016.
Texte intégralThis thesis research questions the material dimension of practices, especially that concerning the teaching and learning tools that are posters. The topic of my research is built into the analysis of the speech of teachers and the pupils. I try to identify their representations and views of the poster, as they say the practice, as they invest themselves according to the teaching methods they implement. The characterization of the poster practices according to the practical school subjects contribute to modeling in teaching and institutional spaces, in one of textbooks, teaching practices and pupils practices
Joly, Nathalie. « Ecritures du travail et savoirs paysans, aperçu historique et lecture de pratiques : les agendas des agriculteurs ». Paris 10, 1997.
Texte intégralMany farmers keep diaries in which they record their work from day to day. We have worked on the hypothesis that these ordinary written records, which are largely ignored, form part of a knowledge-based project; that these writing practices are rooted in the past. This research work aims to examine the links between writing and practical knowledge, considering that social logic, family history and individual career paths all have their part in making up the fabric of it. In the first part (models of writing and model peasants), we present the results of a historical study, tracing the conditions under which writing practices were disseminated among the peasantry between the 19th and 20th centuries. We have examined the place ascribed to writing in rural primary schools (from 1848 to 1960), in agricultural vocational training systems (from 1848 to 1945) and in the agricultural extension service (1879 to 1966). This work underlines the logic of the written farm record and the way in which it contributes to the redefinition of a farmer's know-how. In the second part (accounts of work and recollections of life), eight monographs give us portraits of "writers": farmers from the haute sa6ne area who kindly agreed to give us access to their collections of diaries. The contents of the written entries and the comments of those who wrote them have thrown light on the origin of writing practices, on the reasoning exercised in view of the work records and the role of domestic events or of personal factors mentioned in the diaries. The ethnographical study is followed by a transversal analysis which has allowed us to point out the logic in the writing which is common to the farmers. It highlights the complexity of the meaning covered in the act of writing, which focuses on the special relationship between writer and knowledge and between writer and the passage of time. It also shows that the practice of writing is discriminatory in that it puts the farmer into a class which is out of the ordinary
Lambert, Hamel Audrey. « Les pratiques des travailleuses de la petite enfance : conditions, relations interpersonnelles et aspects économiques du travail ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
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