Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Monte Carlo sampling and estimation »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Liao, Meihao, Rong-Hua Li, Qiangqiang Dai, Hongyang Chen, Hongchao Qin et Guoren Wang. « Efficient Personalized PageRank Computation : The Power of Variance-Reduced Monte Carlo Approaches ». Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 1, no 2 (13 juin 2023) : 1–26.
Texte intégralWolf, A. T., T. E. Burk et J. G. Isebrands. « Estimation of daily and seasonal whole-tree photosynthesis using Monte Carlo integration techniques ». Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25, no 2 (1 février 1995) : 253–60.
Texte intégralMorio, Jérôme, Baptiste Levasseur et Sylvain Bertrand. « Drone Ground Impact Footprints with Importance Sampling : Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis ». Applied Sciences 11, no 9 (25 avril 2021) : 3871.
Texte intégralNawajah, Inad, Hassan Kanj, Yehia Kotb, Julian Hoxha, Mouhammad Alakkoumi et Kamel Jebreen. « Bayesian Regression Analysis using Median Rank Set Sampling ». European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 17, no 1 (31 janvier 2024) : 180–200.
Texte intégralBaker, Matthew J. « Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Estimation in Mata ». Stata Journal : Promoting communications on statistics and Stata 14, no 3 (septembre 2014) : 623–61.
Texte intégralThom, H., W. Fang, Z. Wang, NJ Welton, T. Goda et M. Giles. « Advanced Monte-Carlo Sampling Schemes for Value of Information Estimation ». Value in Health 20, no 9 (octobre 2017) : A772.
Texte intégralTaverniers, Søren, et Daniel M. Tartakovsky. « Estimation of distributions via multilevel Monte Carlo with stratified sampling ». Journal of Computational Physics 419 (octobre 2020) : 109572.
Texte intégralLang, Lixin, Wen-shiang Chen, Bhavik R. Bakshi, Prem K. Goel et Sridhar Ungarala. « Bayesian estimation via sequential Monte Carlo sampling—Constrained dynamic systems ». Automatica 43, no 9 (septembre 2007) : 1615–22.
Texte intégralMagnussen, S., R. E. McRoberts et E. O. Tomppo. « A resampling variance estimator for the k nearest neighbours technique ». Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40, no 4 (avril 2010) : 648–58.
Texte intégralRulaningtyas, Riries, Yusrinourdi Muhammad Zuchruf, Akif Rahmatillah, Khusnul Ain, Alfian Pramudita Putra, Osmalina Nur Rahma, Limpat Salamat et Rifai Chai. « ELBOW ANGLE ESTIMATION FROM EMG SIGNALS BASED ON MONTE CARLO SIMULATION ». Jurnal Teknologi 84, no 4 (30 mai 2022) : 79–90.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Chen, Wen-shiang. « Bayesian estimation by sequential Monte Carlo sampling for nonlinear dynamic systems ». Connect to this title online, 2004.
Texte intégralTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xiv, 117 p. : ill. (some col.). Advisors: Bhavik R. Bakshi and Prem K. Goel, Department of Chemical Engineering. Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-117).
Gilabert, Navarro Joan Francesc. « Estimation of binding free energies with Monte Carlo atomistic simulations and enhanced sampling ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020.
Texte intégralEls grans avenços en la capacitat de computació han motivat l'esperança que els mètodes de simulacions per ordinador puguin accelerar el ritme de descobriment de nous fàrmacs. Per a què això sigui possible, es necessiten eines ràpides, acurades i fàcils d'utilitzar. Un dels problemes que han rebut més atenció és el de la predicció d'energies lliures d'unió entre proteïna i lligand. Dos grans problemes han estat identificats per a aquests mètodes: la falta de mostreig i les aproximacions dels models. Aquesta tesi està enfocada a resoldre el primer problema. Per a això, presentem el desenvolupament de mètodes eficients per a l'estimació de d'energies lliures d'unió entre proteïna i lligand. Hem desenvolupat un protocol que combina mètodes anomenats enhanced sampling amb simulació clàssiques per a obtenir una major eficiència. Els mètodes d'enhanced sampling són una classe d'eines que apliquen algun tipus de pertorbació externa al sistema que s'està estudiant per tal d'accelerar-ne el mostreig. En el nostre protocol, primer correm una simulació exploratòria d'enhanced sampling, començant per una mostra de la unió de la proteïna i el lligand. Aquesta simulació esta parcialment esbiaixada cap a aquells estats del sistema on els dos components es troben més separats. Després utilitzem la informació obtinguda d'aquesta primera simulació més curta per a córrer una segona simulació més llarga, amb mètodes sense biaix per obtenir una estadística fidedigna del sistema. Gràcies a la modularitat i el grau d'automatització que la implementació del protocol ofereix, hem pogut provar tres mètodes diferents per les simulacions llargues: PELE, dinàmica molecular i AdaptivePELE. PELE i dinàmica molecular han mostrat resultats similars, tot i que PELE utilitza menys recursos. Els dos han mostrat bons resultats en l'estudi de sistemes de fragments o amb proteïnes amb llocs d'unió poc flexibles. Però, els dos han fallat a l'hora de reproduir els resultats experimentals per a una quinasa, la Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (ERK2). D'altra banda, AdaptivePELE no ha mostrat una gran millora respecte a PELE, amb resultats positius per a la proteïna Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (URO) i una clara falta de mostreig per al receptor de progesterona (PR). En aquest treball hem demostrat la importància d'establir un banc de proves equilibrat durant el desenvolupament de nous mètodes. Mitjançant l'ús d'un banc de proves divers hem pogut establir en quins casos es pot esperar que el protocol obtingui resultats acurats, i quines àrees necessiten més desenvolupament. El banc de proves ha consistit de quatre proteïnes i més de trenta lligands, molt més dels que comunament s'utilitzen en el desenvolupament de mètodes per a la predicció d'energies d'unió mitjançant mètodes basats en camins (pathway-based). En resum, la metodologia desenvolupada durant aquesta tesi pot contribuir al procés de recerca de nous fàrmacs per a certs tipus de sistemes de proteïnes. Per a la resta, hem observat que els mètodes de simulació no esbiaixats no són prou eficients i tècniques més sofisticades són necessàries.
Xu, Nuo. « A Monte Carlo Study of Single Imputation in Survey Sampling ». Thesis, Örebro universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro Universitet, 2013.
Texte intégralPtáček, Martin. « Spatial Function Estimation with Uncertain Sensor Locations ». Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2021.
Texte intégralDiop, Khadim. « Estimation de la fiabilité d'un palier fluide ». Thesis, Angers, 2015.
Texte intégralThese research is a contribution to the development of reliability theory in fluid mechanics. For the machines design and complex mechatronic systems, many fluid components are used. These components have static and dynamic sensitive characteristics and thus have a great significance on the reliabilityand lifetime of the machines and systems. Development performed focuses specifically on the reliability evaluation of a fluid bearing using a"fluid mechanics - reliability" interaction approach. This coupling requires a specific definition of the limit state function for estimating the failure probability of a fluid bearing. The Reynolds equation permits to determine the fluid bearing load capacity according to the operating conditions. Several simple geometries of fluid bearings were modeled analytically and their failure probabilities were estimated using the approximation methods FORM / SORM (First Order Reliability Method,Second Order Reliability Method) and Monte Carlo simulation
Greer, Brandi A. Young Dean M. « Bayesian and pseudo-likelihood interval estimation for comparing two Poisson rate parameters using under-reported data ». Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, 2008.
Texte intégralThajeel, Jawad. « Kriging-based Approaches for the Probabilistic Analysis of Strip Footings Resting on Spatially Varying Soils ». Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Texte intégralThe probabilistic analysis of geotechnical structures involving spatially varying soil properties is generally performed using Monte Carlo Simulation methodology. This method is not suitable for the computation of the small failure probabilities encountered in practice because it becomes very time-expensive in such cases due to the large number of simulations required to calculate accurate values of the failure probability. Three probabilistic approaches (named AK-MCS, AK-IS and AK-SS) based on an Active learning and combining Kriging and one of the three simulation techniques (i.e. Monte Carlo Simulation MCS, Importance Sampling IS or Subset Simulation SS) were developed. Within AK-MCS, a Monte Carlo simulation without evaluating the whole population is performed. Indeed, the population is predicted using a kriging meta-model which is defined using only a few points of the population thus significantly reducing the computation time with respect to the crude MCS. In AK-IS, a more efficient sampling technique ‘IS’ is used instead of ‘MCS’. In the framework of this approach, the small failure probability is estimated with a similar accuracy as AK-MCS but using a much smaller size of the initial population, thus significantly reducing the computation time. Finally, in AK-SS, a more efficient sampling technique ‘SS’ is proposed. This technique overcomes the search of the design points and thus it can deal with arbitrary shapes of the limit state surfaces. All the three methods were applied to the case of a vertically loaded strip footing resting on a spatially varying soil. The obtained results are presented and discussed
Wu, Yi-Fang. « Accuracy and variability of item parameter estimates from marginal maximum a posteriori estimation and Bayesian inference via Gibbs samplers ». Diss., University of Iowa, 2015.
Texte intégralArgouarc, h. Elouan. « Contributions to posterior learning for likelihood-free Bayesian inference ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024.
Texte intégralBayesian posterior inference is used in many scientific applications and is a prevalent methodology for decision-making under uncertainty. It enables practitioners to confront real-world observations with relevant observation models, and in turn, infer the distribution over an explanatory variable. In many fields and practical applications, we consider ever more intricate observation models for their otherwise scientific relevance, but at the cost of intractable probability density functions. As a result, both the likelihood and the posterior are unavailable, making posterior inference using the usual Monte Carlo methods unfeasible.In this thesis, we suppose that the observation model provides a recorded dataset, and our aim is to bring together Bayesian inference and statistical learning methods to perform posterior inference in a likelihood-free setting. This problem, formulated as learning an approximation of a posterior distribution, includes the usual statistical learning tasks of regression and classification modeling, but it can also be an alternative to Approximate Bayesian Computation methods in the context of simulation-based inference, where the observation model is instead a simulation model with implicit density.The aim of this thesis is to propose methodological contributions for Bayesian posterior learning. More precisely, our main goal is to compare different learning methods under the scope of Monte Carlo sampling and uncertainty quantification.We first consider the posterior approximation based on the likelihood-to-evidence ratio, which has the main advantage that it turns a problem of conditional density learning into a problem of binary classification. In the context of Monte Carlo sampling, we propose a methodology for sampling from such a posterior approximation. We leverage the structure of the underlying model, which is conveniently compatible with the usual ratio-based sampling algorithms, to obtain straightforward, parameter-free, and density-free sampling procedures.We then turn to the problem of uncertainty quantification. On the one hand, normalized models such as the discriminative construction are easy to apply in the context of Bayesian uncertainty quantification. On the other hand, while unnormalized models, such as the likelihood-to-evidence-ratio, are not easily applied in uncertainty-aware learning tasks, a specific unnormalized construction, which we refer to as generative, is indeed compatible with Bayesian uncertainty quantification via the posterior predictive distribution. In this context, we explain how to carry out uncertainty quantification in both modeling techniques, and we then propose a comparison of the two constructions under the scope of Bayesian learning.We finally turn to the problem of parametric modeling with tractable density, which is indeed a requirement for epistemic uncertainty quantification in generative and discriminative modeling methods. We propose a new construction of a parametric model, which is an extension of both mixture models and normalizing flows. This model can be applied to many different types of statistical problems, such as variational inference, density estimation, and conditional density estimation, as it benefits from rapid and exact density evaluation, a straightforward sampling scheme, and a gradient reparameterization approach
Kastner, Gregor, et Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter. « Ancillarity-Sufficiency Interweaving Strategy (ASIS) for Boosting MCMC Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models ». WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2013.
Texte intégralSeries: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics
Livres sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Lemieux, Christiane. Monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sampling. New York : Springer, 2009.
Trouver le texte intégralFu, Michael. Conditional Monte Carlo : Gradient Estimation and Optimization Applications. Boston, MA : Springer US, 1997.
Trouver le texte intégralFu, Michael. Conditional Monte Carlo : Gradient estimation and optimization applications. Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
Trouver le texte intégralEvans, Michael J. Monte Carlo computation of marginal posterior qualities. Toronto : University of Toronto, Dept. of Statistics, 1988.
Trouver le texte intégralManly, Bryan F. J., 1944-, dir. Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology. 2e éd. London : Chapman & Hall, 1997.
Trouver le texte intégralManly, Bryan F. J. Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology. 2e éd. Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2001.
Trouver le texte intégralEvans, Michael J. Adaptive importance sampling and chaining. Toronto : University of Toronto, Dept. of Statistics, 1990.
Trouver le texte intégralBosá, Ivana. Exact property estimation from diffusion Monte Carlo with minimal stochastic reconfiguration. St. Catharines, Ont : Brock University, Dept. of Physics, 2004.
Trouver le texte intégralAït-Sahalia, Yacine. Maximum likelihood estimation of stochastic volatility models. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004.
Trouver le texte intégralPetrone, Sonia. A note on convergence rates of Gibbs sampling for nonparametric mixtures. Toronto : University of Toronto, Dept. of Statistics, 1998.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Han, Chuan-Hsiang. « Importance Sampling Estimation of Joint Default Probability under Structural-Form Models with Stochastic Correlation ». Dans Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2010, 409–18. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Texte intégralWypasek, C. J., J. V. Butera et B. G. Fitzpatrick. « Monte Carlo Estimation of Diffusion Distributions at Inter-sampling Times ». Dans Stochastic Analysis, Control, Optimization and Applications, 505–20. Boston, MA : Birkhäuser Boston, 1999.
Texte intégralKeramat, Mansour, et Richard Kielbasa. « Latin Hypercube Sampling Monte Carlo Estimation of Average Quality Index for Integrated Circuits ». Dans Analog Design Issues in Digital VLSI Circuits and Systems, 131–42. Boston, MA : Springer US, 1997.
Texte intégralTyagi, Anuj Kumar, Xavier Jonsson, Theo Beelen et W. H. A. Schilders. « An Unbiased Hybrid Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Approach for Yield Estimation in Electronic Circuit Design ». Dans Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, 233–42. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Texte intégralFastowicz, Jarosław, Dawid Bąk, Przemysław Mazurek et Krzysztof Okarma. « Estimation of Geometrical Deformations of 3D Prints Using Local Cross-Correlation and Monte Carlo Sampling ». Dans Image Processing and Communications Challenges 9, 67–74. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Texte intégralBocci, Chiara, et Emilia Rocco. « On the use of auxiliary information in spatial sampling ». Dans Proceedings e report, 151–56. Florence : Firenze University Press and Genova University Press, 2023.
Texte intégralKroese, Dirk P., et Joshua C. C. Chan. « Monte Carlo Sampling ». Dans Statistical Modeling and Computation, 195–226. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2013.
Texte intégralKleijnen, Jack P. C., et Reuven Y. Rubinstein. « Monte Carlo sampling ». Dans Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 524–26. New York, NY : Springer US, 2001.
Texte intégralBarbu, Adrian, et Song-Chun Zhu. « Cluster Sampling Methods ». Dans Monte Carlo Methods, 123–88. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2020.
Texte intégralDupree, Stephen A., et Stanley K. Fraley. « Monte Carlo Sampling Techniques ». Dans A Monte Carlo Primer, 21–56. Boston, MA : Springer US, 2002.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Guibert, Alexandre, Álvaro Díaz-Flores, Anirban Chaudhuri et H. Alicia Kim. « Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification in Battery Performance for eVTOL Flights Under Material and Loading Uncertainties ». Dans Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–8. The Vertical Flight Society, 2024.
Texte intégralHaile, Mulugeta. « Data-Informed Structural Diagnostic Framework ». Dans Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–9. The Vertical Flight Society, 2015.
Texte intégralFrewen, Thomas, Bob LaBarre, Mark Gurvich et Sergey Shishkin. « Enhancement of Reliability-Based Probabilistic Solutions for Rotorcraft Structural Analysis and Optimization ». Dans Vertical Flight Society 72nd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–19. The Vertical Flight Society, 2016.
Texte intégralChryssanthacopoulos, James, Mykel Kochenderfer et Richard Williams. « Improved Monte Carlo Sampling for Conflict Probability Estimation ». Dans 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
18th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference
12th. Reston, Virigina : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010.
Dong, Hui, et Marvin K. Nakayama. « Quantile estimation using conditional Monte Carlo and Latin hypercube sampling ». Dans 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). IEEE, 2017.
Texte intégralSuresh, K., et J. Lagajac. « Fast Monte Carlo domain sampling for discrete field value estimation ». Dans the fourth ACM symposium. New York, New York, USA : ACM Press, 1997.
Texte intégralDoorn, T. S., E. J. W. ter Maten, J. A. Croon, A. Di Bucchianico et O. Wittich. « Importance sampling Monte Carlo simulations for accurate estimation of SRAM yield ». Dans ESSCIRC 2008 - 34th European Solid-State Circuits Conference. IEEE, 2008.
Texte intégralZhang, Pushi, Li Zhao, Guoqing Liu, Jiang Bian, Minlie Huang, Tao Qin et Tie-Yan Liu. « Independence-aware Advantage Estimation ». Dans Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California : International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021.
Texte intégralDjuric, Petar M., et Cagla Tasdemir. « Estimation of posterior distributions with population Monte Carlo sampling and graphical modeling ». Dans 2012 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP). IEEE, 2012.
Texte intégralYi, Daqing, Shushman Choudhury et Siddhartha Srinivasa. « Incorporating qualitative information into quantitative estimation via Sequentially Constrained Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling ». Dans 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2017.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Monte Carlo sampling and estimation"
Herbst, Edward, et Frank Schorfheide. Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling for DSGE Models. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, juin 2013.
Texte intégralKalos, M. H. Domain Green's Function Sampling in Diffusion Monte Carlo. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), avril 2000.
Texte intégralJohn A. Krommes et Sharadini Rath. Monte Carlo Sampling of Negative-temperature Plasma States. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), juillet 2002.
Texte intégralMartz, R. L., R. C. Gast et L. J. Tyburski. Monte Carlo next-event point flux estimation for RCP01. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), décembre 1991.
Texte intégralChilders, David, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Jesse Perla, Christopher Rackauckas et Peifan Wu. Differentiable State-Space Models and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Estimation. Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research, octobre 2022.
Texte intégralDevaney, J. Uniform versus random sampling in physical calculations : Monte Carlo. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septembre 1989.
Texte intégralBond, Stephen, Brian Franke, Richard Lehoucq et Scott McKinley. Sensitivity Analyses for Monte Carlo Sampling-Based Particle Simulations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septembre 2022.
Texte intégralÜney, Murat, et Müjdat Çetin. Monte Carlo optimization approach for decentralized estimation networks under communication constraints. Sabanci University, novembre 2010.
Texte intégralKuruvilla Verghese. Mammographic Imaging Studies Using the Monte Carlo Image Simulation-Differential Sampling (MCMIS-DS) Code. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), avril 2002.
Texte intégralT.J. Donovan et Y. Danon. Application of Monte Carlo Chord-Length Sampling Algorithms to Transport Through a 2-D Binary Stochastic Mixture. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mars 2002.
Texte intégral