Thèses sur le sujet « Observation process »
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Zoghi, Masrour. « Regret bounds for Gaussian process bandits without observation noise ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Texte intégralMorin, Viktor. « Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.
Texte intégralThis is a study about learning and creative processes. More specifically, the study contains an observation of how I arrange three songs for different instruments within a specific time limit. The questions that are accounted for in this study are what techniques I use, which problems arise and how the time limit affects the result. The result of this study shows that a variety of factors are present during my composition/arranging process. It shows that I apply intuition, discursive thinking, music theoretical techniques, and experience in the field of arranging music. The observation is, to some extent, analysed from phenomenological perspective.
Dell'Asta, L. « OBSERVATION OF THE W->TAUNU PROCESS IN THE ATLAS EXPERIMENT ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2010.
Texte intégralHitchman, Ryan Patrick. « Practices middle school principals in large school divisions located within the Commonwealth of Virginia employ during the supervisory process ». Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015.
Texte intégralEd. D.
Raiss, Mark Edward. « Observation of the development of fracture process zones in concrete under tension ». Thesis, Imperial College London, 1987.
Texte intégralRovel, Thierry. « Facilitating the reuse process in an object oriented environment by learning from observation ». Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1993.
Texte intégralXia, Shujiang. « An improved software process management tool : ReMoTe (recursively estimating multi-threaded observation tool enterprise) ». CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.
Texte intégralMukundan, Arvind. « Combined Heuristic and Statistical Methodologies applied to Maneuver Detection in the SST Observation Correlation Process ». Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Rymdteknik, 2020.
Texte intégralLundkvist, Karin. « Intryck och avtryck : Elevers upplevelser av skapande aktiviteter i en landsortsskola ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för samhälls- och livsvetenskaper, 2011.
Texte intégralAbstract The aim of this study has been to examine students' perception of their ability to be creative in school, what conditions that exist for creative activities and cultural experiences, and how to the school comply with the steering documents regarding arts in school. Quantitative method in the form of questionnaires has been used along with structured observations. The research has taken place in a primary school in western Värmland and involved 151 pupils and eight teachers. The empirical data indicates that students have the greatest opportunity to be creative in subjects where the observations pointed towards good target achievement, where students were involved in their own learning as well as were the physical premises were appropriate. The material also indicates that the pupils are offered cultural experiences only to a very limited extent in school. This study’s research section supports that the creative activities are highly relevant to school by discussing policy documents, development and learning research, creative process and the importance of experiences and impressions.
He, Qing. « Investigating the performance of process-observation-error-estimator and robust estimators in surplus production model : a simulation study ». Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2010.
Texte intégralMaster of Science
Shin, Dong-Ryeol. « Optimal control of a finite state markov process under counting observation and applications to integrated networks ». Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992.
Texte intégralFord, Sandra Eileen. « Exploring the Relationship between Student Survey Results and Evaluator Observation Results in the Teacher Evaluation Process ». Thesis, Lindenwood University, 2015.
Texte intégralResearchers and practitioners have indicated that current teacher evaluation systems do not distinguish differences between teachers. In an attempt to redesign the current system and create a more effective system, legislative mandates required the use of multiple measures in the teacher evaluation systems of states receiving federal money. As a result student perception surveys became one of the multiple measures being considered for use in the teacher evaluation process. In this study, student perception survey results and certified evaluator observation results were analyzed to determine if there was a significant linear relationship between students' and evaluators' perceptions of effective teaching. Central tendencies, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation were calculated using the scores of both variables for each indicator to find the variability within the data sets. Additionally, a Pearson r was used to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables using six teaching indicators designed through the Network for Educator Effectiveness teacher evaluation program. The Pearson r revealed a significant linear relationship between the two variables for two of the six indicators and a weak to moderate positive relationship for the remaining four. Finally, quartiles of students' and evaluators' scores were calculated and analyzed to further explore potential relationships between the variables. Quartile patterns indicated a potential positive relationship for all six indicators. The results from this study can be used to help local, regional, and state decision-makers better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various measures commonly used to evaluate teaching personnel.
Hoogland, Anna. « När övningen blir meningsfull : En självobservationsstudie av instuderingsprocessen av en modern operaaria ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier (from 2013), 2018.
Texte intégralThe purpose of the present study is to examine my own learning process with a modern opera aria. The study is based on a design theoretical perspective on learning with focus on the concepts design, multimodality and semiotic resources. The process went on for three weeks during the autumn 2017 with a total of 14 practising sessions. To be able to document the learning process during these practising sessions, the methods video observation and logbook were used. The design of the learning process is described in the result by two different themes; Creatively unstructured and The endeavour to the overall experience. The result also shows that physical resources were used during the learning process to embody musical parameters, while material resources became a complement to the physical resources in a concrete way. In the last section, the result is discussed relative to a design theoretical perspective on learning and to previous research on practise and rehearsal methods. Some aspects are the meaning of a sounding example to listen to relative to the aspect of the overall experience, and the creatively unstructured learning process and its impact on the practice progression.
Coincas, Sílvia da Luz Almeida. « Relatório no âmbito da unidade curricular prática de ensino supervisionada relativo ao ano letivo 2015/2016, na Escola Secundária/3 Rainha Santa Isabel, Estremoz ». Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2016.
Texte intégralTeymur, Samih. « A Conceptual Map for Understanding the Terrorist Recruitment Process : Observation and Analysis of Turkish Hezbollah Terrorist Organizations ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007.
Texte intégralKjellberg, Nils. « Lätt på foten : En självobservationsstudie i fottekniksövning med dubbelpedalspel på trummor ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Musikhögskolan Ingesund, 2018.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to compare two different methods of learning foot-technique and how the two methods affect playing of the drums. To examine this video-observation filled an important role with complement of a journal during the six weeks of practice that were recorded. Each week there were three videos recorded with variating focus each video. The study is based on design theory which is described in the background chapter. The result of this study showed that different methods can result in variating outcome and it also showed that exploring new methods can give positive effects on your practice. The discussion revolves around what resources have been the most impactful for my own personal development and how one must be conscious of one’s own limitations to be able to create a successful plan of practice.
Susinskas, Larisa Diana. « Field Observation of Installation and Performance of Repair Materials ». Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2016.
Texte intégralKull, Hanna. « Från de värmländska skogarna mot nya landskap och dess musikaliska uttryck : En självobservation av hur jag som värmländsk spelman tar mig an och drar lärdom av estradmusiken från Hälsingland med noterna som ”mästare” ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.
Texte intégralI have by a self-observation studied how I as a fiddler from the province of Värmland have worked to learn to play the Ranungspolskorna by Jon Erik Öst. The aim has been to study my own learning process by studying music from a different tradition with sheet notes as a master. A central issue in my work has been to find out if the previous knowledge I already have is enough to play the new music tradition or what new knowledge I need to add to succeed. I have been using video recording, audio recording and writing logbook to document what has happened, and this material forms the basis of my results. The theoretical perspective underpinning the work is master learning, but with focus on the cooperation between myself, my instrument and the sheet notes, and no another person acting as the master in the study. Finally I present the result of the study under two headings. The first one presents the learning process and the second gives concrete examples of the differences and similarities between the folk music genre from the provinces of Värmland and Hälsingand. The result is then discussed in relation to the previous research and background literature used in the present study.
Cash, Philip. « Characterising the relationship between practice and laboratory-based studies of designers for critical design situations ». Thesis, University of Bath, 2012.
Texte intégralCalderon, Gil José Angel. « La société contre le marché : des travailleurs à la recherche d'une éthique du travail : trois études de cas dans l'industrie de process, de série et dans un centre d'appels ». Paris 10, 2006.
Texte intégralThere is a tendency affecting the whole work world since a few décades on : employers seem not just obsessed about the need of improving work times and work action, but they also seem to give more importance to the employee implication and his/her subjectivity, in order to make the worker use of his/her working time and abilities in the most efficient way from the point of view of the company. When personal subjectivity becomes a target for the company, we can suppose that also rivalry moves to the field of the subjectivity working time. This double assumption is developed and based in an immersion research fulfilled in a telephone platform, in an auto industry and in a nuclear production's tenter
Pontelius, Filip. « Om jag gör såhär då ? : En fenomenologisk självstudie av två kompositionstekniker ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2017.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this self-study is to investigate how my creative process is shaped by the use of different composition techniques. The research questions that the study has sought to find answers to are: How do I experience that my creation process is formed when I compose using two separate composition techniques? What similarities and differences do I experience the different creation processes? To accomplish this, two methods of composition have been used to compose two pieces of music for solo piano, one piece and composition session per method. The study is based on the phenomenological perspective and was conducted using video observation and the sketches produced during the observation periods. The result is presented structured into six themes after linear time and consists of the two methods creation processes and how it was perceived to compose after them. I have named these themes The original idea (when the first creative spark hits and, for example, the initiating cell is created), Structure sketch (when the shape of the piece is chosen), The first draft (where a more complete picture is given of the piece and how its different parts relate to each other) Developing (how the young piece is developed and filled out with, for example, chords and secondary voices), Second draft (when the last bits are put in place and the sections of the piece are connected), and Final changes (when the composition process is reviewed and early decisions are revised if they no longer fits into the final form of the piece). In conclusion, the results are discussed in relation to previous research. Under the heading The process, the results of the study are examined on a more general level, and under the heading Creativity or knowledge, it is pondered on how much of the composition process is actually based on the creative origination of new material.
Matsuno, Junya. « On the origin and formation process of glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS) inferred from 3D observation and reproduction experiment ». 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2015.
Texte intégralTeymur, Samih O'Connor Brian C. « A conceptual map for understanding the terrorist recruitment process observation and analysis of DHKP/C, PKK, and Turkish Hezbollah terrorist organizations / ». [Denton, Tex.] : University of North Texas, 2007.
Texte intégralMay, Virginia. « Intuitive Inquiry and Creative Process : A Case Study of an Artistic Practice ». Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2005.
Texte intégralMay, Virginia. « Intuitive Inquiry and Creative Process : A Case Study of an Artistic Practice ». Queensland University of Technology, 2005.
Texte intégralHillers, Bernd [Verfasser], Axel [Akademischer Betreuer] Gräser et Kai [Akademischer Betreuer] Michels. « Selective Darkening Filter and Welding Arc Observation for the Manual Welding Process / Bernd Hillers. Gutachter : Axel Gräser ; Kai Michels. Betreuer : Axel Gräser ». Bremen : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2012.
Texte intégralGonella, Giulia [Verfasser], Karl [Akademischer Betreuer] Jakobs et Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Weiser. « Observation and measurement of the electroweak W+W+jj process in proton-proton collisions at [square root]s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector = Observation and measurement of the electroweak W^(pm)W^(pm)jj process in proton-proton collisions at [square root]s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector ». Freiburg : Universität, 2019.
Texte intégralPettersson, Anna. « Kan jag röra på mig när jag spelar ? : En observationsstudie av kroppsliga resurser i orkesterspel ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to explore a musician's body language when studying an orchestral part. The observation took place during my own practice of the first flute part in the fourth movement of Brahms' second symphony and also during the rehearsal with the orchestra. The study has its basis in the perspective of design theory and I have used video observations during the rehearsal period of the work. I have also written a logbook during the process of self-observation. The result shows that the physical resources can help, but also hinder the musical process and its expression. In the end I discuss among other things how resources are used, seen from the design theory perspective.
Söderqvist, Fanny. « Klassisk musik på gehör : En fenomenologisk självstudie ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2016.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this self-study is to explore and describe the experiences of studying a classical peace by ear. The perspective is the phenomenological life-world perspective. Starting point was a classical piece for violin which I practiced for a period of 9 weeks. The piece was practiced 3 times each week and all sessions were documented in a logbook. Once a week the pratice occasions was also filmed for video observation. The result is based on the patterns which appeard during the analysis and are presented in three phases: First phase-Practice strategies, Second phase-Difficulties and Third phase-Solutions. A discussion about experiences of learning a classic piece by ear, learning strategies and changes in the life-world are made in the last chapter.
Andersen, Hedda Lund. « En del av Adele : En självobservationsstudie av en konstnärlig process kring instuderingen av en operaroll ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2017.
Texte intégralHow can I – as a teacher student at a college of music – study an opera role? I have examined this question by observing the process of studying the opera role as Adele from The Bat by Johann Strauss. My theoretical perspective is partly based on Design for Learning combined with examining the artistic procedure itself. The results is systemazied under the headers Reasources and tools and The Process. The result chapter shows the komplexitity in studying and learning an opera role. Laughter as a tool in opera was one of the most interseting results. This investigation could be seen as a preparation for a possible future career at the same time as the pedagogical aspects are examined.
Hultqvist, Elin. « Tekniken i praktiken : En självstudie om övningsteknik i altviolinspel ur ett designteoretiskt perspektiv ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier (from 2013), 2017.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to investigate my learning process and how specific exercises affect the technical playing skills of the instrument viola. For a period of six weeks I have practiced technical skills on viola five times a week, 15- 20 minutes each time and recorded 1-3 of these practice sessions with a video camera. Chapter two presents literature and research on exercise, playing technique and design theory perspective. Chapter three presents selected materials and documentation. The result is described in chapter four where I explain how the design of this project has effected my technical development in violaplaying.The recordings have been transcribed by me. Results reveal that this study has given myself success in terms of ergonomic playing, better intonation and less mistakes in my playing. The recources and results are discussed in relation to previous research and relevant literature.
Svenstedt, Karin. « Hur skapas musiken ? : En självstudie om lärprocessen i komposition ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier (from 2013), 2018.
Texte intégralIn this self-study, I explore my own learning process while writing a composition for violin, flute and piano. The study is based on the perspective of design theory and is also based on literature and research in the subject of composition and music-making. This self-study is also based on observations from several video, sound and log recorded compositional events during autumn 2017. The result chapter is divided into three different stages of the process of the composition: The beginning of the composition, The development of the compositionand The final phase of the composition. The result answers the two research questions and the purpose of this study: What resources do I use when writing music and how the actual process of my composition takes place. In the discussion, these results are set in relation to the selected literature, research and the design theory perspective.
Zhou, Wenyan [Verfasser], Oliver [Akademischer Betreuer] Hinz et Alexander [Akademischer Betreuer] Benlian. « The Two-Stage Decision Process During Online Purchasing -Empirical and Observation Field Studies on Cognitive, Affective and Behavior Outcomes / Wenyan Zhou ; Oliver Hinz, Alexander Benlian ». Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2018.
Texte intégralRoth, Adam Harold. « A Gestalt oriented phenomenological and participatory study of the transformative process of adolescent participants following wilderness centered rites of rassage ». Cleveland, Ohio : Cleveland State University, 2010.
Texte intégralAbstract. Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on May 12, 2010). Includes bibliographical references (p.191-201). Available online via the OhioLINK ETD Center
Andréasson, Martin. « Tekniskt sett : En självstudie av teknikövning på elgitarr ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2017.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to examine my own learning process and how my playing is affected when practicing guitar technique. I documented one practice session every week during the appointed practice period, using the help of video documentation. I also used a logbook as a compliment to document what happened during the learning process. A design theoretical perspective was used as a basis for the study. In the result section, I describe how I designed my practicing and what consequences this had for my playing. The use of many different types of resources for learning turned out to provide positive results. Over time I developed structure and accuracy in my practice. In the last section I discuss how my orchestration of resources created opportunities to practice guitar technique, and how this orchestration changed over time. I also discuss the importance to begin all practice in a pleasant tempo as well as the importance to practice with structure and accuracy.
Galli, Catherine. « D’une innovation pédagogique au « bougé » de la forme scolaire : Monographie du dispositif Projet et Ateliers Sup’Sciences (PASS) dans l’académie d’Aix-Marseille ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.
Texte intégralThe starting point of this research is our participation in the evaluation of the Project and Sup' Sciences workshops to make sensitive the pupils of the secondary education in the sciences. This research financed by the « Fond d'expérimentation à la Jeunesse » (FEJ) and in partnership with « la direction de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche » (DESR), allowed us at the same time to have access to a complete ground of investigation and to think of the constraints of a financed research. This work bases then, on one hand on a vision of social established on the processes implemented in this type of educational device and on the other hand on the analysis of the situations peculiar to this experiment. To do it, it was question to articulate several levels of analyses from a questionnaire intended for the pupils, followed over three years, on the transformations of their representations of the scientific science and the businesses and on their relationship in the knowledges, in the class and in the school institution. Then, the analyses of interviews with the various actors of the educational community completed this evaluation; they gave information onto the processes operated in the elaboration and the realization of the project. Finally, the observations in situ in scientific workshops brought to light the educational activities and the situation of teaching, connected to the experiment
Lheureux, Edel. « Investigating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar ) migration phenology using a long-term capture-recapture study : disentangling observation process from underlying ecological mechanisms using a Bayesian modelling approach ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.
Texte intégralHuman activities are at the root of an unprecedented biodiversity crisis. Migratoryspecies are particularly at risk, because migration is risky and makesthese species dependent on multiple environments and their connectivity. Phenology,i.e. the timing at which a species completes an event of its life cycle,has a strong influence on the overall cost of that event. In this thesis, I focuson the phenology of the first seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar, A. salmon), a crucial event in its life cycle. Climate change is increasing lydisrupting the phenology of many species, including migratory species. Inparticular, it is altering the life-history traits and environmental cues that triggermigration. This can result in asynchrony between the conditions required by the species during, or following, the migration in question. Understandingthe mechanisms underlying phenological changes is essential for predicting theimpact that these disturbances could have on species. However, these mechanismsremain poorly understood due to incomplete data and/or inadequateapproaches to their statistical analysis. To study the first seaward migration ofA. salmon, I used long-term (25 years) mark-recapture monitoring in the Scorffriver (Brittany, France). Data collected in the natural environment are subjectto variations in the observation process that can mask or bias our understandingof the underlying biological processes. This is particularly important whenan environmental factor (such as flow rate) influences both the observation (forexample, the effectiveness of a trap) and the biological process (triggering ofmigration). To avoid misinterpretations, I propose a hierarchical, mechanisticBayesian modelling approach that explicitly separates the observation process(capture efficiency) and the dynamic process of interest (migration phenology),both of which are influenced by different effects of environmental factors. Afirst model provides an estimate of capture probabilities and their variationsover time, which are then used in a second model to identify the mechanisms ofmigration phenology. This second model highlights the importance of temperature,discharge and discharge variation in the migration decision. These factorsmay be disrupted by climate change, so I conclude by exploring the possibleconsequences of climate change on the phenology and size of young salmonduring their migration to the sea, both of which are crucial to their fitness. Mythesis highlights the importance of mechanistic modelling in understandingchanges in phenology, and offers an additional perspective for understandingthe ongoing decline in Atlantic salmon populations
Yao, Yijun. « Exploration d’un équipement d'observation non intrusif pour la compréhension des processus de projection thermique ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2023.
Texte intégralThe fourth industrial revolution ushered in a new technological era characterized by digitalization and intelligence. In this context, there is a growing tendency to combine traditional technologies with more modern information technologies. This approach is opening up a new avenue of interpretation for scientific research.In the context of this study, which is specific to thermal spraying, the work involved using a non-invasive display device to collect on-line images of a jet seeded with powder particles. Processing these images using a specially developed algorithm resulted in the extraction of relevant and reliable data on the construction processes of a spray coating.Indeed, thermal spraying, as a traditional technology in the field of surface treatments, is also a very promising technique in the field of additive manufacturing. The coatings produced by this method have excellent properties and are widely applied in a variety of sectors. It therefore seems important to change the paradigm by incorporating computer technologies.The experiments carried out enabled us to observe the phenomena/processes involved in the plasma spraying of alumina particles, and an algorithm was developed to extract the interesting data contained in the images observed (size distribution of the flying particles, growth pattern of the coating on the substrate, deposition efficiency, etc.). In this way, it was possible to study the particle velocity and flight angle distributions throughout the plasma spraying process.Subsequently, validation of the observation technique and the algorithm applied to plasma spraying made it possible to study the existing cold spraying process. In situ observation of copper particles was therefore carried out to identify the stacking process of cold-sprayed layers and to quantify the size and dispersion of the particles forming the deposit. The study also combined different characterization methods to understand the process of layer stacking during cold spraying
Idoughi, Sahra. « La gestion du processus rédactionnel et les représentations de l’écrit en français langue seconde : le cas d’étudiants non francophones en formation diplômante à l’université Paris 8 ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2019.
Texte intégralThis thesis is a didactic research that deals with the problem of teaching / learning writing for non French-speaking students enrolled in a degree program at Paris 8 University (repetitions) . The study is based on the observation of the difficulties encountered by these students in writing and the need to master this skill for the success of the academic paths already set. Writing is defined as a complex process related to the writing subject, its relation to writing and its representations. It is a qualitative research based on three types of data: written productions taken at different times in the guided writing process; interviews with four students on representations developed in writings and finally data from self-administered survey questionnaires of fifty non-French-speaking students enrolled at Paris 8 University. The results of the analysis of the writing process indicate a linear and non-iterative understanding –writing or conception of the planning process. Just as they point to difficulties in maintaining the communicative intention of the writing subject during writing. Finally, they show a concentration on linguistic norms to the detriment of semantic content or meaning. The analysis of the discursive data from the interviews revealed some writing issues and misunderstandings related to writing and its practice. These are the results that the investigation has strengthened. This highlights the students' focus on linguistic norms in interpreting their difficulties. It also shows a restricted conception of the functions of writing that are considered as simple tools of communication and transcription of ideas and not as a true cognitive mediator favoring complex intellectual operations. Duties yet strongly mobilized in the academic writing
Haliti, Donjeta. « Communication in Learner-Centered Classrooms : An explorative study of the communication patterns in two classrooms ». Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, 2016.
Texte intégralBryntesson, Albin. « Teknikens under : En självstudie om övning i elgitarrteknik ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier (from 2013), 2018.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to study and examine the personal learning process and learning process that is revealed as I practice guitar technique regulary and structured for ten weeks. During those ten weeks the practice was documented by video recordings once a week. The study is based on a design theoretic perspective which focuses on the analysis of how different resources have been used to design the learning process and how this design changed during the course of the study. The result reveals that I use a number of different bodily and material recourses that cooperates in the learning process. Also, the progress of the personal instrumental technique has been analysed by compare the difference in quality between practice sessions in the beginning and the end of the project period. It shows that development has taken place. In the last section of the study the design using resources and different practicing strategies, their development and how they can enable learning is discussed. Furthermore, the last section contains a part where signs of learning as shown in the result is discussed.
Ekroth, Marcus. « Ta det piano : En observationsstudie i en gitarrists övande av pianoteknik ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2017.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to observe and examine my own learning process when practicing technique on the piano. The purpose is also to observe how this affects my piano playing. In order to examine this I have, during a ten week period, practiced two specific exercises, five times a week 20-30 minutes per session. I documented the sessions via video and a logbook. I have chosen a design theoretical perspective as my theoretical basis. In the result section, I describe which resources I have used in my practice, how I choose to design my practice as well as how it has affected my piano playing. It turns out that I have used many different resources and that many of them has produced positive results. Lastly, I discuss the results in relation to relevant literature and research.
Kohring, Bajo. « Övning : Strategier, resurser och effektivitet ur ett designteoretiskt perspektiv ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2016.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to explore how practice can be designed in a meaningful and effective way. The research question is: What kind of semiotic resources do I use during practice thirds on the violin? The study is based on technical exercises used over a period of one year, the used method is video observations and logbook notes and the perspective is design theoretical. Two themes are presented as result: Semiotic resources for documentation and Semiotic resources for motivation and progression. In the last chapter, I discuss, problematize and compare the result with literature and research in the field.
Bolin, Andersson Rasmus. « Känsla för teknik : En videobaserad självobservation av teknikövning på elgitarr ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this study is to observe and examine my own learning process when practicing guitar technique. The practicing took place in a period of twelve weeks, five times a week with at least twenty minutes per session. To document this, I have video documented four of these practice sessions. I have also written a logbook to keep track of my inner reflections and experiences during practice. In order to not disturb my own learning process, I have deliberately chosen not to follow any particular teaching or training method. As a theoretical basis, I have chosen a design theoretical perspective. In the result section, I describe how I choose to design my practice, and how it has affected my playing. It turns out that much of what I have chosen to practice has produced positive results, and that I used many different types of resources for learning. In the last section I discuss these resources and results based on previous literature and research as well as from a design theoretical perspective.
Machado, da Silva Luis Carlos. « Transport d'un traceur passif dans l'atmosphère : expériences et simulations numériques (relief complexe : le site de Grenoble) ». Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1998.
Texte intégralHakansson, Nieto Carlos Guillermo. « Some observations to unconstitutional process ». Derecho & ; Sociedad, 2017.
Texte intégralChu, Shuyu. « Change Detection and Analysis of Data with Heterogeneous Structures ». Diss., Virginia Tech, 2017.
Texte intégralPh. D.
Sanders, Jessica R. « Actions/Objects : A Knotting ». The Ohio State University, 2010.
Texte intégralToy, Randy Scott. « CORRELATIONS ». VCU Scholars Compass, 2006.
Texte intégralKayande, Sarang R. « Forecasting of work in process quality using Holt-Winters method for missing observations ». Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 1999.
Texte intégralTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 110 p. : ill. (some col.) Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-91).