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Helle, Cécile, et Sophie Passegué. « Quelle localisation optimale pour une nouvelle médiathèque ? [L'exemple du réseau de lecture publique dans la Drôme] ». Espace géographique 26, no 4 (1997) : 367–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/spgeo.1997.1104.

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ARNOLD, PIERRE, DOMINIQUE PEETERS, ISABELLE THOMAS et HUGUES MARCHAND. « Pour une localisation optimale des centres de transbordement intermodaux entre réseaux de transport : formulation et extensions ». Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 45, no 3 (septembre 2001) : 427–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-0064.2001.tb01192.x.

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Benabdelhafid, Zohir. « Neuroendocrine tumor of the ovary, an unusual localization : About a case and review of the literature ». Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) 7, no 2 (9 novembre 2020) : 189–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.48087/bjmscr.2020.7227.

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Les tumeurs neuroendocrines (TNE) constituent un groupe des tumeurs susceptibles de naitre en tout point de l’organisme. Ces tumeurs sont rares. Bien que ceux-ci soient généralement associés au tractus gastro-intestinal, au pancréas et au poumon, des cas gynécologiques ont également été rapportés, Parmi celles-ci, les TNE ovariennes qui sont extrêmement rares. Seuls 15% d'entre eux existeraient sous forme pure, le reste présentant des composants tératomateux tels que des struma ovarii ou des kystes dermoïdes. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente âgée 36ans présentant un carcinome neuroendocrine primitif bilatérale de l’ovaire, confirmé par immuno- histochimiques, pour lequel une réduction chirurgicale optimale et une chimiothérapie a été réalisée. Nous insistons à travers cette observation et sous la lumière de la revue de la littérature sur les aspects épidémiologiques, morphologiques, immunohistochimiques et le défi diagnostic posé par ces tumeurs rares.
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Benabdelhafid, Zohir. « Neuroendocrine tumor of the ovary, an unusual location. Report of a case and literature review ». Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) 7, no 1 (2 mai 2020) : 64–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.48087/bjmscr.2020.7117.

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Les tumeurs neuroendocrines constituent un groupe des tumeurs susceptibles de naitre en tout point de l’organisme. Ces tumeurs sont rares. Bien que celles-ci soient généralement associées au tractus gastrointestinal, au pancréas et au poumon, des cas gynécologiques ont également été rapportés, Parmi celles-ci, les tumeurs neuroendocrines ovariennes qui sont extrêmement rares. Seuls 15 % d'entre elles existeraient sous forme pure, le reste présentant des composants tératomateux tels que des struma ovarii ou des kystes dermoïdes. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente âgée de 36 ans présentant un carcinome neuroendocrinien primitif bilatéral de l’ovaire, confirmé par immuno-histochimie, pour lequel une réduction chirurgicale optimale et une chimiothérapie ont été réalisées. Nous insistons à travers cette observation et sous la lumière de la revue de la littérature sur les aspects épidémiologiques, morphologiques, immunohistochimiques et le défi diagnostique posé par ces tumeurs rares.
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Chandelier, Laure, Laurent Coeurdevey, Pascal Favé, Alexis Barot et Mathilde Jaussaud. « SRP, une base de calage 3D de très haute précision sur le continent africain ». Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 223 (12 octobre 2021) : 129–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.52638/rfpt.2021.569.

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La SRP (« Space Reference Points ») est une base mondiale, précise, dense et homogène de points 3D géoréférencés qui est réalisée à partir de l’archive d’images SPOT6/7. Ce projet, mené en partenariat entre l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) et Airbus Defense and Space (ADS), permet le calage géométrique automatique d’images très haute résolution avec une précision de l’ordre de 3m partout dans le monde. La SRP sur l’Afrique a été produite au cours de l’année 2019. Les contrôles qualité confirment le respect des spécifications attendues pour ce produit. Les particularités des paysages rencontrés sur ce continent ont conduit à intégrer de nouvelles fonctionnalités à la chaîne de production. Tout d’abord, la sélection des images SPOT6/7 a été enrichie sur la zone intertropicale en prenant en compte les masques de nuage fournis avec les produits, permettant d’obtenir une densité de points SRP optimale pour la zone. Ensuite, un prototype de socle de calage exploitant des ortho-images Sentinel-2 a montré la capacité de cette méthodologie à assurer la spécification de localisation à 3m sur un archipel d’îles (ici le Cap Vert). Afin de valider pleinement le produit, l’article présente deux tests d’exploitation sur le Nigéria pour des productions 2D et sur la ville de Marrakech pour des productions 3D. Ils démontrent la capacité de la SRP à caler différents types d’images et à atteindre la cible de précision de la base. La SRP est destinée, dès 2021, à assurer le calage d’images dans différents projets et notamment, de façon massive, dans le segment sol Pléiades Neo.
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Ritmejerytė, Edita, Berin A. Boughton, Michael J. Bayly et Rebecca E. Miller. « Diverse organ-specific localisation of a chemical defence, cyanogenic glycosides, in flowers of eleven species of Proteaceae ». PLOS ONE 18, no 4 (27 avril 2023) : e0285007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0285007.

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Floral chemical defence strategies remain under-investigated, despite the significance of flowers to plant fitness. We used cyanogenic glycosides (CNglycs)—constitutive secondary metabolites that deter herbivores by releasing hydrogen cyanide, but also play other metabolic roles—to ask whether more apparent floral tissues and those most important for fitness are more defended as predicted by optimal defence theories, and what fine-scale CNglyc localisation reveals about function(s)? Florets of eleven species from the Proteaceae family were dissected to quantitatively compare the distribution of CNglycs within flowers and investigate whether distributions vary with other floral/plant traits. CNglycs were identified and their localisation in florets was revealed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). We identified extremely high CNglyc content in floral tissues of several species (>1% CN), highly tissue-specific CNglyc distributions within florets, and substantial interspecific differences in content distributions, not all consistent with optimal defence hypotheses. Four patterns of within-flower CNglyc allocation were identified: greater tissue-specific allocations to (1) anthers, (2) pedicel (and gynophore), (3) pollen presenter, and (4) a more even distribution among tissues with higher content in pistils. Allocation patterns were not correlated with other floral traits (e.g. colour) or taxonomic relatedness. MALDI-MSI identified differential localisation of two tyrosine-derived CNglycs, demonstrating the importance of visualising metabolite localisation, with the diglycoside proteacin in vascular tissues, and monoglycoside dhurrin across floral tissues. High CNglyc content, and diverse, specific within-flower localisations indicate allocations are adaptive, highlighting the importance of further research into the ecological and metabolic roles of floral CNglycs.
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Flowerdew, Jonathan. « Towards a theory of optimal localisation ». Tellus A : Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 67, no 1 (13 février 2015) : 25257. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v67.25257.

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Coates, Alexandre R., Brendon W. Lovett et Erik M. Gauger. « Localisation determines the optimal noise rate for quantum transport ». New Journal of Physics 23, no 12 (1 décembre 2021) : 123014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/ac3b2c.

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Abstract Environmental noise plays a key role in determining the efficiency of transport in quantum systems. However, disorder and localisation alter the impact of such noise on energy transport. To provide a deeper understanding of this relationship we perform a systematic study of the connection between eigenstate localisation and the optimal dephasing rate in 1D chains. The effects of energy gradients and disorder on chains of various lengths are evaluated and we demonstrate how optimal transport efficiency is determined by both size-independent, as well as size-dependent factors. By discussing how size-dependent influences emerge from finite size effects we establish when these effects are suppressed, and show that a simple power law captures the interplay between size-dependent and size-independent responses. Moving beyond phenomenological pure dephasing, we implement a finite temperature Bloch–Redfield model that captures detailed balance. We show that the relationship between localisation and optimal environmental coupling strength continues to apply at intermediate and high temperature but breaks down in the low temperature limit.
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Wetterlund, Elisabeth, Sylvain Leduc, Erik Dotzauer et Georg Kindermann. « Optimal localisation of biofuel production on a European scale ». Energy 41, no 1 (mai 2012) : 462–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2012.02.051.

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Jose, Sharath, Luca Brandt et Rama Govindarajan. « Localisation of optimal perturbations in variable viscosity channel flow ». International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 85 (octobre 2020) : 108588. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108588.

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Kotiyal, Vaibhav, Abhilash Singh, Sandeep Sharma, Jaiprakash Nagar et Cheng-Chi Lee. « ECS-NL : An Enhanced Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Node Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks ». Sensors 21, no 11 (21 mai 2021) : 3576. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21113576.

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Node localisation plays a critical role in setting up Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). A sensor in WSNs senses, processes and transmits the sensed information simultaneously. Along with the sensed information, it is crucial to have the positional information associated with the information source. A promising method to localise these randomly deployed sensors is to use bio-inspired meta-heuristic algorithms. In this way, a node localisation problem is converted to an optimisation problem. Afterwards, the optimisation problem is solved for an optimal solution by minimising the errors. Various bio-inspired algorithms, including the conventional Cuckoo Search (CS) and modified CS algorithm, have already been explored. However, these algorithms demand a predetermined number of iterations to reach the optimal solution, even when not required. In this way, they unnecessarily exploit the limited resources of the sensors resulting in a slow search process. This paper proposes an Enhanced Cuckoo Search (ECS) algorithm to minimise the Average Localisation Error (ALE) and the time taken to localise an unknown node. In this algorithm, we have implemented an Early Stopping (ES) mechanism, which improves the search process significantly by exiting the search loop whenever the optimal solution is reached. Further, we have evaluated the ECS algorithm and compared it with the modified CS algorithm. While doing so, note that the proposed algorithm localised all the localisable nodes in the network with an ALE of 0.5–0.8 m. In addition, the proposed algorithm also shows an 80% decrease in the average time taken to localise all the localisable nodes. Consequently, the performance of the proposed ECS algorithm makes it desirable to implement in practical scenarios for node localisation.
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Eshagh, Mehdi. « An optimal design of GNSS interference localisation wireless security network based on time-difference of arrivals for the Arlanda international airport ». Journal of Geodetic Science 12, no 1 (1 janvier 2022) : 154–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/jogs-2022-0142.

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Abstract Today, most of the aircrafts are navigated by global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs). Landing is a dangerous phase of a flight especially when an airport runway is not clearly seen from the aircrafts. In such cases, GNSSs are useful for a safe landing under the circumstances that healthy signals, free of any interference, reach to GNSSs receiver antennas mounted on the aircrafts. This shows the importance of establishing GNSS interference localisation security networks around airports. Designing a good configuration for the points with GNSS antennas at for receiving interference signals is important for a successful localisation of the interference device. Here, the time-difference of the arrivals of an interference signal to such points or anchor nodes (ANs), are used as observables, and a security network with four ANs is optimally designed along the runways of the Arlanda airport to reduce the dilution of precision (DOP) of the network. Our study showed that by such an optimisation, the maximum DOP value can reduce by 50% meaning a significant increase in the probability of a successful interference device localisation.
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Dardavesis, Ioannis, Edward Verbree et Azarakhsh Rafiee. « Indoor localisation and location tracking in indoor facilities based on LiDAR point clouds and images of the ceilings ». AGILE : GIScience Series 4 (6 juin 2023) : 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/agile-giss-4-4-2023.

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Abstract. Localisation and navigation technologies have vastly evolved during the last years, facilitating users’ guidance in various environments. Unlike outdoor environments where GNSS comprises a universal solution, in indoor environments various localisation techniques have been used, each one with its drawbacks. Thus, this research investigates the reliability of the ceilings towards indoor localisation, by using components that are included in a simple mobile device. The choice of ceilings lies in their advantages, which include the incorporation of various characteristic components, as well as the absence of obstacles between them and the sensor. Indoor localisation is achieved based on LiDAR point clouds and images from RGB sensors of mobile devices. Additionally, this research involves location tracking of different users, to discover different movement patterns in an indoor facility. The proposed methodology revealed the robustness of the Coloured ICP algorithm for in-door localisation based on point clouds, both in terms of time efficiency and quality, while the combination of the SURF feature detector and SIFT descriptor provides the optimal indoor localisation results with image data. The proposed pipeline revealed encouraging results for use in emergencies, based on static data acquisition of a user, while it is also suitable for dynamic applications, in case a sensor is mounted on an automated device for indoor mapping operations. The captured point clouds of the ceilings can also be used as a reference to CAD and BIM models, to help the modelling of the existing utilities and their components in an indoor facility.
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Arnold, Pierre, Hubert Beguin, Dominique Peeters et Isabelle Thomas. « Structure géographique du réseau de transport et localisations optimales ». Flux 27-28, no 1-2 (1 juin 1997) : 9–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/flux.p1997.13n27.0009.

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Arnold, Pierre, Hubert Beguin, Dominique Peeters et Isabelle Thomas. « Structure géographique du réseau de transport et localisations optimales ». Flux 13, no 27 (1997) : 9–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/flux.1997.1200.

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Eshagh, Mehdi. « Optimal Configuration for Monitoring Stations in a Wireless Localisation Network Based on Received Signal Strength Differences ». Sensors 23, no 3 (19 janvier 2023) : 1150. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s23031150.

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A smart city is a city equipped with many sensors communicating with each other for different purposes. Cybersecurity and signal security are important in such cities, especially for airports and harbours. Any signal interference or attack on the navigation of autonomous vehicles and aircraft may lead to catastrophes and risks in people’s lives. Therefore, it is of tremendous importance to develop wireless security networks for the localisation of any radio frequency interferer in smart cities. Time of arrival, angle of arrival, time-difference of arrivals, received signal strength and received signal strength difference (RSSD) are known observables used for the localisation of a signal interferer. Localisation means to estimate the coordinates of an interferer from some established monitoring stations and sensors receiving such measurements from an interferer. The main goal of this study is to optimise the geometric configuration of the monitoring stations using a desired dilution of precision and/or variance-covariance matrix (VCM) for the transmitter’s location based on the RSSD. The required mathematical models are developed and applied to the Arlanda international airport of Sweden. Our numerical tests show that the same configuration is achieved based on dilution of precision and VCM criteria when the resolution of design is lower than 20 m in the presence of the same constraints. The choice of the pathloss exponent in the mathematical models of the RSSDs is not important for such low resolutions. Finally, optimisation based on the VCM is recommended because of its larger redundancy and flexibility in selecting different desired variances and covariances for the coordinates of the transmitter.
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Kashir, Junaid, Bhavesh V. Mistry, Lujain BuSaleh, Michail Nomikos, Sarah Almuqayyil, Raed Abu-Dawud, Nadya AlYacoub et al. « Antigen Unmasking Is Required to Clinically Assess Levels and Localisation Patterns of Phospholipase C Zeta in Human Sperm ». Pharmaceuticals 16, no 2 (28 janvier 2023) : 198. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ph16020198.

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Mammalian oocyte activation is initiated by intracellular calcium (Ca2+) oscillations, driven by the testis-specific phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ). Sperm PLCζ analysis represents a diagnostic measure of sperm fertilisation capacity. The application of antigen unmasking/retrieval (AUM) generally enhanced the visualisation efficacy of PLCζ in mammalian sperm, but differentially affected the PLCζ profiles in sperm from different human males. It is unclear whether AUM affects the diagnosis of PLCζ in human sperm. Herein, we examined whether the application of AUM affected the correlation of PLCζ profiles with sperm parameters and fertilisation capacity. PLCζ fluorescence levels and localisation patterns were examined within the sperm of males undergoing fertility treatment (55 patients aged 29–53) using immunofluorescence in the absence/presence of AUM. The changes in PLCζ profiles following AUM were examined in relation to sperm health and fertilisation outcome. AUM enhanced the observable levels and specific localisation patterns of PLCζ in relation to both optimal sperm parameters and fertilisation outcome, without which significant differences were not observed. The extent of the change in levels and localisation ratios of PLCζ was also affected to a larger degree in terms of the optimal parameters of sperm fertility and fertilisation capacity by AUM. Collectively, AUM was essential to accurately assesses PLCζ in human sperm in both scientific and clinical contexts.
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Benkouider, Sara, Nasreddine Lagraa, Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi et Abderrahim Benslimane. « Optimal mobile beacon trajectories for nodes localisation in wireless sensor networks ». International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 29, no 1/2 (2018) : 64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijahuc.2018.094398.

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Benslimane, Abderrahim, Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi, Nasreddine Lagraa et Sara Benkouider. « Optimal mobile beacon trajectories for nodes localisation in wireless sensor networks ». International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 29, no 1/2 (2018) : 64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijahuc.2018.10015697.

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Guessasma, Sofiane, Hedi Nouri et Sofiane Belhabib. « Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element Computation to Reveal Mechanical Anisotropy in 3D Printing of Polymers ». Materials 15, no 23 (24 novembre 2022) : 8382. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma15238382.

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In this study, we propose to revisit the mechanical anisotropy inferred to printed ABS polymers using fused deposition modelling by combining digital image correlation (DIC), mechanical testing and finite element computation. Tensile specimens are printed using different design orientations and raster angles. Monitoring of deformed samples is performed, and strain fields are derived for each configuration. Finite element modelling of the 3D-printed material behaviour is considered to shed more light on deformation mechanisms. Experimental results show that a heterogeneous strain field develops, leading to more significant strain localisation for samples printed with the main dimension aligned with the building direction. The optimal printing angle allowing the filament to be crossed at −45°/+45° shows the best behaviour with even larger elongation at break compared to the raw material. However, digital image correlation based on optical imaging shows that a limiting scale exists for revealing the effect of filament orientation on strain localisation. Finite element results reveal the nature of the strain localisation as related presence of porosity close to the frame and the development of asymmetrical filling within the printed structure.
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Cheriet, Abdelhakim, Abdelmalik Bachir, Noureddine Lasla et Mohamed Abdallah. « On optimal anchor placement for area‐based localisation in wireless sensor networks ». IET Wireless Sensor Systems 11, no 2 (7 février 2021) : 67–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/wss2.12010.

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Chen, Huifang, Lei Xie et Congqi Shen. « Optimal Byzantine attack strategy for distributed localisation with M ‐ary quantised data ». Electronics Letters 51, no 25 (décembre 2015) : 2158–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el.2015.2172.

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Lim, Jaechan, et Jinseok Lee. « Asymptotic optimal method for localisation of a target in wireless sensor networks ». International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 3, no 1 (2009) : 36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijcnds.2009.026616.

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Pandey, Om Jee, et Rajesh M. Hegde. « Cooperative localisation over small world WSN using optimal allocation of heterogeneous nodes ». IET Wireless Sensor Systems 8, no 4 (1 août 2018) : 162–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-wss.2017.0096.

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Zhao, Shiyu, Ben M. Chen et Tong H. Lee. « Optimal sensor placement for target localisation and tracking in 2D and 3D ». International Journal of Control 86, no 10 (octobre 2013) : 1687–704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2013.792606.

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Gedeon, Tamás D., László T. Kóczy et Alessandro Zorat. « Optimal Size Fuzzy Models ». Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 11, no 3 (20 mars 2007) : 335–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.20965/jaciii.2007.p0335.

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Approximate models using fuzzy rule bases can be made more precise by suitably increasing the size of the rule base and decreasing uncertainty in the rules. A large rule base, however, requires more time for its evaluation and hence the problem arises of determining the size that is good enough for the task at hand, but allows as fast as possible reasoning using the rule base. This trade-off between computation time and precision is significant whenever a prediction is made which can become “out of date” or “too old” if not used in time. The trade off is considered here in the context of tracking a moving target. In this problem, a higher degree of accuracy results in tighter precision of determining target location, but at the cost of longer computation time, during which the target can move further away, thus ultimately requiring a longer search for exact target localisation. This paper examines the problem of determining the optimal rule base size that will yield a minimum total time required to repeatedly re-acquire the moving target, as done by a cat that plays with a mouse. While this problem has no known solution in its general formulation, solutions are shown here for specific contexts.
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Luckner, Marcin, et Rafał Górak. « Automatic Detection of Changes in Signal Strength Characteristics in a Wi-Fi Network for an Indoor Localisation System ». Sensors 20, no 7 (25 mars 2020) : 1828. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s20071828.

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This paper faces the issue of changing the received signal strength (RSS) from an observed access point (AP). Such a change can reduce the Quality of Service (QoS) of a Wi-Fi-based Indoor Localisation System. We have proposed a dynamic system based on an estimator of RSS using the readings from other APs. Using an optimal threshold, the algorithm recognises an AP that has changed its characteristics. Next, the system rebuilds the localisation model excluding the changed AP to keep QoS. For the tests, we simulated a change in the analysed Wi-Fi network by replacing the measured RSS by an RSS obtained from the same AP model that lies in another place inside the same multi-floor building. The algorithm was evaluated in simulations of an isolated single-floor building, a single-floor building and a multi-floor building. The mean increase of the localisation error obtained by the system varies from 0.25 to 0.61 m after the RSS changes, whereas the error increase without using the system is between 1.21 and 1.98 m. The system can be applied to any service based on a Wi-Fi network for various kinds of changes like a reconfiguration of the network, a local malfunction or ageing of the infrastructure.
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Yang, Zhensheng, Handong Xu et Bangping Gu. « Arrival-Time Detection With Histogram Distance For Acoustic Emission Signals ». Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 65, no 6 (1 juin 2023) : 327–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1784/insi.2023.65.6.327.

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Arrival-time picking is a fundamental step in time-of-arrival (TOA)-based localisation in current and future acoustic emission (AE), microseismic and seismic localisation systems. The accurate detection of TOA is of great importance for high localisation accuracy. This work presents a histogram distance-based method for TOA detection of elastic wave signals. The authors treat an original elastic waveform that includes the arrival as two different locally stationary segments, namely the intervals following and preceding arrival. To determine the optimal separation of these two stationary segments, ie the arrival time, histograms of these intervals are calculated and a measure of the distance between them modified from the Bhattacharyya coefficient is proposed. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using TOA picking for AE. The method is shown to provide accurate and robust picks on AE signals under various signal-to-noise ratios. To evaluate the adaptability of the method to other TOA picking scenarios, it is applied to detect the seismic P-phase. The detection accuracy is adequate and errors are constrained to within a few seconds. Factors that influence the detection accuracy are discussed. The results suggest that the proposed method has the potential to detect TOA in various fields.
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Morlier, Joseph, F. Bos et P. Castera. « Benchmark of Damage Localisation Algorithms Using Mode Shape Data ». Key Engineering Materials 293-294 (septembre 2005) : 305–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.293-294.305.

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This paper presents a comparative study of three enhanced signal processing methods to locate damage on mode shape data. The first method called curvature mode shape is used as a reference. The second tool uses wavelet transform and singularity detection theory to locate damage. Finally we introduce the windowed fractal dimension of a signal as a tool to easily measure the local complexity of a signal. Our benchmark aims at comparing the crack detection using optimal spatial sampling under different severity, beam boundary conditions (BCs) and added noise measurements.
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Hamdollahzadeh, Mohammad, Rouhollah Amiri et Fereidoon Behnia. « Optimal sensor placement for multi‐source AOA localisation with distance‐dependent noise model ». IET Radar, Sonar & ; Navigation 13, no 6 (juin 2019) : 881–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-rsn.2018.5426.

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Zhang, Tie‐Nan, Xing‐Peng Mao, Chun‐Lei Zhao et Xiao‐Zhuan Long. « Optimal and fast sensor geometry design method for TDOA localisation systemswith placement constraints ». IET Signal Processing 13, no 8 (octobre 2019) : 708–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-spr.2018.5171.

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Yan, Xiaoyong, Lijuan Sun, Jian Zhou et Aiguo Song. « DV‐hop localisation algorithm based on optimal weighted least square in irregular areas ». Electronics Letters 54, no 21 (octobre 2018) : 1243–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el.2018.6512.

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Pascal, Jean‐Claude, Jing‐Fang Li, Xavier Carniel, Axel Hass et Laurent Bollade. « Precise localisation of noise source using statistically optimal beamforming and post ‐processing deconvolution ». Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123, no 5 (mai 2008) : 3386. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.2934040.

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Ho Shon, I., P. Roach, E. Bernard et L. Delbridge. « 67. Optimal techniques for pre-operative localisation with 99Tcm-MIBI for primary hyperparathyroidism ». Nuclear Medicine Communications 21, no 5 (mai 2000) : 493. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00006231-200005000-00077.

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Ueda, Keiko, Yukari Uemura et Masaaki Sato. « Protocol for the VAL-MAP 2.0 trial : a multicentre, single-arm, phase III trial to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual-assisted lung mapping by bronchoscopic dye injection and microcoil implementation in patients with small pulmonary nodules in Japan ». BMJ Open 9, no 9 (septembre 2019) : e028018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028018.

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IntroductionTumour localisation is important for successful resection of lung nodules with optimal resection margins in sublobar resection. Virtual-assisted bronchoscopic localisation technique combined with dye marking and microcoil placement (VAL-MAP 2.0) is a minimally invasive, virtual-assisted, bronchoscopic technique that combines dye marking and microcoil implementation. As indwelling microcoils can provide information on the depth from the lung surface, they can be applied for deeply located small lung tumours that are barely identifiable by surface dye marking. This proposed study will examine the effectiveness of VAL-MAP 2.0 in patients with small pulmonary nodules.Methods and analysisThis is a multicentre, prospective, single-arm, clinical trial. A total of 65 patients will be registered to undergo VAL-MAP 2.0 followed by thoracoscopic surgery. The primary outcome is successful resection, defined as resection of the lesion with optimal resection margins. The goal of the study is the achievement of a successful resection rate of 80%.Ethics and disseminationThe study was approved by the Clinical Research Review Boards of the University of Tokyo (approval number 218 003SP) for all institutes, and the Technical Review Board for Advanced Medicine Category B of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Results of the primary and secondary endpoints will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.Trial registration numberjRCTs031180099
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McLoughlin, Benjamin, Harry Pointon, John McLoughlin, Andy Shaw et Frederic Bezombes. « Uncertainty Characterisation of Mobile Robot Localisation Techniques using Optical Surveying Grade Instruments ». Sensors 18, no 7 (13 juillet 2018) : 2274. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s18072274.

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Recent developments in localisation systems for autonomous robotic technology have been a driving factor in the deployment of robots in a wide variety of environments. Estimating sensor measurement noise is an essential factor when producing uncertainty models for state-of-the-art robotic positioning systems. In this paper, a surveying grade optical instrument in the form of a Trimble S7 Robotic Total Station is utilised to dynamically characterise the error of positioning sensors of a ground based unmanned robot. The error characteristics are used as inputs into the construction of a Localisation Extended Kalman Filter which fuses Pozyx Ultra-wideband range measurements with odometry to obtain an optimal position estimation, all whilst using the path generated from the remote tracking feature of the Robotic Total Station as a ground truth metric. Experiments show that the proposed method yields an improved positional estimation compared to the Pozyx systems’ native firmware algorithm as well as producing a smoother trajectory.
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Rouget, Michel. « Un SIG pour la détermination de localisations optimales pour des entreprises industrielles ». Mappemonde 32, no 4 (1993) : 34–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/mappe.1993.1105.

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Davidson, Natalia, et Oleg Mariev. « The impact of spatial concentration on enterprise performance : is localisation level optimal in Russia ? » International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 11, no 6 (2018) : 522. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijepee.2018.095933.

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Wang, Weijia, Peng Bai, Xiaolong Liang, Yubing Wang et Jiaqiang Zhang. « Optimal deployment of sensor–emitter geometries for hybrid localisation using TDOA and AOA measurements ». IET Science, Measurement & ; Technology 13, no 5 (1 juillet 2019) : 622–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5310.

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Shamsfakhr, Farhad, Andrea Motroni, Luigi Palopoli, Alice Buffi, Paolo Nepa et Daniele Fontanelli. « Robot Localisation Using UHF-RFID Tags : A Kalman Smoother Approach † ». Sensors 21, no 3 (21 janvier 2021) : 717. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21030717.

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Autonomous vehicles enable the development of smart warehouses and smart factories with an increased visibility, flexibility and efficiency. Thus, effective and affordable localisation methods for indoor vehicles are attracting interest to implement real-time applications. This paper presents an Extended Kalman Smoother design to both localise a mobile agent and reconstruct its entire trajectory through a sensor-fusion employing the UHF-RFID passive technology. Extensive simulations are carried out by considering the smoother optimal-window length and the effect of missing measurements from reference tags. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted for different vehicle trajectories and for different linear and angular velocities to evaluate the method accuracy. Then, an experimental analysis with a unicycle wheeled robot is performed in real indoor scenario, showing a position and orientation root mean square errors of 15 cm, and 0.2 rad, respectively.
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Pal, Soham, Priya Batra, Tanjung Krisnanda, Tomasz Paterek et T. S. Mahesh. « Experimental localisation of quantum entanglement through monitored classical mediator ». Quantum 5 (17 juin 2021) : 478. http://dx.doi.org/10.22331/q-2021-06-17-478.

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Quantum entanglement is a form of correlation between quantum particles that cannot be increased via local operations and classical communication. It has therefore been proposed that an increment of quantum entanglement between probes that are interacting solely via a mediator implies non-classicality of the mediator. Indeed, under certain assumptions regarding the initial state, entanglement gain between the probes indicates quantum coherence in the mediator. Going beyond such assumptions, there exist other initial states which produce entanglement between the probes via only local interactions with a classical mediator. In this process the initial entanglement between any probe and the rest of the system "flows through" the classical mediator and gets localised between the probes. Here we theoretically characterise maximal entanglement gain via classical mediator and experimentally demonstrate, using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy, the optimal growth of quantum correlations between two nuclear spin qubits interacting through a mediator qubit in a classical state. We additionally monitor, i.e., dephase, the mediator in order to emphasise its classical character. Our results indicate the necessity of verifying features of the initial state if entanglement gain between the probes is used as a figure of merit for witnessing non-classical mediator. Such methods were proposed to have exemplary applications in quantum optomechanics, quantum biology and quantum gravity.
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Fang, Xuming, Zonghua Jiang, Lei Nan et Lijun Chen. « Optimal weighted K-nearest neighbour algorithm for wireless sensor network fingerprint localisation in noisy environment ». IET Communications 12, no 10 (26 juin 2018) : 1171–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-com.2017.0515.

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Sotiropoulos, Panagiotis, Niccolo Tosi, Fivos Andritsos et Franck Geffard. « Optimal docking pose and tactile hook-localisation strategy for AUV intervention : The DIFIS deployment case ». Ocean Engineering 46 (juin 2012) : 33–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.02.005.

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Tropeano, Jean-Philippe, et Miren Lafourcade. « Choix de localisation, coûts de transport et asymétries régionales ». Revue économique 51, no 6 (1 novembre 2000) : 1453–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/reco.p2000.51n6.1453.

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Résumé Cet article développe une statique comparative de l'impact de différents scénarios d'investissement (projet d'infrastructure conduisant à une baisse modérée ou à une forte baisse du coût de transport inter-régional) sur le choix de localisation d'une entreprise en situation de monopole, au sein d'un espace intégré composé de deux régions aux populations et revenus hétérogènes. La première région, faiblement peuplée, présente de fortes disparités de revenus, tandis que la seconde, plus homogène en termes de revenu, représente un marché potentiel plus étendu. On montre que l'hétérogénéité des revenus constitue la force dominante du modèle lorsque le scénario d'investissement privilégié par les politiques publiques conduit à des gains substantiels du point de vue du coût de transport entre les deux régions. L'effet de richesse, lorsqu'il est associé à une forte disparité des revenus, n'incite pas l'entreprise à exploiter son pouvoir de marché au détriment de la région la moins riche de l'économie. On montre de plus que le choix de localisation du monopole n'est pas toujours optimal et que la baisse du coût de transport est susceptible de détériorer le bien-être social des deux régions, ce qui pose la question de la légitimité d'une politique de désenclavement fondée sur le développement des infrastructures inter-régionales. Néanmoins, l'octroi d'une « prime d'aménagement du territoire » est susceptible de corriger, lorsqu'elles existent, les distorsions liées à une forte baisse du coût de transport.
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Birkholtz, F., M. Eken, M. Swanevelder et A. Engelbrecht. « IMPLANT DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATION FROM A SMALL DATASET OF LOWER LIMB RADIOGRAPHS : PERFORMANCE OF DEEP LEARNING MODELS PRE-TRAINED ON LARGER DATASETS ». Orthopaedic Proceedings 106-B, SUPP_18 (14 novembre 2024) : 50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1302/1358-992x.2024.18.050.

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IntroductionInaccurate identification of implants on X-rays may lead to prolonged surgical duration as well as increased complexity and costs during implant removal. Deep learning models may help to address this problem, although they typically require large datasets to effectively train models in detecting and classifying objects, e.g. implants. This can limit applicability for instances when only smaller datasets are available. Transfer learning can be used to overcome this limitation by leveraging large, publicly available datasets to pre-train detection and classification models. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of deep learning models in implant localisation and classification on a lower limb X-ray dataset.MethodFirstly, detection models were evaluated on their ability to localise four categories of implants, e.g. plates, screws, pins, and intramedullary nails. Detection models (Faster R-CNN, YOLOv5, EfficientDet) were pre-trained on the large, freely available COCO dataset (330000 images). Secondly, classification models (DenseNet121, Inception V3, ResNet18, ResNet101) were evaluated on their ability to classify five types of intramedullary nails. Localisation and classification accuracy were evaluated on a smaller image dataset (204 images).ResultThe YOLOv5s model showed the best capacity to detect and distinguish between different types of implants (accuracy: plate=82.1%, screw=72.3%, intramedullary nail=86.9%, pin=79.9%). Screw implants were the most difficult implant to detect, likely due to overlapping screw implants visible in the image dataset. The DenseNet121 classification model showed the best performance in classifying different types of intramedullary nails (accuracy=73.7%). Therefore, a deep learning model pipeline with the YOLOv5s and DenseNet121 was proposed for the most optimal performance of automating implants localisation and classification for a relatively small dataset.ConclusionThese findings support the potential of deep learning techniques in enhancing implant detection accuracy. With further development, AI-based implant identification may benefit patients, surgeons and hospitals through improved surgical planning and efficient use of theatre time.
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Houzard, C., C. Tychyj-Pinel, F. Ricard, P. Got, F. Giammarile et I. Morelec. « Scintigraphie des parathyroïdes : intérêt d’une exploitation optimale des examens hybrides – à propos de deux localisations ectopiques ». Médecine Nucléaire 37, no 5 (mai 2013) : 159. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mednuc.2013.03.096.

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El-Khoury, M., A. Bohlok, YA Sleiman, P. Loi, E. Coppens, P. Demetter et I. El Nakadi. « A rare presentation of small diaphragmatic epidermoid cyst with extremely elevated serum CA19-9 level ». Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 102, no 2 (février 2020) : e23-e25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1308/rcsann.2019.0110.

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Epidermoid cysts are rare lesions that can occur anywhere in the body. They are associated with elevated serum levels of CA 19-9. The spleen represents the most common site of intra-abdominal localisation. Only two cases of diaphragmatic epidermoid cyst are reported in the literature. We present the case of a 61-year-old woman with a small suprasplenic subdiaphragmatic cyst discovered during the investigation of left flank pain. The establishment of an adequate diagnosis was challenging due to the difficulty in specifying the exact localisation of the cyst, the extremely elevated CA 19-9 level of 19,000 and the high uptake on 18-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography. The definitive diagnosis followed complete surgical excision. Intra-abdominal epidermoid cysts are usually discovered incidentally on imaging for another reason. The cyst is lined by squamous epithelium responsible for the secretion of CA 19-9. The elevation of serum CA 19-9 is due to small rupture or increased intraluminal pressure followed by diffusion to the bloodstream. Surgery with en-bloc resection represents the optimal treatment to avoid any risk of recurrence. The definitive diagnosis is established by demonstrating positive immunohistopathological staining of epithelial cell to CA 19.9.
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Kasem, A., T. Singhal, S. Ray et A. Desai. « 329 POSTER Wire localisation for screen detected breast cancers - is there an optimal location for surgery ? » European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO) 32 (novembre 2006) : S99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0748-7983(06)70764-8.

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Yang, Jingyuan, Huayu Duan, Linxiao Li, Edward Stewart, Junhui Huang et Roger Dixon. « 1D CNN Based Detection and Localisation of Defective Droppers in Railway Catenary ». Applied Sciences 13, no 11 (4 juin 2023) : 6819. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app13116819.

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Defective droppers pose a significant threat to the performance of the contact between the train pantograph and railway catenary. In this paper, the impact of damaged droppers on the performance of pantograph–catenary interaction behaviour is analysed, and the impact of varying degrees of damage to each dropper is labelled. To improve the classification accuracy when both the damage degree and position are considered, a model integrating multiple 1D CNNs is proposed. Approaches including randomly searching the optimal hyper-parameters and K-fold cross-validation are used to prevent overfitting and to ensure model performance regardless of the training data subset selected. Compared with a conventional 1D CNN, the classification performance of the integrated method is demonstrated using the metrics accuracy, F1-score, precision and recall. It is concluded that, through the use of the integrated 1D CNN, damaged droppers can be detected and localised based on the pantograph–catenary contact force. Hence, intelligent catenary inspection can be enhanced.
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Menďan, Rastislav, et Boris Vavrovič. « Optimal Localisation of Window in External Wall of Different Material and Construction Design Considering Linear Loss Coefficient ». Applied Mechanics and Materials 820 (janvier 2016) : 177–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.820.177.

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