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Eyecioglu, Ozmutlu Asli. « Paraphrase identification using knowledge-lean techniques ». Thesis, University of Sussex, 2016. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/65497/.

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This research addresses the problem of identification of sentential paraphrases; that is, the ability of an estimator to predict well whether two sentential text fragments are paraphrases. The paraphrase identification task has practical importance in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community because of the need to deal with the pervasive problem of linguistic variation. Accurate methods for identifying paraphrases should help to improve the performance of NLP systems that require language understanding. This includes key applications such as machine translation, information retrieval and question answering amongst others. Over the course of the last decade, a growing body of research has been conducted on paraphrase identification and it has become an individual working area of NLP. Our objective is to investigate whether techniques concentrating on automated understanding of text requiring less resource may achieve results comparable to methods employing more sophisticated NLP processing tools and other resources. These techniques, which we call “knowledge-lean”, range from simple, shallow overlap methods based on lexical items or n-grams through to more sophisticated methods that employ automatically generated distributional thesauri. The work begins by focusing on techniques that exploit lexical overlap and text-based statistical techniques that are much less in need of NLP tools. We investigate the question “To what extent can these methods be used for the purpose of a paraphrase identification task?” For the two gold standard data, we obtained competitive results on the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MSRPC) and reached the state-of-the-art results on the Twitter Paraphrase Corpus, using only n-gram overlap features in conjunction with support vector machines (SVMs). These techniques do not require any language specific tools or external resources and appear to perform well without the need to normalise colloquial language such as that found on Twitter. It was natural to extend the scope of the research and to consider experimenting on another language, which is poor in resources. The scarcity of available paraphrase data led us to construct our own corpus; we have constructed a paraphrasecorpus in Turkish. This corpus is relatively small but provides a representative collection, including a variety of texts. While there is still debate as to whether a binary or fine-grained judgement satisfies a paraphrase corpus, we chose to provide data for a sentential textual similarity task by agreeing on fine-grained scoring, knowing that this could be converted to binary scoring, but not the other way around. The correlation between the results from different corpora is promising. Therefore, it can be surmised that languages poor in resources can benefit from knowledge-lean techniques. Discovering the strengths of knowledge-lean techniques extended with a new perspective to techniques that use distributional statistical features of text by representing each word as a vector (word2vec). While recent research focuses on larger fragments of text with word2vec, such as phrases, sentences and even paragraphs, a new approach is presented by introducing vectors of character n-grams that carry the same attributes as word vectors. The proposed method has the ability to capture syntactic relations as well as semantic relations without semantic knowledge. This is proven to be competitive on Twitter compared to more sophisticated methods.
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Daunay, Bertrand. « La paraphrase dans l'approche scolaire des textes littéraires : étude didactique ». Lille 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999LIL30015.

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Résumé :
L'interdit de la paraphrase dans l'explication de texte littéraire repose sur des principes théoriquement fragiles et une définition instable de la paraphrase : il ne porte pas sur un discours métatextuel identifiable mais sur un effet discursif. Telle est la thèse de ce travail qui aborde le phénomène de la paraphrase dans l'approche scolaire des textes littéraires en diachronie comme en synchronie. Une telle approche aboutit à une réhabilitation de la paraphrase, qui passe notamment par une réévaluation de son rôle effectif dans l'apprentissage de l'écriture comme de la lecture. Une première partie envisage historiquement la pratique de la paraphrase dans le rapport (scolaire ou non) au texte littéraire de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Une deuxième partie décrit les conditions et les formes de la disqualification de la paraphrase dans l'explication de texte depuis le XIXe siècle, pour faire ressortir l'impossibilité d'une définition objective de la paraphrase dans ce contexte. D'où la nécessité d'établir, dans une troisième partie, ce qui amène un évaluateur à considérer qu'un énoncé est ou non paraphrastique, autrement dit à émettre un jugement métatextuel d'identification- qui n'est en fait qu'un jugement d'acceptabilité de la paraphrase ; les conditions de ce jugement se ramènent essentiellement à la présence dans le métatexte de marques discursives d'une distance avec le texte-source. La paraphrase est ensuite (quatrième partie) définie comme formulation de la compréhension- donc comme activité à la fois cognitive et discursive inhérente à tout discours métatextuel : c'est sur ces bases que peuvent être proposées (dans une cinquième partie) des démarches d'apprentissage visant au développement métatextuel des élèves par l'évaluation et la discussion des frontières entre diverses réalisations discursives et des effets de réception de leurs propres productions métatextuelles
The prohibition of paraphrase in appreciation of literary text rests on principles theoretically uncertain, as well as an unstable definition of paraphrase : it does not relate to an identified metatextual discourse, but to a discursive effect. Such is the thesis of this work wich approaches paraphrasing in the academic apprehension of literary texts, both diachronically and synchronically. Such an approach results in the rehabilitation of paraphrase, through a renewed appraisal of the part it takes in fact in learning to write and read too. The first part is a historical survey of the practise of paraphrase in its – academic or not – relationship to literary text from Antiquity up to now. The second part describes the conditions and forms of the disqualification of paraphrase in appreciation of literary text since the XIXth century, in order to emphasise on the impossibility for any objective definition of paraphrase in that context. Therefore it is necessary to establish, in the third part, what may allow the appraiser to tell what is paraphrasing and what is not, i. E. To express a metatextual judgement essentially come down to the presence of a distance between discursive marks in the metatext, and the root-text. In part four, paraphrase is shown as the expression of understanding – and thus as an activity, both discursive and cognitive – related to metatextual discourse : on these bases, the fifth part propounds learning methods aiming at the metatextual development of students through the appreciation and discussion of the borders between different discursive realisations, and the effects of reception to their own metatextual productions
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Bouamor, Houda. « Etude de la paraphrase sous-phrastique en traitement automatique des langues ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00717702.

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La variabilité en langue est une source majeure de difficultés dans la plupart des applications du traitement automatique des langues. Elle se manifeste dans le fait qu'une même idée ou un même événement peut être exprimé avec des mots ou des groupes de mots différents ayant la même signification dans leur contexte respectif. Capturer automatiquement des équivalences sémantiques entre des unités de texte est une tâche complexe mais qui s'avère indispensable dans de nombreux contextes. L'acquisition a priori de listes d'équivalences met à disposition des ressources utiles pour, par exemple, améliorer le repérage d'une réponse à une question, autoriser des formulations différentes en évaluation de la traduction automatique, ou encore aider des auteurs à trouver des formulations plus adaptées. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une étude détaillée de la tâche d'acquisition de paraphrases sous-phrastiques à partir de paires d'énoncés sémantiquement liés. Nous démontrons empiriquement que les corpus parallèles monolingues, bien qu'extrêmement rares, constituent le type de ressource le plus adapté pour ce genre d'étude. Nos expériences mettent en jeu cinq techniques d'acquisition, représentatives de différentes approches et connaissances, en anglais et en français. Afin d'améliorer la performance en acquisition, nous réalisons la combinaison des paraphrases produites par ces techniques par une validation reposant sur un classifieur automatique à maximum d'entropie bi-classe. Un résultat important de notre étude est l'identification de paraphrases qui défient actuellement les techniques étudiées, lesquelles sont classées et quantifiées en anglais et français. Nous examinons également dans cette thèse l'impact de la langue, du type du corpus et la comparabilité des paires des énoncés utilisés sur la tâche d'acquisition de paraphrases sous- phrastiques. Nous présentons le résultat d'une analyse de la performance des différentes méthodes testées en fonction des difficultés d'alignement des paires de paraphrases d'énoncés. Nous donnons, ensuite, un compte rendu descriptif et quantitatif des caractéristiques des paraphrases trouvées dans les différents types de corpus étudiés ainsi que celles qui défient les approches actuelles d'identification automatique.
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AMGHAR, TASSADIT. « Une contribution a la modelisation informatique du phenomene de paraphrase : le jugement de paraphrase et la metonymie ». Nantes, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NANT2068.

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Cette these porte sur un aspect du traitement automatique des langues naturelles ecrites. Dans cette premiere partie nous proposons une modelisation du jugement de paraphrase correspondant aux analyses linguistiques developpees par c. Fuchs. Nous sommes ainsi conduite a opposer ce que nous qualifions de diagnostic de paraphrase au jugement binaire et a la notion d'identite semantique habituellement proposes pour rendre compte de l'existence d'une relation de paraphrasticite entre enonces. Le diagnostic de paraphrase realise par le systeme paraph, entre deux enonces decrit les choix interpretatifs et les approximations semantiques qui legitiment l'equivalence entre les enonces. La methodologie adoptee vise a caracteriser des significations difficiles a cerner telles que celles de certaines categories grammaticales (aspect, modalites etc. ) dont les valeurs exprimees en contexte par l'auxiliaire modal pouvoir sont une bonne illustration. Nous avons aussi etudie ce que recouvre le phenomene lorsqu'il est qualifie de reformulation dans les systemes de recherche d'information. Une deuxieme partie concerne ce que l'on peut considerer comme une forme de paraphrase mettant en jeu un phenomene d'ellipse: la metonymie. Quelquefois consideree comme un phenomene de glissement de sens ou cantonnee dans la classe des figures de style, le phenomene est analyse ici comme une forme de reference langagiere. Nous lui consacrons une analyse dans laquelle nous nous appuyons sur le formalisme des graphes conceptuels de j. Sowa pour modeliser le passage entre un enonce comportant une ellipse methonymique et un enonce dans lequel le phenomene n'intervient plus
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Greenwood, D. S. « The seventeenth-century English poetic biblical paraphrase ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.304373.

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Kampeera, Wannachai. « Analyse linguistique et formalisation pour le traitement automatique de la paraphrase ». Thesis, Besançon, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BESA1011/document.

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Résumé :
Les relations paraphrastiques entre plusieurs ensembles de paraphrasespeuvent se décrire en termes de suites de transformations textuelles. Pour qu’il aitparaphrase, il faut qu’une substitution lexicale noyau se mette en route entrainantd’autres modifications syntaxiques, lexicales et morphologiques.Après avoir décrit les mécanismes de paraphrasage récurrents, nous avons proposédeux formalisations. La première est théorique et explique les différentes relationsparaphrastiques entretenues par les paraphrases entre-elles. La deuxième,tournée vers des applications, formalise les structures paraphrastiques sous-formede prédicats-arguments. Nous considérons cette dernière adaptée au traitementautomatique de la paraphrase.Nous avons à la suite implémenté un système d’extraction de structures paraphrastiques.Il s’agit d’un système opérationnel appliqué à un volume de donnéesrelevant de notre domaine d’étude, et dont le but est de donner un exemple concretd’emploi possible de notre formalisation.Mots-clés : paraphrase, structures paraphrastiques, traitement automatique dela paraphrase, extraction des structures paraphrastiques
The relations between sets of paraphrases can be described as seriesof textual transformations. To rephrase, an initial lexical substitution starts, thentriggers other syntactic, lexical and morphological changes.After having described the frequent paraphrasing mechanisms in our corpus,we propose two formalisations. The first one is theoretical, explaining the differentparaphrasing relationships maintained by the paraphrases between each other. Thesecond formalises paraphrase structures as predicate-argument ones. We considerthe latter suitable for paraphrase processing.Finally we have implemented a paraphrase structures extraction system. Thisis a compact operational system for the volume of data within our domain, the aimof which is to provide a concrete example of a possible use of our formalisation
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Milićević, Jasmina. « Modélisation sémantique, syntaxique et lexicale de la paraphrase ». [Montréal] : Université de Montréal, 2003. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/umontreal/fullcit?pNQ82712.

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Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université de Montréal, 2003.
"NQ-82712." "Thèse présentée à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de philosophiae doctor (Ph. D.) en linguistique." Ex. 3: Photocopie. Version électronique également disponible sur Internet.
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Otrusina, Lubomír. « Lze to říci jinak aneb automatické hledání parafrází ». Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-236669.

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Automatic paraphrase discovery is an important task in natural language processing. Many systems use paraphrases for improve performance e.g. systems for question answering, information retrieval or document summarization. In this thesis, we explain basic concepts e.g. paraphrase or paraphrase pattern. Next we propose some methods for paraphrase discovery from various resources. Subsequently we propose an unsupervised method for discovering paraphrase from large plain text based on context and keywords between NE pairs. In the end we explain evaluation metods in paraphrase discovery area and then we evaluate our system and compare it with similar systems.
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Kim, Mi-Jin. « Comparative Analysis of the Musical Distortion in Kaikhosru Sorabji’s and Vladimir Horowitz’s Piano Paraphrases Based on Bizet’s Opera Carmen ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc699924/.

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This study focuses on a comparative analysis of two piano paraphrases, Pastiche on Habanera from ‘Carmen’ by Kaikhosru Sorabji and Variations on a Theme from Bizet’s ‘Carmen’ by Vladimir Horowitz. These compositions idiomatically distort the original material in a manner that was not explored up to the moment of their respective conception. They expose each composer’s free compositional approach, reflecting musical freedom rooted in the originality of their musical thinking. The aesthetic uniqueness of these two compositions strongly stimulates and justifies academic interest to explore their technical construction, musical differences, and artistic significance. This study proposes to undertake a comparative study of these two compositions, analyzing (1) aspects of the musical character, which are linked with embellishment, or rearrangement of original material, and (2) differences in performance approach based on recorded examples and critical observations by others of the performances of these works by Sorabji and Horowitz.
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Walton, Mathew. « Issues of Narrativity in the Romantic Piano Opera Paraphrase ». Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20502.

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Although the opera paraphrase was once a cornerstone of the virtuoso pianist's repertoire, as a genre it has traditionally been neglected by a scholarship which prioritizes authenticity and original compositional thought. By approaching this repertoire from a critical standpoint concerned with the production of narrative, this thesis demonstrates the true value of the paraphrase. A review of the current literature on narrative, gesture, and the paraphrase reveals major gaps in the state of research, and this thesis addresses these issues by presenting analyses of several works, in both printed and performed forms. The chapter “Settling the Score” interrogates the score, and argues that through their choice, ordering, and setting of operatic themes in a paraphrase, composers can alter or recreate the narrative of the source opera. By analyzing and comparing by reading the narrative schemes of seven different paraphrases based on Mozart's Don Giovanni, the chapter highlights the agency of the arranger in the production of narrative. The next chapter, entitled “Playing the Part,” suggests that the creation of narrative also extends beyond the work of the composer to encompass the role of the performer. By comparing the use of physical gestures in two video-recorded performances of Liszt's paraphrase Réminiscences de Don Juan, the thesis postulates that a pianist's gestures can influence the audience's perception of narrative. In an attempt to centralize the voice of the performer, the chapter also includes reflective analysis of the author's own performances of Liszt's paraphrase. By employing analytical methods which focus on the production of musical narrative, this thesis demonstrates that the paraphrase is worthy of greater attention, both in scholarship and performance.
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Spilsbury, Paul. « The image of the Jew in Josephus biblical paraphrase ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.319334.

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Kearns, Kevin M. « Scripture for America : Scriptural Interpretation in John Locke's Paraphrase ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 2016. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc862806/.

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Is John Locke a philosopher or theologian? When considering Locke's religious thought, scholars seldom point to his Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul. This is puzzling since the Paraphrase is his most extensive treatment of Christian theology. Since this is the final work of his life, did Locke undergo a deathbed conversion? The scholarship that has considered the Paraphrase often finds Locke contradicting himself on various theological doctrines. In this dissertation, I find that Locke not only remains consistent with his other writings, but provides his subtlest interpretation of Scripture. He is intentionally subtle in order to persuade a Protestant audience to modern liberalism. This is intended to make Protestantism, and specifically Calvinism, the vehicle for modern liberalism. This is seen clearly in Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Though Weber concludes that Protestant support for capitalism in the late 19th Century is due to its theological foundation, I find that Weber is actually examining Lockean Protestantism. Locke's success in transforming Protestantism is also useful today in showing how a modern liberal can converse with someone who actively opposes, and may even wish to harm, modern liberalism. The dissertation analyzes four important Protestant doctrines: Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, the church and family, and Christian political life.
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Fuchs, Catherine. « Paraphrase et théories du langage contribution à une histoire des théories linguistiques contemporaines et à la construction d'une théorie énonciative de la paraphrase ». Lille : A.N.R.T, 1985. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36105443z.

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Madsen, Rebecca Diane. « Generating Paraphrases with Greater Variation Using Syntactic Phrases ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2006. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/1088.

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Given a sentence, a paraphrase generation system produces a sentence that says the same thing but usually in a different way. The paraphrase generation problem can be formulated in the machine translation paradigm; instead of translation of English to a foreign language, the system translates an English sentence (for example) to another English sentence. Quirk et al. (2004) demonstrated this approach to generate almost 90% acceptable paraphrases. However, most of the sentences had little variation from the original input sentence. Leveraging syntactic information, this thesis project presents an approach that successfully generated more varied paraphrase sentences than the approach of Quirk et al. while maintaining coverage of the proportion of acceptable paraphrases generated. The ParaMeTer system (Paraphrasing by MT) identifies syntactic chunks in paraphrase sentences and substitutes labels for those chunks. This enables the system to generalize movements that are more syntactically plausible, as syntactic chunks generally capture sets of words that can change order in the sentence without losing grammaticality. ParaMeTer then uses statistical phrase-based MT techniques to learn alignments for the words and chunk labels alike. The baseline system followed the same pattern as the Quirk et al. system - a statistical phrase-based MT system. Human judgments showed that the syntactic approach and baseline both achieve approximately the same ratio of fluent, acceptable paraphrase sentences per fluent sentences. These judgments also showed that the ParaMeTer system has more phrase rearrangement than the baseline system. Though the baseline has more within-phrase alteration, future modifications such as a chunk-only translation model should improve ParaMeTer's variation for phrase alteration as well.
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Leth, Palle. « Paraphrase and Rhetorical Adjustment. An Essay on Contextualism and Cohesion ». Thesis, Paris Est, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PEST0024.

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Robert, Lipsomb Andrew D. « A fifteenth-century prose paraphrase of Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle ». [S.l. : s.n.], 1990. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/55224054.html.

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Kocken, Gabriëlle. « Inner healing, a contemporary and personal paraphrase of Augustine's soul-searching ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ47788.pdf.

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Farto, Michelle Fernanda Cocolete [UNESP]. « O ensino de língua estrangeira e a importância da atividade de linguagem : construção da identidade do aluno ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93871.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-04-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:07:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 farto_mfc_me_arafcl.pdf: 559039 bytes, checksum: 9a4ce06751d11b31d757ccf40570f668 (MD5)
L‟objectif de notre travail est d‟aborder le processus d‟apprentissage d'une langue étrangère dans une nouvelle perspective. Nos études sont basées sur la Théorie des Opérations Prédicatives et Énonciatives d‟Antoine Culioli. Notre intention est de mettre l'accent sur l'importance du travail avec le langage quand il s'agit d'enseigner une langue étrangère. Pour cette raison, nous cherchons à savoir comment se caractérisent les méthodologies couramment utilisées à cette fin. Nous nous rendons compte que la méthode la plus utilisée est la méthode traditionnelle. Cette méthode se base sur la grammaire et la traduction, même si des ressources plus modernes sont introduites, ce qui s'avère être une erreur de notre point de vue, parce que nous croyons en une approche plus réfléchie de l'enseignement. Avant d‟aborder l'analyse des énoncés, nous discuterons quelques questions sur l‟étude de la grammaire à propos de l‟enseignement et les problèmes de l'aborder d‟une manière stabilisée. Nous passons ensuite à l‟analyse des énoncés avec l‟occurrence du verbe faire pour démontrer l'importance de la «pensée» sur le langage lui-même. Ainsi, ce travail veut traiter de réflexions qui péuvent contribuer au développement des études sur l‟enseigment de la langue étrangère à travers un regard énonciatif qui prend en compte l'activité épilinguistique et métalinguistique des étudiants, les processus de paraphrasage et la construction des catégories grammaticales
Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é abordar o processo de aprendizado de língua estrangeira sob uma nova ótica. Fundamentamos nossos estudos na Teoria das Operações Predicativas e Enunciativas de Antoine Culioli. Temos por intenção focar a importância do trabalho com a linguagem quando se trata do ensino de uma língua estrangeira e, por esse motivo, buscamos estudar como se compõem as metodologias comumente utilizadas para essa finalidade. O que pudemos perceber é que o método tradicional é o mais utilizado. Esse método baseia-se na gramática e na tradução, mesmo quando são introduzidos alguns recursos mais modernos, o que acaba se tornando um equívoco de nosso ponto de vista, pois acreditamos numa abordagem de ensino mais reflexiva. Antes de passar às análises, apontamos algumas questões sobre o estudo de gramática voltado para o ensino e os problemas que surgem ao abordá-lo de forma estabilizada. Passamos, então, às análises dos enunciados selecionados em língua francesa com a ocorrência do verbo faire para, por meio delas, demonstrar a importância de um “pensar” sobre a própria linguagem. Desse modo, esta dissertação de mestrado visa a apontar reflexões que possam contribuir com o desenvolvimento dos estudos sobre o ensino de língua estrangeira por meio de um olhar enunciativo que leva em consideração a atividade epilinguística e metalinguística dos aprendizes, os processos de parafrasagem e a construção das categorias gramaticais
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Farto, Michelle Fernanda Cocolete. « O ensino de língua estrangeira e a importância da atividade de linguagem : construção da identidade do aluno / ». Araraquara, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93871.

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Résumé :
Orientador: Letícia Marcondes Rezende
Banca: Ana Cristina Salviato Silvia
Banca: Marília Blundi Onofre
Resumo: Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é abordar o processo de aprendizado de língua estrangeira sob uma nova ótica. Fundamentamos nossos estudos na Teoria das Operações Predicativas e Enunciativas de Antoine Culioli. Temos por intenção focar a importância do trabalho com a linguagem quando se trata do ensino de uma língua estrangeira e, por esse motivo, buscamos estudar como se compõem as metodologias comumente utilizadas para essa finalidade. O que pudemos perceber é que o método tradicional é o mais utilizado. Esse método baseia-se na gramática e na tradução, mesmo quando são introduzidos alguns recursos mais modernos, o que acaba se tornando um equívoco de nosso ponto de vista, pois acreditamos numa abordagem de ensino mais reflexiva. Antes de passar às análises, apontamos algumas questões sobre o estudo de gramática voltado para o ensino e os problemas que surgem ao abordá-lo de forma estabilizada. Passamos, então, às análises dos enunciados selecionados em língua francesa com a ocorrência do verbo faire para, por meio delas, demonstrar a importância de um "pensar" sobre a própria linguagem. Desse modo, esta dissertação de mestrado visa a apontar reflexões que possam contribuir com o desenvolvimento dos estudos sobre o ensino de língua estrangeira por meio de um olhar enunciativo que leva em consideração a atividade epilinguística e metalinguística dos aprendizes, os processos de parafrasagem e a construção das categorias gramaticais
Résumé: L‟objectif de notre travail est d‟aborder le processus d‟apprentissage d'une langue étrangère dans une nouvelle perspective. Nos études sont basées sur la Théorie des Opérations Prédicatives et Énonciatives d‟Antoine Culioli. Notre intention est de mettre l'accent sur l'importance du travail avec le langage quand il s'agit d'enseigner une langue étrangère. Pour cette raison, nous cherchons à savoir comment se caractérisent les méthodologies couramment utilisées à cette fin. Nous nous rendons compte que la méthode la plus utilisée est la méthode traditionnelle. Cette méthode se base sur la grammaire et la traduction, même si des ressources plus modernes sont introduites, ce qui s'avère être une erreur de notre point de vue, parce que nous croyons en une approche plus réfléchie de l'enseignement. Avant d‟aborder l'analyse des énoncés, nous discuterons quelques questions sur l‟étude de la grammaire à propos de l‟enseignement et les problèmes de l'aborder d‟une manière stabilisée. Nous passons ensuite à l‟analyse des énoncés avec l‟occurrence du verbe faire pour démontrer l'importance de la «pensée» sur le langage lui-même. Ainsi, ce travail veut traiter de réflexions qui péuvent contribuer au développement des études sur l‟enseigment de la langue étrangère à travers un regard énonciatif qui prend en compte l'activité épilinguistique et métalinguistique des étudiants, les processus de paraphrasage et la construction des catégories grammaticales
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Jäger, Andreas. « Typology of periphrastic 'do'-constructions ». Bochum Brockmeyer, 2005. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2883469&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Jäger, Andreas. « Typology of periphrastic d́o-̀constructions ». Bochum Univ.-Verl. Brockmeyer, 2006. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2883469&prov=M&dokv̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Holmo, Milenne Biasotto. « Para uma abordagem enunciativa no ensino de língua estrangeira : paráfrase e atividade epilingüística / ». Araraquara : [s.n.], 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93958.

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Orientador: Letícia Marcondes Rezende
Banca: Alessandra Del Ré
Banca: Márcia Cristina Romero Lopes
Resumo: Este trabalho visa à comprovação da hipótese de que os aprendizes de uma língua estrangeira, ao traduzirem um enunciado, partem de um esquema chamado léxis, para então anexar a ele as categorias gramaticais de modalidade, determinação, aspecto e diátese, por meio de marcas lingüísticas, e que, ao passo em que o aprendizado evolui, há uma melhor compreensão dessas categorias. Fundamentada na Teoria das Operações Predicativas e Enunciativas, de Antoine Culioli, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar reflexões que contribuam com o desenvolvimento das abordagens de ensino/aprendizado de língua estrangeira. Assim, propomos uma abordagem enunciativa da língua que leve em consideração os saberes epilingüístico e metalingüístico dos aprendizes, os processos de parafrasagem e a construção das categorias gramaticais.
Abstract: This work has in view the confirmation of the hypothesis that learners of a foreign language, when translating an utterance, start from a framework called léxis, so that they can annex to it the grammatical categories of modality, determination, aspect and diathesis, through linguistic markers, and that while the learning evolve, there is a better understanding of these categories. Based on the Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations, by Antoine Culioli, this study aims to present reflections that can contribute to the development of foreign language teaching/learning approaches. Thus, we propose an enunciative approach of language which takes into consideration learner's epilinguistic and metalinguistic knowledge, the paraphrase processes and the construction of grammatical categories.
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Gotlund, Elizabeth Anne. « A guide to chant in Charles Tournemire's L'orgue mystique ». Diss., University of Iowa, 2015. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/5483.

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Charles Tournemire’s (1870–1939) L’Orgue Mystique is a cycle of solo organ pieces composed for use in the Roman Catholic liturgy. It is subtitled: “51 Offices de L'année liturgique inspirés du chant grégorien et librement paraphrasés” (“51 Offices of the liturgical year inspired by Gregorian chant and freely paraphrased”). Each office is approximately fifteen minutes in length and consists of five pieces based on the Gregorian Propers for the day: Prélude a l’ Introït, Offertoire, Élévation, Communion, and Pièce terminale, using nearly three hundred chants. This essay provides historical background for L’Orgue Mystique, including a short biography of Tournemire and the place of L’Orgue Mystique in it, a brief history of liturgical music in France, an overview of the Solesmes method and Tournemire’s adaptation of it for use in L’Orgue Mystique, and a description of the Cavaillé-Coll organs that Tournemire had in mind when composing L’Orgue Mystique. It also provides a guide for performers of the work, including copies of all the chants Tournemire used, their English and French translations, and descriptions of Tournemire’s use of each chant, for performers’ reference, in order that they may make informed decisions in playing L’Orgue Mystique.
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Depoux, Philippe. « Les redondances prédicatives en français parlé : marques syntaxiques et apports informationnels. Corpus d’entretiens télévisés (1967-2012) ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040208.

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L’objectif de ce travail est de montrer — à partir d’un corpus d’entretiens télévisés filmés à deux périodes différentes, 1967-1972 et 2007-2012 — comment se manifestent, en français parlé, les phénomènes de redondance prédicative, c’est-à-dire de reprise du sens d’une prédication (l’énoncé-source) par une autre prédication (l’énoncé reformulé). Le cadre théorique choisi pour mener à bien cette recherche est celui du Lexique-Grammaire élaboré par Maurice Gross et son équipe du LADL, ainsi que la théorie de la reformulation élaborée par Claire Martinot à partir de 1994. Cette reprise, qui suppose la préservation du sens d’origine, peut être strictement littérale (répétition), porter sur des processus uniquement syntaxiques(transformation), consister en une clarification du sens de l’énoncé-source (paraphrase définitoire) ou instaurer une équivalence de sens sans fondement syntaxique (paraphrases sémantiques sensibles ou non à l’influence du contexte). L’hypothèse de départ de ce travail est que mettre en relation milieux sociaux, époques d’enregistrement et types de reformulation doit révéler quels paramètres expliquent le mieux l’usage préférentiel de tel ou tel type de redondance par telle ou telle catégorie de locuteurs
The purpose of this research project is to show, from a corpus of televised interviews shot in two different periods, 1967-1972 and 2007-2012, how predicative redundancy phenomena occur in spoken French, that is, how a source phrase can be taken over by another phrase. The theoretical frame adopted to lead this research is the Lexicon-Grammar developed by Maurice Gross and his LADL team, as well as the reformulation theory Claire Martinot has been developing since 1994. This rewording, which assumes the preservation of the semantic data of the original phrase, may be strictly literal (repetition), concern only syntactic processes (transformation), consist of a clarification of the meaning of the source phrase (in that case, a form of definition) or institute a semantic equivalence between the phrases without any syntactic corollation, this last type of redundancy proving to be either context-free or context-sensitive. The initial hypothesis of this research project is that making connections between social environments, dates of recording, and types of rewording must be possible and must reveal explanations about the preferential use of specific types of redundancy by specific categories of speakers
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Murray, Jason Matthew. « Faith in Christ, moral power, and welcoming the other an expanded paraphrase of Romans / ». Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2006. http://www.tren.com/search.cfm?p062-0280.

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Morita-Tani, Naoko. « L’acquisition du français et du japonais chez des enfants bilingues de naissance vue à travers la reformulation ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040186.

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L’objectif de notre thèse est de décrire les états linguistiques chez des enfants bilingues de 10 ans habitant à Paris, à travers leurs reformulations en français et en japonais de l’histoire « Tom et Julie ». Cette histoire comporte plusieurs éléments qui permettront d’analyser l’acquisition linguistique. Nous examinerons premièrement la « complexité » des reformulations. Deuxièmement, en examinant les procédures de reformulation, nous catégoriserons six formes de reformulations. Cette classification nous permettra de saisir les tendances des reformulations chez les enfants bilingues. Troisièmement, nous ferons l’étude comparée des reformulations en français et en japonais des deux textes. En dernier lieu, nous étudierons individuellement les reformulations en français et en japonais chez les enfants bilingues. Comment les enfants manipulent-ils les deux langues, qui sont si éloignées l’une de l’autre, pour exprimer la même histoire ? Quelle performance linguistique les enfants nous montrent-ils ? Peut-on trouver des règles linguistiques qui permettent aux enfants bilingues d’apprendre efficacement les deux langues ? Notre étude tente d’expliquer l’état linguistique des enfants bilingues en répondant à ces questions
The goal of our thesis is to describe the linguistic states of bilingual children who are 10 years old and live in Paris, through their reformulation in French and in Japanese of the story « Tom et Julie ». This story contains some elements that permit us to analyze linguistic acquisition. Firstly, we examine the complexity of reformulations. Secondly, in examining the procedures of reformulation, we categorize six forms of reformulation. This classification will permit us to catch the tendencies of reformulations in the case of bilingual children. Thirdly, we compare French reformulation and Japanese reformulation in the two texts. Lastly, we will study these reformulations individually. How children manipulate French and Japanese that are so distant from each other, to express the same story ? What linguistic performance do they show ? Can we find linguistic rules which permit bilingual children to learn efficiently two languages ? Our study tries to explain the linguistic state of bilingual children in responding to these questions
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Levrat, Bernard. « Le problème du sens dans les sytèmes de traitement du langage naturel : Une approche alternative au travers de la paraphrase ». Paris 13, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA132023.

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Contrairement à la plupart des théories sémantiques, nous considérons peu intéressante la séparation trop absolue entre niveau lexical et niveau conceptuel ; la conséquence que nous en tirons est qu'il faut savoir passer du lexical au lexical, d'où l'importance de la paraphrase. Nous décrivons ici une approche visant à caractériser la signification des expressions langagières au moyen de leurs conditions de reformulation en contexte. A cette fin nous avons conçu paraph, un système de diagnostic de paraphrase, qui modélise le jugement paraphrastique entre deux énoncés en langage naturel: ces derniers lui étant fournis en entrée, paraph délivre en sortie un ensemble de conditions interprétatives correspondant à des choix interprétatifs et à des approximations permettant d'identifier leurs significations. A l'opposé des modélisations traditionnelles, la méthodologie permet de doter la paraphrase des propriétés correspondant au phénomène réel (en particulier en rendant possible la gestion de la compositionalité des transformations par le biais du contrôle de la consistance de l'ensemble des conditions interprétatives impliquées par ces dernières). Paraph est un système de réécriture conditionnelle d'arbres. Les règles traduisent des reformulations paraphrastiques élémentaires et les conditions qui les étiquettent correspondent aux conditions interprétatives (i. E. Non prises en compte par le contexte explicite) rendant légitimes les transformations paraphrastiques qu'elles décrivent. Dans les applications envisagées, outre la modélisation de phénomènes fins de la langue du type de ceux impliqués dans les catégories grammaticales (temps, aspect, détermination, modalité,. . . ), nous envisageons à terme l'utilisation du diagnostic de paraphrase pour l'évaluation des reformulations des interventions des utilisateurs dans les interfaces en langage naturel des systèmes interactifs.
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Duclaye, Florence Aude Dorothée. « Apprentissage automatique de relations d'équivalence sémantique à partir du Web ». Paris, ENST, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ENST0044.

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Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte d'un système de questions-réponses, capable de trouver automatiquement sur le Web la réponse à des questions factuelles. L'une des manières d'améliorer la qualité des réponses fournies consiste à augmenter le taux de rappel du système et à identifier pour cela les réponses sous de multiples formulations possibles (paraphrases). Le recensement manuel de ces paraphrases étant un travail long et coûteux, l'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir et développer un mécanisme d'apprentissage automatique et faiblement supervisé des paraphrases possibles d'une réponse. La méthode d'apprentisage présentée fait du Web son corpus privilégié, en particulier par la redondance et la variété linguistique des informations qu'il contient. Considéré comme un gigantesque graphe biparti représenté, d'une part, par des formulations et, d'autre part, par des couples d'arguments, le Web s'avère propice à l'application de la citation de Firth, selon laquelle le sens d'un terme (respectivement d'une formulation, dans notre cas) est lié aux termes (respectivement aux arguments) avec lesquels il cooccurre. Ainsi, par un mécanisme itératif, le Web est échantillonné : les formulations (paraphrases potentielles) sont extraites par ancrage des arguments, et inversement, de nouveaux arguments sont extraits par ancrage des formulations acquises. Afin de permettre à l'apprentissage de converger, une étape intermédiaire de classification statistique des données échantillonnées est nécessaire. Les résultats obtenus ont fait l'objet d'une évaluation empirique, montrant en particulier la valeur ajoutée des paraphrases apprises sur le système de questions-réponses
This PhD thesis can be situated in the context of a question answering system, which is capable of automatically finding answers to factual questions on the Web. One way to improve the quality of these answers is to increase the recall rate of the system, by identifying the answers under multiple possible formulations(paraphrases). As the manual recording of paraphrases is a long and expensive task, the goal of this PhD thesis is to design and develop a mechanism that learns automatically and in a weakly supervised manner the possible paraphrases of an answer. Thanks to the redundance and the linguistic variety of the information it contains, the Web is considered to be a very interesting corpus. Assimilated to a gigantic bipartite graph represented, on the one hand, by formulations and, on the other hand, by argument couples, the Web turns out to be propitious to the application of Firth's hypothesis, according to which "you shall know a word (resp. A formulation, in our case) by the company (resp. Arguments) it keeps". Consequently, the Web is sampled using an iterative mechanism : formulations (potential paraphrases) are extracted by anchoring arguments and, inversely, new arguments are extracted by anchoring the acquired formulations. In order to make the learning process converge, an intermediary stage is necessary, which partitions the sampled data using a statistical classification method. The obtained results were empirically evaluated, which, more particularly, shows the value added by the learnt paraphrases of the question answering system
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Holmo, Milenne Biasotto [UNESP]. « Para uma abordagem enunciativa no ensino de língua estrangeira : paráfrase e atividade epilingüística ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/93958.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-03-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:50Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 biasottoholmo_m_me_arafcl.pdf: 428789 bytes, checksum: f0b3e2d5887e93e46b29319c5ab63567 (MD5)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho visa à comprovação da hipótese de que os aprendizes de uma língua estrangeira, ao traduzirem um enunciado, partem de um esquema chamado léxis, para então anexar a ele as categorias gramaticais de modalidade, determinação, aspecto e diátese, por meio de marcas lingüísticas, e que, ao passo em que o aprendizado evolui, há uma melhor compreensão dessas categorias. Fundamentada na Teoria das Operações Predicativas e Enunciativas, de Antoine Culioli, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar reflexões que contribuam com o desenvolvimento das abordagens de ensino/aprendizado de língua estrangeira. Assim, propomos uma abordagem enunciativa da língua que leve em consideração os saberes epilingüístico e metalingüístico dos aprendizes, os processos de parafrasagem e a construção das categorias gramaticais.
This work has in view the confirmation of the hypothesis that learners of a foreign language, when translating an utterance, start from a framework called léxis, so that they can annex to it the grammatical categories of modality, determination, aspect and diathesis, through linguistic markers, and that while the learning evolve, there is a better understanding of these categories. Based on the Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations, by Antoine Culioli, this study aims to present reflections that can contribute to the development of foreign language teaching/learning approaches. Thus, we propose an enunciative approach of language which takes into consideration learner’s epilinguistic and metalinguistic knowledge, the paraphrase processes and the construction of grammatical categories.
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Bauer, Susan Wise. « From Spirit to Flesh : Psalm 51 and the Practice of Paraphrase Under Henry VIII and Elizabeth Tudor ». W&M ScholarWorks, 1994. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539625883.

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Timimi, Ismaïl. « De la paraphrase linguistique à la recherche d'information, le système 3 AD : théorie et implantation (aide à l'analyse automatique du discours) ». Grenoble 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE39025.

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Chercheurs et praticiens sont souvent confrontes a une double exigence : d'une part, le recueil de donnees textuelles provenant de differents corpus et bases documentaires ; d'autre part, le developpement d'outils d'informatiques destines a la gestion et a l'analyse de ces donnees. Comme contribution au rapprochement de ces deux volets, nous explorons dans ce travail, l'analyse de l'information discursive a partir d'un modele algebrique, ameliore par des formalismes linguistiques. Nous presentons la theorie de la methode definie ainsi que l'implantation du logiciel afferent, dit 3ad (aide a l'analyse automatique du discours). Dans une premiere partie, nous introduisons d'abord un rappel sur la theorie de la paraphrase, (application d'origine de 3ad). Ensuite, nous presentons les algorithmes mathematiques de 3ad. Ils calculent des distances entre les differentes phrases du corpus, a partir de matrices de couts liees aux operations classiques sur les mots : insertion, effacement et substitution. De facon generale, plus le nombre de mots communs a deux phrases est grand, plus la distance est petite, et par suite, plus elles seront en paraphrase. L'integration des outils graphiques del'analyse des donnees multidimensionnelles permet de visualiser sur des cartes, la disposition des phrases au sein des classes de paraphrases. Enfin, nous developpons un formalisme linguistique pour augmenter les performances de cette approche numerique. Ce formalisme integre plusieurs niveaux d'analyse en tal (morphologie, segmentation, syntaxe, semantique). Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons une autre facette du systeme 3ad, orientee vers une nouvelle application, qu'est la recherche d'information et ses derives. Nous montrons comment utiliser le systeme 3ad, comme un outil d'aide a la representation du contenu du document (extraction, filtrage et resume automatique) ; comment le systeme 3ad contribue a synthetiser les documents volumineux et apparier ces syntheses avec des requetes ; comment utiliser 3ad comme un outil de classification automatique (avec des scores pour chaque requete) ; comment 3ad peut cooperer avec un generateur de paraphrases en langue naturelle, pour les reformulations de requetes (en vue d'endiguer le bruit et le silence). Nous finirons par esquisser des possibilites de developpement de 3ad. Ces possibilites visent a relever un defi pour la ri, a savo
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Leroy, Sylvain. « Un poète anonyme du XIème siècle : le Liber Prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie et son auteur : Edition, traduction, commentaire ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX10158/document.

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Le Liber Prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie est un poème anonyme latin datable de la fin du XIème siècle. Il n’est présent en entier que dans un seul manuscrit parisien. Il s’agit d’une réécriture de la Bible comportant 2670 hexamètres dactyliques. L’auteur a paraphrasé un certain nombre d’épisodes de l’Ancien Testament et a ajouté des commentaires exégétiques et moraux. La thèse comprend, dans une première partie, une introduction au texte et à sa traduction. Elle étudie la structure du poème, les techniques de réécriture, l’utilisation des commentaires exégétiques et des poètes antérieurs à la rédaction. Elle compare le Liber avec d’autres réécritures bibliques tardo-antiques ou médiévales. Elle dresse enfin un portrait de l’anonyme en insistant sur sa culture, ses techniques de versification, ses structures de pensée et ses intentions. La deuxième partie de l’ouvrage comprend une nouvelle édition critique du texte ainsi que sa première traduction. Elle s’accompagne d’un apparat des gloses et des sources bibliques. La troisième partie du travail est constituée d’un commentaire « épisode par épisode » de l’ensemble du poème. Il évoque la place de chaque passage dans l’économie de l’œuvre (en particulier dans les cas d’antéposition ou de postposition par rapport à la matière biblique), la réécriture de l’hypotexte biblique, la présence et la fonction des commentaires, les sources patristiques ainsi que la justification de nos choix d’édition lorsqu’ils diffèrent du texte établi par G. Dinkova en 2007
The Liber Prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie is an anonymous poem, written in Latin, which can be dated from the end of the eleventh century. The unabridged version is to be found in only one Parisian manuscript. The verse composition is a bible rewriting containing 2670 hexameters. The author has versified many episodes of the Old Testament and has added exegetical and moral commentaries. The thesis contains, in its first part, an introduction to the Latin text and its translation, which studies the poem structure, the rewriting modes, the exploitation of the exegetical commentaries and of the poets who have written prior to the Liber composition. It also compares the Liber with other biblical rewritings either from late Antiquity or from the Middle Ages. Finally it draws the portrait of the anonymous poet by emphasizing his culture, his versification, his way of thinking and his aims. The second part of the work comprises a new critical edition of the text as well as its first translation. It also includes an apparatus of the glosses and of the biblical references. The third part is a commentary “episode by episode” of the whole poem which mentions the place of each passage in the work (particularly in case of anteposition or postposition), the rewriting of the biblical hypotext, the presence and function of the commentaries, the doctores used by the author, as well as the explanation of our edition choices, when they are different from the text written by G. Dinkova in 2007
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van, der Westhuizen Petrus J. « Modeling as Compositional Tool in the Piano Works of Francis Poulenc ». University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1178571085.

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Drescher, Martina. « Verallgemeinerungen als Verfahren der Textkonstitution : Untersuchungen zu französischen Texten aus mündlicher und schriftlicher Kommunikation / ». Stuttgart : F. Steiner, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35619421j.

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Choi, Ji In. « La lexicographie franco-coréenne entre théorie et application ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040251.

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Résumé :
Les auteurs de dictionnaires bilingues semblent avoir toujours été préoccupés par la question de la mise en équivalence. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse se propose d’interroger les divers aspects de la lexicographie lors de l’élaboration des dictionnaires bilingues, notamment franco-coréens destinés aux coréanophones, en tentant de reconstruire, sur un mode à la fois historique et systématique, le dispositif méthodique et raisonné qui avait permis aux lexicographes de poser les conditions métalexicographiques. Celles-ci s’appliquent à tous les paramètres qui constituent la logique du dictionnaire sur un plan structurel et sémantique. Cette mise au point théorique a pour but d’envisager comment les dictionnaires bilingues sont mis en valeur lors d’une refonte ou d’une nouvelle parution. À travers l’étude des dix-huit dictionnaires rédigés en Corée depuis la fin XIXe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui, nous observons une transformation des interprétations de la méthode métalexicographique et l’élaboration du concept de dictionnaire contemporain. Ce travail s’intéresse enfin à proposer des équivalents pour deux verbes, circuler et éloigner, du Prime Dictionnaire français-coréen, en comparant la façon dont le Grand Robert et le Trésor de la langue française regroupent les sens et les acceptions de ces verbes avec celle du dictionnaire français-coréen
Bilingual dictionaries seem to have always been concerned about the issues of establishing equivalence. Within this context, this thesis proposes to examine the various aspects of lexicography in the developments of French-Korean, Korean-French bilingual dictionaries, particularly for the Korean speakers, while trying to rebuild, on a historical and systematic mode, the methodical and rational device that allowed the lexicographers to set meta-lexicographical conditions. This applies to all the factors of logic for dictionary organization at a structural and semantic level. The theoretical development is made to consider how the bilingual dictionaries enhance in quality during a renewal or a new release. Through the study of the eighteen dictionaries written in Korea since the late nineteenth century until today, we can observe the transformation of how the meta-lexicographical method was interpreted in practice and how the concept of contemporary dictionary was developed. This work propose equivalents of two verbs, circuler and éloigner; extracts from the Prime French-Korean Dictionary, as compared how the Grand Robert and the Trésor de la langue française organize meanings
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Aristote, Arnzen Rüdiger. « Aristoteles' "De anima" : eine verlorene spätantike Paraphrase in arabischer und persischer Überlieferung : arabischer Text nebst Kommentar, quellengeschichtliche Studien und Glossare / ». Leiden : K. Brill, 1998. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37702035p.

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Gonzales, Karen Liliana Osorio. « Um estudo sobre a paráfrase em redações de vestibular ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8142/tde-08102014-181151/.

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Résumé :
Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar o procedimento parafrástico em redações de vestibular com base na hipótese de que nos textos analisados os distintos tipos de procedimentos parafrásticos empregados permitem vislumbrar diferentes concepções de língua no ensino da escrita. Desse modo, as reformulações do tipo paráfrase discursiva produzidas pelos escreventes, a partir dos posicionamentos históricos presentes nos textos da coletânea, constituem um mecanismo dialógicoargumentativo. O trabalho se fundamenta no conceito de paráfrase proposto pela corrente teórica da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. De forma específica objetiva-se: a) investigar a ocorrência das chamadas paráfrase linguística e paráfrase discursiva em redações de vestibular em que a proposta de escrita é direcionada pelos textos da coletânea; b) analisar a paráfrase discursiva tomando-a como um procedimento dialógico-argumentativo no texto dissertativo; c) apontar razões para as ocorrências de reformulações parafrásticas encontradas. A presente investigação partiu de uma amostra de 205 redações das quais 137 apresentaram ao menos uma paráfrase de uma das filiações sócio-históricas veiculadas nos textos da coletânea fornecida na prova de redação do vestibular da FUVEST/2006. Das 137 redações que exibiram formulações em relação de paráfrase com os textos da coletânea, 77 delas apresentaram paráfrases do tipo linguística e 60 paráfrases do tipo discursiva. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de fato, na produção do texto dissertativo a reformulação parafrástica do tipo paráfrase discursiva funciona como um mecanismo argumentativo na articulação das formações discursivas veiculadas pelos escreventes. Nessas redações verificou-se que a paráfrase discursiva atualiza os discursos dos textos da coletânea nas novas condições de produção. Por sua vez, constatou-se que a reformulação parafrástica do tipo paráfrase linguística constitui um elemento que compõe o quadro das condições de produção da escrita escolar, o que tomamos como um indicador de que, nesse tipo de procedimento parafrástico, a concepção normativa da língua orientou a maioria dos escreventes
This paper aims to investigate paraphrastic procedures in university application essays based upon the hypothesis that distinct types of paraphrastic procedures allow discerning different conceptions of language. Therefore, the discoursive paraphrastic reformulation produced by candidates, as a consequence of historical positions displayed in a collection of texts provided as required writing starters, constitutes a dialogical/argumentative process. The study adopts the concept of paraphrase proposed by the French School of Discourse Analysis. Specifically, the study aims to: a) investigate the occurrence of linguistic and discoursive paraphrases in admissions essays in which the writing proposal is directed by a collection of texts; b) analyze the discoursive paraphrase as a dialogical-argumentative procedure; c) indicate reasons of the presence of found paraphrases. The present investigation initiated with a set of 205 essays, from which 137 exhibited at least one paraphrase of one historical filiation introduced by the collection of texts provided in the examination essay of FUVEST (University of São Paulos entry exam) in the year of 2006. The results obtained demonstrate that in the essay writing the discoursive paraphrase in fact works as an argumentative process in the articulation of the discourse formations presented by the candidates. In these essays it was verified that the paraphrastic process modifies the source discourses in the new conditions of the discoursive productions. On the other hand, the results suggest that the paraphrastic reformulation of the linguistic type constitutes an element that forms the conditions of language production in the school, which we consider an indicator that this type of paraphrase derived from the prescriptive conception of language rules the majority of the applicants writings. From the 137 essays that exhibited paraphrases of the collection of texts, 77 displayed paraphrases of the linguistic type and 60 paraphrases of the discoursive type
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Berolli, Cristiano. « LʼEncomio di Sant' Anastasio di Gigio di Pisidia : Studi filologici e letterari sulla prosa filosoficoagiografica greca tardoantica (V-VII sec. d.C.) ». Thesis, Paris, EPHE, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EPHE4031.

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Résumé :
Lʼobjectif de cette étude est de saisir le but dʼun discours hagiographique, en fondant lʼanalyse sur la tradition, lʼauteur, le style et le public de certains textes de l'Antiquité tardive. Les auteurs de ces textes, écrits en prose grecque et illustrés par lʼÉloge de Saint Anastase de Georges de Pisidie, suivaient les préceptes de la rhétorique et réélaboraient les canons de la littérature hagiographique. La thèse est divisée en cinq chapitres. Le premier trace une histoire de la réécriture et montre lʼévolution de la technique paraphrastique entre le sixième et le septième siècle après J.-C. Lʼanalyse se prolonge jusqu'aux soixante-dix Miracles de Cyr et Jean par Sophrone de Jérusalem et à lʼÉloge de Saint Anastase par Georges de Pisidie, une métaphrase des actes du martyre, dont le but était de propager les victoires de lʼEmpire chrétien contre la Perse. Dès le deuxième chapitre, lʼattention se concentre uniquement sur lʼÉloge, dont une première traduction italienne est proposée. Le troisième chapitre traite de la diffusion du culte de Saint Anastase après son martyre, advenu le 22 janvier 628 après J.-C. Le quatrième chapitre se focalise sur la technique utilisée par Georges pour réécrire les actes du martyre de Saint Anastase. Le dernier chapitre analyse la structure de lʼÉloge, en essayant de montrer les points où la prose de Georges suit les préceptes de la rhétorique ancienne tardive. Ce travail espère ainsi souligner lʼimportance de lʼÉloge dans la production panégyrique de Georges, dans le contexte de lʼhistoire littéraire du septième siècle après J.-C. et, plus généralement, de lʼAntiquité tardive
The aim of the thesis is to understand the purpose of an hagiographic discourse, basing the analysis on the tradition, the author, the style and the public of certain texts. These texts (exemplified by the Encomium of Saint Anastasius by George of Pisidia) were written in Greek prose during the period of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium. Their authors increasingly tended to follow the precepts of rhetoric and to rework the canons of hagiographic literature. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first traces the history of rewriting and shows the evolution of the paraphrastic technique between the sixth and seventh centuries AD. The analysis extends up to the seventy Miracles of Cyrus and John by Sophronius of Jerusalem and to the Encomium of Saint Anastasius by George of Pisidia, a metaphrase of the acts of martyrdom, whose aim was to propagate the victories of the Christian Empire against Persia. From the second chapter, the attention is focused only on the Encomium, of which is offered a first Italian translation. The third chapter is a discussion on the spread of the cult of Saint Anastasius, after his martyrdom on January 22, 628 AD. The fourth chapter focuses on the technique used by George to rewrite the acts of the martyrdom of Saint Anastasius. The last chapter analyzes the structure of the Encomium, trying to highlight the points where the prose of George seems to follow more closely the dictates of late antique rhetoric. It is hoped with this to emphasize the importance of a text as the Encomium, within the panegyric production of George of Pisidia, but also the literary history of the seventh century AD and, more generally, of Late Antiquity
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Benoteau-Alexandre, Marie-Eve. « Figures des psaumes : genèse, poétique et herméneutique des traductions claudéliennes des psaumes ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040136.

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Résumé :
Cette étude est consacrée aux traductions de psaumes que Paul Claudel compose entre 1918 et 1953. Une édition critique et scientifique met en lumière les aspects génétiques et éditoriaux de cette entreprise peu connue. Elle est le fondement nécessaire à l'étude interne qui, s'appuyant sur une confrontation systématique avec le texte de la Vulgate qui sert de base à la traduction claudélienne, met au jour le fonctionnement à la fois poétique et herméneutique de ces textes. La traduction claudélienne des psaumes se situe en effet à la frontière de divers genres (traduction biblique, traduction poétique, commentaire exégétique, méditation spirituelle, poésie) et l'étude de cette imbrication permet d'apporter un éclairage nouveau sur les rapports que Claudel tisse avec l'univers de la Bible. Loin de former un corpus unifié et homogène, ces textes montrent au contraire une évolution du mode de traduction, vers une disjonction du texte claudélien avec la lettre biblique. L'hypothèse soutenue est que cette déhiscence est à mettre au crédit d'une réflexion sur le statut à la fois herméneutique et poétique de la figure, qui permet de faire se rejoindre l'exégèse figurative patristique et médiévale, dont Claudel hérite par le biais de la liturgie, et le régime figural propre à la littérature. Les Psaumes, à la fois texte poétique par excellence et voix privilégiée de la prière chrétienne, seraient ainsi le lieu où réaliser l'alliance du littéraire et du spirituel
This thesis concentrates on Paul Claudel's translations of the Psalms, composed between 1918 and 1953. A critical and scientific approach reveals the historical and literary aspects of this little known project. Such an analysis is the necessary basis for a profound study that reveals both the poetical and hermeneutical process of these texts through a systematic comparison with the Latin text of the Vulgate, on which Claudel's translation relies. The Claudelian translation of the Psalms truly stands at the intersection of various genres – biblical translation, poetical translation, exegetical commentary, spiritual meditation, poetry – and studying these interlinking elements helps shed new light on Claudel's relationships with the Bible and its influence. Far from producing a united and homogenous corpus, these texts demonstrate an evolution in the way the process of translation yields a disjunction between the Claudelian text and the biblical one. My hypothesis is that this separation results from Claudel's analysis of both the hermeneutical and poetical status of the figure, that enables the linking of the patristic and medieval figurative exegesis – which he inherits through the liturgy – with the figural regime proper to literature. As both poetical texts par excellence and the privileged expression of Christian prayer, the Psalms are thus the juncture where literature and spirituality coincide
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Morais, Argus Romero Abreu de. « LÃngua, discurso e identidade(s) : quem à o jovem excluÃdo para o Projovem Urbano ? » Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2010. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=8050.

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FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico
Pretendemos neste trabalho analisar a constituiÃÃo da identidade do jovem excluÃdo no discurso da inclusÃo social do Programa Nacional de InclusÃo de Jovens â ProJovem Urbano. Quanto aos pressupostos teÃricos e metodolÃgicos, apoiamo-nos na AnÃlise do Discurso, em especial, em Courtine (1981), Maingueneau (1997, 2007, 2008), Orlandi (1996, 2007) e Possenti (2004, 2007). No caso de Courtine (1981), apropriamo-nos, particularmente, das suas discussÃes acerca das sequÃncias discursivas de referÃncia (SDR), como forma de segmentar as passagens do corpus para a anÃlise, e de suas contribuiÃÃes para o entendimento do repetÃvel na linguagem, ou seja, da parÃfrase. No tocante a parÃfrase e a sua relaÃÃo com as teorias discursivas, as discussÃes de Maingueneau (1997, 2007, 2008), Orlandi (1996; 2007) e Possenti (2004, 2007) foram fundamentais. Devido à complexidade do objeto de pesquisa, ampliamos o horizonte teÃrico por meio de leituras interdisciplinares, em que nos voltamos para as diferentes Ãreas, a saber, as CiÃncias da EducaÃÃo, a Sociologia e a Economia. Os debates que envolvem polÃticas pÃblicas, educaÃÃo, modelos econÃmicos e identidades foram realizados nessa interrelaÃÃo de campos de estudos. No Ãmbito das identidades, destacamos as contribuiÃÃes de Bauman (2008) e Hall (2003). Quanto à anÃlise, selecionamos, do corpus, constituÃdo pela ResoluÃÃo n 22 de 26 de maio de 2008, do Conselho Deliberativo (2008) pelos Manuais do Educador (2008, 2009) e pelos Guias de Estudo (2008, 2009) do ProJovem Urbano, doze sequÃncias discursivas de referÃncia (SDR). A relaÃÃo parafrÃstica estabelecida entre essas sequÃncias nos possibilitou averiguar a antagonizaÃÃo entre as identidades do jovem incluÃdo e do jovem excluÃdo, os parÃmetros utilizados pelo enunciador para o estabelecimento da identidade do sujeito ideal e, por fim, as estratÃgias discursivas utilizadas para tornar eficiente a dispersÃo da identidade do jovem excluÃdo.
In this work we aim to analyze the identity constitution of young students who are excluded from society and who belong to a program of social inclusion called ProJovem Urbano - Inclusion National Program for Young Adults. The theory and methodology are based on Discourse Analysis, especially on Courtine (1981), Maingueneau (1997, 2007, 2008), Orlandi (1996, 2007) and Possenti (2004, 2007). Concerning Courtine (1981), we particularly rely on his discussions about discursive sequences of reference as a form to segment the passages of the corpus to be analyzed, as well as on his contributions to comprehend the paraphrase, that is what can be repeated in language. About the paraphrase and its relations with discursive theories, the discussions of Maingueneau (1997, 2007, 2008), Orlandi (1996, 2007) and Possenti (2004, 2007) were of a fundamental importance. Because of the complexity of our research object, it was necessary to enlarge our theoretical horizon through interdisciplinary readings, focusing on other different areas as Educational Sciences, Sociology and Economics, debating public politics, education, economic models and identities in the interrelation of these different areas. About the identities, we emphasize Baumanâs (2008) and Hallâs (2003) contributions. About the analysis, we selected twelve discursive sequences of reference from the corpus, which are constituted by the Resolution number 22 from the 26 of May, 2008, by the Educator Manuals and by ProJovem Urbano Study Guides. The paraphrasal relations established in these sequences led us to investigate the antagonization between the identities of the excluded and of the included young adults, as well as the patterns used by the enunciator to establish the identity of the ideal subject, and the discursive strategies used to make efficient the dispersion of the excluded young adult identity.
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Teixeira, Isabel Cristina Ferreira. « Análise de discurso no Brasil : aspectos da invenção e da transmissão no fazer disciplinar ». Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/3960.

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This work aims to produce a knowledge about French Discourse Analysis (DA) through Eni P. Orlandi s theoretical production and, as specific goal, to form a possibility of interpretation for the notions of paraphrase and metaphor, from A linguagem e seu funcionamento: as formas do discurso (1983) and establishing relations with Interpretação: autoria, leitura e efeitos do trabalho simbólico (1996) e Análise de Discurso: princípios e procedimentos (1999), with the purpose of reflecting about the development of DA in Brazil, by the analysis of principles and procedures able to justify its disciplinary consistency. We suppose that metalinguistics, as a representation of a domain of knowledge, may be related to epistemology and to the thought about science. However, the representation made by metalinguistics differs from the positive epistemology of science which admits the transparency of epistemic modality, the objectivity and universality of knowledge. Metalinguistics historically built supports the paradox of knowledge and dissimulates the coherence of scientific knowledge which no longer refers itself to the truth, but to scientific communities. These communities point to exclusion, the distribution of knowledge; and inclusion, trough the recognition of equals who can validate its results. The communities also justify the discipline which functions as a possibility to legitimate its existence. The research permits to elaborate a thesis around the idea of paraphrase and metaphor constitute itself, from the disciplinary point of view, as a procedure of appropriation which moves itself rom content analysis , associated to Social Sciences; and moves itself from the signification of Structural Linguistics; making them to work as a discourse, not as a text. The theoretical movement of this notions paraphrase and metaphor - is justified if science is thought as apparently coherent, and justify itself if it s thought in terms of history, thus these procedures place paraphrase and metaphor in the tradition of studies of Language in Brazil.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral compor um conhecimento sobre a Análise de Discurso (AD) de orientação francesa pela produção teórica de Eni P. Orlandi e, como objetivo específico, elaborar uma possibilidade de leitura das noções de paráfrase e de polissemia, a partir de A linguagem e seu funcionamento: as formas do discurso (1983) e estabelecendo relações com Interpretação: autoria, leitura e efeitos do trabalho simbólico (1996) e Análise de Discurso: princípios e procedimentos (1999), com o propósito de refletir sobre o desenvolvimento da AD no Brasil, ao identificar princípios e procedimentos responsáveis por sua consistência disciplinar. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a metalinguagem enquanto representação de um domínio do saber pode ser relacionada à epistemologia e ao pensamento elaborado sobre a ciência de uma maneira geral. Mas a representação operada por ela diferencia-se da epistemologia positiva da ciência que admite a transparência da modalidade epistêmica, a objetividade, a universalidade e a intangibilidade do conhecimento. A metalinguagem historicamente construída suporta a natureza paradoxal do conhecimento e dissimula a coerência do conhecimento científico que não se refere mais à verdade, mas a comunidades em torno das quais se organiza. A existência de comunidades do conhecimento indiciam, portanto, a exclusão, a demarcação de fronteiras dos saberes; e a inclusão, pelo reconhecimento dos pares que podem validar seus resultados. Justificam também a existência do disciplinar que funciona como uma possibilidade de legitimar a existência de uma tal comunidade. A trajetória realizada no presente estudo nos permite elaborar a tese de que as noções de paráfrase e de polissemia, constituem-se, a partir do ponto de vista disciplinar, em um procedimento de reapropriação/fundação que as desloca do conteudismo, associado às Ciências Sociais; e da significação associada à Lingüística saussureana; fazendo-as funcionar discursivamente. O movimento teórico que vai da noção de efeito metafórico à paráfrase e polissemia justifica-se se a ciência for pensada em termos de coerência aparente, não de proposições verdadeiras; e justifica-se também se a ciência for pensada em sua historicidade, assim, essa operação localiza a paráfrase e a polissemia na tradição dos estudos da linguagem no caso específico do Brasil.
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Duclaye, Florence. « Apprentissage automatique de relations d'équivalence sémantique à partir du Web ». Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2003. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00001119.

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Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte d'un système de Questions-Réponses, capable de trouver automatiquement sur le Web la réponse à des questions factuelles traitant de n'importe quel sujet. L'une des manières d'améliorer la qualité des réponses fournies consiste à augmenter le taux de rappel du système. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de pouvoir identifier les réponses sous de multiples formulations possibles. A titre illustratif, la réponse à la question "Quelle est la hauteur de la Tour Eiffel ?" peut non seulement être exprimée de la même manière que dans la question ("la hauteur de la Tour Eiffel est 300 mètres"), mais également sous d'autres formes lexico-syntaxiques ("la Tour Eiffel culmine à 300 mètres", "la Tour Eiffel fait 300 mètres de haut", etc). On parle alors de paraphrases de la réponse. Le recensement manuel de ces paraphrases étant un travail long et coûteux, l'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir et développer un mécanisme capable d'apprendre de façon automatique et faiblement supervisée les paraphrases possibles d'une réponse. Inscrite dans le vaste domaine de l'acquisition automatique de connaissances sémantiques, la méthode d'apprentissage présentée fait du Web son corpus privilégié, en particulier par la redondance et la variété linguistique des informations qu'il contient. Considéré comme un gigantesque graphe biparti représenté, d'une part, par des formulations (expressions d'une relation sémantique, comme "culmine à" ou "fait ... de haut") et d'autre part par des couples d'arguments (entités nommées régies par ces formulations, comme "Tour Eiffel - 300 mètres"), le Web s'avère propice à l'application de la citation de Firth, selon laquelle le sens d'un terme (respectivement d'une formulation, dans notre cas) est lié aux termes (respectivement aux arguments) avec lesquels il cooccurre. Ainsi, par un mécanisme itératif, le Web est échantillonné: les formulations (paraphrases potentielles) sont extraites par ancrage des arguments sur le Web et, inversement, de nouveaux arguments sont extraits par ancrages des formulations acquises. Afin de permettre à l'apprentissage de converger, une étape intermédiaire de classification statistique des données échantillonnées est nécessaire. Les résultats obtenus ont fait l'objet d'une évaluation empirique, ce qui permet en particulier de montrer la valeur ajoutée des paraphrases apprises sur le système de Questions-Réponses. De plus, ces résultats mettent en évidence quelques perspectives exploratoires qui permettront d'améliorer le processus d'apprentissage et de l'utiliser dans d'autres contextes applicatifs.
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ʿUsayrān, Laylā. « Nature et fonction de la répétition des différents éléments linguistiques dans le discours ». Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040092.

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La thèse se divise en trois parties. La première rappelle l'historique du terme répétition et en donne trois définitions en fonction de trois paramètres : la deixis, les différentes formes de répétition à l'identique et au semblable et les interlocuteurs. L'approche du sujet se fait dans un cadre discursif assez vaste englobant à la fois le poétique, le ludique, le plagiat littéraire et la communication verbale. La deuxième partie analyse la répétition dans les différentes composantes du signe aux niveaux micro et macro. On commence avec les différentes répétitions morpho-phoniques (répétition du signifiant phonique, de l'homonymie et de la polysémie etc. ) On passe à la répétition syntaxique (les expressions de la modalité et de la temporalité, la transformation actif passif, la pronominalisation etc. ) On termine avec la répétition du signifié (le pléonasme, la tautologie, la para-synonymie, les substituts lexicaux et la paraphrase). La troisième partie comporte l'application de la théorie sur des corpus variés de l’écrit (extrait de roman, article de presse et publicités) et de l'oral. La conclusion générale ouvre une perspective nouvelle à la poursuite de la recherche.
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Vila, Rigat Marta. « Paraphrase Scope and Typology. A Data-Driven Approach from Computational Linguistics / Abast i tipologia de la paràfrasi. Una aproximació empíriica des de la lingüíística computacional ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/117850.

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Paraphrasing is generally understood as approximate sameness of meaning between snippets of text with a different wording. Paraphrases are omnipresent in natural languages demonstrating all the aspects of its multifaceted nature. The pervasiveness of paraphrasing has made it a focus of several tasks in computational linguistics; its complexity has in turn resulted in paraphrase remaining a still unresolved challenge. Two basic issues, directly linked to the complex nature of paraphrasing, make its computational treatment particularly difficult, namely the absence of a precise and commonly accepted definition and the lack of reference corpora for paraphrasing. Based on the assumption that linguistic knowledge should underlie computational-linguistics research, this thesis aims to go a step forward in these two questions: paraphrase characterization and paraphrase-corpus building and annotation. The knowledge and resources created are then applied to natural language processing and, in concrete, to automatic plagiarism detection in order to empirically analyse their potential. This thesis is built as an article compendium comprising six core articles divided in three blocks: (i) paraphrase scope and typology, (ii) paraphrase-corpus creation and annotation, and (iii) paraphrasing in automatic plagiarism detection. In the first block, assuming that paraphrase boundaries are not fixed but depend on the field, task, and objectives, three borderline paraphrase cases are presented: paraphrases involving content loss, pragmatic knowledge, and certain grammatical features. The limits between paraphrasing and related phenomena such as coreference are also analysed. Paraphrase characterization takes on a new dimension if we look at it in extensional terms. We have built a general and linguistically-grounded paraphrase typology in line with this approach. The third issue addressed in this block is paraphrase representation, which we consider to be essential in order to formally apprehend paraphrasing. In the second block, the Wikipedia-based Relational Paraphrase Acquisition method (WRPA) is presented. It allows for the automatic extraction of paraphrases expressing a concrete relation from Wikipedia. Using this method, the WRPA corpus, covering different relations and two languages (English and Spanish), was built. A subset of the Spanish WRPA corpus, together with paraphrases in two English paraphrase corpora that are different in nature were annotated applying a new annotation scheme derived from our paraphrase typology. These annotations were validated applying the Inter-annotator Agreement for Paraphrase-Type Annotation measures (IAPTA), also developed in the framework of this thesis. In the third and final block, our typology is applied to the field of automatic plagiarism detection, demonstrating that more complex paraphrase phenomena and a high density of paraphrase mechanisms make plagiarism detection more difficult, and that lexical substitutions and text-snippet additions/deletions are the most widely used paraphrase mechanisms when plagiarizing. This provides insights for future research in automatic plagiarism detection and demonstrates, through a concrete example, the value of the knowledge and data provided in this thesis to computational-linguistics research.
S'entén per paràfrasi la igualtat aproximada de significat entre fragments de text que difereixen en la forma. La paràfrasi és omnipresent en les llengües naturals, on es troba expressada de múltiples maneres. D'una banda, la ubiqüitat de la paràfrasi l'ha convertit en el centre d’interès de moltes tasques específiques dins de la lingüística computacional; de l'altra, la seva complexitat ha fet de la paràfrasi un problema que encara no té una solució definitiva. Dues qüestions bàsiques, lligades a la naturalesa complexa de la paràfrasi, fan el seu tractament computacional particularment difícil: l'absència d'una definició precisa i comunament acceptada i la manca de corpus de paràfrasis de referència. Assumint que el coneixement lingüístic ha de ser a la base de la recerca en lingüística computacional, aquesta tesi pretén avançar en dues línies de treball: en la delimitació i comprensió del que s’entén per paràfrasi, i en la creació i anotació de corpus de paràfrasis que proporcionin dades sobre les quals fonamentar tant la recerca com futurs recursos i aplicacions. Amb l'objectiu d’avaluar empíricament el seu potencial, el coneixement i els recursos creats com a resultat d'aquest treball han estat aplicats a la detecció automàtica de plagi. Aquesta tesi consisteix en un compendi de publicacions i comprèn sis articles principals dividits en tres blocs: (i) abast i tipologia de la paràfrasi, (ii) creació i anotació de corpus de paràfrasis i (iii) la paràfrasi en la detecció automàtica de plagi. En el primer bloc, partint de la base que els límits de la paràfrasi no són fixos, sinó que depenen de l'àrea de treball, la tasca i els objectius, es presenten tres casos límit de la paràfrasi: la pèrdua de contingut, el coneixement pragmàtic i la variació en determinats trets gramaticals. La caracterització de la paràfrasi pren una nova dimensió si l'observem des d'una perspectiva extensional. En aquesta línia, s'ha construït una tipologia general de la paràfrasi lingüísticament fonamentada. La tercera qüestió tractada en aquest bloc és la representació de la paràfrasi, essencial a l'hora de tractar-la formalment. En el segon bloc, es presenta un mètode per a l’adquisició de paràfrasis relacionals a partir de la Wikipedia (Wikipedia-based Relational Paraphrase Acquistion, WRPA). Aquest mètode permet extreure automàticament de la Wikipedia paràfrasis que expressen una relació concreta. Utilitzant aquest mètode, s'ha creat el corpus WRPA, que cobreix diverses relacions i dues llengües (anglès i espanyol). Un subconjunt del corpus WRPA en espanyol i exemples extrets de dos corpus de paràfrasis en anglès s'han anotat amb els tipus de paràfrasis que es proposen en aquesta tesi. Aquesta anotació ha estat validada aplicant les mesures d’acord entre anotadors (Inter-annotator Agreement for Paraphrase-Type Annotation, IAPTA), també desenvolupades en el marc d'aquesta tesi. En el tercer i últim bloc, la tipologia proposada s'ha aplicat a l'àmbit de la detecció automàtica de plagi i s'ha demostrat que els tipus de paràfrasis més complexos i l'alta concentració de mecanismes de paràfrasi fan més difícil la detecció del plagi. També s'ha demostrat que les substitucions lèxiques i l'addició/eliminació de fragments de text són els mecanismes de paràfrasi més utilitzats en el plagi. Així, es demostra el potencial del coneixement parafràstic en la detecció automàtica de plagi i en la recerca en lingüística computacional en general.
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Keshtkar, Fazel. « A Computational Approach to the Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text ». Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20137.

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Résumé :
Sentiment analysis is a field of computational linguistics involving identification, extraction, and classification of opinions, sentiments, and emotions expressed in natural language. Sentiment classification algorithms aim to identify whether the author of a text has a positive or a negative opinion about a topic. One of the main indicators which help to detect the opinion are the words used in the texts. Needless to say, the sentiments expressed in the texts also depend on the syntactic structure and the discourse context. Supervised machine learning approaches to sentiment classification were shown to achieve good results. Classifying texts by emotions requires finer-grained analysis than sentiment classification. In this thesis, we explore the task of emotion and mood classification for blog postings. We propose a novel approach that uses the hierarchy of possible moods to achieve better results than a standard flat classification approach. We also show that using sentiment orientation features improves the performance of classification. We used the LiveJournal blog corpus as a dataset to train and evaluate our method. Another contribution of this work is extracting paraphrases for emotion terms based on the six basics emotions proposed by Ekman (\textit{happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, fear}). Paraphrases are different ways to express the same information. Algorithms to extract and automatically identify paraphrases are of interest from both linguistic and practical points of view. Our paraphrase extraction method is based on a bootstrapping algorithms that starts with seed words. Unlike in previous work, our algorithm does not need a parallel corpus. In Natural Language Generation (NLG), paraphrasing is employed to create more varied and natural text. In our research, we extract paraphrases for emotions, with the goal of using them to automatically generate emotional texts (such as friendly or hostile texts) for conversations between intelligent agents and characters in educational games. Nowadays, online services are popular in many disciplines such as: e-learning, interactive games, educational games, stock market, chat rooms and so on. NLG methods can be used in order to generate more interesting and normal texts for such applications. Generating text with emotions is one of the contributions of our work. In the last part of this thesis, we give an overview of NLG from an applied system's points of view. We discuss when NLG techniques can be used; we explained the requirements analysis and specification of NLG systems. We also, describe the main NLG tasks of content determination, discourse planning, sentence aggregation, lexicalization, referring expression generation, and linguistic realisation. Moreover, we describe our Authoring Tool that we developed in order to allow writers without programming skills to automatically generate texts for educational games. We develop an NLG system that can generate text with different emotions. To do this, we introduce our pattern-based model for generation. We show our model starts with initial patterns, then constructs extended patterns from which we choose ``final'' patterns that are suitable for generating emotion sentences. A user can generate sentences to express the desired emotions by using our patterns. Alternatively, the user can use our Authoring Tool to generate sentences with emotions. Our acquired paraphrases will be employed by the tool in order to generate more varied outputs.
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Aiub, Tânia Jurema Flores da Rosa. « Condições de produção de um discurso sobre o sujeito aluno na educação a distância ». reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/132662.

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Résumé :
O propósito principal desta pesquisa é analisar, pelo viés da Análise de Discurso (AD), as condições de produção de um discurso sobre o sujeito aluno na Educação a Distância (EaD), a partir do modo como a legislação, o discurso acadêmico, via fórum de discussões, e a própria percepção do aluno o constituem como sujeito da EaD. Procuramos examinar as materialidades discursivas sobre a EaD: recortes de textos jurídicos, textos ministeriais e sequências discursivas dos sujeitos do campo da prática para entender as condições de produção dos discursos que institucionalizam e determinam um perfil para o aluno da EaD e, sobretudo, pelo questionamento sobre como os processos discursivos dessa institucionalização produzem mecanismos de identificação/apropriação ou tensionamento por parte dos sujeitos da prática em suas posições de sujeito. Voltamo-nos para o campo teórico da AD com a perspectiva de que conceitos como Condições de Produção (CP), Memória Discursiva, Interdiscurso, Intradiscurso, Posição de Sujeito (PS), Formação Discursiva (FD) e Formação Ideológica (FI) paramentem nosso gesto analítico para responder aos objetivos específicos desta pesquisa: (a) identificar as pistas da constituição do sujeito no discurso legal; (b) compreender qual é o lugar do aluno no discurso acadêmico e, em que medida este discurso reproduz os saberes que determinam o modos jurídicos de constituição do aluno da EaD; (c) analisar a própria percepção do sujeito aluno que busca formação na modalidade educacional a distância. Nossa proposição de análise parte da hipótese de que a Formação Ideológica Tecnicista (FIT) permeia a constituição dos saberes jurídicos da Formação Discursiva Jurídica da EaD (FDJEaD) e da Formação Discursiva Ministerial da EaD (FDMEaD) e de que esses saberes determinantes da forma-sujeito dessas FD’s são apropriados/reproduzidos ou tensionados pelos sujeitos do campo da prática, ao ocuparem posições de sujeito na Formação Discursiva Institucional da EaD (FDIEaD). A noção de reprodução é definida pelo conceito de paráfrase discursiva compreendida nos termos do que Pêcheux (1997b) elencou como a determinação do interdiscurso no intradiscurso. Procuramos mostrar, por conseguinte, que as sequências discursivas (Sd) produzidas por alunos, acadêmicos e tutores que ocupam posições-sujeito na FDIEaD podem evidenciar processos de identificação, ou contra-identificação em relação aos saberes institucionalizados nos discursos oficiais. Motivamos, com essa análise, um olhar mais atento para o atravessamento do interdiscurso (memória discursiva) no processo de apropriação de saberes ideológicos que ressaltam na materialidade da língua – intradiscurso. Em todos os recortes (rec.) e sequências discursivas (sdr) analisados percebemos claramente o processo de intervenção da ideologia tecnicista na constituição de saberes das três FD’s analisadas (FDJEaD, FDMEaD, FDIEaD) e, sobremaneira, detectamos mecanismos linguísticos de identificação e contra-identificação das posições-sujeito das práticas de ensino-aprendizagem (acadêmicos, alunos, tutores) em relação ao discurso superestrutural (jurídico e ministerial).
The main purpose of this research is to analyse, from the perspective of Discourse Analysis (DA), the condition of the production of a discourse about the student talking into Distance Learning, account how the legislation, the academic discourse (through forum) and the studenr self-perception turn him into the subject of the Distance Learning (DL). We seek to examine the discursive materialities about the DL (excerpts of legal texts, ministerial texts and discursive sequences of subjects from the field of practice) to understand the conditions of production of the discourses that institutionalize and determine a profile to the DL’s student and above all by the questioning of how the discursive processes of this institutionalization produce mechanisms of identification/appropriation or tensioning from the subjects of the practice in their positions as subjects.We turn to the theoretical field of the DA with the perspective that concepts such as Production Conditions (PC), Discursive Memory, Interdiscourse, Intradiscourse, Subject Position (SP), Discursive Training (DT) and Ideological Training (IT) will embody our analytical gesture to answer the specific goals of this research: (a) to identify the clues of the constitution of the subject in the legal discourse; (b) to understand the place of the student in the academic discourse and in which way this discourse reproduces the knowledge that defines the legal ways of constitution of the DLstudent; (c) to analyse the self-perception of the student that searches education in the distance learning modality. Our analysis proposition starts with the hypothesis that the Technicist Ideological Training (TIT) permeates the constitution of the legal knowledge of the DL’s Legal Discursive Training (LDTDL) and the DL’s Ministerial Discursive Training (MDTDL) and that these determining knowledge of the form-subject of these Discursive Training is appropriated/reproduced or tensioned by the subjects of the field of practice once they occupy the subject position in the Institutional Discursive Training of the DL (IDTDL). The notion of the reproduction is defined by the concept of discursive paraphrase understood in the terms that Pêcheux (1997b) listed out as a determination of the interdiscourse in the intradiscourse. Thus, we seek to show that the discursive sequences (DS) produced by the students, scholars and tutors that occupy subject-positions in the IDTDL can suggest the identification processes or counter-identification processes in relation to the institutionalized knowledges in the official discourses. The analysis points to a closer look to the crossing speech (discursive memory) in the process of the appropriation of ideological knowledge that highlights the language materiality – intradiscourse. In every excerpt and discursive sequences (SD) analysed we clearly perceived the process of the intervention of the technicist ideology in the constitution of the knowledgeof the three DTs that were analysed (LDTDL, MDTDL, IDTDL) and we detected linguistic mechanisms of identification and counteridentification from the subject-positions of the teaching and learning practices (scholars, students, tutors) relative to the super structural discourse (legal and ministerial).
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Mauger, Serge. « L'interpretation des messages enigmatiques. Essai de semantique et de traitement automatique des langues ». Caen, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999CAEN1255.

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Résumé :
Oedipe, le personnage de la tragedie de sophocle, resout l'enigme du sphinx "par sa seule intelligence". Il est ici le point de depart d'une reflexion generale sur le statut linguistique des jeux de langage, dont la pratique est repandue a toutes les epoques et dans toutes les cultures. L'intelligence d'oedipe se fonde sur une capacite a "calculer" l'interpretation de l'enigme en abandonnant un raisonnement inductif (par recurrence) pour adopter un raisonnement analogique. Dans une seconde partie, on montre que le calcul du sens des messages plurivoques permet de proposer un modele d'analyse combinatoire qui est un outil de traitement automatique des langues (tal), capable d'aider au calcul des jeux de charades et a l'interpretation des definitions cryptees des mots croises. Ce modele sert de pierre de touche a une analyse des structures semantiques sous-jacentes aux interpretations et montre quels sont les items lexicaux qui sont concernes par l'isotopie. L'isotopie n'est en l'occurrence pas consideree comme une donnee du message mais comme un construit de l'interpretation. L'ensemble de la demarche adopte donc le point de vue d'une semantique interpretative. La troisieme partie prolonge la reflexion en inscrivant le traitement des messages enigmatiques dans la problematique du dialogue homme-machine (dhm) qui permet de traiter les ambiguites de certains enonces et est capable de comprendre des "messages etranges" a partir des propositions d'interpretation extrapolees du modele. De proche en proche on analyse ainsi le calcul du recepteur des messages comme une activite qui consiste a analyser les traces graphematiques ou acoustiques. La prise en compte des traces est une confrontation avec les attendus du systeme linguistique qui permet de proceder a une serie de decisions aboutissant a l'identification d'un point de vue coherent. La decouverte de cette coherence et de ce point de vue sont compares a la demarche que l'on adopte dans la "lecture" d'une anamorphose (en peinture) ou quand on dechiffre les regles d'organisation des suites de cartes dans le jeu d'eleusis. On retrouve une demarche analogue quand il s'agit d'interpreter la"scriptio continua" des inscriptions paleographiques, dont la technique sert de base a la fois a certaines experiences de production litteraire sous contrainte et au jeux des mots caches
Oedipus, the character in sophocle's tragedy, solves the sphinx's enigma by + his own intelligence ;. This is the starting point of a general reflection on the linguistic status of language games, the practice of which could be seen throughout all periods and in all cultures. Oedipus's intelligence is based on a capacity for + calculating ; the interpretation of the enigma by giving up inductive reasoning (by recurrence) so as to adopt analogical reasoning instead. In the second part, it is shown that the calculation of the meaning of the polysemous messages enables us to propose a pattern of a combinatory analysis which is a tool for the automatic treatment of language (atl), able to help calculate riddles and to interpret coded definitions of crosswords. This pattern is used as a touchstone for an analysis of the semantic structures underlying interpretations and shows which lexical items are concerned by isotopy. Isotopy is not in that case considered to be an element of the message but a process of the interpretation. The whole approach is then based on interpretative semantics. The third part is the developement of the reflection including the treatment of enigmatic messages in the issues of the man-machine dialogue (mmd) which enables us to deal with the ambiguities of some utterances and is able to understand + strange messages ; on the basis of propositions of interpretation extrapolated from the pattern. Then little by little we analyse the calculation of the one who gets messages like an activity which consists in analysing graphematic and acoustic signs. Taking the signs into account is a confrontation with what is expected in the linguistic system and it enables us to carry out a series of decisions leading to the identification of a coherent analysis. This coherence and the analysis are compared to the approach adopted when + reading ; an anamorphosis (in art painting) or when decoding the organisation rules in suites of cards in eleusis' game. We find a similar approach when we have to interpret the + scriptio continua ; on paleographic inscriptions, the technique of which serves as a basis for some literary experiences under duress and for hidden puns
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Habti, Najia. « Le résumé de récits : l'exemple des nouvelles de G. de Maupassant : constances et differences ». Paris 5, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA05H047.

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Résumé :
Le point de départ est le résumé scolaire de deux nouvelles de Maupassant par deux "communautés discursives" différentes : français et marocains. Dans un premier temps et partant de la notion de macrostructure sémantique, on s'interroge sur la manière dont se fait la hiérarchisation et la réduction à partir de textes narratifs longs et se constituant d'énonciations complexes. Pour qu'un lecteur auditeur perçoive un texte comme un tout, il faut qu'il parvienne d'une part à poser une macrostructure sémantique hiérarchisée selon son propre schéma narratif, ensuite qu'il en dérive une certaine continuité sémantique sous forme d'éléments centraux et éléments périphériques lesquels ne sont pas toujours stables ni constants. Une étude en séquences essaie de décrire la nature du résumé en analysant les textes dans leur mouvement discursif. On s'interroge également sur le degré du résumé et sur l'activité résumant qui, par sa nature paradoxale implique d'autres stratégies, et d'autres genres, comme l'explication, la description, l'évaluation le commentaire, le discours rapporte. . . Les diverses stratégies et le changement de genre font apparaitre des indices linguistiques comme le lexique qui se veut "moderne" ou oscillant entre plusieurs niveaux de langue ou encore stylistiques permettant d'évoquer plusieurs facettes d'une énonciation. Ainsi, l'attention portée sur l'individualité implique un regard particulier sur ce qui, du point de vue linguistique, fait la spécificité d'un individu et ce qui le distingue des autres.
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Cavalcanti, Cristiane Renata da Silva. « Discurso político na charge ». Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2013. http://www.unicap.br/tede//tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=867.

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Résumé :
Este trabalho tem como foco a análise do discurso de charges com circulação nos jornais Diário de Pernambuco, O Globo e Folha de São Paulo, no período do segundo turno das eleições para Presidente da República do Brasil no ano de 2010, a partir dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Análise de Discurso. O seu objetivo é mostrar como os efeitos de sentido das charges se dão a partir da relação entre suas condições de produção (historicidade) e a memória discursiva que, enquanto elementos constitutivos, atravessam o objeto discursivo em seu nível de formulação de natureza verbal/nãoverbal e de constituição, compreendendo, assim, como a memória discursiva é importante para se entender o processo de produção de sentidos nesses discursos. Como ponto de partida para a composição do corpus discursivo, consideramos os principais acontecimentos jornalísticos desse período, que nos levaram a recortar para análise somente charges que circularam durante a campanha eleitoral do 2 turno das eleições. As análises centram-se na verificação de que memórias são mobilizadas no discurso chargístico e como elas intervêm na mobilização de sentidos e são essenciais para entender os movimentos parafrásticos e polissêmicos, produzindo sentidos outros nessas práticas discursivas. Para constituição do corpus, foram escolhidas 12 charges dos três jornais subdivididas em trajetos temáticos que mais foram evidenciados na mídia, no período de 01 a 31 de outubro de 2010. Vimos ao longo das análises, que as charges, embora ocupem lugares diferenciados de dizer, produzem sentidos parafrásticos que garantem a constituição de uma memória que sustenta os dizeres, pois só há sentido porque antes já havia sentido, possibilitando que o mesmo vá se deslizando e se transformando quando se encontra em circulação na exterioridade produzindo o diferente, que se faz presente no discurso, derivando outros sentidos. Assim, observamos que o trabalho pressupõe a perene incompletude da linguagem, compreendendo que o dizer sempre será ponto de deriva para outros sentidos. Então através da rememoração dos fatos e dos discursos, materializados em palavras-imagens, a pesquisa pode contribuir para pensarmos na importância da circulação de memórias: discursiva e social, que interferem na produção de sentidos nas charges.
This work focuses on discourse analysis of cartoons in the newspapers with a circulation of Pernambuco, O Globo and Folha de São Paulo, during the second round of the elections for President of the Republic of Brazil in 2010, from the theoretical methodological and Discourse Analysis. Its aim is to show how the effects of meaning of the charges are given from the relationship between the conditions of production (historicity) and discursive memory that, as an element, traverse the discursive object in their level of development of verbal/não- verbal nature and constitution, comprising well as discursive memory is important to understand the process of production of meaning in these discourses. As a starting point for creating the discursive corpus, we consider the major journalistic events of this period, which led us to cut for analysis only cartoons that circulated during the election campaign in the 2nd round of elections. The analysis focuses on the discovery that memories are mobilized in discourse chargístico and how they are involved in the mobilization of the senses and are essential to understanding Paraphrase and polysemic movements, producing other senses in these discursive practices. For recognition of the corpus, 12 were selected charges from three newspapers subdivided into thematic paths that were more evident in the media, in the period from 01 to 31 October 2010. We have seen throughout the analysis that the charges, although they occupy different places to say, parafrásticos produce meanings that guarantee the formation of a memory that holds the words, because there is only sense because had ever felt before, allowing it go up and sliding turning when in circulation in different producing the externality, which is present in the discourse, deriving other senses. Thus, we observe that the work assumes the perennial incompleteness of language, including the mean will always point drift to other senses. Then through the recollection of facts and speeches, materialized in words pictures, research can help to think of the importance of movement memories: discursive and social, that interferes with the production of meaning in charges.
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Kim, Min. « A study of Franz Liszt's Totentanz : Piano and orchestra version, and piano solo version ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 2006. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc5409/.

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Résumé :
Undoubtedly, Totentanz has been one of the most famous works by Franz Liszt. Totentanz has been recorded by many pianists and addressed in much of the vast literature about Liszt and his works; however, little research has been focused on this work. Most studies of Totentanz address only the historical background of the piece in relation to the theme based on Dies irae. Currently, there are no specific studies about the solo piano or two piano versions and only one recording was located. Liszt's own piano solo transcription of this famous work is an excellent addition to the concert repertoire. Totentanz consists of six variations that include canonic and fugato sections. The main theme is based on the Gregorian chant Dies irae, a melody that has been used by many other composers, most notably Berlioz in Witches Sabbath of Symphonie fantastique, op. 14 and Rachmaninoff in Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. This study contains five chapters. Chapters I and II provide background information, historical background and influences of Totentanz. Chapter III presents an outline of Liszt's achievement as a transcriber. Liszt revised his own works numerous times from the 1840s and 1850s, including Transcendental Etudes, Paganini Etudes, and piano and orchestra works. Like in the case of Totentanz, transcribed form piano and orchestra into piano solo, Liszt transcribed and paraphrased hundreds of other composers' works as well. Chapter IV discusses and compares the two main versions for solo piano and piano and orchestra. Form and harmonic language in particular the use of tritone in Totentanz is discussed. The adjustment required in transcribing the work for piano solo is discussed in detail, followed by a conclusion.
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