Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Observation process »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Observation process"


Kaplan, Bruce. « Online Process Observation ». Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 31, no 9 (septembre 1987) : 951–55.

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Process observation techniques for face-to-face interactions were applied in the online environment found useful for identifying some fundamental issues in the design and implementation of computer conferences for training. Key questions were found to include: How receptive will students be to computer conference delivered training; How is effective participation defined online and what participation requirements, if any, are necessary to create a successful learning environment online; What level of formality and degree of structure is useful; What kind of community development or social life is required to support training through computer conference? Exploring these questions about online process and observation provided guidance to those working to develop effective online instruction.
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Park, Sejin. « Exchange as observation process ». Cross-Cultural Studies 27, no 1 (30 juin 2021) : 143–200.

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Mamat, Sarizam Bin, Shinichi Tashiro et Manabu Tanaka. « Observation of Metal Transfer in Plasma MIG Welding Process ». QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY 35, no 2 (2017) : 33s—37s.

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TERAMOTO, Koji, Shohei KUDO et Yuichiro FURUYA. « B023 In-process Observation of Workpiece Deformation in Elastomer Endmilling ». Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21 2013.7 (2013) : 259–62.

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Wainwright, Paul. « Observation and the research process ». Nursing Standard 4, no 43 (18 juillet 1990) : 39–40.

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Yoshioka, Naoto, et Masato Yoshioka. « Dynamic observation of indentation process ». Geophysical Research Letters 22, no 2 (15 janvier 1995) : 113–16.

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Krivonos, I. Yu, V. G. Pokotilo et B. N. Pshenichnyi. « Optimization of the observation process ». Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 54, no 3 (janvier 1990) : 317–20.

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Wang, Xiaolei, Haitao Wei, Nengcheng Chen, Xiaohui He et Zhihui Tian. « An Observational Process Ontology-Based Modeling Approach for Water Quality Monitoring ». Water 12, no 3 (5 mars 2020) : 715.

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The increasing deterioration of aquatic environments has attracted more attention to water quality monitoring techniques, with most researchers focusing on the acquisition and assessment of water quality data, but seldom on the discovery and tracing of pollution sources. In this study, a semantic-enhanced modeling method for ontology modeling and rules building is proposed, which can be used for river water quality monitoring and relevant data observation processing. The observational process ontology (OPO) method can describe the semantic properties of water resources and observation data. In addition, it can provide the semantic relevance among the different concepts involved in the observational process of water quality monitoring. A pollution alert can be achieved using the reasoning rules for the water quality monitoring stations. In this study, a case is made for the usability testing of the OPO models and reasoning rules by utilizing a water quality monitoring system. The system contributes to the water quality observational monitoring process and traces the source of pollutants using sensors, observation data, process models, and observation products that users can access in a timely manner.
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Lee, Jung Soo. « Self-observation of the design process ». Research Journal of the Costume Culture 24, no 6 (31 décembre 2016) : 743–55.

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최영주. « Explicit Observation of EFL Writing Process ». English21 24, no 1 (mars 2011) : 291–310.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Observation process"


Zoghi, Masrour. « Regret bounds for Gaussian process bandits without observation noise ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.

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This thesis presents some statistical refinements of the bandits approach presented in [11] in the situation where there is no observation noise. We give an improved bound on the cumulative regret of the samples chosen by an algorithm that is related (though not identical) to the UCB algorithm of [11] in a complementary setting. Given a function f on a domain D ⊆ R^d , sampled from a Gaussian process with an anisotropic kernel that is four times differentiable at 0, and a lattice L ⊆ D, we show that if the points in L are chosen for sampling using our branch-and-bound algorithm, the regret asymptotically decreases according to O(e^{τt/(ln t)^{d/4}}) with high probability, where t is the number of observations carried out so far and τ is a constant that depends on the objective function.
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Morin, Viktor. « Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.

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Résumé :
Detta är en studie om lärande- och skapandeprocesser. Mer specifikt innefattar studien en observation av hur jag arrangerar 3 låtar för olika instrument under en tidsbestämd period. De frågor som behandlas är vilka tekniker jag använder, vilka problem som uppstår och hur det fungerar att arrangera på tid. Slutsatsen av hela observationen har visat att det är en bredd av faktorer som samspelar i kompositionsprocessen. Det har visat sig att jag applicerar intuition, diskursivt tänkande, musikteoretisk teknik och erfarenhet i arrangeringen av musik. Observationen är till stor del belyst av det fenomenologiska perspektivet och fenomenologisk metod används i analysen av mitt observerade material.
This is a study about learning and creative processes. More specifically, the study contains an observation of how I arrange three songs for different instruments within a specific time limit. The questions that are accounted for in this study are what techniques I use, which problems arise and how the time limit affects the result. The result of this study shows that a variety of factors are present during my composition/arranging process. It shows that I apply intuition, discursive thinking, music theoretical techniques, and experience in the field of arranging music. The observation is, to some extent, analysed from phenomenological perspective.
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Dell'Asta, L. « OBSERVATION OF THE W->TAUNU PROCESS IN THE ATLAS EXPERIMENT ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2010.

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The ATLAS Experiment is a multi-purpose detector, operating at the LHC. In this thesis the first observation of W → τν decays in ATLAS with proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy is presented. The amount of data used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.46±0.27 pb^(−1). The W → τν decays are searched in the channel in which the tau decays into a neutrino and a hadronic system.
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Hitchman, Ryan Patrick. « Practices middle school principals in large school divisions located within the Commonwealth of Virginia employ during the supervisory process ». Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the practices middle school principals employed during the supervisory process. This qualitative research study examined the practices middle school principals followed during the pre-observation process, observation process, and post observation process. The study also detailed how the data collected from formal observations and classroom walk-through observations was utilized by middle school principals. Due to the increasing number of responsibilities and mounting pressure to provide quality teacher supervision, the practices employed by middle school principals during the supervisory process was an important topic in need of additional research.
Ed. D.
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Raiss, Mark Edward. « Observation of the development of fracture process zones in concrete under tension ». Thesis, Imperial College London, 1987.

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Rovel, Thierry. « Facilitating the reuse process in an object oriented environment by learning from observation ». Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1993.

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The aim of this research is to ease the reuse of components in an Object-Oriented library. We ease the three main processes included in reuse: searching for, understanding and adapting components. The novelty of this approach is that all the information needed to achieve these improvements is learned automatically by spying on the programmer's actions. This thesis describes a model for a learner in an Object-Oriented environment. A specific implementation for the Smalltalk language, called LEARNIST (Learning to EAse Reuse IN SmallTalk), is described and illustrated with examples.
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Xia, Shujiang. « An improved software process management tool : ReMoTe (recursively estimating multi-threaded observation tool enterprise) ». CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.

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The principal purpose of the project is to enable ReMoTe support for multi-databases. ReMoTe stands for the Recursively Estimating Multi-Threaded Observation Technology Enterprise, which is a web-based computer aided software engineering tool for monitoring software development process. Development of ReMoTe is based on the RMT (Recursive Multi-Threaded) software life cycle developed by Scott Simon, a CSUSB alum, in his master's thesis in 1997. ReMoTe enables the monitoring of projects that use different databases in various locations. Central management can view the progress information of each project using a web browser no matter where the database or project team is located. In this project, three database software were supported, namely MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft Access, and employed contemporary technologies such as JavaScript, PHP, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Source codes are included.
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Mukundan, Arvind. « Combined Heuristic and Statistical Methodologies applied to Maneuver Detection in the SST Observation Correlation Process ». Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Rymdteknik, 2020.

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In this project, an algorithm has been proposed to detect a satellite’s maneuver by comparingthe orbital elements observed from the two line element data and the orbital elements propagatedwith the help of Simplified perturbations models. A set of TLE data for an object orbiting Earthcontains a specific set of orbital elements. Simplified perturbation are utilized to propagate theorbital velocity and position vector of the same object. By comparing the results obtained fromboth the methods, the maneuvers of a satellite are detected. This project outlines the workingmethodology and the implementation of the algorithm developed to detect the maneuvers. Thefunctioning of the technique is assessed with reference to two case studies for which the maneuverhistory is available by following the approach employed by Kelecy et al. (2007). The same methodis implemented to detect the orbit controlling maneuvers as well as the fine control maneuvers. Theresults derived from the analysis indicate that the maneuvers which has the magnitude of even aslow as cm/s has been detected when the detection parameters are calibrated properly.
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Lundkvist, Karin. « Intryck och avtryck : Elevers upplevelser av skapande aktiviteter i en landsortsskola ». Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för samhälls- och livsvetenskaper, 2011.

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Résumé :
Sammandrag  Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka elevers uppfattning om sina möjligheter att vara skapande i skolan, vilka förutsättningar som finns för skapande verksamhet och kulturupplevelser samt hur man uppfyller det styrdokumenten säger gällande estetisk verksamhet i en landsortsskola.  Kvantitativ metod i form av enkätundersökningar har använts tillsammans med strukturerade observationer. Undersökningen har genomförts på mellanstadiet i en landsortsskola i västra Värmland och omfattats av 151 elever och åtta lärare. Det empiriska materialet visar att eleverna har störst möjlighet att vara skapande i de ämnen där observationerna pekade på god måluppfyllelse, där eleverna var delaktiga i sitt eget lärande samt då lokalerna var ändamålsenliga. Materialet visar även att man i liten omfattning erbjuder kulturupplevelser i skolan.  Arbetets forskningsavsnitt stödjer den skapande verksamhetens betydelse i skolan genom att behandla styrdokument, utveckling och lärande, skapandeprocessen samt betydelsen av upplevelser och intryck.
Abstract  The aim of this study has been to examine students' perception of their ability to be creative in school, what conditions that exist for creative activities and cultural experiences, and how to the school comply with the steering documents regarding arts in school.  Quantitative method in the form of questionnaires has been used along with structured observations. The research has taken place in a primary school in western Värmland and involved 151 pupils and eight teachers. The empirical data indicates that students have the greatest opportunity to be creative in subjects where the observations pointed towards good target achievement, where students were involved in their own learning as well as were the physical premises were appropriate. The material also indicates that the pupils are offered cultural experiences only to a very limited extent in school.  This study’s research section supports that the creative activities are highly relevant to school by discussing policy documents, development and learning research, creative process and the importance of experiences and impressions.
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He, Qing. « Investigating the performance of process-observation-error-estimator and robust estimators in surplus production model : a simulation study ». Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2010.

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This study investigated the performance of the three estimators of surplus production model including process-observation-error-estimator with normal distribution (POE_N), observation-error-estimator with normal distribution (OE_N), and process-error-estimator with normal distribution (PE_N). The estimators with fat-tailed distributions including Student's t distribution and Cauchy distribution were also proposed and their performances were compared with the estimators with normal distribution. This study used Bayesian method, revised Metropolis Hastings within Gibbs sampling algorithm (MHGS) that was previously used to solve POE_N (Millar and Meyer, 2000), developed the MHGS for the other estimators, and developed the methodologies which enabled all the estimators to deal with data containing multiple indices based on catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE). Simulation study was conducted based on parameter estimation from two example fisheries: the Atlantic weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) and the black sea bass (Centropristis striata) southern stock. Our results indicated that POE_N is the estimator with best performance among all six estimators with regard to both accuracy and precision for most of the cases. POE_N is also the robust estimator to outliers, atypical values, and autocorrelated errors. OE_N is the second best estimator. PE_N is often imprecise. Estimators with fat-tailed distribution usually result in some estimates more biased than estimators with normal distribution. The performance of POE_N and OE_N can be improved by fitting multiple indices. Our study suggested that POE_N be used for population dynamic models in future stock assessment. Multiple indices from valid surveys should be incorporated into stock assessment models. OE_N can be considered when multiple indices are available.
Master of Science
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Livres sur le sujet "Observation process"


Choudhuri, Devika Dibya, et Christopher J. McCarthy. Fundamentals of Group Process Observation. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Chalmers, Hazel. Guidance for the peer review & observation process. Newcastle upon Tyne : University of Northumbria, MARCET, 1999.

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Harold, Sampson, et Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group., dir. The psychoanalytic process : Theory, clinical observation, and empirical research. New York : Guilford Press, 1986.

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Maki, Ellen Lorraine. Some statistical topics involving incomplete observation of a branching process. Toronto : [s.n.], 1986.

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White, Mary Frances. Se lf assessment : A case study of the observation process. Birmingham : University of Central England in Birmingham, 2000.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., dir. Three-dimensional visualization of ozone process data. [Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., dir. Three-dimensional visualization of ozone process data. [Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997.

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Moore, Tina. High dependency nursing care : Observation, intervention, and support for level 2 patients. 2e éd. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2009.

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Azencott, Robert. Series of irregular observations : Forecasting and model building. New York : Springer-Verlag, 1986.

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Clara, Gallini, et Satta Gino, dir. Incontri etnografici : Processi cognitivi e relazionali nella ricerca sul campo. Roma : Meltemi, 2007.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Observation process"


Hadaway, Stephanie M., et Alan W. Brue. « Process : Observation ». Dans Practitioner’s Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment, 83–96. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Atieno Okech, Jane E. « Effective Observation ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 19–30. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Steen, Sam, et Priscilla Rose Prasath. « Technology and Process Observation ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 165–71. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Vannatta, Rachel. « Processing the Process ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 47–56. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Bay, Shing Yee, Yiying Xiong et Kristopher M. Goodrich. « Research on Group Process Observation ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 156–64. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Coogan, Theresa A., Chris Godwin et Sam Steen. « Process Observation in Psychoeducation Groups ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 93–106. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Coogan, Theresa A., Chris Godwin et Sam Steen. « Process Observation in Task Groups ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 107–22. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Choudhuri, Devika Dibya, et Christopher J. McCarthy. « Ethical and Professional Issues in Process Observation ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 31–38. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Riva, Maria T. « Utilizing Process Observation in Group Counseling and Group Psychotherapy ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 85–92. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Suniti Bhat, Christine. « Process Observation in Non-Therapeutic Settings ». Dans Fundamentals of Group Process Observation, 123–31. New York : Routledge, 2023.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Observation process"


Kizu, Ryosuke, Ichiko Misumi, Akiko Hirai et Satoshi Gonda. « Photoresist shrinkage observation by a metrological tilting-AFM ». Dans Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control XXXVII, sous la direction de John C. Robinson et Matthew J. Sendelbach. SPIE, 2023.

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Salimpour, Y., H. Soltanian-Zadeh et M. D. Abolhassani. « Extended Kalman filtering of point process observation ». Dans 2010 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Hansmann, M., I. Decker et J. Ruge. « Direct Observation Of The Laser Cutting Process ». Dans Hague International Symposium, sous la direction de Ernst-Wolfgang Kreutz, A. Quenzer et Dieter Schuoecker. SPIE, 1987.

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Hu, Dyi Chung, Erh Hao Chen, Jeffrey ChangBing Lee, Chia Peng Sun et Yu En Liang. « In-situ Observation of Underfill Dispensing Process ». Dans 2023 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP). IEEE, 2023.

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Thombansen, U., et P. Abels. « Process observation in selective laser melting (SLM) ». Dans SPIE LASE, sous la direction de Friedhelm Dorsch. SPIE, 2015.

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Arrif, Iffa Mohd, Wahyu Kuntjoro, Mohd Razip Abdullah et Rizal Effendy Mohd Nasir. « Dynamic Behaviour Observation of Quadcopter in Longitudinal Mode ». Dans 2019 IEEE 7th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC). IEEE, 2019.

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SASAKI, SUSUMU, et SHINJI WATANABE. « DIRECT OBSERVATION OF 29SI NUCLEAR-SPIN DECOHERENCE PROCESS ». Dans Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics — In the Light of Quantum Computation. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2005.

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Kubota, S. « Observation of Shock Initiation Process in Gap Test ». Dans SHOCK COMPRESSION OF CONDENSED MATTER - 2005 : Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter. AIP, 2006.

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Jung, Yoon Taek, Yeji Lee, Minhwa Kim et Sang-Eun Park. « Observation of Cryogenic Process Using Polarimetry and Interferometry ». Dans IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2023.

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McEneaney, William M., Ali Oran et Andrew Cavender. « Value-based control of the observation-decision process ». Dans 2008 American Control Conference (ACC '08). IEEE, 2008.

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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Observation process"


Creese, Amy. Environmental Earth Observation. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, novembre 2017.

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Earth observation (EO) is the process of gathering information about the Earth from a range of sensors to provide monitoring data at a range of scales. This POSTnote outlines some of the environmental uses and benefits of EO data, the potential opportunities from advances in relevant technologies and challenges facing the effective use of EO data.
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Prasad, Kuldeep R., Heming Hu, Israel Lopez Coto, Subhomoy Ghosh et James R. Whetstone. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Dispersion 4. Quality control process of in-situ INFLUX tower-based observation data. National Institute of Standards and Technology, septembre 2015.

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Bäumler, Maximilian, et Matthias Lehmann. Generating representative test scenarios : The FUSE for Representativity (fuse4rep) process model for collecting and analysing traffic observation data. TU Dresden, 2024.

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Scenario-based testing is a pillar of assessing the effectiveness of automated driving systems (ADSs). For data-driven scenario-based testing, representative traffic scenarios need to describe real road traffic situations in compressed form and, as such, cover normal driving along with critical and accident situations originating from different data sources. Nevertheless, in the choice of data sources, a conflict often arises between sample quality and depth of information. Police accident data (PD) covering accident situations, for example, represent a full survey and thus have high sample quality but low depth of information. However, for local video-based traffic observation (VO) data using drones and covering normal driving and critical situations, the opposite is true. Only the fusion of both sources of data using statistical matching can yield a representative, meaningful database able to generate representative test scenarios. For successful fusion, which requires as many relevant, shared features in both data sources as possible, the following question arises: How can VO data be collected by drones and analysed to create the maximum number of relevant, shared features with PD? To answer that question, we used the Find–Unify–Synthesise–Evaluation (FUSE) for Representativity (FUSE4Rep) process model.We applied the first (“Find”) and second (“Unify”) step of this model to VO data and conducted drone-based VOs at two intersections in Dresden, Germany, to verify our results. We observed a three-way and a four-way intersection, both without traffic signals, for more than 27 h, following a fixed sample plan. To generate as many relevant information as possible, the drone pilots collected 122 variables for each observation (which we published in the ListDB Codebook) and the behavioural errors of road users, among other information. Next, we analysed the videos for traffic conflicts, which we classified according to the German accident type catalogue and matched with complementary information collected by the drone pilots. Last, we assessed the crash risk for the detected traffic conflicts using generalised extreme value (GEV) modelling. For example, accident type 211 was predicted as happening 1.3 times per year at the observed four-way intersection. The process ultimately facilitated the preparation of VO data for fusion with PD. The orientation towards traffic conflicts, the matched behavioural errors and the estimated GEV allowed creating accident-relevant scenarios. Thus, the model applied to VO data marks an important step towards realising a representative test scenario database and, in turn, safe ADSs.
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Vaugh, Trevor, et Martin Ryan. Getting the right design or getting the design right : an observation of 18 industry projects progressing through a structured design thinking process. University of Limerick, 2015.

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Vaugh, Trevor, et Martin Ryan. Getting the right design or getting the design right : an observation of 18 industry projects progressing through a structured design thinking process. University of Limerick, 2015.

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Bertoni, Eleonora, Gregory Elacqua, Carolina Méndez et Humberto Santos. Teacher Hiring Instruments and Teacher Value Added : Evidence from Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, décembre 2020.

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In this article, we explore whether the evaluation instruments used to recruit teachers in the national teacher hiring process in Peru are good predictors of teacher effectiveness. To this end, we estimate teacher value-added (TVA) measures for public primary school teachers in 2018 and test for their correlation with the results of the 2015 and 2017 national evaluations. Our findings indicate that among the three sub-tests that comprise the first, centralized stage of the process, the curricular and pedagogical knowledge component has the strongest (and significant) correlation with the TVA measure, while the weakest correlation is found with the reading comprehension component. At the second, decentralized stage, we find no significant correlation with our measures of TVA for math, as well as non-robust correlations for the professional experience and classroom observation evaluation instruments. A positive and significant correlation is found between the classroom observation component and TVA for reading. Moreover, we find correlations between our measure of TVA and several teacher characteristics: TVA is higher for female teachers and for those at higher salary levels while it is lower for teachers with temporary contracts (compared to those with permanent positions).
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Hruntova, Tetiana V., Yuliia V. Yechkalo, Andrii M. Striuk et Andrey V. Pikilnyak. Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions. [б. в.], novembre 2018.

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Research goal: the research is aimed at theoretical substantiation of applying the augmented reality technology and its peculiarities at higher technical educational institutions. Research objectives: the research is to solve the problems of determining the role and place of the technology in the educational process and its possible application to physics training. Object of research: teaching physics to students of higher technical educational institutions. Subject of research: the augmented reality technology as a component of the training process at higher educational institutions. Research methods used: theoretical methods include analysis of scientific and methodological literature; empirical methods include studying and observation of the training process. Research results: analysis of scientific publications allows defining the notion of augmented reality; application of augmented reality objects during laboratory practical works on physics is suggested. Main conclusions. introduction of the augmented reality technology in the training process at higher technical educational institutions increases learning efficiency, facilitates students’ training and cognitive activities, improves the quality of knowledge acquisition, provokes interest in a subject, promotes development of research skills and a future specialist’s competent personality.
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Lvov, Michael S., et Halyna V. Popova. Simulation technologies of virtual reality usage in the training of future ship navigators. [б. в.], février 2020.

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Research goal: the research is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of the application of virtual reality technology simulators and their features in higher maritime educational institutions. Research objectives: to determine the role and place of simulation technology in the educational process in the training of future ship navigators in order to form the professional competence of navigation. Object of research: professional training of future ship navigators in higher maritime educational institutions. Subject of research: simulation technologies of virtual reality as a component of the educational process at higher educational maritime establishments. Research methods used: theoretical methods containing the analysis of scientific sources; empirical methods involving study and observation of the educational process. Research results: the analysis of scientific publications allows to define the concept of virtual reality simulators, their application in the training of future navigators, their use for assessing the acquired professional competence of navigation. Main conclusions: introduction of simulation technologies of virtual reality in the educational process in higher maritime educational institutions increases the efficiency of education, promotes the development of professional thinking of students, enhances the quality of professional competence development.
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Rémy, Elisabeth, Romain Escudier et Alexandre Mignot. Access impact of observations. EuroSea, 2023.

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The accuracy of the Copernicus Marine Environment and Monitoring Service (CMEMS) ocean analysis and forecasts highly depend on the availability and quality of observations to be assimilated. In situ observations are complementary to satellite observations that are restricted to the ocean surface. Higher resolution model forecasts are required by users of the CMEMS global and regional ocean analysis and forecasts. To support this with an efficient observational constrain of the model forecast via data assimilation, an increase observation coverage is needed, associated with an improved usage of the available ocean observations. This work exploits the capabilities of operational systems to provide comprehensive information for the evolution of the GOOS. In this report, we analyse the use and the efficiency of the in-situ observations to constrain regional and global Mercator Ocean systems. Physical and biogeochemical variables are considered. The in-situ observations are used either to estimate physical ocean state at global and regional scale via data assimilation or to estimate BGC model parameters. The impact of the physical in situ observations assimilated in open ocean and coastal areas is assessed with numerical data assimilation experiments. The experiments are conducted with the regional 1/36° resolution and global 1/12° resolution systems operated by Mercator Ocean for the Copernicus Marine Service. For the global physical ocean, the focus is on the tropical ocean to better understand how the tropical mooring observations constrain the intraseasonal to daily variability and the complementarity with satellite observations and the deep ocean. The tropical moorings provide unique high frequency observations at different depth, but they are far away from each other, so part of the signal in the observation are decorrelated from one mooring to the others. It is only via an integrated approach, as data assimilation into a dynamical model and complementarity with other observing networks that those observations can efficiently constrain the different scales of variability of the tropical ocean circulation. As the satellite observations brings higher spatial resolution between the tropical moorings but for the ocean surface, we show that the tropical mooring and Argo profile data assimilation constrain the larger scale ocean thermohaline vertical structure (EuroSea D2.2; Gasparin et al., 2023). The representation of the high frequency signals observed at mooring location is also significantly improved in the model analysis compared to a non-assimilative simulation. The ocean below 2000 m depth is still largely under constrained as very few observations exist. Some deep ocean basins, as the Antarctic deep ocean, shows significant trend over the past decade but they are still not accurately monitored. Based on the spread of four deep ocean reanalysis estimates, large uncertainties were estimated in representing local heat and freshwater content in the deep ocean. Additionally, temperature and salinity field comparison with deep Argo observations demonstrates that reanalysis errors in the deep ocean are of the same size as or even stronger than the observed deep ocean signal. OSSE already suggested that the deployment of a global deep Argo array will significantly constrain the deep ocean in reanalysis to be closer to the observations (Gasparin et al., 2020). At regional and coastal scales, the physical ocean circulation is dominated by higher frequency, smaller scale processes than the open ocean which requires different observation strategy to be well monitor. The impact of assimilating high frequency and high-resolution observations provided by gliders on European shelves is analysed with the regional Iberic Biscay and Irish (IBI) system. It was found that repetitive glider sections can efficiently help to constrain the transport of water masses flowing across those sections. BGC ocean models are less mature than physical ocean models and some variable dependencies are still based on empirical functions. In this task, Argo BGC profile observations were used to optimize the parameters of the global CMEMS biogeochemical model, PISCES. A particle filter algorithm was chosen to optimize a 1D configuration of PISCES in the North Atlantic. The optimization of the PISCES 1D model significantly improves the model's ability to reproduce the North Atlantic bloom Recommendations on the in-situ network extensions for real time ocean monitoring are given based on those results, and the one also obtained in the WP2, Task 2.2 where data assimilation experiments but with simulated observations where conducted. Argo extension and the complementarity with satellite altimetry was also extensively studied. (EuroSea Deliverable ; D4.8)
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programme, CLARISSA. Journey To and From Work. Institute of Development Studies, juillet 2024.

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As part of CLARISSA’s qualitative, thematic research agenda, Geographic Information System (GIS) journey mapping and ethnographic observation was conducted to gain insights into the daily lives, experiences, journeys, and feelings of children involved in the Adult Entertainment Sector (AES). Twenty children documented their daily activities using a mobile app, with support and accompaniment from CLARISSA researchers. Subsequently, a collaborative analysis was conducted with participants and the CLARISSA research team, culminating in the formation of a number of GIS-based Action Research Groups to work on predominant issues or themes. This process generated evidence that is often deeply veiled and difficult to uncover. The formation of this ARG was prompted by recurring issues around children’s journeys to work that emerged through the research. The group was focused on the theme, ‘The journey to work and back’.
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