Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Perfect information »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Perfect information"


King, Stephen P. « Is perfect information perfectly useless ? » Economics Letters 39, no 4 (août 1992) : 415–18.

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Dowden, John S. « Product information past perfect ». Medical Journal of Australia 186, no 2 (janvier 2007) : 51–52.

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Dubey, Pradeep, et Ori Haimanko. « Learning with perfect information ». Games and Economic Behavior 46, no 2 (février 2004) : 304–24.

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Lapidoth, A., et S. Shamai. « Fading channels : how perfect need "perfect side information" be ? » IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48, no 5 (mai 2002) : 1118–34.

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Bondar, Vladimir. « The present perfect in past time contexts : a diachronic study of English ». Brno studies in English, no 2 (2023) : 5–29.

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Throughout the history, English has developed a category of the present perfect that can be considered prototypical when compared to the same categories in other typologically similar languages. Although the present perfect in Standard British English has not reached the final stage of acquiring preterit semantics, data from diachronic corpora provides evidence that the English present perfect had the potential to follow a similar path of grammaticalization like the German Perfekt, for instance. This paper presents an investigation of data collected from several diachronic English corpora and employs a usage-based approach to elicit the mechanisms underlying the incipient semantic shift of the present perfect. It is argued that a functional overlap with verbs in the simple past at an early stage of its evolution and later movement towards perfective past tense, though not attested on a large scale, reflect developments in certain pragmatic contexts, in particular with topicalized temporal adverbials. It is claimed that in passages where new information becomes crucial, alongside the completion of the action, temporal properties of the 'hot news' perfects tend to be foregrounded.
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Kukushkin, Nikolai S. « Perfect Information and Potential Games ». Games and Economic Behavior 38, no 2 (février 2002) : 306–17.

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Flesch, János, et Arkadi Predtetchinski. « Parameterized games of perfect information ». Annals of Operations Research 287, no 2 (28 octobre 2018) : 683–99.

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He, Wei, et Yeneng Sun. « Dynamic games with (almost) perfect information ». Theoretical Economics 15, no 2 (2020) : 811–59.

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This paper aims to solve two fundamental problems on finite‐ or infinite‐horizon dynamic games with complete information. Under some mild conditions, we prove the existence of subgame‐perfect equilibria and the upper hemicontinuity of equilibrium payoffs in general dynamic games with simultaneous moves (i.e., almost perfect information), which go beyond previous works in the sense that stagewise public randomization and the continuity requirement on the state variables are not needed. For alternating move (i.e., perfect‐information) dynamic games with uncertainty, we show the existence of pure‐strategy subgame‐perfect equilibria as well as the upper hemicontinuity of equilibrium payoffs, extending the earlier results on perfect‐information deterministic dynamic games.
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Datta, Pratim, Mark Whitmore et Joseph K. Nwankpa. « A Perfect Storm ». Digital Threats : Research and Practice 2, no 2 (avril 2021) : 1–21.

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In an age where news information is created by millions and consumed by billions over social media ( SM ) every day, issues of information biases, fake news, and echo-chambers have dominated the corridors of technology firms, news corporations, policy makers, and society. While multiple disciplines have tried to tackle the issue using their disciplinary lenses, there has, hitherto, been no integrative model that surface the intricate, albeit “dark” explainable AI confluence of both technology and psychology. Investigating information bias anchoring as the overarching phenomenon, this research proposes a theoretical framework that brings together traditionally fragmented domains of AI technology, and human psychology. The proposed Information Bias Anchoring Model reveals how SM news information creates an information deluge leading to uncertainty, and how technological rationality and individual biases intersect to mitigate the uncertainty, often leading to news information biases. The research ends with a discussion of contributions and offering to reduce information bias anchoring.
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Harris, Christopher. « Existence and Characterization of Perfect Equilibrium in Games of Perfect Information ». Econometrica 53, no 3 (mai 1985) : 613.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Perfect information"


Hummelgren, Lars, et Anton Lyxell. « Using PAQ8L to play games of perfect information ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018.

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One of the best compression algorithms to date in terms of compression ratio is PAQ8L. This thesis shows how PAQ8L can be used to predict moves in a four by four variant of tic-tac-toe. We define three agents to benchmark the performance of PAQ8L. The first agent is based on memorization, the second makes random guesses and the third uses PAQ8L to predict moves. The PAQ8L agent outperforms the other two agents in terms of prediction accuracy, but uses significantly more time and memory.
En av de bästa kompressionsalgoritmerna idag med hänsyn till kompressionsgrad är PAQ8L. Den här avhandlingen visar hur PAQ8L kan användas för att förutsäga drag i en fyra gånger fyra variant av luffarschack.Vi definierar tre agenter för att utvärdera PAQ8L. Den första agenten är baserad på memorering, den andra gör slumpmässiga gissningar och den tredje använder PAQ8L för att förutsäga drag. Precisionen hos agenten baserad på PAQ8L överträffar precisionen hos de övriga agenterna. Däremot använder den betydligt mer tid och minne.
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Hidalgo, Dario. « Value of perfect information of transportation forecasting models / ». The Ohio State University, 1997.

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Kelmendi, Edon. « Two-Player Stochastic Games with Perfect and Zero Information ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016.

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On considère des jeux stochastiques joués sur un graphe fini. La première partie s’intéresse aux jeux stochastiques à deux joueurs et information parfaite. Dans de tels jeux, les joueurs choisissent des actions dans ensemble fini, tour à tour, pour une durée infinie, produisant une histoire infinie. Le but du jeu est donné par une fonction d’utilité qui associe un réel à chaque histoire, la fonction est bornée et Borel-mesurable. Le premier joueur veut maximiser l’utilité espérée, et le deuxième joueur veut la minimiser. On démontre que si la fonction d’utilité est à la fois shift-invariant et submixing alors le jeu est semi-positionnel. C’est-à-dire le premier joueur a une stratégie optimale qui est déterministe et sans mémoire. Les deux joueurs ont information parfaite: ils choisissent leurs actions en ayant une connaissance parfaite de toute l’histoire. Dans la deuxième partie, on étudie des jeux de durée fini où le joueur protagoniste a zéro information. C’est-à-dire qu’il ne reçoit aucune information sur le déroulement du jeu, par conséquent sa stratégie est un mot fini sur l’ensemble des actions. Un automates probabiliste peut être considéré comme un tel jeu qui a un seul joueur. Tout d’abord, on compare deux classes d’automates probabilistes pour lesquelles le problème de valeur 1 est décidable: les automates leaktight et les automates simples. On prouve que la classe des automates simples est un sous-ensemble strict de la classe des automates leaktight. Puis, on considère des jeux semi-aveugles, qui sont des jeux à deux joueurs où le maximiseur a zéro information, et le minimiseur est parfaitement informé. On définit la classe des jeux semi-aveugles leaktight et on montre que le problème d’accessibilité maxmin est décidable sur cette classe
We consider stochastic games that are played on finite graphs. The subject of the first part are two-player stochastic games with perfect information. In such games the two players take turns choosing actions from a finite set, for an infinite duration, resulting in an infinite play. The objective of the game is given by a Borel-measurable and bounded payoff function that maps infinite plays to real numbers. The first player wants to maximize the expected payoff, and the second player has the opposite objective, that of minimizing the expected payoff. We prove that if the payoff function is both shift-invariant and submixing then the game is half-positional. This means that the first player has an optimal strategy that is at the same time pure and memoryless. Both players have perfect information, so the actions are chosen based on the whole history. In the second part we study finite-duration games where the protagonist player has zero information. That is, he gets no feedback from the game and consequently his strategy is a finite word over the set of actions. Probabilistic finite automata can be seen as an example of such a game that has only a single player. First we compare two classes of probabilistic automata: leaktight automata and simple automata, for which the value 1 problem is known to be decidable. We prove that simple automata are a strict subset of leaktight automata. Then we consider half-blind games, which are two player games where the maximizer has zero information and the minimizer is perfectly informed. We define the class of leaktight half-blind games and prove that it has a decidable maxmin reachability problem
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Matras, Omolara. « In pursuit of a perfect system : Balancing usability and security in computer system development ». Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, 2015.

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Our society is dependent on information and the different technologies and artifacts that gives us access to it. However, the technologies we have come to depend on in different aspects of our lives are imperfect and during the past decade, these imperfections have been the target of identity thieves, cyber criminals and malicious persons within and outside the organization. These malicious persons often target networks of organizations such as hospitals, banks and other financial organizations. Access to these networks are often gained by sidestepping security mechanisms of computer-systems connected to the organization’s network. Often, the goal of computer-systems security mechanisms is to prevent or detect threats; or recover from an eventual attack. However, despite huge investments in IT-security infrastructure and Information security, over 95% of banks, hospitals and government agencies have at least 10 malicious infections bypass existing security mechanisms and enter their network without being detected. This has resulted in the loss of valuable information and substantial sums of money from banks and other organizations across the globe. From early research in this area, it has been discovered that the reason why security mechanisms fail is because it is often used incorrectly or not used at all.  Specifically, most users find the security mechanisms on their computers too complicated and they would rather not use it. Therefore, previous research have focused on making computer-systems security usable or simplifying security technology so that they are “less complicated” for all types users, instead of designing computers that are both usable and secure. The problem with this traditional approach is that security is treated as an “add-on” to a finished computer-system design. This study is an attempt to change the traditional approach by adjusting two phases of a computer-system design model to incorporate the collection of usability as well as security requirements. Guided by the exploratory case study research design, I gained new insights into a situation that has shocked security specialists and organizational actors alike. This study resulted in the creation of a methodology for designing usable and secure computer-systems. Although this method is in its rudimentary stage, it was tested using an online questionnaire. Data from the literature study was sorted using a synthesis matrix; and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Some prominent design and security models and methodologies discussed in this report include User-Centered System Design (UCSD), Appropriate and Effective Guidance for Information Security (AEGIS) and Octave Allegro.
Vårt samhälle är beroende av information och olika tekniker och artefakter som ger oss tillgång till den. Men tekniken vi förlitar oss på i olika aspekter av våra liv är ofullkomliga och under det senaste decenniet, har dessa brister varit föremål för identitetstjuvar, cyberbrottslingar och illvilliga personer inom och utanför organisationen. Dessa illvilliga personer riktar ofta sig till nätverk av organisationer såsom sjukhus, banker och andra finansiella organisationer. Tillgång till dessa nätverk uppnås genom att kringgå säkerhetsmekanismer av datorsystem anslutna till organisationens nätverk.   Målet med datorsystemsäkerhet är att förhindra eller upptäcka hot; eller återhämta sig från eventuella attacker. Trots stora investeringar i IT-säkerhet infrastruktur och informationssäkerhet, över 95 % av banker, sjukhus och myndigheter har minst 10 skadliga infektioner kringgå befintliga säkerhetsmekanismer och träda in i sitt nätverk utan att upptäckas. Detta har lett till förlust av värdefulla informationer och stora summor av pengar från banker och andra organisationer över hela världen. Från tidigare forskning inom detta område, har det visat sig att anledningen till att säkerhetsmekanismer misslyckas beror ofta på att den används på ett felaktigt sätt eller används inte alls. I synnerhet menar de flesta användare att säkerhetsmekanismer på sina datorer är alltför komplicerat. Därför har tidigare forskning fokuserat på att göra datorsystemsäkerhet användbar så att den är "mindre komplicerat" för alla typer av användare, i stället för att designa datorer som både är användbara och säkra. Problemet med detta traditionella synsätt är att säkerheten behandlas som ett "tillägg" till en färdig datorsystemdesign.   Denna studie är ett försök att ändra det traditionella synsättet genom att justera två faser av en datorsystemdesign modell för att integrera insamlingen av användbarhets- samt säkerhetskrav. Styrd av den explorativ fallstudie forskningsdesignen, fick jag nya insikter i en situation som har gäckat säkerhetsspecialister och organisatoriska aktörer. Denna studie resulterade i skapande av en designmetodik för användbara och säkra datorsystem. Även om denna metod är ännu i sin rudimentära fas, testades den med hjälp av en webbenkät. Data från litteraturstudien sorterades med hjälp av en syntesmatris; och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Några framstående design- och säkerhetsmodeller samt metoder som diskuterades i denna uppsats inkludera Användarcentrerad System Design (UCSD), Ändamålsenligt och Effektivt Vägledning för Informationssäkerhet (AEGIS) och Octave Allegro.
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Karlsson, Ann Johansson Susanne. « Den perfekta informationsspridaren ? : en komparativ studie av tre organisationers intranätanvändning = [The perfect way to spread information?] : [a comparative study of the use of intranet in three organizations] / ». Borås : Högsk. i Borås, Bibliotekshögskolan/Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, 2004.

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Capser, Shawn Patrick Capser. « Assessing the Value of Information for ComparingMultiple, Dependent Design Alternatives ». University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2018.

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Öberg, Viktor. « EVOLUTIONARY AI IN BOARD GAMES : An evaluation of the performance of an evolutionary algorithm in two perfect information board games with low branching factor ». Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2015.

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It is well known that the branching factor of a computer based board game has an effect on how long a searching AI algorithm takes to search through the game tree of the game. Something that is not as known is that the branching factor may have an additional effect for certain types of AI algorithms. The aim of this work is to evaluate if the win rate of an evolutionary AI algorithm is affected by the branching factor of the board game it is applied to. To do that, an experiment is performed where an evolutionary algorithm known as “Genetic Minimax” is evaluated for the two low branching factor board games Othello and Gomoku (Gomoku is also known as 5 in a row). The performance here is defined as how many times the algorithm manages to win against another algorithm. The results from this experiment showed both some promising data, and some data which could not be as easily interpreted. For the game Othello the hypothesis about this particular evolutionary algorithm appears to be valid, while for the game Gomoku the results were somewhat inconclusive. For the game Othello the performance of the genetic minimax algorithm was comparable to the alpha-beta algorithm it played against up to and including depth 4 in the game tree. After that however, the performance started to decline more and more the deeper the algorithms searched. The branching factor of the game may be an indirect cause of this behaviour, due to the fact that as the depth increases, the search space increases proportionally to the branching factor. This increase in the search space due to the increased depth, in combination with the settings used by the genetic minimax algorithm, may have been the cause of the performance decline after that point.
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Arjonilla, Jérôme. « Sampling-Based Search Algorithms in Games ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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La recherche d'algorithmes appliquée aux jeux est un domaine de recherche très dynamique. Les jeux constituent un terrain d'application privilégié pour les algorithmes de recherche, car les jeux permettent de modéliser des problèmes complexes, de manière efficace. De nombreux algorithmes ont d'abord été développés pour les jeux avant d'être étendus à d'autres domaines. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la recherche d'algorithmes heuristiques dans le cadre des jeux, en particulier aux algorithmes de recherche heuristique basés sur le sampling, tels que Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) en information parfaite, ainsi qu'à des algorithmes de détermination en information imparfaite. Nous explorons également l'intégration des algorithmes de recherche avec d'autres types d'algorithmes, notamment les algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcement. Ce travail présente les méthodes existantes ainsi que plusieurs contributions originales dans ce domaine. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'étude des algorithmes de recherche heuristique indépendants du domaine, ce qui les rend facilement testables et applicables dans divers contextes. Plus particulièrement, nous nous concentrons sur les jeux à information imparfaite, où les joueurs ne disposent pas de toutes les informations sur l'état du jeu. Dans ce contexte, certains problèmes apparaissent avec les méthodes existantes, notamment en ce qui concerne la fusion de stratégies et l'impact de la révélation d'informations. Nous discuterons en détail de ces problématiques et présenterons les méthodes proposées pour les résoudre. La seconde partie de la thèse porte sur les algorithmes de recherche heuristique spécifiques à un domaine. Ces algorithmes, dépendants du domaine, sont souvent plus efficaces que les algorithmes indépendants, car ils peuvent apprendre, généraliser et s'adapter à un contexte spécifique. Au cours de cette partie, nous étudions l'intégration des algorithmes de recherche heuristique avec d'autres types d'algorithmes, en particulier ceux d'apprentissage par renforcement. Nous présentons une contribution originale dans ce domaine ainsi qu'une autre en cours de développement. La première méthode propose de renforcer les algorithmes de recherche en intégrant des algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcement basés sur le principe de guide. La seconde méthode vise à intégrer des méthodes basées sur des modèles (model-based) dans les algorithms recherches en information imparfaite
Algorithm research in the context of games is a highly active field. Games are a prime application domain for search algorithms because they allow for the modeling and efficient resolution of complex problems. Many algorithms were first developed for games before being extended to other domains. In this thesis, we focus on heuristic search algorithms in the context of games, particularly heuristic search algorithms based on sampling, such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) in perfect information, and based on determinization in imperfect information. We also explore the integration of search algorithms with other types of algorithms, especially reinforcement learning algorithms. We present existing methods as well as several original contributions in this field. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of domain-independent heuristic search algorithms, making them easily testable and applicable in various contexts. Specifically, we focus on games with imperfect information, where players do not know all the details about the game state. In these types of algorithms and games, certain problems arise with existing methods, particularly issues related to strategy fusion and the impact of information revelation. We will discuss these problems in detail and present two original methods to address them. The second part of the thesis explores domain-dependent heuristic search algorithms. Domain-dependent algorithms are often more efficient than domain-independent ones because they can learn, generalize, and adapt to a specific domain. Throughout this part, we investigate the integration of heuristic search algorithms with other types of algorithms, particularly reinforcement learning algorithms. We present an original contribution in this area and another contribution that is currently under development. The first method proposes to enhance search algorithms by integrating reinforcement learning algorithms based on the guiding principle. The second method aims to incorporate model-based methods into searches in imperfect information settings
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Corazza, Federico Augusto. « Analysis of graph-based quantum error-correcting codes ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.

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With the advent of quantum computers, there has been a growing interest in the practicality of this device. Due to the delicate conditions that surround physical qubits, one could wonder whether any useful computation could be implemented on such devices. As we describe in this work, it is possible to exploit concepts from classical information theory and employ quantum error-correcting techniques. Thanks to the Threshold Theorem, if the error probability of physical qubits is below a given threshold, then the logical error probability corresponding to the encoded data qubit can be arbitrarily low. To this end, we describe decoherence which is the phenomenon that quantum bits are subject to and is the main source of errors in quantum memories. From the cause of error of a single qubit, we then introduce the error models that can be used to analyze quantum error-correcting codes as a whole. The main type of code that we studied comes from the family of topological codes and is called surface code. Of these codes, we consider both the toric and planar structures. We then introduce a variation of the standard planar surface code which better captures the symmetries of the code architecture. Once the main properties of surface codes have been discussed, we give an overview of the working principles of the algorithm used to decode this type of topological code: the minimum weight perfect matching. Finally, we show the performance of the surface codes that we introduced, comparing them based on their architecture and properties. These simulations have been performed with different error channel models to give a more thorough description of their performance in several situations showing relevant results.
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Linnusaar, Marcus. « GDPR : Jakten på den "perfekta" lösningen ». Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2019.

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GDPR är ett begrepp som handlar om hur personuppgifter hanteras av företag. I denna studie undersöks olika lösningar som företag har valt att använda för att informera användare om att deras data samlas in samt hur den hanteras på deras webbplatser. Med hjälp av frågeformulär skapas en bild av vad för kunskap och vilka känslor användare har angående ämnet. Genom att observera användare när de interagerar med olika GDPR-lösningar skapas kunskap om vilka lösningar som fungerar och vilka som inte gör det. Testdeltagare fick även möjlighet att använda sig av en önskvärdhetsmatris när de hade interagerat med de olika GDPR-lösningarna för att kunna uttrycka sin upplevelse med passande adjektiv. Resultatet från denna studie visade att det finns en allmänt negativ inställning till befintliga GDPR-lösningar. Det skapades även en uppfattning om varför användare har en negativ inställning. Från denna kunskap kunde olika faktorer identifieras som kan påverka UX i en GDPR-lösning. Dessa faktorer kunde sedan användas för att skapa en GDPR-lösning som prioriterar UX.
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Livres sur le sujet "Perfect information"


Alpern, Steve. Cycles in extensive form perfect information games. London : Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, 1989.

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Aghion, Philippe. Subgame perfect implementation with almost perfect information and the hold-up problem. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009.

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Arieli, Itai. Infinite sequential games with perfect but incomplete information. Jerusalem : The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Center for the Study of Rationality, 2009.

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Cull, Paul. Perfect codes, NP-completeness, and towers of Hanoi graphs. Corvallis, OR : Oregon State University, Dept. of Computer Science, 1998.

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Cull, Paul. Perfect codes, NP-completeness, and towers of Hanoi graphs. Corvallis, OR : Oregon State University, Dept. of Computer Science, 1998.

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Cohen, Samuel, et Steven Johnson. Future Perfect. Dreamscape Media Llc, 2012.

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Perfect killer. New York : Forge, 2007.

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PBLSHING, MNS. Nobody is perfect but if you are a Information Security Analyst you're pretty damn close : Information Security Analyst notebook , perfect gift for Information Security Analyst. Independently published, 2019.

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Moskowitz, Ken, Dean Lane et Harris Kern. CIO Bundle : Perfect for Leaders in IT Vision and Strategy. Prentice Hall PTR, 2004.

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Life, Happy. Life Organizer : Perfect Planner for All Important Life Information. Independently Published, 2019.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Perfect information"


Mirman, Leonard J. « Perfect Information ». Dans The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 1–4. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Mirman, Leonard J. « Perfect Information ». Dans The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 1–4. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008.

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Mirman, Leonard J. « Perfect Information ». Dans The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 10193–96. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.

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Mirman, Leonard J. « Perfect Information ». Dans Game Theory, 194–98. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.

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Shaffer, David Williamson, et Zhiqiang Cai. « Perfect Sampling ». Dans Communications in Computer and Information Science, 40–57. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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Susilo, Willy, Yi Mu et Fangguo Zhang. « Perfect Concurrent Signature Schemes ». Dans Information and Communications Security, 14–26. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Solov’eva, Faina I. « Switchings and Perfect Codes ». Dans Numbers, Information and Complexity, 311–24. Boston, MA : Springer US, 2000.

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Tveit, Anders. « Practice makes perfect ». Dans IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing, 127–34. Boston, MA : Springer US, 2008.

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Zolfaghari, Behrouz, et Khodakhast Bibak. « Information-Theoretic Cryptography and Perfect Secrecy ». Dans Perfect Secrecy in IoT, 3–13. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Zielonka, Wiesław. « Perfect-Information Stochastic Parity Games ». Dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 499–513. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Perfect information"


Arjonilla, Jérôme, Abdallah Saffidine et Tristan Cazenave. « Perfect Information Monte Carlo with Postponing Reasoning ». Dans 2024 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 1–8. IEEE, 2024.

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Khalesi, Ali, et Petros Elia. « Perfect Multi-User Distributed Computing ». Dans 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1349–54. IEEE, 2024.

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Deng, Zirui, Vinayak Ramkumar et Netanel Raviv. « Perfect Subset Privacy in Polynomial Computation ». Dans 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 933–38. IEEE, 2024.

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Zamani, Amirreza, Borja Rodríguez-Gálvez et Mikael Skoglund. « On Information Theoretic Fairness : Compressed Representations with Perfect Demographic Parity ». Dans 2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 25–30. IEEE, 2024.

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Gautam, Abhiraj, Yogesh Lohumi et Durgaprasad Gangodkar. « Achieving Near-Perfect Accuracy in CIFAR-10 Classification ». Dans 2024 Second International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (ICAIT), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.

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Nitinawarat, S., et P. Narayan. « Perfect omniscience, perfect secrecy and Steiner tree packing ». Dans 2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA). IEEE, 2010.

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Nair, Premchand S. « Perfect and precisely perfect fuzzy graphs ». Dans NAFIPS 2008 - 2008 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2008.

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Nitinawarat, S., A. Barg, P. Narayan, C. Ye et A. Reznik. « Perfect secrecy, perfect omniscience and steiner tree packing ». Dans 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT. IEEE, 2009.

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Boztas, Serdar, et Udaya Parampalli. « Nonbinary sequences with perfect and nearly perfect autocorrelations ». Dans 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT. IEEE, 2010.

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Matsufuji, S., Y. Tanada, A. Fujimoto et N. Suehiro. « On perfect arrays ». Dans IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE, 2003.

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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Perfect information"


Aghion, Philippe, Drew Fudenberg et Richard Holden. Subgame Perfect Implementation with Almost Perfect Information and the Hold-Up Problem. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, juillet 2009.

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Patschke, Gregory M. Information Operations And J-3 : A Perfect Union. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, février 2004.

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Streb, Jorge M., et Gustavo Torrens. Meaningful Talk. Inter-American Development Bank, février 2015.

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This paper develops a semiotic-inferential model of verbal communication for incomplete information games: a language is seen as a set of conventional signs that point to types, and the credibility of a message depends on the strategic context. Formally, there is an encoding-decoding step where the receiver can understand the sender's message if and only if a common language is used, and an inferential step where the receiver may either trust the message's literal meaning or disregard it when updating priors. The epistemic requirement that information be transmitted through the literal meaning of the message uttered leads to an equilibrium concept distinct from a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium, ruling out informative equilibria where language is not used in its ordinary sense. The paper also proposes a refinement by which the sender selects among equilibria if all sender types are willing to play the same equilibrium.
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Chen, Stanley, Yaobin Chen, Renran Tian, Lingxi Li, Donglin Liu, Jue Zhou et Dan Shen. Alternate Interchange Signing Study for Indiana Highways. Purdue University, 2022.

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The main objectives of this research were to (1) understand signing issues from the perspective of drivers and (2) develop recommendations for improving interchange signing in Indiana to aid driver understanding and increase the safety and efficiency of highway traffic operations. An online survey with specific questions was designed and distributed through email, social media, online newspapers, and a survey company with the goal of better understanding driver thinking when approaching decision-making areas on the interstate. The analysis of the survey results revealed the following. •Drivers usually do not know the interchange types as they approach an interchange on the freeway. •Drivers are most interested in which lanes they should be in when approaching an interchange, even in advance of typical signing locations. •Drivers do not like signs that require cognitive work since it will delay their driving decision by creating uncertainty. •Different drivers need different types of information from signs, such as cardinal direction, destination name, road name, and lane assignments. Therefore, a perfect sign for one driver may be confusing or information overload for another driver. •In some instances, a driver who is familiar with the area is confused by the signs because the sign information contradicts the driver’s knowledge.
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Gamba-Santamaria, Santiago, Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia et Camilo Orozco-Vanegas. What can credit vintages tell us about non-performing loans ? Banco de la República de Colombia, février 2021.

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Using Colombian credit vintage data, we decompose the non-performing loans into one component that captures the evolution of the payment capacity of borrowers, and other component that captures changes in the credit risk taken by the financial system at the time of loan disbursement. We use intrinsic estimators and penalized regression techniques to overcome the perfect multicollinearity problem that the model entails. We find that these two type of components have evolved differently over time, and that good economic conditions and loose financial conditions improve the payment capacity of borrowers to meet their obligations, and in turn, they tend to coincide with the financial system engaging in riskier loans. Finally, we advocate the use of this methodology as a policy tool that is easy to apply by financial and economic authorities that dispose of a constant flow of credit vintage information. Through it, they will be able to identify the origin of the credit risk materialization and curb the risk taken by the financial system.
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Chelala, Santiago, et Gustavo Beliz. The DNA of Regional Integration : Latin American's Views on High Quality Convergence Innovation Equality and Care for the Environment. Inter-American Development Bank, octobre 2016.

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This report is the outcome of an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)regional public good (RPG) that different Latin American and Caribbean countries helped to create by identifying the information they needed to perfect the decision-making process on matters of trade and integration. The mechanism that the IDB foresaw is a three-way process, in which decisions are made in partnership with technical institutions and countries, which share their experience and knowledge of social demands. In this case, the countries of the region played a key role in designing an opinion poll on trade and integration, the results of which we compare with national statistical indicators. This was made possible by the strategic partnership between the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (IDB/INTAL), part of the Integration and Trade Sector, and Latinobarómetro, marking the start of the dialogue between two databases with very specific features. The first of these is the highly complete information on trade and integration that INTAL has acquired over its 51-year history. The second, the public perceptions that Latinobarómetro, a pioneering public opinion poll, has been measuring in the region for over two decades. Cross-referencing the results of over 20,000 exclusive surveys that were carried out in 18 Latin American countries with national statistics has helped create a powerful tool for designing integration and trade strategies. Comparing citizens' opinions and national statistics allows researchers to find correlations and asymmetries between public perceptions and the region's actual performance, thus contributing to improving planning and impact assessment in public policy design. We believe that integration processes should reflect both dimensions: they must not overlook classic indicators but they also need to include the voice of the people of Latin America, which is an essential part of any regional strategy seeking to construct a form of governance that is underpinned by the demands of society.
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Tang, Jiqin, Gong Zhang, Jinxiao Xing, Ying Yu et Tao Han. Network Meta-analysis of Heat-clearing and Detoxifying Oral Liquid of Chinese Medicines in Treatment of Children’s Hand-foot-mouth Disease:a protocol for systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, janvier 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The type of study was clinical randomized controlled trial (RCT). The object of study is the patients with HFMD. There is no limit to gender and race. In the case of clear diagnosis standard, curative effect judgment standard and consistent baseline treatment, the experimental group was treated with pure oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine(A: Fuganlin oral liquid, B: huangzhihua oral liquid, C: Lanqin oral liquid, D: antiviral oral liquid, E: Huangqin oral liquid, F: Pudilan oral liquid, G: Shuanghuanglian oral liquid.)and the control group was treated with ribavirin or any oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine. The data were extracted by two researchers independently, cross checked and reviewed according to the pre-determined tables. The data extraction content is (1) Basic information (including the first author, published journal and year, research topic). (2) Relevant information (including number of cases, total number of cases, gender, age, intervention measures, course of treatment of the experimental group and the control group in the literature). (3) Design type and quality evaluation information of the included literature. (4) Outcome measures (effective rate, healing time of oral ulcer, regression time of hand and foot rash, regression time of fever, adverse reactions.). The seven traditional Chinese medicine oral liquids are comparable in clinical practice, but their actual clinical efficacy is lack of evidence-based basis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use the network meta-analysis method to integrate the clinical relevant evidence of direct and indirect comparative relationship, to make quantitative comprehensive statistical analysis and sequencing of different oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine with the same evidence body for the treatment of the disease, and then to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the efficacy and safety of different oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine to get the best treatment plan, so as to provide reference value and evidence-based medicine evidence for clinical optimization of drug selection. Condition being studied: Hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease in pediatrics caused by a variety of enteroviruses. Its clinical manifestations are mainly characterized by persistent fever, hand foot rash, oral herpes, ulcers, etc. Because it is often found in preschool children, its immune system development is not perfect, so it is very vulnerable to infection by pathogens and epidemic diseases, resulting in rapid progress of the disease. A few patients will also have neurogenic pulmonary edema Meningitis, myocarditis and other serious complications even lead to death, so effectively improve the cure rate, shorten the course of disease, prevent the deterioration of the disease as the focus of the study. In recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the research of antiviral treatment. Many clinical practices have confirmed that oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine can effectively play the role of antiviral and improve the body's immunity.
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López Hernández, Hernán, et Javier Valdés. ¿Qué son las cookies de internet ? Autodeterminación informativa ; un tema pendiente en tiempos de pandemia. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, novembre 2021.

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A comienzos del segundo año de una de las pandemias más grandes que ha acontecido en la historia registrable del ser humano, el aislamiento físico y social, han generado una infinidad de cambios entre los ciudadanos de todo el mundo, quienes cumplen un confinamiento obligatorio y en otros casos voluntario, propiciando el espacio perfecto para una mayor comunicación telemática y por qué no decirlo, también normalizando el funcionamiento de aquellas tareas de mayor complejidad, como lo es el desempeñar profesiones, oficios y diversas ocupaciones de manera remota.
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Goeke, Pascal. Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens : ein verbindlicher Leitfaden und Ratgeber für Studierende der Geographie an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Goethe-Universität, Institut für Humangeographie, novembre 2006.

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Gutes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Ein Universitätsstudium bedeutet vielfach Selbststudium: eigenständiges Recherchieren und Aufbereiten von Informationen sowie die Vermittlung dieser Informationen und gegebenenfalls eigener Erkenntnisse in schriftlicher oder mündlicher Form. Der vorliegende Leitfaden bietet dabei eine Hilfestellung. Zum einen werden Tipps für ein effizientes und erfolgreiches Studium vorgestellt und zum anderen formale Anforderungen an gutes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten erläutert und begründet. Viele der vorgestellten Techniken und Methoden werden Sie auch bei Praktika, ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeiten oder im Berufsleben nutzen können. Der erste Teil widmet sich der Recherche. Die Literatur- und Quellensuche ist eine Voraussetzung für jede wissenschaftliche Arbeit. Ziel ist es, relevante Literatur und (Daten-)Quellen für die Bearbeitung einer Fragestellung im vorgegebenen zeitlichen Rahmen möglichst vollständig zu erfassen. Anschließend müssen aus den verfügbaren Informationen diejenigen ausgewählt werden, die sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität als auch ihrer inhaltlichen Bedeutung für das eigene Thema besonders wichtig sind und daher intensiver bearbeitet werden sollen. Sie finden in diesem Teil Antworten auf Fragen wie die folgenden: • Wann nutze ich Lehrbücher, wann wissenschaftliche Aufsätze? • Wie grenze ich meine Literatur- und Datensuche ein? • Welche Hilfen bietet das Internet? Im Anschluss an die Recherche und Aufbereitung der Materialien folgt die Erstellung von Texten in Form von Protokollen, Hausarbeiten, Referaten, Projektberichten oder einer Abschlussarbeit. Wie immer gilt auch in diesem Fall: Das Wissen, das man im Kopf hat, ist „Schall und Rauch“, wenn man es nicht vernünftig zu Papier bringen oder im Vortrag vermitteln kann. Der oft gehörte Satz „Ich habe eigentlich alles gewusst und konnte es ‚nur‘ nicht rüberbringen“ ist absurd, denn nichts von dem, was Sie nicht kommunizieren können – schriftlich oder mündlich (s. u.) – kann Gegenstand einer Auseinandersetzung, einer Diskussion oder einer Bewertung sein. Der zweite Teil dieses Leitfadens widmet sich daher der Frage, wie man Wissen schriftlich kommuniziert. Dafür gibt es zum einen formale Regeln, die es einzuhalten gilt (Zitierweisen, Gliederungssystematik, Umgang mit Abbildungen etc.), und zum anderen Konventionen, die eine gute schriftliche Arbeit erfüllen muss: Gibt es eine Fragestellung und wird diese stringent hergeleitet? Gibt es einen roten Faden und wird dieser über die ganze Arbeit verfolgt? Werden theoretische Überlegungen sinnvoll mit empirischen Arbeiten verknüpft? Qualitätsstandards, die Sie bei jeder Beurteilung eines Lehrbuches oder einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit zu Grunde legen und die Sie ebenso auch von Ihren eigenen Arbeiten fordern sollten. Gespräche mit Geographinnen und Geographen, die in der Wirtschaft oder bei öffentlichen Einrichtungen arbeiten, zeigen stets eines ganz deutlich: Bei der Frage, ob man sich bei Einstellungsgesprächen für oder gegen eine Bewerberin oder einen Bewerber entscheidet, kommt es erst in zweiter Linie auf die fachlichen Qualifikationen an. Diese werden eigentlich vorausgesetzt. Sie sind die Hürde, die man schon bei der schriftlichen Bewerbung nehmen muss. Geographisches Know-how und thematische Spezialisierungen entscheiden also darüber, ob man eingeladen wird oder nicht, nicht aber, ob man den Job letztlich bekommt. Hierfür sind die „soft skills“ entscheidend: Passen die Kandidaten ins Team, können sie sich gut verkaufen, wirken sie souverän? Kurz: Ob man detailliert darüber Bescheid weiß, wie z. B. Stadtmarketing funktioniert, ist nur dann relevant, wenn man dieses Wissen auch vermitteln kann. Der dritte Teil des Leitfadens widmet sich deshalb genau diesen Fragen des „Präsentierens“. Denn wo kann man dies besser lernen als in einem Seminar oder auf einer Exkursion: Wie strukturiere ich einen Kurzvortrag prägnant und spannend (Beispiel Bewerbung: „Erzählen Sie mal in fünf Minuten, was Sie in Ihrem Studium gemacht haben“), wie gliedere ich einen längeren Vortrag, wie gestalte ich einen Exkursionsblock und wie setze ich sinnvoll didaktische Hilfsmittel der Visualisierung ein? Dieser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen bei der Bewältigung Ihres Studiums. Da aber nichts perfekt ist und alles noch besser geht, würden wir uns über kritische Anmerkungen und kreative Verbesserungsvorschläge sehr freuen. Bitte wenden Sie sich – schriftlich oder mündlich – an die Lehrenden des Fachs.
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Grumet, Rebecca, Rafael Perl-Treves et Jack Staub. Ethylene Mediated Regulation of Cucumis Reproduction - from Sex Expression to Fruit Set. United States Department of Agriculture, février 2010.

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Reproductive development is a critical determinant of agricultural yield. For species with unisexual flowers, floral secualdifferentation adds additional complexity, that can influenec productivity. The hormone ethylene has long, been known to play a primary role in sex determination in the Cucumis species cucumber (C. sativus) and melon (C. melo). Our objectives were to: (1) Determine critical sites of ethylene production and perception for sex determination; (2) Identify additional ethylene related genes associated with sex expression; and (3) Examine the role of environment ami prior fruit set on sex expression, pistillate flower maturation, and fruit set. We made progress in each of these areas. (1) Transgenic melon produced with the Arabidopsis dominant negative ethylene perception mutant gene, etrl-1, under the control of floral primordia targeted promoters [AP3 (petal and stamen) and CRC (carpel and nectary)], showed that ethylene perception by the stamen primordia, rather than carpel primordia, is critical for carpel development at the time of sex determination. Transgenic melons also were produced with the ethylene production enzyme gene. ACS, encoding l-aminocyclopropane-lcarboylate synthase, fused to the AP3 or CRC promoters. Consistent with the etr1-1 results, CRC::ACS did not increase femaleness; however, AP3::ACS reduced or eliminated male flower production. The effects of AP3:ACS were stronger than those of 35S::ACS plants, demonstratin g the importance of targeted expression, while avoiding disadvantages of constitutive ethylene production. (2) Linkage analysis coupled with SNP discovery was per formed on ethylene and floral development genes in cucumber populations segregating for the three major sex genes. A break-through towards cloning the cucumber M gene occurred when the melon andromonoecious gene (a), an ACS gene, was cloned in 2008. Both cucumber M and melon a suppress stamen development in pistillate flowers. We hypothesized that cucumber M could be orthologous to melon a, and found that mutations in CsACS2 co-segregated perfectly with the M gene. We also sought to identify miRNA molecules associated with sex determination. miRNA159, whose target in Arabidopsis is GAMYB[a transcription factor gene mediating response to10 gibberellin (GA)], was more highly expressed in young female buds than male. Since GA promotes maleness in cucumber, a micro RNA that counteracts GAMYB could promote femaleness. miRNA157, which in other plants targets transcription factors involved in flower development , was expressed in young male buds and mature flower anthers. (3) Gene expression profiling showed that ethylene-, senescence-, stress- and ubiquitin-related genes were up-regulated in senescing and inhibited fruits, while those undergoing successful fruit set up-regulated photosynthesis, respiration and metabolic genes. Melon plants can change sex expression in response to environmental conditions, leading to changes in yield potential. Unique melon lines with varying sex expression were developed and evaluated in the field in Hancock, Wisconsin . Environmental changes during the growing season influenced sex expression in highly inbred melon lines. Collectively these results are of significance for understanding regulation of sex expression. The fact that both cucumber sex loci identified so far (F and M) encode isoforms of the same ethylene synthesis enzyme, underscores the importance of ethylene as the main sex determining hormone in cucumber. The targeting studies give insight into developmental switch points and suggest a means to develop lines with earlier carpel-bearing flower production and fruit set. These results are of significance for understanding regulation of sex expression to facilitate shorter growing seasons and earlier time to market. Field results provide information for development of management strategies for commercial production of melon cultivars with different sex expression characteristics during fruit production.
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