Thèses sur le sujet « Modèles de changement de comportement »
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Ricard, Ludovic. « Génération de modèles de réservoir sur maillage flexible ». Paris 11, 2005.
Texte intégralThe high level geostatistic description of the subsurface are often far too detailed for use in routine flow simulators. To make flow simulations tractable, the number of grid blocks has to be reduced: an approximation, still relevant with flow description, is necessary. In this work, we place the emphasis on the scaling procedure from the fine scale model to the multi-scale reservoir model. Two main problems appear: Near wells, faults and channels, the volume of flexible cells may be less than fine ones, so we need to solve a downscaling problem; Far from these regions, the volume of cells are bigger than fine ones so we need to solve an upscaling problem. In this work, research has been done on each of these three areas: downscaling, upscaling and fluid flow simulation. For each of these subjects, a review, some news improvements and comparative study are proposed. The proposed downscaling method is build to be compatible with existing data integration methods. The comparative study shows that empirical methods are not enough accurate to solve the problem. Concerning the upscaling step, the proposed approach is based on an existing method: the perturbed boundary conditions. An extension to unstructured mesh is developed for the inter-cell permeability tensor. The comparative study shows that numerical methods are not always as accurate as expected and the empirical model can be sufficient in lot of cases. A new approach to single-phase fluid flow simulation is developed. This approach can handle with full tensorial permeability fields with source or sink terms
Wu, Senjun. « Modélisation du comportement des géomatériaux : apport des méthodes numériques de changement d'échelle ». Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2011.
Texte intégralAné, Thierry. « Changement de temps, processus subordonnés et volatilité stochastique : une approche financière sur des données à haute fréquence ». Paris 9, 1997.
Texte intégralThe goal of this thesis is to validate mathematically the brilliant conjecture by Clark (1973) who chose the volume as the subordinating process t defining the economic time in which asset prices should be observed. Along the lines of the recent microstructure literature and using the tick by tick data, we show, in agreement with the recent empirical results by Jones, Kaul and Lipson (1994), that it is in fact the number of trades which defines the economic time. We prove that without any assumption on the distribution of the stochastic time t we recover normality for asset price returns when using the number of trades as the "stochastic clock". We extract from a tick by tick data base the empirical distribution of asset returns and use a parametric estimation procedure to compute the moments of the unknown distribution of the subordinator t. The moments of t coincide with the corresponding moments of the number of trades. Lastly, we explain how the issue of stochastic volatility can be embedded in the general framework of stochastic time changes and what it implies for option pricing and hedging. The effectiveness of implied versus historical volatility in forecasting the future volatility has recently been, with good reasons, the subject of scrutiny both among academics and practitioners. It is common practice to use implied volatility as the market's forecast of future volatility. S&P 500 options and futures prices are used to show that implied volatility is a poor forecast of the realized volatility. The use of subordinated processes can help to construct a good forecast of the realized volatility. Moreover, our time change as well as our volatility forecast highlights the role of the rate of information arrival proxied by the number of trades
Leport, Julie. « Dynamiques de changement des modèles alimentaires : le cas du poisson à Dakar ». Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017.
Texte intégralFish have a central position in food in Dakar. It is also one of the main components of the emblematic dish of the country, the ceebujën, present in the daily habits of the populations. For ecological, political and economic reasons, the accessibility of fish to the local market has been declining in recent years. This thesis analyses the adaptation strategies used by Dakar inhabitants facing this situation. This project considers the dynamic dimension of food and of the food decision processes. Data collection was carried out in three main phases: 1) an ethnographic immersion phase; 2) a qualitative phase consisting of interviews with experts and Dakar eaters, plus participant observation sessions of food sequences (supply, preparation and consumption of a meal); 3) a quantitative phase in which 820 Dakar inhabitants answered a questionnaire. The results show that while food changes can involve a maintaining of the practices defined by the food models, they can also participate in the redefinition of these models. The identity and social statuses of certain food (fish), dishes (the ceebujën) or recipes (the ceebujën is categorised as "one-pot dish") favours the behaviours of maintenance inside the food model, whereas “modernization” tends to allow for the development of practices that go beyond the model. This thesis complicates and revitalises the concept of food model by exposing how food models constitute a resource mobilized in time of change, while they are simultaneously shaped by these same changes
Berriche-Harzallah, Amira. « Stratégies de changement de comportement financier du consommateur : les apports d'un modèle transthéorique orienté approche-évitement ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2014.
Texte intégralIncreasing attention is being given by researchers, practitioners and stakeholders to issues raised by consumers’ financial and budgetary behavior. Models of behavior change can help develop messages and adapted approaches in this area. This research shows that strategies of change used by the consumer are basically approach and avoidance strategies and proposes a model defining the role of decisional balance in using of these strategies. The model also includes individual variables such as attitude towards money and anxiety level that may have influenced the adoption of these strategies. This model is applied to groups of consumers in similar situations in the trajectory of change. The dimensions of the transtheoretical model of change (precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance) has been used to obtain these groups. The results also show effects of consumer's paratelic orientation. Theoretical contributions mainly explain the adoption of approach-avoidance strategies of financial behavior change. Managerial contributions correspond to actions to promote change by considering several variables of segmentation in particular the position of consumers on their trajectory of change
Pomar, Fernández Silvia. « La nature hybride des organisations et le processus de transfert de modèles : cas des crèches subventionnées au Mexique ». Lyon 3, 2007.
Texte intégralThe institutions of social security in Latin-American have presented serious problems, like IMSS in Mexico. The principal problems in these institutions are: lack of capability; the strong financial and actuarial imbalances; the increase of the unemployment; lack or delay in the payment quotas of the businessmen; the negative yields of the investments and the strong component of the management expenses. Under this context the IMSS has had to establish strategies to change its structure and organization form, which has allowed him to solve partially the problems. One of these strategies is the creation of the indirect subrogated service, keepership services that offers the Institute across private organizations. These subrogated keepership have received a model from the IMSS, which has had to be adapted according to its needs, due to the environment in which they work is different. Due to its hybrid nature some behaviors exist in its performers that haven't been reflected at all and have created problems in its organization. The interest in this investigation is to determine which is the nature of the hybrid organizations? Which is the process of model transference in this type of organizations? and to identify how this fact is reflected in the identity and the behavior of its performers. This will be helpful as a guideline for any organization that belongs to this kind of cases in order to improve the performance
Las instituciones de seguridad social latinoamericana han presentado serios problemas, como es el caso del IMSS en México. Dentro de los principales problemas se encuentran: la escasa cobertura; los fuertes desequilibrios financieros y actuariales; el aumento del desempleo; falta o retraso en el pago de cuotas de los empresarios; los rendimientos negativos de las inversiones y el fuerte componente de los gastos administrativos. Bajo este contexto el IMSS ha tenido que establecer estrategias de cambio en su estructura y forma de organización, lo que le ha permitido solucionar parcialmente sus problemas. Una de estas estrategias es la creación del servicio inidirecto subrogado, servicio de guarderías que otorga el Instituto, a través de organizaciones privadas. Estas guarderías subrogadas han recibido un modelo del IMSS, el cual ha tenido que ser adaptado a sus necesidades, debido a que el medio ambiente en el que ellas funcionan es diferente. Por su naturaleza híbrida existen comportamientos en sus actores que han sido poco reflexionados y que han originado problemas en su forma de organización. El interés en esta investigación es determinar cuál es la naturaleza de las organizaciones híbridas, cuál es el proceso de transferencia de modelos en este tipo de organizaciones e identificar cómo se refleja este hecho en la identidad y el comportamiento de sus actores. Esto servirá como guía para cualquier organización que se encuentre en este caso, lo que permitirá mejorar su desempeño
Bertelsmeier, Cleo. « Biologie des invasions de fourmis dans un contexte de changement climatique ». Thesis, Paris 11, 2013.
Texte intégralClimate change and biological invasions are both among the greatest threats to biodiversity and their impacts might increase by the end of the century. Among invasive species, ants are a prominent group due to their negative impacts on native species, ecosystem processes, human and animal health, agro-ecosystems and the economy. The objective of this thesis was to forecast future ant invasions – especially in the light of on-going climate change, which is generally thought to favour invasive species by removing thermal barriers. I used three complementary approaches to study the potential of different ant species to invade in the future: species distribution modelling, behavioural experiments and the analysis of a database of ecological traits. I modelled suitable area for 15 of the worst invasive ant species, both currently and with predicted climate change, globally, regionally and within the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots. Surprisingly, the potential distribution of only five species was predicted to increase (up to 35.8%) with climate change, with most declining by up to 63.3%. The ant invasion hotspots are predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Africa, Asia and Oceanic islands, and particularly correspond with biodiversity hotspots. Contrary to general expectations, climate change and biological invasions will not systematically act synergistically for ants. In addition, I found that the impacts of climate change can change over time and even reverse the trend of the impact (i.e., an increase instead of a decrease or vice versa). However, ant invasions will likely remain as a major global problem, especially where invasion hotspots coincide with biodiversity hotspots. The species distribution models have identified large potentially overlapping distributions of several invasive ants. In the future, these species may arrive simultaneously in the same regions and compete with each other. In a series of experiments, I tested behavioural differences among 7 highly invasive ant species (Anoplolepis gracilipes, Paratrechina longicornis, Myrmica rubra, Linepithema humile, Lasius neglectus, Wasmannia auropunctata and Pheidole megacephala). I discovered two different behavioural strategies among invasive ants. Interactions at the colony level, exhibited more complex demographic processes and more variability. Further, I investigated resource competition and differences in resource exploitation. I found significant differences among species, with competitive abilities that were negatively correlated with behavioural dominance. This series of experiments suggests that the ‘mechanisms’ of invasiveness are more complex than previously thought and that different invasive ant species may use different behavioural strategies. Since there are more than 250 exotic species of ants, it would be interesting to identify potential future invaders. In order to identify traits associated with invasiveness in ants, I set up a database with 2193 ant species and 24 ecological characteristics. I performed a preliminary analysis of trait differences between native and invasive ants that shows clearly different clusters of invasive and native species, with exotic species in between. These results could be used as a basis to construct a predictive model of future ant invasions. The different methods used (models, experiments, database) are complementary in that they explore different aspects of the future ant invasions which are likely to be influenced by on-going climate change. The worst invaders of tomorrow may not be the same as today and similarly, areas most at risk are likely to change
Frejaville, Thibaut. « Vulnérabilité des forêts de montagne des Alpes occidentales au changement de régime d'incendie ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Texte intégralMountain forests are experiencing an increase in fire occurrence. Through a retrospective analysis over the past decades of fire and climate, this dissertation firstly shows that Mediterranean ecosystems have experienced a strong decrease in fire activity, emphasizing the strong efficiency of fire suppression policies, while fires have been more frequent and large in mountains like the southern Alps. I used vegetation and climate data to characterize the flammability and fire resistance traits of mountain forests of the western Alps that determine their effects and responses to fire. Then, assessing the vulnerability to fire of mountain ecosystems and tree species was carried out by simulating the behaviour of surface fires and their impacts (tree mortality) within the environmental niches of dominant tree species. Results show that tree cover and the seasonality of precipitation largely drive the amount and flammability properties of surface fuels (litter, grass and shrubs). Therefore, these environmental gradients govern the flammability niches of tree species, from the few flammable dense and moist forests of the northern Alps, to the open and highly flammable sub-Mediterranean and subalpine forests of the southern and inner Alps, respectively. Otherwise, fire resistance traits of trees vary according to community flammability through a trade-off between tolerance (thick bark in dry climates) and avoidance strategies (high crown in moist climates), suggesting a coevolution between species and surface fires. To conclude, the niche properties and the life history traits of Alpine trees make them unequally exposed to an increasing fire risk in southern European mountains
Burlet, Mélanie. « Des cadres à l'organisation, de l'organisation aux cadres : le cas des ingénieurs et cadres techniques du secteur de la conception de Renault ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2008.
Texte intégralBased on a microsociological research, this thesis points out the existence of a bilateral relationship between an organizational form and the characteristics of a professional group. The most recent organizational changes in the engineering department of a worldwide firm have noticeably altered the characteristics of the engineers' working situations. Although traditionally considered as impossible to rationalize, today the engineers' technical activities can be specialized, planned, affected by a strong process of standardization and controlled in several ways. These changes have occured in a context of a cross-functional organization, raising contradictions and uncertainty. Consequently, individuals adopt different ways to deal with opportunities and constraints provided by the context according to their position in the structure, but also according to their previous career paths and their social multi-positionning. Precisely, the feminization and the diversification of qualification inside the professional group are thus made decisive in the understanding of what is going on within the organization. The different ways of acting then play a part in strengthening some structural characteristics and developping weak social links within the organization like punctual commitments and a conditional and hypothetical solidarity between individuals. Actually, under such conditions, four types of working commitment are triggered: involvement, contribution, consent and withdrawal. They are the expression of several models of social success, which means that the relationships to time, work and organization are now the determining factors in the segmentation of the professional group
Binauld, Cédric. « Tentative de renouveau d'un écosystème : les processus individuels et collectifs à la base de la non-émergence d'un écosystème d'innovation ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Texte intégralThe concept of ecosystem imported by Moore (1993) in strategy is increasingly used by practitioners and explored by researchers both theoretically and empirically. Conceived in this work as "a community of hierarchically independent, yet interdependent, heterogeneous participants who collectively generate an ecosystem outcome", the organizations involved face specific strategic issues, e.g. positioning in the structure, management of bottlenecks. During the renewal phase, organizations try, for example, to define the Value Proposition and to capture the value activated by the resulting innovation. Our literature review shows that the renewal phase is little investigated empirically and that, in general, the strategic issues are approached according to a functionalist approach or according to a voluntarist approach centered on a focal organization. In order to take relational dynamics into account, we ask the following question: “What are the individual processes and the collective organizational processes implemented during an attempt to renew an ecosystem? ". We answer this question with a single longitudinal case study with embedded units. We observe the failure of an attempted renewal project of an ESI. Data is collected continuously for more than three years using intervention and observation tactics. The analysis is carried out by means of a thematic coding based on an adaptation of the Gioia method. The results show that the organizations involved seek to limit changes in their own Business Models (BM hereafter) and, with regard to the need for BM matching, also seek to minimize changes in the partners' BM. The economic model thus proves to be structuring for the renewal of the ecosystem. The ecosystem we are studying is subject to a legal monopoly for the distribution network management activity. We observe that this situation gives significant power to the organization that benefits from it even though it does not own this network. We contribute to the literature on ecosystems by showing that the renewal of an ecosystem cannot take place in the absence of agreement on its new structure. We show the challenge for members to master the definition of PV and the governance of the ecosystem. We show the presence of a bottleneck creation strategy that does not only concern the technical aspects. We bring together the literature of ecosystems with that of BMs. The BM gives meaning to organizational and inter-organizational behaviors and specifies the parts of the environment with which an organization enters into a relationship. We observe that without pairing the BMs concerned, innovation cannot be introduced and the ecosystem cannot be renewed. We also conclude that the activity of Business Model Innovation (BMI hereafter) is a business activity. On the managerial level, we underline the necessary reassessment by the State of the legal structuring of an ecosystem with regard to new goals. We also provide managers with a tool and an approach to enable them to decide in an ecosystemic universe
Pican, Nicolas. « Approches statique et dynamique de la modulation des efficacités synaptiques dans les réseaux de neurones ». Nancy 1, 1995.
Texte intégralCabezas-Rivière, Enzo. « Identifier, comprendre et résoudre les freins à une meilleure maîtrise des consommations de chauffage et du confort en France ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Texte intégralIn the current environmental and economic context, it is crucial that each individual has the tools to manage their heating consumption while maintaining a satisfactory level of comfort. However, obstacles can limit this control over energy and comfort. For example, in buildings with collective heating in France, the distribution of charges between apartments is traditionally based on the proportional surface area, which may discourage the adoption and maintenance of energy-efficient behaviours. To address this, the Élan law aims to individualize heating costs to encourage households to save energy. However, studies conducted on certain dwellings and buildings have shown that the distribution of heating costs is not the only obstacle to greater energy efficiency.Thus, this thesis first aimed to identify and understand the barriers to better control of heating consumption and comfort in French dwellings equipped with collective heating, representing around six million households. To achieve this, a survey was conducted. The results showed that heating bills are often difficult to access and understand, as is the distribution of heating costs. Additionally, respondents expressed the need for additional information, such as personalized advice or data on the environmental impact of their consumption. The results also revealed that the absence of remote programming and control systems for radiators discourages occupants from adopting and maintaining energy-efficient behaviours.Next, the work of this thesis focused on overcoming these barriers. To this end, a methodology was developed to improve both the technical and informational environment for users. Traditionally, to encourage individuals to save energy, one or more interventions are implemented. However, few studies propose an approach that targets relevant interventions based on individual characteristics. To determine the interventions to be used, a behavior change model was employed due to its suitability for energy management. The evaluation of the psychosocial factors constituting this model helped identify the most appropriate interventions for each individual. Moreover, the information provided as part of these interventions was personalized according to the occupants' habits and interests, encouraging them to engage with it. To improve the ease of use of the technical environment, connected thermostatic valves were installed, allowing remote control and programming of radiators at a low cost. These devices transmit data on the ambient temperature and the setpoint applied by users, enabling personalized advice on heating usage. This advice also included an estimate of the savings achievable by following the recommendations. To reliably calculate these potential savings, as well as those already achieved, dynamic thermal simulation models were developed.Finally, the methodology was tested on two families during the 2023-2024 heating period. The evaluation of this experiment considered changes in psychosocial factors, behaviour, comfort and energy savings achieved
Tittelein, Pierre. « Environnements de simulation adaptés à l'étude du comportement énergétique des bâtiments basse consommation ». Phd thesis, Chambéry, 2008.
Texte intégralLes environnements de simulation énergétique existants ont été conçus pour des bâtiments classiques pour lesquels les consommations sont beaucoup plus importantes que celles fixées pour 2012, il faut donc voir si les modèles mais aussi les méthodes de simulations utilisés correspondent toujours aux spécificités de ces nouveaux bâtiments. L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer l'intérêt d'utiliser un environnement de simulation basé sur les systèmes d'équations pour étudier le comportement énergétique des bâtiments basse consommation.
Pour cela, plusieurs modèles ont été implémentés dans l'environnement SIMSPARK. Il s'agit d'un modèle de matériau à changement de phase, d'un modèle de prise en compte du rayonnement de courtes longueurs d'onde par calcul de la tache solaire et d'un modèle d'échangeur air-sol. Ils ont été intégrés dans un modèle global de bâtiment basse consommation ce qui a permis de montrer les avantages de l'environnement de simulation utilisé. Le fait qu'il soit orienté objet permet de valider indépendamment les nouveaux modèles puis de les intégrer facilement à un modèle de niveau hiérarchique supérieur. Le fait qu'il soit basé sur les systèmes d'équations a permis grâce à la non orientation a priori du modèle d'inverser le sens de résolution de plusieurs problèmes dans une simulation dynamique. Enfin, la robustesse des méthodes de résolution utilisées a été éprouvée.
Benabid, Mohamed. « Pratiques de consommation et processus de changement organisationnel : cas du marché de l'information en ligne ». Thesis, Paris 8, 2018.
Texte intégralThe literature on change does not adequately capture the influence of micro-organizational determinants such as consumption practices. By mobilizing two theoretical frameworks, the neo-institutional theory (NIT) and technology acceptance model, and relying on the online information market in Morocco, our thesis aims to better take into account this perspective. Our research is comprehensive and explanatory and uses a mixed qualitative-quantitative methodology through a pragmatic epistemological positioning. Our results show that consumer-driven change in online information is not motivated by an institutional agenda or, to put it another way, by shifting the course of events. It seems to be only a collateral effect of his activities. Our research also highlights the institutional status of consumer practices, which are driven by regulatory, normative and cognitive institutional pillars. While the cognitive pillar of free information provides organizational opportunities for change in the context of the electronic press, it continues to challenge the issue of monetization. The results of our quantitative analysis also suggest the existence of significant relationships between the intention to purchase online news and cognitive constructs: the free mentality, perceived fairness, perceived credibility. We show that monetization is a question of both technical and psychosocial factors that continue to be a barrier to the challenges of the economic model
Mas, Sébastien. « Quels sont les motivations et les facteurs expliquant la pratique du jeûne chez des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein ? : une approche qualitative et quantitative en psychologie de la santé ». Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2019.
Texte intégralThe thesis objectives are to characterize the motivation to fast in women treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer and to evaluate the positive and negative psychological effects of this practice
Ponchon, Aurore. « Comportements individuels et réponse des populations aux changements environnementaux : la mouette tridactyle comme modèle ». Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to study individual behaviours linked to breeding habitat selection in a long-lived colonial seabird, the black-legged kittiwake, and to determine their importance in population responses to environmental changes occurring at different spatial and temporal scales. First, experimental approaches including GPS and satellite tracking of individuals allowed demonstrating that only failed breeders performed prospecting movements involving visits of other breeding areas. These movements were recorded from egg incubation to chick rearing at local spatial scales (<1 km) as well as large spatial scales (> 40km), in various environmental conditions. Then, a population dynamic model considering different dispersal strategies showed that contrarily to philopatry and random dispersal, personal and social information use by individuals favoured population persistence in the long-term. Finally, capture-recapture models highlighted indirect interactions between sampling designs of long-term surveys of marked individuals and behaviours linked to dispersal. These interactions can notably bias the estimation of demographic parameters such as annual survival rate. All our results demonstrate that breeding habitat selection and dispersal are complex but essential processes in the understanding of population functioning and they have to be considered in models predicting the dynamics, structure and persistence of populations in response to environmental changes
Boidron, Laurent. « Régulation médicale simulée : ingénierie cognitive de la conception d'un outil d'apprentissage ». Thesis, Dijon, 2014.
Texte intégralEmergency Medical Call Center is a part of Emergency Medicine. Emergency Medical Dispatching Physician (EMDP) deals with a critical dynamic environment. SimulPhone© is a novel simulator for call center. The aim of this work is to build a training simulation tool from the cognitive engineering. With simulation scenarios, we conducted five experiments. For the first one, we tested the feasibility and determined the fields of analysis. The second study tested the validity and reliability of the simulator. We then established a cognitive performance score. The third experiment determined a subgroup with experts with the previous score. Their behaviors were analyzed for each scenario in order to establish an educational guide. The fourth experiment studied the impact of dominance on the reasoning and decision. The last one analysed the learning experience during a simulation day. Our results found (1) a significant realism of the simulator. We have demonstrated (2) the validity, reliability, intra and inter-observer simulator. These results are not affected by the profession of the participants. In the third experiment, the subgroup of experts allowed us to build an educational guide. In cardiac arrest, we observed a cognitive underload from subject to the caller in order to realise a telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We have demonstrated (4) the impact of paraverbal informations on the decision of EMDP. At least, during a training session (5), we observed previous knowledge awakening
Brodeur, Normand. « Les stratégies de changement employées par des hommes ayant des comportements violents envers leur conjointe : mesure et analyse à partir du modèle transthéorique du changement ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Texte intégralThe transtheoretical model has attracted the interest of clinicians helping domestically violent men to change their behaviour. It states: 1) that people who change their behaviour progress through a series of stages called precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination; and 2) that progress from one stage to the next is facilitated by the use of the right processes of change at the right time. Whereas experiential processes would be more useful at earlier stages, behavioural processes would be better suited at more advanced stages. This study’s first objective was to validate the French version of a processes of change questionnaire developed in the United States by Levesque and Pro-Change (2001). It then aimed to examine the relationship between the processes and the stages of change. Data were gathered from two groups of men (n = 255 and n = 302) recruited from programs that help domestically violent men in the province of Quebec (Canada). Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the model that described the structure of the questionnaire best consisted of 13 processes. However, the model’s fit indices were inferior to the currently acknowledged norms (e.g.: CFI < 0.86). Moreover, only 38 % of the scales had an alpha coefficient above 0.70. Analysis of the results indicates that it will be necessary to better define the processes of change and the indicators used to measure them. It also shows that processes cannot be reduced to experiential and behavioural dimensions alone. In other respects, this study also provides modest evidence that precontemplators use fewer strategies than men in the advanced stages of change. It does not show the necessity to match processes to specific stages, except in the case of self liberation. The latter process and negative self reevaluation are the two processes that appear most promising for intervention with domestically violent men. The transtheoretical model can still contribute to the development of research on the processes of change. However, its practical application appears less strong than originally projected. Clinicians should therefore maintain a critical approach and use it with caution.
Inscrit au Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures
St-Martin, Serge. « Maîtrise du changement dans les modèles CAO ». Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2001.
Texte intégralSalloum, Zahraa. « Maximum de vraisemblance empirique pour la détection de changements dans un modèle avec un nombre faible ou très grand de variables ». Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Texte intégralIn this PHD thesis, we propose a nonparametric method based on the empirical likelihood for detecting the change in the parameters of nonlinear regression models and the change in the coefficient of linear regression models, when the number of model variables may increase as the sample size increases. Firstly, we test the null hypothesis of no-change against the alternative of one change in the regression parameters. Under null hypothesis, the consistency and the convergence rate of the regression parameter estimators are proved. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is obtained, which allows to find the asymptotic critical value. On the other hand, we prove that the proposed test statistic has the asymptotic power equal to 1. The epidemic model, a particular case of model with two change-points, under the alternative hypothesis, is also studied. Afterwards, we use the empirical likelihood method for constructing the confidence regions for the difference between the parameters of a two-phases nonlinear model with random design. We show that the empirical likelihood ratio has an asymptotic χ2 distribu- tion. Empirical likelihood method is also used to construct the confidence regions for the difference between the parameters of a two-phases nonlinear model with response variables missing at randoms (MAR). In order to construct the confidence regions of the parameter in question, we propose three empirical likelihood statistics : empirical likelihood based on complete-case data, weighted empirical likelihood and empirical likelihood with imputed va- lues. We prove that all three empirical likelihood ratios have asymptotically χ2 distributions. An another aim for this thesis is to test the change in the coefficient of linear regres- sion models for high-dimensional model. This amounts to testing the null hypothesis of no change against the alternative of one change in the regression coefficients. Based on the theoretical asymptotic behaviour of the empirical likelihood ratio statistic, we propose, for a deterministic design, a simpler test statistic, easier to use in practice. The asymptotic normality of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis is proved, a result which is different from the χ2 law for a model with a fixed variable number. Under alternative hypothesis, the test statistic diverges
Richard, Quentin. « Comportement asymptotique de modèles de populations structurées ». Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Texte intégralThis thesis is dedicated to some structured populations models described with transport or transport-diffusion equations. The well-posedness, in the semigroupes setting in L1 and the positivity of the solutions are systematically shown. A first work is dedicated to an age-structured predator/prey system. A stability study of the equilibria allow us to give explicit formulations of an extinction threshold and an threshold which can lead to explosion of solutions. We numerically obtain the possibility to get a limit cycle and the convergence to a coexistence equilibrium of the populations. In a specific case, this model rewrites as a delay differential system. Using Lyapunov functional, we show the global stability of this equilibrium under some assumptions. We also study two size-structured models that come from cellular dynamics. The first one consists on two transport equations, where the cell can either proliferate or be quiescent, and the second one is a transport-diffusion equation with Feller boundary conditions. The irreducibility of the semigroup governing this latter model is always satisfied using the Hopf maximum principle. However, the irreducibility for the first model is true only under a necessary and sufficient condition that we give. We also show for these two models, using some weak compactness arguments in L1, the existence of a `spectral gap' (essential type strictly less than the type) ensuring the asynchronous exponential growth of the semigroup
Idrac, Jonathan. « Comportement électrochimique d'alliages modèles binaires aluminium-cuivre ». Toulouse, INPT, 2005.
Texte intégralThis work is devoted to a study of the electrochemical behaviour of binary aluminiumcopper model alloys. Binary aluminium-copper alloys were deposited using physical vapour deposition PVD. Like that, the model alloy layers containing 0. 1 to 100 at % Cu were prepared to a thickness about 450 nm. A good correlation has been established between the metallurgical phases into these alloys and the equilibrium phase diagram. The microstructure evolution with chemical composition has then revealed a strongly influence of the θ-Al2Cu phase (33 at % Cu). In the same way, the electrochemical behaviour of these alloys in a sulphate media was correlated to the evolution of their microstructure. For a composition close to that of θ-Al2Cu phase (33 at % Cu), a transition of the electrochemical behaviour was again observed. Galvanic coupling between model alloys containing both α-Al and θ-Al2Cu phases shows that the anodic α phase remained in the passive state whereas pits were observed on cathodic θ-Al2Cu phase. The second part of this work concerns the chemical and structural studies of the anodic films grown on these alloys. From 0. 2 at % Cu in alloy, anodizing led to a copper enrichment just beneath the film in a 2 nm thin thick layer. For a sufficient copper content in the alloy, oxidation of copper was observed. From 2 at % copper content, the voltage-time response during anodizing wasn't linear and the RBS analysis revealed a difference between the calculated and measured values of the enrichment copper content. Then, from this composition copper is oxidised and incorporated into the film and oxygen bubbles are formed leading to a defective structure of anodic films, which has a strong influence on the electrochemical behaviour of these anodized alloys.
Magné, Bertrand. « Changement climatique et ordre optimal d'exploitation des ressources ». Toulouse 1, 2003.
Texte intégralWe study the origin of carbon emissions which lead to climate change, owing to the theory of natural resource management. Our simulations of the energy market show that in the long run, alternative energy sources, such as solar and nuclear, progressively substitute to fossil sources under reasonable cost decrease assumptions. We analyze the order of exploitation of a fossil resource and its clean substitute when the pollution accumulation is capped. New simulations emphasize the benefits of the early adoption of a cheap substitute. The pollution abatement reduces appreciably the externality cost of climate change. We finally model the nuclear fuel cycle linking the flows and stocks of fissil materials that supply a nuclear fleet. We exhibit the need for fast breeder reactors if uranium ore and nuclear technology are to be used massively in order to mitigate climate change
Kettani, Omar. « Modèles du calcul sans changement d'état : quelques développements et résultats ». Aix-Marseille 2, 1989.
Texte intégralTuring machine takes his information in a box marked between severl others. Taking informationat once on parts of two contiguous boxes makes state desappear from algorithm. Correspondent information is else noted in each contiguous part of the two boxes. It becomes so necessary to employ large set of symbols. Here is proved equivalence of such machines with turing machines. Author imagines now parallel machines in whic a plenty of contiguous boxes can be marked simultaneously, and the travelling of marks scan part of box all at once. He applie it to several classical problems. In marking at once two contiguous boxes, it is possible to take at once half part of the first and half part of the second one, third part of the first and two thrid part of the second one, and so on. On the bound, at the utmost shift, it rests two values in common, and in this case author proves again equivalence of such machine with turing machine he proves so existence of an unviersal machine and establishes relation with cellular automata
Marmier, Rémy. « Changement d'échelle dans les modèles hydromécaniques couplés des réservoirs fracturés ». Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007.
Texte intégralThis study aims at providing a better description of the coupling effects between deformation and flow for the simulation of the production of fractured reservoirs. The modification of the initial equilibrium state of stress in the reservoir, due to hydrocarbon extraction and /or fluid injection, may lead both the porous matrix and the fracture network to suffer deformation. As the fractures usually constitute the preferentially flow pathways, their deformation may considerably affect the recovery of the resources in place. Simulations of fractured reservoir usually make use of homogenized and simplified description referred to "double porosity" model and assume a non-deformable fractured medium. We first develop a generalization of these models to the case of double porosity defolmable media building a fully homogenized hydromechanical model. Then, we both investigate estimations of the poromechanical coefficients for fractured media based on experimental behaviour laws of fractures and present a methodology for the actualization of the fracture permeability. In the framework of the industrial simulation of fractured reservoirs, a poromechanical simulator based on these results and a reservoir simulator are sequentially combined to satisfy the set of equations of mechanical equilibrium and flow. In this study, hydromechanical simulations reproduce the impact of the fracture closure and/or re-opening on recovery efficiency during primary and secondary production schemes of fractured reservoirs
Paillé, Pascal. « Contribution a l'etude du concept d'implication organisationnelle analyse des experiences d'un changement et mise en perspective du role de l'engagement dans l'emploi (une etude exploratoire en milieu hospitalier) ». Toulouse 1, 1997.
Texte intégralThis thesis aim is to participate to the study of organizational commitment. At the begining of this research is a case of change in a public hospital where absenteeism rate feld down between the anouncement of the change and the moment when it hapened. This problematics lead us to choose the organizational commitment as the variable to be explained, job involvement as a middle variable, experiences of change and identification variables. To well understand this phenomenon we have defined a quantitative methdology with a necessary first qualitative step which aim was the largest comprehension of the diferent faces the problematic has made emerged. The research covered a 94 persons sample while the experiences have been measured with an had-doc scale. We use the allen et meyer's affective and continuance scale and lodhal et kejner's scale. The research results lead us to identify experiences structurating the hospital staff experiences of change. We showed these different experiences can predict wether affective commitment or continuance commitment. In addition the interest of a jointly use of organizational commitment and job involvement we have shown the importance of "number of children". Eventually this results are discussed. We have shown the contributions and limits of this research
Israel, Haydi. « Comportement asymptotique de modèles en séparation de phases ». Thesis, Poitiers, 2013.
Texte intégralThis thesis is devoted to the study of the existence, uniqueness andregularity of solutions for a Cahn-Hilliard type equation, as well as the asymptoticbehavior in terms of existence of the global attractor and of an exponential attractor.This equation is considered in a bounded and smooth domain under variousassumptions on the nonlinear terms and with different boundary conditions.We start by studying the equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and a regularnonlinearity. Then, we consider a perturbation of the problem and we prove theexistence of a robust family of exponential attractors as ε tends to 0.For the equation endowed with dynamic boundary conditions, we first consider aregular nonlinearity and we treat the theoretical and numerical analysis. Then, weillustrate the results by numerical simulations in two space dimension which allow usto study the influence of different parameters. Finally, we treat the problem consideredwith a singular nonlinearity which is approximated by regular functions andwe give a suitable notion of solutions
Nowak, Thomas. « Comportement transitoire d'algorithmes distribués et modèles de circuits ». Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2014.
Texte intégralGourdon, Christophe. « Les colonnes d'extraction par solvant : modèles et comportement ». Toulouse, INPT, 1989.
Texte intégralBonfoh, Ahmed Sanih. « Comportement asymptotique de modèles en transitions de phases ». Poitiers, 2001.
Texte intégralThe aim of this work is to study the long time behaviour of some generalizations of the Cahn-Hilliard equation based on constitutives equations derived by M. Gurtin. We recall that these equations describe the transport of atoms between unit cells of a material science during phases transitions phenomena. For the models which only take into account the working of internal microforces, we obtain the existence of the global attractor and an exponential attractor. For the equations which also take into account the deformations of the material, we obtain the existence and uniqueness results and the finite dimensional attractor in the case of simplified models
Boudraa, Kamla. « Comportement asymptotique de fluides non-newtoniens ». Paris 9, 1987.
Texte intégralGros, Alice. « Modélisation de la cristallisation sous tension du caoutchouc naturel ». Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2016.
Texte intégralDespite the numerous experimental inverstigations performed over the past century and more intensively in the last fifteen years, strain-induced crystallization taking place in natural rubber still remains hardly understood in its precise mechanisms, leading models to remain phenomenological ones. The present study aims to develop a physicallymotivated model which qualitatively reproduces physical phenomena observed during an uniaxial tensile test. Firstly, the amorphous network is assumed to deform in an equal-force manner, resulting in a representative chain encompassing the inhomogeneity of matter through the chain-length distribution. Secondly, based on classical thermodynamics and on the entangled nature of the polymer network, both crystallization and fusion conditions are established. Moreover the derivation of the equilibrium point of a finite crystallite in a deformed network clarifies the tight relation between deformation and temperature during fusion. Finally, a semi-crystallized chain is defined, accounting for both the inhomogeneity of the amorphous phase and the heterogeneity due to the presence of a crystalline phase. This chain is included in a modified full-network model, initially dedicated to amorphous networks. This work leads to a complete thermo-mechanical constitutive equation which qualitatively reproduces the response of natural rubber in tension, but also to an original interpretative description of strain-induced crystallization
Lavoie, Charles. « Changement de cible d'inflation dans un modèle d'équilibre général dynamique ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2009.
Texte intégralBégué, Béatrice. « Le changement dans les organisations et la transformation des cultures ». Paris 9, 2004.
Texte intégralDarish, Louis. « Exploration compréhensive du phénomène du changement de comportement chez le conjoint violent ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.
Texte intégralMboui, Nguema Fanny. « Bachelard et Popper : modèles du changement scientifique et conceptions du progrès ». Montpellier 3, 2009.
Texte intégralThe objective of this study is to re-evaluate the models of scientific change and progress of BACHELARD and POPPER, but also the epistemological practice of their respective traditions. It leads us to destroy certain simplistic distinctions which existed between French epistemology and Anglo-Saxon epistemology, as apart from their divergent methodologies, BACHELARD and POPPER laid the foundations of a discontinuous conception of scientific evolution, which is commonly accepted today. These philosophers confronted the scientific problems of their day, with great courage and optimism. They refused the security of truth, in reminding us that no scientific research is possible without taking some risks. Obstacles and errors, thus illustrating this refusal of certainty, are fundamentally linked to the emergence and growth of knowledge. Minimal relativism, according to them, can not plunge science into a scepticism without issue : on the contrary, they demonstrate that we must guard against all dogmatism which would lead to the presentation of science as linear and cumulative. This state of things leads contemporary epistemology to introduce error into the analysis of the process of knowledge development and to consider scientific change and progress in a frame discontinuiste
Derouiche, Sabrine. « Impact du changement climatique dans les modèles numériques à l'échelle régionale ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2022.
Texte intégralThe Mediterranean region is considered one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change because of its socio-cultural wealth and its biodiversity. Several studies about the evolution of different parameters found a significant climate variability at the end of the 20th century. Moreover,according to climate projection models, an intensification of this climate change is expected, over the region, to the end of the 21th century.Consequently, their impacts become more dangerous and expensive. Rain is considered to be the most sensitive signature of climate for humans. Thus, its analysis and the characterization of rainfall regimes over the region allow to apprehend its future evolution. This study is mainly based on daily rainfall observations collected from 70 rain gauge stations over 50-year period (1960-2009) on a regional scale covering all of northern Tunisia. On the other hand, daily precipitations produced by ERA-Interim reanalysis model, equally at regional scale, are also considered in this study. These estimated data have the advantage of being complete over the time and the space. They can have an important role in understanding the climate variability, hence it is essential to assess their quality in relation to observations. The rainfall data processing is novel. Indeed, the analysis of spatial and temporal variability analysis was carried out on the rain event scale. Although rainfall in Tunisia has been analysed by several hydrologists and geographers at different scales ranging from a few minutes to years, the division into rainy episodes and dry episodes proposed in this analysis is original. This approach aims to take into account the intermittent nature of the rain which is one of the fundamental properties of the precipitations. The aggregation of rainy days led to consider six descriptors of rainy events for each measurement point over a period of 50 years. The multidimensional space, thus, created was analysed in the first part by a classic factorial method PCA (Principal Component Analysis), then by the non-linear classification method SOM (Self-Organizing Map) combined with Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC). The two approaches allowed to understand the rainfall data structures and to define a typology. The principal component analysis summarized the six rainfall descriptors adopted into three main components: the first one is an indicator of the rainfall quantity, the second one represents the intermittent character of rain over the season and the third one is a structure indicator. The spatial interpretation divided the study area into three regions of NE-SW orientation, with an opposition between the North-West facade and its hinterland and the South-East facade and its hinterland with an intermediate zone located between these two regions. Moreover, the thesis investigated the correlations between the principal components of PCAs and climate patterns indices. Significant correlations were found for the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation indices. In addition, relationships between sea surface pressure anomalies and principal components were shown by a composite analysis. The combined methods (SOM and HAC) were applied to rainfall descriptors produced by the rain gauge stations network and highlighted 4 classes with different typologies of wet spells structure. Their spatial and temporal variability was, then, analysed. These classes were used as a reference for the analysis of the reanalysis data.The univariate and multivariate analysis of the model data and the comparison with the observations showed that the number of rainy days and the duration of the events are significantly overestimated in the reanalyses. Moreover, the statistical distributions didn't have the same asymmetry. On the other hand, the model showed a good coherence of the temporal structures of the rainfall classes with the observations on a regional scale
Siebenborn, Thierry. « Une approche de formalisation du processus de changement dans l'entreprise ». Chambéry, 2005.
Texte intégralIf the need for piloting changes is not new for companies, the almost constant increase over recent years of the frequency with which these changes must be carried out is. It is the way in which this changement takes should take place, that we will look at through the proposaI of an approach of a process of change. We initially list the different types of structure of organization to which a change can apply as weIl as the methods being able to be used to operate this change. We then evoke the interest which the company would have for a particular process to help it to mobilize skills necessary to make the changes happen. A change is generally defined as a set of skills to acquire or evolve. We show the difficulty companies have in describing these skills. We give a description of the way in which the resources, having in responsibility of implement these skiIls, are mobilized. To position the process of change compared to the other processes, we propose to integrate an additional axis into the two-dimensional type representation of the cartographies of the processes. We then present our approach to the process of change. We thus structure the change in time through the identification of the phases common to any type of change. We then propose a representation allowing a controller to dynamically mobilize the resources to absorb the reactions to the change. We give particular points of a change where the controller of the process must intervene by rebalancing the way in which the resources are mobilized. Lastly, we illustrate the application of this approach to a case of a change which we carried out in a real company
Clauzon, Philippe. « Modèles de comportement électromagnétique de matériaux inhomogènes et composites ». Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1998.
Texte intégralHaji, Oussama. « Modèles de comportement de structures textiles : développement, identification, implémentation ». Thesis, Orléans, 2018.
Texte intégralThe fibrous textile undergoes different mechanical loads, which induce strains and damage to the fabric at different scales. As a result, the mechanical properties of the final parts are drastically impacted. It is therefore essential topredict the feasibility of composite parts by the modelization and the simulation of the fabric preforming process.This task requires an appropriate mechanical behaviour of the fibrous textile. This behaviour is mainly a structural effect that depends essentially on the yarn interlacing and secondly on the yarn behaviour. Each yarn is composedof thousands of fibers; therefore, the objective of the present thesis is to establish a reliable numerical model ofslightly entangled and quasi-parallel fibers. The present work presents mainly: (i) a realistic representation of the fiber network geometry and (ii) a reliable simulation strategy to model the main phenomena at the fiber scale. To feed this approach, compaction tests were conducted on fiber network specimens of 40 polyester fibres. The experiments were combined with X-ray tomography image analysis. Using these tools, simulations of confined compaction on the same microstructure of the used specimen were performed on Abaqus®/Explicit. Beam finite elements were chosen to model the fibers and optimise the calculation cost. The normal contact behaviour between the fibers were was accurately modelled using the contact stiffness scaling and referring to Hertz contact model. The simulation strategy has been validated by comparing the mechanical response of the compaction experiment with the numerical one. The proposed model offers encouraging results in accordance with the real compaction test. More loading trajectories will be performed on a bundle of hundreds of fibers to gather more information on the microscopic scale (fiber scale), and then formulate a mechanical behaviour at the mesoscopic scale (yarn scale)
Donni, Olivier. « Essais sur les modèles collectifs de comportement du ménage ». Paris, EHESS, 2000.
Texte intégralDauvergne, Jean-Luc. « Réduction et inversion de modèles de conduction thermique avec changement de phase ». Bordeaux 1, 2008.
Texte intégralTsoni-Georgopoulos, Christina. « Action managériale et appropriation individuelle d'un changement organisationnel imposé ». Aix-Marseille 3, 2007.
Texte intégralWhen it comes about Top-down organizational change, agent’s appropriation of the change becomes a prerequisite to its success. With regard to this change type, the research adopts an integrative approach, bringing together the organizational and individual levels of analysis, to examine the effects of management action on the change appropriation process of individuals. Towards this end, three emprirical studies are conducted. The first one, a record study, sets as objective to qualify the type of the change which will be examined and to identify the management action tools engaged to its implementation. As it is about a technological change, the usual means for implementing projets related to new technologies are employed. The second emprirical study is a qualitative exploratory one conducted by semi-directive interviews. It concerns the organizational actors affected by the change. Its objective is to examine the way individuals understand the appropriation concept and to identify the variables that they associate to it. The content analysis of these interviews helped us to distinguish between four “individual” variables and four “organizational” ones associated to individual appropriation. Finally, the third empirical study, a quantitative survey, tests an explanatory model of individual appropriation of Top-down change. In this model the individual variables are considered to be the independent variables whereas the organizational ones are considered to be moderators. Considering the empirical evidence, two dimensions are attributed to the appropriation concept, the preference and the mastery ones. Moreover, the moderator effects of management action on the relations between independent variables and appropriation are supported. The main research implications concern a better understanding of the psychological aspects of appropriation and the recognition of the pivotal role of management action in the indivuals’ process of Top-down change appropriation
Tabue, Alain. « Modèles de comportement dynamique des charges dans un réseau électrique ». Paris 9, 1989.
Texte intégralPithioux, Martine. « Lois de comportement et modèles de rupture des os longs ». Aix-Marseille 2, 2000.
Texte intégralCarluer, Claudine. « Le comportement informationnel des gestionnaires de portefeuille : modèles et croyances ». Lyon 3, 1994.
Texte intégralThis research attempts to clarify some questions about the nature of information within the scope of the decision making process. More precisely, it elaborates on a distinction between two kinds of information, the articulation of which is crucial to the understanding of the practical decision making situation. The first part of the text presents the concept of information, and distinguishes information as a resource from information as a structure. Information for decision making is supported by ways of reasoning that fall within the province of science of beliefs. The use of information to make a decision and the reasoning process followed have been observed by studying a precise profession, that of portfolio manager. The reasoning process observed during interviews, revealed itself to be implicitly based on different economic theoretical models, but not in a consistent way. One professional will think according to different models that may be contradictory over time. This information is then analysed in the context of an information system. This information is characterised by the diversity and variability of the reasoning processes. Information as a structure is inextricably linked with information as a resource. The observation of these interwoven forms of information leads to new reflection on the structure of the information system for decision making in a complex context
Andréani, Jean-Claude. « Les modèles de prévision et de comportement en marketing pharmaceutique ». Paris 1, 1986.
Texte intégralThis research concerns the description, the explanation and the forecast of physician's behavior prescription, from the representation of their decision's mecanisms and the treatment's process of the marketing informations. In order to make easy the systematic approach of these phenomenons, a theorical model is presented and discussed, then tested and validated. By hypothesis, the precription r(x) is described in the model as the result of two factors : a position function p(x) marking the doctor's attitude in front of products, and a motion's function resulting from the momentum produced by the information's cases. The position's function p(x) reproduced the decision and the prescription mecanims according to a knowledge conjunctive ruler (the evocated set), a preference's additive ruler (comparing the drug's idea to the criterions of the therapeutic class, and a intention's lexicographic ruler (given a ranking and a classification at the position of the product in the doctor's mind). The motion's function q(x) calculates the cognitive displacements involved by th the communication and by the utilisation's cases. The communication is under the step by step control of information and of the for functions : audience, attention, positioning, and product. It is controled also by selected functions of persuasiveness's medias : mouth to ears, resistance of change, inter or impersonal communication
Bagaméry, Farkas Adam. « Comportement critique de modèles bidimensionnels en présence de perturbations inhomogènes ». Nancy 1, 2006.
Texte intégralIn this work we study the influence of different inhomogeneous perturbations on the critical behaviour of two-dimensional models. In the first part we consider the two-dimensional Ising model in a random surface field which is predicted to be a marginally irrelevant perturbation at the critical point. We study this question by Monte Carlo simulations for various strengths of disorder. The calculated effective (temperature or size-dependent) critical exponents fit with the field-theoretical results and can be interpreted in terms of the expected logarithmic corrections to the pure system's critical behaviour. In the second part we study the Ising model on the square lattice with biaxially correlated random couplings which is a relevant perturbation according to the extended Harris criterion. The problem is studied by large scale Monte Carlo simulations. The correlation length critical exponent n has the value expected in a system with isotropic correlated long-range disorder, whereas the scaling dimension of the magnetization density is larger than in the pure system. Conformal properties of the magnetization and energy density profiles are also examined. Finally we consider the critical behaviour at an interface between two subsystems belonging to different universality classes, but having a common transition temperature. We solve this problem analytically in the frame of mean-field theory and present some phenomenological scaling arguments. A large variety of interface critical behaviour is obtained which is checked numerically on the example of two-dimensional q-state Potts models with 2
Carbonnel, François. « Évaluation des interventions numériques visant un changement de comportement de santé : un enjeu paradigmatique ». Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017.
Texte intégralTo deal with the exponential increase of chronic diseases caused by health behavior (e.g., smoking, alcoholism, unhealthy eating, physical inactivity), non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) have become essential as a prevention tool and as a complement to treatments. Among these NPIs, behavioral intervention technologies (BIT) open up a promising field to a sustainable change in health behaviour (e.g., connected health devices, smartphone health apps, serious games). Beyond their ergonomics and their features, this thesis focuses on their evaluation in health, from their validation to their surveillance. The first study identifies the existing frameworks proposed around the world to evaluate these BITs and categorizes them, based on their underlying epistemological paradigm. The results show an exponential increase of these frameworks and a lack of consensus or convergence towards a common framework, as it had been the case for the drugs, by the end of the twentieth century. The second study is based on a systematic review used to identify 90 published interventional studies evaluating the benefits and the risks of digital solutions to fight against smoking. The results show that some BITs are effective against smoking but their effectiveness is based on a heterogeneous methodological corpus limiting the significance of the results produced. This heterogeneity is related to the inherent characteristics of the BITs (e.g., employed technologies and combination of technologies, multiplicity of the theories to change health behavior), to the chosen assessment methods (e.g., kind of control group, follow-up time) and to the chosen outcome measures (e.g., smoking reduction, smoking cessation). The discussion is focused on the current limitations to demonstrate the effectiveness and the risks of the BITs., due to parallel paradigmatic approaches, the biomedical paradigm, the engineering paradigm and the behavioral paradigm. The lack of consensus limits the comparability and the reproducibility of the results of the studies evaluating these BITs. Most of them are still gadgets, despite a promising potential, as predicted by the manufacturers. This thesis promotes the convergence to a consensual framework to determine the evidence-based benefits and risks of each BITs and introduces proposals to this effect
Plessis, Jean-Claude. « La Gestion du changement par la formation comportement de groupe, systèmes et projet organisationnels / ». Paris 1, 1986.
Texte intégralA firm's competitiveness, depends on its capacity to mobilize and use its resources, to adjust to technological, economic and social changes of its environment. Continuing professional development can prove an effective means of adjustment, if the training program devised, encourages research and development of a new collective capacity. A participative approach, using interhierarchical work groups, will produce effective solutions to the challenge of change, provided the composition of the groups and the tasks they are set, reflect the typology of the staff's opinions on work