Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Lombardie (Italie) – 14e siècle »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Lombardie (Italie) – 14e siècle"
Duceppe-Lamarre, Armelle. « Virginie Defente , Les Celtes en Italie du Nord (Piémont oriental, Lombardie, Vénétie, du vi e siècle au iii e siècle av. J.-C.) , Rome, École Française, 2003 (Collection de l’École Française de Rome, 312), 190 p., 9 fig. ISBN 2-7283-0607-9 ». Revue du Nord 358, no 5 (1 décembre 2004) : IV.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Lombardie (Italie) – 14e siècle"
Nelidoff, Ludmila. « Faire capitale dans l'État territorial lombard : Pavie (1359-1500) ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralIn 1359, Galeazzo II Visconti, lord of Milan, seized the small town of Pavia, some 30 km south of Milan. He settled directly in the city to make it his capital, leaving Milan in the hands of his brother Bernabò. His son Gian Galeazzo's acquisition of the ducal title in 1395, followed by the creation of the county of Pavia the following year, were the fundamental steps that established the political legitimacy of the "Pavesan" branch of the Visconti family.Despite initial resistance from the local population, once the city had been conquered, Galeazzo' project quickly won the support of the inhabitants, especially the urban elites ready to seize the opportunity represented by being part of the court and serve. At the same time, numerous construction projects were launched in the city, resulting in a profound transformation of its appearance. From a small town governed by competing seigniorial families, Pavia temporarily became the capital of the duchy under Gian Galeazzo, a status that was subsequently transformed, but whose effects lasted well into the Sforza era.The aim of this study is to understand the political, cultural, social, economic and territorial implications of Pavia's return to the status of capital, in order to grasp the multiplicity of issues at stake and question them in the specific context of the construction of the Lombard territorial state between 1359 and 1500
Cuttin, Luigia. « Le chapitre général des Chartreux et la province de "Lombardia propinquior" au XVe siècle ». Paris 1, 2006.
Texte intégralReverso, Laurent. « L' influence des idées des lumières françaises sur les juristes et publicistes lombards au XVIIIe siècle (1740-1790) ». Aix-Marseille 3, 2003.
Texte intégralIn the 18th century, lombard thinkers and jurists draw on the sources of french ideas to reform their region. Unlike France, where the philosophers only contested the political and social order, the Lombards took an active part in the government of their region. The new ideas were adapted to Lombardy, causing an ideological revolution, whom base is an individualistic and egalitarian vision of mankind. This new anthropology caused juridical claims, in particular in the criminal area. In the economical area the effects of the French influence are important and lead to liberal reforms, against privileges. As everywhere in Europe, the enlightenment's ideas in Lombardy, faced resistances, as ideological as corporative and institutional, because they challenged the ancient order. Though, those resistances were subjugated by the action of the reformers and the austrian sovereigns, who didn't hesitate to use the enlightenment's ideas to reach their aims of reinforcement of their authority
Zingraff, Sarah. « Les Bijoux et leurs représentations dans les images de l’Italie du Nord aux XIVe et XVe siècles : Vallée d’Aoste – Piémont – Ligurie – Lombardie : États et rang social, emblématique et fonctions des objets de parure des laïcs : L’apport de l’Iconographie ». Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.
Texte intégralThe study about jewels and adornment accessories - a complex notion for the period in examination - and their representations, leans on the analysis of the two-dimensions images produced in Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in the 14th and 15th century.It aims at observing contexts and types of medium allowing images to show such details as jewels and adornment accessories, when still visible, and to determine the different groups of people who subscribed the images where these objects appear.It aims at analyzing the frequency of appearance of the various jewels and dress adornments, as well as determining which are the most decorated categories of characters, while confronting these results with the other sources at our disposal: archeological and goldsmiths' work finds, account books, inventories, sumptuary laws, chroniclers narratives, sermons, correspondence, poetry, and a particular genre of literature dedicated to gemstones: Lapidaries.The particularities advanced by images insist on the various moral values attached to every type of jewel and adornment object, their location on the body, as well as the rank of their owner.The recourse to several studies belonging to the historic anthropology domain allows focusing on the important role played by the occasions which required the bearing of these objects or which commanded their exchanges, ensuing from a ritualized ceremonial, during which the finery objects played a role of representation as well as protection.Finally, the analysis turns on the "strategy" displayed by images and, especially by those who ordered them, joining within logic of appearances, in order to legitimize their position
Lo studio dei gioielli – nozione complessa per il periodo preso in esame – e delle loro rappresentazioni, si basa sull’analisi delle immagini a due dimensioni prodotte nella Valle d’Aosta, in Piemonte, Liguria e Lombardia ne Trecento e Quattrocento. Mira innanzitutto ad osservare quali sono i contesti ed i tipi di produzione che permettono di osservare dettagli come gli accessori ornamentali, quando questi sono ancora reperibili, così come a determinare i grandi gruppi di promotori delle immagini raffiguranti questi oggetti. Mira poi ad analizzare in modo quantitativo la frequenza delle apparizione di quei differenti tipi di gioielli ed accessori preziosi, nonchè a determinare quali sono le categorie di personaggi più ornati, pure confrontando questi risultati con le altre fonti a disposizione. Tra queste si annoverano reperti archeologici e oggetti di oreficeria, ma anche fonti scritte : documentazione archivistica contabile, inventari, leggi suntuarie, opere di cronisti, sermoni, corrispondenza, poesia, così come une tipo particolare dedicato alle gemme : i Lapidari. Sono così evidenziate le particolarità messe in luce dalle immagini, che insistono sulle differenti caratteristiche morali legate ad ogni tipo di oggetti presi in conto, alla parte del corpo alla quale era destinato, così come al rango sociale di chi lo portava. Il ricorso a parecchi studi che rientrano nel campo dell’antropologia storica permette di osservare il ruolo importante delle occasioni che richiedevano di ornarsi con questi oggetti o che ne determinavano gli scambi, il che dérivava dalle necessità imposte da un cerimoniale molto ritualizzato, nel quale quegli oggetti preziosi assumevano nello stesso tempo una funzione di rappresentazione et di protezione. Infine, l’analisi si orienta sulla « strategia » sviluppata dalle immagini, e sopratutto dai loro donatori, iscrivendosi in una logica delle apparenze che tendeva a legittimare la loro posizione
Musitelli, Pierre. « Alessandro Verri (1741-1816) : entre raison et sensibilité, une écriture en clair-obscur ». Paris 8, 2010.
Texte intégralThis study of Alessandro Verri’s life and work is based on an in-depth analysis of his unpublished archives. His career bears witness to the crucial intellectual and political mutations of his time. Born in the Milanese aristocracy, Verri sharpened his claws during the controversies sparked by « Il Caffè ». Edited by his elder brother Pietro, who was strongly influenced by the reforms implemented by the House of Habsburg, « Il Caffè » was a radical journal pervaded with European thought and a spearhead for the spread of Enlightenment in Lombardy. When he died in Rome in 1816, Alessandro Verri had earned critical consideration and popular acclaim as a novelist who championed the cause of monarchic restoration and the doctrines of the Catholic Church. In which ways did he effect such a transition from his years in Milan, spent reflecting on the modernisation of legal institutions, satirizing society and criticizing literary academicism, to his stance in Rome, where he advocated loyalty to the canons of classicism and to Catholic conservatism ? The outbreak of the French Revolution cannot be the only explanation for such an intellectual development. Verri had always been a maverick inside the « Caffè »’s editorial board, questionning the validity of modern philosophy early in his career. Haunted by his fear of the « volgo », he had done away with Enlightenment as « the invention of freedom » and had committed himself to the promotion of a form of despotism, which, though mindful of the well-being of the many, should always resort to the reason of state to justify the authoritarian containment of the mob’s unruly passions. In the end, he felt the course of history had fully validated his restless criticism of the conceptual bases of the French Philosophes’ plea for the emancipation of the people
Duc, Séverin. « Un champ de forces et de luttes à la Renaissance : L’État de Milan (1515-1530) ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 4, 2016.
Texte intégralEager to conquer and dominate the State of Milan, Francis I (1515-1521) Francesco II Sforza (1522-1525) and Charles V (1526-1530) all three face a political ground with high centrifugal potential, what we call a "field of forces and struggles". Our comparative survey of their successive exercise of domination highlights three original strategies of direct exercise, delegation of power and integration/mediation by the elites or the Popolo. In their own way, each of the princes and their servants conceive their own power, its legal, geographic and symbolic limits, and the quality of dominated subjects. Each has its own mapping power relations in its origins land whether in Milan, France and Spain. Very importantly, each model is not static but in production, as a result of continuous dialectic between its heritage and a reality each day renewed, between its internal forces and external influences, between what he believes, and said to be, and that it expresses every day. In this context, the policy of adaptability, its terms and limits of the unknown and the unexpected becomes crucial to uphold its expectations and defend its political gains
Lepoittevin, Anne. « La statuaire très chrétienne des Sacri Monti d'Italie (1490-1680) : Génèse, histoire et destin d'une invention moderne ». Thesis, Tours, 2013.
Texte intégralThis dissertation examines the history of the Italian Sacri Monti from a comparative perspective. The main objective is to understand how “architectures” that were copies of void monuments from the Holy Land were transformed into large chronological cycles animated through the use of numerous paintings and statues. The religious motivations of these sites define a specific relationship between the different art forms, one that emphasizes sculpture and which can be characterized as a “Christian paragone”. Statuary is particularly didactic and emotional. It is didactic in the sense that the Sacri Monti serve to stage a narrative statuary It is also emotional since the life-sized and polychrome terracotta sculptures are so “alive” that they seem to be performing the scenes. The many characters in the chapels are both familiar and exotic, diverse and repetitive. They constitute types that often look strangely outraged. Their beauty but also their cruel and deformed ugliness serve a didactic purpose: grounded on a physiognomic reading of the scenes, the (guided) pilgrimage to the Sacri Monti mediates a Christian catharsis
Duc, Séverin. « Un champ de forces et de luttes à la Renaissance : L’État de Milan (1515-1530) ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Texte intégralEager to conquer and dominate the State of Milan, Francis I (1515-1521) Francesco II Sforza (1522-1525) and Charles V (1526-1530) all three face a political ground with high centrifugal potential, what we call a "field of forces and struggles". Our comparative survey of their successive exercise of domination highlights three original strategies of direct exercise, delegation of power and integration/mediation by the elites or the Popolo. In their own way, each of the princes and their servants conceive their own power, its legal, geographic and symbolic limits, and the quality of dominated subjects. Each has its own mapping power relations in its origins land whether in Milan, France and Spain. Very importantly, each model is not static but in production, as a result of continuous dialectic between its heritage and a reality each day renewed, between its internal forces and external influences, between what he believes, and said to be, and that it expresses every day. In this context, the policy of adaptability, its terms and limits of the unknown and the unexpected becomes crucial to uphold its expectations and defend its political gains
Taviani-Carozzi, Huguette. « La principauté lombarde de Salerne (9e-11e siècles) : étude sur le pouvoir ». Paris 4, 1988.
Texte intégralThe Lombard principality of Salerno was officially born in 849 of the partition of the dukedom of Beneventum left independent of the two empires, Greek and Frank. For over two centuries, Salerno and its princes succeeded in maintaining this independence by claiming the inheritance of the Lombard kings. Through the testimony of their historians - Paul the Deacon and his followers, Erchempert, Eadoald who wrote the Chronicon Salernitanum -, the Lombards of southern Italy bequeathed to a conception of power both ideological ( tripartite ordo ) and very close to the political realities of the time. Documentary records confirm their messages. In Salerno, power enjoyed two centuries of dynastic and institutional permanence. In the prince's service, the cleric and the man of law have finally superseded the warrior. The society of power (counts) is apt to welcome the "newly-promoted man", a judge or a notary, an Amalfitan immigrant who makes the fortune of "opulent Salerno". The 11th century is one of decisive evolution. The process of feudalization becomes established with the apparition of seigneuries. The reformation of the church deprives the prince's power of a great asset and challenges the ancestral law of the Lombards. Lastly, the Normans, initially in the prince's service, establish with them family relationships which grant them the heritage of the land and power
Bigini, Damien. « Maiestas Domini et Apôtres dans le diocèse de Côme (XIIe-XVIe siècle) ». Grenoble, 2010.
Texte intégralFor more than 5 centuries, the apses of the churches of the diocese of Como, and the surrounding territories of the Lombard lakes region shelter the same iconographic program, with the apostolic theory painted below the Maiestas Domini. This thesis establishes the twin nature, apocalyptic and eucharistic, of this iconography, and explores the reasons of its success and the permanence in the specified territory. A central attention is given to the change in typology for both patrons and the kind of churches where the image is reproduced between the beginning and the end of the considered period