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Voiriot-Cordary, Noëlle. « Acquisition et gestion de la morphologie verbale flexionnelle en français à l'entrée au lycée ». Dijon, 2005.
Texte intégralWithin the field of the linguistics of writing, our work aims ar describing the processes by which 15 – year – old students grade 9 – 10 or classe de seconde in French Lycees) deal with the spelling of verb tense markers. Our corpus is composed of written work by students and also includes metagraphical comments collected during informal interviews in which the students were asked about their perceptions of verb forms. Our method and objective in the first part was to understand spelling problems as they arose in the course of writing, and describe the way the students analysed and coped and coped with such problems while writing. The students verb forms were then classified according to linguistic principles in order to determine how verbal morphological configurations affected the appearance of spelling errors. It was then possible to draw the outline of a whole system of errors in which homophony between verb forms played a central role. This constituted our second part. The metagraphical comments made it possible to discover processes that played an important part in the student’s spelling decisions. While verb forms will vary according to context, students are prone to systematizing forms and write verbs as if they were accepted set units, an economical way of dealing with the problem of homophony in verb endings. When they notice frequent occurrences, students pick up similarities which they reasoning. Extralinguistic factors in which reasoning relies on referential contents also have to be taken into account. All those viewpoints on language do not follow a linear course in which one could notice gradual stages in the implementation of spelling skills. Far from excluding one another, these viewpoints interact in the spelling decision, as discussed in our third part. Graphic ontogenesis finally brings out the various means by which learners come to terms with the way language works
Cao, Yi. « L'acquisition de la morphologie verbale chez des apprenants sinophones de français langue étrangère ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralThe acquisition of French verbal morphology, with its highly complex inflectional system, often poses difficulties for non-native learners. This is particularly true for Sinophone learners, as the Chinese language is characterized by the absence of inflectional markers; that is, verbs are invariant and lack grammatical morphemes indicating number, person, mood, tense, or aspect.Even at an advanced level, Sinophone learners frequently make subject-verb agreement and conjugation errors. However, the deviant verb forms they produce exhibit certain regularities. This study aims to analyze the written and oral performances of Sinophone learners at two different levels using a semi-spontaneous written and oral production task (narrating a movie excerpt), in order to achieve three objectives: first, to describe and interpret the interlanguage of these Sinophone learners regarding the written and oral production of French verb forms; second, to analyze the factors influencing the acquisition of these forms; and finally, to propose remedial solutions
Boyé, Gilles. « Problèmes de morpho-phonologie verbale en français, en espagnol et en italien ». Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2000.
Texte intégralUne conséquence de cet état de chose est que le marquage individuel des verbes et leur ségrégation selon des paradigmes différents pour chaque marque, sont universellement acceptés. L'idée qu'une morphologie sophistiquée reposant sur l'activation de mécanismes phonologiques serait à même de décrire la flexion des verbes de ces trois langues, est généralement considérée comme peu plausible.
L'ambition de cette thèse est justement de construire une telle morphologie qui capte les intuitions des locuteurs sur la conjugaison. Cette entreprise est sous-tendue par un double à priori :
- négliger totalement le rôle d'informations d'origine diachronique ;
- réduire totalement le rôle de catégories non-reconnues par la théorie linguistique dans la caractérisation de cette connaissance, notamment la notion dite de groupe de verbe.
Ce travail atteint trois objectifs :
1) Supprimer la notion de groupe dans la conjugaison, c'est dériver les formes de surface des verbes des différents groupes à partir d'une morphologie nourrissant des mécanismes phonologiques généraux.
2) Donner un statut à la supplétion et à la défection qui permette de comprendre comment un verbe supplétif ou défectif est représenté dans les grammaires intégrées des locuteurs. Autrement dit, nous voulons non seulement donner un lieu de lexicalisation aux supplétions et aux lacunes mais aussi étudier leur fonctionnement par rapport au paradigme de conjugaison unique que nous postulons.
3) Unifier le traitement des verbes réguliers et irréguliers en utilisant ce même paradigme unique pour tous les verbes. L'intuition couverte par cet objectif, est qu'à partir d'un échantillon de l'irrégularité d'un verbe, un locuteur est capable de faire un certain nombre de généralisation sur les autres irrégularités.
El, Fenne Fatimazohra. « La flexion verbale en français : contraintes et stratégies de réparation dans le traitement des consonnes latentes ». Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1994.
Texte intégralQuébec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019
Tahery, Zohreh. « L'acquisition de la temporalité en français par des apprenants persanophones ». Thesis, Paris 3, 2012.
Texte intégralThis thesis is in the field of research on the acquisition of temporality. It aims at studying the acquisition and the expression of French temporality by the persanophones learning. The major goal is to identify and describe the average linguistics to transmit temporal information by our surveyed subjects. Our research concentrates particularly on the means of reference to the « past ». Two aspects characterize the temporality description: the reference to verbal morphology on the one hand and the recourse to the pragmatic means (the lexicon, adverbs temporal, the principle of telling the events in the order of their occurrence) on the other hand. Verbal morphology and its development are in the centre of the data analyses collected. The verbal forms are examined in the formal and functional prospect, all while being based on a functionalist method. The fieldwork has been conducted near three Iranian learning French who resides in France.! It is a question of a longitudinal corpus (oral and writing) in order to raise the traces of the progressive development in the acquisition of temporality. We wonder in particular about the stages of morphological development in the description of temporality. The results of the analyses support not only the comparative study of three learning, but also their confrontation with learning from other research undertaken in various source and target languages. The main aim is to clarify the permanent phenomena in the acquisition of temporality in L2
Laaha, Sabine. « Développement précoce de la morphologie verbale : une étude comparative sur l'acquisition de l'allemand autrichien et du français ». Paris 5, 2004.
Texte intégralThis psycholinguistic dissertation examined the early development of verb morphology in Austrian German and in French, in a cross-linguistic perspective. For each of the two languages, the analysis was based on longitudinal spontaneous speech data of two monolingual children, from the onset of speech until the age of two years and a half. The development framework was compatible with functionalist approaches to language acquisition ; the linguistic approach was based on the theory of Natural Morphology. This study aimed at establishing similarities and differnces in developmental sequences of the two languages and investigating which factors might play a decisive role in the early development of verb morphology. The results obtained suggest that language specific factors (stuctural differences and input factors) play, from the early phase of morphological development, an important role in acquisition
Bassac, Christian. « Le statut de verbe dit ergatif : étude contrastive anglais-français ». Nancy 2, 1995.
Texte intégralThe lexical distribution of ergative verbs, i. E. Verbs appearing in transitive and intransitive pairs in which there is referential identity between the subject of intransitive sentence and object of transitive sentence is organized according to such criteria as the notional properties of the relator and goal of the predicative relation, modal aspectual features, and affectedness of the object. The opposition between intransitive forms and forms involving the se clitic is explained by the primitive separative value of se. Other oppositions between synthetic and analytic transitive forms are explained by agentive control over the process, and so is explained the opposition between metaphorical and literal meaning associated with those forms
Tzoukermann, Evelyne. « Morphologie et génération automatique du verbe français : implémentation d'un module conversationnel ». Paris, INALCO, 1986.
Texte intégralAl-Shatti, Mohammed. « Etude sociolinguistique des locutions verbales, nominales et adverbiales construites à partir du lexeme "feu" ». Paris 3, 1997.
Texte intégralThe semantic fields look into the french lexeme "feu" puts in obviousness its evolution showing how changes reverberate on a great number of locutions listed in switchboard dictionaries and also on the adaptation of new perspectives to the lexicographical reorganization of its semes. Owing to changes affecting the referents and the knowledge we assert besides them, semantic and diachronic mutations related to "feu" also behave in the forms of fixed locutions but new semes. In the regional variety and through out the french-speaking area, "feu" behaves differently by acquiring particular semes not attested in the standard language and to which are associated many regionalisms. In fact, linguistic mutations of "feu" and the locutions whose justification lays on spatial variation phenomenon are equivalent to those whose justification is found in the temporal change. On a morpho-syntactic viewpoint, locutions are considered as unilateral and bilateral expansion facts whose nuclei contain "feu". The variation of these expansions indicate the various place of the term in the statement and expresses all grammatical functions. On the historical axis, the various semes of "feu" justify it was opened to the evolution of the world and the social changes. Many extra-linguistic factors interfere in the creation of new concepts, and consequently of new locutions, and thus play significant roles as to the linguistic changes. Geographically, "feu" reacts differently following regions and french speaking areas in which lots of human and non human factors are involved in words creation or linguistic changes. Because of social transformations, divergences are evident between the regional variety of the french which are disappearing and the french speaking areas varieties in the way of officialization. In this framework, it is important to indicate the equality between the linguistic values of each locution at the potential level, and also the inequality in the usage are regards to the "social protection" some are credited. Thus quebec claim to defend the local french variety redynamises locutions already engaged in oblivion where they first came out, or those who, in other parts in the world are almost entirely no more in usage, when but archaisms
Mascherin, Laurent. « ANALYSE MORPHOSÉMANTIQUE DE L'ASPECTUO-TEMPORALITÉ EN FRANÇAIS. Le cas du préfixe RE- ». Phd thesis, Université Nancy II, 2007.
Texte intégralFradin, Bernard. « Organisation de l'information lexicale et interface morphologie/syntaxe dans le domaine verbal ». Paris 8, 1993.
Texte intégralThis thesis aims at describing french verbal auxiliaries. This description is put back in a broader range of questions concerning what linguistics considers as simple and complex. One of the major topics discussed in the first part is the question of the styles of description. We show that ita corresponds to a configurational approach,while both itp and wap are coined with a processual approach. Does the morphology constitute a system of its own,with categories and rules distinguished from those of syntax? the second part answers positively to this question and argues that the classical morphemic approach is unsuited to account for describing morphological phenomena,whatever they are. A detailed and formal account of most derivational phenomena in french is given, including those with truncation,allomorphy or suppletion. A treatment is proposed of the so-called parasynthetic forms. Bracketing paradoxes are also discussed at length. The third part begins with a criticism of the most influential analyses of french auxiliaries. In the following chapters, it is argued that complex verb forms involve a left side recursion and a configurational representation. Dur analysis gives a principled explanation of why there is no form with more than two temporal auxiliaries. The various surface forms of simple verbal tenses are accounted for through the application of chained functions. The verbal terminations are not affixes but the exponence of grammatical features carried by the verb
Kerkalli, Huang Meng-Lan. « Réflexions et propositions pour une pédagogie des temps verbaux du français adaptée aux étudiants de Taiwan ». Université Stendhal (Grenoble ; 1970-2015), 1993.
Texte intégralThis dissertation includes three parts, each of two chapters. In part one, chapiter one deals with the relation between linguistics and language teaching. In chapiter two, we consider the connexion between thses two fields in a more pratical approach, that is to say: how to use linguistics while working in the field of language teaching. In part two, which title is "a la rencontre d'une autre langue", chapter three is a confrontation of chinese and french. First, we explain our own conception of language, underlining how the enunciative perspective can be fruitful for linguistics as well as for language teaching. Then, chapiter four offers a contrastive analysis of the chinese and french verbal systems. In part three, we present (chapter five) the situation of french teaching in taiwan and we rise some cross-cultural issues in language teaching. Finally, chapter six makes some proposals for a pedagogy of the french verb system adapted to the chinese students in taiwan. For this, we present some facts about how chinese students learn the french tenses. Then we make a comment of how 4 grammar books and 5 textbooks (book one) explain the use of these tenses. Last, we suggest a pedagogical process composed of two steps (explinations and exercises) which is expected to be a pratical fool. All together there are 8 tools. Moreover, there is also a corpus composed of 28 annexes and refering to chapter six
Ponchon, Thierry. « Sémantique lexicale et sémantique grammaticale : le verbe faire en français médiéval ». Paris 4, 1992.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this thesis is to point out the polysemy and functions of the verb faire during a specific period in the history of French language: medieval french. As a theoretical starting-point, this thesis uses the psychomecanical notion of subduction, which is the capacity of certain words to be able to decrease their literal senses. It tries to bring out, as clearly as possible, the intermediate stages which appear between the uses of faire as auxiliary verb and those as literal sense verb
Codreanu, Ecaterina. « Étude comparative des noms d'affect en français et en roumain ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Texte intégralConducted in a comparative perspective, this research aims to describe the lexicon of affect nouns in order to underline the converging areas and diverging areas in two genealogically related languages - French and Romanian - in two lines of thought: diachronic analysis concerning the dynamics of the evolution of the Romanian emotional vocabulary permeated with words of French origin and synchronic analysis of combinatorial features of affect nouns. Such research has highlighted some very interesting cases, the points where these two systems are similar, but not completely coincide. But despite the small specific morphosyntactic and combinatorial differences evidenced in the expression of emotions, they generally bear homogeneity of linguistic functioning. This fact is not only interesting in terms of comparative syntax, but also by the fact that the affect nouns performing the same cognitive scenario have similar behavior in both languages faced
Camussi-Ni, Marie-Armelle. « Analyse formelle et conceptuelle des formes verbales du français contemporain : à la croisée du passé simple et de l’imparfait, du futur et du conditionnel, les concepts «± potentiel » et « ± défini » ». Rennes 2, 2006.
Texte intégralA formal analysis of the verbal endings in the indicative mode draws special attention to the combination of two morphemes, [Ø/(±R)] and [Ø/(ai/a)]. Thus, the conditional and future tenses differ from the other indicative tenses in that they share the +R morpheme – and it can be postulated that it is also shared by the infinitive. Furthermore, they differ from one another in the opposition between ai and a, which also differentiates the imperfect tense from the past historic when it is combined with the morpheme –R. This statement sheds light on the relationship between the various indicative “tenses”. Indeed, taking into account a further opposition allows the predominance of temporality in analyses of “tenses” in the indicative to be questioned while focusing on the deconstruction of the value combinations. Thus, the analysis allows the diversity of meanings to be accounted for and at the same time avoids a too large panel of temporal, modal or aspectual explanations according to the context. The first part of the doctoral thesis turns on the relationship between the morphological analysis and the various formal studies that have been undertaken on the future and the conditional tenses. In a second part, in a confrontation with the already existing conceptual studies on the infinitive, the past historic, the imperfect tense, the future and the conditional, we will explore the semantic side of the hypothesis that states that there is a combination of a ±R morpheme with an ai/a morpheme. Such a hypothesis compels us to characterize the semantic value of the ±R morpheme on the one hand – the ± potential concept will be associated with it – and on the other hand, to redefine the opposition between the imperfect tense and the past historic, since it is this very opposition that can be found in the future/conditional pair – the ± definite concept will then be suggested. Taking into account the combination of the two semantic features enables us to undermine complexity in utterances whose richness is only equalled by their diversity
Dufeu, Pierre-Yves. « Le syntagme verbal isolé à l'impératif en français (XIIe-XVIIe siècle) - Etude morphologique, lexico-sémantique et syntaxique ». Phd thesis, Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV, 2000.
Texte intégralCamussi-Ni, Marie-Armelle. « Analyse formelle et conceptuelle des formes verbales du français contemporain : A la croisée du passé simple et de l'imparfait, du futur et du conditionnel, les concepts "+/-potentiel" et "+/-défini" ». Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2006.
Texte intégralCe constat éclaire de façon nouvelle la relation qui se construit entre les différents « temps » du mode indicatif. En effet, la prise en compte d'une opposition supplémentaire conduit à réinterroger la prédominance de la temporalité dans les analyses des « temps » de l'indicatif au profit d'une déconstruction de la combinaison des valeurs. Cette analyse permet alors de rendre compte de la diversité des effets de sens tout en évitant l'atomisation des explications temporelles, modales, aspectuelles au gré des occurrences.
La première partie de la thèse s'articule autour de la relation entre cette analyse morphologique et les différentes analyses formelles du futur et du conditionnel qui ont pu être menées auparavant.
Dans un second temps, se nourrissant de la confrontation avec les analyses conceptuelles existantes de l'infinitif, du passé simple, de l'imparfait, du futur et du conditionnel, elle explore le versant sémantique de l'hypothèse de l'existence d'un morphème ±R qui se combine avec un autre morphème a/ai. Hypothèse qui oblige, d'une part, à caractériser la valeur sémantique du morphème dénoté par ±R et c'est le concept ±potentiel qui lui sera associé, d'autre part, à redéfinir l'opposition imparfait/passé simple puisque c'est cette même opposition qui se retrouve dans le couple futur/conditionnel. C'est le trait ± défini qui sera proposé.
La prise en compte de la combinaison de ces deux traits sémantiques permet de déjouer la complexité d'énoncés dont la richesse n'a d'égal que la variété.
Mbiom, ondoua Auguste crepin. « Les pratiques d'enseignement des formes verbales en classe de sixième en France et en République centrafricaine ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024.
Texte intégralAs part of language didactics, this thesis examines teaching practices related to verb forms in sixth-grade classes in both France and the Central African Republic. The study addresses the challenges encountered in teaching and learning French, drawing upon a corpus of classroom observations, teaching materials, interviews, and pupil-written work from both countries. The epilinguistic analysis primarily focuses on describing and identifying errors made by pupils. Additionally, the research compares classroom practices between teachers in the two countries. The objective is to analyze different teaching methods, techniques, and interactions within French classes. For the Central African Republic, the study proposes a contextualized integration of Sango into the national education system. The findings will facilitate recommendations to education stakeholders and partners, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of pedagogical activities and teaching practices for French sessions in sixth-grade classes and address pupils' learning difficulties adequately
Yavari-Sartakhti, Gholam Réza. « Générateur-conjugueur de la morphologie verbale arabe ». Paris 3, 1988.
Texte intégralIn this thesis, based on the linguistic theories by arab grammarians, we have developped an algorithm capable of generating all the paradigms of the verbal morphology of the written language from a verbal root, on a computer. The only human intervention consists in supplying a verbal root and indicating its base, and possibly the vowel of the verb, belonging to (cacaca) base, in the present tense if and only if the morphological structure of the generated verb does not allow the algorithm to determine its vowel automatically
Yavari-Sartakhti, Gholam Réza. « Générateur-conjugueur de la morphologie verbale arabe ». Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989.
Texte intégralRucart, Pierre. « Morphologie gabaritique et interface phonosyntaxique : aspects de la morphologie verbale en afar ». Paris 7, 2006.
Texte intégralThis work is dedicated to the morphophonology of verbal System in two Cushitic languages, mainly Afar, and secondarily Bedja. These two languages possess two verbal classes : one with a strictly suffixal inflection, the other with both prefixes and suffixes. The distribution of the vocalism in Afar verbs allows us to give a underlying representation of verbs with a single template. The proposition of a templatic interface between phonology and syntax gives a hierarchical structure to the templatics domains and allows one to take into account the relationships between the different components of the Grammar. Then, we are able to give a unified analysis of the verbal morphology that predicts the expected forms for all the verbs
Pantcheva, Daniéla. « Etude linguistique d'"Ysaye Le Triste" : morphologie nominale et verbale ». Bordeaux 3, 2001.
Texte intégralThe romance of "Ysay͏̈e le Trist" is a voluminous novel from the late Middle ages edited by André Giacchetti (Publications de l'Université de Rouen N° 142). Its systematic linguistic description gives the reader the possibility to acess the text with greater ease and to complete usefully the documentation of the litterary prose. The size of the material to be treated and the desire of exhaustiveness required the creation of a KWIX concordance after having collected the text with the basic manuscript (ms 2524 Darmstadt). Phonetic and lexical observations are scattered throughout the whole thesis. Sub-systems are studied in their reciprocal relationships
Dufeu, Pierre-Yves. « Le syntagme verbal isolé à l'impératif en français (XIIe-XVIIe siècle) : étude morphologique, sémantique et syntaxique ». Paris 4, 2000.
Texte intégralAlmeida, Maria Elisete. « Approche contrastive de la Deixis en portugais et en français à travers la traduction des oeuvres d'Albert Camus : suivie d'un essai de validation des conclusions sur le terrain de l'oral à partir d'un corpus enregistré à Madère ». Université Stendhal (Grenoble ; 1970-2015), 1993.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is the study of the different deictic systems that govern french and portuguese languages. These systems are analysed from a comparative point of view, and the approach is based on the principles of contrastive linguistics, as they were exposed by h. Adamczewski and c. Delmas in their english grammar. The analysis is chiefly based on a written corpus composed of 3 of camus'works : 2 novels ( "the pest" , "the fall" ) and a drama ( "caligula" ). The thesis begins with a historical introduction to the notion of deixis. The first part is a contrastive study of basic deictics - i. E. Spatial, temporal, personal ones - in french and portuguese. The second part is an approach of secondary deictics which work implicitely, such as verbal tenses and prepositions deprived of their nominal head. The aim of the third part is to valid the results of the preceeding parts by testing them on the tokens of an oral corpus, and to point out the chief translation difficulties raised by the discrepancies that exist between the two deictic systems
ALANGO, BASAK. « La rection verbale en français et en turc : étude contrastive ». Paris 3, 1986.
Texte intégralIn the i st chapter, we treat the diffrent classification and theories concerning the voices in turkish and french. In the 2 nd and 3 nd chapters, we have taken into consideration the government of the verb in the active voice and its description in turkish and french. In the description of turkish, the identification of the actants and the circonstants has been realised by means of foculization, pro nominal substitution and question: the differentiation of the actant in accusative case from the circonstant in accusative, the differentiation of the actant in dative case from the circonstant (modifier) in dative. Among the different grammatical categories which constitute the noun, we have analysed those which can play the role of the actants, thereafter the morphological description of the noun. The description of the copula in turkish: the copula in 3 nd person singular and plural is zero morpheme, while -dir defined tradition nally as a facultative copula is redefined as a foculizing suffix. It can foculize the first actant (subject) and the predicate in their habitual and normal place, or thematize the predicate without changing the structure of the sentence. It foculizes the second actant (direct object), the first actant (subject), third actant (indirect object), circonstants (modifiers) in dative case nominalizing the sentence. In view of the description of other voices or other voices or their equivalents in turkish, we propose the tables of grammatical derivation of verbs. The expression of voices in turkish is a problem of grammatical derivation. After the analysis of their voices, the conclusion can be summarized as follows: in spite of the richeness of suffixes which are attributed to the definite voices, we can not believe that a certain suffix would be restricted to the use of an unique voice. On the contrary, each suffix would be used for the expression of several voices
Brillault, Philippe. « La transitivité verbale en français : études critiques et propositions méthodologiques ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Texte intégralThe transitive phenomenon is generally analyzed as the pairing of form (syntax) and meaning (semantics). This question has been mainly considered by typologists in order to identify cross-language invariants. They consider that semantic transitivity is a scalar phenomenon varying between two prototypical poles, the Major Biactant Construction (MBC) and the Uniactant Construction (UC). ). The the notion of "continuum", supposed to explain the gradability of transitivity is never defined. However, the syntactic transitivity is not a very specialized vehicle. The transitive form accounts for actions as well as states. On the other hand, not all action verbs (such as verbs of movement) are necessarily transitive. The “prototypicality” of the form does not help to understand either the semantic specialization or the basis of the notion of "continuum". Our approach for French aims at proving that it is possible to define semantic transitivity not as a property of the verb or of a construction but as a property of a class of verbs semantically homogeneous (here the contact verbs from LVF) and classified according to their “family resemblance”. The transitive subclasses are the result of a multivariate statistical analysis based on selected criteria that are weighted to obtain a transitive score, which makes it possible to integrate the intermediate forms between the MBC and the UC, thus justifying the "continuum". The choice of contact verbs is motivated by the fact that these verbs have interesting correspondences with psychological verbs (cf. “This show touches me”). We will consider the passive forms as a possible criterion of semantic transitivity. Finally, the notions of construction (in the sense of A. Goldberg) and “case frame” will allow us to extend the notion of valence and transitivity in a cognitive perspective
Sarica, Mustafa. « Analyse des marqueurs modo-temporels dans la forme verbale composée en turc de Turquie ». Paris 3, 1998.
Texte intégralOur study concerns suffixes used in the training of verbal forms. This work has allowed us to release properties that concern morphological, semantic and intonative dimensions, of these suffixes. We have studied in detail the form, the sense and the melody in verbal forms that use these suffixes for the expression of the time and the mode. After having known all the variations of all suffixes, we have past to the semantic study where we have tried to release modals and temporal values of these markers in the utterances borrowed to the daily language. From real contexts, we have tried to discover conditions that necessitate such or such verbal form to fill the good function. The intonative analysis completes the study of modal and temporal suffixes. After having analyzed the form and the sense at these suffixes, we have studied the intonative aspect of verbal forms through the utterances extracted of an oral corpus. The turkish utterance presents it self usually following the order of word (s)ov. But the speaker can change places of these elements according to demands of its context. Then even a predicate can appear in head of the statement. But, in most of the utterances the order of words is standard. They are at the end, and the descent of the declarative statement realizes on the last suffix of the combination. Therefore, what marks the operation of assertion, is the last marker of the combination. Consequently, this research has allowed to put in obviousness the fact that intonative variations that allocate the last two suffixes of the verb in the turkish oral statement are not linked to semantic values of markers, but on the contrary they indicate always the modal position of the speaker
Collay, Sandra. « Impact de la consistance orthographique sur la production verbale écrite de séries de mots ». Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2004.
Texte intégralThis research was interested in the consistency impact on written groups of production. Classically, there are more errors and longer reaction times with inconsistent words than with consistent words. However, the consistency impact has only been invastigated in regard to the isolation words production. Consequently we wanted to study the consistency impact on groups of words production. In order to do so, we used the serial recall task because it necessary implies groups of words recall and simualtes the words production. Eleven experiments have been conducted to explore this effect. Results of two princeps experiments revealed an unexpected effect : inconsistent words were better recalled than consistent words. We replicated this effect in three succeeding experiments. Then, we tried to give some explanation to this new effect (i. E. , tne inconsistency effect). The results suggest thant inconsistent words have a visual specificity taht pick up a part of the attentional resources allowing a distinctive encoding. The last chapter was interested in the dual route model that allowing the interpretation of the constency effect. Some research suggests that the sublexical route may be less automatic and slower than the lexical route. Indeed, this sublexical route may be under strategic controle. In the literature, results from oral production research were not clearly in accordance with the strategic control. We realized four additional experiments in written words production under dictation, but our results did not bring more support to this hypothesis
Sebbar, Mohammed. « Temps, accord et structure de la phrase : étude de la morphologie verbale en arabe ». Paris 10, 1998.
Texte intégralPicard, Flore. « Morphologie flexionnelle verbale des langues sames : modélisation de la complexité diasystémique d'un système flexionnel ». Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019.
Texte intégralThis thesis analyzes the verbal inflection of five Saami languages (Finno-Ugric family) in a diasystemic modelization, working within the framework of Complex Systems Theory. It deals with both inflectional complexity, aiming to untangle and model the intricacy of paradigmatic allomorphy in Saami, and dialectal complexity, by comparing the inflectional systems of five languages organized in a dialect continuum, in order to highlight the mechanisms of differentiation and interactive flows within the diasystem.The morphological analysis uses Paradigm Function Morphology, a realizational approach to paradigmatic complexity developed by G. Stump. This framework gives me the tools needed to model the great number of stem alternations that makes Saami inflection renowned for its extreme complexity. From the paradigm analysis, I work to build a taxonomy of Saami verbs, in the form of inflectional classes, in each of the studied languages (South, Lule, North, Inari and Skolt Saami), and a detailed inventory of inflection mechanisms. Based on these comparable models, I then develop a diasystemic analysis of Saami verbal morphology by modeling the processes of intrication, self-organization and emergence happening in the system. The resulting configuration, reinforced by a dialectometric study, is that of a system with two major decision centers, western and eastern, and in the center a transitional zone of compromise where phonological and morphological complexification phenomena arise
Arghyroudi, Marina. « Analyse verbale et non verbale de documents authentiques vidéo et traitement didactique dans le cadre d'une formation de professeurs de FLE en Grèce ». Besançon, 2000.
Texte intégralMoniz, Correia Reid Corália Maria. « La morphologie dérivationnelle des noms : étude comparative français-portugais ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2005.
Texte intégralAkihiro, Hisae. « Contribution à l'étude de la valence verbale en français contemporain, la non-réalisation du complément d'objet direct ». Paris, EPHE, 2004.
Texte intégralSome verbal constructions allow for the omission of the direct object without modifying the verbal valency structure, as in the example je mange ø (the ø mark thereby represents the omitted direct object in the valency structure). In the present work the existence of ø is being justified by means of the " coordination test " : je fume ø et même des cigares vs? La cheminée fume et même ça, arguing that the ø is part of the direct object of paradigm, we propose in the following a detailed analysis of its particularity by comparing it to other linguistic forms, such as the pronouns le, la les and ça in order to study the use of ø we differentiate between three levels of analysis of its particularity by comparing it to other linguistic forms, such as the pronouns Le, La, Les and ça. In order to study the use of ø we differentiate between three levels of analysis: A-the level of the verbal valency, B-the level of the syntactic context, and C-the level of the discursive and pragmatic context whilst acknowledging the importance of the contextual factors, this work explains the phenomenon of the ø above all in elation to the criterion of the verbal valency. It proposes therefore a detailed description of the use of 785 verbs chosen from various corpuses (both written and spoken), allowing for the distinction between those constructions that are favouring the use of ø and those that are not. The description leads us to reconsider the traditional classification of “transitive and “intransitive” verbs and to propose a dictionary of verbal valency
Malunga-Payet, Nozibonela. « Les actes de langage menaçants en contexte français et tswana : le cas des actes reprocher, blâmer, accuser et insulter ». Nantes, 2016.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to make a semantic and cognitive analysis of four speech acts, namely the speech acts of REPROACHING, BLAMING, ACCUSING and INSULTING as well as their performance in French and Tswana. We make four kinds of comparative analysis. The first analysis concerns the lexical meaning of verbs that refer to the speech acts studied. For this we use the theory model of the Semantics of Argumentative Possibilities (SPA). We also use the modal approach of the SPA to make a second analysis of modal values present in the core and stereotypes of lexical units. These modal values are mobilised in the discursive deployment of a speech act. For our third analysis of conceptual representations we use the theoretic model of idealised cognitive models (ICMs). We finish by an analysis of speech act performance patterns. We start by a general assumption that the meaning or the conceptualisation of each verb in a given culture can manifest by different strategies of performance of the speech act and by the mobilisation of modal attitudes that are present in its lexical meaning. The cultural dimension of speech acts justifies a contrastive study and its application in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. One of our research perspectives after this thesis will show itself by a brief analysis of French non-natives’ performance of the speech act of insulting in French. We try to show in a general way that foreign learners’ speech act performances show influence by the mother tongue
Ghazi, Widad. « L'ordre des mots : structure de la phrase verbale et pronoms clitiques en arabe de Tanger ». Paris 8, 1998.
Texte intégralThis thesis is composed of four chapters: in the first chapter, we have studied the words' order in tangier arabic dialect (tad). We have found out that this language has only two order possibilities: svo (subject-verb-object) and vso. Any other different order gives way to marked phrases, indeed excluded. In the second chapter, we have given an analysis of verbal and nominal morphology in tad. We have demonstrated how words are derivative thus the different categories they are made of. In the third chapter, we have elaborated a phrasal verb structure theory in tad, i. E. A structure which considers both the flexionnal elements order regarding the verb, and the syntactic constituents' one, namely the subject and object. In the fourth chapter, we have studied morphologic and syntactic properties of clitic pronoun in tad and we have elaborated a derivation theory of this morpheme
Hudlett, Albert. « Morphologie verbale dans les parlers du pays de bitche. Essai de representation graphique automatique de la dynamique des variations geolinguistiques ». Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1988.
Texte intégralFocusing on the study of the verbal morphology (of both finite and non-finite forms) of the vernacular in 66 places of the eastern area of german-speaking lorraine (pays de bitche), this dissertation, more than an attempt at outlining a quantitative and qualitative areal typology, is a tentative application of the theory of graphs to the dynamics of geolinguistic variations. It is a tentative automatic graphic representation of continuous microvariations in the morphological system, based on the theory of graphs and some aspects of operational research. Using the notion of "path", a dynamic definition of the notion of dialect continnum is put forward. This study is a contribution to the developing search for interdisciplinary and operational concepts and tools, with a view to promoting, by means of heuristic procedures, the specific character of mathematics-based and computer-assisted geolinguistics (notion of "geolinguistic inter-relatedness"). The result is that, in presenting sub-programs based on the notion of recursivity, the optimization of the interareal flows of grains (and losses) of verbal forms and spaciolinguistic graphs, the bitche area, in spite of superficial turbulences, appears to be an organized whole, in other words a unified fields, criss-crossed by structuring microvariational networks representing the backbone of the macrodialectal continuum
Jang, Han-Up. « La politesse verbale en coréen, en français et dans les interactions exolingues ; applications didactiques ». rouen, 1993.
Texte intégralThe difficulties of korean speakers in learning french verbal politeness are due not only to linguistic divergences, but also to the methodological short comings of the textbooks, and by extension, of the teaching of french as a foreign language in korean high schools. To make students acquire a real communicative and cultural competence, a deeper didactic study is necessary, based on the analysis of the exolingual interactions between korean and french people from an interactionnist point of view
Moutawaj, Salma. « Prise en compte de la gestualité co-verbale en classe de français langue étrangère ». Grenoble 3, 2004.
Texte intégralQuemere, Françoise. « Marques et marges du futur en français. Expression verbale et valeurs / Défectivité et substitutions ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralThis thesis attempts to draw a notion of future meaning and counts some verbal forms from which future provides its own. Future necessarily shows to consider a still not occurred time. Variants used to express future temporal reference are fewer compared to past tenses. Future tense, originally periphrastic (habeo+infinitif) moves into a synthetic form, and, concurrently turns out to another future, periphrastic too, along diachronic dynamics by the way of recurring cycles. The point at issue of the -R morpheme shared by conditional tense, participates in recurring debates about its distinguishability into tense or into modal mood. The first part of the thesis takes into account linguistic tools for analyzing verbal tense, then turns on a semantic analysis checking tenses and gathering various usages which works in speech.In a second part, we focus on (to a certain extent) a defective conjugation that future fulfills by verbal answers, even not plainly assigned to future expression, chief meaning subsisting. These substitutions are not really, in the full sense, defined as being that; indeed, variety of expression of future is due to difficulty for visualizing future. “SI utterances” are not all to be considered as infringements, consequently they will conclude this thesis. Without aim of exhaustiveness, here are the grounds of future and their depiction that we attempt to assess
Koehl, Aurore. « La construction morphologique des noms désadjectivaux suffixés en français ». Phd thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012.
Texte intégralSenos, Stéphanie. « Enseignement-apprentissage de la langue-culture française : analyse ethnographique de la communication verbale et non verbale de formateurs en français pour les migrants adultes ». Limoges, 2013.
Texte intégralThis work focuses on teaching French as a foreign language to adults in a migratory context. Observing that communication is the major problem for a teacher, the analysis will centre on verbal and non-verbal communication in teaching-learning situations. Considering that the feeling of imbalance is the starting point of any learning, this study will be mainly concerned with the concept of universal-singular in connection with the theory of culture shock. The ethnographic analysis of discourse practices and actual teachers’ practices for adult migrants in French informs us about teachers’ methodologies and the role they ascribe to languages and cultures in training sessions. This analysis shows that a comparative intercultural approach, relying on a task-based approach and the contextualized meaning of language seems to be propitious to the teaching-learning of the French language and culture, regarding bi-multilingual adult learners, who were more or less educated previously in a monolingual context
Bonin, Patrick. « Accès lexical en production verbale : essai de mise en évidence d'une spécificité de l'écrit ». Dijon, 1995.
Texte intégralThe goal of this research was to study lexical access in written production in an experimental way to favor the conception that lexical access in written language production would share some processing levels with spoken language production system and that writing would also have some specific processing components. The review of the literature (chapitre 1) showed that studies dealing with were less advanced than those dealing with comprehension or with spoken language production. In fact, most investigations on lexical access in writing came from the cognitive neuropsychological field. According to this latter approach, lexical access in writing would not be mediated by the systematic prior retrieval of phonological codes for orthographic codes being retrieved or computed. Our position was that the neuropsychological view had to be supported by experimental data provided by normal adults. Eight experiments have been run on highly literate adults using two traditional paradigms that have been widely used to investigate spoken language production, namely the rt paradigm and the interference paradigm. These experiments are presented in chapters 2 and 3. In these experiments, spoken language production was always investigated together with written language production. In chapter 4, the main results are summarized and discussed. Future research directions are presented and discussed. The results obtained from these experiments suggested that the two language production systems would share some processing components and that lexical access in the written production of isolated words would not require the systematic and prior involvement of phonological codes
Adouani, Abdellatif. « Les substantifs deverbaux "a suffixe zero" en français moderne : étude morpho-syntaxe et sementique ». Lyon 2, 1989.
Texte intégralThis work has a clearly defined object. It consists in the morphological, semantic and syntactic study of a class of substantives derived from verbs without suffixation. The list of these nouns has been drawn up according to historical criteria and the study is on the whole synchronic
Leturgie, Arnaud. « L'amalgamation lexicale en français : approches lexicologique et morphologique : Vers une grammaire de l'amalgamation lexicale en français ». Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2012.
Texte intégralStudies on lexical blending in French, have established a fairly accurate description of the phenomenon, while reflecting the different morpho-phonological structures of blends. However, no attempt at developing rules of blending has been proposed previously in French. This thesis aims at assessing the opportunity and the means to develop a model of systematic description of the process, in order to formulate rules for constructing lexical blends in French. Our approach uses Optimality Theory, among other theories, to identify a prototype of lexical blend and to consider the making of a grammar of blending, like previous studies conducted by Bat-El (1996), Piñeros (2004) and Hong (2005) have
Some, Kogh Pascal. « Temporalité verbale et récit : le fonctionnement du système verbal du français dans les romans burkinabè ». Cergy-Pontoise, 1998.
Texte intégralBouchard, Robert. « Interaction et discursivité : sciences du langage, didactique des langues, didactique du français ». Grenoble 3, 1990.
Texte intégralThis dissertation has its origins in the conjunction of a pedagogical need, the teaching of oral and written discourse competence, and, of new scientific propositions offered by conversational analyses on the one hand text grammars on the other. Therefore, this study deals with the analysis and or the teaching of pragmatic regularities in linguistic units larger than the sentence. The first part is devoted to the analysis of oral interactions, between native speakers or between natives and foreigners, in "natural" situations as well as in school, and the second part to written discours from a dual point of view: its natural acquisition and its guided learning. The conjunction of these studies enables the presentation of a more unified hypothesis concerning the pramatic structure of discourse and of verbal interaction. From a semiological point of view, they do not function as autonomous phenomenons but are determined by the "communicative events" in which they appear, oral or written discourses are hence organized, according to the functional needs of these events, at their three levels of organization: material, social and linguistic
Chastagner, Nadine. « Approche synchronique de l'attribution du genre grammatical français ». Paris 5, 2006.
Texte intégralOur research concerns the functioning of french grammratical gender assignment in a synchronic perspective. On a corpus of man recent vocabularies (current, informatics et internet, social languages), we show that grammatical gender as formel object is corditionned by differents types of factors (structural, oragmatic, subjective, cognitive). The assigned mechanisms described although localized and relatives are structured according to micro-systems in which different types of logics are implicated. Such a purpose has required a method adapted no the functioning divided and multiple of gender. This one confronts the phenomenons relating no lexical production with their sociolinguistics variations and phenomenons relating to reception by inquiry with one hundred persons
Borel, Marine. « Les formes verbales surcomposées en français ». Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019.
Texte intégralMy research consists in a semantic and morphological analysis of the so-called “surcomposé” verbal forms in French (j’ai eu fait, j’avais eu fait, j’aurai eu fait, etc.). The most frequently used and best-represented form is called “passé surcomposé”, such as j’ai eu fait. However, all the forms of the paradigm are attested to some degree.The passé surcomposé displays two distinct uses. The first one, known as the “standard use”, is attested throughout the French-speaking world. This type can be described as a resultative past. Indeed, through its “perfect” aspect, it points to the phase, in the past, following the process. Used in association with the passé composé with an aoristic value, which points to the on-going process, it creates anteriority effects (quand il a eu mangé, il est parti).The second use, referred to as “regional”, is only attested in the areas with an Occitan and a Franco-Provencal substrate. This second passé surcomposé can be described as an experiential perfect because it always has an “experiential” value that indicates that a given situation has occurred at least once within a certain temporal interval. Speakers who use these forms understand an utterance like j’ai eu mangé du requin as I have eaten shark at least once.The “standard” and “regional” forms do not only differ in terms of semantics. They are also different at the morphological level: whereas the former are constructed by auxiliary composition (avoir eu + fait), the latter are constructed by the insertion of the morpheme eu, which is an experiential marker, in the composed verbal phrase: avoir (+eu) fait. Of course this difference is not “visible” for forms constructed with the auxiliary “avoir”. It is however revealed with verbs requiring the auxiliary “être”: resultative forms are constructed on the model avoir été + parti (quand il a été parti, je suis allée me coucher), while experiential forms are constructed on the model être (+eu) parti (on est eu partis en vacances en Italie).As the form-meaning correspondence is absolute, the present work proposes a view according to which these forms correspond to different verbal forms and not only distinct uses
Rhee, Eun-Mee. « Étude du fonctionnement de cependant et pourtant en français contemporain : altérité et orientation des relations interpropositionnelles ». Besançon, 1999.
Texte intégralSendi, Monia. « La géométrie du sens : la polysémie verbale en question ». Thesis, Dijon, 2015.
Texte intégralOur study focuses on the concept of geometry of sense. the study of the concept of verb occupies the main axis of our thesis. This concept is known for its complexity. This is explained by the polysemy of French verbs. We focused our study on the syntactic-semantic analysis of the two verbs "to climb " and "to pass". Indeed, the multiplicity of use involves the notion of verbal polysemy. This notion despite its importance is still very difficult to formulate. We have tried in this study using three electronic dictionaries to disambiguate the verbs "to climb " and "to pass". This work allows us to account for the influence of the syntax and vocabulary of the senses of these two verbs. We explained the opportunity to disambiguate a polysemous verb not by recourse to a list of synonyms but by a set of meanings in specific syntactic constructions. In our approach, we used an automatic method of disambiguation B Victorri that has specificity for the analysis of polysemous lexical units. We found that there is reconciliation between the theoretical analysis and the analysis given by this method. This model is based on linguistic theories and operates mathematics and computer with the aim to clearly describe and solve the problem of verbal polysemy. So our work is multidisciplinary. This is where computer science and mathematics is at the service of the analysis of natural languages