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Law Library of Congress (U.S.). Global Legal Research Directorate. Malian rules of judicial ethics : A comparative study. [Washington, D.C.] : Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center, 2014.

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Condé, Julien. South-north international migrations : A case study : Malian, Mauritanian and Senegalese migrants from Senegal river valley to France. Paris : Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1986.

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Malan, F. R. Malan on bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes in South African law. 5e éd. Durban : LexisNexis, 2009.

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Malan, F. R. Malan on bills of exchange, cheques, and promissory notes in South African law. 3e éd. Durban : Butterworths, 1997.

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Malan, F. R. Malan on bills of exchange, cheques, and promissory notes in South African law. 4e éd. Durban : Butterworths, 2002.

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Sobol, Shelomoh. Seʻudat Melaṿeh malkah. Yerushalayim : Sh. Sobol, 1995.

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Roṭer, Shalom Eliʻezer. Ḳunṭres Shalme Eliʻezer : Be-inyene ṿe-dine Melaṿeh malkah uve-din Melaṿeh malkah be-motsaʼe yo. ṭ. Betar : Shalme Eliʻezer, Agudah le-Torah, ḥinukh ṿa-ḥesed, 1991.

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Elḥarar, Eliyahu. Birkat Eliyahu : Be-ʻinyene melaveh malkah ba-halakhah uva-agadah. Modiʻin : Eliyahu Elḥarar, 2002.

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Woolfson, Richard. Bébé malin : [activités d'éveil et jeux pour bébé]. [Paris] : Hachette, 2006.

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Ahmad, A. Samad, dir. Serangkai warisan sejarah. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 1989.

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Guo, Rende. Ma Xin kang Ri shi liao : Shen mi Lai Te. Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia : Cai hong chu ban you xian gong si, 1999.

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Catholic Church. Diocese of Malang (Indonesia). Dewan Paroki. Anggaran dasar Dewan Paroki, Keuskupan Malang dan penjelasannya. 2e éd. [Malang] : Dioma, 1990.

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Yosef, Fleshenitsḳi Aryeh ben. Atḳinu seʻudata : Hilkhot u-minhage seʻudat melaṿeh malkah, seʻudat Rosh Ḥodesh, seʻudat siyum. Yerushalayim : Mekhon "Shaʻare yosher", 2002.

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be-London, Mosdot Bobov. Mi-Tsiyon tetse Torah : Mekhil śihot yeḳarot me-rabotenu be-ʻet hakhnasat sifre Torah ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Zemirot Melaṿeh Malkah. London : Mosdot Bobov be-London, 2003.

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Caproni, Giorgio. Il mondo ha bisogno dei poeti. Sous la direction de Melissa Rota. Florence : Firenze University Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.36253/978-88-6655-677-0.

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Intrigante e apparentemente facile, l’intervista può a volte essere generatrice di stress. In ogni caso è quello che pensava Caproni, che però era anche convinto che solo nel rapporto con il lettore la poesia potesse trovare il “suo reale valore” e la sua possibilità di esistenza. Per questo, piegandosi con garbo e ritrosia alle domande, accettò negli anni di guidare i suoi interlocutori nel mondo misterioso e inafferrabile dell’arte, là dove si producono idee e emozioni con la sola “musica delle parole”. Per aiutarci ad afferrarla, quella imprendibile musica, in questo libro struggente ed ironico, ci parla delle dimore vitali (Genova, Livorno), delle figure lariche, delle passioni giovanili, delle ferite immedicate (Olga, la guerra), del bisogno di scrivere, tradurre, conoscere, e della proustiana introiezione del passato sulla “carta velina della memoria”. Per oltre centoquaranta volte (tanti sono i pezzi ricostruiti e riuniti adesso per la prima volta grazie al prezioso e accurato lavoro di ricerca di Melissa Rota) le interviste restituiscono – come sottolinea Anna Dolfi nella bella introduzione – al di fuori di ogni retorica e gigantografia, le grain de la voix , le grain de la vie di un intellettuale ‘eretico’, libero nelle scelte e nella determinazione del proprio destino. Sì che una sottile malia ci guida nel seguire su queste pagine troppo a lungo dimenticate i segni di una vocazione, e il ‘tremore’ che, stroncando una carriera, lasciò gli scatti nervosi del violinista all’inconfondibile piglio dei versi a venire.
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1832-1883, Doré Gustave, dir. Charles Dickens' a Christmas carol : With 45 lost Gustav Doré engravings (1861) and 130 other Victorian illustrations ; introduction by Dan Malan. St. Louis : MCE Pub., 1996.

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Castrillón González, Sylvia Margarita, et Milton Molano Camargo, dir. Utopía : 10 años inspirando y soñando nuevos caminos. Bogotá. Colombia : Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.19052/978-958-5136-11-3.

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Hoy, a 10 años del inicio, Utopía ha sido la salvación, la oportunidad y el camino que les ha dado horizontes nuevos a muchos jóvenes de la ruralidad profunda, quienes, de otra manera, habrían estado condenados al tiempo eterno de la pobreza excluyente, de la tentación de la ilegalidad, de la paternidad-maternidad irresponsable, de la perpetuación del resentimiento y del odio que generan la mala educación y la vida sin oportunidad. Utopía es el lugar donde la novedad acontece: ha hecho que muchas personas de buena voluntad se unan en un proceso filantrópico que alimenta la esperanza y despierta la solidaridad. Es la Providencia de Dios que nunca falta cuando existen buenas ideas que transforman, impactan de modo social y político, dan herramientas para salir adelante y sacan la pobreza de la cabeza para poder volar alto y mirar lejos. Qué rentable resulta la educación incluyente y de calidad para sembrar la paz. Hermano Carlos Gómez Restrepo, FSC Visitador provincial del Distrito Lasallista de Bogotá Noviembre del 2016-noviembre del 2020
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Veronika, Görög, et Meyer Gérard, dir. Images féminines dans les contes africains. Paris : Conseil International de la Langue Française, 1988.

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Peletz, Michael G. A share of the harvest : Kinship, property, and social history among the Malays of Rembau. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1988.

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Museum, J. Paul Getty, dir. Italian maiolica : Catalogue of the collections. Malibu, Calif : J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988.

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Toma, Mihai, et Oana Andrada Alexiu-Toma. Genetica si cancerul. Editura Universitara, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5682/9786062812683.

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Celulele organismului uman colaboreaza la nivel structural si functional pentru a mentine homeostazia si arhitectura organismului. Alterarea cailor si mecanismelor de semnalizare pot influenta rata de proliferare celulara si riscul aparitiei unor proliferari celulare de tip benign sau malign. Celulele transformate dobandesc proprietati noi care pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra structurilor locale sau asupra intregului organism. Celulele care prolifereaza dobandesc proprietati noi (ex., dobandesc independenta fata de sistemele care controleaza derularea ciclului celular, dezvolta abilitatea de a invada alte tesuturi) care pot altera homeostazia organismului si pot predispune la baza unor conditii patologice care au un prognostic infaust. In aceasta carte incercam sa prezentam caracteristicile generale ale bolilor maligne si sa le particularizam pentru cancerul colorectal. Aceasta abordare ne permite sa evidentiem problemele cu care se confrunta clinicienii si cercetatorii din domeniile biomedicale care abordeaza bolile maligne.
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HP, Lee. 4 The Malay Rulers : A Royal Resurgence ? Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198755999.003.0005.

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Episodes involving Malay Rulers and the constitutional dimension of their exercise of discretionary powers are evaluated. The future trajectory of their evolving role is discussed. After two major confrontations with the Mahathir government, by the mid-1990s, the Malay Rulers’ power was considerably diminished. The Rulers remained constitutional monarchs, functioning under advice unless permitted by the constitutional system to exercise discretionary powers. However, by 2008, the fortunes of the Malay Rulers had revived. The resurgence of the Rulers’ power is attributed to their decision to adapt to the requirements of a modern, democratic Constitution to preserve their powers. The changing political landscape has assisted the resurgence of the Malay Rulers. In the political vacuum left by the weakened national coalition, the popular vote lost or the first time since 1969. UMNO found it expedient to rehabilitate the Sultans for political uses; thus, providing opportunities for the Sultans to rebuild their power base.
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Arizmendi Correa, José Vicente. La televisión presidencialista en Colombia, 1954-1974. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.11144/javeriana.9789587815979.

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Durante más de treinta años, la televisión colombiana padeció unos defectos de nacimiento y mala crianza que le impidieron desarrollarse y la convirtieron en un monstruo pesado y encerrado en sí mismo, centralista, inseguro y anticuado. A Colombia llegaron tarde la conexión a los satélites, las grabadoras de video, la televisión en color, los canales regionales y la libertad creativa para los generadores de contenidos. Por razones políticas, el país apostó infructuosamente a una fallida televisión educativa y cultural, un proyecto idealista e ingenuo que habría requerido cuantiosas fuentes de financiación con las que no se contaba. Los funcionarios gubernamentales tenían capacidad de escoger el tipo de telenovelas que debían producirse y hasta el estilo de las series estadounidenses que debían programarse. El origen de estos y otros males fue la relación malsana que se estableció desde un comienzo entre el medio y la Presidencia de la República. La televisión tardó más de tres décadas en cortar ese cordón umbilical que la ataba con el Poder Ejecutivo, una tara que surgió desde el momento en que aparecieron en pantalla las primeras imágenes.
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HP, Lee. 1 Constitutional History and Political Developments. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198755999.003.0002.

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This chapter discusses the constitutional history and political developments in Malaysia. An independent Federation of Malaya began on 31 August 1957. Though described as a ‘federal’ Constitution of an ‘orthodox’ nature, the chequered history of the birth of the then Malayan Constitution indicated that the negotiations were concerned not with the distribution of federal and State powers, but rather with the tortuous hammering out of acceptable terms and compromises among the various racial components of the Malaysian society, especially on matters of communal interests. The chapter covers establishment of the Malayan Union; the Federation of Malaya Agreement of 1948; creation of the independent Constitutional Commission under the chairmanship of Lord Reid; formation of Malaysia; the separation of Singapore from Malaysia; the 1966 Sarawak crisis; the 1983 and 1993 constitutional crises; the 1988 judiciary crisis; 1988 constitutional amendments; the Anwar Ibrahim saga and rise of Reformasi; and the 2009 general elections.
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Malan on bills of exchange, cheques, and promissory notes in South African law. lexis nexis, 2008.

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Karine, Bannelier, et Christakis Theodore. Part 3 The Post 9/11-Era (2001–), 61 The Intervention of France and African Countries in Mali—2013. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198784357.003.0061.

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This contribution analyses the joint French-African intervention in Mali in 2013. After recalling the facts of the intervention, it examines the legal positions of the main protagonists and the reactions of third States and international organizations. It then tests the operation in Mali against the international legal framework governing the use of force as it stood at the time of the events. While the French and African military Operations in Mali were clearly legal, they raise important questions of jus ad bellum regarding the legal arguments put forward to justify them: collective self-defense, intervention by invitation and UNSC authorization. The final section analyses the intervention’s precedential value and its impact on the law against force.
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H P, Lee. Constitutional Conflicts in Contemporary Malaysia. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198755999.001.0001.

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This book explores how the separation of powers doctrine in Malaysia has been adversely affected by a number of major constitutional conflicts among the various important organs of government. The book first analyses the struggle by parliament for supremacy over the Malay Rulers or Sultans by expunging the need for the royal assent to the enactment of legislation and removing royal immunity. The book then turns to the contemporary role of the Malay Rulers and the reasons for their perceived rejuvenation. The book goes on to examine the series of controversies and scandals that have plagued the judiciary since the tumultuous judiciary crisis of 1988, and the efficacy of the reforms that have been introduced to restore public confidence in the judiciary. These conflicts and a number of statutory enactments are analysed to determine their effect on the state of constitutionalism in Malaysia. The book concludes with some thoughts on the trajectory of constitutional development in Malaysia.
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Yangali Vicente, Judith Soledad, Oriana Rivera Lozada de Bonilla, Delsi Mariela Huaita Acha, Melba Rita Vásquez Tomás, Valia Luz Venegas Mejía et Maruja Dionisia Baldeón De La Cruz, dir. Investigaciones educativas en el Doctorado en Educación con visión al bicentenario del Perú. Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.37768/unw.gi.007.

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El libro sintetiza el trabajo realizado en el Doctorado en Educación de la Escuela de posgrado de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener en las diversas asignaturas de la malla curricular, como producto académico de la investigación formativa, las mismas que direccionan aportes significativos en las áreas de Educación, Currículo, Innovación y calidad educativa con visión al bicentenario del Peru´. Presenta artículos que evidencian propuestas de investigación frente a problemas de actualidad en el ámbito educativo, y que servirán para que los estudiantes de posgrado puedan plantear nuevas propuestas desde su formación académica en los diferentes cursos que forman la malla curricular de su formación académica con la mira de consolidar sus habilidades investigativas, la innovación, creatividad y atendiendo con alternativas de solución a los problemas educativos y sociales, mediante el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los futuros doctores.
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Statuts et reglement interieur. [Bamako, Mali?] : [s.n.], 1990.

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Jonathan, Pace. 14 The IMO, Technical Cooperation, and Global Ocean Governance. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198823957.003.0014.

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This chapter discusses the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) technical cooperation activities, the main objective of which is to assist developing countries to build up their human and institutional capabilities. These are basic requirements for the uniform and effective compliance with their obligations under IMO regulations and thereby to promote the IMO aim of safe, secure, environmentally sound and sustainable shipping. The chapter outlines the history and development of the IMO’s technical assistance programme. It highlights the IMO’s achievements in the field of technical cooperation, with emphasis on the development of human resources through training and other similar programmes. The chapter discusses in this regard the important roles played by the IMO-International Maritime Law Institute in Malta and the World Maritime University in Malmo.
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HP, Lee. 9 Conclusion. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198755999.003.0010.

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This concluding chapter presents some reflections about the trajectory of constitutional development in Malaysia. The Malaysian Constitution was conceived with a clear aim of dividing powers among the political entities of executive, legislature, judiciary, and the Malay Rulers. However, in contemporary Malaysia now, there is increasing unease over the unconstrained expansion of executive power, as well as strong distrust in the unbridled exercise of powers in the name of protecting public order and security. The Malaysian nation’s ability to traverse the path of harmony and national advancement in a shrinking world will depend on the fidelity of its political leaders and its many peoples to the constitutional understandings embodied in the Merdeka Constitution, the constitutional principles of fairness, justice, and equality, as well as a common subscription to the fundamental importance of upholding the rule of law.
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Kadioglu, Ates, et Emre Salabaş. Scrotal swelling. Sous la direction de David John Ralph. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780199659579.003.0110.

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Scrotal swelling is a common urological pathology composed of both benign and malign diseases originating from testicles, epididymis, tunical layers, or the scrotum wall itself. Emergencies usually present with pain and short onset time while malign lesions are usually palpated as smooth, solid, painless masses. Hydrocele is the abnormal collection of serous fluids encapsulated between tunica albuginea and vaginalis of the testis. Hydrocele might be primary or occur secondary to trauma, infection, epididymitis, or tumours. Although physical examination is enough for diagnosis, ultrasound should be performed for malignancy exclusion. Surgery is gold standard for young patients with cosmetic problems, discomfort, disability due to hydrocele, and has high success and low complication rates. Alternative treatments such as tetracycline or polidocanol may be considered for patients with high anaesthesia risk.
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HP, Lee. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198755999.003.0001.

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This introduction describes the constitutional developments in Malaysia. The Constitution of the Federation of Malaysia functions for an ever-increasing population estimated at 30.26 million in 2015; ethnic groups comprised of Malay, Chinese, indigenous, Indian, and others; and diverse religions including Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and others. The Constitution envisages a separation of powers doctrine, dividing powers amongst the different organs of government. Legislative power resides in the Federal Parliament, whereas judicial power, before 1988, was vested in the judiciary. The executive authority of the Federation is vested by Article 39 in the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (or King) and is exercisable, subject to the provisions of any federal law and the Second Schedule of the Constitution, by him, the Cabinet, or any minister authorized by the Cabinet. Constitutional conflicts in 1983, 1988, and 1992–23 altered the equilibrium in the powers balance by eroding the influence of the Rulers and judiciary.
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Wolf, Richard K. Madho Lal. University of Illinois Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5406/illinois/9780252038587.003.0007.

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This chapter describes Muharram Ali's observations of drumming and music traditions linked to the Madho Lal Husain shrine in Lahore, Pakistan. Muhammad Mushtaq, Ali's shalwār, summarized Shah Husain's story. According to him, “The kāfīs of Shah Husain are very powerful for setting human beings on the straight path.” The chapter considers poetry and sayings attributed to Shah Husain as well as the ʻurs, a multifaceted event that drew pilgrims from many religious backgrounds, including Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians. It shows that, in Pakistan, understanding music, movement, poetic recitation, and other forms of action in Sufi shrines involves more nuanced categories than those of “scriptural Islam” and “Islam on the ground.” Even a rough map of the Madho Lal Husain complex would suggest this with its dedicated malang space, with its centers and peripheries created through performance.
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França, Ana Marcela. Historia ambiental Argentina-Brasil. Teseo, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.55778/ts878818245.

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<p>Esta colección de libros reúne volúmenes temáticos representativos de la producción historiográfica en historia ambiental en Argentina y Brasil. Su idea surgió de la articulación entre las preocupaciones que académicos, tanto brasileños como argentinos, sostenían con relación a las interacciones que se advierten entre las sociedades humanas y el ambiente, a un lado y otro de la frontera.</p><p></p><p class="no-indent">Colectánea organizada por Adrián Zarrilli, Ana Marcela França, Ayelen Dichdji, Elenita Malta Pereira.</p>
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Fox, David, Roderick Munday, Baris Soyer, Andrew Tettenborn et Peter Turner. Sealy and Hooley's Commercial Law. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/he/9780198842149.001.0001.

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All books in this flagship series extract key cases, legislation, and academic debate, providing students with an invaluable resource. This new edition includes discussion of new legislation, including the new Insolvency Act 1986, ss 263H–263O; the Payment Services Regulations 2017; the Electronic Presentment of Instruments (Evidence of Payment and Compensation for Loss) Regulations 2018; and the Business Terms (Assignment of Receivables) Regulations 2018. In addition it discusses new case law such as Glencore International AG v MSC (on personal property law and shipping documents); Volcafe Ltd v Cia Sud Americana de Vapores (on bailment); Kaefer Aislamientos v AMS Drilling Mexico, Bailey v Angove’s Pty, and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro v Playboy Club (on agency); PST Energy 7 Shipping v OW Bunker Malta, Bajaj Healthcare v Fine Organics, Gunvor v Sky Oil & Gas, and Euro-Asian Oil SA v Crédit Suisse AG (on sale of goods); The Erin Schulte and Taurus Petroleum v State Oil Company (on trade finance); BP Oil International v First Abu Dhabi Bank (on assignment); Haywood v Zurich Insurance, The DC Merwestone, and Axa Insurance UK v Financial Claims Solutions (on insurance); and Jetivia SA v Bilta (UK) Ltd and JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov (on insolvency). Other developments are also covered, such as the proposed reform of bills of sale recommended in the 2017 Law Commission report on Bills of Sale. The book contains a new introductory section on the likely detailed impact of Brexit on English commercial law.
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Nick, Grono, et Wheeler Anna de Courcy. Part VI Impact, ‘Legacy’, and Lessons Learned, 47 The Deterrent Effect of the ICC on the Commission of International Crimes by Government Leaders. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198705161.003.0047.

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This Chapter examines in which circumstances, and under what conditions, the prospect of prosecution by the ICC may act to curtail the actions of government or rebel leaders by shifting the strategic calculus in favour of avoiding war crimes or crimes against humanity. It studies ICC engagement and its impact in Uganda, the DRC, Colombia, Sudan, Kenya, and Mali. It argues that success or failure of ICC deterrence rests to a large degree on its ability to pursue successful prosecutions. It concludes that potential to deter future atrocity crimes may not exist in all cases, and probably not in the midst of armed conflict, but could exist in those situations where the commission of crimes is one of a series of policy options available to a leader facing a challenge to his or her authority.
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Bridge, M. G. The Sale of Goods. 4e éd. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198832720.001.0001.

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Abstract The fourth edition of this established work is a systematic study of the law of sale of goods with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities and relevant UK and EU legislation. The book combines depth of treatment of problem areas with insightful commentary on possible lines of argument on traditionally difficult topics. It provides full coverage of content, interpretation, and performance issues relating to sale of goods agreements. The book also addresses the relevant aspects of consumer law, as well as issues such as recoverability of damages, currency, and interest. The work has been updated in its fourth edition to cover all recent developments in case law, most notably The Supreme Court in PST Energy 7 Shipping LLC v OW Bunker Malta Ltd (The Res Cogitans) [2016] UKSC 23, which has given rise to a new category of contract: the sui generis supply contract, for which no statutory model yet exists. Also examined in depth is the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which has profoundly affected the structure of sales law and, in a number of key instances, has also affected the substance of the law. This work remains the leading work of scholarship and an invaluable reference for all practitioners and scholars working in the field.
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Cevallos Pico, Wendy Gabriela, Manuel Bernardo Balladares Mazzini, Danixa Alexandra Rodríguez Chávez, Jimmy Ruben Borbor Perero, Gabriela Isabel Laje Olvera, Diana Gabriela Cedeño Andrade, María Augusta Tinoco Lara, Yadira Geovana Yanez Tigselema, Karla Valeria Arcentales Vera et Melissa Mercedes Mendieta Torres. Introducción a la Nutrición Clínica. Mawil Publicaciones de Ecuador, 2019, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.26820/978-9942-826-05-3.

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En la sociedad actual la industria de los alimentos es uno de los sectores económicos generador de mayores niveles de venta, junto a la industria farmacéutica y la industria cultural. Las personas en la actualidad tienen disponible en los mercados e hipermercados una gran cantidad y diversidad de alimentos y comida, pero carecen de información y educación, por ende, esto no significa que estén bien nutridos con una alimentación balanceada. Por el contrario, estamos en la época donde las enfermedades que más muertes generan, están asociadas a una mala alimentación, ya sea por exceso, poco balance o mala selección de los productos comestibles. La vida acelerada y agitada deja poco espacio para una selección, conservación y preparación de alimentos de forma sana. Esto ocurre tanto en los países ricos y pobres, tanto en los grupos sociales acomodados como en los más deprimidos de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de la población mundial, no tiene acceso a diversidad de alimentos, por ende, su nutrición es escasa o mala, y desarrollan enfermedades y una baja calidad de vida que se reproduce junto a la pobreza.
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Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier, et Mercedes Royuela Hernando. Flora arvense de Navarra. Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.48035/978-84-9769-316-5.

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El origen de este libro se encuentra en el sitio web de Flora Arvense de Navarra, que fue desarrollado con el objetivo de facilitar el conocimiento de las malas hierbas de Navarra al alumnado de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, además de el de ser útil para personal investigador, técnico y agricultores de Navarra y territorios próximos. La edición de este libro se planteó para permitir la disponibilidad del contenido del sitio web en un soporte independiente de Internet.
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Les plantes sauvages du Sahel malien : Les stratégies d'adaptation à la sécheresse des Sahéliens. Paris : Karthala, 2005.

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Erika, De Wet. Military Assistance on Request and the Use of Force. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198784401.001.0001.

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The book examines if and to what extent the proliferation of direct military assistance on the request of a recognized government is changing the rules regulating the use of force. Since the end of the Cold War, several (sub)regional organizations in Africa have codified military assistance on request in their respective treaty frameworks. In addition, in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, internationally recognized governments embroiled in protracted armed conflicts have requested direct military assistance from individual states or groups of states. These requests are often accepted by the other states and at times the United Nations Security Council, even when the requesting governments have very limited effective control over their territories, lack democratic legitimacy and are engaged in wide-spread and systematic violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.This book departs from a definition of requested military assistance that refers to the exercise of forcible measures by third-state armed forces or those controlled by an international organization in the territory of the requesting state. It then examines the authority to issue a request for (or consent to) direct military assistance, as well as the type of situations in which such assistance may be requested—notably whether it can be requested during an armed conflict. De Wet finishes by examining the important and controversial question of whether and to what extent the proliferation of forcible assistance on request is changing the legal framework applying to the use of force in international law.
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Carstens, Anne-Marie, et Elizabeth Varner, dir. Intersections in International Cultural Heritage Law. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198846291.001.0001.

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The recent threats to cultural heritage, including in Iraq, Mali, Nepal, Syria, and Yemen, has led to increased focus on the sources of international cultural heritage law. This volume reflects that this is not a discrete and contained body of law, but rather a diverse one whose components are drawn from—and often developed and contained within—public international law. These ‘intersections’ have formed in two ways: when public international law has been used to provide greater protection for cultural heritage; and when concern for cultural heritage protection or codification of rules within cultural heritage-centric instruments have helped fuel developments within other areas of public international law. In this volume, scholars and practitioners explore some of the primary points of intersection where international cultural heritage law and public international law converge. The contributions are organized according to five major ‘intersections’: (1) the Law of Armed Conflict and the Protection of Cultural Heritage; (2) Cultural Heritage-Based Offenses in International Criminal Law and in Laws for Combatting Transnational Organized Crime; (3) the United Nations System and the Protection of Cultural Heritage; (4) Special Legal Regimes for the World Cultural Heritage and Underwater Cultural Heritage; and (5) Intersections of International, National, and Community Interests in Cultural Heritage. The result is a diverse and cohesive collection that explores these intersections and examines how the regimes operate together and how the relationship between them largely facilitates, but also sometimes hinders, the development of international law governing the protection of cultural heritage.
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Kompetentnosti na obshtinskite sŭveti, kmetovete na obshtini i na obshtinskata administrat͡s︡ii͡a︡ : Pregled na spet͡s︡ialnite zakoni. Sofii͡a︡ : Init͡s︡iativa Mestno Samoupravlenie, 2001.

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Para una sociología de los procesos de construcción penal institucional. Teseo, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.55778/ts502917573.

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<p>Este libro analiza el complejo y prolongado proceso de reforma legislativa y de posterior implementación institucional en materia penal juvenil en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, otorgando especial atención al despliegue de las prácticas de encierro en instituciones penales de máxima seguridad. El enfoque utilizado para la investigación que da origen a esta publicación fue el de la sociología del sistema penal y en particular el de la sociología de las formas de castigo punitivo estatal sobre los más jóvenes. Frente a la recurrente demanda mediática, social y política de “hacer algo” con los jóvenes presuntamente involucrados en delitos penales, este trabajo intentó dar respuesta a lo que efectivamente hacen las instituciones penales a través de un entramado de discursos y prácticas que expresan el despliegue del castigo juvenil como un artefacto, a veces ambiguo, pero también fuertemente disciplinante en la administración de selectividades, incapacitaciones y fijación de ciertos “sujetos problemáticos” a dispositivos de neutralización penal. En la propuesta de este libro, ello adquiere un mayor sentido a la luz del amplio y contradictorio derrotero de escenarios en los que se prolongó el proceso de reforma legislativa. Así, este libro intenta dar cuenta de lo que “se hace” con los jóvenes entrampados en las mallas de la penalidad juvenil, dando cuenta de la tensión inherente entre el castigo estatal y los derechos humanos.</p>
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Mechon B'chayei Moshe (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.), dir. Ḥai ṿe-ḳayam : Seder Melaṿeh malkah : Halikhot ḥayim, otsar dinim u-minhagim neḥmadim ṿi-yesharim : Segulat ha-seʻudah, u-maʻaloteha ... : ʻUvdot ṿe-sipurim ... Zemirot shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot ... : Hilula de-rabanan ... 2010.

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Ḥai ṿe-ḳayam : Otsar dine u-minhage seʻudat rosh ḥodesh ... : meluḳaṭim mi-tokh sifre ha-posḳim ʻim meḳorot ṿe-tsiyunim ... Meḳor ḥayim ... 2e éd. Bruḳlin : Makhon Be-ḥaye Mosheh, 2007.

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Ḥai ṿe-ḳayam : Seder Melaṿeh malkah : otsar dine u-minhage seʻudat Daṿid ... : meluḳaṭim mi-tokh sifre ha-posḳim ʻim meḳorot ṿe-tsiyunim ... Meḳor ḥayim ... Bruḳlin : Makhon Be-ḥaye Mosheh, 2007.

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Polo Santillán, Miguel Ángel, Jesús Rodomiro Casquier Ortiz, Vladimir Sosa Sánchez, Rosa Isabel Sánchez Benites, José Manuel Silvero Arévalos, Francisco Flores Camacho et Solange Torres Alarcón. Corrupción política repensando un mal social. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37073/feunah.19.

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Una pandemia ha golpeado a millones de familias en el mundo. Este problema global parecía que cuestionaba todas nuestras formas de vida. No obstante, los malos hábitos y las viejas estructuras corruptas comenzaron a aprovecharse de esta situación. Y la corrupción volvió a la escena, en la sobrevaloración de medicamentos o equipos médicos, en la mala repartición de víveres o de dinero, en el cobro de dinero por ingreso a una unidad de cuidado intensivo, aprovecharse de su posición política para vacunarse antes, etc. ¿Se ha normalizado la corrupción en la vida nacional?
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Chirwa, Danwood Mzikenge, et Lia Nijzink. Accountable Government in Africa : Perspectives from public law and political studies. UCT Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.15641/91989-537-6.

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Accountable government is crucial for the socio-economic and political development of African states and peoples. The theme of accountable government in Africa has nevertheless been under-researched, especially from an interdisciplinary perspective, and inadequately appraised in the light of evidence on the ground. Combining insights from public law and political studies, this book critically examines various institutions and mechanisms of accountability, including constitution-making processes, national prosecutorial authorities, the judiciary, national human rights institutions, political parties, informal mechanisms of accountability, and external accountability assistance. Focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, it addresses the following questions: What is the significance and role of these institutions and mechanisms in holding governments to account? How effective have they been? And what are the necessary conditions for their successful functioning? The book brings together the work of leading experts from the continent and beyond and covers legal and political developments an accountable government in a number of African countries, including Ghana, Malawi, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It gives an up-to-date perspective on democratic governance and accountable government on the continent.
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