Thèses sur le sujet « Local decision system »
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Mira, Hurtado Teresa <1977>. « Decision support system in local development agendas : Chilean case study ». Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2010.
Texte intégralLo sviluppo rappresenta uno degli impegni più gravosi del nostro tempo. Tuttavia, il concetto di “sviluppo” continua a variare. Se può affermare che ha evoluto di un significato prettamente economico a una concezione con una componente sociale e umana predominante, che tiene in considerazione il valore dell'ambiente. Questo passaggio ha un’importanza cruciale. Nello specifico, il concetto di sviluppo è legato agli obiettivi e ai risultati di una società composta di persone, ed è quindi applicato a un ambito di azione limitato, ovvero ad un particolare territorio. All’inizio del 21° secolo, in un contesto di globalizzazione e di espansione delle frontiere, la forte connotazione spaziale del concetto di sviluppo decreta il successo delle azioni portate avanti a livello locale. Analogamente, oggi lo sviluppo del pensiero umano è riuscito a dissociarsi da più di quattro secoli di tradizione. Il pensiero cartesiano, riduzionista ed empirico conducono ad un'ampia visione “del tutto" che richiede l'incorporazione della complessità. I sistemi, i rapporti e i sinergismi, tra altri, diventano alcuni degli elementi fondamentali ad affrontare le nuove sfide del tempo attuale. Qui entra in gioco il concetto di sostenibilità. Quest’approccio viene applicato per la definizione e l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche, che affrontano questioni legate alla popolazione, all’ambiente, a problemi a livello locale e globale, al mercato, alla gestione delle risorse. Tutte fanno parte di una realtà dinamica e mutevole, la cui gestione sempre i nuovi strumenti per confrontarla. Approcci e strumenti specifici sono quindi stati definiti per sostenere gli Enti Locali, quali principali “agenti" dello sviluppo nella gestione quotidiana di problematiche complesse. In Cile lo sviluppo locale ha seguito un percorso indipendente. Sia la morfologia del territorio che la storia del Paese hanno contribuito a creare una situazione che rivela le inefficienze nel sistema tradizionale di gestione dello sviluppo locale. Un effettivo progresso richiede l'incorporazione dei nuovi strumenti, allo scopo di rafforzare la governance, l'accountability e la legittimità. Quindi, la gestione dello sviluppo locale cileno necessita di un importante intervento per essere in grado di definire e sostenere processi decisionali accurati, partecipati, flessibili e coerenti. Questo è il contesto della presente ricerca, che propone una metodologia per interpretare un processo sociale allo scopo di una democrazia partecipativa, trasparenza e coerenza, di tenere in considerazione. In questo modo si cerca di migliorare la qualità del processo politico, guidando la cittadinanza e le istituzioni nel processo di sviluppo, tramite la definizione di un'agenda locale. La ricerca è stata applicata a un miglioramento della gestione dello sviluppo locale in Cile. Propone l’applicazione e il potenziamento di strumenti ad hoc per realizzare i obiettivi specifici, nel quadro di una prospettiva sostenibile. La proposta intende revisionare e facilitare l'applicazione dello strumento cileno di pianificazione dello sviluppo locale, promuovendo procedure tramite da un approccio flessibile di supporto decisionale. In tal modo il progetto vuole inserire il Programma di Sviluppo Comunale (PLADECO) nell’agenda dei Sindaci durante il loro mandato, includendo la comunità nelle decisioni politiche. Il progetto è stato realizzato in quattro Comuni del Cile tramite la partecipazione attiva dei Governi Regionali, ed è stato sviluppato in collaborazione con la Commissione Economica delle Nazioni Unite di America Latina e dei Caraibi e il Sottosegretariato dello Sviluppo Regionale ed Amministrativo del Governo del Cile.
El “desarrollo” sigue representando el anhelo de la actualidad. No obstante, lo que se entiende por desarrollo ha ido variando en el tiempo. Se puede afirmar que el concepto ha evolucionado de una acepción marcadamente económica a un concepto con una gran componente social, humana, y a una intertemporalidad, poniendo de manifiesto el valor del medio ambiente. Esto tiene una connotación de suma importancia. Al hablar de sociedad compuesta por personas, se lleva el concepto a una aplicabilidad acotada a un escenario de acción, es decir, a un territorio. Así se encuentra hoy al desarrollo fuertemente ligado a su connotación espacial, donde en el contexto de inicios del siglo XXI, de la globalización y ampliación de las fronteras, es el desarrollo local el que alcanza el mayor éxito. Análogamente, la evolución en el pensamiento humano no ha estado exenta de importantes cambios que logran disociarse de más de cuatro siglos de herencia. El pensamiento cartesiano, reduccionista y empírico, da paso a una visión más amplia del todo, que requiere la incorporación de la complejidad. Los sistemas, las relaciones más que las partes, las sinergias, pasan a ser aspectos fundamentales para enfrentar los nuevos desafíos de la actualidad. Este es el caso de la “sostenibilidad”. Resulta éste el escenario de las políticas públicas, que tratan con personas, con el entorno, con lo global y lo local, con el mercado, con los recursos, con una temporalidad, todo parte de una realidad cambiante, asiduamente dinámica que requiere nuevas herramientas para enfrentarla. Los Gobiernos Locales, en su labor de agentes del desarrollo, están cada vez más conscientes de esta profunda complejidad, observación que ha tenido importantes implicancias en las políticas públicas. De esta forma han surgido diferentes instrumentos y herramientas que buscan responder a estas necesidades y apoyar a los Gobiernos en su misión. El desarrollo local en Chile ha seguido su propio recorrido. Tanto la morfología como su historia han influenciado un desenlace que revela ineficiencias en el sistema tradicional de gestión del desarrollo. Para avanzar en estas materias se requiere de la incorporación de nuevas herramientas que consoliden la gobernanza, la rendición de cuentas y la legitimidad. De este modo, la gestión del desarrollo local chileno apela a una mejora en la operatividad, participación, flexibilidad, coherencia y visión estratégica del proceso de toma de decisiones. Éste es el contexto en el cual se enmarca el presente estudio, donde se propone una metodología que interprete el proceso social donde se refuercen la democracia participativa, la transparencia, la coherencia y se involucren posiciones éticas. Así, se busca mejorar la calidad del proceso político, coaccionando a la ciudadanía y a los distintos niveles gubernamentales en la tarea del desarrollo, mediante la construcción de la agenda local. La investigación da paso a un proyecto que busca mejorar la gestión del desarrollo local en la perspectiva chilena, proponiendo reforzar los instrumentos existentes para alcanzar estos objetivos bajo una perspectiva de sostenibilidad. La propuesta realiza una revisión del instrumento de planificación del desarrollo local Chileno promoviendo procedimientos (cómo hacer) mediante una herramienta flexible de apoyo a la toma de decisiones. En otras palabras, posicionar el Plan de Desarrollo Comunal (PLADECO) de modo que represente la agenda de acciones del Alcalde durante su período ejercicio, la cual considere a la comunidad en las decisiones políticas. La propuesta se desarrolla a través una cooperación conjunta entre la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de Naciones Unidas y la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo del Gobierno de Chile, involucra a los Gobiernos Regionales y se implementa en cuatro Municipios de Chile.
Lee, Hee-Bong. « A study of the local government borrowing decision making system in Korea ». Thesis, Online version, 2002.
Texte intégralAl, Assaf Safwan. « An expert decision support system for strategic housing management in local authorities ». Thesis, Cardiff University, 1990.
Texte intégralWoodring, Wade Dodd. « A decision support system for planning the athlete transportation system serving the 1996 sumer olympics games ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992.
Texte intégralThiede, David Michael. « A rail transit decision support system for the 1996 summer olympics ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992.
Texte intégralO, Siu-lan Isis, et 柯笑蘭. « Building an effective decision support system : a study for a local retailer of telecommunicationproducts ». Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1990.
Texte intégralBrough, Richard. « The design and construction of a decision-support system for planning local hospital services ». Thesis, University of Warwick, 1985.
Texte intégralKanwal, Summrina. « Towards a novel medical diagnosis system for clinical decision support system applications ». Thesis, University of Stirling, 2016.
Texte intégralSagoo, Amritpal S. « A decision support system for evaluating local authority housing maintenance strategies in the United Kingdom ». Thesis, University of Derby, 2014.
Texte intégralO, Siu-lan Isis. « Building an effective decision support system : a study for a local retailer of telecommunication products / ». [Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong], 1990.
Texte intégralO'Neil, Daniel Arthur. « An integrated decision support system for spectator transportation planning for the 1996 Summer Olympics ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.
Texte intégralNoufal, Zakaria Mohammed Mahmoud. « The design of an accounting information system for planning, controlling, and decision-making in local governmental units ». Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 1985.
Texte intégralFerguson, Daniel B., Anna Masayesva, Alison M. Meadow et Michael A. Crimmins. « Rain Gauges to Range Conditions : Collaborative Development of a Drought Information System to Support Local Decision-Making ». AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOC, 2016.
Texte intégralBarker, Patricia Lee. « The role and procedures of local advisory councils in planning educational programs within the Alaska Cooperative Extension Service ». Diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987.
Texte intégralEd. D.
Duff-Riddell, W. R. (Wayne Russell). « A computerised decision support system for the implementation of strategic logistics management optimisation principles in the planning and operation of integrated urban public transport ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public and private transport system planning and operation have tended to be fragmented functions. In particular, public transport is often planned and operated independently of the "private" transport system. South African government policy now requires that comprehensive, strategic transport plans be prepared by metropolitan transport authorities. These plans are expected to conform to national strategic objectives as well as including local current and longterm objectives. This planning is required in the environment of a multi-modal, multi-operator, public-private partnership scenario that is new for most of the role players. The lack of experience is accompanied by a lack of any existing model for dealing with this scenario. This dissertation describes such a model. The model is based on the principles of strategic logistics management commonly employed in commerce and industry, including service-oriented industries. The modelling process is thus based on achieving a combination of customer service and long-term objectives. The model comprises a number of separate components and steps: • A transport network model (Emme/2). ~ A multi-class, generalised-cost assignment of private and public transport demand onto a network, modified to be modeless to the public transport users, is performed. This assignment allows for the imposition of generalised-cost reflecting urban-planning objectives in addition to more conventional costs such as travel cost. In this assignment, the interaction of public and private transport is accounted for and results in an associated modal choice. ~ A series of single-class generalised-cost assignments is then used to "focus" public transport demand to create corridors of demand adequate to justify public transport routes. This process can be enhanced to develop a design promoting switching from private to public transport. It also allows for multi-period route design. ~ The results of this modelling process are output to a text file and then subject to the processes described below. The results of these processes are then input into the network model where a standard transit assignment is performed and used to modify the proposed lines and update the network design data with respect to boardings and alightings at nodes. This information is used to design fixed infrastructure. • A Microsoft Access database and route extraction program. );> The network model data is drawn into the database where it is subject to a route extraction program that converts the assignment results from the network model into a set of mode specific potential public transport route definitions. These route definitions are based on paths of maximum demand. The extraction process is controlled by parameters specified by the planner, such as minimum route lengths and the demand level for various categories of service. );> After route extraction, vehicle allocation, and transit assignment, the database provides details of the boardings and alightings and number and details of transit lines using each node and link in the network. This data is used to design fixed infrastructure. • A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet vehicle operating cost model. );> For each vehicle type, the operating cost given the anticipated vehicle mileage and operating speed is determined. This is used to guide the choice of vehicles for different routes. • A Lingo goal-programming model. );> The potential routes and the available or potential fleet are subjected to a goalprogramme in which the optimum choice of vehicle allocation is determined. The allocation parameters can be controlled by the planner. These parameters may include costs, energy, fuel consumption, and vehicle and route limitations amongst others. Multiperiod design is included in the modelling process so that the optimum design may be for the operating period, daily, or weekly cycle. The modelling process provides two main outputs: • A set of fully described and costed transit lines ill terms of both routing and vehicle allocation. These transit line definitions can be output to the level of driver instructions if necessary. • Details of the type and location of infrastructure to be provided on the network.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Openbare en private vervoerstelsel-beplanning en -bedryf IS geneig om gefragmenteerde funksies te wees. Dit is veral waarneembaar in die openbare vervoerstelsels waarvan die beplanning en bedryf onafhanklik van die "private" vervoerstelsels plaasvind. Die beleid van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering vereis dat omvattende strategiese vervoerplanne deur die metropolitaanse vervoer owerhede voorberei word. Daar word van hierdie planne verwag om aan die nasionale strategiese doelwitte, asook die plaaslike bestaande en langtermyn doelwitte te voldoen. Hierdie beplanning word vereis deur 'n omgewing wat nuut is vir die meeste rolspelers en bestaan uit multi-modale, multi-operateur en openbare-private vennootskap scenario's. Die tekort aan ondervinding gaan gepaard met 'n tekort aan 'n bestaande model wat gebruik kan word om hierdie scenario's te hanteer. So 'n model word deur hierdie verhandeling beskryf. Die model is gebasseer op die beginsels van strategiese logistieke bestuur wat algemeen gebruik word in die handel en industrie, insluitende die diens-georïenteerde industrieë. Die modelleringsproses wil dus 'n kombinasie van diens aan kliënte en langtermyn doelwitte bereik. Die model bestaan uit onderskeie komponente en stappe: • 'n Vervoernetwerkmodel (Emmel2) }i;> 'n Multi-klas, veralgemeende-koste toedeling van private en openbare vervoeraanvraag op 'n netwerk, aangepas om modusloos te wees vir die openbare vervoergebruiker, word uitgevoer. Hierdie toedeling laat nie net die heffing van meer konvensionele kostes, soos reiskoste toe nie, maar ook veralgemeende kostes wat staatsbeplarmingsdoelwitte reflekteer. In hierdie opdrag word die interaksie van openbare- en private vervoer ondersoek waarvan die uiteinde 'n geassosieerde modale keuse is. }i;> 'n Reeks enkelklas veralgemeende koste toedelings word dan gebruik om op openbare vervoeraanvraag te fokus en daardeur korridors van aanvraag, wat gepas is om openbare vervoerroetes te regverdig, te skep. Hierdie proses kan verfyn word om 'n plan te ontwikkel wat die verskuiwing van private vervoer na openbare vervoer sal bevorder. Dit laat ook die ontwerp van multi-periode roetes toe. }i;> Die resultate van hierdie modelleringsproses word uitgevoer na 'n tekslêer en dan aan die prosesse, wat hier onder beskryf word, onderwerp. Die resultate van hierdie prosesse word dan ingevoer in die netwerkmodel waar 'n standaard publieke vervoertoedeling uitgevoer word. Dit word dan gebruik om die voorgestelde roetes te wysig en die netwerk data, met betrekking tot die aantal persone wat op en af klim by nodes, op te dateer. Hierdie inligting word gebruik vir die ontwerp van infrastrukture. • 'n Microsoft Access databasis en roete-ontrekkingsprogram );> Die netwerkmodel data word in die databasis ingetrek waar dit aan 'n roeteontrekkingsprogram onderwerp word. Hierdie program skakel die toedelingsresultate van die netwerkmodel om na 'n stel potensiële modus spesifieke openbare vervoerroete definisies. Hierdie roete definisies word gebasseer op paaie van maksimum aanvraag. Die ontrekkingsproses word deur parameters, soos minimum lengte van roetes en die vlak van aanvraag van verskeie kategorieë van diens, wat deur die beplanner gespesifiseer word, gekontroleer. );> Na die ontrekking van roetes, voertuigtoekenning en vervoertoedeling, voorsien die databasis besonderhede van die aantal persone wat op en af klim asook die aantal en details van vervoerroete wat elke node en skakel in die netwerk gebruik. Hierdie data word gebruik om infrastrukture te ontwerp. • 'n Microsoft Excel sigblad voertuig bedryfskoste model )i> Vir elke tipe voertuig word die bedryfskoste, volgens die verwagte afstand en spoed van die spesifieke voertuig, bepaal. Die resultate word gebruik om die keuse van voertuie vir verskillende roetes te bepaal. • 'n Lingo doelprogrameringsmodel );> Die potensiële roetes en die beskikbare of potensiële vloot word onderwerp aan 'n doelprogram waarin die optimum keuse van voertuigtoekenning bepaal word. Die toekenningsparameters kan deur die beplanner gekontroleer word. Die parameters kan onder andere kostes, energie, brandstofverbruik en voertuig- en roete beperkings, insluit. Multi-periode ontwerp is ingesluit in die modelleringsproses sodat die optimum ontwerp vir die bedryfsperiode, daaglikse of weeklikse siklusse, kan wees. Die modelleringsproses lewer twee hoofuitkomste: • 'n Stel volledig beskrywende en koste berekende vervoerroete wat, indien nodig, na die vlak van bestuurder instruksies, uitgevoer kan word. • Details van die tipe en plek van infrastruktuur wat benodig word deur die netwerk.
Kaufman, Maike Jennifer. « Local decision-making in multi-agent systems ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
Texte intégralMofokeng, Mpuse Frans. « Decision support systems for the Letsemeng Local Municipality ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: Municipalities in South Africa, especially rural ones, have been struggling to deliver services to communities to the extent that government placed those worse-off under Project Consolidate. The implementation of Project Consolidate indicate that the capability of municipalities to deliver services to their communities faced several challenges. Most challenges are attributed to skills, processes, procedures and resources. During the dawn of democracy municipalities were merged into manageable demarcated areas for efficiency, effectiveness and inclusive governance to improve service delivery. The study primarily looks into whether DSS are implemented in Letsemeng Local Municipality and what the benefits are for service delivery to the community. The study was conducted in Letsemeng Local Municipality because it is representative of rural municipalities facing similar changes. It focuses on the administrative and political capability to transform Letsemeng Local Municipality into an effective service delivery vehicle. Administrative capability primarily concentrates on the ability of procedure, systems and management skills to manage a transformed municipal institution within the new democratic dispensation, while political capability concentrates on the role of politicians (councillors) on support and facilitation to meet the needs of the community. Taking these factors into consideration the role of DSS and IKM in successful service delivery was investigated through interviewing key managers (municipal, financial, technical and corporate managers) and analysing support documentation used by the municipality. It was discovered that the performance of Letsemeng Local Municipality is affected by the lack of DSS to support management and politicians, absence of appropriate IKM application for continuous service improvement, high turnover of staff leaving mostly unskilled and less experienced and to a lesser extent political interference. It was also concluded that the implementation of DSS and IKM cannot on its own improve service delivery, but improvement might be achieved if accompanied by Letsemeng Local Municipality BPR (Business Process Re-engineering).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika, veral dié in landelike gebiede, sukkel dermate om dienste aan gemeenskappe te lewer dat die regering dié wat die slegste gevaar het, moes plaas onder Projek Konsolideer. Die implementering van Projek Konsolideer is ‘n aanduiding dat munisipaliteite se vermoë om dienste te lewer voor verskillende uitdagings te staan kom. Die meeste van die uitdagings word toegeskryf aan vaardighede, prosesse en hulpbronne. Met die aanbreek van demokrasie is munisipaliteite saamgesmelt in beheerbare afgebakende gebiede met die oog op doeltreffendheid, doelmatigheid en inklusiewe bestuur wat gemik is op verbeterde dienslewering. Hierdie studie ondersoek primêr of beslissingsteunstelsels (DSS) geïmplementeer word by die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit en watter voordele dit vir die gemeenskap inhou insoverre dit dienslewering betref. Die studie is in Letsemeng onderneem aangesien hierdie munisipaliteit verteenwoordigend is van munisipaliteite met soortgelyke uitdagings. Dit fokus op die administratiewe en politieke vermoë om die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit te omvorm in ‘n effektiewe instrument vir dienslewering. Administratiewe vermoë konsentreer primêr op die vermoë van prosedures, stelsels en bestuursvaardighede om ‘n getransformeerde munisipale instelling binne die nuwe demokratiese bestel te bestuur, terwyl politieke vermoë gerig is op die rol van politici (raadslede), ondersteuning en fasilitering om in die behoeftes van die gemeenskap te voldoen. Met inagneming van hierdie faktore is die rol van DSS en IKM (Inligting- en Kennisbestuur) in suksesvolle dienslewering ondersoek deur onderhoude te voer met sleutelbestuurders (munisipale-, finansiële-, tegniese- en bedryfsbestuurders) en deur ondersteunende dokumentasie wat deur die munisipaliteit gebruik word, na te gaan. Daar is bevind dat Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se werksverrigting geraak word deur ‘n gebrek aan DSS ter ondersteuning van bestuurslui en politici, die afwesigheid van toepaslike IKMaanwending vir voortgesette verbetering in dienslewering, hoë personeelomset as gevolg van werknemers wat bedank en minder geskoolde en minder ervare werknemers agterlaat en, in ‘n mindere mate, inmenging deur politici. Daar is ook vasgestel dat die implementering van DSS en IKM nie op sigself dienslewering sal verbeter nie, maar dit kan verbetering meebring indien dit saamval met die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se BPR (Herbouing van die Bedryfsproses).
Catrinu, Maria. « Decision Aid for Planning Local Energy Systems : Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis ». Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, 2006.
Texte intégralPlanning is what sustains an energy system. It is a process of analysis and ongoing decision making about what resources and energy technologies to use when supplying energy to society. This research focuses on integrated energy systems, i.e. systems that are comprised of several energy carriers – electricity, gas, hot water - and energy distribution networks. The planning of these kinds of systems is a complex process, influenced by many factors, among which the most important are the availability of energy resources and the competition between different energy carriers in satisfying energy demand. During the last 10-20 years significant changes have taken place on the world energy scene, which have important implications for energy planning. Two main factors have triggered these changes. The first factor is the immediate need to address environmental changes or more generally, to take measures that are sustainable in the long run. Sustainability can be defined in many ways and in relation to different issues such as economic and ecologic development, reduction of greenhouse gases, responsible use of natural resources, social equity, etc. In recent years, an increased awareness of these issues has been observed at all levels of the society. The second factor is the deregulation of national energy sectors in more than 50 countries. This process brought changes in the ownership of different parts of the formerly integrated energy systems. New business opportunities were created in power generation, wholesale power/gas trading and energy retailing, while the energy infrastructures remained state owned or/and under regulatory control. The newly created energy markets (many of them international) have attracted both new players (power, oil and gas companies and financial institutions) together with the old ones (integrated utilities). In parallel with this vertical separation of national energy sectors, recent studies have shown a tendency for horizontal integration at the regional/company level. For instance, in order to reduce their overall business risk, companies prefer to participate in several segments of the energy value chain (in both regulated and non-regulated activities), and often across more than one fuel commodity, such as gas and electricity or district heating. In this context, the competition between different energy carriers in satisfying the end-use energy demand became obvious in economic as well as in technological and environmental terms. Traditionally, in integrated planning, this competition did not play a big role, since the same state entity made decisions at both national and regional levels. However, in the post-deregulation era it is no longer obvious who the planner is. In many cases, planning decision at local levels involve at least three main interest groups: energy companies (and/or other investors), the state and the local community. This thesis is motivated by the need to help planners to cope with the changes in concepts and values concerning the planning of local energy supply systems. This thesis has two aims. The first aim is to improve the understanding of what planning of local systems implies and how such a process can be structured. The second aim is to contribute to the development of decision support methodologies and tools that can cope with the needs in planning. For this purpose, the use of energy modelling and Multi- Criteria Decision Analysis has been studied.
Le, Merre Pierre. « Dynamique corticale et intégration sensorielle chez la souris éveillée : impact du contexte comportemental ». Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Texte intégralSensory perception leading to goal-directed behavior involves multiple, spatially-distributed cortical areas. It has been hypothesized that sensory information flows from primary sensory areas encoding mainly the nature of the stimulus, to higher-order, more frontal, areas encoding the valence of the stimulus or the decision. To further understand the cortical integration of sensory signals, we recorded sensory evoked potentials (SEPs) simultaneously from different areas while mice learned a whisker-based sensory detection task. In mice that have learned the task, the whisker stimulus evoked SEP in all recorded areas with latencies increasing from the whisker primary (wS1) to the secondary somatosensory area (wS2), the whisker motor area (wM1), the parietal area (PtA), the dorsal hippocampus (dCA1) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). We found a reduction of SEPs during Miss trials compared with Hit trials in all areas except wS1. However, only the local inactivation of either wS1, wS2 or mPFC significantly impaired the mice performance. During training to the detection task, we observed a selective increase of the SEPs in mPFC that correlated with performance. Finally, using high-density extracellular recordings in mPFC, we found that whisker stimulation in trained mice evoked an early increase in the firing rate of putative excitatory neurons (regular spiking units) that was positively correlated with behavioral outcome. Our results support the idea that mPFC could signal the relevance of a sensory stimulus in the context of a well-defined behavior, whereas sensory areas would be more constrained by the nature of the stimulus
Filho, Jose Ari Cosme de Lima Maciel. « Tomada de decisÃo no uso de aeroportos regionais para o escoamento da produÃÃo da agricultura familiar de sua Ãrea de influÃncia : um enfoque metodolÃgico aplicado ao caso do aeroporto de Aracati-Cearà ». Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2013.
Texte intégralA escolha do modal de transporte por parte das cadeias produtivas agrÃcolas à essencial para promover rapidez, melhorar a competitividade e a qualidade dos produtos ofertados. Nesse sentido, os meios de transporte exercem um papel estratÃgico no comÃrcio e nas operaÃÃes das cadeias produtivas. No caso do modal aÃreo, a atividade contribui como suporte ao desenvolvimento, uma vez que ele proporciona ganhos de velocidade, confiabilidade e seguranÃa para mercados que buscam vantagens competitivas. Este modal deve ser entendido como um sistema, que possui diversos elementos interagindo no atendimento Ãs economias globais. Para que as economias regionais disponham do modal aÃreo, faz-se necessÃrio conhecer a demanda local por transportes, requisito indispensÃvel ao planejamento do setor aÃreo, na medida em que sÃo identificadas as necessidades para o transporte de passageiros e cargas, ajudando a estabelecer prioridades no atendimento da demanda e na elaboraÃÃo de polÃticas de agregaÃÃo de valor à oferta do transporte. O objetivo deste trabalho à fornecer subsÃdios à tomada de decisÃo no planejamento e operaÃÃo de aeroportos regionais enquanto portas de escoamento da produÃÃo regional. Abordou-se como estudo de caso o aeroporto turÃstico de Aracati, no Estado do CearÃ. O estudo envolveu uma anÃlise sistÃmica do aeroporto e baseou-se nas preferÃncias e necessidades de potenciais usuÃrios. Foram aplicados questionÃrios estruturados junto Ãs autoridades responsÃveis pela gestÃo do Aeroporto de Aracati, de associaÃÃes de produtores agrÃcolas e outras pessoas responsÃveis pelos ÃrgÃos competentes estaduais. Utilizou-se a tÃcnica AHP junto aos produtores organizados em associaÃÃes, cooperativas e sindicatos da regiÃo de Aracati, Fortim e Beberibe para obter as preferÃncias dos usuÃrios no que se refere a cinco fatores: Custos, Acessibilidade, SeguranÃa, Tempo de chegada ao cliente e Infraestrutura de apoio ao embarque. A partir da anÃlise dos questionÃrios, foi elaborado um Plano de AÃÃo visando contribuir para a tomada de decisÃo no que tange à adequaÃÃo do aeroporto para transportar produtos regionais. Finalmente, deve-se ressaltar que, o aeroporto tem estrutura fÃsica suficiente para implantaÃÃo de um terminal de cargas, mas tal investimento sà deve ser feito a partir de um estudo mais aprofundado, que justifique a viabilidade do Terminal. Sugere-se que tal estudo congregue esforÃos conjuntos dos produtores, das entidades de apoio, dos agentes da cadeia produtiva (fornecedores, clientes e atravessadores), das empresas que atuarÃo no aeroporto (companhias aÃreas e transportadoras) e do poder pÃblico.
Choice of transport mode by actors of any supply chain in Agriculture sector is a very important decision to provide speed as well as to increase competitivity and quality of its products. It is known that a way a product is transported plays a strategic role in commerce and in the operations of productive chains. Air transport mode has been supporting regional development as it increases speed, reliability and safety to markets which aim competitive advantages. This transport mode must be understood as a system composed of several interacting components while attending worldwide markets. To have transport mode available in regional space it is firstly necessary knowing local transport demands through an effective planning of regional air transport sector. This is crucial because one needs to know the necessities of both passenger and cargo transport to set up priorities in attending demands as well as in put forward policies which aggregate value to transport activity. The present study aims to help decision making in planning and operating regional airports in their roles as regional production flowing portal. A case study was considered involving the airport of Aracati, county located in State of CearÃ, in the northeastern Brazil. System Analysis concepts and the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) tecnique were employed to search for operating problems in attending demand and to elicit necessities and preferences of potential airport customers. Structured questionnaires were applied to people in charge in Aracati Airport management and other public authorities as well as in agricultural cooperatives in the study region. So, it was possible to anticipate problems and to elicit from airport potential customers their preferences concerning five points: costs, accessibility, safety, cycle time and available land infrastructure. Consequently, an Action Plan was devised to contribute to decision making both in public and private sectors trying to reinforce the airport role in supporting import/export regional activities. Finally, it is important to mention that the Aracati Airport has enough area to build a Cargo Terminal but the necessary investments need a feasibility study and actions involving conjoint efforts of regional producers and their associations, entrepreneurs who will be operating in the airport, suppliers of the regional productive chain and public authorities.
Elbeltagi, Ibrahim M. « The use of decision support systems in making strategic decisions in local authorities : a comparative study of Egypt and the UK ». Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2002.
Texte intégralLøken, Espen. « Multi-Criteria Planning of Local Energy Systems with Multiple Energy Carriers ». Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, 2007.
Texte intégralBackground and Motivation
Unlike what is common in Europe and the rest of the world, Norway has traditionally met most of its stationary energy demand (including heating) with electricity, because of abundant access to hydropower. However, after the deregulation of the Norwegian electricity market in the 1990s, the increase in the electricity generation capacity has been less than the load demand increase. This is due to the relatively low electricity prices during the period, together with the fact that Norway’s energy companies no longer have any obligations to meet the load growth. The country’s generation capacity is currently not sufficient to meet demand, and accordingly, Norway is now a net importer of electricity, even in normal hydrological years. The situation has led to an increased focus on alternative energy solutions.
It has been common that different energy infrastructures – such as electricity, district heating and natural gas networks – have been planned and commissioned by independent companies. However, such an organization of the planning means that synergistic effects of a combined energy system to a large extent are neglected. During the last decades, several traditional electricity companies have started to offer alternative energy carriers to their customers. This has led to a need for a more comprehensive and sophisticated energy-planning process, where the various energy infrastructures are planned in a coordinated way. The use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) appears to be suited for coordinated planning of energy systems with multiple energy carriers. MCDA is a generic term for different methods that help people make decisions according to their preferences in situations characterized by multiple conflicting criteria.
The thesis focuses on two important stages of a multi-criteria planning task:
- The initial structuring and modelling phase
- The decision-making phase
The Initial Structuring and Modelling Phase
It is important to spend sufficient time and resources on the problem definition and structuring, so that all disagreements among the decision-maker(s) (DM(s)) and the analyst regarding the nature of the problem and the desired goals are eliminated. After the problem has been properly identified, the next step of a multi-criteria energy-planning process is the building of an energy system model (impact model). The model is used to calculate the operational attributes necessary for the multi-criteria analysis; in other words, to determine the various alternatives’ performance values for some or all of the criteria being considered. It is important that the model accounts for both the physical characteristics of the energy system components and the complex relationships between the system parameters. However, it is not propitious to choose/build an energy system model with a greater level of detail than needed to achieve the aims of the planning project.
In my PhD research, I have chosen to use the eTransport model as the energy system model. This model is especially designed for planning of local and regional energy systems, where different energy carriers and technologies are considered simultaneously. However, eTransport can currently provide information only about costs and emissions directly connected to the energy system’s operation. Details about the investment plans’ performance on the remaining criteria must be found from other information sources. Guidelines should be identified regarding the extent to which different aspects should be accounted for, and on the ways these impacts can be assessed for each investment plan under consideration. However, it is important to realize that there is not one solution for how to do this that is valid for all kind of local energy-planning problems. It is therefore necessary for the DM(s) and the analyst to discuss these issues before entering the decision-making phase.
The Decision-Making Phase
Two case studies have been undertaken to examine to what extent the use of MCDA is suitable for local energy-planning purposes. In the two case studies, two of the most well-known MCDA methods, the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), have been tested. Other MCDA methods, such as GP or the outranking methods, could also have been applied. However, I chose to focus on value measurement methods as AHP and MAUT, and have not tested other methods. Accordingly, my research cannot determine if value measurement methods are better suited for energy-planning purposes than GP or outranking methods are.
Although all MCDA methods are constructed to help DMs explore their ‘true values’ – which theoretically should be the same regardless of the method used to elicit them – our experiments showed that different MCDA methods do not necessarily provide the same results. Some of the differences are caused by the two methods’ different ways of asking questions, as well as the DMs’ inability to express clearly their value judgements by using one or both the methods. In particular, the MAUT preference-elicitation procedure was difficult to understand and accept for DMs without previous experience with the utility concept. An additional explanation of the differences is that the external uncertainties included in the problem formulation are better accounted for in MAUT than in AHP. There are also a number of essential weaknesses in the theoretical foundation of the AHP method that may have influenced the results using that method. However, the AHP method seems to be preferred by DMs, because the method is straightforward and easier to use and understand than the relatively complex MAUT method.
It was found that the post-interview process is essential for a good decision outcome. For example, the results from the preference aggregation may indicate that according to the DM’s preferences, a modification of one of the alternatives might be propitious. In such cases, it is important to realize that MCDA is an iterative process. The post-interview process also includes presentation and discussion of results with the DMs. Our experiments showed that the DMs might discover inconsistencies in the results; that the results do not reflect the DM’s actual preferences for some reason; or that the results simply do not feel right. In these cases, it is again essential to return to an earlier phase of the MCDA process and conduct a new analysis where these problems or discrepancies are taken into account.
The results from an MAUT analysis are usually presented to the DMs in the form of expected total utilities given on a scale from zero to one. Expected utilities are convenient for ranking and evaluation of alternatives. However, they do not have any direct physical meaning, which quite obviously is a disadvantage from an application point of view. In order to improve the understanding of the differences between the alternatives, the Equivalent Attribute Technique (EAT) can be applied. EAT was tested in the first of the two case studies. In this case study, the cost criterion was considered important by the DMs, and the utility differences were therefore converted to equivalent cost differences. In the second case study, the preference elicitation interviews showed, quite surprisingly, that cost was not considered among the most important criteria by the DMs, and none of the other attributes were suitable to be used as the equivalent attribute. Therefore, in this case study, the use of EAT could not help the DMs interpreting the differences between the alternatives.
For MCDA to be really useful for actual local energy planning, it is necessary to find/design an MCDA method which: (1) is easy to use and has a transparent logic; (2) presents results in a way easily understandable for the DM; (3) is able to elicit and aggregate the DMs' real preferences; and (4) can handle external uncertainties in a consistent way.
Li, Vivian S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. « The Local Reference Electrification Model : comprehensive decision-making tool for the design of rural microgrids ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.
Texte intégralCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 97-98).
Current estimates indicate that an alarming 1 billion existing people still lack access to electricity around the world. Technological advancements have pushed off-grid solutions into the limelight as possible alternatives to the traditional method of electrification via extension of the centralized grid. When grid reliability is poor, the community is remote, or when the arrival of the grid is undetermined, off-grid systems may be suitable substitutes for traditional grid extension efforts. Nonetheless, severe resource constraints, the scale of planning, and the choice between electrification modes create a complicated environment under which planners in the developing world must devise electrification plans and relevant policies. This thesis demonstrates how computational tools can provide value to rural electrification planning. The Reference Electrification Model (REM) assists planners by identifying optimal regions for grid extension projects and off-grid solutions, along with technical design and associated financial metrics. In particular, this thesis focuses on the discussion of the Local Reference Electrification Model (LREM), an adaption of REM to localized electrification design. LREM is a comprehensive, decision-making tool that produces detailed generation and network designs for a singular microgrid system. It contributes to the electrification effort by providing the quantitative basis with which to explore financial, technical, and performance implications of various factors in microgrid design. In doing so, LREM improves the microgrid designs relied upon by REM in its regional planning decisions. This research emphasizes the ability for computational tools such as REM and LREM to assist in developing viable policies and regulations, as well as feasible designs and plans to accelerate electricity access globally.
by Vivian Li.
S.M. in Technology and Policy
Malik, Mohammed Rehan. « Improving decision-making systems for decentralized primary education delivery in Pakistan ». Santa Monica, CA : RAND, 2007.
Texte intégralLIU, Nanqin. « Pricing and local-content decisions of a multinational firm in a duopoly market ». Digital Commons @ Lingnan University, 2013.
Texte intégralSoltic, Snjezana. « Evolving connectionist systems for adaptive decision support with application in ecological data modelling ». Click here to access this resource online, 2009.
Texte intégralMabaso, Linda. « Section 118(3) of the Local Government : Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 in view of the Jordaan decision ». Diss., University of Pretoria, 2019.
Texte intégralMini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2019.
Mercantile Law
Nikitina, Daria. « Post-socialist urban planning : Local needs in the City of Murmansk, Russia ». Thesis, Umeå universitet, Kulturgeografi, 2018.
Texte intégralSophat, SEAK. « The Typical Intervention Systems of Natural Resource Management in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia : The Community Based and Modern Approaches ». 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科, 2012.
Texte intégralLucena, David Jones Ferreira de. « Atualização local automática de pesos para recuperação de nódulos similares de câncer pulmonar ». Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 2016.
Texte intégralFundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas
O câncer de pulmão se tornou a neoplasia maligna mais letal do mundo nas últimas décadas. E, apesar dos avanços na medicina, houve pouco progresso com relação à cura da doença. Segundo o INCA, na última estimativa mundial sobre a incidência de câncer pulmonar, em 2012, foram registrados 1,82 milhão de casos de câncer, sendo 1,24 milhão entre os homens e 583 mil entre as mulheres. O principal causador do câncer pulmonar é o tabagismo sendo responsável por 90% dos casos diagnosticados. O diagnóstico do câncer pulmonar é feito, principalmente, com base em imagens de TC e, hoje, é considerada a principal técnica de visualização para detecção de nódulos pulmonares. Entretanto, o processo de identi cação e classi cação de nódulos é complexo e envolve fatores subjetivos e qualitativos que acabam induzindo os especialistas ao erro. Este panorama exige o emprego de técnicas computacionais que permitam efetivamente manipular os dados e proporcionar meios para diagnósticos mais precisos. Sistemas computacionais têm sido desenvolvidos com o objetivo de buscar e recuperar imagens de exames já diagnosticados, que são similares a um novo caso com patologia ainda desconhecida segundo a similaridade entre as suas características. Essa propriedade é intrínseca aos sistemas CBIR. Os exames diagnosticados recuperados podem ser utilizados como uma segunda opinião para guiar os especialistas no momento do diagnóstico, fornecendo informações adicionais. Contudo, CBIR apresenta algumas limitações referentes ao processo de extração e representação de características das imagens, por meio de atributos, e a determinação de uma métrica de similaridade adequada. Este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo de ajuste local de pesos aplicado à DEP em uma arquitetura CBIR com o objetivo de veri car se a DEP com os pesos ajustados é mais precisa do que a DE na recuperação de imagens contendo nódulos de câncer pulmonar. Para isso, foram utilizados os AT 3D e os ANB 3D para representar os nódulos. O processo apresentado é composto por duas fases que são executadas de forma sequencial e cíclica sendo uma Fase de Avaliação e uma de Fase de Treinamento. A cada iteração os pesos são ajustados segundo os nódulos recuperados. Ao término do ciclo de execuções das fases, obtém-se um conjunto de pesos de atributos que otimizam a recuperação de nódulos semelhantes. Os resultados alcançados pela atualização dos pesos foram promissores aumentando a precisão em 10% e 6% em média para recuperação de nódulos benignos e malignos, respectivamente, com revocação de 25%. No melhor caso, o ANB 3D proporcionou 100% para recuperação das duas classes com revocação de 90%. Isso comprova a e cácia do algoritmo alcançando os objetivos almejados para o trabalho e con rmando a hipótese de que a DEP com os pesos ajustados proporciona maior precisão do que DE como métrica de similaridade em sistemas CBIR.
Ziemke, Dominik. « Comparison of high-speed rail systems for the United States ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.
Texte intégralNkengue, Marc Junior. « Développement d'un vêtement intelligent pour le suivi et diagnostic en temps-réel de patients atteints de COVID-19 long ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2024.
Texte intégralBased on the results (prototypes, sensors, algorithms) obtained in our previous projects (IOTFetMov (ANR), TexWeld (H2020)), this PhD thesis aims at designing a new intelligent garment, in order to detect and monitor in real time, the symptoms of long COVID-19 patient. We establish a pre-diagnosis by processing relevant signals using intelligent techniques. This intelligent garment, a close-fitting belt, integrates both a set of sensors, measuring physiological indices (skin temperatures, electrocardiogram) and embed a local decision support system allowing to estimate relevant parameters used for an automatic estimation of the connected patient health status, by learning from the measured signals and from the medical expert knowledge. A remote diagnosis can be carried out through interactions with the doctor via the e-textile and the patient's smartphone. In this way, a rapid worsening of symptoms will be detected early, and doctors will be able to react more quickly to manage patients
Rodrigues, Fernanda Maria do Ó. « Sistema de gestão integrada de informação autárquica e a tomada de decisão : estudo de caso sobre a Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra ». Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2003.
Texte intégralМалышева, Т. А., et T. A. Малышева. « Разработка и применение модуля поиска замкнутых финансовых потоков в системе информационного обеспечения локальной экономики : магистерская диссертация ». Master's thesis, б. и, 2020.
Texte intégralThe relevance of this topic is due to the objective need to improve the system of information support for decision-making support at the regional level to improve socio-economic development in the region. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the developed method of searching for closed financial flows can be used by public authorities in practice to improve the information support of the management decision support system to improve the socio-economic development of the region. Governments of the regional economy will be able to use financial instruments of the local economy to support local communities, which they can identify with the help of the closed network search module, to resist crisis phenomena and reduce the dependence of the regional economy on external factors.
Lebre, Marie-Ange. « De l'impact d'une décision locale et autonome sur les systèmes de transport intelligent à différentes échelles ». Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Texte intégralIn this thesis we present vehicular applications across different scales: from small scale that allows real tests of communication and services; to larger scales that include more constraints but allowing simulations on the entire network. In this context, we highlight the importance of real data and real urban topology in order to properly interpret the results of simulations. We describe different services using V2V and V2I communication. In each of them we do not pretend to take control of the vehicle, the driver is present in his vehicle, our goal is to show the potential of communication through services taking into account the difficulties outlined above. In the small scale, we focus on a service with a traffic light that improves travel times, waiting times and CO2 and fuel consumption. The medium scale is a roundabout, it allows, through a decentralized algorithm, to improve the same parameters. It also shows that with a simple and decentralized decision-making process, the system is robust to packet loss, density, human behavior or equipment rate. Finally on the scale of a city, we show that local and decentralized decisions, with only a partial access to information in the network, lead to results close to centralized solutions. The amount of data in the network is greatly reduced. We also test the response of these systems in case of significant disruption in the network such as roadworks, terrorist attack or natural disaster. Models, allowing local decision thanks to information delivered around the vehicle, show their potential whatsoever with the V2I communication or V2V
Sidorcenco, Dalia. « La réforme des écoles d'art françaises : une approche théorique à la frontière de la sociologie des organisations et la socio-économie de la culture ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Texte intégralIn 2011, following an accelerated reformation movement led by the network of French art schools, they joined the European area of higher education, getting out of the ''regime of singularity '', which distinguished them from the university system. This adherence note the accomplishment of a series of measures, whose implementation was intended to affect two distinct dimensions, constituting the reality of art schools: -the academic dimension, including the ''upgrading'' of curricula and restructuring the pedagogical organization, which allowed to accredit the awarded degree with a recognized diploma; -the administrative dimension, which through the transformation of municipal art schools into Public Cultural Cooperation Establishment (EPCC) aimed to start the empowerment process of local authorities. The aim of this research was to perceive the new issues regarding the art schools, one of them being the factors that stimulated the ''upgrading'' of the art schools condition. The other issue examined the governance tools that made possible and effective the deployment of autonomy decreed
Lucas, D. Pulane. « Disruptive Transformations in Health Care : Technological Innovation and the Acute Care General Hospital ». VCU Scholars Compass, 2013.
Texte intégralJiang, Wen-Yih, et 江文毅. « A Decision Support System for the Local Security Transportation and Cash Logistics ». Thesis, 2001.
Texte intégral華梵大學
When security service guarding cash from the branch to the general office, they always facing risks of robbery. By the past experience, we can find out that the critical factor for this is because of the weak variability of routing paths that make it easy for evildoer to spy on. Security service firms nowadays still can’t solve these problems to make routing paths more variable, safe and thoughtful. As a result of this, this research provide a decision support system (DSS) for securing the routing paths of guarding service that not consider only the complexity of paths but fuzziness, and also the optimization with multiple objectives. It also proposes a fuzzy multiobjective decision model that consider differences between nodes which in different fuzzy environment. It creates available information about possible and impossible routes in the road network, and find out the optimal route to providing security firms for decision support in every mission. The DSS of this research includes two stages. The first stage is to decide usage rights of road by using random interval technique, and the second stage is to formulate the fuzzy multiobjective vehicle routing programming model under six objectives, i.e., travel distance, number of lane, number of stop, road speed, traffic congestion index, and public order. Then, this research solve this model by use of the fuzzy multiobjective mathematical algorithm and fuzzy dynamic programming to determine the optimal guarding route. Finally, the DSS will be proved by an empirical study of Taipei city with WunShan region. From the results of this research, the DSS can find the best routing path for guarding cash in each network. The difference between urban and suburban region is the former have more alternative route for choose than the later.
廖瑞豐. « Research On The Conceptual Decision Support System For Local Switch Deployment Planning ». Thesis, 1992.
Texte intégral國立交通大學
The objective of this thesis is to establish a conceptual division support system for local switch deployment planning to promote the efficiency and performance of planning. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter one describes the research motivation. Objective, and approaches adopted. chapter two discusses the general difficulties of switch deployment planning . Chapter three is about the theories that this planning support system based on. Chapter four describes the framework and data flow of the planning support system. also gives a series of demo screens to show how this system works and what scenarios the user can request. Chapter five suggests the development procedures and the trend for future study. This planning support system is such an integrated system that we would like to have it implemented as soon as possible to help planning process and meet the future challenges.
Klann, Jeffrey G. « An Automated System for Generating Situation-Specific Decision Support in Clinical Order Entry from Local Empirical Data ». 2011.
Texte intégralClinical Decision Support is one of the only aspects of health information technology that has demonstrated decreased costs and increased quality in healthcare delivery, yet it is extremely expensive and time-consuming to create, maintain, and localize. Consequently, a majority of health care systems do not utilize it, and even when it is available it is frequently incorrect. Therefore it is important to look beyond traditional guideline-based decision support to more readily available resources in order to bring this technology into widespread use. This study proposes that the wisdom of physicians within a practice is a rich, untapped knowledge source that can be harnessed for this purpose. I hypothesize and demonstrate that this wisdom is reflected by order entry data well enough to partially reconstruct the knowledge behind treatment decisions. Automated reconstruction of such knowledge is used to produce dynamic, situation-specific treatment suggestions, in a similar vein to shopping recommendations. This approach is appealing because: it is local (so it reflects local standards); it fits into workflow more readily than the traditional local-wisdom approach (viz. the curbside consult); and, it is free (the data are already being captured). This work develops several new machine-learning algorithms and novel applications of existing algorithms, focusing on an approach called Bayesian network structure learning. I develop: an approach to produce dynamic, rank-ordered situation-specific treatment menus from treatment data; statistical machinery to evaluate their accuracy using retrospective simulation; a novel algorithm which is an order of magnitude faster than existing algorithms; a principled approach to choosing smaller, more optimal, domain-specific subsystems; and a new method to discover temporal relationships in the data. The result is a comprehensive approach for extracting knowledge from order-entry data to produce situation-specific treatment menus, which is applied to order-entry data at Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis. Retrospective simulations find that, in a large variety of clinical situations, a short menu will contain the clinicians' desired next actions. A prospective survey additionally finds that such menus aid physicians in writing order sets (in completeness and speed). This study demonstrates that clinical knowledge can be successfully extracted from treatment data for decision support.
Cowling, Peter I. « A Flexible Decision Support System for Steel Hot Rolling Mill Scheduling ». 2003.
Texte intégralA steel hot rolling mill subjects steel slabs to high temperatures and pressures in order to form steel coils. We describe the scheduling problem for a steel hot rolling mill. We detail the operation of a commercial decision support system which provides semi-automatic schedules, comparing its operation with existing, manual planning procedures. This commercial system is currently in use in several steel mills worldwide. The system features a very detailed multiobjective model of the steel hot rolling process. This model is solved using a variety of bespoke local and Tabu search heuristics. We describe both this model and the heuristics used to solve it. The production environment is highly unstable with frequent, unforeseen events interrupting planned production. We describe how the scheduling system's models, algorithms and interfaces have been developed to handle this instability. We consider particularly the impact on existing planning and production systems and the qualitative improvements which result from the system's implementation.
Liao, Kuan-Teng, et 廖冠登. « The Decision Tree of the Construct of the Two-phase Document Classification System in Local Feature ». Thesis, 2005.
Texte intégral淡江大學
By using feature keywords, we can obtain some appropriate rules from a group of labeled documents. According to this way, we can classify the documents which haven’t been labeled. In this paper, we will discuss how to choose some training datum to be a basic, to calculate all keywords’ weights, to judge the keywords’ importance by their distribution, and to solve the problems of keywords’ correlation. We will try to solve to avoid the relation of keywords efficiently and filter the noise. So, we use decision tree to solve relative problems, because it can ignore the relation from word to words in first step. Second, we use the two-phase local feature to reduce amount of noisy. In chapter 4 we can observe the results that are more efficiency than before.
Hsieh, Yi-Ta, et 謝依達. « Optimal Local Sensor Decision Rule Design for the Channel-Aware System with Novel Simulated Annealing Algorithms ». Thesis, 2009.
Texte intégral國立中山大學
Recently, distributed detection has been intensively studied. The prevailing model for distributed detection (DD) is a system involving both distributed local sensors and a fusion center. In a DD system, multiple sensors work collaboratively to distinguish between two or more hypotheses, e.g., the presence or absence of a target. In this thesis, the classical DD problem is reexamined in the context of wireless sensor network applications. For minimize the error probability at the fusion center, we consider the conventional method that designs the optimal binary local sensor decision rule in a channel-aware system, i.e., it integrates the transmission channel characteristics for find the optimal binary local sensor decision threshold to minimize the error probability at the fusion center. And there have different optimal local sensor decision thresholds for different channel state information. Because of optimal multi-bit (soft) local sensor decision is more practical than optimal binary local sensor decision. Allowing for multi-bit local sensor output, we also consider another conventional method that designs the optimal multi-bit (soft) local sensor decision rule in a channel-aware system. However, to design the optimal local sensor decision rule, both of two conventional methods are easily trapped into local optimal thresholds, which are depended on the pre-selected initialization values. To overcome this difficulty, we consider several modified Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms. Based on these modified SA algorithms and two conventional methods, we propose two novel SA algorithms for implementing the optimal local sensor decision rule. Computer simulation results show that the employments of two novel SA algorithms can avoid trapping into local optimal thresholds in both optimal binary local sensor decision problem and optimal multi-bit local sensor decision problem. And two novel SA algorithms offer superior performance with lower search points compared to conventional SA algorithm.
Armstrong, Thomas D. « Centralized growth management policy and local land use decision making perspectives on Orgegon's growth management system / ». 1992.
Texte intégralTypescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-121).
Denis et 黃育民. « Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer for High Speed Wireless Local Area Network System ». Thesis, 1999.
Texte intégral國立中正大學
The design and implementation of an Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer(ADFE) applicable to the receiver of the HIPERLAN(High Performance Radio LAN) system is investigated. computer simulations are used to design the parameters of the proposed equalizer architecture, including number of taps, step size, and the word length of input signal and coefficients of equalizer, from the standpoint of HIPERLAN physical layer performance. In addition, SPW(Signal Processing WorkSystem) is employed to verify the equalizer algorithm and architecture, and then the RTL codes are optimized and transferred by VA(Visual Architect) for the gate level circuit implementation of equalizer from a hardware standpoint.
Chang, Jenglin, et 張貞琳. « Building the Start-Up Decision Making System in Local Commercial Trading Companies : A Case Study of W Company ». Thesis, 2011.
Texte intégral實踐大學
The primary objective of this study is to build a Start-Up Decision Making System on the basis of potential factors to discuss how the interactive influence between potential factors affects when a local commercial trading company evaluating products. Back to information asymmetry period, manufacturers and suppliers strongly relied on the service which commercial trading companies provided because of lacking of market information and marketing plans as well as unfamiliar with professional trading procedures. However, the value of commercial trading companies decreased not only because of the trading information becomes more transparent and easier to acquired with the technology improving rapidly but also the increase of manufacturer’s capability. It is a tough challenge for local commercial trading companies to face and deal with changes of external environment by providing valuable products or services to its customers in order to spread risks and pursue a sustainable business. Therefore, this research is done by case study with single case, collecting and obtaining implicit data and knowledge from case company by means of in-depth interviews. The Start-Up Decision Making System is built, after related references and theses are collected, summarized and analyzed, for the case company to evaluate and make its limited resources for the best assignments.
Приходченко, Ольга Василівна. « Забезпечення прийняття ефективних рішень у системі місцевого самоврядування ». Магістерська робота, 2020.
Texte intégralUA : Метою дослідження є вивчення особливостей забезпечення прийняття ефективних рішень в системі місцевого самоврядування. Об’єктом дослідження є система місцевого самоврядування. Предмет дослідження – процеси забезпечення прийняття ефективних рішень в системі місцевого самоврядування. Методи дослідження: аналізу, синтезу, узагальнення, аналізу документів. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у тому, що у роботі пропонується розроблена система інформаційно-аналітичного та організаційного забезпечення прийняття ефективних рішень в системі місцевого самоврядування. Гіпотеза: для ефективного прийняття управлінського рішення в системі місцевого самоврядування необхідно створити систему інформаційно-аналітичного та організаційного забезпечення діяльності органу місцевого самоврядування, яка б консолідувала у своїй роботі усі етапи, причини, умови, наслідки тощо прийняття ефективних рішень. Висновки: 1. Процес забезпечення прийняття ефективних рішень складається з інформаційно-аналітичної та організаційної складових. Інформаційно-аналітична складова включає інформацію, аналітику, інформаційну та аналітичну діяльності, інформаційно-аналітичну діяльність, інформаційне та аналітичне забезпечення, а організаційно-управлінська складова забезпечення представлена системою документообігу, метою якої є доведення рішення до підлеглих та контроль його виконання. 2. Інформаційно-аналітичне та організаційне забезпечення прийняття управських рішень в системі місцевого самоврядування має ґрунтуватися на визначеній системі, що включає: функції, мету, завдання, принципи, процедури, суб’єктів та об’єкти управління.
EN : Research purpose is to study the features of ensuring effective decision making in the local government system. Research object is the local government system. Research subject is the processes of ensuring effective decision making in the local government system. Research methods are analysis, synthesis, generalization, document analysis. Research novelty is that a developed system of information-analytical and organizational support for effective decision making in the local government system is presented. Research hypothesis is that it is necessary to create a system of information-analytical and organizational support of local self-government body for effective management decision making in the local government system, which would consolidate in its work all stages, causes, conditions, consequences of an effective decision making. Conclusions: 1. The process of ensuring effective decision making consists of information-analytical and organizational components. The information-analytical component includes information, analytics, information and analytical activities, information-analytical activity, information and analytical support, and the organizational-managerial component is represented by a document management system, the purpose of which is to bring decision to subordinates and control its implementation. 2. Information-analytical and organizational support of managerial decision making in the local government system should be based on a certain system, which includes: functions, purpose, tasks, principles, procedures, subjects and objects of management.
Gonçalves, Alexandre Xavier Dias. « Protótipo de um sistema de business intelligence para a administração pública local ». Master's thesis, 2013.
Texte intégralAs organizações estão perante um ambiente em constante mudança exigindo reestruturação das estratégias adotadas pelas organizações e uma capacidade contínua de inovação e adaptação para dar resposta a cada vez mais desafios. As organizações públicas não são exceção. Os sistemas de Business Intelligence (BI) com as suas diferentes perspetivas de análise sobre os dados da organização tornam-se preciosos para ajudar a compreender melhor o seu negócio e auxiliar os gestores nas decisões a tomar. Porém, o ciclo económico recessivo que atravessamos pode comprometer o investimento das organizações em soluções de BI, pois normalmente recorrem a soluções proprietárias que são dispendiosas. Assim, importa procurar outras alternativas, nomeadamente soluções open source. Neste trabalho pretende-se desenvolver um protótipo de um sistema de BI para a administração pública local recorrendo a tecnologia open source ou software livre. Avaliar até que ponto se consegue lançar as bases para um sistema de BI, de baixo custo, fiável e capaz de satisfazer as necessidades de uma organização pública local é o objetivo deste trabalho. O resultado esperado é lançar as bases para um sistema de BI de baixo custo, de fácil utilização e capaz de apresentar informação precisa, relevante e atual, pretendendo-se munir a organização com soluções para melhor compreender o seu negócio e ajudar no processo de tomada de decisão.
Organizations are facing very quick environment changes which require restructuring the strategies and a continuous ability to innovation and adaption to meet new challenges. Public organizations are no exception. Business Intelligence (BI) systems with different data analysis perspectives become an important tool to better understand the business and assist managers to make decisions. However, with the current economic crisis, organizational investments in BI may be compromised because these investments usually based on commercial tools are very costly. It is therefore important to look for other alternatives, including open source solutions. The aim of this work is developing a BI prototype using open source or free software and assessing the foundations for a low cost solution, reliable and able to meet the needs of one local public organization. This solution need to be easy to use and able to provide accurate, relevant and current information. Organizations with these systems can better understand their business and can improve the process of decision making based on low cost solutions.
Antunes, José Manuel Pereira. « Business intelligence no suporte às autarquias locais e à sua gestão orçamental ». Master's thesis, 2015.
Texte intégralAtualmente, a gestão da Administração Pública é de uma complexidade elevada. Desde a diversificação de processos interagidos com os cidadãos, com as empresas e com outras entidades da Administração Pública, até à própria gestão interna dos organismos. A utilização de sistemas de Business Intelligence pelos organismos do Governo Português, para lidar com a complexidade de gestão, tem crescido significativamente. Como em qualquer outra entidade, o ambiente organizacional das Autarquias Locais está em constante modificação, o que leva a que estas tenham que ser ágeis e tomem decisões complexas de forma menos intuitiva, mais fundamentada na informação e no momento. Desta forma, os sistemas de Business Intelligence poderão ter um papel fundamental nas Autarquias Locais. Na presente dissertação é dada ênfase ao desenvolvimento de um sistema de Business Intelligence para suporte à Gestão Orçamental de uma Autarquia Local e ao estado atual destas soluções. Neste âmbito, foi realizada a revisão de literatura dos vários conceitos e tecnologias necessárias para o seu desenvolvimento. Abordaram-se os conceitos transversais ao Business Intelligence, à Gestão Orçamental das Autarquias Locais, às tecnologias e às implementações destas soluções nas referidas entidades públicas. Com base nos resultados obtidos da revisão de literatura e das necessidades da Autarquia Local designada, Câmara Municipal de Braga, foi desenvolvido um sistema de Business Intelligence segundo a metodologia Kimball, para ajudar a simplificar e orientar todo o processo de construção. Os resultados obtidos na dissertação consistem numa análise do contributo de soluções Business Intelligence na Gestão Orçamental das Autarquias Locais, o ponto de situação destas soluções no Governo Português, bem como os requisitos necessários para o desenvolvimento de um sistema funcional de Business Intelligence numa Autarquia Local através de uma aplicação prática.
Nowadays, the management of the Public Administration is of an extreme complexity. Since the diversification of the processes interacting with citizens, with companies and with other entities on the public administration, until its own internal management of stakeholders. In order to deal with this increasing management complexity, the use of Business Intelligence systems by the Portuguese Government has significantly grown. As in any other entity, the organizational environment of local government is constantly changing. This leads the need to be more agile and take complex decisions in a less intuitive way, basing actions on information. Thus, Business Intelligence systems may play a fundamental role in the local government. This project gives emphasis to the development of a Business Intelligence system which supports the financial management of the local government. In this context, was performed a literature review of several concepts and required technologies for its development. Therefore, this document addresses the crosscutting concepts of Business Intelligence systems, the financial management of local government, the technology and implementation of these solutions in these public entities. Considering the results from the literature review and the needs of the designated local authority, Braga’s City Council, it has been developed a Business Intelligence system according to Kimball’s methodology so as to simplify and guide all the construction process. The results of the thesis consists in an analysis of the contribution of Business Intelligence solutions in the Local Authorities Budget Management, the status of these solutions in the Portuguese government, as well as the needed requirements for the development of a functional system of Business Intelligence in a Local Authority through a practical application.
Winter, Nancy Leeson. « Managing a mega-disaster GIS applications, decision making and spatial data flow between local, state and federal levels in Hurricane Andrew disaster management / ». 1997.
Texte intégral