Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Mental discorders »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Mental discorders"


Soman, Chitra, et Jinu Dr.R. « DISCORDS OF MOTHER-DAUGHTER BOND IN TONI MORRISON’S SULA ». International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, no 03 (18 février 2020) : 171–77.

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Grinde, Bjørn. « Can the concept of discords help us find the causes of mental diseases ? » Medical Hypotheses 73, no 1 (juillet 2009) : 106–9.

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Melo, Patrícia Cruz Furtado de, Luciana Roberta Donola Cardoso et André Malbergier. « Percepção dos profissionais de saúde mental sobre maconha ». Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria 67, no 4 (décembre 2018) : 247–54.

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RESUMO Objetivo A percepção sobre a maconha entre profissionais de saúde mental é desconhecida no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar padrões de percepções e de conhecimento sobre maconha entre profissionais da área da saúde mental em três instituições de diferentes perfis. Métodos Setenta profissionais (psiquiatras, psicólogos, assistentes sociais, terapeutas ocupacionais e enfermeiros) de três serviços da área de saúde mental – Hospital Nossa Senhora de Fátima (hospital filantrópico), CAPS-AD (Serviço público especializado no atendimento de álcool e drogas) e Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (Serviço acadêmico e assistencial) – foram avaliados por meio de um questionário elaborado pelos pesquisadores, composto de 31 afirmativas. Resultados Psiquiatras tendem a discordar mais que os outros profissionais quanto à necessidade de tratamento para o uso de maconha e que a maconha traz prejuízos cognitivos. Os profissionais do Hospital Nossa Senhora de Fátima apresentaram percepção mais favorável à proibição de maconha e valorizaram mais os possíveis prejuízos associados ao uso quando comparados aos profissionais das outras duas instituições. Conclusões A percepção sobre a maconha entre servidores da saúde mental varia de acordo com a profissão e o local de trabalho.
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Fachrozy, Dicky, et Budi Sastra Panjaitan. « Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Penyakit Bipolar dalam Penyebarluasan Tindak Pidana Pornografi ». AL-MANHAJ : Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam 5, no 1 (7 mai 2023) : 657–48.

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The aims to analyze the criminal responbility of sufferers of bipolar disorder, in this case the perpetrators distribute pornographic videos of victim, in law the 2008 Pornography Law regulates this, therefore the victim wants to sue the perpetrator to court. And in Law No. 18 of 2014 concerning mental health Article 71 paragraph 1 reads “For the sake of law enforcement, a person suspected ODGJ who committed a crime must get a Mental Health examination. “For this reason, the purpose and scope of the research focused on this article. This study usednormative and qualitative methods with the nature of prescriptive research. The results i found were from the evidence as the statemenr the perpetrator can prove he has bipolar disorder, therefore in the Criminal Code Article 44 paragraph 1 states that no one can be punished for carrying out an act for which he cannot be held accountable, because his mind is imperfect or he has a change of mid. Bipolar discorder is adjusted to the conditions that accompany the sufferer in certain legal cases. However, in this case it cannot be equated that every criminal act commited by a person wuth bipolar disorder cannot be partially responsible.
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Wendelboe-Nelson, Charlotte, Sarah Kelly, Marion Kennedy et John Cherrie. « A Scoping Review Mapping Research on Green Space and Associated Mental Health Benefits ». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no 12 (12 juin 2019) : 2081.

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Background: There is a growing interest in research investigating the association between green space (GS) and mental health and wellbeing (HWB), in order to understand the underlying mechanisms. Accordingly, there is a need to map the literature and create an overview of the research. Methods: A scoping review approach was used to map literature on GS, including context and co-exposures (the GS exposome), and their associations with mental HWB. The review considers mental HWB definitions and measurements and how GS is characterized. Furthermore, the review aims to identify knowledge gaps and make recommendations for future research. Results: We identified a great diversity in study designs, definitions, outcome measures, consideration of the totality of the GS exposome, and reporting of results. Around 70% of the 263 reviewed studies reported a positive association between some aspect of GS and HWB. However, there is a limited amount of research using randomized controlled crossover trails (RCTs) and mixed methods and an abundance of qualitative subjective research. Conclusions: The discords between study designs, definitions, and the reporting of results makes it difficult to aggregate the evidence and identify any potential causal mechanisms. We propose key points to consider when defining and quantifying GS and make recommendations for reporting on research investigating GS and mental HWB. This review highlights a need for large well-designed RCTs that reliably measure the GS exposome in relation to mental HWB.
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Marchand, Jean-Baptiste. « Nouveaux propos sur le genre en psychanalyse : un inconscient genré, crise ou révolution ? » Revue française de psychanalyse Vol. 87, no 4 (20 septembre 2023) : 991–1001.

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De nos jours, le terme de genre est de plus en plus utilisé. Il est régulièrement convoqué dans des débats de société parfois houleux. De son côté, la psychanalyse est questionnée et (re)mise au travail par les mêmes questions de société et par le concept de genre lui-même, aux niveaux théorique, clinique, et même politique. Ainsi, afin d’apporter quelques éclairages à propos des défis auxquels le genre confronte la psychanalyse, et afin de recentrer (et peut-être de dépassionner) les débats, cet article propose dans un premier temps de revenir sur la définition du concept de genre et sur la question qu’il pose à la psychanalyse. Ensuite, il s’agira de situer la clinique du genre et sa spécificité, puis de tenter de définir le genre en psychanalyse, notamment au sein du développement libidinal et dans la métapsychologie. Enfin, pour conclure, il sera exposé une hypothèse concernant les difficultés, débats et discordes que le genre ne cesse de susciter en psychanalyse, sans aboutir.
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Nicolaïdis, Graziella. « Freud et Empédocle. Pulsions de vie, pulsions de mort, amitié et discorde ». Revue française de psychanalyse 73, no 4 (2009) : 1037.

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de Mijolla-Mellor, Sophie. « De la discorde à l’« ordre mobile » entre les psychanalystes : la création du 4e Groupe OPLF ». Topique 157, no 1 (27 avril 2023) : 53–70.

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Lee, Chung Sook, et Bong Sil Choi. « A Study on Mental Health of Middle School Students in a City ». Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 10, no 4 (31 décembre 2001) : 615–28.

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This descriptive survey study was designed to assess the level of mental health in middle school students in Gwangju city.The Youth Self~Report(Oh, Lee. Hong, Ha.1997) was used to assess middle school students' mental health.The results were as follows:1. In the distribution of normal/clinical group by total problem score of middle school students, normal group was 663(77.7%) and clinical group was 190(22.3%) among 855 students. Among 190 students of clinical group, male students were 83(9.7%) and female ones were 107(12.5%). This shows that the rate of the clinical group of girl students was higher than that of boy students.2. In total behavioral problem score of both groups by middle school students' sex, the score of boy students was 48.1 and that of girl students were 52. l(t = 2.467, p = .014). That means the total behavior problem score of girl students was significantly higher compared with boy students.3. The variables which showed significant difference in behavior problem syndromes by middie school students' sex were withdrawal (t = 2.068, p = .003). somatic symptoms(t=4.637.p = .000), depression/anxiety(t=4.637, p = ,000).attention getting problems(t = 3.252,p = .001).delinquency(t=2.201, p = .028). And the probability of problem behavior of girl students in withdrawal. somatic symptoms, depression/ anxiety, attention getting problems was higher than that of boy students. That the probability of problem behavior of boy students was higher than that of girl students was in delinquency area.4. The total behavioral problem scores by general characteristics of middle school students are as follows-(1) In demographic characteristics, the variable which is significantly different from total behavioral problem score in whole area was sex(t = 5.89, p = .O15). And the total behavioral problem score of girl students(52.0) was higher than that of boy students.(2) In home-related characteristics, the variables which are significantly different from total behavioral problem sc이e in whole area were marital state of parents(t = 4.95. p = .002), parents' job(t = 6.07, p = .000), home atmosphere (t= 15.73, p= .000), communication with father (t = 25.68, p = .000), communication with mother (t= 16.76, p = .000). In other words, the students whose total behavioral problem score showed high were the ones whose parents were divorced or remarried(63.8 score), whose mother only had job(61.2), whose home atmosphere was discorded(69.0), and whose communication with parents was never done(69.0. 79.2).(3) In school-related characteristics, the variables which are significantly different from total behavioral problem score in whole area were school record (t = 9.53, p = .000). school life(t = 51.74. p = .000), relationship with friends (t = 23.55. p = .000), the opposite sex friend (t = 11.56, p = .000), experience of school violence injury(t = 91.81, p = .000). The students whose total behavioral problem score showed high were the ones whose school record was low(56.1), whose school life was very dissatisfying(73.4), whose relationship with friends was unpleasant(73.6), who had friends of the opposite sex(57.6), and who had the experience of school violence iryury(66.4).(4) In the other characteristics, the variables which are significantly different from total behavioral problem score in whole area were smoking status(t=28.76, p = .016), drinking status(t = 35.47. p= .000), use of counseling room(t= 13.95, p = .000), and counseling care (t = 31.78, p = .000).The above research results showed the actual state of emotional/behavioral problems of middle school students. And it was found that this study result will be significant in that it can provide basic data for the school mental health services, which can promote the students' mental health who belong to clinical group, find out early and prevent serious problem activities.
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Andronikof-Sanglade, Anne. « Interpretation and the Response Process ». Rorschachiana 20, no 1 (janvier 1995) : 49–63.

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On assiste aujourd’hui à un durcissement des positions en matière d’interprétation du Rorschach, qui rappelle l’ancienne controverse Klopfer/Beck des années 35. Aujourd’hui comme hier, la controverse est issue d’un malentendu épistémologique que cet article tente de dénouer. La pomme de discorde porte en effet sur la théorie, implicite ou explicite, qui est supposée fonder l’interprétation des facteurs Rorschach, avec d’un côté les tenants de l’interprétation psychanalytique, et de l’autre, les défenseurs du Système Intégré élaboré par Exner. Or, la méthode créée par Hermann Rorschach ne repose pas sur une théorie définie de la personnalité, contrairement à la plupart des méthodes projectives (TAT, CAT, test d’association de mots de Jung, scéno-test etc.). Elle constituait une “expérience diagnostique de perception,” selon les termes-mêmes de son auteur qui, loin d’essayer d’enfermer sa méthode dans un cadre théorique préexistant, a tenté de comprendre le “principe actif” de sa méthode en se référant à trois composantes du fonctionnement individuel: perception, mémoire, conscience. Sa démarche était empirique, partant des faits observés pour aboutir, éventuellement, à une théorie du test et/ou de la personnalité. Autrement dit, la méthode de Rorschach ne peut être “revendiquée” par une quelconque théorie de la personnalité. En outre, les approches psychanalytique et en Système Intégré de l’interprétation ne peuvent en aucun cas se réfuter l’une l’autre puisqu’elles ne se situent pas dans le même règne épistémologique. Il n’est toutefois pas impossible (théoriquement) qu’une théorie de la personnalité puisse exploiter les données du Rorschach, voire, en retour, élaborer une théorie du Rorschach. Mais, pour ce faire, il est nécessaire que cette théorie élabore un modèle qui rende compte du processus de la réponse d’une manière qui soit conceptuellement satisfaisante et scientifiquement fondée. Cet article passe brièvement en revue les trois modèles dominants, celui de H. Rorschach, celui de l’approche psychanalytique française, et celui d’Exner, et tente de montrer qu’aucun de ces modèles n’en rend compte de manière satisfaisante. Le processus de la réponse est, encore aujourd’hui, une énigme, et sa modélisation constitue un défi passionnant pour les chercheurs.
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Thèses sur le sujet "Mental discorders"


Roque, Cunha Ferreira Bárbara Isabel. « Prurit psychogène ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, 2024.

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Le prurit psychogène est un diagnostic distinct chez les patients souffrant de prurit chronique et concerne les patients sans dermatose primaire ou une affection systémique liée au prurit chez qui des facteurs psychogènes sont identifiés. Ces patients peuvent présenter un stress psychique, une dynamique psychosociale ou une psychopathologie qui pourraient être à l’origine du prurit. Le groupe français de psychodermatologie a proposé des critères pour le diagnostic : 3/3 obligatoires et au moins 3/7 optionnels. Alors que les classifications disponibles ne permettent pas d’identifier les caractéristiques psychologiques et la psychopathologie associées, aucune étude prospective n’a été réalisée jusqu’à présent sur ce sujet. Nous avons donc fait une étude avec des patients diagnostiqués avec un prurit psychogène, en les comparant avec des patients souffrant de prurit chronique dû à d’autres étiologies. Certaines caractéristiques psychosociales liées au prurit psychogène permettent de le différencier des autres types de prurit, en particulier, des scores plus élevés d’alexithymie, d’anxiété, d’expériences dissociatives, sur l’échelle de stress de Holmes et Rahe les derniers 24 mois et de certaines stratégies de coping dysfonctionnelles. L’analyse des données souligne l’importance de considérer la présence d’une dynamique psychologique liée au contexte socio-familial du patient, renforçant la pertinence d’une approche psychodermatologique appliquée au prurit chronique et permettant d’identifier cette population de patients, dont l’approche thérapeutique devrait donner la priorité à l’approche du lien entre cette dynamique psychosociale et l’évolution des symptômes
Psychogenic pruritus is a distinct diagnosis in patients with chronic pruritus which refers to patients without a primarydermatosis or systemic disorder related to pruritus in whom psychogenic factors are identified. These patients may present with psychological stress, a psychosocial dynamic and psychopathology that could be at the origin of pruritus. The French psychodermatology group has proposed criteriafor diagnosis : 3/3 mandatory and at least 3/7 optional. As the available classifications do not allow for the identification of associated psychological characteristics and psychopatholoy, no prospective studies have yet been conducted on this subject. A prospective study was performed on patients diagnosed with psychogenic pruritus, compraing themwith patients suffering from chronic pruritus due to other disorders. There are some psychosocial characteristics associated with psychogenic pruritus, allowing it to be differentiated from other types of chronic pruritus, in particular, higher scores of alexithymia, anxiety and dissociative experiences, as welle as higher scores on the Holmes and rabe stress scale the last 24 mo,nths and certain dysfunctional coping strategies. Analysis of the data underlines the importance of considering the rpesence of a psychological dynamic linked to the patient’s socio-familial context, reinforcing the relevanceof a psychodermatological approach applied to chronic pruritus, making it possible to identify this population of patients, whose therapeutic approach should give priority to addressing the link between these psychosocial dynamics and the evolution of symptoms
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