Thèses sur le sujet « Pavie (Italie) – 15e siècle »
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Nelidoff, Ludmila. « Faire capitale dans l'État territorial lombard : Pavie (1359-1500) ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralIn 1359, Galeazzo II Visconti, lord of Milan, seized the small town of Pavia, some 30 km south of Milan. He settled directly in the city to make it his capital, leaving Milan in the hands of his brother Bernabò. His son Gian Galeazzo's acquisition of the ducal title in 1395, followed by the creation of the county of Pavia the following year, were the fundamental steps that established the political legitimacy of the "Pavesan" branch of the Visconti family.Despite initial resistance from the local population, once the city had been conquered, Galeazzo' project quickly won the support of the inhabitants, especially the urban elites ready to seize the opportunity represented by being part of the court and serve. At the same time, numerous construction projects were launched in the city, resulting in a profound transformation of its appearance. From a small town governed by competing seigniorial families, Pavia temporarily became the capital of the duchy under Gian Galeazzo, a status that was subsequently transformed, but whose effects lasted well into the Sforza era.The aim of this study is to understand the political, cultural, social, economic and territorial implications of Pavia's return to the status of capital, in order to grasp the multiplicity of issues at stake and question them in the specific context of the construction of the Lombard territorial state between 1359 and 1500
Scherman, Mathieu. « Familles et travail à Trévise à la fin du Moyen âge (1434-1509) ». Paris 7, 2007.
Texte intégralTreviso in the xvth is part of the Venetian Mainland, it’s a "dominate city". The venetian domination had a direct consequence for the trevisan population of around 10 000 inhabitants: the payment of direct taxes in order to support, chiefly, its war efforts. A fully shaped and regulated taxes systern had been built during the xvth century : the estimo. In seventy years, from 1434 to 1504, nine census were made. The studying of the whole documentation created by the estimi permitted the understanding of the organization of work in a dominated city; the mechanisms of the urban economy are instanced, Manual labour and the pattern of exchanges are the main topics of the thesis. The sequence of estimi renders not a photograph but an evolution, one tax payer and his or her successors can be owed during a period of time, so as structures of production and the number and varieties of activities. That characteristic allows to concentrate on social and economic mobility within the city. Works and economic hierarchies, the organization of work in the family, spatial organization of production and the elaboration of the city’s welfare are studied. Finally, Treviso's part in the regional economy and trades is studied
Maisonneuve, Cécile. « Peindre à Florence dans le quartier de l'Oltrarno entre Gothique tardif et première Renaissance ». Paris, EPHE, 2006.
Texte intégralThe Oltrarno, the south district of Florence was in the fifteenth century a meeting place for the patrons and painters who lived there and who contributed to the decoration of the churches around which their social life was organised. This study is about the men who were brought together by the creation of works of art, their identities and relationships. It restores some forgotten masters, defines the context in which better known painters moved and confirms the link between generations of artists traditionally separated by the formal gap between Gothic and Renaissance
Olard, Ludivine. « Offices et pouvoir : le déclassement du patriarcat vénitien (fin 15e-début 16e siècle) ». Toulouse 2, 2009.
Texte intégralBy the end of the Middle Ages, the Venetian people had to deal with lots of problems. The State had to face an unknown public debt and maintain public order. Then, it was hurted by tensions into the leading group and from some foreign princes, especially in christian Europe, stressed to distroy the influence and political power of the Serenis-sima, on the Mediterranean area. They also thought to assume its dominion. Those Venetian nobles, now too numerous, were subjected to a fall in status (déclassement) which process had been started at the end of the XIIIth Century, by the partisans of a conservative oligarchy, very jealous of its domination. It’s around the definition of this social class (first part), born to rule the City (second part), that the destiny of a majority of patricians happened at the beginning of the XVIth Century. As actors than victims of this refoundation (third part), the Venetian nobles tried not to fall into the traps set by the ones who looked for exclusion – and then, abandon – of a majority of nobles, to their destiny of decaduti. To fight against those tendencies, they reinforced and developed their familiar and friendly relationships (fourth part)
Cuttin, Luigia. « Le chapitre général des Chartreux et la province de "Lombardia propinquior" au XVe siècle ». Paris 1, 2006.
Texte intégralCollange, Lise. « Stratégies matrimoniales et enjeux économiques à Venise à la fin du XVe et au début du XVIe siècle ». Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1996.
Texte intégralThe study of late xv th and early xvi st century venetian matrimonial strategies and economic stakes is made difficult by the fact that sources are scattered and varried. In order to fully grasp the diversity and the typical characteristics of the leading group, we deem it more appropriate to study this category from the angle of a more easily identifiable corporation, that of sea-traders. This option leads to a better understanding of certain relational mechanisms which, contrary to the former situation, brings to light the intention of concentrating financial and political powers on order to remain in the first rank. The venetian nobilary group distinguishes itself by its disparity : the poor and the rich, the young and the old,, ancient or more recent noblility, men and women of different prerogatives yet living in the same society. In spite ot the apparent solidarity of the group, which is the traditional image spread for decades, rivalries, tensions and strong rancour exist which are made more visible during critical periods in the life of the republic. The prosopographic study of galley owners and galley investors and the giving prominence to objective links among them - i. E. Wedding - lead to the conclusion that the merchants, who are also noble galley owners, set a matrimonial strategy up with the intention of building up and stregthening their relationships with the most influencial families, both in the economic and political circles. They are motivated by the need to preserve the interests of the group
Dessì, Rosa Maria. « Ecritures laiques, predication et confreries a florence au quinzieme siecle. A propos du ms. Ricardiano 2894 (1461-1466). Edition et etude historique ». Paris, EHESS, 1993.
Texte intégralMs 2894 of the riccardiana library of florence, of which we offer here the critical edition, is a "zibaldone" of devotional texts, written by several people in a "mercantesca" hand during the second half of fifteenth century. The central part of the manuscript consists of "laudi", of notes taken during sermons and of "exempla". After having situated the production of the collection in a confraternal environment - probably that of the florentine laymen of several structures designated to assure religious instruction cordering and production of books, teaching reading skills, communal writing exercises, exchange of books, organisations of series of sermons during lent). Then the study examines several questions that are brought up by the different literary genres and texts found in the manuscript : the relation between preaching and the reception of sermons, the cross-over of "exempla" from preaching to personal reading. We finally reach the conclusion that "confraternal religion" can be defined as the product of a process of "osmosis". .
Schuller, Michelle. « Soi et les autres : étude des relations familiales dans les écrits privés florentins des XIVe-XVe siècles ». Paris 3, 2005.
Texte intégralThe XIVth-XVth Florentine family diaries (and among them the Cronica domestica of Donato Velluti), are dedicated to the celebration of the family. However, the author leads a personal discourse : the expression of self appears through his conscious relation with his own writing, and in the autobiografical dimension of the genealogical account. In the history of the family, the glance related to the others, from now on more attentive with individualities, highlights the family structures, especially the dominating place held by the father. The father writer " governs " his family group by his own behaviour and by the writing of his book : in this book, he endeavours not only to educate the souls and to protect the bodies, but also to form citizens, with the purpose of ensuring the continuity of the family, her economic strength and her politic power in the city, transmitting the values of his social class, while expressing his concerns in front of the escape of time and the evolution of the customs and mentalities
Boucheron, Patrick. « Urbanisme, politique des grands travaux et pouvoir princier à Milan à la fin du Moyen Âge ». Paris 1, 1994.
Texte intégralThis thesis would like to underline the ideological coherence, the political meanings and the economical efficiency of the public works that the Visconti and the Sforza plan for their capital, Milan on the XIVth and XVth centuries. The dukes try to express their power on the city using a deliberated activity concentred on the town-planning. We bring to light the architectural aspect of the monumental policy but the artistic patronage, the constitution of the officers in charge with the urban conduct, and the impact of the ducal activities on the building economy as well. At last, we try to point out the links between the concerted town-planning and the self spatial dynamics of the economical metropole. In the same time, the aspects of a ducal power and the structures of a urban development appear to be very nearly united
Piola, Caselli Chiara. « Les Cours d'Ugo Foscolo à l'Université de Pavie : genèse, sources et commentaire ». Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
Texte intégralThe positive reviews – both editorial and critical – achieved by Foscolo's 1809 lecture On the origin and duty of literature have overshadowed the Italian author's text corpus of the classes he's given at the University of Pavia. This study is willing to explain this specific aspect of Foscolo's work, often skipped by literary criticism. For this aim we reenact Foscolo's teaching experience in Pavia and the importance of it in His philosophical and literary thought. His classes alone include a good number of key themes of His literary work. Those catalyze the suggestions coming from his readings and the literary debates of the previous years, that have fed His thinking, at that time still in development , but soon to be settled in His critical thought, clearly visible in His English period work (1817-1827). In these classes particularly, Foscolo tries to reach two primary goals: 1) to define the civil duties of a literary man by a new ethical and political definition of oratory; 2) to create an educational project for the middle class; hence it bursts the need for creating a common unitary language and a national literary tradition as well as the assert of a new historiographical model, able to go beyond the Eighteenth Century scholarship boundaries. This study is concluded with a timeline reconstruction of the publishing history of His classes and their commentary. Such text lessons, critically revised and corrected (compared to their last edition available – edited by Emilio Santini – that failed to consider important revisions and different versions) are the foundation of the commentary, a critical and historical marginalia showing the sources used by Foscolo and of the use – either directly or indirectly – he made in His literary, philosophical and linguistic thought
Major, Alain. « Les colonies continentales de venise en grece meridionale 14e-15e siecles ». Toulouse 2, 1989.
Texte intégralCoron, modon,argos, nauplia, lepanta. . . Are the venitian strongholds in the south of the continental greece; they allow to patrol round the region, to make sure that merchants and ships are safe. The best part of the maritime empire, including creta and euboia is messenia with the two stratigic harbours, coron and modon. The following thesis deals with their inner organization, their economic commercial and military activities, their role in the venitian policy in morea and its relations to the latin (villehardouin, acciaiuoli, catalans) greek and turkish states. Won at the beginning of the 13e century just when what will become after the fourth crusade the venitian maritime superiority starts to establish itself, coron and modon will often be referred to for 3 centuries and are the object of constant care from the home land. The following invasion of other harbours or territories which could make think of a greek and venetian colonial empire is only complementary when venice has to face the ottoman imperialism on the east side and turns, on the one hand to the conquest of continental land in italy and on the other hand to the exploitation of new economic possibilities in the western mediterranean and europe
Gourdin, Philippe. « Les relations politiques et économiques entre l'Italie tyrrhénienne et la Maghreb au XVe siècle ». Paris 1, 2001.
Texte intégralLuduena, Fabian Javier. « L'astrologie au XVe siècle : le cas de Marsile Ficin (1433-1499) ». Paris, EHESS, 2005.
Texte intégralThis PhD dissertation is focused on astrology as a discipline during the Italian Renaissance and studies the case of the astrologer, philosopher, theologian and physician Marsilio Ficino (1422-1499). Through the example of Ficino, we study the survival of the ancient astrology derived from Greek and Roman practices. This dissertation proposes a genealogy of astrological humanism and studies the relationships amongst the political theology and the economic theology supported by Ficino. An archaeology of Renaissance humanism is followed by a study of the survival of the ancient model of make sexuality in the Medici culture and we propose a research about the sources of Ficino's astral magic and in order to nuance Frances A. Yates's hypotheses which defend the importance of the Corpus Hermeticum in Ficino's magic
Crouzet-Pavan, Élisabeth. « Espaces urbains, pouvoir et société à Venise à la fin du Moyen-Age ». Paris 1, 1989.
Texte intégralThis is the tale of a city - Venice, a study devoted to the history of an urban organism from the mid-13th century to the end of the 15th; it is focused neither on the forms and aesthetics of the monumental landscape nor on the physical organization of the town, but on the interplay between power, society and the space in which they evolve. A leading factor of coherence during the period under consideration is the intervention of political power in and upon urban space. The first part of this study is therefore devoted to describe the system of power and of space in Venice; the second is centered upon the development of social structures as they are revealed by the kind of spatial analysis which has been selected. Changes in the organization of space are thus considered under two corrolatory approaches. Eventually. The urban entity is apprehended as a whole, from the lands around and amidst the lagoon to the belt of outer parishes and to the inner areas which are increasingly well defined. The overall structure of venetian space, as it was established and as it developed over two centuries an more up to its accomplishment can be thus understood
Tura, Adolfo. « Les sources géométriques françaises de Fra Giovanni Giocondo da Verona ». Paris, EPHE, 2004.
Texte intégralThe thesis consists in the edition of nine texts on practical geometry in Middle French, Latin an Italian. All of them are of French origin and it is Giocondo who collected them (with the exception of the text in ms. Paris BnF lat. 7381). Translations into Italian are also made by him
Grieco, Allen J. « Classes sociales, nourriture et imaginaire alimentaire en Italie (XIVe - XVe siècles) ». Paris, EHESS, 1987.
Texte intégralFood is not just an inert object influeneed exclusively by the vagaries of economic laws and agricultural techniques. Food is also a social and cultural product that can be studied in much the same way as other such products are studied. Yet, this is an aspect of alimentary history that is all too easily overlooked in a field that lends itself so readily to the powerful presence of a material reality. This thesis constitutes an attempt to remedy this historiographic oversight. Food and foodstuffs are examined here as cultural products within a circumscribed geographic and cronological context (central italy, 1300-1550). The dissertation explores four distinct domains. The first concerns the diets of different social groups (i. E. What was eaten on what occasions by what social groups). The second is an exploration of food prices. The third is an attempt to situate foods and diets in their social and cultural context so as to elucidate the meaning embodied by different foodstuffs not only in practice but also symbolically. The fourth and final question broached concerns the way in which food was evaluated and classified by late medieval and early renaissance scientific discourses (medical, agricultural, botanical, etc. )
Palmero, Giuseppe. « Entre culture thérapeutique et culture matérielle : les domaines du savoir d'un anonyme gênois à la fin du Moyen-Âge. Le manuscrit inédit "Medicinalia quam plurima" ». Nice, 1998.
Texte intégralThe studied manuscript looks like a large copy-book, where an anonymous compiler copied 1774 texts, mostly (two thirds) concerning health and body-care. The last third concerns aspects of manual work, alchemy, domestic world, married life and everyday life. The languages used are latin and vulgar tongue. The manuscript allows us to better understand cultural life in genoa and in its territory at that time. Through this source we can observe and analyse the matters which appeared important to a very educated and curious man, who tries to improve his knowledge in domains placed outside his own cares. These domains are certainly foreign to him, but they are not necessarily on a lower or superior level to his own, they are close to him both in mind and in space. This is what we tried to demonstrate analysing culture circulation and places, exchanges inside the organised institutions and among them, that is to say the "descent" and "ascent" of specific patterns and of cultural resources. Then we tried to specify the knowledge level and the motivations which lay at the origin of this compilation, in order to discover a middle culture which already worked at that time, without knowing it. It is in this "place", itself a communication means, where cultural elements, arised from the erudite tradition, from the professional milieu and from the folk knowledge system, flowed in. The first volume of the thesis is consecrated to the critical analysis (description and history of the manuscript, language and lexicon study, contents and forms of the 1774 writings, examination of the sources used and a plausible portrait of the anonymous author) and the second volume to the manuscrit edition
Feniello, Amedeo. « Les campagnes napolitaines à la fin du moyen âge : mutations d'un paysage rural ». Paris, EHESS, 2001.
Texte intégralDoustaly, Anne. « L'esprit de la chair : images de la sainteté féminine entre Rhône et Alpes au XVe siècle ». Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Texte intégralAfter listing the examples of female saints used in the Proven cal and Alpine public paintings in the XVth century, this study notes limited sanctoral representations (Mary Magdalen, martyr virgins), the absence oflocal saints, and explores the consequences of these choices (polysemy of saintliness, visuallayout). The main corpus, made up of retables, mural paintings and exempla, is completed by hagiography, calendars and the commission contracts (prix-faits). There is a discrepancy between the fact that the figure of the female saint turns out to be limited in some media (painting, exempla), and with both the popularity of pilgrimages and the feminization of contemporary spirituality. This study looks into the common use of female saintliness and the visual conventions related to the central figure of Mary Magdalene and to the homogeneous group of martyr virgins that works out as a series. The visual function of the attribute, the fonns of identity, and the classifications are analysed. The figure of Saint Lucy, the specific mechanisms of the organ-attribute and the visual variations on the gender of the female saints bear witness to the suggestive inventivity of images, and lead to a redefinition of the polysemic notion of saintliness
Bouvrande, Isabelle. « La critique du lieu aristotélicien à la Renaissance : diaphane, atopie, et colorito, ou les enjeux du visible dans la peinture vénitienne du Cinquecento ». Tours, 2002.
Texte intégralVillard, Renaud. « Du bien commun au mal nécessaire : tyrannies, assassinats politiques et souveraineté en Italie, vers 1470-vers 1600 ». Paris 4, 2004.
Texte intégralThis research concerns the wave of political assassinations in early modern Italy, wave which has been associated to the debate on tyrannicide: an idea of the tyrant spreds, seeing him as man of the inversion of values, of the physical and spiritual destruction of the community. This idea meets with a response from the spiritual and political instability: the conspirator, by killing this tyrant and by mutilated his body, intends to uncover the hidden monster, in order to enable the return of political and religious harmony. This frequency of real or imaginary conspiracies leads the sovereigns to amend their authority. The prince, thanks to a discourse on necessary obediance, thanks to the use of dissimulations, thanks to his accepted capacity of illegitime violence, establishes himself as a principle of power, separated from his body's materiality - this has the effect of weakening political murders which were supported first this uncovering of the prince's body
Huboux, Michèle. « Les Campagnes florentines à la fin du Moyen Âge : principalement d'après les sources littéraires ». Paris, EPHE, 2002.
Texte intégralThe background to this research is the Florentine "contado" of the Late Middle Ages. Our primary source are "subjective" ones such as "ricordanze" backed up by such "objective" sources as village statutes and inventories of peasants' goods and chattels. After a first chapter which deals with the two most important authors, to our mind, Giovanni Sercambi and Franco Sacchetti, we have studied the image of the "villein" in Tuscan narratives. A third chapter deals with rural landscape as shaped by the peasants of the "contado" who often seem to follow the advice of the best agronomists of their time, Piero de'Crescenzi and Michelangelo Tanaglia. A further chapter brings out the important role of the countryside in Florentine life. The final part of our study deals with the private aspects of peasant society. There is no doubt that our sources provide information on the everyday life of peasants, but direct accounts are lacking. Hence the major difficulty of a study which can only see rural reality from one point of view, that of the city dwelling landowner
Rammairone, Eva. « Scritti editi, rari e inediti di Vespasiano da Bisticci : con l'edizione critica del Libro della vita et conversatione de' cristiani, del Lamento d'Italia e del Tratato contro a la ingratitudine ». Thesis, Amiens, 2019.
Texte intégralThis Ph.D. thesis has the principal objective to propose a complete study on Vespasiano da Bisticci and his literary activity. Vespasiano was the most famous stationery in the Florence of XV century, the producer of most beautiful manuscripts for the libraries of Cosimo de' Medici or Federico da Montefeltro. This work is divided in three parts : the first is focused on the biography of Vespasiano with the presentation of news derived from analysis of the most important Italian's libraries and archives ; the second section is based on the literary production of Vespasiano da Bisticci with the study of his works divided on the status of publication (edits, inediteds, and rares) ; the last part, which is the principal, contains the critic edition of the last three indited works of Vespasiano da Bisticci (Libro della vita et conversation de' cristiani, Lamento d'Italia and Tratato contro a la ingratitudine) with a complete introduction at the works, critical apparatus, and critical notes for the comment of particular passages
Pérol, Céline. « Cortona : une cité-état aux marches de la Toscane, quinzième-seizième siècles ». Paris 10, 1994.
Texte intégralA monograph of Cortona (Italy, Arezzo’s province), a secondary and borderer city in the Tuscany of the XVth and XVIth century and in the Florentine regional state. This work proposes a political and social study of the city and of the compromises between Cortona and Florence built in this period. The first part of the thesis is about the evolution of spaces, Cortona’s territoriality components: military territory and the invention of a borderline, the economical regions and the permanence of a trans-border region, the city and its countryside and the "intra-muros" space. Follows a deep analysis of the urban political society through the attribution system and the composition of municipal offices. Finally, the last part gives a political study of the "social order" through the anthroponomical system (spelling of names, choice of first names), through the spatial distribution of patrician lineages, the economical and matrimonial description of the municipal elite. This work underlines the originality of a border-city in the formation of a regional state
Saffré, Romain. « Une banque suivant la Cour de Rome : Antonio della Casa et le Languedoc (1439-1452) ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Texte intégralAntonio della Casa, a Florentine who initially worked for the Medici family in Rome,created his own company in 1439 and quickly established his network, which included WesternEurope’s major economic centres. In the historical context of the Council of Basel and the endof the Hundred Years War, this work deals with the company’s bookkeeping, the pontifical taxsystem and the banks partners in Languedoc. The Roman ledgers provide a good example of Florentine bookkeeping. Although the other types of books such as journals or cash books have disappeared, it still remains possible to understand how it overall worked. Moreover, a parallel bookkeeping conserved in the Salviati archives in Pisa allows us to follow an account from both Rome’s and London’s points of view. This enables us to understand better how operations were done and registered. Regarding the pontifical tax system, the comparison with the Roman archives has confirmed what previous historians had already shown, namely the sharp drop in the pontifical collectories’ incomes in comparison with the 14th century, although the example of Toulouse puts things into perspective. Finally, the della Casa archives are above all interesting for the history of Languedoc. Compared with other local or Florentine archives they enable us to define much better than we used to the activity, alliances and networks of the Italian merchants living in Montpellier and Toulouse in the mid-14th century. This is due to the presence of numerous intermediaries during the exchanges between the Languedoc and Rome. It indirectly gives us some information about the economic links between the various cities used as intermediaries
Imhaus, Brünehilde. « Les minorites orientales de venise du xive siecle au debut du xvie siecle : du particularisme a l'integration ? » Toulouse 2, 1987.
Texte intégralThe analysis of the reasons of the oriental people to move to venice ( albanians, arabs, dalmatians, grecks, tartars, turcks) the countries of the origins, their social professional background and their economical standart of living leads to consider the problems bough by this immigration to civil and religious authorities; problems throug which we image the very slow process of assimilation
Crabot, Cécile. « Les feudataires catalans et la Sardaigne (1323-1420) : noblesse et expansion de la Couronne d'Aragon ». Paris 10, 2000.
Texte intégralRoseau, Catherine. « Corps et perspective : une approche psychosomatique de la Perspective artificielle lors de ses origines théoriques et pratiques à Florence au XVe siècle ». Tours, 2000.
Texte intégralThe autor of the thesis wants to begin a reflexion on the role of the artist's body in the construction of the perspective. In the representation of th third dimension as we find it in the physical world, the body seems to be considered as a scheme of representation if we examine L. B. Alberti's De Pictura (1435) and F. Bruneschelleschi's biography, written in the second half of the 15th century and describing the two pannels, today lost, pictured by the florentine architect. From these two texts it seems that the perspective reflects the corporal laterality and the binacolar vision wich are at the beginning of the geometrisation of the visible ans its representation. This study is the result of an analysis of the works realised in Florence by the artists cited in the dedication of Leon Battista Alberti's Italian version of Della Pittura (1436). It has been necessary to outline tha the history of art from the beginnings had studied the subject. Doing so we can note that H. Wölfflin suggested the influence of the vision in the visual arts. On the contrary E. Panofsky refused the implication of the psychophysilogy in the arts and especially in the perspective. For the German historian the perspective is a symbolic form composed of an intelligible content and a sensible form. The supermacy of the symbolic has also been developped in other disciplines, for example by the psychoanalysis and J. Lacan. According to science, the body does not have a structural power, it is the scene of the symbolic. The autor of this thesis tries to show how the body has an original power int the structuring of the space. The body has to be considered in its relation to th others in a given culture, at a moment of its history. For this purpose, the author frequently refers to the psychomatic approach of the psychoanalist Sami-Ali
Bianchini, Michelle. « L'artiste peintre de lui-meme - ecrit autobiographiques et autoportraits d'artistes de la renaissance italienne (xve et xvie siecles) ». Aix-Marseille 1, 1999.
Texte intégralBoucherat, Jean-Luc. « Quia amore langueo. Iconographie de l'extase, mystique de l'image et théologie de la beauté. Espagne, Flandre, France, Italie. Fin 15e siècle - fin 17e siècle ». Paris 4, 1995.
Texte intégralThrough the european painting (Spain, Flanders, France, Italy) from the end of the 15th to the end of the 17th, and an iconographical analysis of the saints, specially of st Etienne, Magdalena, Thérèse d'Avila, we wonder about the ability of representation of image regarding an ineffable experience such as ecstasy, and from beyond, about the ability of ravishment of the image itself. Besides, we base also on mystical writings in relation to an ecstasy happened in front of a picture, refering to a larger historical corpus (st Francis of Assisi's works being necessary for our subject). Mondering about the mighty of ravishment in ecstasy, we come to this conclusion : it is not the picture itself wich ravishes, it is the beauty of the image wich acts. Beauty of frames, beauty of theme or the both of them
Freschi, Lorenzo. « I sudditi al governo. Società e politica a Cividale e Gemona nel Friuli del Rinascimento veneziano ». Doctoral thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017.
Texte intégralFreschi, Lorenzo. « I sudditi al governo. Società e politica a Cividale e Gemona nel Friuli del Rinascimento veneziano ». Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017.
Texte intégralThe thesis analyzes the functioning of the "società politica territoriale" in Friuli, in the second half of the fifteenth century, through the study of two "centri minori": Cividale and Gemona. If the first one can be considered as a "città", the second one can be defined as "quasi-città". The objective of the thesis is to analyze how the political relationship - that has been built since the Friuli “deditio” to Venice, a frontier land and the dominant city - had concretely worked, taking into account all the political actors involved in this relationship and in the political management of the territory.The dissertation opens with a historiographical discussion analyzing the transformation of state approaches in Italian historiography in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, leading to a more precise definition of the subject of work: the local actors of a regional Italian state. Following/ On these subject, the introduction implements the same question and his evolution in the regional (Venetian) and local historiography (Friuli) to conclude with a panorama of the sources of the local and Venetian archives.The man core of the thesis is divided in four sections. The first presents, in a single chapter, the territorial, demographical, socio-economical, political characteristics of the Patria of the Friuli. Afterwards, the heart of the work deals with the communities of Cividale and Gemona in two strong sections, each one dedicated to one of the two sites in question. Cividale and Gemona are thus analyzed through their institutional, social-political and territorial control dimensions, in which it has been investigated the specific forms of each "local political society". A fourth section puts in comparison the communities of Cividale and Gemona with other similar communities of the Stado da Terra. A final conclusion presents an assessment of this new organization of the local political society, characterized by a solid structure and a significant transformation following the submission to Venice
Bouscharain, Anne. « La poétique de Battista Spagnoli de Mantoue (Bucoliques, Silves, Parthenices) et sa réception en France au XVIè siècle, à partir de l'édition des Syluarum Sex Opuscula (Paris, Josse Bade, 1503) ». Paris, EPHE, 2003.
Texte intégralThe poet B. Spagnoli Mantuanus (1447-1516) had acquired great fame in Renaissance Europe. Often compared to Virgil, he drew his celebrity from his earlier works : the eclogues of Adulescentia, the Parthenice and the Silvae. From the end of the Quattrocento, an original poetic art arises through his works, combining the author's spirituality and the influence of the theory on literary style and emotional inspiration of Angelo Poliziano based upon Statius and Quintilian. In the Silvae - the 1503 anthology providing obvious evidence - Mantuan embraces the Alexandrian tradition brought back into fashion by Poliziano. He does this in order to take for himself the principle of an improvised epideictic writing, adapted to his ingenium and oriented towards self-expression. Arguing for the mediocritas of Horace, he promoted modern virtue and Christian meditation on glory and salvation. He chose to define the simplicity of a spontaneous celebration of faith as a writing principle, as opposed to the high poetic styles he considered to be impersonal and beyond reach. The influence of his poetry on the French poets of the Marot generation and the Pleiade is explained by the freedom of style inherent to the principles that Mantuan selected for his own poetry. These lie inbetween brief extemporary writing and search for erudite variety, as illustrated by the fragile impromptu of the Silvae where a refined celebration arose in his confession about the world and virtue. The afore-mentioned French authors, following Erasmus and various humanists of the 16th century, did consider him as a model of the lyrical poetry of the Renaissance, allying spirituality, praise and familiar inspiration
Martignoni, Andrea. « Mots et gestes de la foi : une anthropologie religieuse du Frioul à la fin du Moyen Age ». Paris 4, 2007.
Texte intégralA patriarchal state since the beginning of the 11 century, Friuli was entirely incorporated within the Venetian Terraferma in 1420. This distinctive group of cities, which is constituted by the capital, Udine, Cividale and Gemona, represents an advantageous standpoint from which to study the different forms of religious faith at the end of the Middle Ages. This research which is based on the language of words and the gestures of faith, endeavours to study religious practice, devotional organisation and the different expressions of belief at the time. The frontiers which exist between what is sacred and what is profane are extremely porous in medieval cities. Urban authorities fully contribute to the implementation of a city of God on earth, by keeping a close watch over space and time. This distinctive « politics of the sacred » also implies that the signs of divine immanence are made visible in the city, which is thus transformed into a city of images and a city of relics. A new sacral geography which supervises religious practice, emerges in the urban fabric. Because of the important role played by religious brotherhoods, the city is witness to multiple experimentations of devotional language. Through ritualities of the body and of the soul, man gets involved in a dialogue which is both vertical, with the divine, and horizontal, with his neighbour. But the city of God also falls prey to different threats which put its security at risk. Inside the city, forms of blasphemy and iconoclasm may considerably disturb the established, the divine and the public orders. Outside the city, the plague and the Turks, whose incursions terrorize populations in the 15 century, are thought to be the fruit of divine wrath. Spiritual strategies are therefore designed to restore the fragile alliance with God and implore his mercy. The Homo Religiosus at the end of the Middle Ages is characterized by a prodigious « crave for the divine »
Pélieu, Marguerite. « Benvenuto di Giovanni, 1436-1518 : peintre siennois : étude critique et catalogue raisonné ». Paris 4, 1986.
Texte intégralGolsenne, Thomas. « L' art et l'apparence : les formes de l'ornementalité dans la Marche d'Ancône à l'époque de Carlo Crivelli ». Paris 1, 2003.
Texte intégralTinterri, Daniele. « Divergenze parallele : Negroponte e Chio : due colonie latine nel Levante greco (metà XIV-metà XV sec.) ». Paris, EHESS, 2016.
Texte intégralThe PhD thesis considers the political, juridical and institutional evolution of a Venetian colony, Negroponte, and of a Genoese colony, Chios, between the mid-14th and the mid-15th century. It is divided in three parts. In the first and second part, the evolution of the two territories is taken into account under a chronological perspective, to analyse the establishment and development of the institutions and the decisions taken by the respective governments. In the third section, the actual comparison is developed, considering institutions and juridical aspects of the two contexts. This section is divided thematically in six parts : government (institutions, relations with the hometowns) ; elite groups and their forms of representation ; juridical aspect (feudalism, rights and customs) ; relations with political and ethnical minorities ; diplomatical and international relations ; ecclesiastical policy. The comparison aims at considering the differences between the two contexts and tries to explain why Venice and Genoa have taken different decisions to solve the same problems. To do this, it becomes necessary to take into account not only the ways of settlement and the differences between the two contexts, but also the political and juridical ideologies characterizing the two Italian towns. This latter aspect appears to be essential in order to explain the different evolution of the two colonies in the Greek Levant
Moullot, Dominique. « Les ordres militaires en italie a la fin du moyen age : le liber prioratus urbis de l'ordre de saint-jean-de-jerusalem : edition critique du vat. lat. 10372 ». Paris, EPHE, 1999.
Texte intégralTroadec, Cécile. « Roma crescit. Une histoire économique et sociale de Rome au XVe siècle ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Texte intégralThis PhD aims at improving our understanding of the deep transformations that affect both Roman economy and society during the 15th century (1398-1527). The economic revival displayed by the Quattrocento’s Rome turns out to be sustained and increased by the return of the papal Court in Rome by the end of the 14th century. From the second half of the 15th century indeed, Roman economy’s pace changes, financial resources are flooding from the country to the city also as from Tuscan merchant-bankers, creating new conditions of production and new patterns of consumption. The renewed status of capital city leads to an ever-increasing demand, especially in luxury products. What’s at stake is to analyse and enlighten how the Roman society managed to adapt itself and to respond to a changing situation and to an impressive demographic and economic growth. The six chapters of this book cover a wide scale, from the rural economy of the casale up to the real estate market ; from the macroeconomic frame through the question of urban supply and imports up to the microstoria of craftsmen, butchers, fishmongers. This PhD also deals with the process of social mobility which concern the urban nobility as well as the craftsmen. Finally, this research replaces Rome in the wider context of the Italian urban world, by trying to underline its specificities or its conformity to the models of northern and southern Italy
Tournieroux, Anne. « Les bibliothèques privées en France et en Italie à la fin du Moyen Âge (1400-1520) ». Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Texte intégralThis thesis aims at the comparative study of libraries of laity and clerics in the north of France and northern Italy between 1400 and 1520. The relations between the French and Italian territories are no longer to be demonstrated, marked for the beginning of our period by the progressive resolution of the Great Schism and, for the end, by the Italian wars between 1494 and 1516. In the fifteenth century and up to the beginning of the sixteenth century, cultural phenomena of the first order such as dissemination of humanism and, on the material level, the invention of printing spread throughout Europe. We have chosen to focus on "traditional" categories of possessors such as the secular clergy, but also to emerging categories of possessors, including the bourgeoisie
Levy, Fabien. « La Monarchie et la Commune : les relations entre Gênes et la France, 1396-1512 ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2009.
Texte intégralFrom 1396 to 1512, Genoa, incapable of ruling itself, gives itself over to France three times, thus enabling the encounter of two opposit political, social and cultural models. The evolution of their relationship, obviously conflictual, outlines throughout the fifteenth century the triumph of the Monarchy over the Commune. On the diplomatical level first, where Genoa becomes progressively the French gateway to Italy, providing funds and ships to each expedition. Then amoung the Citys' government, where the governors implement increasingly arbitrary practices inspired by monarchy principles. But a victory in appearance only, masking the resurgence of a civic ideal in the city. An ideal that will flourish all along the century under foreign influence, supported by a group of city dwellers united around the values of Liberty, Union and Stability. And an ideal that will end up being the basis of the 1528, enabling the Genovese to enter their « golden century »
Baggioni, Laurent. « La « forteresse de la raison ». Lectures de l’humanisme politique florentin d’après l’Epistolario de Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406) ». Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2011.
Texte intégralStarting from a critical historicization of the methodological and ideological foundations of categories such as civic humanism and republicanism, this thesis investigates the works of the Florentine humanists not only from the point of view of political theory but also in relation to their historical significance. The aim is to redefine the structural lines of a republican tradition characteristic of Florentine history, a tradition which the thinkers of the Italian Wars (Savonarola, Guicciardini, Machiavelli) inherited and criticized. An extensive reading of the private letters by Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406) constitutes the central part of this work and reveals the juridical character of the Chancellor’s thought : on the one hand, the juridical vocabulary is omnipresent in the letters and provides the core of the hermeneutic tools necessary to political analysis ; on the other hand, it helps defining an « office of exhortation » which discloses Salutati’s urge for reform rather than his role of propagandist. New light is then shed on Leonardo Bruni’s contribution to political thought as Bruni is seen following the path of Salutati’s political humanism. Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444), in comparison with his master, stresses the superiority of history, but finds himself equally involved in the formulation of a language and a science of political life
Rizzo, Alessandro. « Le lys et le lion : diplomatie et échanges entre Florence et le sultanat mamelouk (début XVe-début XVIe s.) ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Texte intégralThe research investigates the diplomatic and commercial relations that were established between Florence and the Mamluk sultanate (Egypt-Syria), during the first half of the 15th century. This is the period when the contacts between the two states intensified and the significance of the economic exchanges between Florence and the Mamluk Empire became important for both powers. Even though the Florentine merchants had been active in the harbors and in the coastal cities of the Mamluk Sultanate since the 14th century, it is only from 1421 that Florence managed to secure a direct outlet to the sea and to have its own ships. This expansion led to a shift in the nature and the frequency of the diplomatic and commercial relations between the two powers: Florence could now pretend to play the role of a direct interlocutor with the sultans and seek to protect the leading actors of its trade: the merchants
Zingraff, Sarah. « Les Bijoux et leurs représentations dans les images de l’Italie du Nord aux XIVe et XVe siècles : Vallée d’Aoste – Piémont – Ligurie – Lombardie : États et rang social, emblématique et fonctions des objets de parure des laïcs : L’apport de l’Iconographie ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.
Texte intégralThe study about jewels and adornment accessories - a complex notion for the period in examination - and their representations, leans on the analysis of the two-dimensions images produced in Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in the 14th and 15th century.It aims at observing contexts and types of medium allowing images to show such details as jewels and adornment accessories, when still visible, and to determine the different groups of people who subscribed the images where these objects appear.It aims at analyzing the frequency of appearance of the various jewels and dress adornments, as well as determining which are the most decorated categories of characters, while confronting these results with the other sources at our disposal: archeological and goldsmiths' work finds, account books, inventories, sumptuary laws, chroniclers narratives, sermons, correspondence, poetry, and a particular genre of literature dedicated to gemstones: Lapidaries.The particularities advanced by images insist on the various moral values attached to every type of jewel and adornment object, their location on the body, as well as the rank of their owner.The recourse to several studies belonging to the historic anthropology domain allows focusing on the important role played by the occasions which required the bearing of these objects or which commanded their exchanges, ensuing from a ritualized ceremonial, during which the finery objects played a role of representation as well as protection.Finally, the analysis turns on the "strategy" displayed by images and, especially by those who ordered them, joining within logic of appearances, in order to legitimize their position
Lo studio dei gioielli – nozione complessa per il periodo preso in esame – e delle loro rappresentazioni, si basa sull’analisi delle immagini a due dimensioni prodotte nella Valle d’Aosta, in Piemonte, Liguria e Lombardia ne Trecento e Quattrocento. Mira innanzitutto ad osservare quali sono i contesti ed i tipi di produzione che permettono di osservare dettagli come gli accessori ornamentali, quando questi sono ancora reperibili, così come a determinare i grandi gruppi di promotori delle immagini raffiguranti questi oggetti. Mira poi ad analizzare in modo quantitativo la frequenza delle apparizione di quei differenti tipi di gioielli ed accessori preziosi, nonchè a determinare quali sono le categorie di personaggi più ornati, pure confrontando questi risultati con le altre fonti a disposizione. Tra queste si annoverano reperti archeologici e oggetti di oreficeria, ma anche fonti scritte : documentazione archivistica contabile, inventari, leggi suntuarie, opere di cronisti, sermoni, corrispondenza, poesia, così come une tipo particolare dedicato alle gemme : i Lapidari. Sono così evidenziate le particolarità messe in luce dalle immagini, che insistono sulle differenti caratteristiche morali legate ad ogni tipo di oggetti presi in conto, alla parte del corpo alla quale era destinato, così come al rango sociale di chi lo portava. Il ricorso a parecchi studi che rientrano nel campo dell’antropologia storica permette di osservare il ruolo importante delle occasioni che richiedevano di ornarsi con questi oggetti o che ne determinavano gli scambi, il che dérivava dalle necessità imposte da un cerimoniale molto ritualizzato, nel quale quegli oggetti preziosi assumevano nello stesso tempo una funzione di rappresentazione et di protezione. Infine, l’analisi si orienta sulla « strategia » sviluppata dalle immagini, e sopratutto dai loro donatori, iscrivendosi in una logica delle apparenze che tendeva a legittimare la loro posizione
Little, Anna. « Du lieu à l'espace : transformations de l'environnement pictural en Italie centrale (XIIIe - XVe s.) ». Thesis, Tours, 2010.
Texte intégralThis study exposes the key role played by the notion of "place" in the development of "modern pictorial space". We first establish that place and "anti-place" represent the two fundamental components of the thirteenth century pictorial environment and that these components are closely correlated to the notions of place and "anti-place" as they appear in contemporary theology, natural philosophy, mnemonic practices and politico-territorial organisation. We then study the causes and processes which lead the thirteenth century pictorial place to evolve and a new conception of the image to emerge. This new conception is characterised by two levels: onecomposed of material bodies, the other taking the form of an immaterial, rectilinear and regularstructure - structure which, while being identifiable as a direct derivative of pictorial place, isequally identifiable as a speculative model of real space
Borgolotto-Zetland, Élisabeth. « Les juifs à Florence au temps de Cosme l'Ancien, 1437-1464 : une histoire économique et sociale du judaïsme toscan ». Montpellier 3, 2009.
Texte intégralOn the 17th of October 1437, a few Jews entered Florence officially in order to practice moneylending, thanks to a condotta granting such permission for 10 years, and which was extended with difficulty. This is the study of the first 27 years of Jewish settlement in the city up until the death of Cosimo the Elder in 1464, viewed through the prism of notary and normative sources. No internal formal organization was created, so a community is not dealt with. The lenders arrived with their families, and other Jews followed, attracted by the dynamism of the city of florin. The majority arrived from the Florentine territory and the north-central part of the Italian peninsula; a few came from even farther away, from Provence, Spain and Germany. Confronted by a new presence, Florence adopted an ambiguous policy, revealing contemporary debates on usury and the place of the Jew in Christian society. A series of contradictory edicts were issued about the badge Jews were made to wear, which became obligatory to all including the lenders in 1463. The important moments of their lives are visible at the notaries: marriages and dowries, wills, inheritances, guardianships and emancipations. Women, always accompanied by a mundualdus (a male legal guardian), occasionally succeeded in showing their bold faces. A prosopographic study allows reconstructing the genealogies, to follow a lender and the changes in his family, and the conversion to Christianity of another. This is a half-tone picture of the history of the Jews at the time of Cosimo the Elder
Parisse, Christel Véronique. « Le siège de Nice en 1543 et ses conséquences ». Paris 4, 2001.
Texte intégralMazou, Sébastien. « "Hic sunt leones" : défendre l'empire vénitien, 1453-1503 ». Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2018.
Texte intégralThis research is based on a study of the military organization of the Stado da Mar, the maritime territories of the Venetian empire, during the second half of the XVth century. For most of the period, the Republic of Venice is fighting two wars against the Ottoman empire which end with territorial looses for Venice. We have analysed the cooperation of the three tools of the Stato da Mar’s defence – the garrisons, the war fleet and the stradiots (light mounted soldiers with Balkan origins) – and the Venetian leaders attempts to challenge and struggle with the Ottomans. We have insisted on the protagonists of the war, to show a less vertical vision of the Stato da Mar’s defence organization, using for this purpose public letters, few studied by historians until now. Friuli, region that belongs to the italian part of the empire, has been added in the analysis because its population suffers ottoman attacks during the period and because of the exceptional preservation of documents dealing with his perception of Venetian-Ottoman wars and his relationship with the venetian army soldiers
Arrighi, Lucie. « Pouvoir et historiographie : les Histoires de Corse (XVe-XVIe siècles) entre France, Italie et Espagne ». Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019.
Texte intégralIn the middle of the Fifteenth century, a Corsican notary named Giovanni della Grossa wrote the earliest historical account of the island of Corsica, in the particular geopolitical context of the struggles between the feudal partisans of Aragonese Corsica and of the Commune of Genoa. At the same time witness and actor of the events that divide Corsica during the Quattrocento, Giovanni della Grossa participates in the Geno-Aragonese War and delivers his account of the conflict, describing a chaotic Corsica. Through his History, he intends to ideologically “reorder” the island’s political parties, distinguishing the communal party on one hand, and the seigneurial one on the other. In order to do this, he invents the political origins of Corsica and turns his invention into a model. This model consists in a monarchical county, under the rule of a count of Corsica chosen within the ranks of the Cinarchesi, enemies of the Commune of Genoa. This political legend, which is not founded on any historical basis, generates several rewritings of the work of the notary during the Cinquecento. Two versions survived: the “short version”, published in 1594 under the title of Historia di Corsica, and the “long version”, published for the first time in 1910. The Histories of Corsica thus designates this complex historiographical corpus, which includes two historical compilations of several writers of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries that copyists, compilers and scientific publishers have often mixed up. This thesis aims to find, among the manuscript versions and their paratext, the medieval Corsican historical narrative, and thus tries to precisely seize a political discourse that was lost between France, Italy and Spain during the wars of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries
Stallini, Sophie. « La « sacra rappresentazione » entre les Médicis et Saint-Marc ». Thesis, Paris 3, 2009.
Texte intégralThe sacre rappresentazioni [a theatrical genre, generally unfamiliar] are born in Florence, in the mid-fifteenth century, led by the Dominicans of San Marco. The purposes of this theatre are primarily educational. Children, at the time, are in the centre of important civil and religious interests. They must become both good citizens and good Christians. Practicing theatre was, from the point of vue of St Antoninus [the prior of San Marco’s convent], a fun way for children to acquire knowledge of the Scriptures and to meditate on the exemplary protagonists. The laymen who composed the sacre rappresentazioni have also in common (in most cases) to be close to the Medici family: they are craftsmen or state officials, and their private interests or their friendship led them to frequent the great men of the family. The Medici and the San Marco's convent: the sacre rappresentazioni evolve and, in some way, depend on these two poles of power. They condition their development; their transition from an oral form strongly bound to the occasion and its representation, to an erastz of pious literature, intended to be read and forgotten will depend on them too. The sacra rappresentazione has long generated the disinterest or contempt of criticism. However, it is an irreplaceable filter into the heart of the Florentine Quattrocento, in the heart of the society spirit, of modes of life, modes of think that seems to have stratified between the lines