Thèses sur le sujet « Modern »
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Corato, Aline Coelho Sanches. « A obra e a trajetória do arquiteto Giancarlo Palanti : Itália e Brasil ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.
Texte intégralThis text deals about the work of italian architect Giancarlo Palanti in Italy and Brazil, gathering his paths, insertion and acting among italian between-wars and brazilian late forties to early seventies architectonical environment, also placing his importance into these countries\' modern architecture history. It is also important for the research on immigrant architects - mainly those related to post-war events - and for the investigation of cultural exchange between Italy and Brazil. It also identifies Giancarlo Palanti´s contributions and specificities on several aspects: industrial design, architecture and urbanism, and a career marked by team-made designs.
Porto, Daniele Resende. « O Barreiro de Araxá - projetos para uma estância hidromineral em Minas Gerais ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2005.
Texte intégralThe work investigates the projects elaborated for the construction of Barreiro hidromineral resort, in Araxá, Minas Gerais, compreending the urban plan, prepaired under engeneer Lincoln Continentinos supervision, the buildings that constitute such ensemble, proposed by Luiz Signorellis office team and by Francisco Bolonha, and the park, conceived by Roberto Burle Marx. The text makes some comparisons between this complex and other similar plans in Brazil and in foreign countries, in order to recognize its models and references and to observe Barreiros role as one of the several watering-places built in Brazil between 1920 and 1950, a period of introduction and adaptation of international urbanistic ideas and of debate between ecletic and modern architecture in Brazil.
Pita, Maria Eliza de Castro. « Le Corbusier : o cristal e a concha ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.
Texte intégralLe Corbusier\'s production since the thirties passes through great transformation when compared with the period of the \"white houses\". There is no agreement between historians in their analysis of the period and even those who try to analyse it through the optics of the corbusian rationalism have difficulties. This work offers alternative interpretations linking Le Corbusier\'s architectural and urban production with his artistic production.
Poyneer, Lisa A. (Lisa Ann) 1975. « Term rewriting system models of modern microprocessors ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Texte intégralPIACENZA, IRENE ALICE. « Simplified Dynamic Models for Modern Flying Vehicles ». Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2014.
Texte intégralSiqueira, Joelma Santana. « À procura de objetos gritantes : um estudo da narrativa de Clarice Lispector ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.
Texte intégralThis work is focused on readings of Clarice Lispector\'s writings produced in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: the novel Perto do coração selvagem, short stories in Laços de família and texts and short stories in A legião estrangeira. Aiming at investigating the inter relations between literature and other forms of art, the writer\'s work corpus was confronted with texts on modern art\'s sources and traditions, Brazilian modern art critique and modern space studies. Based on the concepts of \"polysensorial space\" proposed by Pierre Francastel, and \"space at work\", proposed by Alberto Tassinari, structural homologies were studied between Ms. Lispector\' s narrative space and that of modern painting. The two concepts are related to two complementary functions which we believe exist in the narratives analyzed: figuration and exposition. The former introduces characters, actions, events, the narrative; the latter presents signs of acting. The painter Wassily Kandinsky wrote that the artist seeks to find in music, the most immaterial among the arts, a form of self-expression, without imitation being an end in itself. Since this is an aspect observed in the narrator of Perto do coração selvagem, we have attempted to discuss in which ways music, often alluded to in the narrative, is related to the novel\'s structure.
Zhou, Xiao Yun. « Leadership in modern China old models to new / ». Thesis, online access from Digital Dissertation Consortium access full-text, 2006.
Texte intégralTkach, A. V. « The models of compound words in modern terminology ». Thesis, БДМУ, 2017.
Texte intégralBehramaj, Fisnik, et Daniel Albinsson. « Modern Träningsmaskin ». Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2015.
Texte intégralThis project intends to solve the problem with a training machine with the aim of reducing injuriesamong users. The users themselves shall not be applying the weights on this so calledSmithmachine. The project's primary goal is to generate a force via a technical solution to createresistance on the bar that can be used for e.g. bench press. The project aims to create a safe exercisemachine designed for users regardless of age, gender or physical condition. The goal of the projectis to create a prototype of an already existing exercise machine but for a small fee. The method isapplicable to the project's testing and exploration of the area of knowledge concerning the study.The project team has gathered knowledge and facts from Internet sources and through conversationswith two lecturers: Hans-Erik Eldemark and Thomas Munther to then apply this information in theirwork. The project resulted in a modified exercise machine designed to produce weight via an ACmotor in which the user can select the weight of 5 kg range via an user-friendly interface. Theconclusion shows that the project is practisable, that all high-priority targets in the specifications aremet and that the group got the expected results of the project.
Corradetti, Valerie. « Modern Landscapes ». ScholarWorks@UNO, 2014.
Texte intégralМорозова, Ірина Анатоліївна, Ирина Анатольевна Морозова, Iryna Anatoliivna Morozova et M. S. Shkurat. « Modern engineering ». Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2011.
Texte intégralChernobrova, A. « Modern robots ». Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2012.
Texte intégralLamie, Philip Wayne. « Modern dislocation ». The Ohio State University, 1986.
Texte intégralZander, Patrick Glenn. « Right modern ». Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Texte intégralCommittee Chair: Jonathan Schneer; Committee Member: Dr. John Krige; Committee Member: Dr. John Tone; Committee Member: Dr. Gus Giebelhaus; Outside Reader: Dr. David Edgerton.
Lopez, Samuel. « MODERN CRYPTOGRAPHY ». CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2018.
Texte intégralJäger, Lars. « Den moderna förutsättningsläran ? : En undersökning av förutsättningsläran i modern praxis ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2015.
Texte intégralCollins, Nicholas J. « Forming the nation : early modern England and modern Ireland ». Thesis, University of Warwick, 2015.
Texte intégralCelić, Alan [Verfasser]. « Performance of Modern Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Models / Alan Celic ». Aachen : Shaker, 2004.
Texte intégralSjögren, Lena, et Erik Johansson. « Är modern historia historieämnets framtid ? : Den moderna historiens påverkan på historiemedvetandet ». Thesis, Växjö University, School of Humanities, 2008.
Texte intégralUppsatsen är en induktiv studie med kvalitativa intervjuer, som undersöker gymnasielärare och historikers inställning till regeringens förslag om att historia A på gymnasiet ska fokusera på modern historia. Denna inställning ställer vi sedan i relation till begreppet historiemedvetande och får på detta sätt fram spännande resultat. Vi kunde se att åsikterna går isär, men att de alla i grund och botten har en gemensam tanke om vad som vore bäst för eleverna. Den stora skillnaden ligger i hur detta kan uppnås. Är det en fokusering på moderna tider, eller är det en lång tidsvandring som ger möjligheten att dra långa linjer som är det bästa? Vi kom fram till att en kurs på 100 poäng, som till största delen fokuserar på modern historia, och ger möjligheter att dra paralleller bakåt i tiden vore den bästa lösningen på problemet med dagens förslag. En nödvändighet är dock att samarbetet mellan skolstadierna fungerar.
This essay is an inductive study with qualitative interviews, which examines upper secondary school teachers’ and historians’ attitude to the government's proposal that History A in upper secondary school is to focus on modern history. We are discussing these attitudes in relation to the concept of History Awareness, which presented us with exciting results. Our study shows that there is a diversity of opinions on the topic, but that the interviewees in general have a common thought about what is best for the students. The big difference is in how this is supposed to be achieved. Is it a focus on modern history? Or is it long walks through time that gives the possibility to draw long lines that is the best? Our conclusion is that a class of 100 points, which mainly focuses on modern history, and presents possibilities to draw parallels to the past is the best solution to the problem with today's proposal. However, it is necessary that the cooperation between the different school stages is working.
Almlöf, Hallberg Robin, et Kosovare Sadiki. « Den moderna pensionären : Äldre konsumenters användning av modern teknologi i köpprocessen ». Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för handel och företagande, 2019.
Texte intégralHur konsumenter agerar i köpprocessen kan ändras med åldern. Hur äldre konsumenter sedan använder teknologin i köpprocessen är dock något som forskningen inte lyckats ge en fullständig bild kring. Därmed är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur äldre konsumenter använder modern teknologi i köpprocessen för att skapa en mer nyanserad bild av äldre konsumenters användning av teknologi. Genom att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en små-N-studie och semi-strukturerade intervjuer har vi kunnat besvara våra frågor. Enligt våra respondenter så används mobilen främst under informationssökningsfasen och utvärderingsfasen av köpprocessen. Detta har lett till at vi kunnat ta fram två användartyper: Sökar-Stig och Utvärderar-Ulla, som skall beskriva äldre konsumenters användning av teknologi i köpprocessen.
Vleck, Treena Marie. « Aldo Rossi : From Modern to Post-Modern Architecture, 1960-1990 ». Thesis, University of North Texas, 1990.
Texte intégralPerfect, James. « Modern magic and magical practice : understanding the modern magical paradigm ». Thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2004.
Texte intégralYan, Zhou. « The modern or the post-modern : on China's avant-garde ». Connect to resource, 1995.
Texte intégralHormain, Débora da Rosa Rodrigues Lima. « O relacionamento Brasil - EUA e a arquitetura moderna : experiências compartilhadas, 1939-1959 ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Texte intégralThe doctoral thesis examines the relationship in question, the experiences and professional exchanges occurred between the Brazilian and American architects (or immigrants in North America) in a period that extends from the recognition of Brazilian modern architecture at the international level, between late 1930s and early forties, through the second post-war until the early 1960s. Many were the exchanges between the two countries, often undeserved in detriment of those that occurred with the European continent, and in this paper we give space and seek their understanding. So the focus of the research was to demonstrate that other fronts of dialogue have been consolidated, just as the modern architecture that was done in Brazil was also beginning to dialogue internationally, and within this framework, the United States of America, new cultural center of the world, played a key role. Assuming that the relationship between Brazil and the United States was instrumental in the process, dissemination and strengthening of Brazilian modernism at the international level, the objective of the work was to understand, through the identification of the characters and analysis of the experiences and exchanges between the two countries, how these events have focused on the Brazilian architectural field. The theme was developed from a synthetic view of the interaction between the historiography of the modern movement and the historical and cultural context in which professional architects were inserted at that precise moment in history.
Anchér, Anna. « Modern, Intim, Beskrivande ». Thesis, Högskolan på Gotland, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2011.
Texte intégralZiegler, Christoph, André Wolf, Wei Liu, Anne-Kristin Herrmann, Nikolai Gaponik et Alexander Eychmüller. « Modern Inorganic Aerogels ». Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018.
Texte intégralJones, Melissa J. « Early modern pornographies ». [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2007.
Texte intégralSource: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-09, Section: A, page: 3870. Adviser: Linda Charnes. Title from dissertation home page (viewed May 8, 2008).
Wright, Peter Matthews Ernst Carl W. « Modern Qur'anic hermeneutics ». Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.,1591.
Texte intégralTitle from electronic title page (viewed Sep. 16, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Religious Studies." Discipline: Religious Studies; Department/School: Religious Studies.
Kesson, Andrew. « Early modern authorship ». Thesis, University of Kent, 2009.
Texte intégralFjällström, Robin. « Modern marknadsföring - filmproduktion ». Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2014.
Texte intégralSilva, Fabio Luiz Lopes da. « Adolescencia : modern' idade ? » [s.n.], 1999.
Texte intégralTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T17:46:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_FabioLuizLopesda_D.pdf: 22966747 bytes, checksum: 1241b749ab59419927d9db269133df80 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1999
Resumo: Fascinados ou perplexos, permanecemos, em qualquer dos dois casos, no perímetro de uma zona de silêncio quando a questão é lidar com a adolescência. Ora, esta tese fala desse silêncio; fala, enfim, da adolescência como instância em que a modernidades e reconhece,quer se reconhecer- mas onde ela também se perde de si. Trata-se, claro, de colocar em jogo uma certa definição de adolescência e uma certa definição de modernidade (ambas de corte psicanalítico, esperamos). Trata-se, depois disso, de mostrar que, dadas essas duas definições, a adolescência deve ser tomada como fato, caricatura e sintoma da modernidade. Trata-se ainda de descrever certas moções midiáticas que, segundo supomos, configuram "suturas" imaginárias nos rasgos que, como caricatura e sintoma, a adolescência introduz na modernidade. Trata-se, por fim, de utilizar o exemplo da adolescência para intervir no debate em tomo da modernidade e da pós-modernidade. A pós-modernidade:limite - sintoma, metáfora - da modernidade?
Abstract: Entranced or intrigued, we find ourselves, in either of these two cases, on the very borderlines of a zone marked by total silence, whenever we are asked to contemplate the phenomenon of adolescence. This thesis is an attempt to talk about this silence; it identifies in adolescence a moment of truth where modernity achieves self-recognition and seeks to legitimate itself but where it also, as it were, loses itself. What is at issue is an attempt to propose a certain definition of adolescence and also a certain definition of modemity, both of them psychoanalytically inspired. Given these two definitions, it is argued that adolescence must henceforth be viewed as a fact, a caricature and a symptom of modernity. Moreover, an attempt is made to describe certain media-originated motions which are characterised as imaginary "stitches". These hold together the lashes which adolescence brings to modemity as caricature and symptom. Finally, the example of adolescence is used to participate in the debate of modernity and post-modernity. Could it be, then, that post-modernity is the limit, a symptom of modernity, or, rather, a metaphor for it?
Doutor em Linguística
Hrashchenko, Iryna, Zheng Yangwei et He Qingfeng. « Modern enterprise management ». Thesis, КНУТД, 2016.
Texte intégralПлохута, Тетяна Миколаївна, Татьяна Николаевна Плохута, Tetiana Mykolaivna Plokhuta et O. Yegorov. « Modern computer technologies ». Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2007.
Texte intégralДенисова, Людмила Анатоліївна, Людмила Анатольевна Денисова, Liudmyla Anatoliivna Denysova, D. Svyrydenko et V. Yurchenko. « Modern medical technology ». Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014.
Texte intégralMcCrate, Mark P. « Modern Mechanical Automata ». University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2010.
Texte intégralGustavsson, Josefin. « Modern Slavery Act 2015 : om Modern Slavery Act 2015 och dess innebörd för berörda svenska företags hållbarhetsarbete ». Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Affärsrätt, 2016.
Texte intégralРепіна, В. С., et І. М. Савіцька. « Modern Methods And Models Of Management Decisions In Administrative Management ». Thesis, КНТУ, 2016.
Texte intégralSiki, P. O. « Business leadership in international companies : modern models and success factors ». Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021.
Texte intégralЦелью исследования является анализ и разработка теоретических и практических аспектов бизнес-лидерства в концепциях международных компаний. Объектом исследования являются экономические отношения, возникающие между хозяйствующими субъектами при реализации различных концепций бизнес-лидерства. Предметом исследования является бизнес-лидерство в международных компаниях, его современные модели и факторы успеха. Основная цель этого исследования состояла в том, чтобы изучить влияние различных стилей лидерства (трансформационный, транзакционный, автократический и невмешательство) на производительность сотрудников. Также необходимо определить влияние стиля руководства на производительность сотрудников и определить различные типы стилей руководства в организации. Также важно определить стиль руководства, который повысит производительность сотрудников. В исследовании собраны данные из вторичных источников. Выводы показывают, что стиль руководства влияет на эффективность работы сотрудников. Лидеры должны прилагать все усилия для поддержания позитивных рабочих отношений с членами организации, поскольку их отношение влияет на производительность сотрудников. Наконец, было обнаружено, что участие рабочих в принятии решений положительно связано с их производительностью, что приводит к повышению производительности.
The aim of the study is to analyses and develop theoretical and practical aspects of business leadership in international companies’ concepts. The object of research is the economic relations that arise between business entities in the implementation of various concepts of business leadership. The subject of research is the business leadership in international companies, its modern models and success factors. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of various leadership styles (transformational, transactional, autocratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles) on employee performance. It is also to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance and identify the different types of leadership styles in the organization. Identifying the leadership style that will improve employee performance is also essential. The study collected data from secondary sources. The findings indicate that leadership style has an impact on employee performance. Leaders should make every effort to maintain positive working relationships with organizational members because their attitudes influence employee performance. Finally, it was discovered that workers' participation in decision-making positively connects with their performance, which leads to increased productivity.
Jablonský, Petr. « Performance downside risk models of the post-modern portfolio theory ». Doctoral thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.
Texte intégralEdge, Matthew Elliott. « The road to modern liberty : freedom and democracy, Athenian and modern ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006.
Texte intégralGarcia, Fuentes Josep M. (Josep Maria). « La construcció del Montserrat modern = The construction of the modern Montserrat ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012.
Texte intégralRose, Kimberly. « From Modern Girl to Post-Modern Girl : State, Society, and Self ». Thesis, University of Oregon, 2016.
Texte intégral10000-01-01
Figueiredo, Fernando Stankuns de Paula. « O novo mundo do espaço : Le Corbusier e o papel da fotografia na mediação entre o público e a arquitetura ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Texte intégralThe main focus of this dissertation is the study of the relation between architecture and photography, based on the premise that the photographic register is never neutral and always presents a particular version of what was registered. This research is specifically about the exhibition New World of Space held by The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston (ICA) in 1948 which was also presented by the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP) in 1950, including many photographs. We intend to contribute to the study of the photographs role in the mediation between public and architecture in the modern museums, considered the place for diffusion and ideas statements on the architecture and modern culture fields. French- Swiss architect Le Corbusier, whose work is presented in the exhibition in study is considered one of the most outstanding protagonist of Modern Movement. Considered to be the exponent of architectural modernism, Le Corbusier also had a great knowledge about photography. MASPs historical archives and the collection of Lina Bo and Pietro Maria Bardi Institute were the main source of information for this research and specifically for the exhibition itself, which detailed description and analysis can be found here. The present study was guided by the following questions: what is the value of photography on architectural exhibitions? Does photography intends to show the truth as a document or is it a (re)interpretation of what is presented to us by the architects in their projects? Are the photographs presented for their artistic or informative value? And what is the relation between photography and the other elements of the exhibition, such as sketches and models? Based on our studies our conclusion is that the expographic project in MASP is more modern and aldacious, in accordance with Le Corbusiers work proposal.
Matera, Sérgio. « Carlos Millan : um estudo sobre a produção em arquitetura ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.
Texte intégralThe dissertation approaches the architecture projects developed by Carlos Barjas Millan (1927/1964) from 1951 to 1964, during approximately 15 years of professional work, as well as his personal and academic formation. The study object is the set of this architectural production analyzed from its insertion in the cultural and political moment, since the second Getúlio Vargas government and the countrys democratization until the 1964 Military Coup. This study provides an instrument for a systematic reflection about the architect Carlos Millans work and about the Brazilian Modern Architecture, once the literature concerning his career and architectonic production is scarce and little specific. The study concerning Millans professional development and his projects from the drawing archives holdings of the FAUUSP library aims at a better understanding of the architects career, who worked with architecture, urban planning, furniture design, as a professor of FAUM and FAUUSP, and passed along two polarized groups of modern architecture in São Paulo, in the 50s and 60s, represented by Miguel Forte and Vilanova Artigas. Carlos Millans work was not very numerous, relatively restrict to São Paulo city, being the great majority of residences, which does not reduce the importance of his production. Through the rescue of the architects career, the study of the professional biography and of the projects of this research, the incorporation of this instrument as an organized database characterizes an important stage for future studies about the Modern Architecture of São Paulo and Brazil. This study aims at a better comprehension of the Brazilian architecture development considering that hypothesis that have already been identified by the historiography are reflected in the projects studied here: the concern of a group of Brazilian architects about the technologic development, searching for formal solutions, for techniques and esthetics with cultural roots inserted in a project of modernization of the country. The dissertation gathers in a single research information about projects developed by Millan during his professional activity by a compilation of drawings and pictures of the most significant work of his career, allowing a better access to the projects by means of a research instrument with detailed and organized data, and with analyses relating the projects among themselves and with the historical moment of their production.
Thompson, Karl Michael Remon. « The logic of modern prudence : practical political judgement in modern representative democracies ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1998.
Texte intégralPanarut, Charn. « Sports in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Siam : Aggressive and Civilised Masculinities ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2017.
Texte intégralRossetti, Carolina Pierrotti. « Flávio de Carvalho : questões de arquitetura e urbanismo ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.
Texte intégralThis research deals with the work of the brazilian engineer-architect Flávio de Carvalho through his professional course enchainment not only of his professional performance in São Paulo city, but also of his studies in England. This research shows important points in both contexts which contribute to the comprehension of his works. It also shows many newspaper article readings and his statements to the newspapers from 1920s to 1970s besides his work and also his urban and architectural proposals. From this search it was possible to elaborate another perspective about Flávio de Carvalho\'s work in relation to brazilian architecture and urbanism history.
Friedmann, Miriam. « Early modern English fairs ». E-thesis Full text (Hebrew University users only), 1997.
Texte intégralSinger, Kenneth William. « Rousseau and modern environmentalism ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1991.
Texte intégralArts, Faculty of
Political Science, Department of
Haines, Kevin Richard. « Understanding modern juvenile justice ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1995.
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