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Corato, Aline Coelho Sanches. « A obra e a trajetória do arquiteto Giancarlo Palanti : Itália e Brasil ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18131/tde-24062008-100259/.

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Résumé :
Trata da obra do arquiteto italiano Giancarlo Palanti na Itália e no Brasil, resgatando sua trajetória, inserção e atuação no ambiente arquitetônico italiano do entre-guerras e brasileiro do final da década de 40 até meados da década de 70, localizando ainda sua importância e papel dentro de uma história da arquitetura moderna nestes dois países. Contribui também para a pesquisa dos arquitetos imigrantes, especialmente do período ligado aos acontecimentos da segunda guerra mundial e da investigação do trânsito das idéias entre Itália e Brasil. O trabalho identifica contribuições e especificidades na obra de Palanti em várias frentes: no desenho industrial, na arquitetura e no urbanismo, e numa produção marcada pelo trabalho em equipe.
This text deals about the work of italian architect Giancarlo Palanti in Italy and Brazil, gathering his paths, insertion and acting among italian between-wars and brazilian late forties to early seventies architectonical environment, also placing his importance into these countries\' modern architecture history. It is also important for the research on immigrant architects - mainly those related to post-war events - and for the investigation of cultural exchange between Italy and Brazil. It also identifies Giancarlo Palanti´s contributions and specificities on several aspects: industrial design, architecture and urbanism, and a career marked by team-made designs.
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Porto, Daniele Resende. « O Barreiro de Araxá - projetos para uma estância hidromineral em Minas Gerais ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2005. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18131/tde-20112006-144038/.

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Résumé :
O trabalho investiga os projetos elaborados para a construção da estância hidromineral do Barreiro, em Araxá, Minas Gerais, compreendendo o plano urbanístico feito sob a orientação do engenheiro Lincoln Continentino, os diversos edifícios que constituem tal complexo, propostos pelo escritório de Luiz Signorelli e por Francisco Bolonha, e o parque concebido por Roberto Burle-Marx. Estabelece paralelos entre essa estância e outros planos semelhantes no Brasil e no exterior, buscando reconhecer seus modelos e referências; bem como observar a inserção do Barreiro como um dos vários balneários construídos no país entre 1920 e 1950, período de introdução e adaptação de idéias urbanísticas internacionais e de debate entre a arquitetura eclética e a moderna no Brasil.
The work investigates the projects elaborated for the construction of Barreiro hidromineral resort, in Araxá, Minas Gerais, compreending the urban plan, prepaired under engeneer Lincoln Continentino’s supervision, the buildings that constitute such ensemble, proposed by Luiz Signorelli’s office team and by Francisco Bolonha, and the park, conceived by Roberto Burle Marx. The text makes some comparisons between this complex and other similar plans in Brazil and in foreign countries, in order to recognize its models and references and to observe Barreiro’s role as one of the several watering-places built in Brazil between 1920 and 1950, a period of introduction and adaptation of international urbanistic ideas and of debate between ecletic and modern architecture in Brazil.
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Pita, Maria Eliza de Castro. « Le Corbusier : o cristal e a concha ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/16/16133/tde-15052013-152203/.

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A produção de Le Corbusier a partir da década de 1930 sofre grande mudança se for comparada ao período das \"casas brancas\". Na historiografia não há consenso na análise do referido período, ou mesmo aqueles que tecem as análises extensivas ao racionalismo corbusiano para este período tem certa dificuldade. Partindo desta constatação, este trabalho oferece alternativas de interpretação através da vínculação da produção arquitetônica e urbanística com a produção artística de Le Corbusier.
Le Corbusier\'s production since the thirties passes through great transformation when compared with the period of the \"white houses\". There is no agreement between historians in their analysis of the period and even those who try to analyse it through the optics of the corbusian rationalism have difficulties. This work offers alternative interpretations linking Le Corbusier\'s architectural and urban production with his artistic production.
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Poyneer, Lisa A. (Lisa Ann) 1975. « Term rewriting system models of modern microprocessors ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/80566.

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PIACENZA, IRENE ALICE. « Simplified Dynamic Models for Modern Flying Vehicles ». Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11583/2539693.

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This dissertation contributes to the definition of minimum–complexity approaches that allows for representing realistic effects typical of modern fixed- and rotary-wing configurations, limiting as much as possible increase in order and overall complexity of the dynamic model of the class of aerial vehicles considered. In particular, the thesis deals with (1) the development of a novel low–order mathematical model for including structural deformation effects in the analysis of response to control inputs of flexible aircraft; (2) the derivation of a simplified models for unsteady aerodynamic effects, with an application to helicopter main rotor; (3) modeling and assessment of the maneuvering potential for a novel quadrotor configuration with tilting rotors. A mixed Newtonian–Lagrangian approach is proposed for the derivation of flexible aircraft equations of motion, where Lagrange equations are used for flexible degrees of freedom, discretized by means of Gal¨erkin method, whereas the evolution of transport degrees of freedom (position and attitude variables) is obtained by means of Newton second law and generalized Euler equation. A strong link with conventional rigid aircraft equations of motion is maintained, that allows highlighting those terms less relevant for aircraft response. When negligible, these terms are removed and a minimum complexity flexible aircraft model is derived, suitable for real–time simulation and control law synthesis. Similarly, unsteady aerodynamic effects over a rotating blade are modeled by means of an available approach, namely the ONERA dynamic stall model. Some reasonable simplifying assumptions based on the comparison of simulation results with a quasi–static aerodynamic model are then derived and a minimum complexity, 6 degree–of–freedom helicopter model is proposed which takes into account the issues related to retreating blade stall. Finally, an existing inverse simulation algorithm is applied for the first time to the determination of the control laws for tracking desired maneuvers by means of an unconventional quad-rotor configuration featuring four tilting rotors. This novel configuration allow access to an extended maneuver envelope and ad hoc instruments are needed for assessing its maneuvering potential. For all the considered problems, the approaches developed are demonstrated by means of numerical results, applied to a particular class of modern fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft, but the possibility of extending the results to different classes of vehicles is also highlighted.
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Siqueira, Joelma Santana. « À procura de objetos gritantes : um estudo da narrativa de Clarice Lispector ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8149/tde-30072008-092614/.

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Résumé :
O presente trabalho detém-se na leitura de textos da escritora Clarice Lispector produzidos nos anos 1940, 1950 e 1960: Perto do coração selvagem, contos de Laços de família e textos e contos de A legião estrangeira. Com a finalidade de investigar inter-relações entre literatura e outras artes na obra da escritora, o corpus foi confrontado com textos sobre as fontes e tradições da arte moderna, trabalhos críticos sobre a arte moderna no Brasil e estudos sobre o espaço moderno. A partir do conceito de \"espaço polissensorial\", proposto por Pierre Francastel, e do conceito de \"espaço em obra\", proposto por Alberto Tassinari, buscamos discutir homologias estruturais entre o espaço da narrativa clariciana e o espaço da pintura moderna. Os dois conceitos se relacionam a duas funções complementares que pensamos existir nas narrativas estudadas: a figuração e a exposição. Pela primeira, a narrativa apresenta personagens, ações, acontecimentos, eventos etc; e pela segunda, apresenta sinais do fazer. O pintor Wassily Kandinsky escreveu que o artista criador busca na aproximação com a música, a mais imaterial de todas as artes, um modo de exprimir com seus próprios meios sem que a imitação seja um fim em si. Trata-se de um aspecto observável na narradora de Perto do coração selvagem, por isso procuramos discutir de que modo a música, aludida muitas vezes na narrativa, relaciona-se com a estrutura do romance.
This work is focused on readings of Clarice Lispector\'s writings produced in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: the novel Perto do coração selvagem, short stories in Laços de família and texts and short stories in A legião estrangeira. Aiming at investigating the inter relations between literature and other forms of art, the writer\'s work corpus was confronted with texts on modern art\'s sources and traditions, Brazilian modern art critique and modern space studies. Based on the concepts of \"polysensorial space\" proposed by Pierre Francastel, and \"space at work\", proposed by Alberto Tassinari, structural homologies were studied between Ms. Lispector\' s narrative space and that of modern painting. The two concepts are related to two complementary functions which we believe exist in the narratives analyzed: figuration and exposition. The former introduces characters, actions, events, etc...in the narrative; the latter presents signs of acting. The painter Wassily Kandinsky wrote that the artist seeks to find in music, the most immaterial among the arts, a form of self-expression, without imitation being an end in itself. Since this is an aspect observed in the narrator of Perto do coração selvagem, we have attempted to discuss in which ways music, often alluded to in the narrative, is related to the novel\'s structure.
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Zhou, Xiao Yun. « Leadership in modern China old models to new / ». Thesis, online access from Digital Dissertation Consortium access full-text, 2006. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/er/db/ddcdiss.pl?MR18491.

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Tkach, A. V. « The models of compound words in modern terminology ». Thesis, БДМУ, 2017. http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/17378.

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Behramaj, Fisnik, et Daniel Albinsson. « Modern Träningsmaskin ». Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-29271.

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Résumé :
Detta projekt ämnar lösa problematiken med en användarvänlig träningsmaskin med målet attminska skador bland användarna. Detta ska ske genom att användarna själva inte ska behövaapplicera lösa vikter på en så kallad Smithmaskin. Projektets primära mål är att generera en kraftvia en teknisk lösning för att skapa motstånd på stången som kan användas under t.ex. bänkpress.Projektets syfte är att skapa en säker träningsmaskin ämnad för användare oavsett ålder, kön ellerfysiskt tillstånd. Ett annat mål med projektet är att skapa en prototyp på en redan befintligträningsmaskin men för en mindre kostnad. Metoden som tillämpas för projektet ärprocessbeskrivning, tester och undersökningar inom det kunskapsområde som berör studien.Projektgruppen har inhämtat kunskap och fakta via läroböcker samt vetenskapliga artiklar menockså via diskussioner med universitetsadjunkterna Hans-Erik Eldemark och Thomas Munther föratt sedan tillämpa denna information i arbetet. Projektet resulterade i en modifierad träningsmaskinämnad för att generera vikt via en växelströmsmotor där användaren kan välja vikt med ett intervallpå 5 kg via ett användarvänligt gränssnitt. Slutsatsen visar att projektet är genomförbart, att allahögprioriterade mål i kravspecifikationen uppfyllts samt att resultatet blev som förväntat.
This project intends to solve the problem with a training machine with the aim of reducing injuriesamong users. The users themselves shall not be applying the weights on this so calledSmithmachine. The project's primary goal is to generate a force via a technical solution to createresistance on the bar that can be used for e.g. bench press. The project aims to create a safe exercisemachine designed for users regardless of age, gender or physical condition. The goal of the projectis to create a prototype of an already existing exercise machine but for a small fee. The method isapplicable to the project's testing and exploration of the area of knowledge concerning the study.The project team has gathered knowledge and facts from Internet sources and through conversationswith two lecturers: Hans-Erik Eldemark and Thomas Munther to then apply this information in theirwork. The project resulted in a modified exercise machine designed to produce weight via an ACmotor in which the user can select the weight of 5 kg range via an user-friendly interface. Theconclusion shows that the project is practisable, that all high-priority targets in the specifications aremet and that the group got the expected results of the project.
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Corradetti, Valerie. « Modern Landscapes ». ScholarWorks@UNO, 2014. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/1865.

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I explore nature in order to understand something that is becoming increasingly unfamiliar. I wonder about accelerated human transactions with nature: the control of animals, land, and resources for pleasure, consumption or survival; and how these actions manifest themselves visually in the modern world. Through images, I create new ideas about my surroundings. My questions about nature are documented through my work employing subtlety to narrate stories of contemporary environments.
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Морозова, Ірина Анатоліївна, Ирина Анатольевна Морозова, Iryna Anatoliivna Morozova et M. S. Shkurat. « Modern engineering ». Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2011. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22728.

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Technology is taking such rapid strides forward at such a blurring pace that what is considered a marvelous novelty turns into a mundane common object within no time. To classify and bunch a set of man-made marvels from a world that is being constantly altered is a pretty tough job. Finding them is easy enough in a world filled with man-made wonders but the relevance of such a compilation will be short-lived compared with a list from the ancient world. Yet I embark on a journey across the planet and beyond to try and find out the best the world has to offer—our own creations that leave us in awe. I have found seven marvels of modern engineering. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22728
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Chernobrova, A. « Modern robots ». Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2012. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28605.

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Lamie, Philip Wayne. « Modern dislocation ». The Ohio State University, 1986. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1300208224.

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Zander, Patrick Glenn. « Right modern ». Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28270.

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Thesis (M. S.)--History, Technology and Society, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Committee Chair: Jonathan Schneer; Committee Member: Dr. John Krige; Committee Member: Dr. John Tone; Committee Member: Dr. Gus Giebelhaus; Outside Reader: Dr. David Edgerton.
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Lopez, Samuel. « MODERN CRYPTOGRAPHY ». CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/729.

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We live in an age where we willingly provide our social security number, credit card information, home address and countless other sensitive information over the Internet. Whether you are buying a phone case from Amazon, sending in an on-line job application, or logging into your on-line bank account, you trust that the sensitive data you enter is secure. As our technology and computing power become more sophisticated, so do the tools used by potential hackers to our information. In this paper, the underlying mathematics within ciphers will be looked at to understand the security of modern ciphers. An extremely important algorithm in today's practice is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is used by our very own National Security Agency (NSA) for data up to TOP SECRET. Another frequently used cipher is the RSA cryptosystem. Its security is based on the concept of prime factorization, and the fact that it is a hard problem to prime factorize huge numbers, numbers on the scale of 2^{2048} or larger. Cryptanalysis, the study of breaking ciphers, will also be studied in this paper. Understanding effective attacks leads to understanding the construction of these very secure ciphers.
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Jäger, Lars. « Den moderna förutsättningsläran ? : En undersökning av förutsättningsläran i modern praxis ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-258559.

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Collins, Nicholas J. « Forming the nation : early modern England and modern Ireland ». Thesis, University of Warwick, 2015. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/77249/.

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Résumé :
Previous work links early modern England with modern Ireland solely through the figure of Shakespeare. This thesis broadens the connection to early modern literature more generally, and examines the deeper cultural tie between the two temporo-geographical spaces. In forming nations, writers in the two periods adopt the same strategies; England and Ireland as nation-states emerge into modernity in the same manner because they share a cradle of modernity, characterised by widespread cultural production. The respective polities of Elizabethan England and the Irish Republic are shaped by the same forces: modern Ireland is not merely postcolonial, but is post-early modern England. Without a positive engagement with early modern England, there is no modern Ireland. In five chapters I examine different formal arrangements that are rewritten through literary culture. The relationship between mothers and daughters in James Stephens and Eavan Boland is central to Irish modernity through the motif of maternity, as with Queen Elizabeth I. Fathers and sons in Pádraic Pearse, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and in John McGahern are reorganised into fraternal relationships at the foundation of Ireland’s modernity alongside Love’s Labour’s Lost (1594-5) and King Lear (1605-6; 1609). Ghosts are the ideal figure of the sovereign, descending from Hamlet into J. M. Synge, Joyce’s ‘Hades’ and John Banville. Additionally, bodies are the most alienating form, yet provide the surest path to personal sovereignty from Volpone (performed 1605-6; published 1607) to Troilus and Cressida (1602), through to Samuel Beckett and Edna O’Brien. Finally, a national poet emerges from the nationalised land in the dance of John Davies’ Orchestra (1596) and W. B. Yeats, as in the digging of Hamlet (1600-1) and Seamus Heaney. We have long known about early modern writers’ importance to the shape of the nation, and here those ideas are updated. They now show how modern Irish writers’ contribution to the Republic’s polity forms through their English forebears several centuries earlier; the literary form of the nations gives rise to authors’ sovereignty – authors who in English script the modern Irish nation. Note on the Text When citing William Shakespeare I use the latest Arden editions, but I do not footnote references; instead I cite in parentheses in the main text. Occasionally I have used a different Shakespearean text, which has been signalled in the notes. Standard systems of reference have been adopted for Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene and Joyce’s Ulysses. I parenthetically cite line numbers for poems, rather than increase the number of notes. For prose and for drama, aside from Shakespeare, notes are used. Notes are reset for each chapter.
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Celić, Alan [Verfasser]. « Performance of Modern Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Models / Alan Celic ». Aachen : Shaker, 2004. http://d-nb.info/1186575085/34.

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Sjögren, Lena, et Erik Johansson. « Är modern historia historieämnets framtid ? : Den moderna historiens påverkan på historiemedvetandet ». Thesis, Växjö University, School of Humanities, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-2283.

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Uppsatsen är en induktiv studie med kvalitativa intervjuer, som undersöker gymnasielärare och historikers inställning till regeringens förslag om att historia A på gymnasiet ska fokusera på modern historia. Denna inställning ställer vi sedan i relation till begreppet historiemedvetande och får på detta sätt fram spännande resultat. Vi kunde se att åsikterna går isär, men att de alla i grund och botten har en gemensam tanke om vad som vore bäst för eleverna. Den stora skillnaden ligger i hur detta kan uppnås. Är det en fokusering på moderna tider, eller är det en lång tidsvandring som ger möjligheten att dra långa linjer som är det bästa? Vi kom fram till att en kurs på 100 poäng, som till största delen fokuserar på modern historia, och ger möjligheter att dra paralleller bakåt i tiden vore den bästa lösningen på problemet med dagens förslag. En nödvändighet är dock att samarbetet mellan skolstadierna fungerar.

This essay is an inductive study with qualitative interviews, which examines upper secondary school teachers’ and historians’ attitude to the government's proposal that History A in upper secondary school is to focus on modern history. We are discussing these attitudes in relation to the concept of History Awareness, which presented us with exciting results. Our study shows that there is a diversity of opinions on the topic, but that the interviewees in general have a common thought about what is best for the students. The big difference is in how this is supposed to be achieved. Is it a focus on modern history? Or is it long walks through time that gives the possibility to draw long lines that is the best? Our conclusion is that a class of 100 points, which mainly focuses on modern history, and presents possibilities to draw parallels to the past is the best solution to the problem with today's proposal. However, it is necessary that the cooperation between the different school stages is working.

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Almlöf, Hallberg Robin, et Kosovare Sadiki. « Den moderna pensionären : Äldre konsumenters användning av modern teknologi i köpprocessen ». Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för handel och företagande, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:his:diva-17000.

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How consumers act during the buyers decision making process can change with age. How older consumers use modern technology in the buyers decision making process has however not been given a clear picture by researchers. Therefore the purpose of this study is to examine how older consumers use technology in the buyers decision making process and create a more nuanced picture of their usage. By using a qualitative method in the form of small-N-study and semi-structured interviews we have been able to answer our research questions. We have found that the technology i mainly used during the information gathering stage and the evaluation stage of the buyers decision making process, according to our respondents. From this we have been able to identify two seperate user types: Searcher-Stig and Evaluation-Ulla (Sökar-Stig och Utvärderar-Ulla). These two user types describe how older consumers mainly use technology in the buyers decision making process.
Hur konsumenter agerar i köpprocessen kan ändras med åldern. Hur äldre konsumenter sedan använder teknologin i köpprocessen är dock något som forskningen inte lyckats ge en fullständig bild kring. Därmed är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur äldre konsumenter använder modern teknologi i köpprocessen för att skapa en mer nyanserad bild av äldre konsumenters användning av teknologi. Genom att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en små-N-studie och semi-strukturerade intervjuer har vi kunnat besvara våra frågor. Enligt våra respondenter så används mobilen främst under informationssökningsfasen och utvärderingsfasen av köpprocessen. Detta har lett till at vi kunnat ta fram två användartyper: Sökar-Stig och Utvärderar-Ulla, som skall beskriva äldre konsumenters användning av teknologi i köpprocessen.
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Vleck, Treena Marie. « Aldo Rossi : From Modern to Post-Modern Architecture, 1960-1990 ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 1990. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc504113/.

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The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the stylistic development of the Italian architect Aldo Rossi from Modern to Post-Modern design. A summary of the Modern architectural movement is presented along with an analysis of the developments in Post-Modern architecture since 1960. The influence of Italian culture on Rossi's career is discussed through a brief survey of Ancient Roman archetypal motifs and Italian architecture of the early 20th century. Several key buildings proposed or constructed by Rossi from 1960-1990 are discussed based on his concepts of analogy, typology, morphology and rationalism.
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Perfect, James. « Modern magic and magical practice : understanding the modern magical paradigm ». Thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.683200.

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Yan, Zhou. « The modern or the post-modern : on China's avant-garde ». Connect to resource, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1239110682.

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Hormain, Débora da Rosa Rodrigues Lima. « O relacionamento Brasil - EUA e a arquitetura moderna : experiências compartilhadas, 1939-1959 ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/16/16133/tde-14012013-154647/.

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Résumé :
A tese de Doutorado em questão analisa o relacionamento, as experiências e os intercâmbios ocorridos entre profissionais da arquitetura brasileiros e americanos (ou imigrantes na América do Norte) em um período que se estende desde o reconhecimento da arquitetura moderna brasileira no âmbito internacional, entre o final dos anos 1930 e início dos quarenta, atravessando o segundo pós-guerra até o início dos anos 1960. Inúmeras foram as trocas entre os dois países, muitas vezes desmerecidas em detrimento daquelas ocorridas com o continente europeu, e que neste trabalho procuramos dar espaço e buscar seu entendimento. De modo que o foco da pesquisa foi demonstrar que outras frentes de diálogo se consolidaram, justamente quando a arquitetura moderna que se fazia no Brasil passava, também, a dialogar internacionalmente, e, dentro deste panorama, os Estados Unidos da América, novo centro cultural do mundo, teve um papel essencial. Partindo do pressuposto que o relacionamento entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos foi decisivo no processo, na divulgação e no fortalecimento do modernismo brasileiro em âmbito internacional, o objetivo do trabalho foi compreender, através da identificação dos personagens e da análise das experiências e trocas entre os dois países, como estes fatos incidiram no campo arquitetônico brasileiro. O tema se desenvolveu a partir de uma visão síntese da interação entre a historiografia do movimento moderno e o contexto histórico e cultural em que os profissionais arquitetos se inseriam naquele preciso momento histórico.
The doctoral thesis examines the relationship in question, the experiences and professional exchanges occurred between the Brazilian and American architects (or immigrants in North America) in a period that extends from the recognition of Brazilian modern architecture at the international level, between late 1930s and early forties, through the second post-war until the early 1960s. Many were the exchanges between the two countries, often undeserved in detriment of those that occurred with the European continent, and in this paper we give space and seek their understanding. So the focus of the research was to demonstrate that other fronts of dialogue have been consolidated, just as the modern architecture that was done in Brazil was also beginning to dialogue internationally, and within this framework, the United States of America, new cultural center of the world, played a key role. Assuming that the relationship between Brazil and the United States was instrumental in the process, dissemination and strengthening of Brazilian modernism at the international level, the objective of the work was to understand, through the identification of the characters and analysis of the experiences and exchanges between the two countries, how these events have focused on the Brazilian architectural field. The theme was developed from a synthetic view of the interaction between the historiography of the modern movement and the historical and cultural context in which professional architects were inserted at that precise moment in history.
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Anchér, Anna. « Modern, Intim, Beskrivande ». Thesis, Högskolan på Gotland, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hgo:diva-1345.

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Ziegler, Christoph, André Wolf, Wei Liu, Anne-Kristin Herrmann, Nikolai Gaponik et Alexander Eychmüller. « Modern Inorganic Aerogels ». Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-232333.

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Essentially, the term aerogel describes a special geometric structure of matter. It is neither limited to any material nor to any synthesis procedure. Hence, the possible variety of materials and therefore the multitude of their applications are almost unbounded. Here we present a comprehensive picture of the most promising developments in the field during the last decades.
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Jones, Melissa J. « Early modern pornographies ». [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2007. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3278243.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of English, 2007.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-09, Section: A, page: 3870. Adviser: Linda Charnes. Title from dissertation home page (viewed May 8, 2008).
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Wright, Peter Matthews Ernst Carl W. « Modern Qur'anic hermeneutics ». Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/u?/etd,1591.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Sep. 16, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Religious Studies." Discipline: Religious Studies; Department/School: Religious Studies.
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Kesson, Andrew. « Early modern authorship ». Thesis, University of Kent, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.520914.

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Fjällström, Robin. « Modern marknadsföring - filmproduktion ». Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-89747.

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I contacted the production company Salmonfox in the hope that they would have any projects that they needed help with. It showed that Salmonfox just started up an old project that they needed to complete. They wanted my help to edit some trailers and one crowdfundingfilm for the short film called, Captain Sweden (Kapten Sverige). Salmonfox are hopefully going to use the different trailers and crowdfundingfilm to promote the short film and get help with the funding to make a feature. The project began with a pilot study in which I made a time plan and a requirements plan, where the different requirements were set. A communication between me and Mathias were co-the-working-time. The project resulted in 3 teasers, 1 trailer and 1 crowdfundingfilm. These were made with guidelines and suggestions over how to make a trailer and my own suggestions. The conclusion of the project is to make a great pilot study so you easily can follow the planning and in that way reduce the chances of failure or get the feeling that the amount of time is not enough. The report’s theoretical part focus on how you make different trailers and gives suggestions on how to make your trailers better and reach out to the audience, which types of techniques there are and what you should think about. The theoretical part will also bring up what a crowdfundingfilm is and how crowdfunding works. The report will also focus on the platforms Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro, what they are and how they are working.
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Silva, Fabio Luiz Lopes da. « Adolescencia : modern' idade ? » [s.n.], 1999. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/269107.

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Orientador: Kanavillil Rajagopalan
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T17:46:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_FabioLuizLopesda_D.pdf: 22966747 bytes, checksum: 1241b749ab59419927d9db269133df80 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1999
Resumo: Fascinados ou perplexos, permanecemos, em qualquer dos dois casos, no perímetro de uma zona de silêncio quando a questão é lidar com a adolescência. Ora, esta tese fala desse silêncio; fala, enfim, da adolescência como instância em que a modernidades e reconhece,quer se reconhecer- mas onde ela também se perde de si. Trata-se, claro, de colocar em jogo uma certa definição de adolescência e uma certa definição de modernidade (ambas de corte psicanalítico, esperamos). Trata-se, depois disso, de mostrar que, dadas essas duas definições, a adolescência deve ser tomada como fato, caricatura e sintoma da modernidade. Trata-se ainda de descrever certas moções midiáticas que, segundo supomos, configuram "suturas" imaginárias nos rasgos que, como caricatura e sintoma, a adolescência introduz na modernidade. Trata-se, por fim, de utilizar o exemplo da adolescência para intervir no debate em tomo da modernidade e da pós-modernidade. A pós-modernidade:limite - sintoma, metáfora - da modernidade?
Abstract: Entranced or intrigued, we find ourselves, in either of these two cases, on the very borderlines of a zone marked by total silence, whenever we are asked to contemplate the phenomenon of adolescence. This thesis is an attempt to talk about this silence; it identifies in adolescence a moment of truth where modernity achieves self-recognition and seeks to legitimate itself but where it also, as it were, loses itself. What is at issue is an attempt to propose a certain definition of adolescence and also a certain definition of modemity, both of them psychoanalytically inspired. Given these two definitions, it is argued that adolescence must henceforth be viewed as a fact, a caricature and a symptom of modernity. Moreover, an attempt is made to describe certain media-originated motions which are characterised as imaginary "stitches". These hold together the lashes which adolescence brings to modemity as caricature and symptom. Finally, the example of adolescence is used to participate in the debate of modernity and post-modernity. Could it be, then, that post-modernity is the limit, a symptom of modernity, or, rather, a metaphor for it?
Doutor em Linguística
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Hrashchenko, Iryna, Zheng Yangwei et He Qingfeng. « Modern enterprise management ». Thesis, КНУТД, 2016. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4831.

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Плохута, Тетяна Миколаївна, Татьяна Николаевна Плохута, Tetiana Mykolaivna Plokhuta et O. Yegorov. « Modern computer technologies ». Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2007. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17549.

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Денисова, Людмила Анатоліївна, Людмила Анатольевна Денисова, Liudmyla Anatoliivna Denysova, D. Svyrydenko et V. Yurchenko. « Modern medical technology ». Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/45307.

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Scientific and technological advances are rapidly changing conditions of human existence. There is a need for the creation and implementation of new medical technologies that meet the needs of the time. Modern information technology is increasingly used in the health care industry , which is very convenient, but sometimes it is necessary. This medicine, including alternative , becomes today a completely new features. Many medical studies simply can not do without a computer and special software to it. This process is accompanied by significant changes in medical theory and practice related to making adjustments to the training of health professionals. Over the past 20 years the use of computers in medicine has increased enormously. Practical medicine is becoming more and more automated.
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McCrate, Mark P. « Modern Mechanical Automata ». University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1291146053.

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Gustavsson, Josefin. « Modern Slavery Act 2015 : om Modern Slavery Act 2015 och dess innebörd för berörda svenska företags hållbarhetsarbete ». Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Affärsrätt, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-126691.

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Modernt slaveri är ett samlingsbegrepp innefattande människohandel, tvångsarbete och slavliknande metoder och utgör ett globalt problem av mycket allvarlig karaktär. Även i industriländer såsom Sverige och Storbritannien förekommer offer för modernt slaveri. Förekomsten av modernt slaveri är dock som störst i utvecklingsländer, framförallt i Asien, där många multinationella företag har sina leverantörer. I oktober år 2015 trädde brittiska Modern Slavery Act 2015 i kraft, som omfattar företag verksamma i Storbritannien med en omsättning över 36 miljoner pund. Det medför att även stora svenska företag såsom H & M, Sandvik, IKEA och Saab omfattas av lagen. Lagen innebär att berörda företag måste publicera ett uttalande för varje räkenskapsår avseende de faktiska steg företaget tagit för att säkerställa att modernt slaveri varken förekommer inom den egna organisationen eller i dess leverantörskedjor. Har inga sådana aktiviteter företagits, måste företaget likväl enligt lagen publicera ett uttalande som i sådant fall redovisar just detta. Det ställer krav på företagen och deras hållbarhetsarbete, både ur aspekten att det blir enklare för konsumenter att jämföra företag sinsemellan men också genom en ökad press på företagen att kunna redovisa faktiska åtgärder. I uppsatsen undersöks hur två stora svenska företag, IKEA och Saab, arbetar med socialt hållbarhetsarbete idag, i syfte att analysera de troliga konsekvenserna för berörda svenska företag av Modern Slavery Act 2015. Vidare besvaras i uppsatsens analys frågan om Sverige bör införa motsvarande lagstiftning i syfte att utvidga svenska företags sociala ansvarstagande. Slutsatsen är att Modern Slavery Act 2015 kommer innebära att berörda svenska företag är tvungna att se över sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Hur stora konsekvenserna blir beror på vilken bransch företaget verkar i, vilken förväntan samhället har på företaget sedan tidigare samt hur omfattande företagets befintliga hållbarhetsarbete är. Det torde vara en fördel för Sverige att införa liknande lagstiftning, framförallt ur aspekten att problemet med modernt slaveri konkretiseras, uppmärksammas och uppmuntrar företagen till att vidta faktiska åtgärder.
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Репіна, В. С., et І. М. Савіцька. « Modern Methods And Models Of Management Decisions In Administrative Management ». Thesis, КНТУ, 2016. http://dspace.kntu.kr.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4499.

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Siki, P. O. « Business leadership in international companies : modern models and success factors ». Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021. https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/87232.

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Метою дослідження є аналіз та розробка теоретичних і практичних аспектів бізнес-лідерства в концепціях міжнародних компаній. Об’єктом дослідження є економічні відносини, що виникають між суб’єктами господарювання при реалізації різноманітних концепцій лідерства бізнесу. Предметом дослідження є бізнес-лідерство в міжнародних компаніях, його сучасні моделі та фактори успіху. Основною метою цього дослідження було дослідити вплив різних стилів керівництва (трансформаційний, трансакційний, автократичний та вільний) на результативність співробітників. Це також визначення впливу стилю керівництва на результативність співробітників і визначення різних типів стилів керівництва в організації. Важливо також визначити стиль керівництва, який покращить роботу співробітників. У дослідженні були зібрані дані з вторинних джерел. Результати показують, що стиль керівництва впливає на результативність співробітників. Керівники повинні докладати всіх зусиль, щоб підтримувати позитивні робочі відносини з членами організації, оскільки їх ставлення впливає на результативність співробітників. Нарешті, було виявлено, що участь працівників у прийнятті рішень позитивно пов’язана з їхньою продуктивністю, що призводить до підвищення продуктивності.
Целью исследования является анализ и разработка теоретических и практических аспектов бизнес-лидерства в концепциях международных компаний. Объектом исследования являются экономические отношения, возникающие между хозяйствующими субъектами при реализации различных концепций бизнес-лидерства. Предметом исследования является бизнес-лидерство в международных компаниях, его современные модели и факторы успеха. Основная цель этого исследования состояла в том, чтобы изучить влияние различных стилей лидерства (трансформационный, транзакционный, автократический и невмешательство) на производительность сотрудников. Также необходимо определить влияние стиля руководства на производительность сотрудников и определить различные типы стилей руководства в организации. Также важно определить стиль руководства, который повысит производительность сотрудников. В исследовании собраны данные из вторичных источников. Выводы показывают, что стиль руководства влияет на эффективность работы сотрудников. Лидеры должны прилагать все усилия для поддержания позитивных рабочих отношений с членами организации, поскольку их отношение влияет на производительность сотрудников. Наконец, было обнаружено, что участие рабочих в принятии решений положительно связано с их производительностью, что приводит к повышению производительности.
The aim of the study is to analyses and develop theoretical and practical aspects of business leadership in international companies’ concepts. The object of research is the economic relations that arise between business entities in the implementation of various concepts of business leadership. The subject of research is the business leadership in international companies, its modern models and success factors. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of various leadership styles (transformational, transactional, autocratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles) on employee performance. It is also to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance and identify the different types of leadership styles in the organization. Identifying the leadership style that will improve employee performance is also essential. The study collected data from secondary sources. The findings indicate that leadership style has an impact on employee performance. Leaders should make every effort to maintain positive working relationships with organizational members because their attitudes influence employee performance. Finally, it was discovered that workers' participation in decision-making positively connects with their performance, which leads to increased productivity.
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Jablonský, Petr. « Performance downside risk models of the post-modern portfolio theory ». Doctoral thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-161865.

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The thesis provides a comparison of different portfolio models and tests their performance on the financial markets. Our analysis particularly focuses on comparison of the classical Markowitz modern portfolio theory and the downside risk models of the post-modern portfolio theory. In addition, we consider some alternative portfolio models ending with total eleven models that we test. If the performance of different portfolio models should be evaluated and compared correctly, we must use a measure that is unbiased to any portfolio theory. We suggest solving this issue via a new approach based on the utility theory and utility functions. We introduce the unbiased method for evaluation of the portfolio model performance using the expected utility efficient frontier. We use the asymmetric behavioural utility function to capture the behaviour of the real market investors. The Markowitz model is the leading market practice. We investigate whether there are any circumstances in which some other models might provide better performance than the Markowitz model. Our research is for three reasons unique. First, it provides a comprehensive comparison of broad classes of different portfolio models. Second, we focus on the developed markets in United States and Germany but also on the local emerging markets in Czech Republic and Poland. These local markets have never been tested in such extent before. Third, the empirical testing is based on the broad data set from 2003 to 2012 which enable us to test how different portfolio model perform in different macroeconomic conditions.
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Edge, Matthew Elliott. « The road to modern liberty : freedom and democracy, Athenian and modern ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/251989.

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This thesis is an attempt to respond to two influential analyses regarding the concept of liberty, those of Benjamin Constant and Isaiah Berlin (and, indeed, those who have followed them), in relation to Classical Athens and participatory democracy. I argue that, contrary to what has, since Constant, often been suggested, far from ‘calling’ liberty the power to invade, and direct, the lives of Athens’ citizens, Athenian democrats construed liberty as a negative concept, as the absence of dependence upon the will of a tyrant or a group of oligarchs, a condition which, it is argued, negates the idea that (to put it in Athenian terms) one can live as one will. I demonstrate this through an excavation of a long forgotten Athenian democratic concept of liberty, found in Classical texts (historical, literary, oratorical and philosophical), which stressed that one could hope to be free as an individual only by living under conditions of political equality found where all participate equally, though equality of voting and equality of free speech, in a direct democracy. Further, I attempt to situate this in the context of recent work on the idea of liberty in the neo-classical tradition, most notably by Quentin Skinner and Philip Pettit, and I suggest that, despite important similarities, the two concepts ought to be viewed as distinct. I argue that by construing the idea of liberty as a spectrum of differing conceptions we might gain a useful tool for analysing our contemporary world. In chapter two I lay the groundwork for my discussion through four preliminary investigations. Firstly, I discuss the opinions of those Constant accused of endorsing ‘the liberty of the ancients’ to see how their opinions of Athens and participatory democracy fit into his analysis. Secondly, I discuss the relationship between Berlin and Constant, arguing that the connection between the two is not one of simple conformity as, again, is often suggested or implied. Thirdly, I discuss Constant’s argument in a wider context, and argue that Constant said little new, but elaborated upon an already fairly common distinction between the liberty found in the ancient world and the liberty supposedly cherished by the moderns. Fourthly, I pre-empt my discussion of liberty in Classical Athens by outlining the neo-classical conception of liberty, as excavated by Skinner and Pettit, prior to suggesting, in chapter three, that this idea (with, as I have said, notably differences in its Athenian context) actually began life in ancient Greece, when it is now commonly thought that it began life in Rome. In chapter four I further pursue this investigation by discussing how the equation of participatory democracy with Berlin’s notion of positive freedom is misleading. I argue that, historically, the doctrine Berlin isolated as being at the centre of the positive idea of freedom (which he linked to justifications of tyranny and totalitarianism) has enjoyed a closer relationship with representative, as opposed to participatory, democracy, contrary to what is commonly suggested.
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Garcia, Fuentes Josep M. (Josep Maria). « La construcció del Montserrat modern = The construction of the modern Montserrat ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/127349.

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This PhD Dissertation studies the process of construction of the modern Montserrat after the Napoleonic destruction of the old shrine-monastery and its disendowment in 1836, and shows how this process was not the reconstruction or restoration of the old destroyed monastery but the construction, or the "invention", of a new one. This process was initiated in 1844 when the shrine was reopened and was developed until the first half of the 20th century in parallel to the definition of the contemporary Catalonia and Spain. Therefore, and understanding the modern Montserrat is the result of the complex interaction between all the agents who are implied in its construction process, the dissertation addresses in eighteenth chapters the main themes and the individuals and groups who intervened in it. These eighteen chapters are in turn structured into five groups according to the major alterations in the equilibrium of influences between the agents involved in the process at each moment. The first group of chapters specify the ¿architectural, political and social- problems of the first works, as well as the decisive intervention of Victor Balaguer and his attempt to define a Montserrat symbol "for all" within the wide national and federal symbolic universe he created; an interpretation based on the romantic approach to the mountain defined in good part during Humboldt's visit in 1800. Balaguer's intervention was centered in the valuation of gothic architecture and in the first attempts to define an architectural project; but it was frustrated with the end of the reign of Amadeo I, and the federal dream. It was then when was defined the first culture of the catalanism, and when the "group of Vic" take a step and alter, with their "patriotic-religious campaigns", Balaguer's symbolic construction to their own advantage, what carried out the definition and valuation of Romanesque architecture, as well as the definitive popularization of the mountain. The second group of chapters, then, studies the intense symbolic construction of the mountain that takes place during the end of the 19th century as the consequence of the tensions generated by the campaigns of the "group of Vic". The construction of the rack-and-pinion railway, the rosary monuments, the panorama in the Exposition of 1888, the architecture of Gaudi and others, or the popular reproductions of the mountain, are some of the cases analyzed. The architectural consequences that this symbolic construction had over the construction process are analyzed in the third group of chapters that culminates with the general project defined by Puig i Cadafalch. That incorporates the unique mountain as an element of project and it goes well beyond the dilemma on styles. But despite the construction of this project was initiated, it was never completed due to the Spanish Civil War. The fourth group of chapters is only one chapter that makes a brief digression on Montserrat and the Western modern cultural construction of the mountain together with its relation with the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries' architecture. The fifth and last group of chapters returns to the chronological order and studies the process of construction during the first years of Franco's dictatorship, as well as the projects that were done then. And that failed due to the changes that took place after the "Enthronement festivities" of 1947; and that provoked the definitive wreck of the architectural construction of the modern Montserrat. Finally, the epilogue raises some of the most important questions the dissertation makes evident, emphasizing the importance that tourism and modern mass mediums had during all over the process, and how Montserrat, in a wider context, is a paradigmatic example of modern heritage-making processes. The annex contains the cataloguing ¿by the author- of all the documents forming the "Architectural Archive of Montserrat" and that, together with other materials, are analyzed in the dissertation.
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Rose, Kimberly. « From Modern Girl to Post-Modern Girl : State, Society, and Self ». Thesis, University of Oregon, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/19677.

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Résumé :
The Japanese state has long attempted to control the choices and behaviors of women through campaigns of moral suasion and social management. These campaigns have varied in terms of their efficacy but have all endeavored to encourage women to embrace the “good wife, wise mother” ideals espoused in ryosai kenbo ideology, often for the purported good of the nation. Leading up to WWII, these campaigns were effective in undermining the Modern Girl and eventually squeezing her out of existence. The bursting of Japan’s economic bubble in the early 1990s, however, created the Post-Modern Girl, who, like the Modern Girl, has particular attitudes about marriage, children, work, and sexuality. Unlike the Modern Girl, however, the Post-Modern Girl has survived nearly three decades since her emergence. This thesis examines these two figures and their converging and diverging trajectories and explores the limits of state control in the lives of modern Japanese women.
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Figueiredo, Fernando Stankuns de Paula. « O novo mundo do espaço : Le Corbusier e o papel da fotografia na mediação entre o público e a arquitetura ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/93/93131/tde-16112012-151004/.

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Résumé :
O foco principal desta dissertação é o estudo da relação entre arquitetura e fotografia, tendo como premissa o fato de que o registro fotográfico nunca é neutro e sempre apresenta uma versão particular sobre aquilo que registra. A pesquisa trata especificamente da exposição Le Corbusier - Novo Mundo do Espaço (New World of Space), organizada pelo The Institute of Contemporary Art de Boston (ICA) em 1948 e realizada também no MASP em 1950, com utilização de muitas fotografias. Buscamos contribuir para o estudo do papel da fotografia na mediação entre o público e a arquitetura nos museus modernos, espaço de difusão e afirmação de ideias no campo da arquitetura e cultura modernas. O arquiteto franco-suíço Le Corbusier, cuja obra foi apresentada na exposição estudada, é considerado um dos maiores protagonistas do modernismo. Expoente da arquitetura moderna, era também um grande conhecedor da fotografia. O arquivo histórico do MASP e o acervo do Instituto Lina Bo e Pietro Maria Bardi forneceram as principais fontes para enfrentar o tema da pesquisa e especificamente da exposição, cuja descrição minuciosa e análise constam desta dissertação. As perguntas que nortearam esse estudo foram: qual é o valor que a fotografia assume nas exposições de arquitetura? Será que ela pretende trazer a realidade na forma de documento ou seria uma (re)interpretação dos que nos é apresentado pelos arquitetos em seus projetos? As fotografias são apresentadas a partir de seu valor artístico ou informativo? E qual seria a relação das fotografias com os outros elementos da exposição, tais como desenhos e maquetes? Concluímos, por meio de nosso estudo, que o projeto expográfico do MASP para a montagem da exposição de Le Corbusier mostrou-se mais moderno e arrojado do que o da instituição onde a mostra foi organizada originalmente e mais condizente com a proposta da obra do arquiteto.
The main focus of this dissertation is the study of the relation between architecture and photography, based on the premise that the photographic register is never neutral and always presents a particular version of what was registered. This research is specifically about the exhibition New World of Space held by The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston (ICA) in 1948 which was also presented by the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP) in 1950, including many photographs. We intend to contribute to the study of the photographs role in the mediation between public and architecture in the modern museums, considered the place for diffusion and ideas statements on the architecture and modern culture fields. French- Swiss architect Le Corbusier, whose work is presented in the exhibition in study is considered one of the most outstanding protagonist of Modern Movement. Considered to be the exponent of architectural modernism, Le Corbusier also had a great knowledge about photography. MASPs historical archives and the collection of Lina Bo and Pietro Maria Bardi Institute were the main source of information for this research and specifically for the exhibition itself, which detailed description and analysis can be found here. The present study was guided by the following questions: what is the value of photography on architectural exhibitions? Does photography intends to show the truth as a document or is it a (re)interpretation of what is presented to us by the architects in their projects? Are the photographs presented for their artistic or informative value? And what is the relation between photography and the other elements of the exhibition, such as sketches and models? Based on our studies our conclusion is that the expographic project in MASP is more modern and aldacious, in accordance with Le Corbusiers work proposal.
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Matera, Sérgio. « Carlos Millan : um estudo sobre a produção em arquitetura ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/16/16133/tde-28062006-163436/.

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Résumé :
A dissertação aborda os projetos de arquitetura desenvolvidos por Carlos Barjas Millan a partir de 1951 até 1964, durante aproximadamente quinze anos de atividade profissional, assim como o desenvolvimento de sua formação pessoal e acadêmica. O objeto de estudo é o conjunto desta produção em arquitetura, analisado a partir da sua inserção no momento político e cultural, desde o segundo governo de Getúlio Vargas e a democratização do país até o Golpe Militar de 1964. O trabalho estabelece um instrumento para uma reflexão sistemática sobre a obra do arquiteto Carlos Millan e da Arquitetura Moderna paulista e brasileira, dado que a bibliografia referente à sua carreira e produção arquitetônica é pequena e pouco específica. O estudo da evolução profissional e dos projetos desenvolvidos por Millan pertencentes ao acervo do arquivo de desenhos da biblioteca da FAUUSP tem como objetivo uma melhor compreensão da carreira do arquiteto, que atuou nas áreas de arquitetura, desenho urbano, desenho de mobiliário, como docente da FAUM e da FAUUSP e transitou em momentos distintos entre os dois grupos polarizados da arquitetura moderna em São Paulo nas décadas de 50 e 60, representados por Miguel Forte e Vilanova Artigas. Carlos Millan produziu uma obra não muito numerosa, relativamente circunscrita a São Paulo, a maioria de residências unifamiliares, o que não reduz a importância de sua produção. Por meio do resgate da carreira do arquiteto, do estudo da biografia profissional e dos projetos deste trabalho, a incorporação desse instrumental como base de dados organizada caracteriza-se como etapa importante para futuros estudos da Arquitetura Moderna paulista e brasileira. Este trabalho visa um melhor entendimento do desenvolvimento da arquitetura brasileira, considerando que hipóteses já identificadas pela historiografia se refletem nos projetos em estudo: a preocupação de um grupo de arquitetos brasileiros com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, buscando soluções formais, técnicas e estéticas próprias com raízes culturais inseridas em um projeto de modernização do país. A dissertação reúne em único estudo informações sobre os projetos desenvolvidos por Millan durante sua atividade profissional, por meio de uma compilação de desenhos e fotos dos trabalhos mais significativos de sua carreira, permitindo melhor acesso aos projetos através de um instrumento de pesquisa com dados detalhados e organizados e análises relacionando os projetos entre eles e com o momento histórico de sua produção.
The dissertation approaches the architecture projects developed by Carlos Barjas Millan (1927/1964) from 1951 to 1964, during approximately 15 years of professional work, as well as his personal and academic formation. The study object is the set of this architectural production analyzed from its insertion in the cultural and political moment, since the second Getúlio Vargas government and the country’s democratization until the 1964 Military Coup. This study provides an instrument for a systematic reflection about the architect Carlos Millan’s work and about the Brazilian Modern Architecture, once the literature concerning his career and architectonic production is scarce and little specific. The study concerning Millan’s professional development and his projects from the drawing archives holdings of the FAUUSP library aims at a better understanding of the architect’s career, who worked with architecture, urban planning, furniture design, as a professor of FAUM and FAUUSP, and passed along two polarized groups of modern architecture in São Paulo, in the 50’s and 60’s, represented by Miguel Forte and Vilanova Artigas. Carlos Millan’s work was not very numerous, relatively restrict to São Paulo city, being the great majority of residences, which does not reduce the importance of his production. Through the rescue of the architect’s career, the study of the professional biography and of the projects of this research, the incorporation of this instrument as an organized database characterizes an important stage for future studies about the Modern Architecture of São Paulo and Brazil. This study aims at a better comprehension of the Brazilian architecture development considering that hypothesis that have already been identified by the historiography are reflected in the projects studied here: the concern of a group of Brazilian architects about the technologic development, searching for formal solutions, for techniques and esthetics with cultural roots inserted in a project of modernization of the country. The dissertation gathers in a single research information about projects developed by Millan during his professional activity by a compilation of drawings and pictures of the most significant work of his career, allowing a better access to the projects by means of a research instrument with detailed and organized data, and with analyses relating the projects among themselves and with the historical moment of their production.
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Thompson, Karl Michael Remon. « The logic of modern prudence : practical political judgement in modern representative democracies ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1998. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/251642.

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Panarut, Charn. « Sports in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Siam : Aggressive and Civilised Masculinities ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/17747.

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Résumé :
This thesis is a contribution to two bodies of scholarship: first, the historical understanding of the modernisation process in Siam; second, one of the central bodies of scholarship used to analyse sport sociologically – Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning’s study. Previous studies of the emergence of a more civilised form of manner in modern Siam highlight the imitation of Western civilised conducts, overlooking the continued role of violence in this change in Siamese behaviour from the pre-modern to modern periods. According to evidence, from around the 1900s, Siamese elites engaged in deliberate projects to civilise prevalent non-elites’ aggressive conducts. This, in turn, has implications for the Eliasian understanding of sports and civilising process, which emphasises their unplanned development in Europe, at the expense of grasping the deliberate interventions of the Siamese elites. To fill this gap, I apply the concept of the “civilising offensive” to underline the planned process of civilisation. The thesis discusses how aggressive masculinity was expressed legitimately during the pre-modern age, and how this violent behaviour was transformed by the elites’ promotions of civilising plans and sports under contexts of colonisation and nation-state building processes. I examine how civilised self-images were produced from interactions between Siamese elites, non-elites and Westerners. I use autobiographies, government documents, newspapers, match reports, chronicles, poems, travel writings and so on to explore first-hand accounts of behaviours, identities and values related to the presence of violence in sports and politics. From the 1820s onward, Westerners used what they perceived to be their higher civilisation standards as an excuse to interfere in Asia. In response to the Westerners’ perceptions of the Siamese as barbarous, Siamese elites promoted civilised identities through sports and education. In the 1900s, to avoid being shamed, the non-elites learned to act in a civilised manner temporarily when interacting with elites and Westerners in sports fields. The civilising effect of interdependence between these actors showed that planned and unplanned processes of civilisation coexisted in Siam.
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Rossetti, Carolina Pierrotti. « Flávio de Carvalho : questões de arquitetura e urbanismo ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18142/tde-01082007-025241/.

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Résumé :
Este trabalho trata da obra do engenheiro-arquiteto brasileiro Flávio de Carvalho através da contextualização da sua trajetória profissional, tanto na sua atuação profissional na cidade de São Paulo, como durante sua formação na Inglaterra. Localiza pontos de interesse nestes dois contextos que contribuem para a leitura de sua obra. A pesquisa aborda também a leitura de uma série de artigos e declarações deste engenheiro-arquiteto para os jornais da época, entre as décadas de 1920 a 1970, além das obras e propostas arquitetônicas e urbanas. A partir destas considerações foi possível elaborar uma outra perspectiva sobre a obra de Flávio de Carvalho em relação à história da arquitetura e do urbanismo no Brasil.
This research deals with the work of the brazilian engineer-architect Flávio de Carvalho through his professional course enchainment not only of his professional performance in São Paulo city, but also of his studies in England. This research shows important points in both contexts which contribute to the comprehension of his works. It also shows many newspaper article readings and his statements to the newspapers from 1920s to 1970s besides his work and also his urban and architectural proposals. From this search it was possible to elaborate another perspective about Flávio de Carvalho\'s work in relation to brazilian architecture and urbanism history.
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Friedmann, Miriam. « Early modern English fairs ». E-thesis Full text (Hebrew University users only), 1997. http://shemer.mslib.huji.ac.il/dissertations/H/JMS/001497172.pdf.

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Singer, Kenneth William. « Rousseau and modern environmentalism ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/31521.

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Résumé :
Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau has been analyzed and characterized in many ways, but the relationship between certain aspects of his thought and what can be called eco-philosophy has not been pursued. Rousseau's ideas of man's relationship with nature, his condemnation of bourgeios society, the scientific/mechanistic paradigm and the idea of progress have distinct parallels to the thought of traditional eco-philosophers such as Thoreau, Muir and Leopold. Though Rousseau's thought is decidedly anthropocentric and therefore utilitarian in its ethical content, he did favour a careful stewardship of nature which rejected treating it as a resource to be exploited. Instead, he saw God's handiwork in the natural world and felt a great reverence for it. To facilitate this understanding, he studied botany and took many solitary walks in the wilderness as a means of achieving a greater appreciation of its natural beauty and his place within it. In addition, Rousseau's advocacy of direct democracy and small self-sufficient agrarian communities also reflect modern positions, particularly those of Bookchin, Schumacher and the leaders of the various Green movements. Evidence from his work, thus, will be presented to support the contention that his philosophy has distinct parallels to these modern perspectives. While much of his thought seems hopelessly Utopian in the light of modern realities, there is a great deal that is relevant to the environmental problems modern society faces.
Arts, Faculty of
Political Science, Department of
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Haines, Kevin Richard. « Understanding modern juvenile justice ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.387594.

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