Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Pauvreté – Politique publique – Amérique latine »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Pauvreté – Politique publique – Amérique latine"
Séguin1, Anne-Marie. « Les quartiers résidentiels fermés : une forme ségrégative qui menace la cohésion sociale à l’échelle locale dans les villes latino-américaines ? » Cahiers de géographie du Québec 47, no 131 (2 février 2004) : 179–99.
Texte intégralLautier, Bruno. « Gouvernement moral des pauvres et dépolitisation des politiques publiques en Amérique Latine ». Revue Tiers Monde 214, no 2 (2013) : 169.
Texte intégralCompagnon, Olivier. « Les inégalités en Amérique latine : un legs de l’histoire, un défi pour le xxi e siècle ». Questions internationales 112, no 2 (27 avril 2022) : 34–41.
Texte intégralRODRIGUES, THIAGO, et BEATRIZ CAIUBY LABATE. « PROHIBICIÓN Y LA ”GUERRA A LAS DROGAS” EN LAS AMÉRICAS ». Outros Tempos : Pesquisa em Foco - História 14, no 24 (21 décembre 2017) : 84–109.
Texte intégralBirch, Lisa. « Une école pour le monde, une école pour tout le monde : L'éducation québécoise dans le contexte de la mondialisation. » Canadian Journal of Political Science 41, no 1 (mars 2008) : 229–31.
Texte intégralAparicio-Valdez, Luis. « La gestion empresarial en latinoamérica y su impacto en las relaciones laborales ». Articles 44, no 1 (12 avril 2005) : 124–48.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Pauvreté – Politique publique – Amérique latine"
Ceballos, Marco. « Le "détour du social" et les programmes de transferts monétaires conditionnés en Amérique latine : le cas de l'Argentine, du Brésil, du Chili et du Mexique ». Paris 1, 2012.
Texte intégralThis research focuses on the question of the restoration of the social dimension in Latin America at the end of the last century, a process that has dominated the field of social policies during the first decade of the 2000's. This process is characterized by the emergence of a new generation of anti-poverty social initiatives known as « conditional cash transfer programms ». It includes as well - both in the national and transnational context – a set of political and technical discourses aiming to account for an increasing social delegitimation of liberalized economies, phenomena that became evident after the Asian crisis of 1997 – 1998. The emblematical cases of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico are approached from a comparative perspective that takes into consideration both the similiraties and differences characterizing this « return of the social » within the region. This work reveals the rôle played by those programs as governance features depite their lack of tangible social outcomegovernance features depite their lack of tangible social outcomes
Carrere, Sébastien. « The vulnerable classes in Latin America : instability, redistributive expectations, and securization ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Texte intégralDespite the global decline in poverty and the expansion of the middle-income class in developingcountries, a large proportion of the world’s population remains economically vulnerable, whether due to precariousemployment, unstable incomes, or lack of access to social protection mechanisms. This thesis examinesthe economically vulnerable classes in Latin America, a region that is emblematic of these trends. Thefirst chapter looks at the Argentine middle class from the perspective of the recent crises that have impactedthe country. The analysis reveals that the middle class is large but fragmented in terms of employment andeducation. A substantial proportion of its members remain economically vulnerable, impacted by successivecrises. Its members are mainly critical of the lack of state support, the poor quality of public services, and theunfairness of redistribution policies. Building on this observation, the second chapter explores more specificallythe role played by territorial anchorage in the redistributive demands of citizens in Latin America, wherestrong socio-economic inequalities persist. The results show a divide between citizens in major urban centersand those in peripheral areas, with the latter demanding greater redistribution. This chapter shows the importanceof considering territorial disparities in the formation of redistributive demands beyond individualcharacteristics. The third chapter assesses the effectiveness of a conditional cash transfer program in securingthe most vulnerable citizens in Argentina. The results reveal the overall effectiveness of the scheme in reducingincome instability and preventing a return to poverty. Overall, this thesis highlights the high economicvulnerability of a significant proportion of the Latin American population, and shows the need to develop andstrengthen social protection mechanisms not only to secure the most vulnerable, but also to respond to citizens’distrust of politics and institutions, exacerbated by spatial fractures
Vommaro, Gabriel Alejandro. « Regards croisés sur les rapports des classes populaires au politique en Argentine : retour sur la question du clientélisme ». Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Texte intégralThis thesis relates to the analysis of the transformations of the symbolic statute of the popular classes in Argentina since the eighties and on the imposition of the moral and erudite label of "ciientelism" as the dominant way to give an account for the relation between these classes to politics. The popular world radically changed since the decade of 1970. These transformations are not only the effect of the socio-economic processes but also of the changes in the official treatment of the "social question" and the symbolic fights to impose solutions on these problems, i. E. To constitute "a new social question" involving new forms of perception and treatment of the popular world. The role of multilateral credit organizations is to be underlined: they financed and encouraged new policies in the "fight against poverty", promoting targeting, decentralization and the participation of the "civil society" in their implementation. In the same way, new groups of agents interested in the intervention in the popular world contributed to shape this social question, making "clientelism" a social and political evil to fight against: they are experts in the statistical measurement of the "poor", experts in the "fight against poverty", experts in the "fight against clientelism", organizations of the civil society, NGOs. In this context, the category "clientelism" a moral, erudite, expert and political label -was essential to shape dominant points of view for the relation of the popular classes to politics. It seems like a social and political evil able to slow down the process of empowerment of the "capacities" of the "poor" and a political model of disqualification of popular politics: any political action, any demonstration, any electoral victory in "poor" districts is suspected by the actors previously mentioned as the result of "clientelism" and, thus, disqualified and politically illegitimated. This vision is analyzed in this work as well as the uses of the label with in the space of political communication as in the erudite debates on popular politics. The description of the moral economy of the circulation of the government aid in popular quarter opens the way to study the political circuits of circulation of public goods trying to exceed the problems of simplifications of popular politics in terms of "clientelism"
Guerra, Tomazini Carla. « L’État et ses pauvres : la naissance et la montée en puissance des politiques de transferts conditionnels au Brésil et au Mexique ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Texte intégralThe 1990s saw the birth of so-called 'conditional cash transfers', assistance programs for poor families on the condition that they encourage their children to seek education and attend health centers. In order to reduce poverty and ensure a better future for tomorrow's « poor », these policies represent a new type of social protection with different principles and modes of operation for traditional programs. The analysis of their origins reveals a progressive structuring marked by institutional contexts and different paths that have generated similar results. The objective of this study is to identify one or more variables that might explain their emergence and expansion in Brazil and Mexico in the 1990s and 2000s and to highlight how the evolution of these policies could generate more or less strong opposition from some actors as well as the institutional constraints these policies face. We can observe group structures centred on "causes" - notably the cause of human capital - that have largely determined the development and implementation of these policies. This paper seeks to show the nuances of the idea of consensual reforms in Mexico and Brazil, without denying the extent to which these transformations have occurred. This means that institutional change in Brazil is operated by adding new features to existing institutions; while in Mexico, in the first instance, the process of change and consolidation of conditional cash transfer programs has occurred as an institutional shift and then the defenders of the status quo actors marginally modified the program to keep their interests. As monetary instruments to combat poverty, these programs are the subject of an ambiguous consensus and actors from different coalitions end up supporting them. Finally, "interests", necessary at different times, were constituted as a key variable to understand the permanence and strengthening of these policies through locking phenomena
A década de 1990 assistiu ao nascimento das chamadas « transferências condicionadas de renda » : programas assistenciais para famílias pobres à condição de que elas incentivem seus filhos a prosseguirem os estudos e que frequentem centros de saúde. Com o objetivo de reduzir a pobreza e assegurar um futuro melhor para os « pobres » de amanhã, essas políticas representam um novo tipo de proteção social com princípios e modos de operaçäo diferentes dos programas tradicionais. A análise de suas origens revela uma estruturação progressiva marcada por contextos institucionais e trajetórias distintas que geraram resultados semelhantes. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar uma ou mais variáveis que possam explicar a emergência e expansão no Brasil e no México nas décadas de 1990 e 2000, examinando a maneira como suas evoluções suscitaram oposições mais ou menos fortes de atores e os constrangimentos institucionais enfrentados. Nós podemos observar uma estruturação de grupos reunidos em torno a « causas » - notadamente a causa do capital humano - que influem na elaboração e na implementação dessas políticas. Esse trabalho busca matizar a ideia de reformas consensuais no México e no Brasil, sem negar a dimensão das transformações ocorridas. A mudança institucional no Brasil é operada por meio da adição de novos recursos às instituições existentes; e no México, em primeira instância, o processo de mudança e consolidação da política de transferência de renda ocorreu como um deslocamento institucional e, posteriormente, os atores defensores do status quo modificam marginalmente o programa para manter os seus interesses. Assim, esses programas são objeto de um consenso ambíguo, uma vez que atores de diferentes coalizões passam a reivindicar eventualmente esses instrumentos. Finalmente, os « interesses » constituíram-se como uma variável chave para entender a permanência e o reforço das condicionalidades dessas políticas por meio de fenômenos de lock- in
Rendon, Cardenas Alma Eunice. « Les politiques publiques autour de la brevetabilité du vivant en Amérique latine : l'Argentine, le Brésil et le Mexique : le poids des institutions et particularités ». Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008.
Texte intégralThe last decades have been characterized by advances in molecular biology that have caused major changes in both science and health sectors. These developments as well as the interests of the key players engaged in this area have caused “life” to be included into the sphere of intellectual property - a system originally created for inanimate objects. From this inclusion have emerged ethical, social, economical and political issues. The study of public policies relative to the patentability of life and the interaction between instruments and key players in Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Mexico) shows us the importance of institutions and international context in this area. A comparison between these three nations reveals the existence of different alternatives, choices and instruments in terms of public policy to address what appears to be the same problem. Public policy analysis shows how the emergence of complicated situations and challenges is the result of the power asymmetry between developed and undeveloped countries. Public action is needed in order to define adequate public action in the interests of Latin American countries
Mayaux, Pierre-Louis. « La privatisation et ses contestataires : réformes et conflits dans les politiques d’accès à l’eau potable à Carthagène, La Paz, Cochabamba et Campo Grande, 1980-2010 ». Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2012.
Texte intégralDuring the 1990s, many Latin American Countries set out to privatize their water utilities, which eventually triggered sharply contrasting social reactions. Some arrangements proved to be socially acceptable and lasted. Others were interrupted following massive social unrest. These diverging outcomes are poorly explained by existing theories, which either assume the superior efficiency of the private sector, or insist on its rapacity. By comparing social reactions to privatization in four Latin American cities, this work argues that social attitudes to privatisation are best explained by the degree of power concentration throughout the policy process. When power was highly dispersed, such as in Colombia and Brazil, policy makers were forced to reform gradually through institutional layering. This type of change allowed for a better compensation of economic and political losers, and also obscured the real meaning and scope of on-going reforms in the eyes of “principled” opponents. Conversely, the weakness of veto players in Bolivia emboldened neoliberal policy-makers to reform through abrupt institutional replacement. Privatization therefore inflicted unmitigated losses to various actors and focused the mind of principled opponents, which eventually prompted a backlash. This comparison of four institutional reforms highlights the multidimensionality of neoliberal policies. It also uncovers a strategy, more or less resisted, of State-building through neoliberalism in Latin America. It finally shows how power dispersion and long causal chains undermine the democratic accountability of public policies
Grandes, Martin. « Quatre essais sur les déterminants du risque pays dans les pays émergents ». Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Texte intégralThis thesis contributes to empirical literature on debat pricing in countries which pay a considerable prenmium over returns on risk-free assets like the US Treasury bonds. In particular, it aims to identify the relevant economic/finacial variables which drive the bond yield spread of a typical developing-country borrower (be it the government or a corporation) in secondary markets. Caphter one examines the macroeconomic determinants of sovereign default risk premia in major Latin American countries, mamely Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, over the period 1993-2001. The major finding is that most of the times it is the permanent rather than the transitory change in output growth, the net capital inflows in terms of GDP or the debt service burden (also normalized by GDP) what drive sovereign spreads. Contagion episodes, and to some extent a measure of risk aversion, are also found to significantly explain variations in Latin American sovereign default risk. Chapter two looks into the determinants of corporate default risk premia in South Africa, using a panel of nine representative corporations and rand-denominated issues over the period 1997-2003. It finds, first, that the "sovereign ceiling" does not hold for all nine companies, i. E. The yields of their rand-denominated bonds outstanding increase less than 1% when government bonds yields rise by the same amount. And second, other firm-specific features (leverage, volatility of returns on the firm's value, maturity and ris-free interest rate volatility), are also found statistically significant determinants of corporate spreads. Finally, chapter four brings up the relationship between currency and default risk in the conetxt of a potential shift to dollarisation in a country which already had a hard peg regime: Argentina in 1991-2001. It is shown that by dollarising Argentina would have performed no miracle to reduce default risk
Garcia, Arias Jenny. « Disparités de mortalité par causes en Amérique latine : l'hypothèse du «biais urbain» ». Thesis, Paris 1, 2020.
Texte intégralIn 1977, Michael Lipton introduced the Urban Bias Thesis as a framework for understanding how most macro- and microeconomic policy initiatives have historically benefited the over-development of urban areas and the underdevelopment of rural areas. In Latin America, urbanization and mortality decline have historically been positively related: the health transition in the region has been initiated in the main cities and has tended to proceed more rapidly in countries with higher levels of urbanization. This research looks for evidence on: the persistence of an urban advantage in mortality; and traces of an "urban bias" in the causes of death patterns in the region. Using a sample of Latin American countries over the period 2000-2010, I apply decomposition methods on life expectancy at birth to analyze the disparities in mortality patterns and causes of death when urban and rural areas are considered separately. Urban is defined as a continuum category instead of a dichotomous concept. Hence, three types of spatial groups are recognizable in each country. The countries under analysis are Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. The results indicate that the urban advantage is persistent and that rural-urban mortality differentials have consistently favored cities. This advantage in mortality comes as an outcome of lower rates for causes of death that are amenable to primary interventions, meaning they are made amenable by the existence of basic public infrastructures as well as by the provision of basic goods and services
Nino, Fernandez Camila. « Essais sur la taxation optimale et le risque du revenu : estimations pour l’Amérique Latine ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Texte intégralThis thesis is an applied study of optimal taxation and income risk in latin america, in particular for argentina, chile, colombia and mexico. Having to deal with high levels of income inequality, income taxation is for latin america a key tool of redistribution that until now has not been fully exploited. One of the aims of this thesis is to see how far are these countries from their optimal level of taxation, in order to explore the capacity of improvement that this type of tax may have in each one of the countries in the study. Income risk is another important characteristic of developing economies such as those found in latin america. Given their vulnerability to outside macroeconomic shocks, these economies tend to be particularly volatile. under these conditions, individuals in latin america are prone to riskier incomes than the individuals living in developed countries. The presence of risk has an effect on how the agents respond to divers changes in the economy. That is why, studying the levels of risk, and in particular how the riskier incomes affect optimal taxation, is one of the pillars of this thesis. Income risk may be decomposed into two components, permanent or transitory. The last part of this thesis is devoted to estimate how much of the income risk present in each country is caused by a permanent or a temporal component. Given the lack of panel data for latin american countries, these estimations were performed introducing pseudo-panel techniques into traditional panel data methodologies. Comparisons between pseudo-panel results and panel data results were made when the data was available
Coignet, Patricia Claire Marie. « La gestion de politiques publiques par les organisations internationales envers les peuples indigènes : étude du projet PRODEPINE de la Banque mondiale en Equateur (1998-2002) ». Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this research is to underline the respective roles of international, national and local actors in the elaboration and execution of a development project considered like a public policy. Indeed we have chosen to study a particular public policy: the PRODEPINE development project financed by the World Bank. With the view to understand the public action, we will identify the actors which are of a very heteregenous nature : the indigenous organizations, the Ecuadorian State and the World Bank. We will analyze a series of actions and public programs of this project as well as the conditions of success and failure of the different segments : the indigenous population's struggle against poverty, the creation of an indigenous elite and also the reinforcement of their social organizations with the aim of improving their insertion in the Ecuadorian society
Livres sur le sujet "Pauvreté – Politique publique – Amérique latine"
1954-, Bolay Jean-Claude, dir. Habitat populaire et pauvreté urbane en Amérique latine : Vers une nouvelle politique du logement en Bolivie. Lausanne : Ecole polytechnique fédérale, Institut de recherche sur l'environnement construit, Département d'architecture, 1993.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Pauvreté – Politique publique – Amérique latine"
VINCENOT, Emmanuel. « Non-fiction et ingénierie sociale à Porto Rico ». Dans Ecritures de non fiction en Amérique latine, 47–66. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
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