Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Pavie (Italie) – 14e siècle »
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Thèses sur le sujet "Pavie (Italie) – 14e siècle"
Nelidoff, Ludmila. « Faire capitale dans l'État territorial lombard : Pavie (1359-1500) ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralIn 1359, Galeazzo II Visconti, lord of Milan, seized the small town of Pavia, some 30 km south of Milan. He settled directly in the city to make it his capital, leaving Milan in the hands of his brother Bernabò. His son Gian Galeazzo's acquisition of the ducal title in 1395, followed by the creation of the county of Pavia the following year, were the fundamental steps that established the political legitimacy of the "Pavesan" branch of the Visconti family.Despite initial resistance from the local population, once the city had been conquered, Galeazzo' project quickly won the support of the inhabitants, especially the urban elites ready to seize the opportunity represented by being part of the court and serve. At the same time, numerous construction projects were launched in the city, resulting in a profound transformation of its appearance. From a small town governed by competing seigniorial families, Pavia temporarily became the capital of the duchy under Gian Galeazzo, a status that was subsequently transformed, but whose effects lasted well into the Sforza era.The aim of this study is to understand the political, cultural, social, economic and territorial implications of Pavia's return to the status of capital, in order to grasp the multiplicity of issues at stake and question them in the specific context of the construction of the Lombard territorial state between 1359 and 1500
Gaulin, Jean-Louis. « Pietro de'Crescenzi et l'agronomie en Italie : 12e-14e siècle ». Paris 1, 1990.
Texte intégralThe liber ruralium commodorum, written by the Italian lawyer Pietro De'Crescenzi (Bologna, about 1230-1320), is the main treatise on agriculture bequeathed to us by the middle ages. Based on a wide philologic and codicologic study (part of latin text is published in the appendix) and on analysis of unedited documents from bologna archives, the thesis successively considers the agronomic renaissance, the treatise's contribution to history of North-Italian countryside, and its wide circulation. More than the author's knowledge or the scolastic way he manage his sources, the real originality of the book, in its cultural context, lies in its aim of providing an elogy of agriculture (that gives utilitas and delectatio) and in the return to ancient agronomy, which distinguishes it from literary production of its period (chap. 1-3). The main interest of the text is the informations it provides both about agrarian structures and practices (often confirmed by other data) and on the way in which the author, intellectual and landowner, looked at rural life (relations men nature, techniques of production, manor life are studied in chap. 4-6). Having discussed the manuscript transmission (chap. 7) and studied 14th and 15th century readers, the thesis concludes with the real interest shown this book by a broad public (from "ceto medio" to aristocracy), distant enough from rural realities to appreciate this treatise as an art of living in the countryside
Bouloux, Nathalie. « Culture et savoirs géographiques dans l'Italie du XIVe siècle ». Paris 1, 1999.
Texte intégralThe subject deals with a cultural history matter, namely the representation of space in the middle ages. The period concerned is the italian xivth century, which prepares for an important mutation in the perception of space, traditionally attributed to the xvth and xvith centuries. Two fields of studies are investigated : on the one hand, a traditional geography represented by the university scholars and the encyclopaedists, supported by the knowledge of previous centuries while contributing to the renewal of knowledges about space ; on the other hand the geography of humanists whose first ambition is to recreate the space of the antiquity. The interest in the antiquity leads the latter to actively search for new texts, as is the case in other intellectual fields. The realization of the difficulties he had in fitting together the space of the antiquity and the world in which he lived induced petrarch to conceive a geographical method based on the confrontation of texts between each other and of texts to reality. The consequence of this programme was to point out the contradictions between authors and hence between knowledges. Confronted to the inconsitency of texts, petrarch's followers give up the idea of producing a synthesis of ancient and new knowledges, and choose to follow the alphabetical order in their geographical writings, which allows them to juxtapose knowledges while respecting the obligation of exhaustiweness. If the geography of xivth century italian humanists is often confronted to doubts, it also prepares the success of ptolemy's geography and the new representation of space it proposes
Masson, Xavier. « Une voix dominicaine dans la cité : le comportement exemplaire du chrétien dans l'Italie du Trecento d'après les sermons de Nicoluccio di Ascoli ». Paris 10, 2005.
Texte intégralNiccoluccio di Ascoli’s sermons constitute models for the Dominican friars order and represent an example of learned preaching uttered around 1340. The sermons are, in this study, considered as a mythological speech which explains reality by the means of the learned culture. The preacher justifies his social and spiritual part by attributing an identity to the one preaching and to the audience supposedly reading or listening to him. So he sets in this way the criteria of a “sermon society”. The social construction relies on a vast culture, whose three main fields have been studied. Biblical culture structures the whole of the sermons. Knowledge of Antiquity brings further information and a contrasting argument to the biblical field. Lastly, Niccoluccio di Ascoli uses constantly the learned culture spread by his order studia. Last, the preacher devotes himself entirely to the aim of all preaching : to offer a destiny to the listener, mainly considered as an individual. The compendium gives firstly a picture of God. Then, it presents a well developed speech about the Gregorian system of vices and some virtues as caritas. He explains finally everyone’s fate in the hereafter
Jansen, Philippe. « La sainteté dans les marches et la Romagne aux XIIIe-XIV e siècles : aspects religieux et sociaux ». Paris 1, 1985.
Texte intégralSchuller, Michelle. « Soi et les autres : étude des relations familiales dans les écrits privés florentins des XIVe-XVe siècles ». Paris 3, 2005.
Texte intégralThe XIVth-XVth Florentine family diaries (and among them the Cronica domestica of Donato Velluti), are dedicated to the celebration of the family. However, the author leads a personal discourse : the expression of self appears through his conscious relation with his own writing, and in the autobiografical dimension of the genealogical account. In the history of the family, the glance related to the others, from now on more attentive with individualities, highlights the family structures, especially the dominating place held by the father. The father writer " governs " his family group by his own behaviour and by the writing of his book : in this book, he endeavours not only to educate the souls and to protect the bodies, but also to form citizens, with the purpose of ensuring the continuity of the family, her economic strength and her politic power in the city, transmitting the values of his social class, while expressing his concerns in front of the escape of time and the evolution of the customs and mentalities
Bettarini, Francesco. « Dalle congiure agli affari : ser Benedette Schieri da Prato (1383-1430), notaio-mercante in Ragusa ». Paris 4, 2009.
Texte intégralL'object of this essay is the biography of a tuscan notary who lived between the end of the XIVth and the first part of the XVth century, and left for Raguse in the year of 1414. The two principal matters discussed in this thesis are : 1. The relationship among the private life of the notary-chancellor Benedict Schieri and the exercise of his profession. 2. The emigration of a group of citizens from Prato and Florence, emigrated to Ragusa among 1415 and 1435ca. One of the theses proposed by the author is the one that sees the notary Benedict Schieri up to play a fundamental role in the development of the afore mentioned migratory flow. The censussed archives have offered various and numerous sources: notarial documents, fiscal sources, public acts and private correspondences, directly implicating or indirectly our notary or the men that were him tied up in Raguse. The thesis develops itself among four chapters that are formed by chronological and thematic criterions. In Raguse, the activities of ser Benedetto climb in power as he intervenes in a cleaner way until to assume a role of high importance in the emigration in direction of Ragusa of a group of Tuscan merchants. The first part approaches the social and familiar context where Benedetto Schieri is born and receives his cultural and professional education. The two central chapters examine the two principal sequences of the stay in Ragusa of the notary. These biographical aspects are the opportunity, at the same time, to turn the attention to a lot of historical thematics: the juridical and social situation of the foreigners in Ragusa in the XVth century, a comparison among the exercise of the notarial profession in the Italian cities and in the Dalmatian cities, the role of the matrimonial bonds in the dynamics of insertion of the foreign dealers in the urban societies that welcomed them. After the year 1420, the search has been compared to ampler and more complexes thematics. To this date, starts that migratory flow that conducts to Ragusa the first fellow citizens from Prato;. They reached Ragusa with the hope to draw benefit from the industrial and commercial growth of the Dalmatian city. The last chapter tries, finally, to link the death of Schieri at the end of the experience of the traders of Prato to Raguse. It undertakes a comparison between the different destinies which knew these immigrated families: success for some, failures for the other ones
Boucheron, Patrick. « Urbanisme, politique des grands travaux et pouvoir princier à Milan à la fin du Moyen Âge ». Paris 1, 1994.
Texte intégralThis thesis would like to underline the ideological coherence, the political meanings and the economical efficiency of the public works that the Visconti and the Sforza plan for their capital, Milan on the XIVth and XVth centuries. The dukes try to express their power on the city using a deliberated activity concentred on the town-planning. We bring to light the architectural aspect of the monumental policy but the artistic patronage, the constitution of the officers in charge with the urban conduct, and the impact of the ducal activities on the building economy as well. At last, we try to point out the links between the concerted town-planning and the self spatial dynamics of the economical metropole. In the same time, the aspects of a ducal power and the structures of a urban development appear to be very nearly united
Lesnes, Elisabeth. « Les châteaux féodaux de la Sicile occidentale au XIVème siècle : localisation, fonctions et essai de typologie ». Paris, EHESS, 1996.
Texte intégralMajor, Alain. « Les colonies continentales de venise en grece meridionale 14e-15e siecles ». Toulouse 2, 1989.
Texte intégralCoron, modon,argos, nauplia, lepanta. . . Are the venitian strongholds in the south of the continental greece; they allow to patrol round the region, to make sure that merchants and ships are safe. The best part of the maritime empire, including creta and euboia is messenia with the two stratigic harbours, coron and modon. The following thesis deals with their inner organization, their economic commercial and military activities, their role in the venitian policy in morea and its relations to the latin (villehardouin, acciaiuoli, catalans) greek and turkish states. Won at the beginning of the 13e century just when what will become after the fourth crusade the venitian maritime superiority starts to establish itself, coron and modon will often be referred to for 3 centuries and are the object of constant care from the home land. The following invasion of other harbours or territories which could make think of a greek and venetian colonial empire is only complementary when venice has to face the ottoman imperialism on the east side and turns, on the one hand to the conquest of continental land in italy and on the other hand to the exploitation of new economic possibilities in the western mediterranean and europe